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Choose the words or phrases that best fit the gap in each sentence or is CLOSEST in
meaning to the underline part in each of the following questions. (20 points)
1. ____, both safety and reliability have always been primary goals of the rail way
mechanical engineer.
A. Railroad history B. Railroad history includes
C. Through railroad history D. In railroad history there are
2. Newspaper publishers in the United States have estimated ___ reads a newspaper every
A. nearly 80 percent of the adult population who
B. it is nearly 80 percent of the adult population who
C. that nearly 80 percent of the adult population who
D. that nearly 80 percent of the adult population
3. My decision to leave university after a year is one I now ____ regret.
A. harshly B. painfully C. keenly D. heavily
4. Despite all the interruptions, he ____ with his work.
A. pressed on B. held on C. stuck at D. hung out
5. The organization has the authority to manage and regulate new and existing free trade
agreements, to supervise world trade practices and to settle trade disputes among member
A. prolong B. strengthen C. reconcile D. augment
6. Many a ________it difficult to avoid the interference of mass media in their life.
A. pop star find B. pop star finds C. pop stars find D. pop stars finds
7. He went to Australia hoping to find a teaching ________ without too much difficulty. 
A. work B. occupation C. employment D. post
8. The president placed his car at my _______ as a bonus for my good work.
A. disposal B. like C. expense D. wit’s end
9. My father has decided to ________ a beard to cover a small scar he has on his chin.
A. rear B. bring up C. breed D. grow
10. The workers decided to _______ until their demands were met.
A. stand up B. lie behind C. sit in D. sleep out
11. When we heard the news about their marriage, _____________
A. we were completely out of the question. B. it was completely once in a blue moon.
C. it was completely impossible. D. it was completely out of the blue.
12. It’s a small black dog and _____ to the name of “Emily”
A. belongs B. answers C. obeys D. responds
13. “He’s not interested in Physics, is he?” – “________”
A. No problem! B. No, he isn’t. I’m afraid.
C. Yes, he is not at all. D. I promise he isn’t.
14. Managers of small businesses prefer ____ on doing their management work.
A. centrality B. centralization C. centralism D. centre
15. My father supposes, _____, that he will be retiring at 60.
A. like most people did B. like most people do
C. as do most people D. as most of people
16. What made Peter ____ his family and his job? Where did he go and why?
A. walk away on B. leave out at C. go off on D. walk out on
17. My grandfather has a________ storage house.
A. beautiful big cubic old yellow wooden B. big beautiful old cubic yellow wooden
C. beautiful cubic big old yellow wooden D. beautiful old big cubic wooden yellow
18. _____ number of boys were swimming in the lake, but I didn’t know ____ exact number
of them.
A. A/ the B. The/ an C. The/ the D. A/an
19. A: “I left work early today, dear.” - B: “_____”
A. Why was that B. Why did you leave
C. How’s that? D. When so?
20. A: “Come on, Peter. I want to show you something”
B: “Oh how nice of you! I ________you________ to bring me gift.”
A. never think/ are going B. never thought/ were going
C. didn’t think/ are going D. hadn’t thought/ would be going

III. The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Find them and correct them. Write your
answers in the space provided. (10 points)
1 Britain has a general mild temperate climate. The weather, however, tends to be
changed (though not necessarily unpredictable) as a result of the constant
influence of different air mass. The prevailing winds are south-westerly, which
bring warm air in from across the Atlantic. There are a few extremes in
5 temperature, which rarely goes above 320C or below -100C. In summer, southern
Britain is warmer than northern Britain because of its latitude, but in winter the
North Atlantic Drift – a warm sea current - keeps the west mild than the east.
Consequently, Wales and the south-west Peninsula has the most moderate climate
and eastern England the most extremely. These differences, are not great however,
10 and local variations arise from factors such as altitude and pollution are often
greater. Annual rainfall is fairly evenly distribute, but ranges from more than
1,600 mm in the mountainous areas of the west and north far less than 800 mm
over central and eastern parts. This is because depression from the Atlantic bring
frontal rainfall first to the west and because western Britain is higher and so gets
15 more relief rain.
Your answers:
LINE Mistakes Corrections LINE Mistakes Corrections
21. 26.
22. 27.
23. 28.
24. 29.
25. 30.

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