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School of Foreign Languages for Economics


FINAL ASSIGNMENT - The case of Airbnb

Subject: Principles of Marketing

Lecturer: Dr.Đinh Tiên Minh

Student: Huỳnh Đặng Bảo Hân

Student ID: 31201020028

Class: AV003-K46

Ho Chi Minh City – 2022


1. Summary of the case: Airbnb: Making Hospitality Authentic...................................3

Two Million Rooms—No Two Alike........................................................................3

Seeing the World as the Locals Do.........................................................................4

Executing on the Promise.......................................................................................4

2. Summary of the theory..............................................................................................5

2.1. The definition of service:.................................................................................6

2.2. Services Marketing: ........................................................................................6

a) The characteristics of service:.....................................................................6

b) The Service Profit Chain(SPC):...................................................................8

c) Types of service marketing:..........................................................................9

d) Managing service:.....................................................................................10

e) Branding Strategy:.....................................................................................11

f) Building Strong Brands:.............................................................................11

3. Questions for discussion.........................................................................................12

8-18 How do the four characteristics of services apply to Airbnb?

How does Airbnb deal with each characteristic?.................................................12

8-20 How does Airbnb differentiate its offer, delivery, and image?.....................14

8-21 How much of a threat is competition to Airbnb............................................14

4. Plagiarism checking:..............................................................................................15

5. References:.............................................................................................................15

1. Summary of the case: Airbnb: Making Hospitality Authentic

For a long time, the standards for hotels, especially well-known chains in the industry,
are expected to share similar features in their amenities. For instance,  a standard room
for most hotels is 13-by-25-foot, with the placement of a bathroom and closet on the
same side; rooms are equipped with a mini-fridge or a microwave. This standard has
formed an expectation of a hotel in customers' minds so that they can be assured the
same satisfaction in the experience. 

While the above business model is suitable to target a large segmentation since most
hotel rooms offer the same experience, the newcomer Airbnb is entirely different as
they customize to the needs of each customer.


Airbnb is an online intermediary platform that allows property owners to rent out to
travelers searching for lodging and vice versa. Their core value is to give people an
experience of living like a local at the place where they visit. 

Within eight years, Airbnb has accomplished a network of more than 2 million listings
and 60 million guests in over 34 000 cities in 191 countries. Its exceptional market
value as a newbie in the industry was more than $25 billion, which exceeded the
figure of Hilton WorldWide - the largest hotel chain in the world at $22 million.

By recognizing the unauthenticity in the standardized experience of the hospitality

industry, the founders of Airbnb-Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, decided to create a
strategy that could iron out this issue and bring success to their startup.

Two Million Rooms—No Two Alike

Registering a property for renting is quite simple. The host-property owner can list
anything, from a yard to a whole house or even a castle. With hosts from different
backgrounds and diversified accommodations of up to 2 million, Airbnb provides a
unique lodging experience and connects people together, unexpectedly building a
networking channel. The host can have control over the staying fee and also the

booking schedule. Airbnb will only take away 3 percent of the booking charge while
the host can keep the rest.

The booking process for the guests is also straightforward. After entering keywords
about their preference for lodging on the Airbnb website, such as location, price, or
room type, the system will filter out the most suitable place for them. The travelers
can look at all the photos and details that the hosts have provided on the website to
grasp the accommodation they have chosen. Or they can contact the hosts before
booking to check. The expense for their lodging includes a staying fee, a security
deposit, and a 6 to 12 percent charge for Airbnb's service. 

The challenge:

At the beginning of the business, Airbnb faced doubts from many investors whom
they approached to raise capital. Most didn't believe this type of business would be
feasible since staying with a stranger is associated with various risks. Furthermore,
there were only a few people who agreed to try out this new model of hospitality,
many were reluctant as they were worried about their safety.


A standard rating system is established on the Airbnb website, where hosts and
travelers can review each other, and assess the experience, creating trustworthy data
for other hosts and guests to consider. A "superhost" status will be given to the
property owner with high-quality service, and a "business travel ready" badge is given
when they provide specific services, such as wifi, or toiletries. 

To ensure a satisfactory and safe experience for travelers, Airbnb set up a verification
process, shared tips and created a 24-hour Trust and Safety hotline. As for hosts, a $1
million insurance policy is guaranteed for any damage to their property.

Seeing the World as the Locals Do

Airbnb intends to be positioned as a lodging business that can provide people with
original and inspiring travel experiences. This can be seen through many marketing
strategies and branding. Gradually, their target customers are not only people looking

for low-budget lodging but also guests who genuinely want to connect with the locals
and the cultures of where they visit. This unique feature helps differentiate Airbnb
from other hotels, which rely mainly on price and convenience as competitive

Second-annual Airbnb Open

The event was held in Paris, the largest market for the company. with the purpose of
illustrating Airbnb's core value: To make the guest feel like a local, not a tourist,
Chesky brought in real-life evidence, photos from his parents' trip to Paris. Typical
tourist guides led them to some very mainstream tourist attractions such as the Lourve,
or double-decker bus, whereas Airbnb's top hosts showed them the life of a true local.

Executing on the Promise

The idea of localizing guests' experiences, which was greatly supported by Airbnb's
staff, was the foundation for its rebranding process. 

Airbnb's logo before and after redesigning

The redesigned logo with a capital letter A, which they call "bélo", is a universal
symbol of belonging that cuts across language, culture, and geography. 

The meaning behind the logo (

Along with the logo, a new slogan: "Belong Anywhere" consolidates its positioning. 

Airbnb's slogan (

Airbnb focuses on developing its community of hosts, as they are the company's
primary customers and active participants. By setting up guidelines for hosts to
follow, for instance, picking up guests at the airport, Airbnb can leverage the
experience for the guests, and cultivate the relationship between them and the hosts. 

Airbnb's expansion growth in many parts of the world has urged the hospitality market
to catch up. Many hotel chains, and hoteliers have started building facilities at non-
conventional locales for hotels, but replicating the services of Airbnb is a whole new

Despite the success, the growth of Airbnb is held back as laws in many cities don't
allow citizens to rent out their property for less than 30 days, and there are still many
who love the experience but are hesitant to stay with a stranger. The company is
striving to surpass the obstacles with the belief that Airbnb can maintain the world
pace by connecting people from different cultures.

2. Summary of the theory

2.1. The definition of service:

A service is defined as "a means of delivering value to customers by facilitating

outcomes customers want to achieve without the ownership of specific costs and
risks." It doesn't have a physical appearance like a tangible product that people can
perceive. When customers receive service, they gain intangible benefits from the

server. For instance, when a customer chooses a new haircut they want, they can't hold
it or sell it, only after receiving the service can they see it.

There are several types of services in the industry. The government can establish
many services like hospitals and police stations. Also, it can private not-for-profit
organizations or business organizations. 

2.2. Services Marketing: 

While tangible products are promoted by product marketing by the 4Ps strategy 

(product, price, place, promotion), intangible products are marketed by service

marketing by the 7Ps strategy (additional process and people). Since service
marketing is not just to increase brand awareness and sales, it is also a means to build
trust with the customer by providing the promised immaterial benefit.

a) The characteristics of service:

To design a service marketing campaign, one should consider four service

characteristics: intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishability.

Service intangibility:

The purest form of service is intangible. It doesn't have a physical appearance,  so the
customers cannot perceive the service through their senses, which are touch, sight,
hearing, smell, and taste. Only when they buy the service can they experience it. 

This feature of service can be seen clearly in any flying experience. The airline only
promises on its website that it will provide a safe flight so when a passenger purchases
a plane ticket, they don't see the journey. Once they get on the plane, they can then
feel the experience or the service.

Through this example, we can also understand how marketing is crucial for service.
Since the customer cannot feel or see the intangible product the company is offering,
they have to do their best to ensure their service quality and promote those tangible

dimensions such as price, facilities, transportation, and all the visible things they can

In order to see how a company applies this to its service marketing, we can imagine a
bank that wishes to suggest that its service is effective and rapid. It must make its
positioning plan evident in all instances of contact with customers. The physical
environment of the bank must imply prompt and effective service: Clear lines should
run both inside and out, internal traffic flow should be meticulously organized, and
waiting times at teller windows and ATMs should appear to be short. The background
music should be upbeat and bright. The bank tellers ought to be active and well-

Service inseparability:

Another crucial aspect of service is inseparability. Contrary to tangible products,

which are frequently produced, stored, dispersed through numerous intermediate
steps, and finally given to the final customer, services are frequently provided and
enjoyed at the same time. It can be said that service providers and customers must be
attached to the service. When employees deliver services, they become a part of the
experience of service. As for customers, they are active participants in service since
only when they are present can they enjoy the service provided to them. Notably, the
interaction between the staff and the customer is also a distinct service feature. Both
the customer and the staff play vital roles in determining the outcome of the service. 

For instance, in a hair salon or barbershop, the service can only be provided when
both the hair stylist and the customer are in the shop. The action of cutting hair occurs
at the same time as the customer receives the new haircut. These two activities cannot
exist without each other, as there won't be any service. 

In order to maintain customer satisfaction, companies should always provide adequate

resources, such as people, to serve enough customers.

Service variability:

Employees have unique ways of providing service under various environmental
settings, circumstances, and physiological states. Therefore, the quality of services
largely depends on the individual who delivers them. Especially in many situations
where services are not meant to be standard, such as service that involves
craftsmanship. The customers then determine the quality of service through their own
experience and perspective.

A prime example can be seen in the F&B industry. Even though many branches under
one company must all follow the same strict procedure and rules, the skill or taste of
chefs can be different, which leads to unstandardized food quality. In addition, no
matter how well-trained a staff member may be, their personality and their reactions to
unexpected situations vary greatly. This explains many cases where customers prefer a
certain branch over another. 

Companies usually overcome service variability by thoroughly researching customer

satisfaction and complaints through surveys and carefully recruiting and training
employees. Introducing bonuses or incentives to staff is also a way to encourage them
to leverage their performance.

Service perishability: 

The final feature of service is perishability. Since the delivery of service is inseparable
from consumption, service cannot be stored for use later in the future. Services that
are being produced at the present must be used at that moment. For instance, a train
ticket's value only lasts for the moment that a passenger uses it to get onto the train. It
cannot be used the next day again. 

Service perishability does not present a problem when demand is steady. However,
service businesses may run into issues when demand is erratic. For example, in a hotel
accommodation business, if the capacity of the hotel is 50 rooms, today guests rent 30
rooms, and tomorrow they will not be that you have 60 rooms to rent to guests, you
will still have only 50 rooms. 

b) The Service Profit Chain(SPC):

As mentioned in the features of service, inseparability, customer, and employee are

two elements that cannot be separated from the service. In the process of service,
customers and the service provider must interact in order to create a service. The
quality of service that the direct staff provides plays a major role in the customer's
loyalty, which then boosts the sales of the business. Therefore, a theory of service
profit chain theory states that service profit is closely related to customer loyalty and
employee satisfaction. 

There are five aspects of this chain that are interrelated with one another:

Internal service quality 

Employee-customer interaction is a prime determinant of customer satisfaction. The

devotion that they have to the job, whether they love to do it or detest it, is the internal
quality of a work environment. The level of this quality can be reflected through the
attitudes and how they interact with the customers daily.

For instance, Hadilao, a popular food chain, is known for its well-trained staff. From
the first step of greeting customers until the moment they leave the restaurant, the
smile on their faces never once leaves.

Many businesses have created cutting-edge orientation programs for their staff in an
effort to improve the quality of internal services. The selection in recruitment is also
adjusted to a high-requirement level in order to ensure quality in human resources. 

Satisfied and productive employees

Maintaining employee satisfaction and loyalty is another factor in the chain that
shouldn't be taken lightly as it directly influences the productivity and satisfaction of
staff. In the service industry, the loss of productivity is one of the true costs of
turnover, not just the cost of recruiting or training. 

A way to manage this problem, which many firms commonly use, is by offering perks
and bonuses. Having team-building events regularly is also an approach to cultivating
relationships among staff, which results in productive performance.

Greater service value

Customers these days are mainly interested in the value that a service can provide
them, so to create greater service value for customers, it is crucial that businesses
develop the highest quality of service delivery or service creation. 

Employees in CAT, which is a catastrophe response team that helps many property
owners recover from major accidents, are some of the most talented and devoted
people. They will quickly appear at the site by flying to assist the customers, and the
companies will provide all necessary services, such as transportation or housing. 

Satisfied and loyal customers

The loyal customer base is usually the core that determines a firm's income stability.
While looking for new and potential customers elsewhere, it is also necessary to cater
to the need of customers that stay loyal to the firm. Not only do they contribute to the
profit, but they also play an important role in WOM marketing. Thanks to their kind
words, which reflect the quality of the service, many people would highly consider
that service. 

To sum up, companies that want to generate sales and their reputation should always
care for every single customer's happiness. Just when they are satisfied will they
become loyal, and continue to use the service.

Healthy service profits and growth

The final step in the service profit chain is the result of all the aforementioned aspects.
When a company has mastered its plan by making employees content with their job
and customers satisfied with the service, they establish a dedicated team of staff and a
loyal customer base. This ensures a stable income and vision for development.

c) Types of service marketing:

There are three types of marketing for services, internal marketing, interactive
marketing, and external marketing. The triangle below can show the relationship
between these types, and the subjects of each marketing strategy.


Internal marketing

Companies commonly use it for their employees in order to motivate them to be

productive and effective. The firms can organize team-building days, or dinners to
help their staff be more relaxed after stressful days at work. They can also encourage
the employees to gain more confidence when interacting with the customers. This can,
eventually, help them better serve the customers and generate profit for the firms.

External marketing

This can be seen in marketing between companies and customers. Typically, this
strategy is used to encourage customers to purchase the services that are offered. It
can be in the form of promotion codes, discounts, advertising, or public relations.

Interactive marketing:

Since service is an intangible product, customers' buying experiences are strongly

influenced by the quality of the employees' delivery. Interactive marketing can happen
in any format, such as through email, social media, or in direct encounters at brick-
and-mortar stores. The ultimate outcome of interactive marketing is to consult and
persuade customers to use a service. Therefore, the attitude and dedication of the staff

when interacting with the customers are the determinants to making this an effective
marketing campaign.

Given that competitiveness and prices rise while productivity and service quality drop
considerably in the service industry, marketers need to overcome three obstacles to
successfully marketing services.

d) Managing service:

Since businesses have established a competitive price for their services, it all comes
down to differentiating other aspects of the service in an attempt to impress the
customers. The three obstacles are managing service differentiation, quality, and

Managing service Differentiation:

In service offer, it is all about the business's unique feature that can help set itself
apart from all standard service competitors. 

The next aspect companies need to differentiate from others is service delivery. In
service, the process of delivering service plays a major role in determining the
satisfaction level of the customers. In order to enhance the experience, service
businesses need to train staff for superior customer-employee interaction, and make
the delivery process as convenient as possible to satisfy the customers.

The final challenge for a service business is to differentiate its service image from
other competitors in terms of logo and branding. By having distinct symbols and
branding, firms can raise brand awareness among consumers, thereby establishing
their own stand in the market.

Managing service quality:

Unlike tangible products with obvious shapes, colors, and functions for customers to
experience and judge, services are more difficult to define in terms of quality. As
customer-employee interaction determines whether or not the customers are satisfied,
businesses must set a high-standard service process to train the employees to be the

best servers. The ultimate goal is to differentiate themselves by providing consistently
high-quality service.

Managing service productivity:

For service businesses, it is challenging to improve service productivity amidst the

rising price of the economy. There are many approaches to overcome, to invest the
time to train the staff or hiring employees with advanced skills and knowledge in the
first place. Technological machines are also a great way to minimize costs and time
for many factories. Though, it is more beneficial to prioritize service quality over
product productivity.

e) Branding Strategy:

Brand is far more than just a name, it is a fundamental aspect of marketing that many
firms invest time and resources to manage, as it is a representation of the companies.

Brand Equity and Brand Value

 Brand equity can be understood as how much income a company can generate for the
recognition of its brand. Since brand reflects the values and benefits that companies
offer, customers will look into that to decide if they want to purchase. This relies
mainly on how customers perceive a brand based on their experience.  

Brand value 

Brand equity can directly affect the sales and profit of the companies and ultimately
contribute to the financial worth of the companies, which is the brand value. When
discussing brand value, the sources of income can come from excellent service
quality, competitive price, or cutting-edged technologies.

f) Building Strong Brands:

For businesses to minimize the risk of failing when branding, there are four steps in
the brand strategy that should be followed.

Brand positioning:

As there are countless of businesses in the market, firms should be able to consolidate
their brand images and leave a distinct impression to the customer. There are three
levels of positioning: product attributes, such as quantity, materials, features; benefits,
which marketers start to link with the product attributes; beliefs and values, the final
level of establish strong bonds with the customers.

Choosing Brand name

The brand name is a factor that can affect the business if not selecting carefully. A
perfect and qualified brand name should be easy to read and remember, and it must
stand out from ordinary names and can be used for when expanding business.
Additionally, it should give a hint of the business's product or service. In terms of
legal, it has to be registered to receive protection from the law

Brand sponsorship

There are four sponsorship choices for manufacturers: national brands, private brand,
licensing, and co-branding.

Brand development

This is a strategy many businesses applies in order to diversify their product line, or to
acquire a larger market share. There are four options that firms can introduce to their
brands, line or brand extensions, new brands or multibrands.

3. Questions for discussion

8-18 How do the four characteristics of services apply to Airbnb? How does Airbnb
deal with each characteristic?


 Since Airbnb is a hospitality service, it has a distinct feature that it cannot look, see or
feel like tangible products. Only when customers purchase and experience the service
can they judge the service quality. Moreover, it is impossible to check the places or
the hosts as they can only book places through Airbnb online.


The Airbnb website offers many real-life photos and detailed information about the
locations rented out so the customers can select based on their preferences. Moreover,
the guests can then contact the hosts for further checking before they decide to book a


 The hosts, who are in charge of providing lodging service, cannot be separated from
the process of delivery service. They play a major role in leveraging host-guest
interaction, which is the determinant of service quality, and customer satisfaction.
Without the host, customers might be skeptical about the service and decide not to
choose Airbnb, which mean the service process cannot take place.


  As to give the customers adequate information to book a stay, since services are
produced and experienced at the same time, Airbnb has tried to gain their trust by
providing many photos and information. Additionally, protection policies such as 24-
hour Trust and Safety hotline, and safety tips are provided to the guests so they can
entrust in Airbnb service. On the host's end, their properties are protected by insurance
policies with a total value of $1 million, provided by Airbnb. "Superhost" badge is
given to dedicated hosts, this is a way to encourage them to upgrade their service to
gain traveler's hearts.


 Airbnb's goal is to move toward authenticity, which is to deliver to customers one of

a kind experience from different locations worldwide by the local hosts. They offer
any form of lodging, from renting couch, and backyard, to a whole castle.
Additionally, each host will have their own style of serving. Therefore, it is inevitable
that individuals will have their unique stories from their perspectives about the places
and the hosts.


 Standardized hotels that fixate on rigid serving processes and uniformity will plan out
many training courses and strategies to lower the rate of variability. However, for
Airbnb, the unique feature of their brand is the diversified experiences. Even so, there
are several guidelines that they wish the hosts to follow, such as picking up guests at
the airport or walking them around town. These suggestions are made in order to
maintain a level of customer satisfaction, and to give the guests the taste of the local
as the brand promises.


 Airbnb is a service, meaning the service's value can only be obtained when customers
begin to use it. The lodging cannot be stored to be used later in the future even if you
have booked it, the room is only valuable on the specific date that the customer has


 Airbnb's online platform allows travelers to choose the desired lodging, location,
staying date, and booking fee through the online filter, and negotiation with the hosts.
Since the date is flexible and customized to their time, they can plan the traveling
ahead in the future, and don't have to worry about canceling their staying.

8-20 How does Airbnb differentiate its offer, delivery, and image?


At the time, hotels in the hospitality industry all have the same strategy:
standardization. They share similarities in decoration style, room size, and service
process. The purpose is to be viewed as professional while also promoting the brand's
familiarities to the customers. In contrast, Airbnb's value promises to provide
authentic and localized experiences where guests can live like locals, not tourists.
Since they cooperate directly with property owners, they can gather a myriad of

unique places from around the world, which interests people who want to learn more
about other cultures. Not to mention, they get the opportunity to form a deeper
connection with their own host.


A unique point of Airbnb's online marketplace is that travelers can easily search for
their desired locations, and then directly contact the host to arrange a suitable length
of staying, and a number of visitors and bargain a great price for themselves. Airbnb
also has several guidelines for the host, such as picking up guests from the hotel or
taking them around town, they are some approaches to enhance the interaction
between the host and the guest. Ultimately, Airbnb designed a superior delivery
process that no other brand has done yet.


The differentiation in Airbnb's image can be seen through their rebranding. Airbnb,
from an accommodation booking platform for people who are just looking for
convenient and cheap lodging, the company decided to reposition itself, slowly
towards people who are open mind to new experiences that appreciate local values. In
order to get the new message to customers across nations, Airbnb has strived to
redesign the brand logo to something more abstract and came up with their own name
for the logo, which is called "Bélo", "the universal symbol of belonging". The name is
fairly easy to read and leave an impression to the customers about the brand. Along
with that, a new slogan "Belong Anywhere" was created and put under many
marketing posts so that Airbnb could increase brand awareness. 

8-21 How much of a threat is competition to Airbnb?

Even though Airbnb is a breath of fresh air in the hospitality industry and has captured
the hearts of 60 million guests in just eight years of starting up, conventional hotels
are still a major threat to Airbnb.

A majority of people still prefer mainstream hotels over Airbnb. They dislike
uncertainty, so they prefer standardized hotels that can give them a sense of
familiarity. That is why hotels like  Hilton Worldwide are such stable businesses with
long establishments. 

Moreover, the concept of spending the night with a complete stranger intimidates
travelers since it is new and there are unexpected risks. Only those who are interested
in learning about the local culture or who love the convenience of Airbnb's lodging
locations will probably choose the service. 

However, many big hotel chains have started to extend their businesses at places
where Airbnb takes the lead, such as Williamsburg, a neighborhood in New York,
even though this is not a usual location where hotels will invest. Fortunately for
Airbnb, these hotels will still have a long way to go if they want to recreate the same
experience that Airbnb offers.

Even if Airbnb competes with hotels in 219 countries that they have a market in, it is
impossible as there are various rules and regulations around its services. For instance,
since the lodging the brand offers is from hosts, who own personal properties, they are
not allowed to rent for guests that are only staying for short periods in many countries.
In fact, they have already received many backlashes and lawsuits, and the hosts are
fined heavily if they don't follow a procedure.  

Overall, hotels still in favor of the public. Even though Airbnb has a larger market
share at the moment, they still have to come up with more plans or policies to deal
with legitimacy battle before hotels catch up with their growing rate.

4. References
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 Raggio, R. D. and Leone, R. P. (2007).The theoretical separation of brand equity and
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 Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2018). Principles of Marketing (17th ed.) Pearson.
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5. Plagiarism checking


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