NeridaDhapny SpPlan BA198

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Name: Nerida, Kyle Dhapny P.

Date: November 19, 2022

Student Number: 202105040


Title: With the Power of Marketing, You Can Sell Anything!

Topic: Marketing plays a vital and powerful role in a business product’s success

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that marketing is the heart and lifeblood of a
business to survive and succeed in a competitive market.

Proposition: In a competitive business environment, a solid marketing strategy must be

established in order for a business to grow and succeed.


I. Attention Step: Is it just me or have you also experienced purchasing a certain product or
availing of a specific service just because the advertisement was very enticing and it hooked
you for some strange and unknown reason? Do you recall buying a useless product because
the packaging was so cute or the person promoting it was your celebrity crush? Or I think it’s
more relatable to ask you in a more Filipino context, “Nabudol ka na ba ng Shopee 11.11 o ng
Lazada Flash Sales?”. Well, just by looking at your faces, I know we’ve all been there and the
only thing to be blamed here is the word “Marketing” which is the secret to every business
product’s success. As a consumer who often lets interesting advertisements affect my buying
decision and as a person who also owns an online clothing shop that managed to stay afloat up
until today, I could attest that great marketing is deemed important and indeed a powerful tool to
make a business thrive in a competitive business environment.

II. Clarification Step: That’s why I entitled this speech “With the Power of Marketing, You Can
Sell Anything” because as aspiring business people, I want all of you to realize how important
and powerful marketing is in a business aspect. So today, Ladies and Gentlemen, lend me your
ears and let me convince you why Marketing is considered the Heart and Lifeblood of Business
I. Marketing builds brand awareness.
A. Marketing must be present at all costs since it is a way to make potential buyers
aware of the product's existence in the market. (Enterprise Team, 2019)
1. Marketing assists companies in developing their branding and building
the brand to exactly what was envisioned through communications and
values. (LHH,2022)
2. Some of the leading brands, such as Apple, Coca-Cola, and Amazon,
continue to spend enormous sums of money on marketing activities that
capture people's attention. (Fathima, 2021)
B. Marketing is crucial, the chances of gaining customers will increase with the amount
of awareness that your product or service generates.
1. The best sales tactics in the world will fail if potential customers are
unaware that your company exists. (Fathima,2021)
2. In the Philippines, marketing is an effective way to connect with your
target market, interact with customers, gain valuable insights, and grow
your business. (Prosperna,2022)

II. Marketing establishes trust in the customers.

A. A brand that uses social media to interact with customers as a form of marketing is more
trustworthy than one that doesn't have an online presence. (Fathima,2021)
1. A remarkable thing occurs when a brand is able to connect authentically
and honestly with a customer; it fosters brand loyalty and forms the
foundation of the customer-brand relationship. (Zovitsky,2018)
2. According to the Yellow Report, more than half of the 2,000 Australian
consumers and businesses surveyed said they were more likely to trust a
company that produced interesting marketing content on social media.
(Fathima, 2021)
B. Your brand is given a voice by marketing.
1. Even if you're a relatively new player in the market, effective promotion
gives customers a reason to choose you. (Fathima, 2021)
2. As public awareness grows, new users start to spread the word by telling
their friends about these incredible new products. (Enterprise Team, 2019

III. Marketing aids in increasing sales.

A. Your chances of making a sale increase as your brand becomes more well-known and a
proper marketing strategy is implemented. (LHH,2022)

1. If customers have a more favorable opinion of you and are becoming more
interested in your products and services, your sales will rise steadily.
2. Because marketing employs a variety of methods to promote products or
services, it increases the likelihood of increased sales. (Emeritus,2022)
B. Securing a future for your small business may depend on your marketing strategy.
1. For instance, according to Manila Times, Jollibee has boosted sales in a big
way during the launch of its “Kwentong Jollibee” marketing campaign.
2. Because of an excellent marketing strategy, Jollibee has been able to
remain at the top of its game. (Shastri,2021)

I. Summary Step: Some Businesses are more likely to fail because of a lack of Marketing
Strategies. In a competitive business environment, having a good and quality product/service
alone is not enough to thrive. Without a solid marketing strategy, businesses may not grow and
succeed. With effective and powerful marketing, you can sell even the most pointless product in
the market.
II. Action Step: Just like Steuart Henderson Britt, a famous Psychologist, quoted “Doing
Business without Advertising is like Winking at a Girl in the Dark. You Know What You Are
Doing, but Nobody Else Does.” So Ladies and Gentlemen, flaunt those creative juices of yours
as future business owners, entrepreneurs, or aspiring marketers and impress those hard-to-get
customers you have a crush on.


Fathima, A. (2021, May 28). Can a business survive without marketing? | Tech Talk Down Under.

Zoho. Retrieved November 22, 2022, from


Jaiswal, S., & Bhojani, S. (n.d.). Information on Tutorials. Emeritus. Retrieved November 22, 2022, from

Marketing Is The Heart Of Your Business Success. (2022, November 14). Kenyan Enterprise.

Retrieved November 22, 2022, from


Philippines - Selling Factors and Techniques. (2022, July 25). International Trade Administration.

Retrieved November 22, 2022, from
7 Reasons Marketing is the Heart of Business Success. (n.d.). LHH. Retrieved November 22, 2022,


Shastri, A. (2021, September 6). Analyzing the Marketing Strategy of Jollibee. IIDE. Retrieved

November 22, 2022, from

Tan, R. (2020, May 28). "Doing Business without Advertising is like Winking at a Girl in the Dark. You

Know What You are Doing, but Nobody Else Does." Reed Tan Digital. Retrieved November 22,

2022, from


Zovitsky, K. (n.d.). Why Consumer Trust Is More Important Than Ever. Conversion Advantage.

Retrieved November 22, 2022, from


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