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ACTIVITY for Module 16

Name: Berlin Genesis B Ramos Activity Name: Know Where the Taxes Go
Subject/Section Date Submitted: Dec 6

A. Articulate on the following questions: Provide your answers in the spaces below the questions:
1. Give 5 reasons why a person who earns has to pay taxes honestly:
2. What sector in the government do you think should have the biggest slice of taxpayers’ money? Justify you answer.

Write your answers here:

The reasons why a person has to pay taxes is: one, taxes goes to the projects of the government, from building roads, in-
frastructures, and many more. Two, Improvement of healthcare system, taxes helps us to built better healthcare system for
our society. Three, Improvement of Education, taxes helps not only the families have a stable life, but it also help the poor-
est of the poor to have a good education. Four, relief operations, because of the taxes that we are paying, we are able to
give relief goods for those people that is affected by a calamity. Five, Country’s Debt, taxes helps us to pay the debt of our
country. Having us to pay our taxes means being a Better citizens, and helping to build a stronger

I think the section that should have the biggest slice of taxpayers money, is on education. Because having a better educa-
tion would help children to have free books for their education, and by having this, families don’t need to worry about the
future of their childrens.

B. Name 3 Departments of the Philippine Government and provide 3 services that they give to Filipinos. Remember that those ser-
vices that your chosen government departments give came from taxpayers’ contribution.
Name of Government Department #2 Name of Government Department #
Name of Government Department #1
Department of Public Works and High- Department of the Interior and Local
Department of Health L
ways Government

Services: Services: Services:

responsible for ensuring access to basic is the executive department of the responsible for promoting peace and
public health services by all Filipinos Philippine government solely vested with order, ensuring public safety and
through the provision of quality health the Mandate to “be the State's strengthening local government
care, the regulation of all health engineering and construction arm” and, capability aimed towards the effective
services and products. as such, it is “tasked to carry out the delivery of basic services to the
policy” of the State to “maintain an citizenry.
engineering and construction arm and
continuously develop its technology, for
the purposes of ensuring the safety of
all infrastructure facilities and securing
for all public works and highways the
highest efficiency and the most
appropriate quality in construction” and
shall be responsible for “(t)he planning,
design, construction and maintenance of
infrastructure facilities, especially
national highways, flood control and
water resources development systems,
and other public works in accordance
with national development objectives,”
provided that, the exercise of which
“shall be decentralized to the fullest
extent feasible.”

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