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GASTROENTEROLOGY 2007;132:1937–1946

Gene Expression Profiles During Hepatic Stellate Cell Activation in

Culture and In Vivo

*Department of Medicine and ‡Institute for Cancer Genetics, Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York

See editorial on page 2059. H epatic stellate cells (HSCs) constitute approxi-
mately 8%–14% of cells in the normal liver and are
the primary site for retinoid storage in the body.1,2 Fol-
Background & Aims: Following hepatic injury, he- lowing liver injury, HSCs transdifferentiate from lipo-
patic stellate cells (HSCs) transdifferentiate to be- cyte-like cells into contractile and highly proliferative
come extracellular matrix-producing myofibro- myofibroblast-like cells.1,2 Activation of HSCs is consid-
blasts and to promote hepatic fibrogenesis. In this ered a crucial event that promotes increased extracellular
study, we determine gene expression changes in 3 matrix (ECM) production and hepatic fibrosis.1,2 Cur-
different models of HSC activation and investigate rently, the molecular signals that are activated during
HSC activation are only incompletely understood. Trans-
whether HSC culture activation reproduces gene
forming growth factor ␤ (TGF-␤) and platelet-derived
expression changes of HSC in vivo activation.
growth factor (PDGF) are key cytokines that drive HSC
Methods: HSCs were isolated by density centrifu-
activation and proliferation following hepatocellular in-
gation and magnetic antibody cell sorting from
jury, but other mediators including angiotensin II, leptin,
normal mice, CCl4-treated mice, and mice that un-
endothelin, insulin, insulin-like growth factor, and lipo-
derwent bile duct ligation (BDL). Gene expression
polysaccharide (LPS) as well as factors released by
was analyzed by microarray and confirmed by poly-

Kupffer cells additionally contribute to HSC activa-

merase chain reaction and Western blot analysis.
tion.3–13 The majority of studies investigate the HSC
Results: Two thousand seventy-three probe sets activation process by culturing purified HSCs on plastic
were differentially expressed in at least 1 of 3 mod- surfaces of cell culture dishes as a surrogate for the
els of HSC activation, including novel genes that molecular events that occur during HSC activation in the
encode proinflammatory and antiapoptotic media- injured liver. Culture activation of HSC up-regulates ac-
tors; transcription factors; cell surface receptors; tivation markers such as ␣-smooth muscle actin (␣-SMA)
and cytoskeleton components such as CXCL14, sur- and collagen ␣1(I) and is accompanied by a loss of reti-
vivin, septin 4, osteopontin, PRX1, LMCD1, GPR91, noids. However, it is not known whether culture activa-
leiomodin, and anillin. BDL- and CCl4-activated tion of HSCs can reproduce the underlying changes in
HSCs showed highly correlated gene expression gene expression of in vivo HSC activation and whether it
patterns, whereas culture activation only partially represents a suitable model to study HSC activation.
reproduced the gene expression changes observed Moreover, it remains elusive whether all types of liver
during BDL- and CCl4-induced activation. Cocul- injury lead to the activation of a conserved and largely
ture with Kupffer cells or lipopolysaccharide treat- identical genetic program in HSCs or whether HSC acti-
ment during culture activation shifted the expres- vation results in a stimulus-specific activation of HSCs
sion of most examined genes toward the pattern with certain gene expression patterns during one type of
observed during in vivo activation, suggesting a hepatic injury and different gene expression patterns in
role for these factors in the microenvironment that other types of hepatic injury. To answer these questions,
drives HSC activation. Conclusions: The almost we performed microarray studies and compared gene
identical HSC gene expression patterns after BDL
or CCl4 treatment indicate that HSCs exert similar Abbreviations used in this paper: ␣-SMA, ␣-smooth muscle actin;
functions in different types of liver injury. Because BDL, bile duct ligation; ECM, extracellular matrix; HSC, hepatic stellate
culture activation does not properly regulate gene cells; IAP, inhibitor of apoptosis protein; LPS, lipopolysaccharide;
PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor.
expression in HSCs, in vivo activation should be
© 2007 by the AGA Institute
considered the gold standard for the study of HSC 0016-5085/07/$32.00
biology. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2007.02.033

expression profiles between 2 different models of HSC in Flow Cytometric Analysis

vivo activation and HSC culture activation. One day after isolation, HSCs were scraped into
phosphate-buffered saline, followed by Fc-receptor block-
Materials and Methods ade, incubation with allophycocyanin-conjugated anti-
F4/80, flurorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated
Cell Isolation, Purification, and Culture anti-CD11b, and 2 washes. After gating viable cells, ex-
Mouse HSCs were isolated from normal and fi- pression of F4/80 and CD11b was analyzed on channels
brotic liver by collagenase-pronase perfusion and subse- FL1 and FL4 using FACS Calibur (Becton Dickinson,
quent density centrifugation on Nycodenz gradients as Franklin Lakes, NJ).
described previously.3,14 For each isolation, HSCs from 3
male Balb/c mice were loaded onto 1 Nycodenz gradi- RNA Isolation, Labeling, Microarray Data
ent.3,14 Kupffer cells were depleted by magnetic antibody Analysis, and Quantitative Polymerase Chain
sorting (MACS; Miltenyi Biotech, Auburn, CA) using Reaction
F4/80 (eBioscience, San Diego, CA) and CD11b (Pharm- RNA was extracted by a combination of Trizol
ingen, San Diego, CA) antibodies. Purity was tested by and RNeasy columns (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). Microarray
retinoid autofluorescence and exceeded 95% in all isola- analysis was performed using the 1-cycle complementary
tions. For in vivo HSC activation, mice underwent BDL DNA (cDNA) synthesis kit, 1-cycle in vitro labeling kit,
for 2 weeks or 4 intraperitoneal injections of CCl4 (0.5 ␮L and mouse genome 430 2.0 array gene chips (all Af-
dissolved 1:3 in olive oil, every 3 days). HSCs were cul- fymetrix, Santa Clara, CA) according to the manufactur-
tured for 20 hours (“quiescent HSCs” or “in vivo-acti- er’s instructions. Chips were scanned with a Genechip
vated HSCs”) or for 5 days (“culture-activated HSCs”) in Scanner 3000 7G (Affymetrix). Data normalization was
Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM) containing done by the GCRMA algorithm. Data analysis was per-
10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), glutamine, HEPES buffer, formed using Genespring GX 7.3 (Agilent, Palo Alto, CA).
and antibiotics. For some experiments, HSCs were iso- All groups (culture-activated HSCs, n ⫽ 3; BDL-activated
lated from transgenic mice that express green fluorescent HSCs, n ⫽ 3; CCl4-activated HSCs, n ⫽ 3) were compared
protein (GFP) under the collagen ␣1(I) promoter.15 To with quiescent HSCs (n ⫽ 5). Significant changes in gene
judge contamination of HSC isolations with Kupffer expression were identified by unpaired t test and subse-
cells, endothelial cells, and hepatocytes, primary Kupffer quent Benjamini–Hochberg correction using a P value of
cells, endothelial cells, and hepatocytes were isolated .05 as criterion of statistical significance. Correlation was


from mouse liver and served as reference value (100%). investigated by Spearman rank correlation using SPSS
Kupffer cells were isolated as described above. Hepato- 13.0 software for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Dif-
cytes and endothelial cells were isolated as described ferential gene expression was confirmed by quantitative
previously.14,16 All animal procedures were approved by real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) using com-
the Columbia University Institutional Animal Care and mercially available primer-probe sets (Applied Biosys-
Use Committee and meet guidelines of the National tems, Foster City, CA) as described previously.17 All sam-
Institutes of Health. ples were DNAse treated before reverse transcription and
quantified by comparing threshold cycle values to a seri-
HSC-Kupffer Cell Coculture and LPS al-dilution standard curve.
Kupffer cells were isolated by collagenase-pronase Western Blot Analysis
perfusion as described above followed by a 15% Nycodenz Western blots were performed using 10% to 15%
gradient and MACS-based positive selection using F4/80- SDS polyacrylamide gels as previously described.14,17 Af-
and CD11b-specific antibodies. HSCs and Kupffer cells ter blocking, membranes were incubated with antibodies
were cocultured in a noncontact-dependent manner by to survivin (Abcam, Cambridge, MA) and to osteopontin
adding 2.5 ⫻ 106 Kupffer cells to a 0.4 ␮mol/L pore cell and TIMP-1 (both R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN),
culture insert to 1 ⫻ 106 HSCs plated in a 6-well plate followed by incubation with horseradish peroxidase-con-
and exchanging one third of the media daily until RNA jugated secondary antibodies and enhanced chemolumi-
extraction at day 5. To investigate the effect of LPS on nescence detection.
gene expression, HSCs were activated for 3 days treated
with Escherichia coli LPS (100 ng/mL; Sigma-Aldrich Co.,
St. Louis, MO) for 6 hours, followed by RNA extraction.
To investigate the effects of LPS on protein expression, Combination of Density Centrifugation and
HSCs were isolated, and LPS (100 ng/mL) was added MACS Achieves High-Purity HSCs
daily to the media during the 5-day culture activation, Isolation of HSCs from normal mouse liver usu-
followed by protein extraction. Each experiment was ally results in at least 95% purity.3,14 In HSCs isolated
based on 3 independent HSC and Kupffer cell isolations. from bile duct-ligated mice, we detected a high degree of

Figure 1. Combination of collagenase-pronase based density centrifugation and MACS achieves high purity of quiescent and activated hepatic
stellate cells. (A and B) Hepatic stellate cells were isolated from normal mice and mice that underwent BDL for 2 weeks and were either depleted of
CD11b- and F4/80-expressing cells or left untreated. Expression of CD11b and F4/80 was analyzed by flow cytometric analysis (A). Expression of
CD68 in quiescent HSCs (“Q”), culture-activated HSCs (“A”), BDL-activated HSCs (“B”), and CCl4-activated HSCs (“C”) was measured by quanti-
tative real-time PCR (B). Results were normalized to 18S and are expressed as fold induction ⫾ standard error of the mean in comparison to Kupffer
cells (“KC” ⫽ 100%). (C and D) Contamination of Kupffer cell-depleted HSCs with hepatocytes (C) and endothelial cells (D) was measured by
quantitative real-time PCR for albumin and CD31, respectively. Results were normalized to 18S and are expressed as fold induction ⫾ standard error

of the mean in comparison with primary hepatocytes (“Hep” ⫽ 100%) and primary hepatic endothelial cells (“EC” ⫽ 100%). (E) To demonstrate purity

and activation status, HSCs were isolated from transgenic mice expressing GFP under the collagen ␣1(I) promoter. GFP and retinoid autofluores-
cence were checked 1 day after isolation in quiescent HSC and HSC isolated from bile duct-ligated (“BDL”) and CCl4-treated mice and after 5 days
in culture-activated HSCs.

Kupffer cell contamination similar to the levels previ- The Gene Expression Pattern of Culture-
ously reported for HSC isolation from CCl4-treated Activated HSCs Is Different From That of
rats.18 To achieve the high purity required for microarray BDL- and CCl4-Activated HSCs
analysis, we employed MACS-based Kupffer cell deple- Two thousand seventy-three probe sets were more
tion after Nycodenz density centrifugation. F4/80- and than 2-fold up- or down-regulated in at least 1 of the 3
CD11b-based Kupffer cell depletion strongly decreased groups of activated HSCs when compared with quiescent
the expression levels of macrophage markers F4/80, HSCs (Supplementary Table 1; see Supplemental Table 1
CD11b, and CD68 (Figure 1A and B) and was thus
online at Gene expression pat-
employed for all HSC isolations used in this study. To
terns in all groups showed high similarity between dif-
exclude contamination with other cell types in HSCs
ferent isolations confirming consistent purity of isola-
isolated by this method, we additionally performed real-
tions and microarray quality (Figure 2A). Although BDL-
time PCR for the hepatocyte marker albumin and the
endothelial cell marker CD31. We found less than 0.05% and CCl4-activated HSCs displayed an almost identical
hepatocyte contamination and less than 0.2% endothelial pattern of up- and down-regulated genes, gene expression
cell contamination in HSCs isolated from normal or in culture-activated HSCs overlapped only partially with
fibrotic livers (Figure 1C and D). Moreover, virtually all BDL- and CCl4-activated HSCs (Figure 2A). To investi-
cells isolated by this method displayed fluorescent retin- gate further the extent to which gene expression differed
oid droplets (Figure 1E). All 3 methods of HSC activation between culture-activated and in vivo-activated HSCs, we
resulted in a phenotype of activated HSCs and up-regu- correlated the levels of down- and up-regulation of all
lation of collagen in virtually all HSCs as visualized by 45,000 probe sets between the different models of HSC
GFP expression in HSCs isolated from mice that express activation. Although correlation between culture-acti-
GFP under the collagen ␣1(I) promoter (Figure 1E). vated HSC and either BDL- or CCl4-activated HSCs was


Figure 1. (Cont’d.)

significant, the level of correlation was relatively weak at regulation in one model of in vivo activation but not the
r ⫽ 0.22 and r ⫽ 0.17, respectively (Figure 2B). In con- other (Supplementary Tables 4 and 5; see Supplemental
trast, correlation between BDL- and CCl4-activated HSCs Tables 4 and 5 online at Path-
was much higher at r ⫽ 0.76. Next, we compared up- and way analysis revealed that differentially expressed genes
down-regulated genes among all groups of activated were involved in the regulation of proliferation, tran-
HSCs. Accordingly, the Venn diagram of all 2073 differ- scription, and signal transduction, and a smaller percent-
entially regulated genes showed that only 56% of up- age in inflammation, cell death, adhesion, cytoskeletal
regulated and 63% of down-regulated genes from culture- organization, development, and metabolism, but did not
activated HSCs were concordantly up- and down- show differences between culture-activated and in vivo-
regulated in BDL- and/or CCl4-activated HSCs (Figure activated HSCs using these categories (Supplementary
2C). Accordingly, many genes were up- or down-regulated Figure 1; see Supplemental Figure 1 online at www.
in in vivo-activated HSCs but not in culture-activated
HSCs (Supplementary Table 2; see Supplemental Table 2
online at and vice versa (Supple- Identification of Novel Genes Associated With
mentary Table 3; see Supplemental Table 3 online at HSC Activation In contrast, BDL- and CCl4-acti- To assess the validity of the obtained data, we
vated HSCs showed a strong overlap, and more than 95% analyzed whether typical HSC activation markers were
and 99% of probe sets of BDL- and CCl4-activated HSCs, up-regulated in the microarray and additionally exam-
respectively, were concordantly regulated in at least 1 of ined their expression by quantitative real-time PCR.
the 2 other groups of activated HSCs (Figure 2C). Even Using this method, we confirmed the strong up-regu-
though some genes were significantly up-regulated in lation of ␣-SMA and collagen ␣1(I) messenger RNA
BDL-activated but not in CCl4-activated HSCs and vice (mRNA) levels (Figure 3A and Supplementary Table 1;
versa, only very few genes showed a strong up- or down- see Supplemental Table 1 online at www.gastrojournal.

Figure 2. The gene expression pattern of culture-activated HSCs is different from that of BDL- and CCl4-activated HSCs. Hepatic stellate cells were
isolated from normal mice and mice that underwent BDL for 2 weeks or 4 CCl4 injections. HSCs were considered culture activated after 5 days of
culture in 10% fetal bovine serum on uncoated cell culture dishes. After isolation of mRNA and generation of cRNA, microarray was performed. (A)
Shown is a representative graph of 3 separate HSC isolations per group (“1,” “2,” and “3”) containing all genes that were more than 2-fold
up-regulated (shown in red) or down-regulated (shown in blue) in at least 1 of the 3 groups of activated HSCs in comparison with quiescent HSCs
(t test, P ⬍ .05 followed by Benjamini–Hochberg correction). (B) The relative expression of all 45,000 probe sets of the array was correlated among
culture-activated HSCs, BDL-activated HSCs, and CCl4-activated HSCs using Spearman rank correlation. (C) The Venn diagram shows overlapping
patterns of probe sets that were significantly (P ⬍ .05) and at least 2-fold up-regulated and down-regulated in 1 of the 3 groups of activated HSCs.
Probe sets that were 2-fold up-regulated or down-regulated in one group were considered down-regulated or up-regulated in the other groups if they
showed at least 1.5-fold up-regulation or down-regulation.

org). In addition, we discovered differential expression tagmin, neurotrimin) (Figure 3A and Supplementary
of a large number of genes whose expression has not Table 1; see Supplemental Table 1 online at www.
been associated with HSC activation and confirmed Although the inhibitor of apo-
their expression by real-time PCR (Figure 3A). We ptosis protein (IAP) family member surviving was up-
identified genes involved in proliferation (Ki 67), cell regulated during HSC activation, other IAP members
survival (survivin, septin 4), cytoskeletal organization such as c-IAP1, c-IAP2, and XIAP were not up-regu-
and contraction (plexin C1, anillin, leiomodin), in- lated (Figure 3A). Expression patterns of several of
flammation (CXCL14, osteopontin), ECM organiza- these genes were confirmed by Western blot analysis.
tion and degradation (Col8a1, MMP10), and lipid me- The expression pattern of all investigated proteins was
tabolism (cholesterol 25-hydroxylase) as well as similar to our PCR and microarray analysis data, with
transcription factors (PRX1, LMCD1), cell surface re- survivin being up-regulated in both culture- and in
ceptors (adenosine receptor 2b, GPR91), bone morpho- vivo-activated HSCs, TIMP-1 being up-regulated in in
genetic protein BMP5, and neural markers (synapto- vivo- but not in culture-activated HSCs, and osteopon-

Figure 3. Identification of pre-

viously known and novel differ-
entially regulated genes during
HSC activation in vivo and in
culture. (A) Expression of differ-
entially regulated genes was
confirmed in quiescent HSCs
(“Q”), culture-activated HSCs
(“A”), BDL-activated HSCs
(“B”), and CCl4-activated HSCs
(“C”) by qPCR. Results were
normalized to 18S and are ex-

pressed as fold induction ⫾



standard error of the mean in

comparison with quiescent
HSCs. Each group of HSC sam-
ples consisted of at least 3 dif-
ferent isolations. (B) Expression
of selected genes was con-
firmed by Western blot analysis.
Each Western blot is based on
HSCs isolated from 3 normal,
BDL-, or CCl4-treated mice and
is representative of at least 2 in-
dependent experiments.

tin being down-regulated in culture-activated HSCs HSCs. Coculture of HSCs with Kupffer cells in a noncon-
but not in in vivo-activated HSCs (Figure 3B). tact-dependent manner resulted in a striking up-regulation
Coculture With Kupffer Cells or Exposure to of TIMP-1, PRX1, LMCD1, adenosine receptor 2b, CXCL14,
LPS Corrects the Gene Expression Pattern of osteopontin, and cholesterol 25-hydroxlase that was equal
Culture-Activated HSCs or exceeded the levels observed in in vivo-activated HSCs
Culture activation of HSCs lacks the microenviron- (Figure 4A). Conversely, coculture with Kupffer cells down-
ment that is typical of HSC activation in vivo. The presence regulated the expression levels of GRP91 to a level that was
of Kupffer cells and exposure to LPS have been demon- comparable with in vivo-activated HSCs (Figure 4A). Several
strated to be critical for HSC activation and fibrogenesis in genes that were down-regulated by coculture with Kupffer
vivo.7–13 To investigate whether the absence of these factors cells were also down-regulated by LPS, such as GRP91,
contributes to the aberrant gene expression pattern during septin 4, and BMP5; or up-regulated, such as TIMP-1 and
culture activation, we cocultured HSCs with Kupffer cells or cholesterol 25-hydroxylase (Figure 4B). Other genes, such as
exposed them to LPS and then analyzed genes that were ankyrin, were down-regulated after exposing HSCs to LPS
differentially expressed in culture- and in vivo-activated but not to Kupffer cell coculture. To confirm further these

Figure 4. Exposure of HSCs to

Kupffer cells or LPS during cul-
ture shifts the gene expression
toward the pattern of in vivo-ac-
tivated HSCs. (A and B) Genes
that showed a different expres-
sion pattern during culture and
in vivo activation were examined
after 5 days of culture activation
in the presence or absence of
Kupffer cells or LPS (100 ng/mL)
by quantitative real-time PCR as
described in the Materials and

Methods section (“Q,” quies-
cent; “A,” culture activated with-
out additional stimuli; “K,”
Kupffer cell treated; “L,” LPS
treated). Shown is the mean of
PCRs from 3 independent HSC
isolations. (C) The influence of
Kupffer cells and LPS on the ex-
pression of selected genes was
confirmed by Western blot anal-
ysis. For this purpose, HSCs
were cultured in the presence or
absence of Kupffer cells in a
noncontact-dependent manner
for 5 days or in the presence of
LPS (100 ng/mL). This experi-
ment is representative of at least
2 independent HSC isolations.

findings, we performed Western blot analysis, which dem- vivo-activated HSCs (Figure 4A and B), suggesting that
onstrated an up-regulation of TIMP-1 and osteopontin af- Kupffer cells and LPS are important but are not the only
ter exposure to Kupffer cells or LPS (Figure 4C). Effects of components of the microenvironment that regulate the
LPS were more pronounced at the protein level with an gene expression during HSC activation in vivo.
up-regulation of osteopontin (not observed on the mRNA
level) and a higher induction of TIMP-1, which is likely due
to the longer exposure to LPS in protein expression exper- Discussion
iments. Some differentially expressed genes, such as leiomo- Our microarray study detected a large number of
din and TGF-␤3, were not corrected by LPS treatment or previously known and unknown genes that were up- or
Kupffer cell coculture toward the pattern observed in in down-regulated during HSC activation, thus confirming

the ECM-producing and -degrading, proliferative, con- depleted Kupffer cells from the HSC isolate and culture-
tractile, and inflammatory phenotype of activated HSCs. activated HSCs for 5 days only. Among novel differen-
Although culture activation up-regulated typical HSC tially regulated genes identified in in vivo-activated HSCs
activation markers, such as ␣-SMA and collagen ␣1(I), it are genes involved in ECM formation and degradation,
did not fully reproduce the changes of gene expression such as procollagen type VIII ␣1 and MMP10 (both
patterns seen in vivo. The finding that in vivo activation up-regulated), neural crest markers including synapto-
of HSCs up-regulates a different set of genes than culture tagmin-9 and neurotrimin (both down-regulated), genes
activation is not completely surprising in view of the fact involved in apoptosis such as the IAP member survivin,22
that the microenvironment of HSCs in the fibrotic liver is genes involved in cytokinesis and proliferation such as
complex and exposes HSCs to a number of cellular and the actin-binding protein anillin and Ki-67 (both up-
humoral interactions, whereas culture activation occurs regulated), genes involved in cell spreading and migra-
in an artificial environment and does not include inter- tion such as the semaphorin receptor plexin C1 (down-
actions with other cell types unless there is a high degree regulated),23,24 chemokine CXCL14 (up-regulated), bone
of contamination. Culture activation is by far the most morphogenetic protein BMP5 (down-regulated), and
common model of HSC activation. Our data suggest that cholesterol 25-hydroxylase (up-regulated), an enzyme
the common practice of evaluating genetic and pharma- that prevents the cleavage and activation of SREBP-1 and
cologic manipulations during HSC culture activation SREBP-2 and may thus promote an adipocyte-like phe-
may produce results that do not reflect effects on HSCs notype in HSCs.25,26 In addition, we identified differential
and fibrogenesis in vivo. Our results are similar to a expression of several receptors, such as the G-protein-
recently published study by Sancho-Bru et al,19 and to coupled receptors adenosine receptor 2a and GPR91, and
some degree to a proteome-based study by Kristensen et transcription factors and transcription factor binding
al, who found a significant but only 60% overlap of 43 proteins, such as PRX1 and the GATA6 repressor
activation-associated proteins.18 Although the study by LMCD1.27 Several genes, such as LMCD1, osteopontin,
Sancho-Bru et al19 compared HSC expression patterns survivin, and PRX1,28 are expressed in vascular smooth
with whole liver, our study compared gene expression muscle cells and are involved in atherosclerosis22,27,29,30
patterns of activated HSCs to quiescent HSCs and thus and are likely to exert similar functions in HSCs. Other
had a higher power to detect differentially regulated genes, such as GPR91, are highly expressed in the liver,
HSC-specific genes. Several other groups have recently but their function in the liver remains unknown.31 The
performed microarray analysis of genes that are up-reg- IAP family member survivin was up-regulated during


ulated during HSC activation, but all these studies were HSC activation, whereas c-IAP1, c-IAP2, and XIAP levels
restricted to HSC activation in culture and used passaged remained unchanged, suggesting a potential role for sur-
quiescent and activated HSCs.20,21 To understand further vivin in protecting HSCs from apoptosis during hepatic
the HSC gene expression in vivo, we additionally inves- fibrogenesis.
tigated gene expression patterns after different fibrogenic One common problem in microarray studies of pri-
stimuli. Our results show that 2 completely different mary cells is contamination with other cell types, which
models of experimental fibrosis, BDL and CCl4, induce may lead to false identification of differentially regulated
very similar HSC gene expression patterns, suggesting genes. Our study demonstrated a low degree of contam-
that HSCs undergo a conserved activation process in vivo ination with hepatocytes, Kupffer cells, and endothelial
independently of the nature of the initial fibrogenic stim- cells in all HSC isolations. Moreover, we excluded cell
ulus. Moreover, the similar gene expression patterns of contamination as a reason for the different gene expres-
BDL- and CCl4-activated HSCs imply that HSCs exert sion patterns during culture and in vivo activation by
virtually the same functions in different models of he- additionally examining each investigated gene in Kupffer
patic injury. cells, hepatocytes, and endothelial cells and setting this
In addition to detecting classical HSC activation mark- expression level into relation to the degree of contami-
ers, our study identified a large number of genes that nation (data not shown). The only gene we found to be
have not been previously described to be associated with falsely up-regulated in in vivo-activated HSCs was albu-
HSC activation. The expression of previously identified min, despite an extremely low degree of hepatocyte con-
HSC activation-associated genes such as ␣-SMA, TIMP-1, tamination (Supplementary Table 1; see Supplemental
collagen ␣1(I), CD9, cyclin B1, fibronectin 1, calponin-1, Table 1 online at This effect was
DKK3, frizzled 2, lysyl oxidase, TGF-␤3, and ␥-SMA19 –21 caused by the abundant expression of albumin in hepa-
was confirmed in our microarray. In comparison with tocytes and its complete absence in HSCs. Another po-
previous studies, our study showed a lower induction of tential problem lies within the density-based purification,
HSC activation markers such as collagen ␣1(I) and which is required to obtain a pure HSC population from
␣-SMA. This difference is not only due to comparing fibrotic livers. This isolation method only purifies HSCs
activated HSCs with quiescent HSCs instead of whole that contain lipid droplets and may thus potentially
liver in our study but also due to the fact that we contain a large number of quiescent HSCs. However, our

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Received May 30, 2006. Accepted January 24, 2007.
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