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— ae —— SL ey LECTURE-1 | management, 5-M’S OF MANAGEMENT, OBJECTIVES OF MANAGEMENT. MANAGEMENT A bousuners ortinprise smadees ain of, danernt cunpols %~ suesourters to produce and tot! goods tnd) gris “ia. puilleeraal Frasfpoucasy wostuaall, mechin- tas metheels erneney mee Five Ms of Management Money: Mena, ir the umeah tri bterk ancl all purpose Moamace yaw ot ua wed fe wegiine O% ge other Uedouieer + Din wrgn money ee ployed te generate mere om tn Bhs Roum Prchts A durpluo: A learner rh prise pn to q food Capetal Copated : 7 MATERIALS Makuials rcprsart Lhe physicad raw vrolkisals And CrlirmeDrol Prwduck wlhigh ae Convertes) % arrterokt inte finished JrocuclA nth Ths Jhalp °}% cork Proctned and Fetches, MACHINERY Machine ee oquipmet used te Procey Us smelital Ue firtahed er Derr - bie Products - MeTtTnoosS * M okhedld Aye Ba cl weumge aad psecribed wey , dieung Wings » Vario opuckan an) 0 rformed are - to Lenturn Ay Alena ie Pro cedunrts * i = Mme sar ERENT] a v METHODS 2 MACHINERY frre Ms OF Man ee Opaectives DF Manaaement BST OR HANISATIONAL OBIECAIVES The management UD axperled te wok for Yeo achievement 6) Hs objectives Yo parr an eran = voy was UE epmats. a treludes’> wil Roadencoke pra te scala: IB gres « for lun en the Cafatlad tr veotinend 42 businen = Camived ond Solvrenty 4 lie busters be ih Corbivuty ° Ee Crrewtle sound. . experaion op Ha enlirprics PERSOWKL OB EctIVES BSthio howe meet a Sr % anna Resor - Shpecke . UN DOULnNeneh, E om fev twee p Oppertnitien for ot Socinr OBTECTIVES TH management UB net only a suprsasertelir te cumers and workers hud un aloo Lepore te Te vatout groups orctocde Hye oq: GustilG Gedy and ruwtcer of fait prices 2 Coram: © Hontal endl paarpt payment ap Larus © He Qs - Comaywelion enviroment and nalurnd MM rurtes - ~ Far dealings wilh suppliers jclealers ovnd compelttery e SEWRING MAXIMUM RESULTS WITH Minimum EFFORTS. oF THE ACMeving GROWTH AnD ExPANSION ENTER PRISE Meanesement cums at De Lrpanaton and gracth O, Has. ef Qnlrprrse . Sucterspud Precne ge mort Wtrsages ths Alor Yeolume , murert, Ahore @ “WR MOM PROSPERITY FoR Employees And EMPLoyEeEs A®D Soin Dusrice CR Ay nance aenalry ment ound) pM am ab os PANRIMUM RESULTS wit MINIMUM EFFORTS Growth AND EXPANSION OQBIJE CTIVES oF MANAGE ME NT MnnimuM PROSPE ca FoR EmeLoyeR pY> Employee LECTURE-2 |importance OF MANAGEMENT, NATURE & CHARACTERSTICS OF MANAGEMENT. ? | Lm poetance OF Mannae MENT Management in Hr Usperdsoble 4 Tho Auctensped Tirioning 9 avery eganathion . ah 2 7 ~ OPTIMUM UTiLisations OF R MiniMisAtiow OF CosT dn tht Modlin gre apse Lrrock # Bt no lauonen com Aucceed aunbenr a to Auppply Du sqptrecee geod+ end Aenwtn at Lhe Lowest pert bio Aot par ed ‘ 597A Gly See mC Remi eeron > cron en STRUCTURE e MpnraG@emenT Lrsele vor dound og oe Dhue Un atterdane wilh Ue oleawed jute meee gabe Ask ee e GENERATION OF EMPLOYMENT By Ally wip om erpranclirs Auainn onliryprrrer Bn cxaalt (Obs ae people» Pacphe vary Ber Livetihnd Ay uarkep dn Bere orgersscleiny Mamssenrs abo tral such am ervt. Dot People wertp in eDeapuces ean geh job e dobista clin tad. hop pinenr » DEVELOPMENT OF THE Nation G fppurent rsa ogeone in eapobley at Dr netiond Level . NatuRE ANDO CHARACTER'STICS OF MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IS GonaLl- ORIENTED no - dt wo Mansgemet tn wet ind up toslh ae Mao be achieve Cenfain 2cenenvc and MawanemMewt 1S UNniveRSAL Management 2 an enentied elerreL NY onaedD arctwile 3 ve Hs 4uge o— ie dieclhat, AM ote ma fersory ax engorged um weep for 4 Comm@ oyensclmnd 1 “4 + eonly + Chub » univer, Mana Ge menyT |S An INTEARATED s R) wou 3 ‘nace A SOCIAL PROCESS, MANAGEMENT AS A SCIENCE, MA SCIENCE, MANAEMENT AS AN ART. MANAGEMENT 1g A SOCIAL PROCESS- | & accomplished by » uate and Hrrerngh People WM Conterne dd wih trl Persenct relslears and human biharnirnt » Monngins pave t9 Crea trulist ceenclirolerd ond Cootperek m among Pkefpe + ® Ma WAGEMENT 1S AcTIvITY Based rently Ju Tawte OD, wD Knsum od | Mernasernet . Menagenre-+ Do Urbwck chan. ® achiwher about which Ruoledlge con be gre ong skill , 2% Lb opplicek acqpind), e MAWAGEMEMT (¢ a GRouPh ACTIVITY dm concund wih yu offre * a. 2pheclie — sae > St MANAGEMENT (S$ BoTH AW ScIENCE AND AN ART Menngimeh conarats fa cotta badly of Krewledtae ar well ao kill Qh opplyerp Hh Knewtrlee fo prakital dibiahins . Tre Sciences and an Q rrmnazemert ove ¢ ma SChenbrfirc priveipis dlp te improve He techey, oh managurs . er a tbag AP Jumpravernenb an He Setentrfre Pabacipls of munngeretr “Or ant J manngerent a Pabeend) a 1 jpn © MANAGE MENT M ae So Long. COC Ete eriala fo cthieven Cortewn objectives » 1S A ConTinuovg ACTIVITY MAWRGEMEUT Ig Mout DISUPLINMARY MAWAQEMENT 15 INTRA G\BLE roth sible ub Us vals ove opment - Feel ftdip te efpectivenens ah emerge” bape 0, He end rls ottough ry & Sladenne AF dusting Fee 7 ManaGemewt 14 CREATING peop can prenfpwn hain duos eppiverty ond offecbively The Slvr enwts eae fi ten y< opprdpriately Wun tore ars chorga a erhir) onrte. A Science SUN moet ao “ becky 9] a pertaining toa spoufic piel 2 os a Conbacrr geet principles and ; defleer & plaremanen «Thane painsh mew factors » ia Manane MENT AS SYSTE MATISED Body CF KNowleEDae Scents o syelemaliaadt um the None, Dot ell Connists J, Palacipees Cue) theses ere yn Knows Can explain paul erento cand PREG be ted predic fre cubcore 2 futurt Cen Scienmbic MetrHops Of OGSERNAT (ag Scient fie Aled ud tinbraoech and objective. e Influence tt mettards 9 Shoenrvek ou un Atierte- Ob masa thar her! DA os Chyechive or unletaee d cuyseadment Hae probly Slur ood Lhe atcha Fateen Le Sobve of Bars ka eRe apr - e Principles BASED ON GrrersMenTs Paintipis yy Seernee ae nels I Hyon Posie PCN os) valid Hune principles ove tested through hin Chsewalee lp Ans 00 o pale Saienb’fre prinupk A on frdi dol Ee AND EFFECT ReLationisi/P O Cc ane 1 Seienes Ley clon Se Lourns boliveen orton vyentaletro eLtect elakionstup oF PRincre le S pot parc tut of DNIVE RSAL Vaciowt + fainerplr om Dtyrte AY Thuy sovan, es of pared umn diet e dip tre te pore op uw Fo 28 ~ Hoe fein UP efpptt eh un ol corrhhs Places ec fr Lewd ond un oll pear MAN A OEMENT Aas an ART AAb prem Ue op pl Caheon ie Know Bell, te achiove pleotredl Aart - PRACTICA L KNOWLEDUE Sri on algnifrer Jracticnd Knowl dae ie ontts mink net oly toan Aho Ais. ery bit abo «4 applicators wn Para chice - PekSona & Skit vey axliat har dun coum rhe A Jeb - The , Knowlodge cx qialifiColenn . Thin 4 clus te He Lovell a Ww Ptroon el ekit RESULT OR\EWTED APPROACH Art Aowkr te aMeve Corcnole Atalls - The prover “bimanagement Paleo olirecial towers HS eecomprhnan® 9 derirabla goots oo Nv z ze NONAELA obbtier Cente kun oe skills tr achieves tn dintned rsaui CREATIVITY ©. fib pe baat cally Crsohive and aon artal aim, od Prcducerp Romelharp Uo had not era's before a ie Reg Pte ME ed imagination ond (nel tgre Bo Crske . e@ TmPRovement THRoVGH PRACTICE ay Prachi e mrdeer ome Perfect erveny ttt a mere en meow wok fictent Hucegh Ce - Prat ce ob cloner , fa 2g ae : bello by Continurenoly ps fae — ———————————— are LECTURE-4 MANAGEMENT AS A PROFESSION, DIFF. B/W MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION. ~ 4, MANAGEMENT AS A PROfESSION A Rropersion J Kalen rel Acopiines tpeciale- Sod tnrorlaslge and opten , long nlenaive, ocodanie Pacharsteen . SPECIALISED ®oDY OF KRMOWLEDGE Eveny Prcperion ovo 0 well dafined holy J Knowleclge advert fe Dy an 2 speci abianton dn order to practice profereo » o parsem Maus Mereover: ko mua Iroke olitherate efforts te quer Prafyirenens un it) Ther wrceials a substan gS ply ee WP wenssimert . printiples and Hood Bo mnnyirel hewe hin develufine fe~ RESTRICTED ENTRY oft 4iM up cee) and members Qa r opts om ans Allard & Poadhice 7a SERVICE MoTING ¢- A pacgerion us & Dounce Of Lowlcbocd bus frcfertonada are pat marily muti vad ba te leone B sever Ha Commerc ly. fovea » Peek ees IER 1 e hus mechicak prac REPRESEMTRIING ASSOCIATION BD oer prpertton thet dP gtetferg aa70c1- oa a wrtifhn wir caged ah ends A, Paocbrce, for tgs The Qeatihde oper \onl eoteblisheh and adlmrintslin Stardudl Cope OF ConDuUCT DISTINCTION BETWEEN ADMINISTRATION ANI MANAGEMENT Ponts of ADMINISTRATION | DISTINCTION Qt ep « dacisuan maby N Alwu - and tinker fancier Tae Queue ot concord rth te cleteuminiheina Cree e SefecHver ond Poirier dei der stat DB So be dere ond whin. fereh Bete BF o> mauily a Lip wiikey owel funthim Dinection J), a w not- dere f j her fet Concaned wath dirchften mL fuumenn fpr [ MasmPandiow — lannaiy eae coil aN Lin mash Rerchens unvelved Unik. | Skillney Conceptual Leena onal M AYA EMENT at a an wratsdve on detry urchin wn coneunsd wilh He mplementele on OF Policies , hecicles hus do and Whe us to Lo eee ey midLe ord Lewrer Land furor . HD eachivelly Concern with cktuchrmn Q ha mn to —__—.¢ LECTURE-5 |HENRY FAYOLS PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT. 3) HENRY FAYOL'S PRiNc\pLEs OF MANAGEMENT Payot deaeribed IM Principles op Managernent © Division OF Lreour| wor: Soyer Was of He Ve Hob He Wore Shan td bs bivted on Ha bata DY, spreralsakim . te Sour hod ou Aer ors pordibla se whele Woe Abele lox Liwded ent cbiffeunt Par on 8 Wade Prdivluo® Ahr sae erdtynrel orly one Paar Ohi wle mee te Arts otbiilite rel ban - Diveston 2% Lobour on wore, Week we thy “ppled to bechwent Process 2 Jt © rref acrp turd be frllues 4” Menrogerrert Proce churss aloo. This frfotieg Her He functions Atle planneg , a Cordini , umbol Re - | 2- PuTHoRATY BND REspon S11 Ao pr this pateci phe, ou Atbiulils qo Ces Ae More ae a Marte hte for Cafes, aHw he only ss he har boon ae e Lutherte rn gett - a i 1 to Getin foe Wee dure - qth Peattton ampens, “Kpedive onty low Phx ae oboe Ore Com Lxererne Dicipline: Diciples ws must become Success fll. Uphatebity obrs upline 0 Cow aerivilG wl, Vuerranp oun owganisclion j alihrny 4b pm Vaures wetioys ergentsekins - Dis ciphury aifiern to obsdience , opp coLiin perenyg | behorn irr and oufward marley PD Acoperl shown log erfloyeen : Foy ot Comal dlins lisciplrr LS . Mean coherence «res feed be ction Ay and Shrenrreance Of Vl Abstul rules - UNITY OF Command: An employer thet receive oul trom OM Anpetor only - Due Connmand qenvalia fersive , Confrarn ond Conf lit . Fayel sat, AA toon cae peters UNLD Keir udder, ovtn Tbs Aame pay _, He Adiseordus WRALDALD , UNITY OF DiRECTION: Fay of iseurs Hair pusnuip humilis olimchin un a olygeunt wey fiom Her a} ie 7 Commend, While unky of Aine kce ur Comttrned arth Hu ferdouy o bY bebe Revpoute « Male Of termed «2 Comte d with Ha frendineiy @ pesunnit ato ferrets. For Ne arcomplisthine/ o% 4 ep w% atinteo haere Hee Seume Objecti« Phys thoutel fe ore Weal anol On prlen » SORORDINATION OF INDIVIDVAL To Gene RAL InNTERGr tem let mua puveil over Siclividlin! eit bat Some a Ailee ora anc Safrermigor an uvell REMUNERATION ¢ Faye Aehrrrrinel C orrperbetlens fer tevices | by Conarlerarp bat frinemert Omsk non frrancial | favou and hel rer eon ployer. gabrsfa teen WA clependenP On Mhe Combesttin % de mix, Ore Cannot Crpect fry sforcarel pufouane from He perennel Unter thy aw pu fain ov aden uecte Aurmunerstion CENTRALIZATION ic Ave. uo olecentrstt gotien nergy there mtu dlecrcsen thr Aub ervlinaly Aole OD Lentrubigaton. The cqpertror PB, Contanlis aken or Hecetehralice Reta tte Koy Se ScALAR CHAIN: The charn 2 perry , a Unth on erjentselecms Hines 02 ComumeniColn employer DUAL % Froa plore and olubyen g Wton Cundt euthn Aoaptrrcl tougots Gr Oe dimcbelivs OB Ha forunnk orgamsgalin, Mode hum propere Syt em 2 cle be goted Aunthouly [rot focitifaler her zontal Communication ORDER ! The D a principe ba eganigalum arletins to Hrcegs peronn Be olen ol Orden Aagptrce Sa jlce fer ererythog ond wrergthury & ib plore” Ordudinurs on @ Wodplace com loz, Ofbeine d by Ae Tena at) Howat Aus beh 2a organi Soden QR men cand mat etelr EQUITY: Sopily qrenben Han fvatice sinee UP Araillt from He combindium kindAiness and futre - je aqprthy peensd eur olooliry + areomodetive et Co operative att (halo Como f- Ha Perdennl sn: Be uncer Aclerrg re opyplicokienn “Sj eapity requ? much govt Sence 1 Lrpervence and geod rebue uth ~ Weu do Seeuren, dovetim and hey lg fem enpegus | STABILITY OF TENURE DF PERSonNEL: stebctil, oy, Lene WD operdred PRGA or errprlont ce arctusto — med fe doing Anew Worle Und to erohle Short — apaire Arewily of fob 4 He pesonl INITIATIVE: Qntttebore up Pre pouer 42 Contel re O° Hone ond 2a) Th. freedow WB prepert o plon and te ernetute ut us het DG Kun sa So edtie tet aAcusr ESPINT DE Corps: ThE «4 an eee He patrrtple of wiendhy 07 Commenul alg feam wot uo endured . Ths Phrinc’ po wrdiced towards Coorolinshea CUmeng otf Ke the Welle “4 LECTURES |personnen MANAGEMENT- INTRODUCTION, DEFINATION, FUNCTIONS, DEFINI Tions Ace & Inoan Lrgttute oF PERSonmvEL Man anement whahsrthif in Brganixdlion 5 jective @ > Ty marntencnce 2 Wes culation Ship WI prable ott these engaged sb IN sendorkatecry to make Win mogivriem torluibidi te Ihe ebfecttve ed oy Ho dandsrtelecy @ kee % DALE YodER Z Porornel 2a) WING a Orrert rshidr deals wrth «ppechve a PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Panrtonnal Manegement in Ut dhecialised branch Oh, or ni Ae Pee Coe oO portonn a fa et ens, Othe mest Cnporf - ~ Oh monagionent because Lhe ; wis ction at Glan ee : ieee HA Mason factor Ob is ae Uda Aousinena Wher permit Ushich Ark He Sprdent died ond Camel BY hurren Mamrtes an Organiseleon | Pamorined Wrorediiniel i elke Krom aot Joborr monegerert , Jaboir edbmrinistrediina Pamennsh admintshalon , human fprsourees Functions Funclors OL Porsrrmel Nerve pte t— | a re Opemlive Sunchen | Mamagertel Pundclons y Is Plo nny 2s ts a5 Shales ue Diwlonp 5. Crbolluy OF Personne MANAuEmMENT v \ employment: a Thaining and dorele- Pref : 3. Com mM H Wwelerry Cond tio 5- nt om 6. IndushreD Reliihon 7. Pormnel Necords S- Seperation ; LECTURE-7__|PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT. MEANING, DEFINATION, FUNCTIONS. | PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT. Meaning Production Management refers to the application of management principles to the production Funetion in a factory. In other words, production management involves application of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the production process. The application of management to the field of production has been the result of at least three developments: (j) First is the development of factory system of production. Until the emergence of the concept ‘of manufacturing, there was no such thing as management as we know it. It is true that people ©perated business of one type or another, but for the most part, these people were owners of business and did not regard themselves as managers as well, (ti) Essentially stems from the first, namely, the development of the large corporation with many ‘owners and the necessity to hire people to operate the business, (ii) Stems from the work of many of the pioneers of scientific management who were able to demonstrate the value, from a performance and profit point of view, of some of the techniques they were developing. Definition In the words of Mr, E.L. Brech:-“Production Management is the process of effective planning ‘and regulating the operations of that section of an enterprise which is responsible for the actual transformation of materials into finished products.” Production Management deals with decision-making related to production process. So that the resulting goods and services are produced in accordance with the ‘quantitative specifications and demand schedule with minimum cost. ss (ii) Production Management is a set of general principles for production design. job design. schedule design, quality contol, inventory control, work budgetary control. This definition explains the main areas of an enterpri of production management can be applied. This definition ¢ ‘management is not a set of techniques. Functions of Production Management: The definitions discussed above clearly shows that the concept of production management is related mainly to the organizations engaged in production of goods and services. Earlier these snvanizations were mostly in the form of one man shops having insignificant problems of managing the productions But with development and expansion of production organizations in the shape of factories more complicated problems like location and lay out, inventory control, quality control, routing and scheduling of the production process ete. came into existence which required more detailed analysis and study of the whole phenomenon. This resulted in the development of production management in the area of factory management In the beginning the main function of production management was fo control labour costs which at that time constituted the major proportion of costs associated with production. put with development of factory system towards mechanization and automation the indirect comparison to direct labour costs, e.g, designing and labour costs increased tremendously packing of the products, production and inventory control, plant layout and location, transportation of raw materials and finished products etc. The planning and control of all these activities required more expertise and special techniques. In modern times production management has to perform a variety of functions, namely: (j) Design and development of production process. Gi) Production planning and control. (ii) Implementation ofthe plan and related activities to produce the desired output (iv) Administration and co-ordination of the activities of various components and departments responsible for producing the necessary goods and services. However, the responsibility of determining the output characteristics and the distribution strategy followed by an organization including pricing and selling policies are normally outside the scope of Production Management. 4. Production and Industrial Engineering: This department is responsible for translating the ideas developed in research and development, marketing research into realities. The main object is to search for the most efficient way of producing products under certain constraints such as material, manpower, machines, money ete. a) Job Production: In Job Production the whole product is looked as one job which is to be completed before going on to next. The most common examples are building a ship or a large civil engineering construction job. Job production is hot confined to large projects, it could be the making of a special piece of equipment or a tool. 'b) Batch Production: If qualities of more than one are being made, it is sometimes convenient to split the production into a series of manufacturing stages or operations. Each operation is completed as one of the single items being made, before the next operation is started. In this way a group of identical products, or a batch are made, which move through the production process together. ©) Flow Production: When there is a continuous demand for a product, it is sometimes worthwhile setting-up facilities to make that product and no other product. In these circumstances flow production may be the best way of operating. Here the manufacturing is broken down into operations, but each unit moves, or flows, from one operation to the next individually, and not as one of a batch examples are motor manufacturing, fertiliser, pharmaceutical and urea manufacturing. Since only one product is being made there are no problems about priorities, but it is necessary to balance the work load at all stages of manufacture. Examples are motor car manufacturing. OBJECTIVES OF PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT 1) To produce the goods as per the quality demanded by the customers in most economic manner. 2) To sustain as well as to increase the level of customer satisfaction. 3) To make improvement in existing goods and services by regular innovations. Le maimain inventory at such levels that there may at be the Wockage of working capital due [Excessive stock and the production may net harper due te unavatlsbelity of % te ensure umimerrupted supply of goods and services in right quantity at right time and at right place ©) lo produce the goods as per market demand. 7) To keep proper maimensnce of plant wad machinery LECTURE-9 PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL Introduction |pRODUCTION CONTROL. i For efficient, effective and economical operation in a manufacturing unit of an organization, it is essential to integrate the production planning and control system. Production planning and Subsequent production contro] follow adaption of product design and finalization of a production Process. Production planning and control address a fundamental problem of low productivity, inventory management and resource utilization, Production planning is required for scheduling, dispatch, inspection, quality management, inventory management, supply management and equipment management. Production control ensures that production team can achieve required production target, optimum utilization of Fesources, quality management and cost savings. Planning and control are an essential ingredient for success of an operation unit. The benefits of production planning and control are as follow: * It ensures that optimum utilization of production capacity is achieved, by proper scheduling of the machine items which reduces the idle time as well as over use. + Itensures that inventory level are maintained at optimum levels at all time, ie. there is no over-stocking or under-stocking. * Italso ensures that production time is kept at optimum level and thereby increasing the tumover time. * Since it overlooks all aspects of production, quality of final product is always maintained, Production Planning Production planning is one part of production planning and control dealing with basic concepts of what to produce, when to produce, how much to produce, etc. It involves taking a long-term view at overall production planning. Therefore, objectives of production planning are as follows: + To ensure right quantity and quality of raw material, equipment, ete. are available during times of production. PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL- INTRODUCTION, PRODUCTION PLANNING MEANING & * To ensure capacity utilization is in tune with forecast demand at all the time. A well thought production planning ensures that overall production process is. streamlined providing following benefits: * Organization can deliver a product in a timely and regular manner. * Supplier are informed will in advance for the requirement of raw materials. + Itreduces investment in inventory. * _Itreduces overall production cost by driving in efficiency. Production planning takes care of two basic strategies’ product planning and process planning. Production planning is done at three different time dependent levels ie. long-range planning RELATION sHip WIT ERO Seeneny, DEPEND ON Continuity — DL enace Relvenep maauning ta R ifs ! Reltrr Sy Leaduy fo Mere Xfpective Sveluation ] | MASS MARKETING | Mart mealeduy Neh Lymn phoductun 1 Mba bukin and premkum df Pris The ance Tips D, Pachucty art Ayfenedh ond Game melons imix vcs pled te ofl Centuemnns onaeminy HhoF frown UD Re Sten fi Conk Uff rence umn tbh nad and wens eh diffe Cormmernens , Nicoe MARKETING Nacho mortelre Da becrwaye whee mortealin Play a Apuctolint Aol ada Cort monkdiig - This monleitare Concept $e Hat He inno Set eppende ur a partielin fidd oven 4h & Sub - freed nt sla shanll, in Yet fit) The. Aiffernt enounpler J} Wit monrkelerp rfror are '- ; ro) Quali Spectolishs + Th m Sfeeciadise on Wehr or dow quo Prcduche - W Sermmce Spetabof : Sfecdebse ino par Lin whch fhe ofthnr ar not eel Hgts ANIC A> | WL Ppcduuch - Lene Specialiak ” only ome a EG Pacduct Can le Selected $m portacm cmd) cpeerelis ~ TARGET mMeapnetlna © Tanger mankaley fo 0 penticutar eofege iB, rte fr ashom the prodluch 09 oleacgred p the fy a marlon Connh Sables eneryore A Peat tanta DT age TF Fy pean meg mes ee e el Aewice? © Micro MARKETING. Pcs wrankellang pean’ ur furltan bipercalid vents a fs ddan He needs QD Cues Louk bari > il STRATEGIC MARKETING | . Cfhalegt Markoliny ape He a proce XZ analy acong aia Copabititer anol Lacberned Cnntrcrmertr Ao for up lend. £5 ies tly te chiwe Hu dadined objechiven « Vonteuy qncdels teeta eta ea h ce sag decisis? - makeAp Penpcine ten rane AARKETING MANAGEMENT: INTRODUCTION, DEFINATION, DEFINATIONS ACC, TO MORDERN Uecrureas APPROACH. 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