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The Women University Multan

Department of Applied Psychology


Program: BS Applied Psychology Semester: 5th

Course Title: Developmental Psychology Course Code: PSY- 302
Course Instructor: Mahin Taelah Date: 26-10-2022

1. Pick out and watch a Saturday morning or late afternoon child’s cartoon T.V. show.
Tally the number of violent and prosocial acts depicted on the screen during two 5-
minute time samples.

Name of Program: __________________________

Tally the number of violent acts. Tally number of prosocial acts.

Violent acts include expression of Prosocial acts include all acts of
physical force as well as threats of generosity, helping, cooperation,
harm and verbal abuse. and self-control in which the
actor shows a willingness to
work for long-term goals and
resist temptation.
Time Sample 2
(5 minutes)

Time Sample 2
(5 minutes)


2. Critically think about the issue of nature vs. nurture. Explain how nature and nurture
might impact a child’s aggressive behavior? Which do you think has more influence?

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