LK. 1.4 Masalah Terpilih Yang Akan Diselesaikan

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LK. 1.

4 Masalah terpilih yang akan diselesaikan

Masalah terpilih yang

No. Akar Penyebab masalah
akan diselesaikan
1 The students have low The teachers do not support the students in learning
vocabulary mastery. vocabulary.

English vocabulary is difficult to learn by the students.

The written and spoken is different, difficult in
pronouncing, and other problems are the problems that
face by the students in learning vocabulary. If the teacher
can support the students in learning vocabulary, it is
easier for them to learn English.
2 The students have Less activity in practicing English.
difficulty in speaking
English. To improve the students in learning English is not onloy
learn the vocabulary but also learn how to apply that
vocabulary in daily activity. The teacher must involve the
students to be brave in speaking English. The teachers
must create a learning process is a student-centered not
the teacher-centered, so the students can know how far
their ability in English.
3 The students motivation Lack of fun in learning English.
in learning English are
low. The different situation must have by the students to make
them not getting bored in learning. The teacher can create
a fun learning English in the class. So the students don’t
think that English is only finishing the materials in the
4 The students don’t focus Ineffective media in learning used by the teachers
on studying.
The media in learning is not only focus on the textbook
and the whiteboard. The teacher can apply innovative
media in teaching the students. So the students will give
their attention in learning process.

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