Categories of Philippine Pop Culture

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Categories of Philippine Pop Culture

Instruction: Analyze and recognize the different categories of Philippine Popular culture and
give common cultural problem/s that are being encountered in the Philippines regard to these

Categories How can this Give an example Give 1-3 common cultural
category be of how this problem/s that are being
described? category of encountered in the
culture is being Philippines.

1. Entertainment Entertainment in A significant cultural • Control of thought and

the Philippines touchstone of the behaviour through
help shape cultural nation is love team entertainment.
attitudes and culture, which is • The way a political
customs. portrayed in
candidate is portrayed in
entertainment matters
more than the actual
substance of his political
record and
• The nation's own citizens
do not frequently
acknowledge and support
the original works of

2. Sports In the Philippines, Everyone can enjoy • Filipino athletes struggle

sports promote sports in the to receive government
self-discipline, Philippines, funding, especially when
teamwork, and including competing abroad.
excellence in the basketball, • Lack of training facilities
growth of a healthy volleyball, and and equipments
indigenous sports
and productive
like luksong baka, • Lack of nutrition, physical
arnis, sungka, and and mental conditioning,

3. Politics Politics in the There are • Lack of strong enabling

Philippines campaigners who laws to curb political
focuses on "volunteer" for a dynasty, nepotism,
candidates’ person candidate. If a political opportunism,
alities rather than candidate wins, cronyism and the like.
those who
platforms. • Excessive and lavish
supported their
campaign will be spending during elections.
given a job and/or • Bureaucracy, nepotism,
massive graft and
government corruption in the
contracts. government.

4. Fashion Known for having a Filipino designers • Filipinos still follow and
model class utilized their prefer imported clothing
Filipino designers passion for and accessories.
who have unique pageantry. One • Filipinos have thrown
artistry, distinct such is Catriona away their cheap clothing
craftmanship and Gray's lava gown after using it only once
creativity. made by Mak because of the weekly
Tumang, which she
changing fashion trends.
wore to win Miss
Universe. • Employees in the
manufacturing industry
receive low wages.

5. Language Filipinos are In the Philippines, • Carabao English speakers

extremely fluent in language is used are occasionally made fun
three or four or everywhere. You of because they lack
even more can learn it in a fluency in the language.
languages which classroom setting,
• Some languages in the
includes, English, over the phone, or
Philippines are
Filipino and by just conversing
Spanish. with your pals. abandoned altogether and
Emojis are also become extinct.
a favorite • Some Filipinos don't use
complement for language in a proper way;
Filipinos when instead, they use it to
messaging their disseminate false
family and friends. information.

How are the learnings in this topic useful to you as a teacher? (15 points)

Since it will be advantageous for pupils to understand how rich our culture and tradition
are, all of the lessons I've learned in this subject are thought to be useful as I pursue a career
as a teacher. This will also help me when I teach different values and practices to my future
students. Not only understanding the positive aspects of this nation, but also its shortcomings
and issues. My students will understand that while having such cultures might be enjoyable,
there are always downsides, and that cultures are flexible and hence not carved in stone. But
even though it's not permanent, I think knowing about this subject would be a great way to
acknowledge its existence e.g., Philippine entertainment, sports, politics, fashion and

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