Celestino, Matthew W. - Assessment 2 (Midterm) Module 3

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Celestino, Matthew W.

BA Political Science 4-1

Sonnets 29 & 116 Re ection

While some contend that love lacks de nition, others choose to

provide one. They choose to express love through their own deeds
because they are of the opinion that words can never fully capture the
essence of love. No matter how much you try to avoid it, you will
eventually come into contact with love. However, some people who were
frightened of falling in love instead chose to detest the idea of engaging in
such a thing and feel terrible for those who are.

His sonnets and other poems, including one sonnet, in particular, No.
166, showed how love was an emotion that over owed for him. No.  116—
made him bet how sure he is of the truth of his depiction of what love is.
He said that love "is a star to every wandering wanderer" and a waypoint
for everyone who is lost, and I found that to be extremely moving. I was
extremely moved and convinced that I share the kind of love that the great
Shakespeare so beautifully expressed in words, knowing the sonnet's true

In contrast to some of Shakespeare's other love poems, which emphasize

physical attractiveness and carnal desire, Shakespeare's "Sonnet 29" is
about the power of love to positively in uence one's attitude.

The poem asserts that love o ers compensation for the hurts and
setbacks one experiences in life. Overall, I don't know how to adequately
convey the feelings I felt while reading it. I only know that, in my
perspective, both of these sonnets eloquently re ect the essence of love—
whether that love is for your family or for others.


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