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For today’s exam, the goal is not to impress but to make sure, you have learned the
fundamentals of StatCon. As you answer the questions, make sure you do not copy paste
from references, justify your answers from your own interpretation, or should I say, from
your own construction.

Enjoy learning.

ANSWER the following concisely.

I. How does a bill become a law? Illustrate. (You may use a diagram to explain).

II. What are the basic parts of a Statute?

III. Mommy Onie slapped Daddy Rob in the face so hard, the latter lost his two
front teeth. When charged in Court, Mommy Onie alleged that she is a single
mother and that she cannot be imprisoned as no one shall take care of her
child. She prayed that the Court apply the laws liberally in her favor. Decide on
the merit of Mommy Onie’s plea.

IV. A law providing free tuition among all public universities was enacted. Two
provisions of said law however provides:

Provision 1- Students who get an average of 1.75 for every semester, shall
aside from free tuition, receive monetary incentive of Php 1000 from the DSWD.

Provision 2- Students who support the reproductive health bill, and who shall
sign the required manifesto shall likewise be eligible to the monetary incentive.

Discuss the validity of:

a. Provision 1
b. Provision 2
c. Entire law

V. Give at least two sets of distinction between Ratio Legis and Verba Legis.

VI. How do you construe the following?

a. Penal Laws-
b. Tax laws-
c. Social Legislation
d. Rules of Court
e. Adoption Laws
f. Local Autonomy
g. Naturalization Laws
h. Election Laws

VII. What is the difference between statutory construction and judicial legislation?

VIII. In cases of conflict which should prevail between-

a. Law vs Constitution
b. Law vs Ordinances
c. Old Law vs Latest law

IX. What is the doctrine stare decisis?

X. BONUS. Give a specific maxim/doctrine of Statutory Construction that you

THINK must be applied to you in EVALUATING your performance for the

The best way to predict your future is to create it.

- A. Lincoln

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