New Doc 01-19-2022 19.26

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|e tole ES > aie 1th 9h. orca Gea Sieg ey has kwo major bye, stl = Deptt, Dy agteg gf oneal 4 fego ced A Mjin: Less 2 ee | toy pe a i geatteeil ed fe Le L dnch of, mead. 2» Di aging > “Gg placing meakon eanetgeraled ele jects oS a wilh ie rally ancl Lo bek thom undeaslancl Uy, weal ie fate chaslape LOVEING = Cin and fae “gs fo rch Lempesature OL. Bical palate a fet | aan Lhe = veal. qo eta + _|Wetl agin; ae 2 ia ORE | wel'a al ool! wal uel a : Be does rol Evolve any Signiat - colen Sees : Tab Be Se gener jollow?? ne shoulel Le act ied i | fo GIL aging fos. a _ La, packaging. D: YD ‘ TZ, foofucves th the Lencernes pails meal arecl benfat Laver in meat, Osually, eae sesull tn i motskire | loss, ————— ag eceak 8 macal i B yac a | cn meal-and has Le wots ine Lou luring ne ea nanan dy 9G F-3S day | Wlgthed Diy age — Sel pecnreliss tm pelict, R Ru, Hat veloc) “| place et on 7 Shela Leon, ae b the. caccads |Web a aging fHocess:-_ (fal be meak cul fn palylbone Eade a a ghoul. oe. ip. lage als ds wy, mech and fects. Ont this c | case, cbolls, i cae ag} aaaclen | olae y basis. | Pte # be piel Co a 7e for oles} alec Lime. eo Lawes toy exleuor pation «7 tbe meal and he aged meal ah soon as 3 possible 4 “Tea 0 08 2 poetsiag lamperalune 27 Len | fogtée Packagiig goo borg Cann seg sand Seal De = es (Vaccum seabi Ly a4 howe meal lo a 74 viding spree sed Condition fee cles; ee ime Ci wd, to eee enn nano ne s pr ee Cepe ds well as alesivab bil Be pH abso oy vplicenuces iia po em oh SS Gover. mn holdizg oly” fo oad. hese theorl yas vansing Bic i gua ht. by cf, tao meen el al ee fe —— Channizall avec Spparalias:- __pH mtu, bx heft Llabeasinis zy Wen paper (aati No.5), bleneler, P as HI _ beakeh, tuwvés asecgh balance i am Mehod: : = Aleph tog meeall damp Le hs | | Atclal ‘G0 mb iT. waler arr! blamel il to make $ vetiag nomena teta, 5 Caltbialibe py Yee len wings! Sland aden — coal u dol wbians OF 5 Pend tan) va Fosburment chaser +2 the. the oll 5. elechrcales t ‘inte be ie. Sarmple 2 Lol api uonkil, be , value gor Stabilize ae he hooking, eepeak Ihe. process As “id: oe lita salen aan f-) Je. 3- he s-| meal such as eaarauscalan omeec/os| 2 PeBsueS. Mbtod: Lge Speed ae Nacl Coém) enily 4 sto 9 Blow be mixtun Ls Hard ger IS min ir IS mins in aogenaledl conchi fiovts ste “yen 4 min. hs tangle again cons Luge lat lo, 200 ¢ppat and Yt ; roe Watu “iting are (Hc) a if in olan€ yolicy ard olber : rclinre, cole, aed lCiradeame# Gree so ore WHC. Weak 2th bigh ape (oh IHC alice 40 loosenea! ma 1 al Use- : ii vo Hi Adedghing Salance, real machine — Measure Ke volume 9 supernatant apler cenitat ggation | cabulale walin he belong capacily. fon: | WHC). Eiaad mL Lnitial tolwrie 160 7 oo Males bath (0) —_ « Meat (og cube.) oe _ 4. “Wi pig balance Take a cube mana ead end wacigh Fa Place in Matalait a Ma ps bah at WC Place the meal bag é ik Cook pen Bo mri'rules bul al homove 9am walin balb™ ee he wee waler pom Be bag anc! woeigh Cabcukabion'- Cle = » Wylde uw x 100 U- Inital weight 0) cube. Wre Fingf wseight a cube “4 v2 a, cohiig 3 Cog el fgets is ko how much wwe will hare ucdiicl. Go 2 op maak, yield : 4 fiat en “pe roto we al tilond ig cooking. frees Ma tei ‘cil — we Meal gabe » Walon bol » Texte analfrer Proceduse:- Jake a = me mrteak” Cook it -Lo mizules in walker babs lst DS Mylex Wall oul” he cube ta temrtemsrtem directions load he berbor oy limtune analgxer Lota the knob | Place te meal’ cube unde iL” Run Woe torture Gtafth will be Salad ging ceaclings g sae | ee and gar. => : par She. Bets. 3 lo acquaine shuckls will ores | alelermévee Be dertere Charolaew) Y Ibe pee oe : c pparaliss- Texture aratyer | thod:- - tel Ue apparatus fy 4 2tt¥29 pumetire metolle Grmdls 2| Place he en [dh 6 9 Lettie ahal: rar chen on the fam, nln the nreedle. ruumraben Phan) in teplosane ard chick. * Loa! Peo} Clhich “seon test” ‘one allo te. neecle. fo pitnee inte he 7 a pap Dh voi be oblained on the sucem upbee Be poe apypliech to tuple Be. Nott-dhiun ‘re amount ce applied! ane! hendners : Value. — Z : Melo: if fo 2’ CIn a tranimittarice number) AK Detesminaleon Neat nae | Sufolicnce oul Mes eu @ ‘ of pocanece abou 25 = er tue OE ae ie te fo on : 4 alto & main cbbemércantl thal” ried ap feed. mea LV AOS, . core 0d. rere ag Sap a mabe alias’ To. tamilasize slidenlé wile melhocl color values oy mech v Vanethely Ai-bhivaulus colnimeen , Slandanels GY Cin jee dark enol St clo fe Liphl’), peti plale Mehocl:- 1 Feil om, all, catébrale Ure, intbivorenl”b __2-\ fen Slandiuds under, be phota cell. ce be. Sanz alee ar am bickntts tn pet file ee Puke Ue bale under 4 nll nlote nag i alepleged ae tad ee of eg Maslin Content te SS —— Motstuee ae chicken meal: #: zs iy a vy east mel, la delermtye, Microorgankms ae oft esh by at high noolslune contents. owe mois. ee ee seytredl Lo achtoe a sustained ee ee om a bau orci. Hy her, meojslicae ee bow bo an etlint: hal tectece aed ser che. Et | bales o be saw real” Shout nl be “cpecdecl ‘sale the meal. © lO Should) be / Si Hefe an chjeclo 2 His etpersmenb ane ae oblewnabye I te geouline: Level uf raw meal, lo _\delamine the ba fr mcistiwe cotlenli on meal: af chscryg dhorg4} zLape. and b heain dbfudenli pee finating ae ae cole 9 neeak. : Meal. sample Nira dith, veeiphi Brabarace, bol aie eo re Hah, oesghing | the. abilicah Slab. Tue a Leigh 4 | Mente. 1 il and agit weigh it Ld desicalos’ tr adler 70 avatel moisture abtorp. pruam_the environment and alse per nacithe temple aga ond cabubsle manta. Dt itaal club aad elie Tsay Pu sample tr bol ate. oven a oS 22% pore (Baars Se Optix hymoval rem over, place chirea dish inte tee wiry he jl) Slander pate i | Cabeukalions:- og _ wh achinaolih wil uesh dope -L5,L edng = ook og. wh. @ jresh sample * | cy elegy Pp a4 2 aah 2 ne ae ate eae =. —_ bblble- D ttat aoe. sn to onake. fen {mow — petal Fe et ae fasdkyil ieee op pall ee bet weal de _ _| product, poultry, pish ard! wuts. |Objeclives- oo I Te vwnilaaixe slucdenls une cnahipak” os -delezaigatliee tel pielancimont aba to a oe oe Mizeh. hotan z a aver, hol” p weiphirg balimee, olesiccaler, | petroleune elbe : ii = fi ; md vat Pee, cote _ ane i iil Zee —| Wrap over é 4 in Be Diiobbe. ‘quel Pee ; - 4 | Connect walie condenser ger ctteulahion a _f four elackeant chin pen. wliachon in We x _Younc hatin = | Heal” fats phe RE», an eas ars epalea Spal sal S-4 hee, ca secad. ark. aplir. soluen’ secoverty] ard al ae a in aren oven io (20_4¢5C 308 some Hme. a | Cat be bricd Sareple in debtccalor polowedl by eee hin ee _9-| nok Ke Ayerence. ence. tn Bre veeighl” ard calidad a Yi facanks e crude pal” bg using fe. pellet ad -parnuha. aa Cbababions:. | Cuuch jal he Wop Jak | lot: a Sample y loo

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