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SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Page 1 of 5 Pages

TESDA Best Regional Office (BRO) Award Number IA-ci series of 2018
July 10, 2018 As Indicated

In pursuit of quality management and excellence in public service, TESDA

shall implement the Best Regional Office (BRO) Award with the following
implementing guidelines.

1. Rationale

TESDA is mandated to provide relevant, accessible, high quality, and

efficient technical education and skills development. It is a quality organization
steered by educated public servants. Its drive for quality and excellence is
evidenced by the ISO 9001:2008 it has sustained since 2012 and had taken
initiative achieve the ISO 9001:2015 Certification. TESDA likewise garnered the
Philippine Quality Award Commitment level.

The TESDA management is set to recognize the efforts particularly of the

Field Offices who have diligently worked hard to pursue the varied and arduous
tasks and responsibilities. This praise and recognition of good work leads to
increase in productivity and further improves performance and service to the
Filipino people.

II. Objectives:

The Best Regional Office (BRO) Award shall seek to:

1. Evaluate the performance of the Regional Offices and their Provincial

2. Identify areas of strengths and weaknesses which will serve as basis for
strategies and appropriate interventions;
3. Recognize good practices and innovations; and
4. Provide incentives and recognition for organizational excellence.
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Page 2 of 5 Pages
TESDA Best Regional Office (BRO) Award Number 4c31 series of 2018
July 10, 2018 As Indicated

III. Scope and Coverage

1. The Award shall cover the performance of the region inclusive of the
Provincial Offices and its public and private WET Institutions,
Assessment Centers, and Competency Assessors within its area of

2. The 2018 Award shall cover regional performance for 2017.

3. The regions shall be grouped into small, medium, and large based on
share of overall outputs. There will be one Best Regional Office
awarded for each group
Small Medium Large

CAR Region I NCR

Region II Region V Region Ill
Region IV-B Region VI Region IV-A
Region VIII Region VII
Region IX Region XI
Region X
Region XII

IV. Eligibility for Best Regional Office (BRO) Award

To be eligible for the Award, the Regional Office should have complied with
Good Governance Indicators such as:
1. Adherence to Transparency Seal requirements;
2. 100% Submission of Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Networth of
officials and staff; and
3. Posting of Citizen's Charter in conspicuous areas such as entrances,
administrative offices, etc.

All Regional Offices that meet all of the above-mentioned requirements shall be
included in the evaluation based on the criteria.
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Page 3 of 5 Pages
TESDA Best Regional Office (BRO) Award Number Am series of 2018
July 10, 2018 As Indicated

V. Mechanics of Implementation

1. The Regional Offices shall be evaluated based on the following criteria:

A. Good Governance Measures 200 points
B. Implementation of TESDA Programs 550 points
C. Administrative and Support Services (PBB Indicators) 150 points
D. Reporting Efficiency 50 points
E. Social Media Marketing and Advocacy 50 points
TOTAL 1000 points

2. The members of the Technical Working Group shall gather and process to
come up with the initial computation of the scores of each Regional Office
based on the set criteria. The evaluation shall be based on documents
submitted to the Central Office as required. Other evidences shall be
validated on-site, as necessary.
3. The regions per group shall be ranked according to points garnered.
4. Special Awards shall be given to regions with Best Green Practices, Best
Innovations, etc.
5. The conferment of awardees shall be part of the TESDA Anniversary
Program in August 2018.
6. The awardees shall receive a Plaque of Recognition and cash award,
subject to usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. The amount
shall be announced during the Awarding Ceremony.
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TESDA Best Regional Office (BRO) Award Number 49 series of 2018
July 10, 2018 As Indicated

VI. Criteria for the Best Regional Office (BRO) Award

The following are the major requirements with their corresponding point values

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A_1 Compliance to Zero Corruption Policy 40

A.2. Compliance to the TESDA Code of Conduct and Ethical 30

A.3. Customer Satisfaction Results 30
A.4. Compliance to Commission on Audit Rules and Regulations on 30
Suspensions and Disallowances
A.S. Compliance to PhiIGEPS requirements 30
A.6. Liquidation of Cash Advances 40
B. Implementation of TESDA Programs 550
B.1. Implementation of the17-94nt agenda 95
B.2. Accomplishment based on the Government Appropriation Act 290
(GAA) and TESDA OPCR indicators
B.3. Participation and Awards from Skills Competition 15
B.4. Institutional Awards 60
B.S. Accreditation Awards 30
B.6. Partnerships forged 30
B.7. Best Practices and Innovations 30
ihis_ fa rvi
C.1. Budget Utilization Rate (BUR) 30
C.2. Implementation of Agency Action Plan and Status of 30
Implementation (AAPSI) on the Prior Years Audit
C.3. Green Practices 20
C.4. Staff Development Program 40
C.S. Model Employee Awards 30

D.1. Timeliness, Consistency and Accuracy

E.1. Communication Program

The details of the above-mentioned requirements are in the Scoring Guide attached
herewith as Annex A.
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Page 5 of ,5 Pagei
TESDA Best Regional Office (BRO) Award Number 4°1 series of 2018
July 10, 2018 As Indicated

VII Schedule of Implementation 2018

Activity Date Person Responsible

Presentation of March 2018 Technical Working
Implementing Guidelines Group
and Criteria to Inter-Cluster
Approval and 1st week of July Secretariat
Dissemination of 2018
Implementing Guidelines to
the Regional Offices
Processing of Regional 2nd week of July- Secretariat
Office Performance based 1st week of
on available/submitted data August 2018
in 2017
Review and deliberation of July-August 2018 Technical Working
regional performance based Group
on Central Office and Regional
Office data
Deliberation/Conferment 3rd week of August Technical Working
2018 Group for approval of
Executive Committee
Awarding of Best Regional 2018 TESDA Secretary/Director
Office Anniversary General

Expenses for implementation of this Program shall be charged against

the Institutional Event Funds.

Wide dissemination of this Circular to all concerned is hereby enjoined.


Director General/Secretary

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