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All of the following example sentences have the same meaning
ADVERB Even though [a] Even though it was cold, I went swimming.
Although [b] Although it was cold, I went swimming
CLAUSES Though [c] Though it was cold, I went swimming
CONJUNCTION But . . . anyway [d] It was cold, but I went swimming anyway.
But . . . still [e] It was cold, but I still went swimming
S Yet . . . still [f] it was cold, yet I still went swimming
TRANSITIONS Nevertheless [g] It was cold. Nevertheless, I went swimming
Nonetheless [h] It was cold. Nonetheless, I went swimming
However [i] It was cold. However, I still went swimming
PREPOSITIONS Despite [j] I went swimming despite the cold weather
In spite of [k] I went swimming in spite of the cold weather

A. Although/Even though/ /Though

Although : Although is used to show a contrast
After although we use a subject and a verb
 We enjoyed our camping holiday although it rained every day
 Although he worked very hard, he didn’t manage to pass the exam
 The holiday was great although the hotel wasn’t very nice
Even thought : Even though is a slightly stronger form of although.
Like although, even though is followed by a subject and a verb.
We decided to buy the house even though we didn’t really have enough money
You keep making that stupid noise even though I’ve asked you to stop three times
Though :
Though is used for informal situation Although/even though/ though and in spite
 Though it was cold, I went swimming of/despite are all used to show a contrast but
there are differences in the structures with
B. In spite of/ despite them
After in spite of and despite. We use a noun or a pronoun
 We enjoyed our camping holiday in spite of rain
 Despite the pain in his leg he completed the marathon
 Despite having all the necessary qualifications, they didn’t offer me the job

A. Complete the following sentences with even though or because!
1. _____________________ the weather is cold, Rick isn’t wearing a coat
2. _____________________ the weather is cold, Ben is wearing a coat
3. _____________________ Tim is fairly tall, he can reach the ceiling
4. _____________________ Matt is very tall, he can reach the ceiling
5. _____________________ Dan isn’t as tall as Matt, he can’t reach the ceiling
6. _____________________ Nick isn’t tall, he can reach the ceiling by standing on a chair
7. _____________________ Jane was sad, she smiled
8. _____________________ Jane was sad, she cried
9. _____________________ her street is dangerous, Carol doesn’t go out alone after dark
10. _____________________ his street is dangerous, Steve often goes out alone after dark
11. Tony sings at weddings __________________ he has a good voice
12. George sings loudly _____________________ he can’t carry a tune
13. Louie didn’t iron his shirt ________________________ it was wrinkled
14. Eric ironed his shirt __________________ it was wrinkled
15. Kate went to a dentist ___________________ she had a toothache.
16. Colette didn’t go to a dentist ____________________ she had a toothache
17. Jennifer went to dentist ____________________ she didn’t have a toothache. She just wanted a checkup.
18. I would like raise tropical fish __________________________ it’s difficult to maintain a fish tank in good
19. The baby shoved the pills into his mouth __________________ they looked like candy. ________________
he ingested several pills, he didn’t get sick. Today many pill bottles have child-proof caps
__________________ children may think pills are candy and poison themselves.
20. ________________________ our friends live on an island, it is easy to get there __________________ there
is a bridge from the mainland

1 Sastra Inggris XII. Sem 2 2021/2022. 3.6. Concessive Clause

B. Combine the ideas in the two sentences. Use the given words. Use the negative if necessary to make a logical
We went to the zoo. It was raining
Even though = _________________________________________________________________
In spite of = _________________________________________________________________
But … anyway = _________________________________________________________________
Nevertheless = _________________________________________________________________
Because = _________________________________________________________________
His grades were low. He was admitted to the university
Although = _________________________________________________________________
Despite = _________________________________________________________________
Yet . . . still =
Nonetheless = _________________________________________________________________
Because of = _________________________________________________________________
I like living in the dorm. It is noisy
Even though = _________________________________________________________________
In spite of = _________________________________________________________________
But . . . still =
However = _________________________________________________________________
The work was hard, they enjoyed themselves
Although = _________________________________________________________________
Despite = _________________________________________________________________
Yet . . . still =
Nonetheless = _________________________________________________________________
They wanted to climb the mountain. It was dangerous
Even though = _________________________________________________________________
In spite of = _________________________________________________________________
But … anyway = _________________________________________________________________
Nevertheless = _________________________________________________________________

C. Write the sentences in the same meaning by using in spite of or despite

Example : Mahadewa is unhappy even though he has a vast fortune
Mahadewa is unhappy despite a vast fortune
Mahadewa is unhappy in spite of a vast fortune
1. Although the weather was extremely hot, people went jogging in the park
2. I like living in a big city even though it was crowded
3. My son wanted to climb Ciremai Mountain even though it was risky
4. Even though writing books is hard and tiring, Setiawan enjoys himself
5. Even though his grades were low, Prabu was admitted to Padjajaran University
6. Although the night air was hot, they slept soundly
7. Although I enjoyed the holiday, I was glad to be home
8. Puja bought a car even thoughshe was still too young to learn to drive
9. Although it may seem extraordinary, Bandung has less natural scenaeries to enjoy than Yogyakarta
10. I eat most dairy products. I am not keen on yoghurt, though.

D. Write the sentences in the same meaning by using although or even though
Example : In spite of being full of water, the boat sailed on.
Although the boat was full of water, the boat sailed on.
1. Despite the fact that she fell midway through the race, she won
2. In spite of their poverty, the children seemed happy
3. In spite of playing with ten men, our football team won
4. In spite of being an accountant, Ratu never seems to have money
2 Sastra Inggris XII. Sem 2 2021/2022. 3.6. Concessive Clause
5. Despite losing a lot of blood, he is in stable condition
6. Despite a bad cough, Mahadewi was able to sing in the choir

7. In spite of her success, Kadita felt dissatisfied

8. Despite his illness, Setiawan came to the meeting
9. In spite of his promise that he wouldn’t be late, Joko Widodo didn’t arriveuntil 10 o’clock
10. I continue to sing my songs despite the fact that I never sell another record.

E. Choose the correct completions

1 A. Although / Despite his brothers’ and sisters’ efforts to teach him how to answer TOEFL, Mahadewa failed to
gain a good score.
B. Although / Despite his brothers and sisters spend many weeks to teach him how to answer TOEFL,
Mahadewa failed to gain a good score.
C. Although / Despite exercising for many weeks, Mahadewa failed to gain a good TOEFL score.
D. Although / Despite he had done TOEFL exercises for many weeks Mahadewa failed to gain a good score.
E. Although / Despite his many weeks of exercise, Mahadewa failed to gain a good TOEFL score.
2 A. Even though / Despite he has been warned about the dangers of smoking by his doctor, Perdana h/despite the
warnings continuous to smoke
B. Even though / Despite the warnings his doctor gave him, Perdana continuous to smoke
C. Even though / Despite his doctor warned him, Perdana continuous to smoke
D. Even though / Despite his doctor’s warning him, Perdana continuous to smoke
E. Even though / Despite the fact that his doctor warned him of dangers to his health, Perdana continuous to
3 A. Although/ In spite of the storm that was approaching the mountain area, the two climbers continued their trek
B. Although/ In spite of a storm that was approaching, the two climbers continued their trek
C. Although/ In spite of the fact that a storm that was approaching the mountain area, the two climbers
continued their trek
D. Although/ In spite of an approaching storm, the two climbers continued their trek up the mountain
E. Although/ In spite of there was an approaching storm, the two climbers continued their trek up the mountain
4 A. Even though / In spite of repeated defeat from his perpetual rival due to his weakening body, the boxer is
refusing to quite fighting
B. Even though / In spite of he has been repeatedly defeated by his perpetual rival due to his weakening body,
the boxer is refusing to quit fighting
C. The boxer is refusing to quit fighting even though / in spite of his repeated defeats
D. The boxer is refusing to quit fighting even though / in spite of his body is growing weaker
E. The boxer is refusing to quit fighting even though / in spite of his weakening body due to his aging

F. Choose the phrase from the box that best completes each sentence. Use each completion only once.

a. he is skillful and competent

b. having excellent qualifications and skills in the job requirement
c. she is scared of height
d. their many benefits
e. a bad command in foreign languages
f. her fear of height
g. she is usually very nervous and often speechless
h. it has been shown to cause birth defects and sometimes death
i. it is proven to be harmless
j. its inherent dangers

1. In spite of __________, herbal remedies are not popular in developed countries

2. Perdana continued to be denied a promotion despite ___________.
3. In spite of __________, Ratu enjoyed her parachute glider flying
4. DDT is still used in many countries as a primary insecticide even though __________.
5. Though _________, Ratu succeeded in giving a remarkable class presentation.
6. In spite of _________, nuclear energy is a clean and potentially inexhaustible source of energy
7. Because of his poor health, Kaisar is not employed though _________.

3 Sastra Inggris XII. Sem 2 2021/2022. 3.6. Concessive Clause

8. Jagatraya rarely has trouble in communicating with his overseas business partners despite _______.
9. Although ________, many people avoid using a microwave oven for fear of its rays.
10. Although ________, Mahadewi stepped to the top of Monas to get a magnificient view of Jakarta.

G. Complete the following sentences with your own words. Add commas where appropriate.
1. I still love her even though
2. Even though I had a big breakfast
3. My shirt still has stains on it despite
4. Despite the fact that I am drowsy
5. Although I tried to be very thrifty
6. In spite of the terrible taste of the food they served ___________________________________________________

H. Write the possible clauses to complete the sentences

1. Mr. Dick takes a long walk every day although ___________________________________________________
2. I tried to look happy in spite of __________________________________________________________________
3. We did not wear jackets despite _________________________________________________________________
4. We’re studying now, although ___________________________________________________________________
5. Despite _____________________________________________________________________ she failed the exam.
6. We decided to walk even though ________________________________________________________________

I. PAIR UP : Use even though, though,although,in spite of or despite. Be sure to begin your response with either yes or
Example : It was raining. Did you go to the beach anyway?
- Yes, even though it was raining, I went to the beach
You are in good shape physically. Do you get much exercise?
- No, although I don’t get much exercise, I am in good shape physically.

1. You studied hard. Did you pass the exam?

2. You weren’t tired. Did you go to bed anyway?
3. You have a lot of money. Can you afford to buy a new Volvo?
4. Nurhayati told a joke. You didn’t understand it. Did you laugh anyway?
5. Your house was burned down. You lost your job. Your wife/husband left you. Are you still cheerful?
6. Your grandfather is ninety seven years old. Is he still young at heart?
7. You mailed the letter four days ago. Has it arrived?
8. The phone rang for many times, but did Mahadewa pick it up?
9. The meal was terrible. Did you go anywhere?
10. The weather was terrible today. Did you go anywhere?
4 Sastra Inggris XII. Sem 2 2021/2022. 3.6. Concessive Clause
5 Sastra Inggris XII. Sem 2 2021/2022. 3.6. Concessive Clause

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