Teaching Implications - Language Use

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2.3 Teaching implications.

Deduce relevant teaching implications in line with learner characteristics. Several examples are provided.

Language use
grades 5-6 grades 7-9
● can understand a situation ● become more aware of ● are concerned about using
more quickly than the accuracy of form and its accurate forms
language used importance in language ● start applying the language
● use language skills before ● are more confident in using a and analysing facts
they understand the language ● can paraphrase
grammatical structures of ● start understanding some ● like experimenting with
language language theory language
● need scaffolding in their use ● start experimenting with ● like to use the language in
of language language realistic situations
● learn grammar implicitly ● bring together much of what
was learned in earlier years
and can apply it in more
complex situations
Teaching implications
● Teach grammar implicitly ● Provide meaningful contexts ● Simulate real-life situations
in which to use the language
the learners already know
and to create new language


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