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UI Revise And Final Implementation

 Quality Argument
Our UI includes helpful constraints such as when user is creating an account and
entering the password, it gets a popup box mentioning rules to follow for setting up the
password. We have taken care of minute details like showing a message to the user
whether the option it has selected, is he or she sure of it or not. For example, in the
emergency page, suppose if the user clicks an option to call 911, it gets the popup
window confirming whether user wants to call 911 or not or user just clicked it by
mistake. Our web application is user-friendly and has no clutter. It has the essential
features which focuses on primary goals. It doesn’t contain unnecessary information
which is not needed to the user. Our UI looks professional as the buttons and images are
placed correctly allowing easier flow of information. When user performs any task, he or
she gets the message that it has been done successfully for example, suppose user visits
the Groups Page and view any group based on its interests, it can click on Join Group
button. Then, the user gets the message showing the request to join the has been sent.
Similarly, if user makes any change, he or she gets the message displaying about the
information of the change. We have also provided the users the flexibility to sort the
groups based on several features such as which group was last active, which group
contains most members, which group is recently created etc. Once, we join any group,
we can see the information about our groups we are part of in My Groups page.

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