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Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Document: USM-Time&Space Manager-ENG.pdf
Version: 11.20.B
Printed: 18.12.2020
© 2020 Spica International

Spica International
Pot k sejmiscu 33
1231 Ljubljana

Tel: +386 1 568 08 00

Fax: +386 1 568 08 88

Contents I

Table of Contents

1 About Time&Space 1
1.1 Time&Space
architecture 2
1.2 Devices
................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 End-User
software license agreement 6
1.4 Technical
support 8

2 Installation 9
2.1 System
hadware requirements 10
2.2 Hardware
installation 11
2.3 Software
installation 12
2.4 Licence
management 13
2.4.1 Users .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.4.2 Adm inistration
.......................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.4.3 External m odules
.......................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.4.4 Hardw are .......................................................................................................................................................... 22

3 Common commands 24
3.1 Basic...................................................................................................................................
commands 24
3.2 Appearance
of the screen 25
3.3 Choosing
columns 27
3.4 Setting
column width 28
3.5 Changing
column order 29
3.6 Filtering
data 30
3.7 Using...................................................................................................................................
calendar 31

4 Main views 33
4.1 Level...................................................................................................................................
Zero 34
4.1.1 Badges .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
4.1.2 Users .......................................................................................................................................................... 37 Organizational
structure 39
4.1.3 Fingerprints .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
4.1.4 Access Groups ..........................................................................................................................................................
and Areas 42 Access Profiles
and Access Groups 43 Areas ......................................................................................................................................................... 45
4.1.5 Presence .......................................................................................................................................................... 46
4.1.6 Event log .......................................................................................................................................................... 48
4.1.7 Audit log .......................................................................................................................................................... 50 Application.........................................................................................................................................................
Audit log 51 Transaction .........................................................................................................................................................
Audit log 52
4.1.8 Authorization.......................................................................................................................................................... 53 Roles ......................................................................................................................................................... 54

© 2020 Spica International

II Time&Space Manager User's Manual User Accounts

......................................................................................................................................................... 56 Active Directory
Login Names 57
4.2 Space................................................................................................................................... 58
4.2.1 Front Space .......................................................................................................................................................... 59 Visits ......................................................................................................................................................... 60
Visit dialog ......................................................................................................................................... 62 One Day ......................................................................................................................................................... 66 Event Log ......................................................................................................................................................... 67
4.2.2 Tim e Zones .......................................................................................................................................................... 68 Access Schedules
......................................................................................................................................................... 69 Space Calendar
......................................................................................................................................................... 70
Advanced settings ......................................................................................................................................... 72
4.3 Time ................................................................................................................................... 73
4.3.1 Working schem ..........................................................................................................................................................
es and w orking plans 74 Working schemes
view 75
Working scheme .........................................................................................................................................
dialog box 76 Working plan .........................................................................................................................................................
dialog box 78
4.3.2 Em ployees .......................................................................................................................................................... 82
4.3.3 Calculation rules
.......................................................................................................................................................... 84 Time calendar......................................................................................................................................................... 85
Advanced settings ......................................................................................................................................... 87 Time schedules
......................................................................................................................................................... 88
Paid schedule ......................................................................................................................................... 90
Advanced ................................................................................................................................... 92
Appearance ................................................................................................................................... 94
Restrictions ................................................................................................................................... 95
Industrial schedule ......................................................................................................................................... 96
Breaks ................................................................................................................................... 98
Advanced ................................................................................................................................... 99
Appearance ................................................................................................................................... 101
Restrictions ................................................................................................................................... 102
Flexi schedule ......................................................................................................................................... 103
Breaks ................................................................................................................................... 105
Advanced ................................................................................................................................... 107
Appearance ................................................................................................................................... 109
Restrictions ................................................................................................................................... 110
Calculation details ................................................................................................................................... 111 Categories ......................................................................................................................................................... 113
Categories view......................................................................................................................................... 114
Category dialog...................................................................................................................................
box 116
System categories ......................................................................................................................................... 119
User categories......................................................................................................................................... 120 Events ......................................................................................................................................................... 121
Events view ......................................................................................................................................... 122
Clockings ......................................................................................................................................... 124
Clocking dialog ...................................................................................................................................
box 125
Leaves ......................................................................................................................................... 128
Leave dialog box ................................................................................................................................... 129
Interventions ......................................................................................................................................... 131
Intervention dialog ...................................................................................................................................
box 132 Global Parameters
......................................................................................................................................................... 134
Industrial parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 135
Flexi parameters......................................................................................................................................... 138

© 2020 Spica International

Contents III Counters ......................................................................................................................................................... 141

4.3.4 Paid Tim e .......................................................................................................................................................... 143 View s ......................................................................................................................................................... 144
One Day ......................................................................................................................................... 145
One Person ......................................................................................................................................... 147
Persons/Days ......................................................................................................................................... 148
Calculation ......................................................................................................................................... 150
Calculation details ................................................................................................................................... 151
Event Log ......................................................................................................................................... 152 Reports ......................................................................................................................................................... 154
4.3.5 Industrial Tim ..........................................................................................................................................................
e 155 Working plan
in Industrial Time 157 View s ......................................................................................................................................................... 161
One Day ......................................................................................................................................... 162
One Person ......................................................................................................................................... 164
Persons/Days ......................................................................................................................................... 165
Calculation ......................................................................................................................................... 167
Calculation details ................................................................................................................................... 169
Calculation examples ................................................................................................................................... 172
Event Log ......................................................................................................................................... 178 Reports ......................................................................................................................................................... 180
Predefined reports ......................................................................................................................................... 181
Summary data ......................................................................................................................................... 183
4.3.6 Flexi Tim e .......................................................................................................................................................... 185 Working plan
in Flexi Time 187 View s ......................................................................................................................................................... 191
One Day ......................................................................................................................................... 192
One Person ......................................................................................................................................... 194
Persons/Days ......................................................................................................................................... 194
Calculation ......................................................................................................................................... 197
Calculation details ................................................................................................................................... 199
Calculation examples ................................................................................................................................... 201
Event Log ......................................................................................................................................... 211 Duty and .........................................................................................................................................................
Stand-by 213
Setting duty plan......................................................................................................................................... 215
Duty clocking ......................................................................................................................................... 217
Duty vs. Regular.........................................................................................................................................
w ork 218 Vacation .........................................................................................................................................................
by hours 219
Instructions for use ......................................................................................................................................... 220 Reports ......................................................................................................................................................... 221
Predefined Reports ......................................................................................................................................... 222
Summary Data ......................................................................................................................................... 224
4.3.7 Report Tem plates
.......................................................................................................................................................... 226

5 Administrator's tasks 227

5.1 Level
Zero 227
5.1.1 General settings
.......................................................................................................................................................... 227 Display options
......................................................................................................................................................... 228 Users additional
fields 231 Space options
......................................................................................................................................................... 233 Schedule.........................................................................................................................................................
options 235 Report options
......................................................................................................................................................... 237 Other options
......................................................................................................................................................... 238

© 2020 Spica International

IV Time&Space Manager User's Manual

5.1.2 Managing badges

.......................................................................................................................................................... 240
5.1.3 Managing users.......................................................................................................................................................... 243 Managing.........................................................................................................................................................
access profiles 247 Managing.........................................................................................................................................................
additional information 250 Managing.........................................................................................................................................................
personal information 252
5.1.4 Changing passw..........................................................................................................................................................
ord 254
5.1.5 Managing fingerprints
.......................................................................................................................................................... 255 Fingerprint.........................................................................................................................................................
Enrolment Station (FES) 258 Fingerprints
w izard 261 Security settings
......................................................................................................................................................... 263 Quality and.........................................................................................................................................................
content indicators 264 Difference .........................................................................................................................................................
betw een verification and searching readers templates 266
5.1.6 Managing access
groups and areas 267
5.1.7 Adding and editing
events 268
5.1.8 Audit log adm ..........................................................................................................................................................
inistration 269 Audit details
dialog box 270
5.1.9 Managing Roles.......................................................................................................................................................... 271
5.1.10 Managing User ..........................................................................................................................................................
Accounts 278 Restrictions
......................................................................................................................................................... 280
5.1.11 Generating Reports
.......................................................................................................................................................... 286 Reports in.........................................................................................................................................................
the Users view 287 Reports in.........................................................................................................................................................
the Event log view 288
5.1.12 Exporting and ..........................................................................................................................................................
e-m ailing reports 289
5.2 Space
................................................................................................................................... 290
5.2.1 Front Space .......................................................................................................................................................... 290 Making an.........................................................................................................................................................
appointment 290 Opening a.........................................................................................................................................................
new visit 292 Closing a .........................................................................................................................................................
visit 295 Adding a .........................................................................................................................................................
new visitor 296 Generating.........................................................................................................................................................
reports 297
Adding and deleting .........................................................................................................................................
events 298
Report w izard ......................................................................................................................................... 299 Exporting.........................................................................................................................................................
and e-mailing reports 300
5.2.2 Tim e Zones .......................................................................................................................................................... 301 Working w.........................................................................................................................................................
ith Access Schedules 301 Working w.........................................................................................................................................................
ith Space Calendar 302 Generating.........................................................................................................................................................
reports 303 Exporting.........................................................................................................................................................
and e-mailing reports 304
5.3 Time................................................................................................................................... 305
5.3.1 Working w ith..........................................................................................................................................................
Tim e Calendar 305
5.3.2 Working w ith..........................................................................................................................................................
Tim e Schedules 306 Schedule.........................................................................................................................................................
dialog box 307
5.3.3 Configuring categories
.......................................................................................................................................................... 308
5.3.4 Configuring events
.......................................................................................................................................................... 309 Adding and .........................................................................................................................................................
editing events 310
5.3.5 Setting a w orking
plan 311 Assigning.........................................................................................................................................................
w orking scheme to the group of employees 313 Editing global
w orking schemes 314 Setting the.........................................................................................................................................................
w orking scheme 315 Assigning.........................................................................................................................................................
w orking plan to individual employees 316 How to copy.........................................................................................................................................................
w orking plan from one user to other users 318 Working plan
dialog box 319 Working schemes
dialog box 320

© 2020 Spica International

Contents V

5.3.6 Calculation param

eters 321
5.3.7 Action Menu.......................................................................................................................................................... 322 Calculation.........................................................................................................................................................
start date 324 Running balance
management 325
5.3.8 Custom izing..........................................................................................................................................................
report tem plates 327 Summary .........................................................................................................................................................
Simple report 329 Daily report
......................................................................................................................................................... 334 Summary .........................................................................................................................................................
Detailed report 345 Common report
settings 350
Field details ......................................................................................................................................... 351
Gray stripes ......................................................................................................................................... 353
Group level ......................................................................................................................................... 354
Sort order ......................................................................................................................................... 356 Exporting.........................................................................................................................................................
and e-mailing reports 358

6 Add-ons 360
6.1 Access
Control Agent 361
6.1.1 Installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 362
6.2 Analytics
Data Generator 363
6.2.1 Installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 364
6.2.2 Data structure.......................................................................................................................................................... 365 Analytics_Bradford_Factor
......................................................................................................................................................... 365 Analytics_Daily
......................................................................................................................................................... 366 Analytics_Daily_Attributes
......................................................................................................................................................... 368 Analytics_Daily_Categories
......................................................................................................................................................... 369 Analytics_Daily_Counters
......................................................................................................................................................... 370 Analytics_Derivations
......................................................................................................................................................... 371 Analytics_Automatic_Events
......................................................................................................................................................... 372 Analytics_User
......................................................................................................................................................... 373 Analytics_User_Status
......................................................................................................................................................... 374
6.2.3 Calculation Exam
ples 375
6.3 Archiving
Data in T&S 376
6.3.1 MSSQL backup..........................................................................................................................................................
script 377
6.3.2 Oracle backup
script 378
6.4 Communication
Server 379
6.4.1 Collaboration..........................................................................................................................................................
settings 380
6.5 EU working
time directive Reports 381
6.5.1 Installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 389
6.6 Exporting
Data from Time&Space 390
6.6.1 Industrial Tim
e export file specification 391
6.6.2 Flexi Tim e export
file specification 395
6.6.3 Violations export
.......................................................................................................................................................... 399
6.7 Exporting
data with ExportCmd 400
6.7.1 Installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 401
6.7.2 How to run ExportCm
d 402
6.7.3 Param eters .......................................................................................................................................................... 403
6.7.4 Sw itches .......................................................................................................................................................... 404
6.7.5 Destination filenam
es 405
6.7.6 Using /START..........................................................................................................................................................
and /END sw itches 406
6.7.7 Using /F, /I and
/P sw itches 407
6.7.8 Using /D sw itch
.......................................................................................................................................................... 408

© 2020 Spica International

VI Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.7.9 Using /FILTER

sw itch 409
6.7.10 Exam ples .......................................................................................................................................................... 410
6.8 Importing
personal data with Simple Import 411
6.9 Job costing
................................................................................................................................... 412
6.9.1 Setting up job
costing environm ent 413
6.10 Microsoft
Active Directory Integration 414
6.10.1 Setting up integration
.......................................................................................................................................................... 416 AD integration
administrator 416 1:1 user accounts
......................................................................................................................................................... 419 1:n user accounts
......................................................................................................................................................... 420
6.10.2 WebSSO .......................................................................................................................................................... 424 Installation......................................................................................................................................................... 425
Window s Features .........................................................................................................................................
Configuration 426
Installation Procedure ......................................................................................................................................... 428
Customizable Application...................................................................................................................................
Parameters 438
Adding or Removing ...................................................................................................................................
the Application 439
6.11 Notification
Service 440
6.11.1 Installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 441
6.12 Time&Space
Report Generator 443
6.12.1 Installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 444
6.12.2 Reports .......................................................................................................................................................... 445
6.12.3 Configuration ..........................................................................................................................................................
param eters 446 Starting the
program from command line 447 Generating .........................................................................................................................................................
batch file 452 Automatic.........................................................................................................................................................
report generation 453 Send reports
by e-mail 458
6.13 Time&Space
Recalculation Tool 460
6.13.1 Installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 461
6.13.2 Starting the program
from com m and line 462
6.14 Spica
Mobile Time 463
6.14.1 Installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 464 Time API Installation
......................................................................................................................................................... 468
Window s Features .........................................................................................................................................
Configuration 469
Installation Procedure ......................................................................................................................................... 472
Customizable Application...................................................................................................................................
Parameters 479
Adding or Removing ...................................................................................................................................
the Application 480

7 Glossary 481
7.1 Absence
................................................................................................................................... 485
7.2 Access
Profile 485
7.3 Access
Schedules 485
7.4 Administrator
................................................................................................................................... 485
7.5 Annual
Leave 485
7.6 Arrival
................................................................................................................................... 485
7.7 Arrival
Window 485
7.8 Attendance
................................................................................................................................... 486
7.9 Automatic
Schedule Selection 486

© 2020 Spica International

Contents VII

7.10 Balance
Correction 486
7.11 Balance
of Hours 486
7.12 Business
Arrival 486
7.13 Business
Departure 486
7.14 Business
Leave 487
7.15 Business
Trip 487
7.16 Business
Trip Departure 487
7.17 Calculation
parameters 487
7.17.1 Calculation rules
.......................................................................................................................................................... 487
7.18 Calendar
................................................................................................................................... 488
7.19 Clockings
................................................................................................................................... 488
7.20 Compensation
Arrival 488
7.20.1 Com pensation
Departure 488
7.21 Core...................................................................................................................................
Time 488
7.22 Current
Balance 488
7.23 Current
Balance Top 489
7.24 Current
Balance Top Cut 489
7.25 Day ...................................................................................................................................
Balance 489
7.26 Day ...................................................................................................................................
Balance Top 489
7.27 Day ...................................................................................................................................
Balance Top Cut 489
7.28 Day ...................................................................................................................................
Plan 489
7.29 Default
Badge Profile 490
7.30 Default
Time 490
7.31 Departure
................................................................................................................................... 490
7.32 Early...................................................................................................................................
Departure 490
7.33 Enable
Attendance past Midnight 490
7.34 Event
................................................................................................................................... 491
7.35 Extra...................................................................................................................................
Leave 491
7.36 Extra...................................................................................................................................
Overtime 491
7.37 Fixed
Break 491
7.38 Flexi...................................................................................................................................
Break 491
7.39 Holidays
................................................................................................................................... 492
7.40 Holiday
Bonus 492
7.41 ID Badge
................................................................................................................................... 492
7.42 Immunity
................................................................................................................................... 492
7.43 Interventions
................................................................................................................................... 492
7.44 Late...................................................................................................................................
Arrival 493
7.45 Limitations
on the duration of working time 493
7.46 Lunch
................................................................................................................................... 493
7.47 Manual
Correction 493

© 2020 Spica International

VIII Time&Space Manager User's Manual

7.48 Midnight
Wrap 493
7.49 Night...................................................................................................................................
Hours 494
7.50 Operator
................................................................................................................................... 494
7.51 Overtime
................................................................................................................................... 494
7.52 Overtime
Compensation 494
7.53 Overtime
Correction 494
7.54 Overtime
Correction - Balance 494
7.55 Overtime
Treshold 495
7.56 Paid...................................................................................................................................
Attendance 495
7.57 Paid...................................................................................................................................
Time 495
7.58 Pay ...................................................................................................................................
Day 495
7.59 Pay ...................................................................................................................................
Balance Top 495
7.60 Pay ...................................................................................................................................
Overtime Top 495
7.61 Physical
Presence 496
7.62 Planned
Time 496
7.63 Positive
Balance Treshold 496
7.64 Post...................................................................................................................................
Shift limit 496
7.65 Post-shift
Limit Correction 496
7.66 Priority
................................................................................................................................... 496
7.67 Profile
................................................................................................................................... 497
7.68 Schedules
................................................................................................................................... 497
7.69 Schedule
Change 497
7.70 Shift................................................................................................................................... 497
7.71 Sick...................................................................................................................................
Leave 497
7.72 Sickness
Departure 498
7.73 Special
Hours 498
7.74 Time...................................................................................................................................
Zones 498
7.75 Tolerance
................................................................................................................................... 498
7.76 Unit ...................................................................................................................................
1 498
7.77 Unit ...................................................................................................................................
2 498
7.78 Unlimited
Paid Time 499
7.79 Unpaid
Leave 499
7.80 Unpaid
Time 499
7.81 User................................................................................................................................... 499
7.82 User...................................................................................................................................
Categories 499
7.83 User...................................................................................................................................
Events 499
7.84 Vacation
Balance 499
7.85 Vacation
Entry 500
7.86 Violations
................................................................................................................................... 500

© 2020 Spica International

Contents IX

7.87 Virtual
Attendance 500
7.88 Virtualization
................................................................................................................................... 500
7.89 Whole-day
absence 500
7.90 Working
Plan 501
7.91 Working
time category 501

© 2020 Spica International

1 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

1 About Time&Space
Time&Space is complete access control and business timekeeping solution for any modern
organization. It's flexible and scalable personal identification infrastructure provides robust
physical security platform. Once implemented, it can be combined with comprehensive
scheduling, tracking of working hours and detailed attendance calculations required by Payroll
and other Human Resources applications (HR).

Time&Space integrates number of platforms, devices and technologies into seamless access
control and timekeeping solution. Excellent fit between hardware and software is assured by
the simple fact that all key components have been developed under the same roof. The same
fact guarantees the high level of flexibility needed for integration of numerous diverse 3rd
party system components like badge readers, biometric devices and communication

As any other modern system, Time&Space is subject to continuous development. The system
is constantly being improved and upgraded based on user requests which are carefully and
systematically collected, evaluated and prioritized.

Related topics
Time&Space architecture
Licence agreement
Technical support

© 2020 Spica International

About Time&Space 2

1.1 Time&Space architecture

Time&Space Manager

Time&Space Manager (TSM) is the main user module incorporating individual applications the
range of which depends on the chosen configuration (Front Space, Flexi Time etc.). This
module is used by operators for administration related to the tracking and calculation of
working time, and access control. The only compulsory component of T&S Manager is the
Level Zero module storing basic data in the system: users, badges, clocking points and

Level Zero is designed for basic access control. Using access parameters that are assigned to
each user i.e. ID badge, it records every access through a controlled point as well as denied
access requests. In addition, this module provides tools for the maintenance of user
database and ID badges accessed by all modules in the system.


Front Space - this module is designed for use in the front office. It keeps track of visitors.
Every visitor receives an ID badge which is configured on the spot to gain access through
the controlled points on the way to the host. Badges can also be pre-configured, to make
the issuing procedure even faster.
Time Zones - this is where you set up access schedules used for access control.


Paid Time - designed for calculating physical attendance with no working plan. Used for
basic calculation within the time frame provided by the schedule.
Industrial Time - calculation of attendance according to a fixed working scheme including
overtime; supports rotating shifts, automatic schedules depending on the arrival and
departure time, work in shifts and overnight shifts.
Flexi Time - calculation of flexi time including lunch break, automatic schedules depending on
the arrival, user definable categories of working attendance (absence), various parameters
available for adapting rules to current needs.

Device Administration Portal and Event Collector

Event Collector or Device Administration Portal performs communication between hardware

and software i.e. between clock terminals on the one side and software modules on the
other. Clock terminals collect data about working time and the flow of people through the
premises, while various modules process these data. Event Collector or Device Administration
Portal also performs a number of other communication services within the system. In addition
to its main function, which is the exchange of data between hardware and software, it
records communication errors and other communication problems (e.g. errors during data
transfer, communication interruptions etc.). These data are then made available to all
modules in the system.

© 2020 Spica International

3 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

WebTS and Web Clocking Portal

WebTS Server provides web access to time management via Intranet or internet using any
standard web browser. It has been designed specifically to facilitate the most frequent user
and administrative tasks. Web access will significantly simplify the installation and
maintenance of complex or geographically dispersed systems. It is especially suitable for
systems with a large number of clients (work group administrators, self-administration).

Web Clocking Portal (web booking) is a module that allows the employees to record clockings
using only web browser. The service is provided by the Time&Space Web Access Server which
runs either as a Microsoft IIS extension - Internet Server Application or as standalone server

Visual Space Manager

Visual Space Manager module enables centralized control and graphic display of the events
and alarms within the Time&Space system in real time. Events are shown in an animated
form. The background can be a map, the plan of the building or a picture. You can select an
event to trigger the audio signal (e.g. fire alarm) or trigger the display of the user's picture (e.
g. an entry point related event).

© 2020 Spica International

About Time&Space 4

Tim e&Space Architecture

Related topics
Licence agreement
Technical support
About Time&Space

© 2020 Spica International

5 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

1.2 Devices
Clock terminals collect data about employees' actual presence. Users clock in/out using
badges, fingerprints or some other identification methods. Terminals store each event (i.e.
time or access clocking) that was made with a valid badge. Events are transferred to the
database in real time or stored in the terminal's internal memory until communication is

If clock transactions are related to access control, the terminal will check access parameters
at the time of transaction and grant or deny access. This type of terminal also controls
various outputs and sensors such as electrical locks, electrical barrier mechanisms, sliding
doors, sirens, door open sensors, egress switches etc.

Related topics
Time&Space architecture
Licence agreement
Technical support
About Time&Space

© 2020 Spica International

About Time&Space 6

1.3 End-User software license agreement

Terms of License

This program and accompanying documentation (the software) are copyrighted material,
protected by national legislation and international agreements on protection of intellectual
property. Any unauthorized use or copying of this software is punishable by law. Users are
permitted to make copies of the software solely for backup purposes, and as a protection
against accidental loss or damage of the purchased copy.
By purchasing a copy of the software the user is granted the license to use the software
within the user's organization without time limitations. The user is obliged to comply to the
conditions related to the scope of the license as defined in the purchase documentation
(proposal/order/invoice) at the time of purchase. These conditions are including, but are not
limited to maximum number of users, number of clients, servers, number of administrators,
administrative workstations, computers, locations and similar. Any use beyond these
restrictions is not permitted.

Any use outside user's organization or any commercial exploitation of the software involving
third parties such as lending, renting or selling of the software is not permitted.

Special Terms

Users are obliged to actively protect the software against any unauthorized use or copying,
and prevent access to the software by the public or any third party.
SPICA International does not permit any modification of programs or accompanying
documentation including any modification of the program code or accompanying files.

Warranty Disclaimer

SPICA International has written the software and accompanying documentation with utmost
care and best effort to make it error free. Any eventual error, which would prevent or
significantly hamper the use of the software, should be immediately reported to SPICA
International. SPICA International will act upon such error report with priority and make every
effort to correct the error in the shortest possible time.
However, the software is provided by SPICA International »as-is«, and without any warranty,
express or implied, direct or consequential as to the usability or inability to use the software.
SPICA International does not provide any warranty as to the fitness of this software to any
particular purpose, and is not liable for any errors, known or unknown, of this software.
Cumulative liabilities of SPICA International for any damage caused by this software will be
limited to the purchase price of this software.


SPICA International is not in any way responsible for data maintained with this software. The
user is entirely and solely responsible for data safekeeping, protection against loss and
protection of privacy of personal information.

Modifications of Software

SPICA International continually develops and improves its software products, which are
therefore subject to change without prior notice. SPICA International reserves the right to
freely modify its software products at any time without any prior or special notice and cannot
provide any warranty as to the nature and scope of any particular change. SPICA
International also retains the right to stop further development of a particular product, or to
discontinue a product completely.

© 2020 Spica International

7 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Modifications upon User Request

In order to meet and surpass the expectations of its users, SPICA International constantly
and systematically collects information about user demands and requirements. This
information plays crucial role in decisions on software product development. Upon user
request, SPICA International will provide information on the status of an individual request or
demand in the context of development planning for the standard products. This information
may include the planned time for the completion of a particular task, if any such time has
been established. Information provided in this way does not make SPICA International in any
way liable for the nature and scope of the actual implementation, licensing policy or time of
delivery. All such information is strictly informal and may change without any notice.

© 2020 Spica International

About Time&Space 8

1.4 Technical support

Technical support and additional information:

Spica International
Pot k sejmiscu 33
1231 Ljubljana

Tel.: +386 1 568 08 00


Further information is available at

Related topics
Time&Space architecture
Licence agreement
About Time&Space

© 2020 Spica International

9 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

2 Installation
For basic installation you need the following items from Spica International:

Time&Space installation media,

a terminal,
license codes. These codes can be supplied as a file, and are usually received as an email

Before you install Time&Space system, read about system requirements.

Related topics
System hardware requirements
Hardware Installation
Software Installation
License Management

© 2020 Spica International

Installation 10

2.1 System hadware requirements

See document Installation and Upgrade Guide.pdf, chapter System Requirements.

Related topics
Hardware Installation
Software Installation
License Management

© 2020 Spica International

11 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

2.2 Hardware installation

The configuration of the hardware components must be performed by authorized staff. Time
and attendance terminals come with the extensive Technical Reference and Installation
Manual containing detailed instructions.

Related topics
System hardware requirements
Software Installation
License Management

© 2020 Spica International

Installation 12

2.3 Software installation

See document Installation and Upgrade Guide.pdf, chapter Installation Process.

Related topics
System hardware requirements
Hardware Installation
License Management

© 2020 Spica International

13 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

2.4 Licence management

Time&Space is a highly modular system. Its license depends on a number of factors related to
the size or capacity of the system. To update the system with license information, do the

1. Run Time&Space Manager.

2. Enter your username and password. If no valid registration number was entered before, a
warning message saying that the system is not registered yet will pop up. After this message
the dialogue for entering registration codes appears. You can also open this dialogue by
selecting Help | Licence from Time&Space main menu at any later time.

3. The program loads entire license information from the file that you receive from your
supplier. Click on the Load... button and select the file in the standard Windows dialogue box.

4. After loading the license you will have to restart Time&Space Manager to apply changes.

5. The tree on the left will now show all registered modules. Since all licence information is
centrally stored, you will be able to run registered modules from all workstations immediately.

General view

Serial Number - Unique serial number of your system.

Global Expiration Date - Expiration date used for all Time&Space modules. After global
expiration date data collection will still be working, but you will not be able to access
Time&Space modules.
Activation Code - System licence must be activated when installing a new system,
upgrading to a newer version or changing licence parameters. Inactivated system offers full
functionality, but the warning message is displayed across Time&Space clients.
Load Licence File - Load licence file to update the Time&Space system with licence

© 2020 Spica International

Installation 14

General tab

Note: The system is continually checked for licence information. If the actual usage of the
system exceeds the licence, the system will notify the user, restrict access and deny any
further data entry.

Related topics
Users licence
Clients licence
External modules licence

© 2020 Spica International

15 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Hardware licence
System hardware requirements
Hardware Installation
Software Installation

© 2020 Spica International

Installation 16

2.4.1 Users
Access Control - The number of users that can have access control.
Time Management - The number of users that can be managed in Time modules (Flexi or
Front Space - The number of simultaneous open visits in Front Space.
WebTS Personal - The number of users that can access personal data in the WebTS
Web Clocking Portal - The number of users that can register events with Web Clocking
Portal application.
PIF - The number of users that can be managed in the PIF application.
Approval Workflow - The number of users that can login in the Approvals Workflow
Spica Mobile Time - The number of users that can have access control.
Audit Log - The number of users that can be managed in the Audit log module.

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17 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Users tab

Related topics
Clients licence
Additional modules licence
Hardware licence
License Management

© 2020 Spica International

Installation 18

2.4.2 Administration
Time&Space Manager Clients - The number of operators for Time&Space Manager
WebTS Clients - The number of operators for WebTS application.
PIF clients - The number of operators for PIF application.
Approval Workflow Clients - The number of operators for Approval Workflow application.
VSM Clients - The number of operators for Visual Space Manager application.
Spica Mobile Time Field Clocking - The number of users who can user field clocking
functionality in Spica Mobile Time application.

Adm inistration tab

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19 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Related topics
Users licence
Additional modules licence
Hardware licence
License Management

© 2020 Spica International

Installation 20

2.4.3 External modules

TS SDK - Software Development Kit is a set of development tools that allows creation of
applications for the Time&Space platform.
Native Database Access Mode - If using database native authentication, each user is
connecting to the database server with the same username as entered when login into the
Biometric Administration Portal - The module is designed for the management of biometric
devices and fingerprints.
Milestone Plugin Activation - Plugin of expanding functionality of Milestone Client.
Milestone Plugin Doors - Number of doors that can be managed in Milestone Client.
Active Directory Integration - Integration with Active Directory.

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21 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

External m odules tab

Related topics
Users licence
Clients licence
Hardware licence
License Management

© 2020 Spica International

Installation 22

2.4.4 Hardware
Third Party Devices Support - Number of third party device (MA Sigma, Aperio, Iris ID) you
can define in Device Administration Portal.
Third Party Locks Support - Number of Aperio locks you can define in Device Administration
Biometic Device Utility - Number of Biometic Device Utility devices you can defined in
Biometric Administration Portal.

Hardw are tab

Related topics

© 2020 Spica International

23 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Users licence
Clients licence
External modules licence
License Management

© 2020 Spica International

Common commands 24

3 Common commands

3.1 Basic commands

Thanks to the intuitive, graphic user interface that is identical in all modules operator's work
is smooth and easy. Basic commands for manipulating records (insert, delete, edit etc.) can
be accessed using the tool bar or the menu.

The default screen shows the tree structure on the left and corresponding data on the right.
To expand or collapse the tree click one of the following icons:

Expand all tree branches.

Collapse all branches.

Data manage commands




Report wizard


Related topics
Appearance of the screen
Choosing columns
Setting column width
Changing column order
Filtering data
Using calendar

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25 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

3.2 Appearance of the screen

By default Time&Space displays the tree structure on the left and selected data on the right
side of the window. Use mouse (or keyboard) to navigate through the tree structure.

Main tree

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Common commands 26

To turn off the tree, deselect Tree on the View menu. This will leave the whole window
available for data display.

View m enu

The View menu is a text version of the tree structure so you can use either of the two

Related topics
Basic commands
Choosing columns
Setting column width
Changing column order
Filtering data
Using calendar

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27 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

3.3 Choosing columns

Not all of the columns are shown in the default view. To display (or hide) additional columns,
click the right mouse button when pointing to the table header, then select columns from the
pop-up menu.

Choosing colum ns

Width and order of columns can also be set. Data can be filtered according to different criteria
and sorted alphabetically or by numbers.

Related topics
Basic commands
Appearance of the screen
Setting column width
Changing column order
Filtering data
Using calendar

© 2020 Spica International

Common commands 28

3.4 Setting column width

Width of the column can be increased or decreased. To do this, point the cursor to the column
border in the table header. When it changes the shape into , click the left mouse button
and hold it down while dragging the cursor to the left or right.

Setting colum n w idth

Related topics
Basic commands
Appearance of the screen
Choosing columns
Changing column order
Filtering data
Using calendar

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29 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

3.5 Changing column order

To move a column to a new location, point to the column header, click the left mouse button
and while holding it down, drag the column to a new location.

Changing colum n order

Related topics
Basic commands
Appearance of the screen
Choosing columns
Setting column width
Filtering data
Using calendar

© 2020 Spica International

Common commands 30

3.6 Filtering data

In most views, data can be filtered to display only selected records. This option is very handy,
since various operators have different assignments, so the filtering of data can make their
work easier. To find a badge or a user, use the search field. The search field searches
appropriate data in the currently sorted column. To change sorted column simply click on
column name. Search function is not case sensitive and finds all records with given sub-string.

Filtering data

Related topics
Basic commands
Appearance of the screen
Choosing columns
Setting column width
Changing column order
Using calendar

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31 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

3.7 Using calendar

You will have to use the calendar tool whenever you have to choose a date or a longer time
period, for example when generating reports, choosing a period to be displayed in some view
etc. To activate the system calendar click . Click on the button with two arrows to move to
the previous/next year, and the button with one arrow to move to the previous/next month.
The field in the lower part of the calendar window shows the currently selected date. If you
want to delete the date (because, say, you do not want to restrict a view or a report to a
certain time period only) click . To select the current date click .

The system calendar

© 2020 Spica International

Common commands 32

In the views and reports where you have to choose a from-to date, the calendar has two
panels. Choose From date in the left panel and To date in the right. If you do not want to limit

time (you want to show all data in the database) click to delete the dates.

In some cases you will have to specify time and date. To set the time use the field in the
lower part of the calendar, next to the date field.

The system calendar w ith tw o panels

Related topics
Basic commands
Appearance of the screen
Choosing columns
Setting column width
Changing column order
Filtering data

© 2020 Spica International

33 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

4 Main views
Level Zero is designed for basic access control. Using access parameters that are assigned to
each user i.e. ID badge, it records every access through a controlled point as well as denied
access requests. In addition, this module provides tools for the maintenance of user
database and ID badges accessed by all modules in the system.


Front Space - this module is designed for use in the front office. It keeps track of visitors.
Every visitor receives an ID badge which is configured on the spot to gain access through the
controlled points on the way to the host. Badges can also be pre-configured, to make the
issuing procedure even faster.

Time Zones - this is where you set up access schedules and space calendar used for access


Paid Time - designed for calculating physical attendance with no working plan. Used for basic
calculation within the time frame provided by the schedule.

Industrial Time - calculation of attendance according to a fixed working scheme including

overtime; supports rotating shifts, automatic schedules depending on the arrival and
departure time, work in shifts and overnight shifts.

Flexi Time - calculation of flexi time including lunch break, automatic schedules depending on
the arrival, user definable categories of working attendance (absence), various parameters
available for adapting rules to current needs.

Related topics
Level Zero

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Main views 34

4.1 Level Zero

Level Zero is a basic platform to which can be added other components of the Time&Space
system designed to carry out various specialized tasks. In addition to storing and providing
access to common data shared by all other components, this module also supports basic
access control functions.

Level Zero view s

Related topics
Access groups
Event Log
Audit log
Main views

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35 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

4.1.1 Badges
Clock transactions are usually made by using a personal ID badge or fingerprint verification/
identification. Every ID badge bears its own coded number. It is usually visible (printed on the
badge) though not necessarily. The badge number and fingerprint images (if fingerprint
verification is in use) must be stored in the system (shared database), otherwise the
transaction will be rejected ("unknown badge number"). The number of fingerprint image is
any number of your choice.

All Time&Space users use the same type of badge regardless of whether they are employees
or visitors (visitor's clock transactions are tracked using the Front Space module). The
difference between these two types of users becomes apparent only when entering their
personal data: in contrast to an employee, who is a permanent holder of a badge, a visitor is
a temporary owner of a badge. The badge is thus available for re-assignment as soon as a
visit is concluded.

Since you will often encounter the term 'badge profile' and related concepts throughout this
manual, we find it necessary to give a basic explanation of this concept at this point, before
you proceed to any concrete steps. Understanding this concept is crucial for understanding
how badges are connected with specific access points in the system.

A badge profile is a list of access points (entrances controlled by clock terminals), which
'recognize' that specific badge as being valid. To put it differently, the holder of the badge can
make a clock transaction at any point from such a list. The profile (list) is not encoded on the
badge itself. It is user-defined (Badges option) and then displayed in the column Access
Profile. If the badge is not in use, it's selected profile is empty. That means no one can use
this badge without system knowing it. The selected profile is sent to the terminals using
communication software (Event Collector or Device Administration Portal). Thanks to such a
flexible design, the operator can change the profile at any time and send new data to the
terminals thus adapting the badge to the changed requirements.

Badges view

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 36

Related topics
Managing badges
Access groups
Event Log
Audit log
Level Zero

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37 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

4.1.2 Users
Data about users and their badges that are stored in the Level Zero module are used by all
other modules in the system. In addition, all those modules access the same, shared
database which contains events/clockings recorded at clock terminals or entered via the

A user of the Time&Space system may have either of the two available statuses: employee or
visitor. The 'visitor' status is available only if your installation includes the Front Space module

In addition to supplying general personal data such as name, address, phone etc., you must
assign a badge to each user (employee) and optionally define his/her access profile. In the
Badges view this profile is displayed in the Access profile column. If you choose not to ascribe
a specific profile to a user, then his/her default access profile will be the profile given to the

Any employee can have an authorization to work with the program. There are several levels
of authorization: Clocking, Operator, Administrator and so on. An operator may be given
permission to access various functions, for example to set up schedules, calculation
parameters or the like. On the other hand, some critical operations such as the configuration
of categories and events, or granting of passwords to other operators, are restricted to the
system administrator exclusively. Accordingly, the Authorization module will be visible only to
the administrators of the system.

Users view

Related topics
Managing user data

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 38

Access groups
Event Log
Audit log
Level Zero

© 2020 Spica International

39 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Organizational structure

Organizational structure offers strict hierarchical basis for defining rights, grouping data on
reports, etc.. The number of levels is unlimited so users can be arranged the same way as
the organization is structured.

Organizational Hierarchy

Warning: In order to delete an organizational unit, no users can be assigned to it. In

case there are users belonging to the organizational unit, a list of these users is shown when
you click on the delete button.

Related topics

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 40

4.1.3 Fingerprints
Fingerprint templates are typically used for verification in access terminals. The view shows
the list of all users in the system. It shows basic data whether the user has a fingerprint
template or not and if he has one where is it stored. You can search users by user ID, User
name or default badge number (depends on which column is selected) and filter them by
organizational unit, Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 or fingerprint storage.

The default layout of the window may be changed - you can change the order of appearance
of the columns and sort criteria - the users can be sorted by user ID, User name or Default
badge number.

Available data on the view

Reference ID - User's identification number.

User - First and last name of user.
Badge - A primary badge. To enrol a fingerprint a user must have a primary badge.
Storage - Fingerprint templates can be stored in Data Base, on Card or on both storage
Ident. template 1 - Content and quality score of first identification template.
Ident. template 2 - Content and quality score of second identification template.
Verif. template 1 - Content and quality score of first verification template.
Verif. template 2 - Content and quality score of second verification template.

Fingerprints view

Note: Fingerprints for MA Sigma, MA Sigma Lite, Spica Zone Touch devices are managed
in Biometric Administration Portal.

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41 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Related topics
Managing fingerprints
Access groups
Event Log
Audit log
Level Zero

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 42

4.1.4 Access Groups and Areas

This is the list of access groups. The access groups can be sorted by numbers or by names.
To access the commands you can execute in this view click an icon on the tool bar. If you
want to change data about some access group, you can double-click the mouse button when
pointing to that access group.

Columns in the view

Name - Access group name.

Readers - The list of access points included in this group. The access points that were
ascribed an access schedule are enclosed in brackets.

Access Groups view

Related topics
Access Profiles and Access Groups
Event Log
Audit log
Level Zero

© 2020 Spica International

43 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Access Profiles and Access Groups

An access group represents a set of points (entrances) that may be opened with the badge
to which you have assigned that specific access group. Such access group is intended for a
larger group of users, so when giving the name to an access group take care that it clearly
reflects the type of users it is designed for (e.g. Standard, Maintenance, Security etc.). It will
make your task easier later when you want to assign the access group to a concrete user or
a badge.

Access profile is the list of points (entrances with clock terminals) accessible to some user or,
to be more precise, to a holder of an ID badge to which has been assigned that specific
access profile. If your system includes the Time Zones module, you will probably use Access
Profiles in combination with Access Schedules to define when some entrance may be used.

Even though the Access Profile is closely related to an ID badge, it is not encoded on the
badge itself - it is simply an item of information stored in the database along with the badge
number. These data are downloaded to the terminals in the network using Event Collector or
Device Administration Portal. Once the terminals receive data from the database, the data are
stored in the terminal's memory and are valid until the next update i.e. next reading from the

When a user makes a clocking, the terminal first checks whether it has that badge number
stored in its memory. If it finds the required number, the clocking or access request will be
accepted, otherwise not. If the access point in question is configured for access control, the
acceptance of the clocking does not automatically imply that access is granted. Access control
requires at least one, but usually more than one, additional checks (e.g. PIN number,
fingerprint verification, access schedule etc.) meaning that access is granted if all checking
results are positive.

Note that the access profile itself is not related directly, or rather exclusively, to access
control. It also enables selective distribution of fingerprint images, since the image associated
with a specific badge will be sent only to the point included in the access profile for that

A currently valid access profile is the profile that has been last received from the database via
Event Collector or Device Administration Portal. This means that whenever you make any
changes to an access profile in the database, you have to send new data to the terminals. If
you are using the Spica Messaging Service/Space API, data will be sent to the terminals
automatically provided that the Event Collector or Device Administration Portal service is
active when you make changes to the access profile. If not, you have to load the server in
order to update profiles stored in the terminals otherwise you may end with a situation
where data valid in the terminal network (those stored in the terminal's memory) do not
match those in the database.

Let us also point out that the terminals can receive data only from the Event Collector running
on a PC that is directly connected to the master terminal in the network. To send data from
other workstations in the network, you need to have installed the Spica Messaging Service,
or use Event Collector Manager that enables remote control of Event Collector Server.

In order to grasp the access profile concept in Time&Space, you have first to understand the
meaning of the terms used in connection with access profiles, namely Default Access Profile
(of a badge or user), and Selected Profile. You may define the access profile of a badge at the
time of entering that badge number into the database. When you give a badge to a user, you
may choose to assign to that user the profile previously assigned to the badge, or define a
different profile. No matter which option you decide on, the profile selected in this phase will
become the user's Selected profile shown in the Selected Profile column (Badges view). This is
where Event Collector looks for the data when sending data to the terminals.

Related topics
Managing Access Groups

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 44

Access Groups and Areas

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45 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Areas
Time&Space system offers a possibility for hierarchical classification of controllers (readers,
outputs, alarms) according to some natural criteria (e.g. geographical location). Areas located
higher on the organizational structure include subordinated zones, which help the system to
preserve space topology. If area is set on controller level, this criteria will apply to all sub-
entities (readers, outputs, alarms). Separate area units can be set to each sub-entity
(readers, outputs, alarms) if area is not set on controller level .

Areas editor

Related topics
Managing Areas
Access Profiles and Access Groups
Access Groups and Areas

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 46

4.1.5 Presence
This view shows the users's (employees and visitors) presence on a particular day. It is
calculated on the basis of the access events. These events are Access-in, Access-out, Pass
and Rejected Pass from the Level Zero module, Check-in and Check-out events from the Front
Space module, and clockings from the Time module, which are considered as entrance or exit
(parameter Pass in the Clocking dialogue box). Presence is shown as a coloured bar aligned
with the time scale.

The red vertical line indicates the chosen time for which you can view present or absent
users. For detailed information on the events, click on the View icon on the tool bar to open
the Presence window.

Presence view

Warning: Due to inherent and design limitations, current presence information deduced
from automatic clocking should not be used for safety applications. For safety applications,
where presence information is vital, only explicit clocking, with deliberate differentiation of
coming/leaving should be used.

Related topics
Access groups
Event Log
Audit log

© 2020 Spica International

47 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Level Zero

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 48

4.1.6 Event log

In Time&Space, the term 'event' is used for any time, attendance or access control related
transaction regardless of whether it was recorded by the user (on a clock terminal) or
entered manually, by the operator. Therefore, the event may be a clocking, an access
request, or the keyboard entry of a whole-day absence, intervention etc. To see the list of
events stored in the system, click Event log icon in the Time&Space tree or select Event log
from the View menu. Level Zero module displays only access requests (events Access and
Access Denied). These events cannot be edited or entered manually.

Events used by modules for working time control are visible in the suitable module. These
events can be edited and entered manually, and original clockings can be deleted.

Columns on the view

User - The name of the user who recorded the event.

Date/time - The date and time of the event.
Event - The name of the event. The Event Log view in the Front Space module shows
Check In, Check Out, Pass and Rejected Access events.
Location - The access point at which the event has been recorded. Check-in and Check-out
events are not associated with an access point because these are always entered via the
Parameter - The parameter assigned to this event. Not applicable in the Front Space
Manual - Indicates whether the event has been a keyboard entry or not.
ID - User's identification number.
Comment - Comment is available only for events in the module Time.
Detailed access data - Additional information is available in cases of unsuccessful
registration (e.g. missing profile). Information is available only on controllers, type DOX/
Zone Wing and events related with access control.
Origin - Information about the origin of the event.

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49 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Event log view

Related topics
Access groups
Audit log
Level Zero

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 50

4.1.7 Audit log

Audit Log is a surveillance mechanism that watches over all activities performed on the
Time&Space database. With audit data, the administrator of the system can perform
retrospection over past activities in the system. There are two possible options for auditing in
Time&Space system:

Application Audit log - application based auditing,

Transaction Audit log - database based auditing (advisable for technically skilled operators

Idea: Transaction Audit log requires an additional script to be executed on the database.
Check Installation and Upgrade Guide for additional information.

Note: Transaction Audit log does not cover additional modules, like PIF and Approval

Related topics
Managing Audit log
Access groups
Event Log
Level Zero

© 2020 Spica International

51 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Application Audit log

Application Audit log collects data on the application level, this way gathered data contains
information about the used application. Furthermore, also the information about the user or
user account is available for every action, regardless of authentication mode used in the
system. There are two levels of auditing available, Standard and Extended mode.

A specific log record can give an answer to the following questions:

When did the event/action happen? -> Date/Time column.

From which location on the network? -> Workstation Address column.
Which application was used? -> Application column.
Who made the change (user or user account)? -> User column.
What was changed or viewed? -> Entity column.
What is kind of action was done? -> Action column.
What are the action details? -> Details column.
Was the action completed successfully? -> Status column.

Application Audit log

Related topics
Transaction Audit log
Audit log

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 52 Transaction Audit log

Transaction Audit log is a more technical type of auditing because logging part of the audit log
is implemented at the database level rather than the application level. In other words,
procedures running on the database server (not the applications) are responsible for the
logging. Consequently, any modification activity is recorded regardless of the type of a client,
be it a Time&Space application, a bespoke application or an interactive database utility.

A specific log record can give an answer to the following questions:

When did the event/action happen? -> Date/Time column.

Who made the change (users on database level)? -> User column.
From which location on the network? -> Workstation column.
What is kind of action was done? -> Change kind column.
In which table the change was done? -> Table column.

Transaction Audit log

Note: Transaction Audit log has a couple of restrictions regarding who made the
changes to data and where they happened:

For WebTS it is not possible to determine the location (Computer name) where data was
Furthermore, you need to use native authentication to get the correct username. To
overcome this drawback WebTS writes comprehensive data to its log file.
For changes made in Event Collector or Device Administration Portal, it is not possible to
determine neither the user nor location where the change happened.

Related topics
Application Audit log
Audit log

© 2020 Spica International

53 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

4.1.8 Authorization
Authorization sub-views are used for managing user's permissions in the system.

Related topics
User accounts
Active Directory Login Names
Level Zero

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 54 Roles
In this view you can see the list of all authorization roles currently defined in the system. This
view is accessible only to the system user and to the users who have read permission for
authorization roles. Basically, each role is a set of different kinds of privileges and privilege

Use standard actions from the menu (edit , add , delete , copy ) for
managing role settings.

Time&Space installation includes six predefined roles:

Administrator - Users in this group can access the whole set of data. They can also change
Event Collector or Device Administration Portal settings, user access rights and settings of
system events and categories.
Operator - Users in this group can use Time&Space Manager and share group access
privileges of the Workgroup Web Access group. Access right can be additionally controlled
by the calendar, schedules, global parameters, access points areas, etc. You can choose
which event groups, organizational units, Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 data can be accessed by
an operator.
Receptionist - Users in this group can use Time&Space Manager. They can only access data
about visitors and visits. They have only limited access to other user data and cannot
modify this data. The system administrator chooses data that are displayed in the Host
selection window.
Personal Web Access - Users in this group can access and view their personal data over
the Web. Special settings on the server can allow the users to edit or add their personal
data. Access to event groups can be limited, as well.
Workgroup Web Access - The authorization includes all rights of the preceding level, but
the user can now access data or arrange events for users' group. Access to event groups
can be limited, as well.
Web Clocking Portal Access - Users in this group can access Web Clocking Portal module
and record clockings using the web browser.

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55 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Roles view

Related topics
Managing roles
User accounts
Active Directory Login Names

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 56 User Accounts

In this view you can see the list of all user accounts. This view is accessible only to the
system user and to those users who have set their read permission for user accounts. You
can filter user accounts by username or role.

Use standard actions from the menu (edit , add , delete ) for managing user
account settings.

User accounts view

Related topics
Managing user accounts
Active Directory Login Names

© 2020 Spica International

57 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Active Directory Login Names

This view is shown if Microsoft Active Directory mode is enabled in the system. Use standard

actions from the menu (edit , delete ) for managing active directory login name

Active Directory Login Nam es

Related topics
Microsoft Active Directory integration
Managing user accounts

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 58

4.2 Space
Space group includes modules which are tightly connected with access control.

Front Space

Front Space module is designed for use in the front office. It keeps track of visitors. Every
visitor receives an ID badge which is configured on the spot to gain access through the
controlled points on the way to the host. Badges can also be pre-configured, to make the
issuing procedure even faster.

Time Zones

Time Zone module enables management access schedules and space calendar used for
access control.

Related topics
Main views

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59 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

4.2.1 Front Space

The Front Space module is used for tracking visitors. Visitors in Time&Space belong to a wider
group called Users. The data about visitors are stored in the common database.

Visitor's data can be entered in advance by making an appointment so checking-in takes even
less time.

Related topics
One Day
Event Log

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 60 Visits
This view shows all appointments and visits in a given date/time period. It can be used to
enter appointments, open and close visits, but its main purpose is to present a detailed
information about each event (either appointment or visit). If an appointment or a visit has
been made at an earlier date and has never been closed, it will still show in this view.

The icons on the tool bar are used for checking-in , checking-out visitors and
making appointments.

Columns on the view

Visitor - The name of the visitor.

Badge - The number of the badge assigned to the visitor.
Check-in - Date and time of arrival.
Check-out - Date and time of departure.
Host - The name of the host.
Access profile - The access profile of the badge assigned to the visitor.
Profile source - The source of the profile may be a Badge, Host, Visitor or Custom.
Expiration date - The expiration date determines the validity of the badge used by visit.
Note - A note about a specific visit/appointment.
Appointment - Date of an appointment. If blank, visit has been entered without an
Unsigned - This column shows the status of the sign slip.

Visits view

Related topics
One Day

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61 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Event Log
Entering a new visit
Closing a visit
Front Space

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 62 Visit dialog

Use this dialogue box to enter data about a visit.


Click to open the User window where you find the list of visitors whose names are
already stored in the database. You can select which fields should be displayed and in what
order, and also set the width of columns in the table. If your visitor is not yet in the database,
you have to enter his/her data.

Idea: If you know that the visitor's name is stored in the database, type in just the first
characters of the visitor's surname and press the tabulator on the keyboard. The program will
automatically find the first person in the database whose name begins with the entered


Click to open the User dialogue box and choose the host. As a rule the host is some
employee of the company whose name is certainly stored in the database, so enter the
search string to quickly move to the desired record in the database. T&S users with the
Reception authorization can not modify any user data. To do this, you need Administrator or
Operator authorization.


Click to open the Badges window. Choose the badge from the list then assign to it the
access profile or modify the existing one if needed (see below). If you, however, have to
enter a new badge, click on the Add button and enter the data about a new badge.

Hide used badges box in the lower part of the window is checked by default. This prevents
potential mistakes when assigning badges. If you clear the check mark in this field and you
later attempt to assign to the user the badge currently in use, the program displays the
warning message: Badge still assigned to the previous visit. Close this visit? If you have
selected the wrong badge number, try to find another badge that is not in use. If, however,
the badge is actually available for use but you have forgotten to close the previous visit, you
should do it now.

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Visit dialogue

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Main views 64

Standard profile

Use this field to choose the access profile for the visitor. You can choose one of the pre-
defined access profiles.


The access profile of this badge.


The access profile of the host.


Choose this option if none of the above profiles suits your needs. Selecting this option will
enable the Access Profile field just below this one.

Access profile

If you have chosen Badge, Host or Visitor option in the previous field, the Access Profile field
shows a corresponding profile and the field is not accessible for editing. If, however, you
have selected Custom in the previous field, you have to enter access profile for the visitor

into this field. Click to open the Access Profile window showing a list of
defined access points. The selected access profile will be valid until you close that visit.

Note: If the Host option is selected, then only access profile from the primary badge is


This field is disabled when you check-in a new visitor. It is intended for use later, when you
want to check the visitor out (see description below).

Update active profile

Check this field if the selected profile should be sent to the terminals in real-time. We
recommend that you define access profiles for visitors' badges in advance and send these to
the terminals immediately, to avoid excessive network traffic. In addition, if your terminal
network is operating in off-line mode, this is the only possible option. Do not check this field if
the terminals operate in off-line mode.


Select Without printing if you do not want to print the sign slip. Select Print if you want to
print the sign slip. Select Preview if you want to preview the slip before printing. You will first
see the preview of the sign slip. Selection is preserved for the next entry.

Note: The time of the check-in, that is the current time based on the system real time
clock, is inserted automatically when you open this window, and it runs until you close it. The
time of the check-in will thus be the time when you closed the Visit dialogue box.

Related topics

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© 2020 Spica International

Main views 66 One Day

This view shows all appointments and visits on a particular day. It's the starting point for
entering appointments, opening and closing visits. If an appointment or a visit has been
made at an earlier date and has never been closed, it will still show in this view.

The icons on the tool bar are used for checking-in , checking-out visitors, making

appointments , editing , deleting and refreshing the view.

Columns on the view

Visitor - The name of the visitor.

Badge - The number of the badge assigned to the visitor.
Host - The name of the host.
Time scale - A graphical representation of the visit. The green ribbon denotes
appointments, the black one visits. If the green ribbon is fading, no visit length was
specified at the time of making an appointment. A fading black ribbon denotes an opened
visit (not yet closed). If a black line stretches from the beginning to the end (from 0:00 to
23:59 hours) it means that the visitor has been checked-in one of earlier days and is still
checked-in on the day that we view it.

Visit One day

Related topics
Event Log
Entering a new visit
Closing a visit
Front Space

© 2020 Spica International

67 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Event Log

The Event Log view includes only raw data. This is the list of all recorded events shown along
with the date and time of their origin.

The view is a chronologically sorted list of all events in the system.

You can view data for all persons or one person only (filter).

Click the Calendar icon ( ) to open the Date/Time dialogue box where you select the
period you want to view. In addition to the to-from date, you can set the interval of the day
(from-to hour) you want to view.

Click in the Readers field to open the Select Readers dialogue box where you choose

Events can also be viewed for all event types or just selected event type (Arrival,
Departure...) by using filters.

The default layout of the window may be changed - you can select columns you want to
view, set their width, or change the order of appearance.

Columns on the view

User - The name of the user who recorded the event.

Date/time - The date and time of the event.
Event - The name of the event. The Event Log view in the Front Space module shows
Check In, Check Out, Pass and Rejected Access events.
Location - The access point at which the event has been recorded. Check-in and Check-out
events are not associated with an access point because these are always entered via the
Parameter - The parameter assigned to this event. Not applicable in the Front Space
Manual - Indicates whether the event has been a keyboard entry or not.
ID - User's identification number.
Comment - Comment is available only for events in the module Time.
Detailed access data - Additional information is available in cases of unsuccessful
registration (e.g. missing profile). Information is available only on controllers, type DOX/
Wing and events related with access control.
Origin - Information about the origin of the event.

Related topics
One Day
Entering a new visit
Closing a visit
Front Space

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 68

4.2.2 Time Zones

The Time Zones module is used in connection with access control. Use it to define access
schedules that apply to a specific access point.

If the user wants to go through some access reader supervised by the clock terminal, he/she
needs to have a valid ID badge. If access control regulations in your company require a
higher level of security, the user may be requested to enter a numeric PIN code on the
terminal's keyboard. Another option is fingerprint verification. If the results of all checking are
positive, access will be granted and the terminal will release the electrical lock. In addition to
all of the mentioned checking, you may determine the interval of the day (from-to) in which
access can be granted. This interval is determined using Access Schedules option. Access
schedules are sent to the terminals at the time of data updating. These are then stored in
the terminals' internal memory. The terminals also store information specifying which
schedules "go with" a specific badge number. Inside the time interval specified in an access
schedule, access will be granted provided that the results of all access parameter checking
are positive. Outside this interval the door is permanently locked.

Besides, use access schedules when you want to define "door unlock" the intervals of the
day when the door remains open (access is enabled without checking access parameters) or
(b)locked (access is prohibited).

Related topics
Access Schedules
Space calendar

© 2020 Spica International

69 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Access Schedules

The list of all access schedules in the system. Access schedules can be sorted by number or
by name. You can choose between Graph and Parameters view type.

Columns on the view

ID - The ID of the access schedule; it is generated automatically.

Name - The name of the access schedule.
Time span - The time span shows the interval of the day in which access through the
access point is allowed.

Access groups view

Related topics
Managing access schedules
Space calendar
Time Zones

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 70 Space Calendar

Events in the Space calendar influence the validity of the access schedules. Access schedules
specify during what time of the day and on which days of the week some access point in the
system is open for employees. For example, from 6 a.m. to 16 p.m, Monday to Friday.

Space calendar view

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71 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Columns on the view

Date - Click the Calendar combo box to open the system calendar and select the date.
Type - Only Holiday event type is available on Space calendar.
Description - Enter the description of the calendar date that will be shown in the table.
Recurring - Check the box if the date in question recurs every year on the same date (e.g.
Christmas, New Year's Day etc.).
Valid From - If you wish that this calendar event is valid from a certain year, select an
appropriate value. Otherwise leave the option unchecked.

General dialogue

Related topics
Advance settings
Access Schedules
Time Zones

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 72 Advanced settings

In the Advanced section you can limit influence of specific Calendar event in the Space
calendar to any area in the Time&Space system. Select the area for which this calendar event
will be valid for. If no Area is selected, the event is valid for all areas.

Advance dialogue

Note: If readers connected to the same controller, are assigned to the different areas,
then the Calendar events valid for reader connected to channel 1, are used. For more
information on readers, check Event Collector or Device Administration Portal Manual.

Related topics
Space calendar

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4.3 Time
Time group includes modules for time and attendance calculation. Calculation involves several
types of data. For easier understanding, we divide this data into three groups that
correspond to the layout of the tree structure.

Personal user data and badge numbers make the basic group. They are stored in the
common database shared by all modules. These data are accessed from Level Zero.

The second group comprises the calendar data, working time schedules, working schemes
and employees, and the settings of T&A events and categories. These data actually
constitute calculation rules. For example, the calendar contains dates when calculation
deviates from the normal, a schedule tells the program from when to when attendance is
calculated, and so on. All of these data must be entered before you start using the system.

The third group of data is composed of events recorded by the users on a clock terminal (for
example, arrival, departure etc.) or entered by operators on the PC (e.g. sick leave, business
trip etc.). Each event triggers the calculation of working time. As a matter of fact, calculation
takes place in real time as soon as an event arrives into the database.

It is important to remember that every change of the above mentioned data that are used in
calculation affects calculation results. Accordingly, access to this data is restricted and allowed
only to operators who have an explicit permission to edit this data.

Related topics
Working schemes and working plans
Calculation rules
Paid Time
Industrial Time
Flexi Time

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Main views 74

4.3.1 Working schemes and working plans

Working scheme is the basic element of the employee's calculation rule set. It contains:
sorted schedule list, assignment type (priority, automatic or rotating shifts) and other
personal calculation parameters (e.g. day balance top, current balance top, special hours,
post-shift limit, etc.). Working schemes can be global (named, predefined) or custom. Global
schemes are used when more than one employee uses the same calculation rules, while
custom schemes cover employee's specific rules. Editing, creating and deleting the global
schemes are only allowed by the authorized operators. In contrast to global schemes, custom
schemes changing don't require special permissions. Also, while global schemes require
unique names, custom schemes take over the assigned schedule names.

Working plan contains employee's calculation rules. This is a list of working schemes (global
and/or custom) together with the validity periods assigned to each scheme. It also contains
Cycle start dates for rotating schemes and vacation quotas that can be used for automatic
vacation entry. All listed schemes, except for the first one, have the validity start date
defined. The validity start date of the first scheme is not explicitly specified because it starts
with the employee's calculation start date (the first day when the employee started using
Time&Space). Similarly, the last scheme's validity end date is not defined, which means that it
has unlimited duration. Given that each scheme's validity start date is the same as the
validity end date of the previous scheme, it can be assumed that a scheme is defined for each
day inside the employee's active history (from calculation start date on).

Use the Working Schemes view to define the set of working schemes and the Employees
view to assign working plans to users. Working schemes are used by larger groups of
employees, so they should incorporate general working time rules. In contrast, a working
plan reflects more specific needs adapted to individual users.

Related topics
Working scheme dialogue box
Working schemes view
Time module

© 2020 Spica International

75 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Working schemes view

This view shows the list of working schemes used by the Time modules.

Working schemes can be filtered by the type of working time: Paid, Industrial or Flexi.

Click on the Calendar icon to open the Date/Time dialogue box where you can set the
validation date to be used as a filter.

Working schemes can be sorted by number or name.

Fields in the view

Id - Scheme number.
Name - The name of the working scheme.
Type - The kind of the working scheme: Paid, Flexi or Industrial.
Schedules - The list of schedules included in the specific scheme.
Automatic Schedules - The type of the working scheme: Automatic/Priority, Rotating or
Valid from - Start date.
Valid to - End date.

Working Schem es view

Related topics
Working scheme dialogue box
Working schemes and working plans

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 76 Working scheme dialog box

Use this dialogue box to define working schemes.

The General page


Working scheme's name

Working scheme type

The type of working time (Flexi, Industrial or Paid).

The Schedules page

Selected schedules

If you have chosen the Industrial time in the Type field, this window is split into two parts
named Auto-shift and Priority. A new schedule will be inserted into the pane currently
selected. To move schedules between the two panes, click on the schedule and drag it to the
other pane. To set a Priority scheme, place all schedules in the Priority pane. The first
schedule on the list will have the highest priority. This means that when calculating time for a
specific day, the program first looks for information in the first schedule on the list. If
information found there is not applicable to that specific date, it will scan the second schedule
on the list and so on until it finds one with the relevant information. For example, when
calculating time for a Saturday, and the first schedule on the list is not valid on Saturdays, it
will move down the list until it finds a schedule valid on Saturdays. To set an automatic
working scheme, move all schedules to the Auto-shift pane. To set a combined working
scheme, place all schedules for automatic selection into the Auto-shift pane, and those that
will be selected according to the priority principle into the Priority pane. To set a rotating
working scheme, change the type to Rotating, and the Auto-shift pane will be closed. The
schedules displayed in the Priority pane will be the schedules included in the rotating scheme,
with the order of rotation corresponding to their order in the list (e.g. the first schedule on
the list will be valid on the first day of the cycle, the second on the second day and so on).
The cycle may be of any length. If the same schedules appears several time within the same
cycle, use the Copy button to copy it within the list.

With Flexi time, two working schemes are available - priority and rotating. The definition is the
same as with the Industrial time.

The Advanced page

The values of the global parameters that will be used in this working scheme. To change the
default values, select the parameter and click on the down arrow to open a drop-down menu
where you choose from the available values. By choosing No you invalidate the specific
limitation for employees assigned this scheme. The New value... option allows adding new a
new value if none of the existing values is not appropriate.

The following parameters are scheme specific:

No approvals needed

Select Yes if you want to override all category restrictions (see Approvals in Categories).

Schedule validation in rotating scheme

This field is relevant only when you select a rotating scheme. The program will check if the
schedule applying to a specific day in the rotation cycle is actually valid on that day.

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Allow 2nd schedule (industrial time only)

Select Yes to allow double shift i.e. a person can work by two different schedules in the same
day (e.g. from 8:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 22:00). When calculating time with this option
active, the program will take into account the Post-shift Limit parameter. By selecting the
Apply 2nd plan, the time worked by the second schedule will be calculated as Overtime.

Limited validity

Scheme is valid only during the specified period.


, Use up/down arrows to change the order of appearance of schedules in the list.
Select the schedule you want to move, then click the up or down arrow. You can achieve the
same result by clicking on the schedule and dragging in to another position.

Click on this icon to open the Schedules window from where you choose the schedules
to add to the list. Use Ctrl and Shift keys to select several schedules in one go.

Click on this icon to remove a schedule from the list.

This icon is enabled when you are defining a rotating working scheme. Use it to copy the
selected schedule to another position in the list (the same schedule may appear more than
once in a rotating scheme).

Related topics
Working schemes view
Working schemes and working plan

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 78 Working plan dialog box

Use this window to choose the working scheme for the employee or to create a custom
working scheme based on working schemes defined in the Working scheme view.

The list of assigned working schemes appears with the newest scheme at the top. This list
includes three columns: Valid from, Working scheme (the name of a global scheme or the
schedule list of a custom scheme) and Rotating (icon marks rotating schemes). The oldest
scheme's Valid from date is undefined (marked »>>>«).

Note that the global schemes can be time limited (their validity period is assigned on the
global level in the Working Scheme view). If a limited scheme is used and it interferes with
the scheme's validity within the plan, then the scheme's limitations are displayed as a
comment next to its name, enclosed in square brackets. Calculation rules for that period are
undefined, i.e. schedule is not assigned.

Working Scheme tab

Add button

Add a new custom or global scheme to the plan. Click Add button, then select Validity start
date (if working plan is empty, then validity start date will be skipped). You will be asked to
decide whether you want to select the scheme from the list of global schemes, or to create a
new custom scheme. Depending on the answer, a list of global schemes or custom scheme
will appear. The Cycle start date dialogue box will appear if rotating scheme is selected.

Edit button

If Global scheme is chosen, then you will be asked to select between two options: changing
the global scheme (only if you have adequate permissions) or making a copy of the global
scheme and edit the newly created custom scheme.

Delete button

Deletes a selected scheme from the plan. Naturally, deleting global scheme from the plan will
not remove the scheme from the list of global schemes.

Working scheme

Displays information about selected working scheme.

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Working schem e view

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Main views 80

Parameters tab

Calculation starts from

Use this option to change the validity start date of the selected scheme. Consequently, the
validity periods of the neighbouring (associated) schemes will change automatically.

Calculation changes possible from

Use this option to change the date up to which the calculation for that person is locked.

Event changes possible from

Use this option to change the date up to which the events for that person are locked.

Employee status

Use this option to hide employee from Time views and reports if the person is inactive for the

Param eters tab

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Plan tab

Plan tab displays the graphical representation of the schedules for the employee on the day-
by-day basis. Days before initialization are coloured grey.

Plan view

Related topics
Working schemes view
Working schemes and working plans

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 82

4.3.2 Employees
This view shows the list of all T&A system users with the Employee status. Use this view to
define the working plan of the user i.e. select the schedules by which that person works and
parameters/limitations applying to that person.

Users can be searched by a name or an ID. Type of search is changed with a click on the
icon (ID) or (Name) in the filter.

Records can be filtered by organizational levels or by the type of the working scheme
(schedules): Paid, Flexi, Industrial or Without scheme.

Records can also be filtered by the working scheme used by a specific user. Chose the
name of the scheme or <custom> from the drop-down menu (custom indicates a working
scheme created exclusively for that specific user). All working schemes included in the
person's working plan will be taken into account, regardless of the start and end dates.

Records can be sorted by name, organizational units, Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3.

Fields in the view

Name - The name of the user.

Type - The type of the working scheme corresponding to the type of calculation: Paid, Fixed
or Industrial. If this field is empty, the person does not have a working plan assigned.
Calculation starts from - The date of the user initialization.
Lock date - The date up to which the calculation for that person is locked.
Events lock date - The date up to which the events for that person are locked.

Em ployees view

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Related topics
Working schemes and working plans
Setting a working scheme
Time module

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 84

4.3.3 Calculation rules

Calculation rules are consisted of the following parts:

Time calendar
Global parameters

Related topics
Working schemes and working plans
Paid Time
Industrial Time
Flexi Time
Time module

© 2020 Spica International

85 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Time calendar

We use the Calendar dialogue box to enter the dates of national holidays (that is work-free
days), paydays and last year vacation limits.

We recommend you to enter all holidays in advance, as soon as you begin using the system,
because this will ensure the proper calculation. The calendar rule in fact functions in such a
way that on the date of a national holiday the program looks for a schedule for which you
explicitly specified that it is valid on holiday. If there is no such a schedule among the
employee's data, the calculation of attendance is suspended.

Payday in the Time&Space system is the closing day of an accounting period, where the
transfer of hour balances from the previous accounting period can be controlled.

Last year vacation limit is the date when unused vacation days from the previous year
become unusable. Usually this is set to the 1st of July, but you can set this limit according to
the needs of your company.

Tim e Calendar view

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Main views 86

Columns on the view

Date - Click the Calendar combo box to open the system calendar and select the date.
Type - Types of entry: Holiday, Payday, Last year vacation limit.
Description - Enter the description of the calendar date that will be shown in the table.
Recurring - Check the box if the date in question recurs every year on the same date (e.g.
Christmas, New Year's Day etc.).
Valid From - If you wish that this calendar event is valid from a certain year, select an
appropriate value. Otherwise leave the option unchecked.

General settings

Related topics
Advanced settings
Calculation rules

© 2020 Spica International

87 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Advanced settings

In the Advanced section you can limit the influence of a specific Calendar event in the Time
calendar to any Organizational unit in the Time&Space system.

Organizational units - Select organizational unit for which this calendar event will be valid
for. If no Organizational unit is selected, then the event will be valid for the entire
organizational structure.

Advanced settings

Related topics
Time calendar

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 88 Time schedules

The schedule is one of the basic parameters in the employee's T&A scheme and the basic rule
observed in time and attendance calculation.

When entering data into the schedule keep in mind that T&S offers a range of tools and
functions designed for adapting the calculation rules to specific requirements (for example,
calculation parameters, automatic schedule selection, manual corrections etc.). To put it
differently, the schedule should cover basic attendance rules (like 'attendance is calculated
from eight in the morning to four in the afternoon') that apply to larger groups of employees.
To allow for special needs, use other options (e.g. global calculation parameters or the like).

The number of schedules that may be defined in the system is not limited. However, practical
experience shows that in most cases a few schedules suffice, in very demanding
environments maybe ten or so. Before you begin to enter data into the schedules, you are
recommended to revise all existing schedules and rules and eliminate those that overlap.

The data that are entered into the schedule depend on the type of the schedule you use.
Possible schedule types are: Industrial, Flexi and Paid.

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Columns in the view

ID - The ID of the schedule; it is generated automatically.

Name - The name of the schedule.
Type - The type of the schedule (Paid, Flexi or Industrial).
Plan - Planned daily attendance set by the schedule.

Schedules view

Related topics
Paid schedule
Industrial schedule
Flexi schedule
Managing schedules
Calculation rules

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 90 Paid schedule

General tab

ID - The schedule's ID number is generated automatically and cannot be changed by the

Name - The name should be descriptive enough to make easier the identification of the
schedule when you have to choose it from the list, e.g. when laying out the working
scheme for the user.
Short - Short name of the schedule, which is automatically set as copy of ID.
Type - Choose the type of schedule from the drop-down list in this field. If you have applied
the filter in the Schedule view, that is, before you opened a new schedule to enter data,
the type is already selected and this field is disabled.

Paid Time

The Paid Time is the period in which attendance is recognized (taken into account at the time
of calculation). Attendance outside this period is recorded but not calculated.

Paid schedule

Important: Change of any calculation parameter on the schedule will affect the
calculation results in the active calculation period.

Related topics

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91 Time&Space Manager User's Manual


© 2020 Spica International

Main views 92 Advanced

Limited day attendance

This field contains the maximum attendance in a day. For example, you may extend the Paid
Time to cover the whole day, enabling employees to work at any time during the day, but still
limit their attendance through the use of this parameter.


Check boxes for each day of the week on which the schedule will be valid. If you are setting
up a standard schedule with five working days, you will check boxes Monday to Friday. If,
however, you need to set up a schedule for weekends, you will probably check only Saturday
and Sunday boxes and assign that schedule to those employees who work during the

Invalid on holiday

Leave the Invalid on Holiday box unchecked if you want to use the schedule for the
calculation of attendance on national holidays. On the day designated as the national
holiday, the program browses the list of schedules assigned to the employee and looks for
the schedule that is valid on holidays. If there is no such a schedule on the list, there is no
calculation of attendance on such a day.

Schedule Advanced settings

Related topics

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93 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Paid schedule

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 94 Appearance

Every schedule can have it's own colour which will be used in Person/Days view with schedule
colour enable. This feature is enabled in the Options dialogue.

Schedule appearance

Related topics
Paid schedule

© 2020 Spica International

95 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Restrictions

Schedules can be restricted to a list of organizational units. Restrictions are applied while
inserting schedule changes and using filter views. If schedule is not assigned to any
organizational unit, it can be used without limitations.

Schedule restrictions

Related topics
Paid schedule

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 96 Industrial schedule

General tab

ID - The schedule's ID number is generated automatically and cannot be changed by the

Name - The name should be descriptive enough to make easier the identification of the
schedule when you have to choose it from the list, e.g. when laying out the working
scheme for the user.
Short - Short name of the schedule, which is automatically set as copy of ID.
Type - Choose the type of schedule from the drop-down list in this field. If you have applied
the filter in the Schedule view, that is, before you opened a new schedule to enter data,
the type is already selected and this field is disabled.

Industrial schedule

Planned time

In Industrial Time, the Planned Time is the period of compulsory presence, or in other words,
it is the Core Time during which any unauthorized absence is regarded as the violation of the
schedule. On the other hand, attendance outside these hours is regarded as Overtime (see
also the Overtime Threshold parameter below). Furthermore, the Day Plan is automatically
derived from these times.

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97 Time&Space Manager User's Manual


The Tolerance parameter sets the grace period after the beginning and before the end of
Planned Time in which employees are allowed to clock in or out. For example, if the Planned
Time is from 6:00 to 14:00 and Tolerance is 00:10 minutes, the employees may arrive from
6:00 to 6:10 and leave between 13:50 and 14:00.

Overtime threshold

The Overtime Threshold is the minimum attendance before the beginning and after the end of
the Planned Time that must be achieved in order for that time to be categorized as Overtime.
Time outside working hours, which is not included in Overtime due to Overtime threshold
restrictions, is displayed under the category Unpaid (overtime threshold). Default value of this
parameter is set to 30 mins before the start of the Planned Time and 30 mins after the
Planned Time. This parameter helps you prevent accidental extensions of working time to be
automatically categorized as Overtime. If you want to disable Overtime completely set
Overtime threshold so that includes the whole day (from 00:00 to 23:59)

Post-shift Limit

The Post-shift limit parameter tells the program how much time after the end of a specific shift
should be taken as part of that shift. This parameter comes into play when a person works
according to a night schedule or two inclusive schedules. If value is negative, specified time
before midnight is taken as part of the next day shift.


Specify the shift (1, 2, 3, 4) for this schedule. Hours worked by this schedule will then be
categorized accordingly, as Shift 1, 2, 3 or 4, as will be the Overtime hours worked in
connection with this schedule.

Important: Change of any calculation parameter on the schedule will affect the
calculation results in the active calculation period.

Related topics

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 98 Breaks

Fixed Break 1

Fixed Break sets the period of unpaid break. The time of the fixed break is deducted from
planned attendance regardless of whether the employee is actually present at the workplace
during this time or not.

Fixed Break 2

The time of the second fixed break, if applicable.

Schedule breaks

Related topics
Industrial schedule

© 2020 Spica International

99 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Advanced

Holiday Bonus

Check this option if you want to define a schedule that automatically includes the Holiday
Bonus, which is equal to the Day Plan. Holiday bonus now affects the gross attendance,
which means that the gross attendance is increased on holidays according to the Day Plan,
even though users do not come to work on holidays. Use this option for employees that have
no working obligations on holidays. A schedule with the Holiday Bonus enabled should not
skip holidays, or this option is ineffective.

Day Plan

Day Plan is automatically derived from the Planned Time. If you set the Fixed Break, the Day
Plan is decreased for the duration of the Fixed Break. However, the user may modify the Day
Plan as well. The Day Plan is the basis for calculating attendance on the day of a whole-day
absence (e.g. Sick Leave).

Limited day attendance

Day Limit sets the maximum attendance in a day that may be taken into account. If the sum
of gross attendance and overtime hours in a day exceeds this limit, the surplus is deducted
from the sum of overtime hours. The hours cut off because of this limit are shown as Day Limit
Cut-off. Day Limit does not affect the Overtime entries, entered through Overtime correction


Check the box for each day of the week on which this schedule will be valid. The majority of
standard schedules will have Saturdays and Sundays unchecked, since these are typically
work-free days. If, however, you want to accommodate special requirements, for example,
design a schedule for a certain group of employees who work weekends, it is most sensible
to make a separate schedule for such a group with only Saturday and Sunday (and possibly
holidays) checked.

Invalid on holiday

Typically, the Invalid on holiday box will be checked unless you want to turn a holiday into a
workday (which is quite unlikely). On the other hand, if you want to cater for special needs
and turn holidays into workdays for a certain group of employees (e.g. security guards), it is
most sensible to create a special schedule for that group.

On the date designed as Holiday, the program checks the list of schedules for each employee.
If it does not include a schedule valid on holidays, there will be no Day Plan (and no
calculation) for that day.

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Main views 100

Schedule Advanced settings

Related topics
Industrial schedule

© 2020 Spica International

101 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Appearance

Every schedule can have it's own colour which will be used in Person/Days view with schedule
colour enable. This feature is enabled in the Options dialogue.

Schedule appearance

Related topics
Industrial schedule

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 102 Restrictions

Schedules can be restricted to a list of organizational units. Restrictions are applied while
inserting schedule changes and using filter views. If schedule is not assigned to any
organizational unit, it can be used without limitations.

Schedule restrictions

Related topics
Industrial schedule

© 2020 Spica International

103 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Flexi schedule

General tab

ID - The schedule ID is generated by the program and cannot be changed.

Name - The schedule should have a descriptive name so that you can easily identify it
when, for example, you have to decide what schedule to assign to an employee.
Short - Short name of the schedule, which is automatically set as copy of ID.
Type - The type is selected automatically on the basis of the filter applied in the Schedule
view. Possible types are: Paid, Industrial, Flexi.

Flexi schedule

Default Time

The Default Time is the period of (planned) expected attendance in a day. The Default Period
is the basis for calculating the Day Plan, even though the latter may be modified by the

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Main views 104

Core Time

The Core Time is the period during which attendance is compulsory, or, in other words, during
which any unauthorized absence is regarded as violation of the schedule. The beginning of
the Core Time represents the latest arrival and its end the earliest departure still tolerated.
The time between the beginning/end of the Core Time and the beginning/end of the Paid
Time in Flexi Time determines the flexibility of working time - the longer this time, the more
flexible the working scheme.

Paid Time

The Paid Time is the period in which attendance is recognized (taken into account at the time
of calculation). Attendance outside this period is recorded but not calculated.

Post-shift limit

The Post-shift limit is a parameter which specifies how much time after the end of the shift will
be calculated as part of that shift. In Flexi Time it is applied when a person works a night
shift. By setting this limit you ensure that an extension of working time beyond the end of the
shift is calculated as part of that shift and not of another shift that may follow closely. To be
able to use post-shift limit user must have a night shift schedule, Continuous Night Shift
parameter enabled and Midnight Wrap period set in the working scheme. Midnight Wrap
ending value must be equal or grater than Post-shift limit value + ending of Default time.

Important: Change of any calculation parameter on the schedule will affect the
calculation results in the active calculation period.

Related topics

© 2020 Spica International

105 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Breaks

Fixed Break

Usually, you will not use the Fixed Break option with the flexi schedule. If, however, you
choose to specify the fixed break for any reason, keep in mind that the time set aside for
fixed break is deducted from gross attendance calculated for an employee regardless of
whether the employee was present at work during the fixed break or not.

Flexi Break - Interval

The Flexi Break suspends the Core Time rule. The Flexi Break entered here is actually the time
frame in which employees are expected to take break. Accordingly, the length of the flexi
break thus set is usually longer than the time actually expected to be set aside for break. In
this way you enable employees to choose when to make a break. In order to determine how
long the break may last, you have to enter values into the Maximum Presence and Maximum
Absence fields (see below).

Flexi Break - Maximum Absence

Use this parameter to set the maximum time that may be set aside for break during the Flexi
Break period. A longer absence will be regarded as a violation of the schedule and the excess
time will be categorized as Flexi Break Violation.

Flexi Break - Maximum Presence

The logic behind this parameter (limitation) is as follows: the time planned for the break will
not be calculated as part of gross attendance regardless of whether the employee made a
break or not. If, for example, your schedule prescribes that flexi break lasts from 11:00 to
13:00 (two hours) and the duration of the break is half an hour (the Maximum Absence field),
the maximum attendance during the flexi break will probably be one hour and a half. If an
employee makes a break 20 minutes long, that is 10 minutes shorter than planned, these 10
minutes will be deducted from his/her gross attendance. If you, however, do not want to
deduct this time from gross attendance, make the Maximum Attendance equal to the duration
of the break. Lunch must be started by the Lunch event. If you register your departure for
lunch with the Departure event, the time you spend for lunch will not increase you total
attendance for the day. The Maximum Absence and Maximum Presence parameters will still be
taken into account.

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Main views 106

Schedule breaks

Important: When using Flexi Break you must remove the Day Limit of the Lunch category
(default Day Limit is 0:30) otherwise both rules would apply. You can limit Flexi Break with the
Maximum Absence parameter.

Related topics
Flexi schedule

© 2020 Spica International

107 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Advanced

Holiday Bonus

If Holiday Bonus option is checked, on the date of a holiday the program calculates
attendance on the basis of the Day Plan in a schedule marked for calculation on holidays and
categorizes this attendance as Holiday Bonus.

Day Plan

The Day Plan stands for the planned attendance. Actual attendance is compared with
planned attendance and the result is a credit or debit of hours (a positive or negative balance
of hours). The sum of Day Plans in a certain period represents the working obligation in that
period. The Day Plan is inserted automatically as soon as you enter the Default Time into the
schedule. The time planned for break is deducted from the Day Plan (see explanation below).
The operator may alter the Day Plan.

Limited day attendance

This field contains the maximum attendance in a day. For example, you may extend the Paid
Time to cover the whole day, enabling employees to work at any time during the day, but still
limit their attendance through the use of this parameter.

Schedule allows Midnight Wrap

To calculate attendance over midnight, this property must be selected. When the period for
Paid time or Default time is set over midnight, this option is automatically enabled and cannot
be disabled. The property is also applied on a specific day if Enable Attendance past Midnight
intervention is present.


Check boxes for each day of the week on which the schedule will be valid. If you are setting
up a standard schedule with five working days, you will check boxes Monday to Friday. If,
however, you need to set up a schedule for weekends, you will probably check only Saturday
and Sunday boxes and assign that schedule to those employees who work during the

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Main views 108

Invalid on holiday

Leave the Invalid on Holiday box unchecked if you want to use the schedule for the
calculation of attendance on national holidays. On the day designated as the national
holiday, the program browses the list of schedules assigned to the employee and looks for
the schedule that is valid on holidays. If there is no such a schedule on the list, there is no
calculation of attendance on such a day.

Schedule Advanced settings

Related topics
Flexi schedule

© 2020 Spica International

109 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Appearance

Every schedule can have it's own colour which will be used in Person/Days view with schedule
colour enable. This feature is enabled in the Options dialogue.

Schedule appearance

Related topics
Flexi schedule

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 110 Restrictions

Schedules can be restricted to a list of organizational units. Restrictions are applied while
inserting schedule changes and using filter views. If schedule is not assigned to any
organizational unit, it can be used without limitations.

Schedule restrictions

Related topics
Flexi schedule

© 2020 Spica International

111 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Calculation details

The main feature of flexi time is a relatively long span in which employees may arrive and
leave. For example, arrival is expected any time between 6:00 and 9:00, and departure
between 15:00 and 18:00, with the Core Time being from 10:00 to 15:00. In other words,
such a rule could be recapitulated as follows: recognized attendance is attendance between
6:00 and 18:00 (in Time&Space this is called Paid Time), while attendance between 10:00
and 15:00 is compulsory (this period is called Core Time).

The beginning and end of the Paid Time could be named the Earliest Arrival (6:00) and the
Latest Departure (18:00), and the beginning/end of the Core Time the Latest Arrival (9:00)
and the Earliest Departure (15:00). As a result, the shortest attendance in a day is 5 hours
(10:00 to 15:00), which corresponds to the Core Time, and the longest attendance is 12
hours (6:00 to 18:00) which corresponds to the Paid Time.

A flexi tim e schedule

The Paid Time and the Core Time fields thus contain the starting/ending time of the
recognized and compulsory attendance. Since every company also prescribes the daily/
weekly quota of hours to be worked, the schedule must include this information as well.
Usually, a working week consists of 40 working hours, which makes 8 hours of working
attendance per day. In Time&Space such a daily quota of hours is called Day Plan.

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Main views 112

The third period that is defined in a flexi time schedule is called Default Time. The Day Plan
automatically proceeds from these times, even though it can be modified by the user if
needed. The Default Time represents the reference point when calculating virtual attendance,
that is, recognized hours not spent on the premises (e.g. Sick Leave, Business Trip etc.).

If we stay with the example, we could say that the described rules translate into practice as

If an employee comes to work at, say, 8:00 and leaves at 16:00, his/her attendance
amounts to 8 hours, which corresponds to the plan (which is also 8 hours) so the balance
of hours for the day is 0.

If an employee comes to work at 6:00 (the beginning of Paid Time) and leaves at 18:00
(the end of Paid Time) his/her attendance is 12 hours, which is 4 hours longer than
planned, so the balance of hours for that day will be +4:00. This balance is carried forward
into the next day. If on a next day the employee comes at 7:30 and leaves at 16:00, his/
her attendance is 8:30, meaning that the balance of hours for that day is +0:30. This value
is added to the balance on the previous day, which was 4:00, so the current balance of
hours for the employee is +4:30. This value will be decreased as soon as attendance is
shorter than planned. For example, an arrival at 8:00 and departure at 15:00 would yield
the negative balance for the day, that is -1:00, so the current balance would be +4:30 + (-
1:00) = +3:30.

An arrival before 6:00 will be taken as arrival at 6:00, and the same is true of a departure
after 18:00. Let us point out here that arrivals/departures outside the limits of the Paid
Time remain stored in the database, so you can always make comparison between actual
and calculated attendance.

An arrival after 9:00 is regarded as violation of the schedule rule (Core Time). Such a
clocking that is in conflict with the Core Time rule is red coloured on the screen. In addition,
the program keeps track of the time thus violated.

When setting up a new schedule, you must specify days on which the schedule is valid. If
your working pattern requires, for example, 7 hours of compulsory attendance (Core Time)
Monday to Thursday, and 6 hours on Friday, you will have to make two separate schedules.
The first, with 7 hours of Core Time will be valid Monday to Thursday, and the second one,
with 6 hours Core Time, on Friday only.

If your company allows attendance any time during the day, extend the Paid Time period to
cover the whole day (from 0:00 to 23:59).

If you want to calculate attendance during weekends, when there is no planned attendance,
compose a schedule without the plan and make it valid on Saturday and Sunday only. Since
the plan in such a case is 0, any attendance on such a day will result in a positive balance of

Related topics
Flexi schedule

© 2020 Spica International

113 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Categories
The category of working time is a special kind of attendance that begins with a specific event
and lasts until concluded either automatically at a pre-set time or by clocking another event.
The categorization of attendance ensures a better overview of the working time structure.

Which categories are supported by Time&Space?

Attendance at a place of work is categorized as Physical Presence which begins with the
Arrival and ends with the Departure or some other special out-clocking (for example
departure for business reasons).

All other categories like sick leave, vacation etc. represent attendance realized outside the
place of work but calculated as regular working time. This type of attendance is sometimes
referred to as 'virtual presence'.

What categories will be taken into account when calculating attendance in a specific module
depends on the type of working time tracked in that module. For example, the Paid Time
module "knows" Physical presence category only, as this module is used for basic T&A

The categories in Time&Space are divided into two main groups: the first is System
Categories and the second User Categories. The system categories are basic, globally used
categories that are factory pre-set and cannot be modified later by the user. The settings of
the User category, on the other hand, can be changed.

Important: The modification of the settings of a category is a critical operation as it may

affect the calculation results for many employees.

Related topics
Categories view
System categories
User categories
Configuring categories
Calculation rules

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 114 Categories view

Columns in the view

Icon - The icon chosen to represent that category in various views.

Short - The abbreviated name.
Name - The name of the category.
Colour - Similar to the above, a specific colour makes easier visual identification of the
Gross Attendance - The category is a part of gross attendance (attendance taken as the
basis for the payroll calculation). A typical example of the category that is not part of gross
attendance is Private Absence.
Physical - The category represents physical attendance at the place of work. Attendance in
the Time&Space system is divided into two global categories, namely physical and virtual
Core Time - Indicates weather the category is acceptable during the Core Time.
Vacation - This parameter is checked if the category is treated as annual leave i.e. if it
affects the balance of annual leave.
Day limit - The longest duration of a category in a day.
Calculation - Modules in which this category is used.
Derivations - Indicates whether the occurrence of the category during the weekend or a
national holiday will be recorded separately by the program and consequently shown in

Categories view

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115 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

If you are using Remote Desktop Connection to connect to another computer where
Time&Space Manager is installed, it can happen that Category Icons are not visible. To avoid
this problem, it is necessary to set maximum color depth for a remote session.

Rem ote desktop connection settings

Related topics
System categories
User categories
Configuring categories
Calculation rules

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 116 Category dialog box

Use this dialogue box to enter parameters that precisely define a selected working time

General data

ID - The ID of the category; it is generated automatically.

Name - The name of the category.
Short - The abbreviated name (up to three characters) that is used wherever there is not
enough space for the full name, for example in some views, reports etc.
Icon - Every category is represented with an icon for easier visual identification in various
Colour - Similar to the above, a specific colour also makes easier visual identification of the
Category Group - You can place categories into groups and set the annual limit for groups
rather than individual categories. When entering an event later on, the program calculates
the sum total of all categories in a group. If that total exceeds the limit, the procedure is
the same as described above. Choose a group from the drop-down menu. To add, modify
or delete a group, use standard icons shown next to the Group field. To set the annual limit

for a group, click on or to open the Group dialogue box.


Core Time - Check this box if the category is acceptable during the Core Time. Typically,
every category has this parameter enabled. An exception would be, say, Overtime, that is a
special category created to record hours after the regular paid time.
Physical - This parameter specifies that the category represents physical attendance at
the place of work. Attendance in the Time&Space system is divided into two global
categories, namely physical attendance (work done on the premises) and virtual
attendance (recognized hours spent outside the premises, e.g. business leave). This
distinction is useful in various reports, for example, when you want to write out the list of
employees who were present in the building at a certain time.
Gross Attendance - Check this parameter if you want the category to be a part of gross
attendance (attendance taken as the basis for the payroll calculation). A typical example of
the category that is not part of gross attendance is Private Absence.
Vacation - This parameter is checked if the category is treated as annual leave i.e. if it
affects the balance of the remaining annual leave.


Paid time - The category is calculated in the Paid Time module.

Flexi Time - The category is calculated in the Flexi Time module.
Industrial Time - The category is calculated in the Industrial Time module. (any combination
is allowed)

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117 Time&Space Manager User's Manual


This group of settings determines whether the occurrence of the category during the
weekend or a national holiday will be recorded separately by the program and consequently
shown in reports.

Saturday - If this box is checked, the occurrence of the category on Saturday (which is not
a workday) will be tracked separately and the total of hours shown in the summary report.
Sunday - Check this box if the occurrence of the category on Sunday (not a workday)
should be tracked separately and the total shown in the Summary report.
Holiday - Check this box if the occurrence of the category on a holiday (work-free day)
should be tracked separately and the total shown in the Summary report.
Holiday/Saturday - Check this box if you want to track a category which occurs on a
Saturday that coincides with a national holiday.
Holiday/Sunday - Check this box if you want to track a category which occurs on a Sunday
that coincides with a national holiday.
Workdays - Check this box for the tracking of a category on workdays.


Annual limit - You can set an annual limit for a category in days or hours. Whenever you
later enter an event, the program checks if the total of that category in the current year
exceeds this limit. If it does, the program will display a message showing the sum total of
the category and the limit. At that point you can choose whether or not you want to cancel
the entry of the event.
Day limit - Enter the maximum number of hours the category may last in a single day. The
default settings are such that the only category that is limited is Lunch (00:30).
Link ID - Every category may have a unique ID number used for identification when
exporting/importing data (e.g. to a payroll calculation software).


Check the Approval needed box to set the usage restriction to the category. Employees are
not allowed to use (i.e. register or enter manually) a restricted category without an approval
from the supervisor.

Restricted category must be in pair with the approval event entered by the employee's
supervisor. Without an approval, category is interpreted as it is specified in the Unapproved
field. Category can also be partly approved if the specified approval event limits the approval
time. If time limit is omitted, approval is valid for the whole day (or the whole shift in case of
the night schedule). It is important to point out that there is no difference between approvals
entered beforehand or afterwards.

There are two types of approval events available:

Approval (Value) - Used for approving the amount of a specific category (e.g. Annual
Approval (Period) - Used for approving the exact period of a specific category (e.g. Private
departure). This type of approval cannot be used for approving categories started with
event, type leave.

Note: On one day, only one type of approval event (value or period) can exist for the
same category.

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Main views 118

Typically, approvals are used for departures like private or business departures and leaves
like annual or business leaves. It is often the case that not all employees require the
approvals (e.g. managers or directors usually don't need approvals for business leaves).
Category restrictions can be overridden by the "No approval required" setting in the
employee's working scheme. If such working scheme is in use then all restricted categories
are approved automatically.

Similarly, operators usually have the rights to enter restricted categories directly. The "
Automatically approved" leave event parameter can be used to override the restriction.

Category dialogue

Related topic
Categories view
Categories - overview

© 2020 Spica International

119 Time&Space Manager User's Manual System categories

These are the default pre-set categories of working time. The user can change the name or
the abbreviation of the category, the four Derivation parameters and the Day limit for that
category. Other parameters are fixed.

Examples of system categories:

Physical presence
Manual Correction
Unpaid time
Holiday bonus
Balance Correction
Overtime Correction

Related topics
Categories view
User categories
Configuring categories
Calculation rules

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 120 User categories

The term user category denotes a category of working time that is open to changes. You can
change and settings/parameters of any existing, pre-defined category (e.g. sick leave,
vacation etc.) or create a new category. The following is the list of standard, pre-defined user

Examples of user categories:

Sick leave
Extra Leave
Private Absence
Annual Leave
Unpaid Absence
Paid Absence
Business Leave
Business Trip
Overtime Compensation

Related topics
Categories view
System categories
Configuring categories
Calculation rules

© 2020 Spica International

121 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Events
An event in Time&Space is an item of information which triggers the calculation of a specific
category of working time. Similarly, an event may conclude a working-time category that has
started earlier. The most frequently used events such as Arrival, Departure, Lunch, Business
Departure etc. are pre-defined.

The events in Time&Space, similar to categories, are divided into two groups namely System
events and User events. The system events cannot be deleted or modified. When you install
Time&Space system your database includes some of the most common events.

The events are further divided into three sub-groups, namely Clockings, Whole-Day Absences
and Interventions.

Related topics
Events View
Configuring events
Calculation rules

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 122 Events view

The columns that are shown in this view depend on the applied filter. The nature of clockings
requires two additional parameters, namely Virtualization and Reverse Category, which are
not used in connection with other types of events. The columns in the Events view actually
show the corresponding parameters that are set in the Event dialogue box. The first column
showing a lock tells whether the event is a System or User event.

Short - This is a short version of the full name, or rather the abbreviation consisting of up
to three characters. It is used in situations where the full name cannot be displayed, for
example, in reports, views etc.
Name - The name of the event.
Category - The category that will be triggered by this event. <none> means that the event
is not meant to trigger the calculation of any category.
Calculation - Modules in which this event can be used.
Category group - Event can be part of a group, which is used in user account restrictions.


Here is specified whether the category triggered by this event will be calculated if there is no
a concluding event for that day.

<none> - The event does not trigger the calculation of any category and the Reverse
category parameter is not applicable (option is disabled).
Core - The category starts/ends at the beginning/end of the Core Time in the schedule.
Default - The category starts/ends at the beginning/end of the Default Time in the
Paid - The category starts/ends at the beginning/end of the Paid Time in the schedule.
Plan - In this case the calculation is based on the Day Plan in the schedule meaning that
the category will be assigned as many hours as are needed to fulfill the Day Plan taking
into account other calculated categories for that day.

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123 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Reverse category

Indicates whether the category will be calculated from the time of the event onwards or
backwards. <none> means that the category will not be calculated for the past, that is, up to
the time of the event. Looking from a different point of view this means that the event in
question will be the beginning of the category chosen in the Category field.

Events view

Related topics
Configuring events

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 124 Clockings

The clocking is a basic type of event. Typically, a user makes a clocking on the terminal using
his/her ID badge, but any clocking may also be entered on a PC by the operator. Usually, the
operator will enter omitted clockings or less frequently used events for which there has not
been reserved a button on the clock terminal.

System clockings


User clockings

Business Departure
Business Arrival
Sickness Departure
Business Trip Departure
Compensation Departure
Compensation Arrival
Early Departure
Late Arrival

Related topics
Clocking dialogue box
Configuring events

© 2020 Spica International

125 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Clocking dialog box

Parameters in the clocking dialogue box.

General data

ID - Every event has a unique number which is used by the program to identify the event
when exporting/importing events. This number is generated automatically and cannot be
modified by the user.
Name - The name of the event. We recommend you to choose names that clearly illustrate
the use of the event.
Short - This is a short version of the full name, or rather the abbreviation consisting of up
to three characters. It is used in situations where the full name cannot be displayed, for
example, in reports, views etc.
Icon - Selected icon is shown on interface devices (Zone Button, Zone Touch etc.)
Category Group - You can place events into groups and set access limits to operators (see
chapter User Accounts).
Pass - Based on this parameter the system confirms either arrival or departure from work.
For arrivals (Arrival, Private Arrival, etc.) choose value In, and for departures choose value
Out. Choose value Automatically if you want the system to automatically recognize the
clocked event. To register automatic events the user does not have to enter or select event
with terminal keys, simple terminal clocking is enough. The application automatically sets
the event based on the sort order of clockings. In the Automatic Event window select the
automatic event of entrance, exit and break (normally Arrival, Departure, Lunch). The first
automatic clocking of the day is always considered as entrance. The second automatic
clocking during the day is always considered as exit, and clocking from field Out is selected.

Calculation data

Virtualization - Here you specify whether the category triggered by this event will be
calculated if there is no a concluding event for that day. For example, the Business
Departure event triggers the Business Leave category. The category may last until the time
of the next clocking, or it may be concluded automatically in which case the ending point is
the end of the Paid, Default or Core Time in the schedule. Choose one of these periods
from the drop-down menu in this field. The selected period will be used as a frame of
reference when calculating attendance.

o <none> - If you choose ‚none' the event will not trigger the calculation of any category
and the Reverse category parameter will be disabled.
o Core - The category starts/ends at the beginning/end of the Core Time in the schedule.
o Default - The category starts/ends at the beginning/end of the Default Time in the
o Paid - The category starts/ends at the beginning/end of the Paid Time in the schedule.
o Plan - In this case the calculation is based on the Day Plan in the schedule meaning that
the selected category will be assigned as many hours as are needed to fulfil the taking
into account other calculated categories for that day.

Category - Choose the category from the drop-down list that will be triggered by this
event. If the category is not on the list, you have to add it. Choose <none> if the event is
not meant to trigger the calculation of any category.

Reverse category - Here you specify whether the category will be calculated from the time
of the event onwards or backwards. Choosing ‚none' means that the category will not be
calculated for the past, that is, up to the time of the event. Looking from a different point of
view this means that the event in question will be the beginning of the category chosen in
the Category field. If you, however, select a category from the drop-down list in this field, it
will mean that the event will be taken as a conclusion of the selected category.

Input parameter - When registering clocking on the terminal, additional parameter (time or

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 126

numeric value) can be specified. Set Input Parameter field to Value or Time. In this case, the
terminal will require additional information when registering event. This information can be
entered on terminal by using numeric keyboard and button Enter.

Neutral - Events with this parameter checked are visible in Time&Space Manager but they
don't affect calculation. That means that these events will not break the category started
before it by some other clocking. This feature is very useful if you use Time&Space in
conjunction with some other application that uses Event Collector or Device Administration
Portal to store events into the Time&Space database. Let's say that we have "Custom
module event" defined with the Neutral parameter checked. Employee starts working at
8:00 with the Arrival clocking and ends with the Departure event at 16:00. There is also a
"Custom module event" at 10:00, but it doesn't have any effect on calculation. Hence, the
Physical presence category lasts from 8:00 - 16:00.

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127 Time&Space Manager User's Manual


Check the modules in which this event will be used.

Clocking dialogue

Related topics

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 128 Leaves

The Leave (typically a whole-day absence) is a type of event usually entered by the operator
or clocked on the terminal. The keyboard entry of a whole-day absence triggers immediately
the calculation of the related category. On the other hand, if a whole-day absence is clocked
on a terminal, the related category will be calculated from the next day until the next clock
transaction. In both cases the number of hours calculated for a whole-day absence equals
the Day Plan in a schedule valid on the day of absence. Note that when entering a whole-day
absence from the PC, you may pick a schedule that is different from the default one. In
addition, the operator may specify whether the absence will be terminated automatically after
a selected number of days, or at the next clock transaction.

If an employee comes to work on a day for which a whole-day absence event has already
been inserted, attendance calculation will be based on default rules. Gross attendance will be
the sum of actual attendance (based on clockings) and the category associated with the
whole-day absence event previously inserted (a leave).


Sick Leave
Annual Leave
Extra Leave
Unpaid Leave
Paid Absence
Business trip

Related topics
Leave dialogue box
Configuring events

© 2020 Spica International

129 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Leave dialog box

Parameters in the absence dialogue box.

General data

ID - Every event has a unique number which is used by the program to identify the event
when exporting/importing events. This number is generated automatically and cannot be
modified by the user.
Name - The name of the event. We recommend you to choose names that clearly illustrate
the use of the event.
Short - This is a short version of the full name, or rather the abbreviation consisting of up
to three characters. It is used in situations where the full name cannot be displayed, for
example, in reports, views etc.
Category Group - You can place events into groups and set access limits to operators (see
chapter User Accounts).

Calculation data

Category - Choose the category from the drop-down list that will be triggered by this
event. If the category is not on the list, you have to add it. Choose <none> if the event is
not meant to trigger the calculation of any category.

Automatically approved - This parameter determines whether a selected leave event will
need additional approval event if Approval needed option is enabled in the corresponding

Override holiday bonus - This parameter determines whether the Leave event overrides
the Holiday Bonus on holidays. If this field is checked the absence specified in the event will
override the holiday bonus. An example of such use would be when you define Sick Leave -
on holidays Sick leave absence would be noted, and not the Holiday Bonus. If this field in
not checked, both categories are calculated. If you want to specify that the Holiday Bonus
always overrides other types of absence (only Holiday Bonus is calculated) you should
enter a Leave event for a group of users (see Entering and deleting events for a group of
users) Skip Holidays field must be checked.

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Main views 130


Check the modules in which this event will be used.

Leave dialogue

Related topics

© 2020 Spica International

131 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Interventions

The Intervention is a special type of event entered by the operator. Interventions apply to
the number of days that is specified when entering an intervention. Interventions affect
either a certain calculation rule, by invalidating that rule for the day, or the balance of hours.
In addition, an intervention may be used to enter manually a selected category of working

System interventions

Manual Correction
Overtime Correction
Overtime Correction - Balance
Balance Correction
Unlimited Paid Time
Vacation Entry
Schedule Change
Vacation transfer
Post-shift Limit Correction

User interventions

User interventions are used to enter manually a selected category of working time. Each user
intervention triggers the calculation of a specified category of working time that is selected
when defining such an intervention. A newly installed system does not include any pre-
defined user intervention.

Related topics
Intervention dialogue box
Configuring events

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 132 Intervention dialog box

Parameters in the intervention dialogue box.

General data

ID - Every event has a unique number which is used by the program to identify the event
when exporting/importing events. This number is generated automatically and cannot be
modified by the user.
Name - The name of the event. We recommend you to choose names that clearly illustrate
the use of the event.
Short - This is a short version of the full name, or rather the abbreviation consisting of up
to three characters. It is used in situations where the full name cannot be displayed, for
example, in reports, views etc.
Category Group - You can place events into groups and set access limits to operators (see
chapter User Accounts).

Calculation data

Category - Choose the category from the drop-down list that will be triggered by this
event. If the category is not on the list, you have to add it. Choose <none> if the event is
not meant to trigger the calculation of any category.

Intervention Kind - This parameter determines the type of intervention. The following
options are available:

o Approval (Value) - Used for approving the amount of a specific category (e.g. Unpaid
o Approval (Period) - Used for approving the exact period of a specific category (e.g. Private
o Direct Entry (Time) - Used for changing the value of time related system or custom
counters (e.g. Balance correction).
o Direct Entry (Value) - Used for changing the value of numeric related system or custom
counters (e.g. Lunch entry).

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133 Time&Space Manager User's Manual


Check the modules in which this event will be used.

Intervention dialogue

Related topic

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 134 Global Parameters

When speaking of global parameters in relation to working time calculation, we refer to global
values or rather rules that apply to a larger group of people and are not tied to any specific
schedule. To put it another way, global parameters comprise the rules that additionally affect
the calculation of working time once all schedule rules have been applied. Global parameters
are defined for each module separately. If a parameter has three optional values, the first
option is always a default one meaning that it is valid for all persons unless specified

Related topics
Industrial parameters
Flexi parameters
Calculation rules

© 2020 Spica International

135 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Industrial parameters

The term 'calculation parameters' denotes special parameters which are used to set general
rules that apply to a larger group of people and are not tied to any particular schedule. It is
perhaps even more precise if we say that calculation parameters incorporate additional rules
that are applied in combination with the schedule rules. With parameters where it is possible
to set three optional values, the first option is a default one, meaning that it is valid for all
employees in the database unless specified differently.

Calculation parameters in the Industrial Time module are divided into three groups: Overtime,
Special hours and Shifts.

Overtime tab

Payday Overtime Top

Pay Overtime Top sets the upper limit of overtime hours that may be carried forward into the
next pay period. The excess hours are discarded (not carried forward), but are recorded in
the Excess Overtime (pay day) category in the Calculation window. You can select Unlimited
value for this parameter, so all overtime hours get carried into the next pay period.

Auto-schedule Overrides limit

Auto schedule overrides limit parameter tells the program whether the Arrival event that
starts a shift based on the user's working scheme has priority over the Post-shift Limit.

For example, the employee uses Automatic working scheme including two schedules. In the
first schedule, the Planned time is 14:00 to 22:00, and in the second 02:00 to 10:00. The
employee works by the first schedule (from 14:00 to 22:00) and frequently extends work
past the end of the first shift (no more than 6 hours). This part of attendance is recognized as
Overtime. Accordingly, the Post-shift Limit is set to 6 hours, meaning that attendance up to
04:00 in the morning is calculated as work done by the first schedule.

However, if the employee work obligation does not end with the first schedule but extends to
the second schedule as well, all arrivals before 04.00 would be calculated as work done by
the first schedule. To prevent this, check the Auto-schedule overrides limit parameter. The
arrival related to the second schedule will have priority over the post-shift Limit and the work
done by the second schedule will be accordingly categorized. This parameter also enables
easier continuation of work i.e. passing from one shift into the next, when an employee
works under Automatic scheme. When the employee clock Arrival inside the Arrival window,
the work belonging to the previous shift is automatically concluded and continued in the next
shift. If the employee cannot make a clocking, it can be entered manually by the operator.

Auto Overtime Balance

Use Auto Overtime Balance parameter if you want the overtime balance to be calculated by
the rules used in the Flexi Time module. In this case, the overtime balance will be
automatically reduced whenever the total attendance in a day is shorter than planned
attendance. This means that a shorter attendance in one day may be compensated for by a
longer attendance on the next day.

This setting will apply to all users of Industrial Time.

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Special hours tab

Night hours

The amount of Gross Attendance specified by this parameter is recorded in part as Planned
night hours, and in part as the Night Overtime hours of the total overtime in the period. They
are already included in other valid calculation categories. This is a parallel category for these
entries that helps to better analyse the structure of attendance. Night hours are displayed in
the Categories window, in summary reports and summary data exports. Selected interval is
valid for all Industrial Time users.

Special hours

Special hours are the same as for Night hours except that the attendance specified by this
parameters is classified as Special hours.

Shifts tab

Post-shift limit

The Post-shift limit parameter tells the program how much time after the end of a specific
shift should be taken as part of that shift. This parameter comes into play when a person
works by some night schedule or by two inclusive schedules (see below). In the case of night
shift, the shift starts on one day and ends on the next. Nevertheless, in the views One Day,
One Person and Persons/Days the entire shift (calculation) is shown in one window in order
to make the overview as clear as possible. Since an accidental extension of a shift could lead
to the 'splitting' of attendance between two windows, use this parameter to prevent such

A similar effect is achieved with two inclusive schedules i.e. two schedules used on the same
day. In that case, the Post-Shift Limit defines the time that will be calculated by one (primary)
schedule - the program will not attempt to calculate time by the other (secondary) schedule
within the time specified by the Post-shift parameter.

The parameter has one default and two optional values. By entering a special event we can
directly change a post-shift limit for a person, valid for that day (see the description of
intervention Post-shift limit correction).

Arrival Window

The Arrival Window parameter is connected with the automatic schedule selection, where the
schedule is not prescribed in advance but picked on the basis of the time of arrival.

With this type of schedule selection, the program looks for the schedule in which the
beginning of Planned Hours coincides with the time of actual arrival taking into account the
frame period set by the Arrival Window parameter. For example, if a person arrives to work at
7:45 and the Arrival Window is 00:15 minutes, the program will pick the schedule in which
Planned Hours start any time between 07:30 and 08:00. If there is not such a schedule in the
schedule list for that person, there will be no calculation of attendance for that day.

Auto-schedule by Departure

Auto-schedule by Departure is additional parameter connected with the automatic schedule

selection, where the schedule is not prescribed in advance but picked on the basis of the time
of arrival and departure.

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137 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Tolerated Time Excluded

Use this parameter to specify whether the time before the beginning/after the end of planned
time (Tolerance parameter in the schedule) will be taken into account when calculating

Use Calendar Date for Derivations

Use this parameter if you want the derivations in night shifts to be calculated separately for
the first and second day. When checked, derivations for attendance, overtime, planned night
hours and overtime night hours are calculated according to the day when they appear. For
example, if a shift starts on Saturday and ends on Sunday, then Saturday and Sunday
derivations contain results made on the first day and second day, respectively. Otherwise, all
results belong to the first day. Note that all other calculation results and categories are
calculated as a part of the first day, even if Use Calendar Date for Derivations is checked. The
parameter is unchecked by default.

Important: Any change in the schedule affects the working time calculation for the past
as well. Be very careful when entering changes. Once you change the value of a parameter in
a schedule, the calculation for all past dates and all users of that schedule will be changed.

Related topics
Setting calculation parameters
Flexi Time
Global parameters

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 138 Flexi parameters

Calculation parameters in the Flexi Time module are divided into four groups: Balance,
Overnight presence, Special hours and Duty.


Day Balance Top

Day Balance Top is a parameter that sets the upper limit of the credit of hours for a day.
Hours that were not calculated due to this limit are categorized as Day Balance Top Cut.

Current Balance Top

Current Balance Top is a parameter that sets the upper limit of the running (current) balance
of hours. Once the limit is reached, hours exceeding the limit are ignored. Hours that were
not calculated due to this limitation are categorized as Current Balance Top Cut (the field is
shown in the Calculation window).

Pay Balance Top

Pay Balance Top sets the upper limit of the running balance that may be carried forward into
the next pay period (the pay period begins with the Payday in the Calendar). If you do not
want to impose restrictions on the carry-forward, set the default option (applied to all
employees) to a value which is equal to the Current Balance Top and it will automatically
apply to all employees in the database.

Cut Negative Balance

Use the Cut Negative Balance option to determine whether the debit of hours will be carried
forward into the next calculation period.

Idea: You may freely combine any of the parameters to satisfy various special needs. For
example, if you do not want to put restrictions on the credit of hours inside one pay period,
but you want employees always to start a new pay period with zero balance, you will enter a
sufficiently high value for the Current Balance Top, and 0 for the Pay Balance Top.

Positive Balance Threshold

Positive Balance Threshold parameter sets the lower limit that must be reached in order for
the positive balance of hours (credit of hours) to be carried forward into the next pay period.

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139 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Overnight presence

Midnight wrap

Midnight wrap parameters specify whether the attendance will be calculated if it was not
started/terminated on a current day. In other words, the attendance from the last arrival
event on a certain day is virtualized until midnight, as well as the attendance from midnight to
the first departure on the next day. In order for this rule to be applied, the arrival must take
place after the time set in the Arrival field, and the departure before the time set in the
Departure field. If you do not specify values for this parameter, the rule is not applied and the
attendance, which was not terminated with a departure clocking on the same day (started
with an arrival clocking), will not be taken into account.

The parameter can also be enabled or overwritten on a daily level by using system
intervention, called Enable Attendance past Midnight.

Continuous Night Shift

Additional parameter Continuous Night Shift enables uninterrupted night shifts. When this
parameter is checked, night shift will not split at midnight. This means that the shift that
started in the evening and was terminated in the following morning will be calculated as a
continuous shift (same as in industrial module).

Special hours

Special hours

Special hours attendance realized during the period set by this parameter is categorized as
Special hours. Special hours are already included in other calculation categories - they serve
as a parallel classification of attendance and as a tool for further analyses. Special hours are
shown separately in the Categories window and in the Summary Report.

Night hours

Night hours parameters are the same as Special hours except that the attendance specified
by this parameters is classified as Night hours.


Duration Limit

Duration Limit parameter sets the maximum duration of time spent on duty (it can be longer
than 24 hours), and tolerance at the arrival and departure of duty (see Duty and standby).

Arrival Tolerance

Arrival Tolerance parameter sets the specified period in which employee must clock Duty. If
the employee does not clock Duty event within the specified period Duty category is not

Departure Tolerance

Departure Tolerance parameter sets the specified period in which employee must clock Duty.
If the employee does not clock Duty event within the specified period Duty category is not

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Main views 140

Important: By changing any parameter value you affect the calculation results for all
employees for the past dates too. Therefore, you should be very careful when changing

Related topics
Setting calculation parameters
Industrial Time
Global parameters

© 2020 Spica International

141 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Counters
Custom counters is a feature that allows cumulative counting of a certain categories over the
longer period of time. There are two basic ways of counting the values: counting the total
time of the category and counting the number of occurrences of a category.

A category can increase or decrease the value of a counter. To achieve this, each counter has
two kinds of categories associated with it: positive categories that increase the value of the
counter and the negative categories that decrease the value. It is also possible to define one
or more intervention events for a counter that allow correcting the value of the counter
directly. The intervention can also be positive or negative.

The cumulative value of the counter is visible in the Time&Space Manager’s calculation
window or in the summary reports.

The concept of the custom counters is similar to the one already known from the running hour
balance or vacation balance. Value starts with zero and than increases or decreases
according to the events. The day’s balance of a counter contributes to the cumulative value
that is carried forward to the next day. Value is either time (like running balance) or number
(like vacation). Note that unlike vacation, number counters count number of occurrences of a
category even when it occurs more than once in a day.

The following example illustrates the concept: let’s say that an employee is entitled to the 40
hours training absence per annum. Suppose that a category “Training absence” and a
clocking event “Training absence” are already defined and in use. At each moment user
needs to know how many hours of the training absence are still available.

The custom counters introduce a convenient solution to this problem. User can define an
intervention event called “Training hours - correction” and a custom counter called “Training”
with the “Training absence” category as a negative counter’s category (any occurrence of the
category decreases the value of the counter) and the “Training absence – correction” event
as a positive correction.

With the counter set up like this user can easily manage the training absence of the
employees by setting the initial value of the counter (in this case +40:00 hours of the
intervention event “Training absence – correction”). Any training absence clocking
automatically decreases the value of the Training counter.

As shown above, counters can be very useful in some situation but it is important to mention
that number of counters used influence the system performance so be very careful when
planning the usage. Try to test the performance after defining the large number of counters.
We can estimate that in most cases 5 – 10 counters should not cause noticeable increase in
the response time.

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Main views 142

How to setup a custom counter?

To setup the counters user needs either the Administrator rights or the Operator rights with
the “Global parameters” option turned on. The Counters window can be found in the
Configuration part of the Time module. Adding, deleting and editing the counters from this
window are straightforward. Toolbar button and menu commands are both available.

To add a new counter, click on the Add button. This command will open the counter window
where you can set the counter name (as displayed in the calculation window and the
reports), parameter type (time or the number of occurrences), and the calculation module
(flexi, industrial or both). The Add and the Delete buttons are available for the list of
categories and correction events. When a category or event is added to the list it becomes a
positive by default. The “+/-“ button allows changing the sign of the category or the
correction event.

How to reset counter values?

To reset counter values for a single employee or a group of employees use the Manage
Counters command from the “One day” view. In the Counters window select the counter and
the correction that will be used to reset the value. Enter new value of the counter and click
the OK button. Selected event with the appropriate correction value will be automatically
entered on the specified date.

Related topics
Calculation rules

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143 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

4.3.4 Paid Time

The Paid Time module is suitable for monitoring physical attendance with no plan involved. It
provides basic time and attendance calculation within the limits of a schedule. A brief
summary of the calculation rules:

Only attendance during the Paid Time in the schedule is taken into account. Attendance
outside this period is recorded, but it is categorized separately as Unpaid Time.

If you want to enable the calculation of attendance during any time of the day, extend the
Paid Time period to the maximum (from 0:00 to 23:59).

The two main pieces of information in the calculation of Paid Time are Paid Time (the total of
hours worked within the limits of the paid time) and Total Paid Time (the total of paid time
in the current pay period).

Related topics
Time module

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 144 Views
Available views in the Paid Time module:

One day
One Person
Event Log

Related topics
Paid Time

© 2020 Spica International

145 Time&Space Manager User's Manual One Day

The toolbar includes standard fields for selecting the date, and for searching and filtering
data according the organizational units.
Click Date to open the Date/time dialogue box. Select the date for which you want to

view the calculation results. To select the current date click .

Sundays and Holidays are marked red in the date selection field.
You can change the time scale against which the events are aligned.
Calculated categories of working time (Physical Presence and Unpaid Time) are shown as
bars aligned with the selected time scale. Categories are colour coded for easier
identification. To view the colour key, click Toggle legend on the View menu.
You can choose between Calculation view and Schedule view. Selecting the former opens
the list of all valid schedules instead of calculation data.
A field for filtering categories for viewing only the selected categories on the time scale is
available. Default selection All Categories will show all working time categories, including
the violations.

Columns in the view

Employee - The list of employees whose working time is tracked using Paid Time module.
The content of the list depends on the applied filter.
ID - User's reference number (e.g. social security number).
Paid time - The total of paid hours in a selected period.

Click to open the Calculation window which shows detailed account of the calculation
for the day currently selected. Use this window to edit or add events.

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Main views 146

One Day View in Paid Tim e

Related topics
One Person
Event Log
Adding and deleting events
Action menu
Paid Time

© 2020 Spica International

147 Time&Space Manager User's Manual One Person

This view shows calculation by days for a selected person only. Use the filter field on the tool
bar to choose a person to be displayed. The first column shows the date, the second shows

the total of paid hours. Sundays and Holidays are marked blue. Click to open the
Calculation window with calculation details for the selected date. Click Date to open the
Date/time dialogue box. Select the date for which you want to view the calculation results. To
select the current date click .

One Person view in Paid Tim e

Related topics
One day
Event Log
Adding and deleting events
Paid Time

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 148 Persons/Days

This is a graphic representation of events for a longer period of time. Click Date to open
the Date/time dialogue box. Select the date for which you want to view the calculation

results. To select the current date click . In the filter field choose organizational unit for
which you want to see the calculation result.

The Physical Presence and Unpaid Time categories are denoted with corresponding symbols.

By setting the view presentation to Schedule, ID of schedules, valid for a certain day are
displayed. With colour options on, various shifts are displayed in different colours. Schedules
are automatically grouped into four groups (shifts), depending on the start of the schedule's
planned time. The colours for the shifts can be set by selecting Schedules tab in the Options

By selecting a category from the combo box Categories the fields in the view will display the
category total in hours and minutes. If the field is too small to display the complete total, then
only hours are displayed (without minutes) together with the »+« sign, meaning that the
presented value is not complete. Window with additional data can be opened by double
clicking the field.

For a detailed view of the events, click which opens the Calculation window, for

calculation details click .

Persons/Days view in Paid Tim e

Related topics

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149 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

One day
One Person
Event Log
Adding and deleting events
Paid Time

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 150 Calculation

This view shows the structure of working time over a longer period of time.

The fields on the tool bar are used to adapt the displayed calculation to your current needs
(choose period, change the time scale, apply a filter).
Click to open the Calendar and select the period for which you want to view the
calculation. You may choose any period from one day up.
Use the filter command to choose the organizational units for which you want to view the
calculation results.
Calculated category of working time (Physical Presence) is shown as a black bar aligned
with the selected time scale.

To view calculation results by categories, click on the tool bar and open the
Categories window.

Calculation view in Industrial Tim e

Related topics
One day
One Person
Event Log
Adding and deleting events
Paid Time

© 2020 Spica International

151 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Calculation details

To view calculation details click when in the Calculation or Persons/Days view. The
same window (Categories) can be opened by clicking on the Categories button in the
Calculation dialogue box.

To view the calculation for one employee select the employee in the Calculation or Persons/
Days view and click on the Category icon.
To view the calculation for several employees, use Ctrl and Shift keys as you would do in
any other Windows application, then click on the Categories button.
Another way to select several persons in a row is to position the cursor on the first record,
then press Shift on the keyboard, and finally press the last record in a row.

To choose the period for which you want to view the calculation, click on the Calendar
icon. A two-part calendar will be presented where you can choose from-date in the left panel
and to-date in the right. The list of categories of working time (by the number of hours
calculated) is shown on the left.

Calculation results
Paid Time - The total of paid hours in a selected period.
Unpaid Time - The total of unpaid hours in a selected period.

Depending on various limitations that may have been applied, the following fields may be
displayed in addition to the basic ones:

Paid Time Cut (Pay Day) - The number of paid hours that belong to the previous pay
Unpaid Time Cut (Pay Day) - The number of unpaid hours that belong to the previous pay
Day Limit Cut - Hours that were not calculated because of the Day Limit in the schedule.

Related topics
Paid Time

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 152 Event Log

This view shows only 'unprocessed' data in Paid Time module, that is the list of events stored
in the database along with the time and date of their origin.

The events are listed in a chronological order.

Events can be viewed for all employees or a selected employee only.
You can click to open the Calendar tool and select the period (from to date). In addition,
you can select the time of the day (from-to) for which you want to view events.
Click on the icon to select points at which events were clocked.
Events can also be viewed for all event types or just selected event type (Arrival,
Departure...) by using filters.
The events can be filtered also by the fact whether they are entered manually or clocked on
the terminal.
You can use the toolbar filter to show only valid or annulled events.
You can change the width and selection of columns, as well as their order of appearance.

Click the icon to open Calculation window with detailed calculation data for that day.

Columns in the view

Date/time - The date and time of the event.

Employee - The name of the employee who recorded the event.
Event - The name of the event.
Location - The access point at which the event has been recorded. Access points get their
descriptive names in Event Collector or Device Administration Portal.
Parameter - The parameter assigned to this event (time, the number of hours or days).
Manual - Indicates whether the event has been a keyboard entry or not.
Comment - Comment is available only for events in the module Time.
Origin - Information about the origin of the event.
Detailed access data - Additional information is available in cases of unsuccessful
registration (e.g. missing profile). Information is available only on controllers, type DOX/
Zone Wing and events related with access control.

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153 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Events Log view in Paid Tim e

The commands that you can execute in the view are accessible from the Event menu. The
same commands are accessible by clicking icons on the tool bar.

If you try to modify an event that was recorded on the terminal, the program will display a
warning message: "Event is authentic. Original event will be disabled and edited copy will
be added. Do you want to continue?"

This actually means that when calculating time, the program will take into account the event
you entered on the PC rather than the one that arrived into the database from the clock
terminal. The latter will nevertheless remain in the database. Modified or deleted clockings
are coloured pale grey. If you do not want to display these events, choose Hide invalidated
events from the Tools menu.

Related topics
One day
One Person
Adding and deleting events
Paid Time

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 154 Reports
There are two groups of reports built into Time&Space Manager:

predefined reports,
user defined reports.

Predefined reports

These reports are predefined and cannot be modified. Summary/Condensed report is

accessible from the One Day, One person, Persons/Days and Calculation views. It includes
condensed calculation data for the selected period. Graphic report writes out One Day, One
person, Persons/Days and Calculation views as you see them on the screen.

User defined reports

The user can define the layout of a report by defining fields, groupings, sort order, etc.

Related topics
Generating report templates
Paid Time

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155 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

4.3.5 Industrial Time

The Industrial Time module is designed for time and attendance tracking in non-office

The basic feature of the industrial time schedule is a fixed time of arrival and departure. As a
result, the balance of hours is always 0. The basic parameters with this type of schedule are
therefore the time of the earliest arrival and of the latest departure. The period from the
earliest arrival to the latest departure is referred to as Planned Hours. Any absence during
this time is treated as a violation of the rules and is correspondingly marked. Attendance
within these limits is compulsory and categorized as regular attendance. Any attendance
outside this period is categorized as Overtime. As a result, the Industrial Time module does
not know positive or negative balance of hours in the sense found in Flexi Time calculation.
Or, to put it differently, a shorter attendance in one day (shorter than the Day Plan) cannot
be compensated for with a longer attendance in another day. Consequently, the balance of
hours is neither tracked nor shown – the most important piece of information is gross
attendance that is compared with planned attendance to calculate potential differences.

However, in special circumstances you can enable the employee to use overtime hours if his
absence is shorter than the day plan. For more on this, see Calculation Parameters setting.

Since it would not be realistic to expect all employees to arrive at exactly the same time, the
Industrial schedule scheme includes the parameter called Tolerance. It specifies how many
minutes after/before the beginning /end of working time employees are allowed to arrive/
leave. All clockings made within the tolerated period are taken as legal.

Quite often employees extend their work beyond the limits of the Planned Hours in the
schedule. The schedule, therefore, includes the Overtime Threshold parameter which specifies
how much time before the beginning and after the end of the Planned Hours an employee
must be present in order for that attendance to be categorized as Overtime. If this threshold
is not reached, the extension will not be taken into account.

The basic features of the industrial working scheme could be summarized as follows:

The main piece of information with the fixed working scheme is the total of attendance.
Since arrival/departure are expected at fixed pre-set times, with a shorter or longer grace
period, the balance of hours is always 0, and accordingly, it is not shown as a separate
field. What is important is the total of attendance, which is compared with the planned
presence, that is to say, the Day Plan in the schedule.

The schedule parameter called Tolerance sets the time after the beginning and before the
end of the planned time during which employees may arrive to work and leave work. Any
arrival/departure within this grace period is treated as arrival/departure at the beginning/
end of the Planned Time.

A potentially shorter attendance in one day (shorter than the Planned Time for that day) is
treated as a violation of the schedule. A shorter attendance in one day thus cannot be
compensated for with a longer attendance on another day (which is a feature typical of
Flexi time).

Any attendance longer than the Planned Time is categorized as Overtime taking into
account the threshold that must be achieved for this rule to be applied.

Overtime Threshold sets how much time before/after the beginning/end of Planned Time
must be spent at work in order for that time to be categorized as Overtime. By setting this
parameter to a reasonable value you prevent an accidental extension of work to be
automatically categorized as Overtime. Overtime is totalled and the balance of overtime
hours is carried forward from day to day.

The carry forward of overtime hours into the next pay period may be restricted with the

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Payday Overtime Top parameter. Hours exceeding this limit will not be carried forward into
the next pay period.

Accumulated Overtime hours may be compensated for by taking authorized leave during
the planned (i.e. core) time. To accommodate this, Time&Space comes with two pre-set
events called Compensation Arrival and Compensation Departure. The resulting total of
hours (absence) is deducted from the balance of overtime hours.

On the day of a whole-day absence the calculated attendance is identical to the Day Plan in
the schedule. The time that a user might spend at work on a day of Planned absence (Sick
Leave, Annual Leave) is categorized as Overtime. If you want to calculate a different
number of hours for a day of absence, enter a corresponding schedule change along with
the whole-day absence event.

If the person works by two schedules in the same day or by some night schedule, another
parameter that is observed is the Post-shift limit. This parameter specifies how much time
after the end of the Planned Time in the schedule will be taken as part of that shift.

Attendance is broken by the working time categories (e.g. physical presence, vacation, sick
leave etc.) and additionally by shifts (1,2,3) depending on which shift a schedule belongs
to. The same principle is used when breaking overtime into different shifts.

Work on Saturday, Sunday, holiday and on Sunday that coincides with a holiday may be
shown separately if Derivation parameters for individual categories are set correspondingly.
Default configuration does not track these hours separately.

Related topics
Working plan in Industrial Time
Time module

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157 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Working plan in Industrial Time

Time&Space enables you to define a working plan for an employee in more than one way. You
can use several types of schemes for a user: Automatic/priority scheme, Rotating or Weekly.

Automatic/Priority Scheme

Several schedules with different priorities can be assigned to the same user in the Automatic/
Priority Scheme. The schedule with the highest priority is taken into account when calculating
attendance. If for example, the main schedule is not valid on Saturday, calculation
parameters will be taken from another schedule valid on that day.
Automatic Schedule selection is useful in situations where no fixed schedule can be assigned
to a user (security personnel, couriers, etc.) or the schedule is changed according to the
needs. The nearest schedule is automatically selected for the user upon the first arrival in a
day, among schedules assigned to the user in the database. It is also possible to limit the
selection by setting the Arrival Window global parameter (see 8.4. Calculation Parameters in
Industrial Time). If the Arrival Window is, for example, 15 mins, and the time of arrival is 6:30,
the program will select a schedule with Planned Time starting anywhere between 6:15 and

Priority Scheme with Automatic Schedule Selection If an employee on Automatic Schedule

does not come to work on a specific day or registers outside the Arrival Window, no schedule
will be selected for the day, and no attendance calculation performed. To prevent this, you
can combine the automatic schedule selection with the priority scheme. If no automatic
schedule was activated on that particular day, a priority schedule will be taken into account.

We assign two groups of schedules to the user with priority scheme and automatic schedule
selection. Automatic schedules are scanned first for a suitable schedule for the day. If no
schedule is found, the priority schedules will be searched.

Rotating scheme

The Rotating Working Scheme is used for rotating shifts. In this case the shifts (schedules)
alternate in such a way that eventually the cycle is completed and the employee switches
back to the shift (schedule) that started the cycle. For example, the cycle starts with a
morning shift, which lasts for three days and then rolls into the afternoon shift, which then
rolls into the night shift, which eventually rolls into the morning shift again. Since such a cycle
usually does not correspond to one week, which is a time unit on which schedules in
Time&Space are based, the solution employed here is the use of a separate schedule for
each day in a cycle. Once you define such schedules, sort them accordingly to reflect the
rotation pattern.


The Weekly working scheme is a special type of rotating working scheme, based on weekly
cycle. Schedules are set for each day of the week, starting from Monday to Sunday. If
employees are working on holidays, appropriate schedule should be set for that.

Defining a Working Scheme

To define a working scheme, go to the Working Scheme view (Time group).

Use standard tools to add, change or delete a working scheme.

Use filter to filter the working schemes by the type of the working time: Paid, Industrial or
Click on the Calendar icon to filter the working schemes by the Valid From field. Only the
schemes valid from the current date on will be shown.

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Before you start entering working scheme, the view is empty. To add a new working scheme,
do the following:

1. Click on to open the Working Scheme dialogue box or click on the Copy button to
copy data from the selected scheme.

2. Give a name to the working scheme and select the working scheme kind.

3. Switch to the Schedules page.

4. To add a schedule, click on . This will open the Schedules dialogue box where can you
select the schedules to be taken into account when calculating working time. To select
several schedules at once, use Ctrl and Shift keys. To delete a schedule from the list, click

on .

Selected schedules

5. The left part of the dialogue box is split into two panes: Auto-shift and Priority. A new
schedule will be inserted into the pane currently selected. To move schedules between the
two panes, click on the schedule and drag it to the other pane. To set a Priority scheme,
place all schedules in the Priority pane. The first schedule on the list will have the highest
priority. This means that when calculating time for a specific day, the program first looks for

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information in the first schedule on the list. If information found there is not applicable to
that specific date, it will scan the second schedule on the list and so on until it finds one
with the relevant information. For example, when calculating time for a Saturday, and the
first schedule on the list is not valid on Saturdays, it will move down the list until it finds a
schedule valid on Saturdays. To set an automatic working scheme, move all schedules to
the Auto-shift pane. To set a combined working scheme, place all schedules for automatic
selection into the Auto-shift pane, and those that will be selected according to the priority
principle into the Priority pane. To set a rotating working scheme, change the Type to
"Rotating", and the Auto-shift pane will be closed. The schedules displayed in the Priority
pane will be the schedules included in the rotating scheme, with the order of rotation
corresponding to their order in the list (e.g. the first schedule on the list will be valid on the
first day of the cycle, the second on the second day and so on). The cycle may be of any
length. If the same schedule appears several times within the same cycle, use the Copy
button to copy it within the list.

6. To change the order of schedules on the list, select the schedule and then click on the Up
or Down arrow. You can also use drag and drop method to move a schedule to another

7. The Schedule Validation field will be activated when you select the rotating scheme. Check
this field if you want the program to check whether a schedule selected for a specific day is
actually valid on that day of the week.

8. Check the Allow 2nd Schedule field if you want to allow double shift i.e. a person can work
by two different schedules in the same day (e.g. from 8:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to
22:00). When calculating time with this option active, the program will take into account the
Post-shift Limit parameter.

9. Allow 2nd Plan field is enabled only in combination with the previous field (Allow 2nd
Schedule). If this field is not checked, the time worked by the second schedule will be
calculated as Overtime. Note that planned time start of the schedule determines the order
(i.e. a schedule with the earlier start will be considered first).

10. Check the No approvals needed field if you want to override all category restrictions.

11. In this step you select the values of the global parameters that will be used in this
working scheme. To change the default values, select the parameter and click on the down
arrow to open a drop-down menu where you choose from the available values. You can
choose Unlimited for the Payday Overtime Top parameter. This means that the limitation on
the overtime carry-forward will not apply to the users of this scheme.

12. Save the working scheme by clicking OK button.

Determining User's Working Plan

Find the user in the view Employees (Time module) and click the button . User’s working
schemes list is empty when we first enter data about the user’s working time.

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Em ployee w ithout w orking plan

1. Click the button Add in the tool bar, which opens Working Plan window.
2. Two options are available: Use an existing scheme or create a new one or Create new
custom scheme available to selected person only. In first option you choose from working
schemes in the system, which were defined before or create a new one. If we wish to make
a custom scheme for the user, which shall be valid only for that particular user, select
second option, which opens a dialogue box Working Scheme for determining the working
scheme. Make selection and then click OK.
3. In fist option Working plan window opens. Click the button to open a list of available
working schemes.
4. Select one of the schemes, determined in the view Working Schemes, or define a new
working scheme for the user. If we wish to make a working scheme, similar to one of the
schemes shown on the list, select this scheme and click the button Add. The software shall
offer a copy of a scheme, which we additionally arrange. When the scheme is saved, it can
only be valid for this particular user.
5. Determine the beginning date of working scheme validity and enter the user’s Annual
Vacation Quota.
6. The field Cycle is only available if we have selected rotating working scheme. It determines
when the cycle begins. With this day the first cycle schedule will be valid for the user, the
following day the next one, etc. If the user’s rotating working scheme is valid even before
this date, the cycle schedules will be simply calculated for the period before that date (e.g.
one day before to the beginning of the cycle the last cycle schedule will be valid, two days

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before to this date, the pen-ultimate schedule, etc.).

7. Click the button Close. If you wish to determine more working schemes in the user’s
working plan, repeat the procedure for adding a working scheme.

By clicking on in the field Plan in the view Employees we can show the list of working
schemes for a selected person. With buttons from the tool bar we can add, delete and edit
working schemes or create the user’s working plan. Each change has a drastic effect on the
working time calculation. It shall be corrected from this day backwards, until the date of the
user’s initialization.

Entering a working plan for a group of users

1. Time&Space system provides a fast and simple way to assign a working plan to a group of
users. In order to enter it, you first have to select, the usual way, a working plan for one of
the users and then assign it to the other user or group.
2. In the Employees view select the person with the working plan you wish to copy.
3. In menu Tools select command Data Copy.
4. In dialogue box Data Copy tick off Working Plan and Calculation Parameters. Field Change
assigned working schemes, too determines if a working plan will be assigned only to users
without working plan or to all the selected users. In the latter case the working plan will be
exchanged with the new one even when the change is from Industrial to Flexi calculation
mode. In this case it is being initialized with today’s date.
5. In the field Copy to select the user you to whom you wish to assign the working plan.
There are two options: copy the working plan to a group, selected with the help of filters
for unit, Unit 2 and Unit 3 or for individual user by clicking button .
6. Run the operation by clicking the button Enter. Larger groups may take a few minutes.

Related topics
Industrial Time Views
Available views in the Paid Time module:

One day
One Person
Event Log

Related topics
Working plan in Industrial Time
Industrial Time

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Main views 162 One Day

The toolbar includes standard fields for selecting the date, and for searching and filtering
data according the organizational units.
Sundays and Holidays are marked blue in the date selection field.
You can change the time scale against which the events are aligned.
A whole-day absence is indicated by a graphic symbol.
Calculated categories of working time are shown as bars aligned with the selected time
scale. Categories are colour coded for easier identification. To view the colour key, click
Toggle legend on the View menu.
You can choose between Calculation view and Schedule view. Selecting the former opens
the list of all valid schedules instead of calculation data.
A field for filtering categories for viewing only the selected categories on the time scale is
available. Default selection All Categories will show all working time categories, including
the violations.

Columns in the view

Employee - The list of employees whose working time is tracked using Industrial Time
module. The content of the list depends on the applied filter.
ID - User's reference number (e.g. social security number).
Overtime - The total of overtime hours on a selected date.

Click to open the Calculation window which shows detailed account of the calculation
for the day currently selected. Use this window to edit or add events.

One Day View in Industrial Time

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Related topics
One Person
Event Log
Action menu
Adding and deleting events

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Main views 164 One Person

This view shows calculation by days for a selected person only. Use the filter field on the tool
bar to choose a person to be displayed. Click Date to open the Date/time dialogue box.
Select the date for which you want to view the calculation results. To select the current date
click . Holidays and Sundays are marked blue. The first column shows the date, the

second shows the balance of hours. Click to open the Calculation window with
calculation details for the selected date.

One Person view in Industrial Tim e

Related topics
One day
Event Log
Action menu
Adding and deleting events

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165 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Persons/Days

This is a graphic representation of events by days for a longer period of time. Click Date to
open the Date/time dialogue box. Select the date for which you want to view the calculation

results. To select the current date click . In the filter field choose organizational units for
which you want to see the calculation result. Whole-day absences are indicated with
corresponding symbols. The check-mark indicates physical presence. The red circle signifies
violation, with the red square standing for unauthorized absence in that day (no clocking)
and the red circle for an event conflicting with the Core Time rule.

By setting the view presentation to Schedule, ID of schedules, valid for a certain day are
displayed. With colour options on, various shifts are displayed in different colours. Schedules
are automatically grouped into four groups (shifts), depending on the start of the schedule's
planned time. The colours for the shifts can be set by selecting Schedules tab in the Options

By selecting a category from the combo box Categories the fields in the view will display the
category total in hours and minutes. If the field is too small to display the complete total, then
only hours are displayed (without minutes) together with the »+« sign, meaning that the
presented value is not complete. Window with additional data can be opened by double
clicking the field.

For a detailed view of the events, click which opens the Calculation window, for

calculation details click .

Persons/Days view in Industrial Time

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Related topics
One day
One Person
Event Log
Action menu
Adding and deleting events

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167 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Calculation

This view shows the structure of working time over a longer period of time.

The fields on the tool bar are used to adapt the displayed calculation to your current needs
(choose period, change the time scale, apply a filter).
Click to open the Calendar and select the period for which you want to view the
calculation. You may choose any period from one day up.
Use the filter command to choose the organizational unit, Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 for which
you want to view the calculation results.
The categories of working time are colour-coded. The red mark at the far right end indicates
the planned attendance (the sum of Day Plans) in the selected period. This enables an
easy identification of the discrepancy between the planned and realized attendance.
If you do not know the colour key, turn on the colour legend. Select View | Time | Industrial
Time | View | Toggle legend.

For detailed information on the calculation results, click on the tool bar to open the
Category window. This window shows the share of each category in the total of
attendance (in percentages) and the number of hours belonging to a specific category.

Calculation view in Industrial Time

Related topics
One day
One Person
Event Log
Calculation details
Calculation examples

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Action menu
Adding and deleting events

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169 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Calculation details

To view calculation details click when in the Calculation or Persons/Days view. The
same window (Categories) can be opened by clicking on the Categories button in the
Calculation dialogue box.
To view the calculation for one employee select the employee in the Calculation or Persons/
Days view and double-click it or click on the Category icon.
To view the calculation for several employees, use Ctrl or Shift keys the same as you would

do in any other Windows application, then click on the button.

To choose the period for which you want to view the calculation, click on the Calendar
icon. A two-part calendar will be displayed where you can choose from-date in the left
panel and to-date in the right.
The list of categories of working time (by the number of hours calculated) is shown on the

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Calculation w indow in Industrial Tim e m odule

Calculation results

The right panel shows the calculation results for the selected date. Fields are as follows:

Plan - The planned attendance for the day taken from the schedule (the Day Plan field in
the schedule valid on that day, click Schedule button to view the schedule).
Attendance - Total attendance in a selected day including virtual attendance (e.g. Sick
Overtime - The total of overtime hours in a selected day.
Violation - An arrival after the beginning or departure before the end of the planned time
(taking into account the Tolerance parameter).
Yesterday Overtime - The balance of overtime hours on the day before.
Payday Overtime Cut (payday) - The number of overtime hours not calculated because of

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the Payday Overtime Top limit.

Category Limit Cut - The number of hours not calculated due to category restrictions.
Threshold Cut - The number of hours not calculated due to the Overtime Threshold
restriction in the current schedule.
Overtime Compensation - The total of permitted leave during the Planned Time (the result
of the Compensation Arrival or Compensation Departure event). These hours are deducted
from the Overtime Balance.
Overtime Balance - The running balance of overtime hours. (Yesterday overtime +
Overtime – Overtime Compensation = Overtime Balance).
Unused Vacation - The number of unused vacation days from the previous year.

Related topics
Calculation examples

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Main views 172 Calculation examples

Example 1

Calculation in Industrial Tim e, Exam ple 1

Schedule settings

Planned Time is from 6:00 to 14:00, tolerance is 15 minutes for both the beginning and end of
the Planned Time, while Overtime threshold is 0:30 minutes.

Events (left panel)

Arrival was at 6:00 and Departure at 17:00.

Calculation (right panel)

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Plan 8:00 - Planned Time is from 6:00 to 14:00.

Attendance 11:00 - Attendance amounts to 11:00 hours, because total attendance is
composed of the Physical Presence category.
Overtime 3:00 - This field shows the hours worked after the end of the Planned Time,
which ended at 14:00, that is attendance from 14:00 to 17:00.
Yesterday Overtime +29:00 - The balance of overtime hours on the previous day.
Overtime Balance +32:00 - This value is the sum of Yesterday Overtime (+29:00) and
Overtime (+3:00) fields.

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Example 2

Calculation in Industrial Tim e, Exam ple 2

Schedule settings

Planned Time is from 6:00 to 14:00, tolerance is 15 minutes, and Overtime threshold is 0:30

Events (left panel)

The first event on the list is Arrival at 5:55, that is five minutes before the beginning of the
Planned Time. Arrival is followed by Early Departure at 10:05. This event denotes Permitted
leave during the Planned Time, which is deducted from the balance of overtime hours. i sign
next to the event indicates that the event has been commented by the operator. To read this

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comment you would have to click . Permitted leave that began at 10:05 was concluded
with the Arrival clocking at 10:50. Departure was clocked at 13:50, that is 10 minutes before
the end of the Planned Time, which is still within the limits of the grace period (Tolerance) set
by the schedule.

Calculation (right panel)

Plan 8:00 - This is the planned attendance in a day as set in the schedule.
Attendance - Total attendance on this day was 7:05. This value comprises attendance from
the beginning of Planned Time at 6:00 to the Early Departure clocking at 10:05 (which
amounts to 4:05) and from the next Arrival clocking at 10:50 to the Departure clocking at
13:50 (3:00 hours). This value does not comprise the five minutes of attendance from the
Arrival at 5:55 to the beginning of Planned Time at 6:00.
Overtime -0:55 - There was no attendance that would fall into the Overtime category in
this example.
Yesterday Overtime +29:00 - This field shows the balance of overtime on the previous
Overtime Compensation 0:45 - This value is the total of permitted leave that began at
10:05 with the Compensation Departure clocking and ended at 10:50 with the next Arrival
clocking. This portion of time is shown as a bright green bar on the graphic scale.
Overtime Balance +28:05 - This is the current balance of hours. The sum is the difference
between Yesterday's Overtime (+29:00) and Overtime (-0:55).

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Example 3

Calculation in the Industrial Tim e m odule, Exam ple 3

Schedule settings

Planned Time is from 6:00 to 14:00, tolerance is 15 minutes, and Overtime threshold is 0:30


Arrival was clocked at 6:04, which is four minutes after the beginning of the Planned Time,
meaning that it is still within the tolerated time (Tolerance is 15 minutes) and will be
calculated as an arrival at the exact beginning of Planned Time at 6:00. At 11:05 the operator
entered Sick Departure event. The hand sign indicates that the event has been entered
from the keyboard.

Calculation (right panel)

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Plan 8:00 - This is planned attendance as set in the schedule.

Attendance 8:00 - This value is the sum of Physical Presence (5:01), Tolerance (0:04) and
the Sick Leave category (shown as the red portion on the category bar). The Sick Leave
began at 11:05 with the Sickness Departure clocking and lasted until 14:00, which is the
end of the Planned Time, totalling 2:55 hours.
The fields referring to the calculation of overtime (Overtime, Yesterday Overtime,
Overtime Compensation and Overtime Balance) have not changed.

Related topics
Calculation details

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Main views 178 Event Log

This view shows only 'unprocessed' data in Industrial Time module, that is the list of events
stored in the database along with the time and date of their origin.

The events are listed in a chronological order.

Events can be viewed for all employees or a selected employee only. Similarly, you can filter
events by access points.
You can click to open the Calendar tool and select the period (from to date). In addition,
you can select the time of the day (from-to) for which you want to view events.
Click on the Access Profile icon to select the points you want to view.
Events can also be viewed for all event types or just selected event type (Arrival,
Departure...) by using filters.
The events can be filtered also by the fact whether they are entered manually or clocked on
the terminal.
You can use the toolbar filter to show only valid or annulled events.
You can change the width and selection of columns, as well as their order of appearance.

Click the icon to open Calculation window with detailed calculation data for that day.

Columns in the view

Date/time - The date and time of the event.

Employee - The name of the employee who recorded the event.
Event - The name of the event.
Location - The access point at which the event has been recorded. Access points get their
descriptive names in Event Collector or Device Administration Portal.
Parameter - The parameter assigned to this event (time, the number of hours or days
entered into the database).
Manual - Indicates whether the event has been a keyboard entry or not.
Comment - Comment is available only for events in the module Time.
Origin - Information about the origin of the event.
Detailed access data - Additional information is available in cases of unsuccessful
registration (e.g. missing profile). Information is available only on controllers, type DOX/
Wing and events related with access control.

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Events Log view in Industrial Time

You can edit, add and delete events in this view. If you try to modify an event that was
recorded on the terminal, the program will display a warning message: "Event is authentic.
Original event will be disabled and edited copy will be added. Do you want to continue?"

This actually means that when calculating time, the program will take into account the event
you entered on the PC rather than the one that arrived into the database from the clock
terminal. The latter will nevertheless remain in the database. Modified or deleted clockings
are coloured pale grey. If you do not want to display these events, choose Hide invalidated
events from the View menu.

Related topics
One day
One Person
Action menu
Adding and deleting events

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Main views 180 Reports
There are two groups of reports built into Time&Space Manager:

predefined reports,
user defined reports.

Predefined reports

These reports are predefined and cannot be modified. Summary/Condensed report is

accessible from the One Day, One person, Persons/Days and Calculation views. It includes
condensed calculation data for the selected period.

Graphic report writes out One Day, One person, Persons/Days and Calculation views as
you see them on the screen.

User defined reports

The user can define the layout of a report by defining fields, groupings, sort order, etc.

Related topics
Predefined reports
Summary data
Generating report templates

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181 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Predefined reports

Categories/One by days

This is a chronologically sorted listing of the selected category. The beginning/end times of
the category are listed for each day along with the total number of hours that were worked in
this category.

Categories/Prevalent by weeks

The prevalent category of the day is the longest lasting category in the day. This report is
arranged by weeks.

The symbols that appear in the report:

- The minus sign indicates that the prevalent category in that specific day was Physical
*PHY* This points to the violation in that day.
*** Unauthorized absence (violation).
*/* A missing clocking (arrival or departure).

Categories/One by months

This is the listing of the selected category for several months sorted by days. The days with
a selected category are marked X.


The listing of violations. The report includes the date of the violation and the total of time
violated. The reason may be a late arrival or early departure, or a missing clocking (event).


This is the list of all employees who were physically present at the place of work during the
time selected for the report. In addition to the user's name, there is also the time of arrival
and departure. If the user was still present at the end of the report period, there is the minus
sign instead of the departure time. The total number of listed users is displayed at the and
of the list of users.

Note that the arrival and departure shown in this report are the first and the last arrival in
the day.


This is the list of all employees who were absent during the time selected for the report. The
Event column lists events that represent the reason of absence. The total number of listed
users is displayed at the and of the list of users.

Working Plan (schedule plan)

This is a simple listing of schedules arranged by weeks. Only schedule numbers are given.

Graphic Report

This is a graphic image of the One Day, One Person, Persons/Days and Calculation views, as
you see these on the screen.


This is a listing of all users with a selected whole-day absence event in their tables inside the
period selected for report. You can see the date and the total number of days of absence.

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Main views 182

The advantage of this report lies in its speed, since it does not include whole-day absence
events that were potentially registered on the clock terminal. Information on the total number
of users and events included in the report is found at the end of report.

Related topics
Summary data
Generating report templates

© 2020 Spica International

183 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Summary data

Summary/Condensed - This report contains condensed calculation for the selected

Summary/Balance - This report contains the balance of hours and the balance of vacation
days on the selected date.
Summary/Detailed - Detailed calculation report by categories

The explanation of data:

The beginning of the report shows user personal data, the report period and schedules.

Start overtime balance - The balance of overtime hours on the first day of the report
End overtime balance - The balance of overtime hours on the last day of the report period.
Days calculated - The number of days covered by the report.
Start vacation balance - The balance of vacation on the first day of the report period. (Last
year's balance is displayed in brackets)
End vacation balance - The balance of vacation on the last day of the report period.(Last
year's balance is displayed in brackets)
Categories - The Categories column shows the names of the working time categories
reported. If there is no attendance for some category on the list, the value in the Hours
and Days columns is 0. In addition, the Categories column contains the following fields:
Tolerated - The sum total of arrivals/departures within the grace period (tolerance).
Unpaid, Day Limit - The number of hours not calculated as attendance due to the Day Limit
parameter of the schedule.
Unpaid, Category Limit - The number of hours not calculated due to category restrictions.
Unpaid, Overtime Threshold - The number of hours not calculated due to the Overtime
Threshold restriction of the current schedule.
Violation at Arrival - The number of days with the Arrival clocking clashing with the
beginning of the Planned Time (tardiness)
Violation at Departure - The total of days with the Departure clocking clashing with the
end of the Planned Time (too early departures).
Missing Arrival - The total of days with the Arrival clocking missing.
Missing Departure - The total of days with the Departure clocking missing.
Unauthorized absence - The total of unauthorized absence (days with the Day Plan but no
attendance recorded).
Plan - The sum total of Day Plans in the report period.
Attendance - The sum total of all recognized categories of working time including sick leave,
annual leave and other absences.
Shift1 - Hours worked by schedules belonging to Shift1.
Shift2 - Hours worked by schedules belonging to Shift2.
Shift3 - Hours worked by schedules belonging to Shift3.
Overtime1 - Overtime hours worked in connection with Shift1.
Overtime2 - Overtime hours worked in connection with Shift2.
Overtime3 - Overtime hours worked in connection with Shift3.
Overtime - The total of all overtime hours worked in connection with any shift.
Overtime compensation - The sum total of private absence that is the result of the
Compensation Arrival/Departure clockings.
Difference - The balance of overtime hours or the difference between the total of overtime
hours and the total of overtime compensation.
Planned Night Hours - The total of hours worked in the period defined by the Night Hours
global parameter and schedule's Planned Time.
Overtime Night Hours - The total of overtime hours worked in the period defined by the
Night Hours global parameter and outside the schedule's Planned Time.

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Main views 184

The last page of the report displays finished calculations for all selected users.

Related topics
Predefined reports
Generating report templates

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185 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

4.3.6 Flexi Time

The basic feature of flexi time is a relatively long span of time in which employees are
expected to arrive at/leave work. As a result, the balance of hours oscillates from day to day.
The ultimate objective should be to maintain the balance of hours close to zero value.

This working pattern is especially suitable for companies with prevailingly office-type work.
With the flexi scheme, rules such as schedules, limitations etc. constitute a framework inside
which employees have many options to shape their working time optimally.

Below is a condensed description of the rules of calculation in the Flexi Time module:

Only attendance during the Paid Time in the schedule is taken into account. Attendance
outside this period is recorded, but it is categorized separately as Unpaid Time. It is not
part of gross attendance and does not affect the balance of hours.

If you want to enable the calculation of attendance during any time of the day, extend the
Paid Time period to the maximum (from 0:00 to 23:59).

The same effect can be achieved through the intervention called Unlimited Paid Time that, in
contrast to the previous method, affects selected days and employees only.

Attendance is compulsory during the Core Time specified in the schedule. Any unauthorized
absence during this period is regarded as a violation of the schedule. Violations are
adequately marked - conflicting events visible in the Calculation window are red coloured -
and shown in reports.

The Core Time rule can be suspended for a selected employee and a limited time. To do
this, you have to insert the Immunity intervention into the corresponding day table (
Calculation window). A person with this event in his/her day table is not treated as
violating the schedule rules regardless of the time of arrival/departure.

Absence during the Core Time is legal if recorded using a special event - Late Arrival or
Early Departure. Such absence is categorized as Private Absence and it is not a part of
gross attendance (recognized working time).

Calculation for a day of whole-day absence (e.g. Annual leave, Sick leave, Business trip), is
based on the Day Plan in a schedule for that day. If an employee comes to the office on the
day of a planned absence the attendance for that day is included in the gross attendance.

Calculation of various types of authorized absence during the Core or Default time, for
example absence due to business reasons, is based on the settings of the clocking that is
used to record such absence.

The two main pieces of information in the calculation of flexi time are: the gross attendance
(the total of all hours worked inside the paid time limit in the schedule) and the balance of
hours (the difference between planned and paid attendance).

The gross attendance is affected by all calculated categories with the Gross Att. parameter

The Day Balance is the difference between the Day Plan and actual recognized working
time in one day. You may set the upper limit of the Day Balance using the Day Balance Top
parameter. The excess of time beyond this limit will be ignored and tracked separately as
Day Balance Top Cut.

The Running Balance is the sum of Day Balances in a certain period. It is carried forward
from day to day. You may set the upper limit of the Running Balance using the Current
Balance Top parameter, the excess of time beyond this limit will be ignored and tracked
separately as the Current Balance Top Cut.

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Main views 186

The accumulation of hours may be restricted with the Pay Balance Top parameter. This
parameter sets the maximum number of hours that can be carried forward into the next
pay period (usually the next month).

Overtime hours in Flexi Time are treated as part of regular attendance and thus expressed
as a credit of hours.

Related topics
Working plan in Flexi Time
Duty and Stand-by
Vacation by hours
Time module

© 2020 Spica International

187 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Working plan in Flexi Time

Three types of working schemes are in use in the Flexi Time module: Automatic/Priority,
Rotating and Weekly scheme.

Priority working scheme

The Priority working scheme gets its name from the principle used to select a schedule from
the list. When picking schedules to be used with such a scheme, place these in the order you
want to be taken into account when calculating working time. The first schedule on the list
has the highest priority. This means that when calculating working time for a specific day, the
program first scans the first schedule on the list. If information in that schedule is not
applicable to that specific day, it goes to the next schedule on the list and so on until it finds
a schedule containing relevant information. For example, if the calculation is performed for a
Saturday and the schedule with the highest priority is not valid on Saturday, the program will
use information from another schedule in the list that is valid on Saturdays. For detailed
description of the implementation of the priority working scheme, see below.

Rotating working scheme

The Rotating Working Scheme is used for rotating shifts. In this case the shifts (schedules)
alternate in such a way that eventually the cycle is completed and the employee switches
back to the shift (schedule) that started the cycle. For example, the cycle starts with a
morning shift, which lasts for three days and then rolls into the afternoon shift, which then
rolls into the night shift, which eventually rolls into the morning shift again. Since such a cycle
usually does not correspond to one week, which is a time unit on which schedules in
Time&Space are based, the solution employed here is the use of a separate schedule for
each day in a cycle. Once you define such schedules, sort them accordingly to reflect the
rotating pattern.

Weekly working scheme

The Weekly working scheme is a special type of rotating working scheme, based on weekly
cycle. Schedules are set for each day of the week, starting from Monday to Sunday. If
employees are working on holidays, appropriate schedule should be set for that.

Defining a Working Scheme

To define a working scheme, go to the Working Schemes view (Time group).

Use standard tools to add, change or delete a working scheme.

Use the filter field to filter the working schemes by the type of the working time: Paid,
Industrial or Flexi.
Click on to filter the working schemes by the date of their commencement (Valid From
field). Only the schemes valid from the current date on will be shown.

Before you start entering working scheme, the view is empty. To add a new working scheme,
do the following:

1. Click on to open the Working Scheme dialogue box or click on the Copy button to
copy data from the selected scheme.

2. Give a name to the working scheme or click on the Copy button to copy data from the
selected scheme.

3. Switch to the Schedules page.

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Main views 188

4. To add a schedule, click on . This will open the Schedules dialogue box where you
select the schedules to be taken into account in the calculation of working time. To select
several schedules at once, use Ctrl and Shift keys. To delete a schedule from the list, click

on .

Selected schedules

5. Three types of the working scheme are in use: Automatic/priority, rotating and weekly.
With priority working scheme, the priority of the schedule will be set according to its
position on the list with the first schedule on the list having the highest priority. This means
that at the time of the working time calculation, the program will first scan the first schedule
on the list, then the second and so on, until it finds a schedule which contains information
applicable to that specific day. For example, if calculation is performed for a Saturday and
the first schedule on the list is not valid on Saturdays, the program will look for the
schedule valid on Saturdays in the order of their appearance on the list. To select a
Rotating scheme, change the Type to "Automatic/Rotating". In this case, the order of
schedules' appearance on the list will be the order of their rotation (the first schedule will
be valid on the first day of the rotation cycle, the second on the second day and so on). The
length of the cycle is arbitrary. If the same schedule appears several times within one cycle,
use the Copy function to copy it within the list.

6. To change the order of schedules on the list, select the schedule and then click on the Up
or Down arrow. You can also use drag and drop method to move a schedule to another

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189 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

7. The Schedule Validation field is active only when you select the Rotating scheme. Check
this field if you want the program to check whether a schedule selected for a specific day is
actually valid on that day of the week.

8. Check the No approvals needed field if you want to override all category restrictions.

9. In this step you select the values of the global parameters that will be used in this working
scheme. To change the default values, select the parameter and click on the down arrow to
open a drop-down menu where you choose from the available values. Set the parameter to
Unlimited if you want to prevent limitations for the users of this scheme.

10. Save the working scheme by clicking OK button.

Determining User's Working Plan

Find the user in the view Working Plan (Time module) and click the button . User’s
working schemes list is empty when we first enter data about the user’s working time.

Em ployee w ithout w orking plan

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Main views 190

1. Click the button Add in the tool bar, which opens Working Plan window.
2. Two options are available: Use an existing scheme or create a new one or Create new
custom scheme available to selected person only. In first option you choose from working
schemes in the system, which were defined before or create a new one. If we wish to make
a custom scheme for the user, which shall be valid only for that particular user, select
second option, which opens a dialogue box Working Scheme for determining the working
scheme. Make selection and then click OK.
3. In fist option Working plan window opens. Click the button to open a list of available
working schemes.
4. Select one of the schemes, determined in the view Working Schemes, or define a new
working scheme for the user. If we wish to make a working scheme, similar to one of the
schemes shown on the list, select this scheme and click the button Add. The software shall
offer a copy of a scheme, which we additionally arrange. When the scheme is saved, it can
only be valid for this particular user.
5. Determine the beginning date of working scheme validity and enter the user’s Annual
Vacation Quota.
6. The field Cycle is only available if we have selected rotating working scheme. It determines
when the cycle begins. With this day the first cycle schedule will be valid for the user, the
following day the next one, etc. If the user’s rotating working scheme is valid even before
this date, the cycle schedules will be simply calculated for the period before that date (e.g.
one day before to the beginning of the cycle the last cycle schedule will be valid, two days
before to this date, the pen-ultimate schedule, etc.).
7. Click the button Close. If you wish to determine more working schemes in the user’s
working plan, repeat the procedure for adding a working scheme.

By clicking on in the field Plan in the view Employees we can show the list of working
schemes for a selected person. With buttons from the tool bar we can add, delete and edit
working schemes or create the user’s working plan. Each change has a drastic effect on the
working time calculation. It shall be corrected from this day backwards, until the date of the
user’s initialization.

Entering a working plan for a group of users

Time&Space system provides a fast and simple way to assign a working plan to a group of
users. In order to enter it, you first have to select, the usual way, a working plan for one of
the users and then assign it to the other user or group.
1. In the Employees view select the person with the working plan you wish to copy.
2. In menu Tools select command Data Copy.
3. In dialogue box Data Copy tick off Working Plan and Calculation Parameters. Field Change
assigned working schemes, too determines if a working plan will be assigned only to users
without working plan or to all the selected users. In the latter case the working plan will be
exchanged with the new one even when the change is from Industrial to Flexi calculation
mode. In this case it is being initialized with today’s date.
4. In the field Copy to select the user you to whom you wish to assign the working plan.
There are two options: copy the working plan to a group, selected with the help of filters
for unit, Unit 2 and Unit 3 or for individual user by clicking button .
5. Run the operation by clicking the button Enter. Larger groups may take a few minutes.

Related topics
Duty and Stand-by
Vacation by hours
Time module

© 2020 Spica International

191 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Views
Available views in the Paid Time module:

One day
One Person
Event Log

Related topics
Working plan in Flexi Time
Duty and Stand-by
Vacation by hours
Time module

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 192 One Day

The toolbar includes standard fields for selecting the date, and for searching and filtering
data according the organizational units.
Sundays and Holidays are marked blue in the date selection field.
You can change the time scale against which the events are aligned.
A whole-day absence is indicated by a graphic symbol.
Calculated categories of working time are shown as bars aligned with the selected time
scale. Categories are colour coded for easier identification. To view the colour key, click
Toggle legend on the View menu.
You can choose between Calculation view and Schedule view. Selecting the former opens
the list of all valid schedules instead of calculation data.
A field for filtering categories for viewing only the selected categories on the time scale is
available. Default selection All Categories will show all working time categories, including
the violations.

Columns in the view

Employee - The list of employees whose working time is tracked using Flexi Time module.
The content of the list depends on the applied filter.
ID - User's reference number (e.g. social security number).
Balance - The current balance of hours on a selected date. The debit of hours is red-

Click to open the Calculation window which shows detailed account of the calculation
for the day currently selected. Use this window to edit or add events.

One Day view in Flexi Tim e

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193 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Related topics
One Person
Event Log
Action menu
Adding and deleting events

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 194 One Person

This view shows calculation by days for a selected person only. Click Date to open the
Date/time dialogue box. Select the date for which you want to view the calculation results. To

select the current date click . Sundays and Holidays are marked blue. The first column
shows the date, the second shows the balance of hours. Click on the filter field to select the

person whose calculation you want to view. Click to open the Calculation window with
calculation details for the selected date.

One Person view in Flexi Tim e

Related topics
One day
Event Log
Action menu
Adding and deleting events
Views Persons/Days

This is a graphic representation of events for a longer period of time. Click Date to open
the Date/time dialogue box. Select the date for which you want to view the calculation
results. To select the current date click . In the filter field choose organizational units for
which you want to view calculation. Whole-day absences are indicated with corresponding

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195 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

symbols. The check-mark indicates physical presence. The red circle signifies violation, with
the red square standing for unauthorized absence in that day (no clocking) and the red circle
for an event conflicting with the Core Time rule.

By setting the view presentation to Schedule, ID of schedules, valid for a certain day are
displayed. With colour options on, various shifts are displayed in different colours. Schedules
are automatically grouped into four groups (shifts), depending on the start of the schedule's
planned time. The colours for the shifts can be set by selecting Schedules tab in the Options

By selecting a category from the combo box Categories the fields in the view will display the
category total in hours and minutes. If the field is too small to display the complete total, then
only hours are displayed (without minutes) together with the »+« sign, meaning that the
presented value is not complete. Window with additional data can be opened by double
clicking the field.

For a detailed view of the events, click which opens the Calculation window, for

calculation details click .

Persons/Days view in Flexi Tim e

Related topics
One day
One Person
Event Log

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 196

Action menu
Adding and deleting events

© 2020 Spica International

197 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Calculation

This is a graphical view of the structure of working time over a longer period of time.

The fields on the tool bar are used to adapt the displayed calculation to your current needs
(choose period, change the time scale, apply a filter).
Click to open the Calendar and select the period for which you want to view the
calculation (from-to). You may choose any period from one day up.
Use the filter command to choose the organizational units, Unit 1s, Unit 2s or sub-Unit 2s
for which you want to view the calculation results.
The categories of working time are colour-coded. The red mark at the far right end indicates
the planned attendance (the sum of Day Plans) in the selected period. This enables an
easy identification of the discrepancy between the planned and realized attendance.
If you do not know the colour key, turn on the colour legend. Select View | Time | Industrial
Time | View | Toggle legend.

For detailed information on the calculation results, click on the tool bar to open the
Category window. This window shows the share of each category in the total of
attendance (in percentages) and the number of hours belonging to a specific category. In
addition, there is a comparison between the planned and actual attendance expressed as
the day balance, the total of violations and the vacation balance.

Calculation view

Related topics
One day
One Person
Event Log

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 198

Calculation details
Calculation examples
Action menu
Adding and deleting events

© 2020 Spica International

199 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Calculation details

To view calculation details click when in the Calculation or Persons/Days view. The
same window (Categories) can be opened by clicking on the Categories button in the
Calculation dialogue box.

Calculation w indow in Flexi Tim e

To view the calculation for one employee select the employee in the Calculation or Persons/

Days view and double-click the left mouse button or click on the Category icon.
To view the calculation for several employees, use Ctrl and Shift keys for selection as you
would do in any other Windows application.

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Main views 200

To choose the period for which you want to view the calculation, click on the Calendar
icon. A two-panel calendar will be presented where you can choose from-date in the left
panel and to-date in the right.

The list of categories of working time (by the number of hours calculated) is shown on the

Calculation results

The number of days in the calculation, the number of violations upon arrival or departure, the
number of missing Arrival or Departure registrations, and the number of unauthorized whole
day absences (absence despite Day Plan for that day) are displayed at the top of the list.

Plan - The total of Day Plans for the selected period.

Attendance - The total of all recognized categories of working time.
Difference - The difference between the planned and recognized attendance.
Night Hours - The number of days for the period defined by the Night Hours global
Special Hours - The number of days for the period defined by the Special Hours global
Violations - The number of days with violations.
Violations (hrs) - The total of violations, that is the total of absence during the Core Time.
Vacation days - The total of vacation days already used.

Depending on various limitations that may have been applied, the following fields may be
displayed on the right side in addition to the basic ones:

Day Balance Cut - The total of hours that were ignored due to the Day Balance Top limit.
Current Balance Top Cut - The total of hours that were ignored due to the Current Balance
Top limit.
Day Limit Cut - The total of hours that were ignored due to the Day Limit restriction of the
selected schedule.
Payday Balance Top Cut - The total of hours that were ignored due to the Pay Balance Top
Positive Balance Threshold Cut - The total of hours that were ignored due to the Positive
Balance Threshold global parameter.

Related topics
Calculation examples

© 2020 Spica International

201 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Calculation examples

Example 1

Schedule settings

The schedule in this example is as follows: Paid Time is from 00:00 to 23:59 (meaning that
attendance at any time during the day is taken into account), Default Time is from 8:00 to
16:00, and Core Time from 8:30 to 14:30.


Events are shown in the left panel. Business arrival was at 11:20. Business Arrival sets off
the calculation of the Business Leave category (for the past), which in this case lasts from the
beginning of the Default Time (8:00) until Business Arrival and amounts to 3:20. This portion
of attendance is coloured dark blue on the categories bar. Business Arrival is the beginning of
the Physical Presence category (black portion of the bar), which lasts until the next clocking,
which is Lunch in this example. Lunch was clocked at 13:05 and lasted until 13:30 (Arrival).
This category is coloured pink. The Arrival clocking at 13:30 was the beginning of the second
portion of Physical Presence category, which lasted until Departure at 16:00.

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Main views 202

Calculation in Flexi Tim e, Exam ple 1


The calculations results shown in the right panel are as follows:

Plan (schedule) is 8:00 hours.

Attendance 8:00 - This is the total of all categories in the day, namely Physical Presence
(4:15), Business Leave (3:20), and Lunch (0:25).
Day Balance 0:00 - This field shows the difference between planned attendance (Plan
field) and actual attendance (Attendance filed), which is 0 in this example.
Yesterday Balance 2:04.
Running Balance 2:04 - Since the Day Balance was 0:00 (actual attendance was the same
as planned attendance) the Running Balance is the same as it was on the day before.
The list field shows that the vacation balance is 0 days.

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203 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

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Main views 204

Example 2


The schedule is the same as in example 1: Paid Time from 00:00 to 23:59, Default Time from
8:00 to 16:00, and Core Time from 8:30 to 15:00.


Annual Leave - A whole-day absence – Annual Leave – was planned for this day.
Arrival 8:00 and Departure 10:00 - Despite the planned vacation, the employee came to
work at 8:00 and was present until 10:00.

Calculation in Flexi Tim e, Exam ple 2

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205 Time&Space Manager User's Manual


Plan 8:00.
Attendance 10:00 - This is the total of Physical Presence and Annual Leave. Annual Leave
is calculated on the basis of the Day Plan in the schedule, which is 8:00 hours in our
Day Balance 2:00 - In this case the Day Balance is 2:00. It is the difference between the
planned and actual attendance.
Yesterday Balance 1:04.
Running Balance 3:04 - The value in the Running Balance field is the sum of the Yesterday
Balance and Day Balance fields.

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Main views 206

Example 3


The schedule is the same as in example 1: Paid Time from 00:00 to 23:59, Default Time from
8:00 to 16:00, and Core Time from 8:30 to 15:00.


Immunity is the first event on this day. Immunity suspends the Core Time rule for the
selected day. In other words, this employee may come to work and leave at any time
without being treated as violating schedule rules.
Arrival 9:00 - This event would be red-coloured had not this employee been granted
Immunity for the day.
Departure 18:00.

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207 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Calculation in Flexi Tim e, Exam ple 3


Plan 8:00 hours.

Attendance 9:00 - Attendance is the same as Physical Presence since there are no other
categories on this day.
Day Balance 1:00 - The actual attendance (9:00) exceeds the Plan (8:00) by 1 hour.
Yesterday's Balance 1:04.
Running Balance 2:04 - The value in the Running Balance field is the sum of the values in
the Yesterday's Balance and Day Balance fields.

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Main views 208

Example 4

The fourth example is based on a somewhat more complicated schedule with Flexi Break,
which is as follows:

Let us recapitulate first the rules related to the Maximum Absence and Maximum Presence

Maximum Absence sets the maximum duration of the break, which in our example is planned
between 12:00 and 14:00. Maximum Presence, on the other hand, sets the maximum
presence in the same period. If between 12:00 and 14:00 the employee spends at work
more time than set by this parameter, excess attendance is deducted from his/her gross


Arrival 8:00 - The beginning of Physical Presence.

Departure 12:30 - The conclusion of the first portion of Physical Presence. The Flexi Break
lasts from 12:00 to 14:00 so the employee can leave at any time between these two
Arrival 12:45 - This Arrival concludes the break lasting 0:15 minutes. The employee has
not exceeded the Maximum Absence limit, which is 1:00.
Departure 16:50 - This Departure concluded the second portion of Physical Presence,
which started at 12:45.

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Calculation in Flexi Tim e, Exam ple 4


Plan 8:00 hours.

Attendance 8:35 - The total of recognized attendance is the same as the total in the
Presence field, since the entire attendance is composed of the Physical Presence category.
Yesterday Balance +1:45.
Running Balance +2:05 - The total shown in this field is subject to the Maximum
Attendance rule in the schedule. Namely, the sum total of Yesterday's Balance (+1:45) and
the balance for this day (+0:35) would be +2:20. However, the Maximum Attendance
parameter was set to 1:30, and the employee's presence during the Flexi Break amounted
to 1:45, so these 15 minutes of excess attendance were taken off the Running Balance
(2:20 minus 0:15 = 2:05).

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Main views 210

Related topics
Calculation details

© 2020 Spica International

211 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Event Log

This view shows only 'unprocessed' data in Flexi Time module, that is the list of events stored
in the database along with the time and date of their origin.

The events are listed in a chronological order.

Events can be viewed for all employees or a selected employee only (filter).
You can click to open the Calendar tool and select the period (from to date). In addition,
you can select the time of the day (from-to) for which you want to view events.
Click on the Access Profile icon to select the points you want to view.
Events can also be viewed for all event types or just selected event type (Arrival, Departure
...) by using filters.
The events can be filtered also by the fact whether they are entered manually or clocked on
the terminal.
You can use the toolbar filter to show only valid or annulled events.
You can change the width and selection of columns, as well as their order of appearance.

Click the icon to open Calculation window with detailed calculation data for that day.

Columns in the view

Date/time - The date and time of the event.

User - The name of the employee who recorded the event.
Event - The name of the event.
Location - The access point at which the event has been recorded. Access points get their
descriptive names in Event Collector or Device Administration Portal.
Parameter - The parameter assigned to this event (time, the number of hours or days
entered into the database).
Manual - Indicates whether the event has been a keyboard entry or not.
Comment - Comment is available only for events in the module Time.
Origin - Information about the origin of the event.
Detailed access data - Additional information is available in cases of unsuccessful
registration (e.g. missing profile). Information is available only on controllers, type DOX/
Wing and events related with access control.

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 212

Events Log view in Flexi Tim e

You can edit, add and delete events. If you try to modify an event that was recorded on the
terminal, the program will display a warning message: "Event is authentic. Original event
will be disabled and edited copy will be added. Do you want to continue?"

This actually means that when calculating time, the program will take into account the event
you entered on the PC rather than the one that arrived into the database from the clock
terminal. The latter will nevertheless remain in the database. Modified or deleted clockings
are coloured pale grey. If you do not want to display these events, choose Hide invalidated
events from the View menu.

Related topics
One day
One Person
Action menu
Adding and deleting events

© 2020 Spica International

213 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Duty and Stand-by


Duty is a system category of working time. Its main features that distinguish it from other
categories are as follows:

Duty may last longer than one day.

The length of the category is delimited by system events Duty Start and Duty End.
Duty category is not calculated unless a person clocks Duty event on the clock terminal
within the period delimited by Duty Start and Duty End events.
Duty Start and Duty End events are entered in a dedicated window accessible from the
Calculation dialogue box. The two events are related, meaning that they are entered as a
pair and also deleted as a pair.
If Duty period thus defined overlaps with the Core Time in the schedule by which a person
works, the schedule is invalidated.
Duty does not add up to gross attendance. It is tracked as a separate ("unpaid") category.

The following parameters must be set in order to implement Duty:

All persons on duty must have the Midnight wrap parameter enabled.
When setting the Midnight wrap parameter for employees on the Flexi Time scheme, leave
the Physical presence only option unchecked.
Enter the maximum length of duty period (Parameters view, Duty). Other parameters
depend on the method that will be used to clock duty.
Configure a key to enable duty clocking.
The following rules are applied in the tracking of Duty category.
The operator enters the start and end time of duty for a person i.e. duty plan.
The employee is expected to clock Duty event on the terminal inside this period. The Duty
clocking suffices for the entire period of duty as defined by the operator to be taken into
account. If the employee does not clock Duty event within the specified period (between
Duty Start and End times), Duty category is not recognized. The operator can enter the
Duty event manually or delete duty plan (start/end times).


Rules applying to employees on a stand-by are similar to those relating to duty. Stand-by
category comprises the time the employee was on a stand-by at home. To define the stand-
by period, check this option in the Duty window. The events that will be stored in the
database are Stand-by Start and Stand-by End.

The employee is not expected to clock any event during the stand-by period. If the employee
comes to work during the planned stand-by period (e.g. an emergency), the Physical
presence coinciding with the Stand-by period will be placed into the Stand-by Overtime
category. This category is triggered by the Arrival event clocked within the planned Stand-by
period, and concluded by the Departure clocking. The Stand-by category resumes after

Related topics
Setting duty plan
Duty clockings
Duty vs. Regular work
Working plan in Flexi Time
Vacation by hours

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 214

Time module

© 2020 Spica International

215 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Setting duty plan

To enter a duty period for an employee, open the Calculation window and click on .
Enter the duty start date and time and its length (Duration field). The End field is not
accessible. It shows the duty end time calculated on the basis of the start time and duration.

Duty dialogue

The Duty window includes the Schedule field, and Save as and Delete buttons. Initially the list
of schedules is empty and the value shown in the Schedule field is <custom>. After you enter
the duty start time and duration, you can click on the Save as button to save the start time
and duration. This speeds up the procedure if the duty is frequently applied.

Adding a new duty schedule:

Enter the duty start time and duration.

Click the Save as button.
Enter the name of the schedule and click OK.

Deleting a duty schedule from the list.

Select a schedule.
Click Delete.
Confirm by clicking on OK.

After entering start time and duration (custom or based on the schedule in the list), click OK.
Two events will be entered: duty start and end time. The program will display an error
message if you enter a duration that is longer than the pre-set maximum length of duty (Duty
parameter). Note that Duty category will not be recognized unless the employee clock Duty
event on the terminal.

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 216

Related topics
Duty clockings
Duty vs. Regular work
Duty and Stand-by

© 2020 Spica International

217 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Duty clocking

Duty event is clocked on the terminal the same as any other event. The moment this event
arrives in the database, the program calculates the Duty category on the basis of the duty
start time and duration i.e. duty plan entered by the operator. If no such plan has been
entered beforehand, the clocking is nevertheless stored in the database. The operator can
enter the plan later.

The time period within which the employee can clock the Duty event is delimited by duty plan
and tolerance before/after the duty start/end time. The tolerance (grace time) is part of the
Duty parameter setting. Duty clocking is taken into account if it occurs between the Duty Start
and Duty End times including the grace time preceding/following these events.

If the employee clocks duty outside the planned period, duty is not recognized.

If the employee concludes the period spent on duty by clocking Departure, the clocking must
occur within the grace time (Tolerance setting) preceding or following the end of duty.

Related topics
Setting duty plan
Duty vs. Regular work
Duty and Stand-by

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 218 Duty vs. Regular w ork

Duty can be implemented as a separate task, meaning that the employee comes to work for
that specific purpose and ends duty by clocking Departure. However, most of the time the
period of duty will immediately follow the end of regular work, or immediately precede the
regular work.

If Duty immediately follows regular work, the planned duty period must not overlap with the
Default Time in the valid schedule, or the schedule will be invalidated. The employee should
clock Duty event within the grace period before/after the Duty Start event. The same rule is
observed in situations where the duty immediately precedes regular work (the Duty clocking
must be inside the grace period before/after the Duty End event).

Related topics
Setting duty plan
Duty clockings
Duty and Stand-by

© 2020 Spica International

219 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Vacation by hours

In the Time&Space system, vacation is calculated in days. You will enter the annual vacation
quota for the current year at the beginning of the calendar year. After that, every time you
enter the Annual Leave event for the user in question (i.e. in the course of the current year),
the quota will be reduced by one day.

However, you can also convert the remaining vacation days into the corresponding number of
hours. To do this, use the pre-defined user intervention Vacation Transfer, which will trigger
the calculation of the category with the same name. The default value of one vacation day is
8 hours, but you can change it when entering this intervention. The value is saved so that it
is available the next time you use this event. The hours obtained through the vacation
conversion are shown as the credit/debit of regular hours. The remaining vacation days by
hours can be used in any of the following ways:

The employee clocks the Vacation event;

The operator enters manually the total of used hours;
The operator enters a whole-day absence (Vacation by hours).

These hours are placed into a corresponding category (e.g. Vacation by hours). The total of
these hours and the total of vacation days converted into hours are shown in the Categories
window and the Summary report. The total of the category containing vacation by hours at
any specific time may not be greater than the total of hours obtained by converting vacation.

Related topics
Instructions for use
Working plan in Flexi Time
Duty and Stand-by
Time module

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 220 Instructions for use

The basic set of categories and events includes the system intervention Vacation Transfer
and the system category with the same name. The converted hours are added to the current
balance and then tracked as the credit/debit of regular hours. If you want to enable a
separate tracking of hours obtained through conversion, you have to set a special category
(e.g. Vacation by hours) and events that will trigger it. The parameters used to set this
category are as follows:

Physical Presence – No.

Gross Attendance – No.
Core Time – Yes.
Vacation – No.

Vacation clocking – this clocking will trigger the calculation of the Converted Vacation
category, which will usually correspond to the plan for that day. However, the category may
also be calculated from the time of event to the end of the Default or Core time in the
schedule. In some cases you will need also the reverse calculation (e.g. arrival to work may
conclude the Converted Vacation category).

Vacation event as a whole-day absence. In this case, the balance of hours will be reduced by
the number of hours corresponding to the plan.

Vacation intervention – the balance will be reduced by the number of hours specified.

Note: The described events and category for the separate tracking of converted vacation
days are not part of the basic set of events/categories, because this method of tracking is
not broadly used and has been included in the system to meet special requirements.

Related topics
Vacation by hours

© 2020 Spica International

221 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Reports
There are two groups of reports built into Time&Space Manager:

predefined reports,
user defined reports.

Predefined reports

These reports are predefined and cannot be modified. Summary/Condensed report is

accessible from the One Day, One person, Persons/Days and Calculation views. It includes
condensed calculation data for the selected period.

Graphic report writes out One Day, One person, Persons/Days and Calculation views as
you see them on the screen.

User defined reports

The user can define the layout of a report by defining fields, groupings, sort order, etc.

Related topics
Predefined reports
Summary data
Working plan in Flexi Time
Duty and Stand-by
Vacation by hours
Flexi Time

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 222 Predefined Reports

Categories/One by days

This is a chronologically sorted listing of the selected category. The beginning/end times of
the category are listed for each day along with the total number of hours that were worked in
this category.

Categories/Prevalent by weeks

The prevalent category of the day is the longest lasting category in the day. This report is
arranged by weeks.

The symbols that appear in the report:

- The minus sign indicates that the prevalent category in that specific day was Physical
*PHY* This points to the violation in that day.
*** Unauthorized absence (violation).
*/* A missing clocking (arrival or departure).

Categories/One by months

This is the listing of the selected category for several months sorted by days. The days with
a selected category are marked X.


The listing of violations. The report includes the date of the violation and the total of time
violated. The reason may be a late arrival or early departure, or a missing clocking (event).


This is the list of all employees who were physically present at the place of work during the
time selected for the report. In addition to the user's name, there is also the time of arrival
and departure. If the user was still present at the end of the report period, there is the minus
sign instead of the departure time. The total number of listed users is displayed at the and
of the list of users.

Note: The arrival and departure shown in this report are the first and the last arrival in
the day.

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223 Time&Space Manager User's Manual


This is the list of all employees who were absent during the time selected for the report. The
Event column lists events that represent the reason of absence. The total number of listed
users is displayed at the and of the list of users.

Working Plan (schedule plan)

This is a simple listing of schedules arranged by weeks. Only schedule numbers are given.

Graphic Report

This is a graphic image of the One Day, One Person, Persons/Days and Calculation views, as
you see these on the screen.


This is a listing of all users with a selected whole-day absence event in their tables inside the
period selected for report. You can see the date and the total number of days of absence.
The advantage of this report lies in its speed, since it does not include whole-day absence
events that were potentially registered on the clock terminal. Information on the total number
of users and events included in the report is found at the end of report.

Related topics
Summary data
Generating report templates

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 224 Summary Data


This report contains condensed calculation for the selected period.

The explanation of data:

Presence - The total of Physical Presence category in the report period.

Plan - The total of Day Plans in the report period.
Violation - The total of violations, i.e. absence during the Core Time.
Day Balance Top Cut - The total of hours ignored due to the Day Balance Top limit.
Current Balance Top Cut - The total of hours that were ignored due to the Current Balance
Top limit.
Payday Balance Cut - The total of hours that were ignored due to the Pay Balance Top.
Difference - The difference between the planned and actual (paid) attendance (see also
the Detailed Summary report).
Summary/Balance - This report lists the balances of hours on the chosen date. Records
can be sorted by user names or the current balance. The total number of users listed in the
report is also included, along with the Current Balance and Vacation Days Left.


Detailed calculation report by categories.

The explanation of data:

Values are shown in hours and days. The Hours column contains the total of a category or in
hours. The Days column contains the number of days when a category has been recorded.
The columns Saturday, Sunday, Holidays, Sat/Hol and Sun./Hol. are the totals of a category
on Saturday, Sunday, Holiday and Sunday/Sunday, which coincides with a national holiday.

The data in the first section give the basic information about the user, the report period and
valid schedules.

Starting balance - The balance of hours on the first day of the report period.
Ending balance - The balance of hours on the last day of the report period.
Starting vacation balance - The balance of vacation on the first day of the report period.
Last year's balance is displayed in brackets.
Ending vacation balance - The balance of vacation on the last day of the report period. Last
year's balance is displayed in brackets.


The name of the category. If there was no occurrence of some listed category in the report
period, the values in the Hours and Days columns is 0:00. The names of the categories in the
sample reports correspond to default pre-set categories in Time&Space. Other data found in
this column are:

Unpaid, schedule - The total of attendance that has been ignored due to the limits
imposed by the schedule, namely the Paid Time rule.
Unpaid, day limit - The total of attendance that has been ignored due to the limits
imposed by the schedule, namely the Day Limit rule.
Unpaid, Day Balance Limit - The total of attendance that has been ignored due to the Day
Balance Top limit.
Unpaid, Current Balance Limit - The total of attendance that has been ignored due to the
Current Balance Top limit.
Unpaid, Payday Balance Limit - The total of attendance that has been ignored due to the
Pay Balance Top limit.

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225 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Unpaid, category Limit - The total of attendance that has been ignored due to the setting
which sets the upper limit of that category in one day.
Unpaid, Positive Balance Threshold - The total of attendance that has been ignored due
to the Positive Balance Threshold limit.
Total Unpaid Time - The total of all unpaid categories.
Violations at arrival - The total of violations arising from unauthorized late arrivals.
Violations at Departures - The total of violations arising from unauthorized early
Missing Arrival - The total of days with a missing arrival clocking.
Missing Departure - The total of days with a missing departure clocking.
Unauthorized absence - The total of unauthorized absence - these are days when there
was no any event recorded even though the person was expected to be at work.
Core Time Violation - The total of the Core Time violations.
Days calculated - The number of days covered with the report.
Gross Attendance - The total of all recognized categories of working time (physical
presence + virtual categories).
Plan - The total of planned attendance in the report period.
Difference - The difference between gross and planned attendance.
Night hours - The total of hours worked by a night schedule.
Special hours - The total of hours worked within the period specified by the Special hours

Related topics
Predefined reports
Generating report templates

© 2020 Spica International

Main views 226

4.3.7 Report Templates

Report Template editor is used to customize templates. You can adapt the view to your
current needs. Choose the Calculation type (Paid, Flexi or Industrial) or Template type
(Summary Condensed, Summary Detailed, Daily). To modify templates choose Tools | Report
Templates when in the One Day, One Person, Persons/Days or Calculation views. Only
administrators and operators with sufficient rights can access the editor.

Columns in the view

Name - The name of report template.

Calculation - The type of the calculation (Paid, Flexi or Industrial).
Template type - The type of template (Summary Simple, Daily Report or Summary Detailed).
Description - The description of report template.

Report tem plates dialogue

Idea: System templates (templates with lock drawn in first column) cannot be modified.

Related topics
Customizing report templates

© 2020 Spica International

227 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

5 Administrator's tasks

5.1 Level Zero

5.1.1 General settings
There are several parameters in Time&Space Manager that affect the global settings and
appearance of the client.

Currently, the following options are available:

Display options,
User's additional fields,
Space options,
Schedule options,
Report options,
Other options.

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 228 Display options


Administrator of the system can configure number of the visible units (up to 3 units), naming
and width of the units (300 pixels max). Units are shown as filters on views across
Time&Space system. Units are organized in hierarchical structure, meaning that Unit 1 is on
the lowest level and Unit 3 on the highest level. These relations are also used when filtering
data or creating restrictions.

Unit relations

Use different colours for access events in Event log

Check this option if want to enable a different colour for access events in the Event log (Level
Zero and Space module).

Single colour grids

Check this option if you want the colour of lines containing data in different views and
dialogue boxes alternates between white and grey. This colour alternation makes reading

Time&Space Manager theme

There are two themes available, Modern and Classic. The modern theme brings the fully
greyish tone to all levels of GUI, while the classic theme still consists of coloured buttons in
menus and dialogues. By default, the modern theme is selected.

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229 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Maximum number of records to fetch

Enter the maximum number of records to be read from the database or transferred to the
client. With large databases, reading of records may be a time-consuming procedure, so it is
recommended that you restrict the number of records and use filters (search database by
name or number, or filter database by organizational units). The length of this procedure
depends, among other things, on the speed of your processor, so there is no fit-all
recommended value.

Important: This feature is valid only on MSSQL servers.

Display options

Related topics
User's additional fields
Space options

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Administrator's tasks 230

Schedule options
Report options
Other options

© 2020 Spica International

231 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Users additional fields

Administrator of the system can enable additional user fields (up to 10 fields) to store extra
information (first eight fields up to 50 characters; last two up to 750 characters) about the
user. Custom name for an individual unit can be set with the length limitation of 18

Enabled fields are shown as columns (if selected) on Users view in Level zero. The entry of
user data is possible through Additional Fields view on user edit dialogue.

Users additional fields

Related topics
Display options
Space options
Schedule options
Report options

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 232

Other options

© 2020 Spica International

233 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Space options

Show additional access data

Check this option if you want to enable Additional access data field on user edit view. The
field is used for elevator control.

Automatically select visitors' last host for a new appointments and visits

Check this option if you want that a host will be automatically selected when opening a new
appointment or visit. Host from the latest appointment or visit will be selected.

Access Profile Service address

To automate update of access profiles in Device Administration Portal module, the Access
Profile Service address parameter must be set (address and port of Space API).

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 234

Space options

Related topics
Display options
User's additional fields
Schedule options
Report options
Other options

© 2020 Spica International

235 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Schedule options


Select between three options how schedules will be displayed on Person/Days view if
schedule filter will be applied:

Disable additional colouring,

Colour Schemes,
Colour Shifts.

Schedules options view

Related topics
Display options
User's additional fields
Space options
Report options

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Administrator's tasks 236

Other options

© 2020 Spica International

237 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Report options

Company's' logo

On the Reports view custom logo for Time&Space Manager reports can be set.

Reports options view

Related topics
Display options
User's additional fields
Space options
Schedule options
Other options

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 238 Other options

Log Folder

Type in the path of the log file. This is the file where the program stores information on
various actions or potential errors. Typically, the file is located in the installation directory of
Time&Space Manager application (e.g. C:\Program Files\Spica\TimeSpace). You can view the
log file using any text editor. The program creates a new log file for the current month on
each first day of a month. The name of the month files has the name tsXXYYYY.log where XX is
current month and YYYY is current year.

Fingerprint reader

Fingerprint enrolment station (FES) device is used to enrol templates used either for
identification (1:N) or verification (1:1 comparison). The unit is attached to the PC serial port it
is powered by dedicated power supply unit. You must select the appropriate serial port
number on which FES is currently connected to the workstation.

Entities ID

If enabled, all main entities in the system will have visible identification number on the main

Show origin

If enabled, event origin icon will be visible on the daily calculation views.


Set the method of tracking for the Application Audit log if audit trail is enabled in the system.
The following options are available:

Auditing disabled - auditing on the application level is turned off.

Standard auditing - actions add, edit and delete are tracked.
Extended auditing - in addition to the actions of a standard method, also views are

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239 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Other options

Note: Auditing mode can be changed only with super user (e.g. TSSPICA).

Related topics
Display options
User's additional fields
Space options
Schedule options
Report options

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 240

5.1.2 Managing badges

You can add a new badge number at any time. Click Badges on the View menu or click the
icon in a tree structure.

Entering badges

Although badge numbers can be entered at any time (they are not tied to entering users'
personal data), we highly recommend that when you first enter the data into the system you
enter badge numbers in connection with users' personal data (see the next paragraph for
the detailed description). If you still decide to enter badge numbers independently of other
data, then the procedure is as follows:

1. On the View menu select Badges or click Badges in the Time&Space tree.

2. To open the Badge window click .

3. Type in the badge number into the Badge number field. If there is no badge number
printed on the badge (it is coded only), make a clock transaction with that badge. The badge
number will be displayed in the Event Collector or Device Administration Portal window. If
your system supports the fingerprint verification option, enter any number of your choice into
this field.

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241 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Badge edit dialogue

4. Use the option Valid From/Valid To to determine the validity of the badge.

5. Enter the tag name to add additional information about the badge.

6. If the badge is in use, you can see user data and its selected profile by choosing user tab.

7. After entering the badge number you may also enter a default access profile for that badge
(it is not necessary though, since you can ascribe the access profile later to a user, who will
use that badge). This option is usually used for receptionists, who predefine the default
profile. The profile becomes valid when the badge is assigned to a visitor (or to an

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 242

Setting access profile

When the badge will be in use, Event Collector or Device Administration Portal server (if
active) will automatically send the badge number and selected access profile to the selected
terminals. Once the data is transmitted, the profile will become valid in the terminal network,
meaning that the terminals in question will accept transaction with that badge. It is assumed
that you use Spica Messaging Services for data synchronization. If Event Collector or Device
Administration Portal is not active, apply it and select the option for access profile updating. If
you are using Spica Messaging Services, choose Tools | Update profiles available from the
Users view. If not, notify the person who is authorized to use Event Collector or Device
Administration Portal about the change.

Inserting multiple badges

To insert a range of badges choose Insert badges on the view menu or click the icon in
the menu. Enter the first badge number and the last badge number in the appropriate fields.
It is possible to set expiration date and access profile for all the badges as described before.

Editing a badge

To edit a badge, point the cursor to the badge in the list and then click the icon or
double-click the left mouse button. This will open the Badge window where you can edit
badge data.

Remove badge from user

To remove a badge from the user, point the cursor to the badge in the list and then click the

icon in the menu.

Reset badge

To reset a badge to initial settings, point the cursor to the badge in the list and then click the

icon in the menu. This action will remove all settings connected with selected badge (e.
g. user, access profile, validity).

Deleting badges

To delete a badge number, point the cursor to that badge in the view and then select
button. Badges that are assigned to a user (employee or a visitor) cannot be deleted. If you
try to delete an assigned badge the program will display a warning message, telling you that
your action is invalid. To delete multiple badges simply pick them out by holding the CTRL key
and left-clicking them at the same time. When you select all you wish to delete, just click on

the button.

Related topics
Badges view

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243 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

5.1.3 Managing users

To view the users of the system, choose View | Users or click the icon in the tree view.

Adding a user

1. Choose Users on the View menu or click a corresponding icon on the tree.

2.To enter a new user's data click which opens the User window. Users data is divided
into four sections: General, Profile, Additional and Personal. By default, the check box that
shows the category of the user (Employee) is checked. First enter general data such as first
name, last name, reference etc. The fields named Organizational unit, Unit 1, Unit 2 and
Unit 3 are used for data filtering, so you are recommended to enter data into those fields.
In addition, these fields are also a criterion that you will use to restrict an operator's access
to a selected set of data.

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Administrator's tasks 244

User dialogue box, General tab

A user's record can also include a picture of a user. To load user's picture from a file, click on

to open a standard Windows dialogue box, from which you can browse the disk to find
the folder, containing pictures. Another way to insert the picture is using the network camera

connected. Click on the . The right part of the dialogue box will then show you the picture
from the camera. If no picture is displayed, set the camera on the left side of the dialogue

box. To Capture picture click on button . To insert the picture, click OK.

Important: the video capture option supports video servers (cameras) manufactured by
Axis, so you need to have installed the corresponding hardware and software.

In the Access section enter data about the user's badge and his PIN code.

Click the badge field to open the Select badge window. If you have already entered badge
numbers in the previous step, this window now displays the list of all available badges. Select
the badge number and press OK. Skip steps 4 and 5 below and go directly to step 6. If you
have not entered badge numbers yet, this window is empty, so proceed with step 4.

Badges dialogue box

3. Click Add to open the Badge window and enter the badge number. To make the process of
badge distribution as smooth as possible, place the badge into an envelope and write the
user' name on it.

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245 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Badge dialogue box

4. Click OK to confirm your choice and return to the User dialogue box. If the badge has
predefined access profile, you can confirm it to become users selected profile. The Profile tab
now displays the profile for that badge. If you want to ascribe a different profile to the user,
set user's profile.

5. Now go to the PIN code field. This is where you enter the user's numeric identification
code, which is intended for additional security (if used at all, it is optional). The user will have
to enter this number on the numeric keyboard on the clock terminal whenever he/she makes
a clocking that is tagged for access control (for more on tagging events for access control,
see user's manual for Event Collector or Device Administration Portal).

6. To set user's access profile navigate to the profile tab. To see how to set access profile
click here.

7. The additional tab displays data about user authorization in the system. Here, it is possible
to set or change authorization data for the user.

8. In the Message field custom user message is entered. The entered message appears on
the terminal screen, when user registers on it, instead of first and last name.

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Administrator's tasks 246

9. If user needs to have more badges assigned, add them under the additional badges
section. To set custom profile for additional badges click on button .

10. The personal tab holds all personal data about the user. A little effort at this point might
pay off later, since you can create a handy directory of employee information that can be
used for various purposes.

Deleting a user

To delete a user, left-click the user in the database and then click . The program will only
ask for confirmation, if you try to delete a user that has already made a clocking or has some
other event associated with his or her record in the database. By clicking OK in the dialogue
box you will delete the user’s record and all associated events.
To delete multiple users simply choose pick them out by holding the CTRL key and left-clicking
them at the same time. When you select all the users you wish to delete, just click on the


Editing a user

To edit user data, point the cursor to that user in the database and then click or double-click

the left mouse button . This will open the User window where you can edit user data.

Editing multiple users

To edit multiple users, choose them with holding down Ctrl key and select them with a

mouse. When all users are selected click . This will open the User window where you
can edit standard user data such as organizational hierarchy, Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 and access
profile. If the selected users don't have badge assigned, the access profile cannot be

Related topics
Managing access profiles
Managing additional information
Managing personal information
Users view

© 2020 Spica International

247 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Managing access profiles

Custom access profile consists of access groups, included points and excluded ones. Access
group is a predefined group of points. To manage or create new access groups, go to Access

groups view. To add access group to the profile click on the . Add a point to the Included
points, if there is some extra point that doesn't belong to appropriate access group. To add

such point click on . To set access schedule for the point, select one and click on . To

restrict access to some points from the given access groups click on . Restricted points
are listed under the excluded points section. When access profile is properly set click on
button OK.

User dialogue box, Profile tab

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Administrator's tasks 248

Warning: Maximum number of access schedules per DOX or DOG reader is limited to 20.

Note: Excluded readers are marked with a red crossed out reader's name (e.g.
) . Readers for which user does not have permissions are marked with a grey
colour (e.g ).

Setting access profile to multiple users

It is possible to set access profile to the group of users:

1. First select users on the Users view.

2. Click on button .

3. Click on the Profile tab.

Note: To set access profile, all users must have their badges assigned.

4. Beside Access groups, Included points and Excluded points buttons, there are two new

Exclude Groups

To remove a group of points from all selected users click on this button and select
appropriate group(s).

Copy from user

It is possible to assign custom user's access profile to the all previously selected users. Click

on this button and select a user with an appropriate access profile.

After setting the appropriate access profile choose action from the drop down menu:

Update User Profiles

If you choose this action, all users will get access to the newly added points and groups and
will be restricted access to all restricted points and restricted groups. If they have previously
defined some other points their status will stay the same as before.

Replace User Profiles

If you choose this action, all users will have exactly the same access profile as defined on this
view. All their previous profiles will be replaced.

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Related topics
Managing user data
Managing additional information
Managing personal information
Users view

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Administrator's tasks 250 Managing additional information

Additional information tab offers management of the following parameters:

Authorization Data

This is the short cut action for setting up user's account.

Terminal Settings

Message on interface - If message is entered, it will be displayed on the terminal instead

of user' first and last name.
Zone restrictions - If defined, an anti-passback zones will be valid only for selected users.
In other case they will apply for all users.
Disable PIN check - If selected PIN verification will be skipped for a specific user on the
Disable fingerprint check - If selected fingerprint verification will be skipped for a specific
user on the terminal. It applies only to verification readers.

Important: Zone restrictions option is supported only on Zone Wing controllers.

Important: Disable PIN check and Disable fingerprint check options are supported
only on DOX or Zone Wing controllers.

Additional Badges

User can have unlimited number of additional badges with a specific access profile.

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Additional inform ation

Related topics
Managing user data
Managing access profiles
Managing personal information
Users view

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Administrator's tasks 252 Managing personal information

User's data can be updated with several personal information united in the following groups:


Contact Information
Mobile phone

Other Information
Birth date

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253 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Personal inform ation

Related topics
Managing user data
Managing access profiles
Managing additional information
Users view

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Administrator's tasks 254

5.1.4 Changing password

Use Change password command on the Tools menu when to change the currently valid
password that allows you to access specific functions or data. Enter new password in the
Change password dialogue box.

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5.1.5 Managing fingerprints

Before functions on Fingerprint tab can be used, FES must be connected to computer on
which enrolment will take place.

Fingerprints edit form

The Fingerprints Edit Form shows user’s fingerprints template list. Each user can use up to
two templates of the same type in the system.

Columns in the Fingerprints Edit window

Index - Template index; 0 represents the first template and 1 represents the second.
Badge - Primary badge number assigned to the user.
Type - Template type can be either verification (1:1) or identification (1:n)
Finger - Indicates which finger was used to enrol a fingerprint.
Content - Content indicator of a stored template. Content tells us how good ridges can be
discerned from the valleys without any discontinuities. Content result higher than 40 in a
scale from 0 to 100 is typically considered good enough. It is always a good practice to
combine content result with the score result and store only templates that feature both
content and score higher than 40.
Quality - Quality indicator of a stored template. It tells us about a contrast of the acquired
fingerprint. A score of higher than 40 in a scale from 0 to 100 is typically considered good
enough. It is always a good practice to combine score result with the content result and
store only templates that feature both score and content higher than 40.
Security - Displays security level of the fingerprint template.
Source - Fingerprint templates can be stored in the database or on smart card. This
indicator shows current template source.

Buttons used for managing fingerprints are:

Edit a fingerprint template,

Add a new template,

Delete an existing template,

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Administrator's tasks 256

Verify a fingerprint template,

Reload fingerprint templates from database,

Re-read fingerprint templates from a card,

Copy fingerprint templates from one card to another.

A message ( Fingerprint reader is not connected) will be shown instead of reader type
information if no fingerprint reader unit is connected. In this case you will be able to edit
security and finger settings for fingerprints saved in Data Base. All other functions are
dependent on a fingerprint reader.

Note: In case no fingerprint reader unit is connected and Fingerprint unit serial number in
Options-> Fingerprint Reader is selected, the application running in Fingerprints View will
react slower. In such case select none in Fingerprint unit serial number.

Storing templates to MIFARE and iCLASS Smart cards

In some cases storing templates to database violates privacy rights. Time & Space extends
fingerprint functionality with a feature called template on card. In this case user's fingerprint
information is held on a smart card rather than in a database. MIFARE and iCLASS Smart
cards can hold up to two fingerprint templates. Template on card feature requires BioScrypt
V-Smart unit connected to a PC.

V-Sm art unit and proper card placem ent

To view templates stored on a smart card, click on button. After the button is pressed,
read progress dialogue is shown. When the Smart Card progress bar appears, smart card
should be placed near the V-Smart card reader as shown on the picture above. When reading
from card is finished, content of the card is shown in user's template list.

Note: User's badge number and card serial number must be the same. Processes of

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257 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

editing, adding and deleting templates are the same as working with templates stored in the

Related topics
Fingerprint Enrolment Station (FES)
Fingerprints wizard
Security settings
Quality and content indicators
Difference between verification and searching readers templates

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 258 Fingerprint Enrolment Station (FES)

Fingerprint enrolment station is used for capturing identification (1:many comparison) or
verification (1:1 comparison) fingerprint templates. The unit is attached to PC serial port and
it is powered by dedicated power supply unit.


FES must be connected to working station on which fingerprints will be enrolled. In the
Time&Space Manager under Options serial port for FES unit must be selected.

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FES settings

Proper Finger Placement

The basics for successful operation of the fingerprint units are simple but important. System
performance improves dramatically with consistent finger placement. It is important to make
sure that the position of the finger allows the unit to record the unique features of the print.
Here are the steps to follow for trouble-free fingerprint recognition.

A fingerprint unit features a ridge-lock that enables simple user instruction and maintains a
consistent finger position. With the fingertip raised, slide the finger across the ridge-lock, until
it locks into place within the first indentation of the finger. Next, lower the finger onto the
sensor and apply moderate pressure.

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Administrator's tasks 260

Proper fingerprint placem ent

Common mistakes

Correct finger placement is a significant component for reliable fingerprint imaging. The
following list contains some common mistakes:

Sliding the fingertip into place instead of lowering it onto the sensor will cause distortion of
the fingerprint and will degrade image quality.
Keep the fingertip raised while locating the Ridge-Lock, and then lower the fingertip.
Rotating the finger into position will cause distortion of the fingerprint, subsequently
making the verification less reliable.
Positioning the finger to one side and leaving a portion of the sensor exposed will degrade
image quality.
Placing the finger at an angle to the finger guide is another common mistake. Rotation of
the fingertip will not provide a reliable image of the fingerprint.

Related topics
Fingerprints wizard
Security settings
Quality and content indicators
Difference between verification and searching readers templates
Managing fingerprints

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261 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Fingerprints wizard

Adding Templates to a new User

To insert templates to a new user click on the add button in the Fingerprints View. The
Fingerprint Wizard is opened. To enrol a fingerprint a user has to have a default badge.
Continue to Adding/Editing templates.

Adding/Editing templates

Type - Template type can be either verification (1:1) or identification (1:n)

Finger - Select which finger will be enrolled, by clicking on one of the ten fingers of both

Security - Choose the desired template security level for the template.

Enrol Fingerprint dialogue

When you defined type, finger and security click on the enrol button.

When asked, place finger on the fingerprint sensor. Enrolment procedure is complete when a

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Administrator's tasks 262

beep is heard and information about the template is shown. In case quality indicators are not
satisfactory repeat enrolment procedure by placing finger on the sensor again.

In the end select a storage destination for fingerprint template. It can be stored in the
database, on smart card or both destinations.

Click Finish to save fingerprint template. (In case you are storing template on card you will
have to place smart card near the V-Smart card reader.)
Stored template does not contain a picture of the fingerprint. The fingerprint itself cannot be
restored using a stored template.

A message ( Fingerprint reader is not connected) will be shown next to Enrol button if no
fingerprint reader unit is connected. In this case you will be able to edit security and finger
settings for fingerprints saved in Data Base. All other functions are dependent on a
fingerprint reader.

Note: In case no fingerprint reader unit is connected and Fingerprint unit serial number in
Options-> Fingerprint Reader is selected, the application running in Fingerprints View will
react slower. In such case select none in Fingerprint unit serial number.

Related topics
Fingerprint Enrolment Station (FES)
Security settings
Quality and content indicators
Difference between verification and searching readers templates
Managing fingerprints

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263 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Security settings

As described in the previous section, Quality and Content scores are returned in the
enrolment process. These scores give an indication of the performance of the template
enrolled. To a large degree, the verification algorithm compensates for deficiencies in image
quality and loss of information content. Nonetheless, knowledge of these parameters and
what they mean helps ensure optimal performance.

False Acceptance and False Rejection

In order to understand the effects of poor image quality and poor information content it is
necessary to understand how to measure performance. Performance of the Veri-Series unit is
presented in terms of False Rejection and False Acceptance.

• False Rejection indicates that the unit incorrectly rejected a fingerprint that corresponds to
the person's template. False Rejections rarely occur and primarily result from the inability to
get a good image of the finger.
• False Acceptance indicates that the unit accepted a fingerprint that does not correspond to
the template it was compared with. False Acceptances are also rare and primarily result when
a fingerprint template is characterized by low information in the enrolled print.

The algorithm on the Veri-Series units has been tuned so that the false acceptance and false
rejection rates are equal at the medium security level (level 3), delivering the industry leading
accuracy. This is known as the Equal Error Rate. Increasing the security (e.g., changing the
security level from 3 to 1) will decrease the chance for false acceptance at the expense of
increased false rejection. Reducing the security (e.g., changing the security level from 3 to 5)
will decrease the chance of a false rejection at the expense of false acceptance. The table
below indicates the expected error rates at different security levels.

Related topics
Fingerprint Enrolment Station (FES)
Fingerprints wizard
Quality and content indicators
Difference between verification and searching readers templates
Managing fingerprints

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Administrator's tasks 264 Quality and content indicators

Image quality

Dry skin is another factor that can contribute to an unreliable image of a fingerprint. A normal
amount of moisture on the skin makes the ridges and valleys of the fingerprint stand out to
the sensor. Not enough moisture makes the image "noisy" and will cause the Veri-Series unit
to reject the image during processing. Lightly moisturising the finger will enhance the contrast
of the print and provide more reliable verification. The increased sensitivity of the silicon
sensor is dramatically reducing problems in this area.

Image consistency

Once a user's fingerprint template has been enrolled, the best performance in the candidate
matching process depends on consistency. Obviously, the user must present the same finger
for ID verification as it was used to form the original template. It is also important to position
the finger correctly for each verification, as it was done when the template was originally
enrolled. The goal is to present consistent placement to the unit so the Veri-Series unit
"sees" approximately the same information each time.

Quality indicator

The quality score is based on how well the ridge pattern is defined within the fingerprint
image that was enrolled. In other words, quality measures how clearly the unit imaged the
fingerprint. Poor quality enrolments can result in an elevated rate of false rejection making it
difficult for the user to verify reliably.

Quality scores of four perpendiculars and higher perform well with the Bioscrypt verification
algorithm. In this range, the algorithm readily compensates for differences in fingerprint
quality. Statistically it is still true that the larger the quality score the better the performance
of an enrolment.

As a general rule of thumb, quality scores of less than four perpendiculars require
intervention on the part of the Enroller or administrative software. Sources of low scores
include dry fingers and dirty sensors.

Very low and very high quality

If the quality score falls below four perpendiculars, Bioscrypt recommends the following

• Ensure that the sensor and finger are clean.

• If the finger and sensor are clean and dry finger is suspected, try re-enrolling one more
time, leaving the finger on the sensor for several seconds prior to enrolment. Frequently the
finger moisture accumulates over time to provide a good image.
• Fingerprint quality can vary among individual fingers of the same person. Try enrolling an
alternate finger to see if the score improves.
• Alter the security level for that particular template by decreasing the threshold a minimum
of 1 level (e.g., change the value from medium [3] to low [4]). This will offset the false
rejection for that template by making it easier to match.

Content indicator

The Content score is based upon the amount of usable information the Veri-Series unit sees

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265 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

in the fingerprint. Templates that are characterized by low content scores may result in
elevated rates of false acceptance.

Again, the score is given in perpendiculars and ranges from zero to ten stars with ten being
the most content and zero being the least. Content scores of three stars and higher perform
well with the Bioscrypt Algorithm. In this range the algorithm has enough information to
distinguish between different fingerprints with a high level of accuracy. Templates with
content scores above four perpendiculars do not vary in terms of the error rates.

Content scores with less than four perpendiculars require intervention on the part of the
Enroller or administrative software. Sources of poor content include improper finger
positioning and extremely bland fingerprints.

Very high and very low content

Related topics
Fingerprint Enrolment Station (FES)
Fingerprints wizard
Security settings
Difference between verification and searching readers templates
Managing fingerprints

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 266 Difference between verification and searching readers templates

Bioscrypt's V-Pass (searching) is similar in construction to the V-Flex (verification) but
incorporates an entirely different biometric algorithm. Whereas the V-Flex will perform a 1:1
matching verification where an ID number is required, the V-Pass performs 1:M identification
utilizing a searching algorithm that compares the user's fingerprint with every stored
template to find a potential match. This ability eliminates the need to provide the unit with an
ID number to verify, as with a proximity card. The users simply place their finger on the
sensor, and a PASS / FAIL is determined.

Note: the V-Pass (1:n) fingerprint templates are different from the smaller 1:1 fingerprint
templates. Verifying V-Pass template on V-Flex reader will always return verification result 0.
V-Pass unit can enrol 1:n templates where V-Flex and V-Smart can enrol 1:1 templates.

Related topics
Fingerprint Enrolment Station (FES)
Fingerprints wizard
Security settings
Quality and content indicators
Managing fingerprints

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267 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

5.1.6 Managing access groups and areas

Managing Access Groups

Click on the tool bar to open the Access Group window where you can select access
points that will be included in that access group. To delete an access group, point the cursor

to that access group in the database and then click . You can delete only an access
group that has not been assigned to a badge or user. To edit an access group, point the

cursor to that group and then click or double-click the left mouse button. This will open
the Access Group window where you can edit data. Any change made to an access group
also affects selected profiles of all users with such a changed access group.

Managing Areas

To view the areas click the button in the toolbar on the view. Window Areas editor
shows a graphical display of area structure in the system. Use standard actions from menu

(edit , add , delete ) for managing area tree. You can search for areas with the
field in the menu. Enter the initials of the area into the field and press Enter.

Areas editor

Related topics
Access Groups view

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Administrator's tasks 268

5.1.7 Adding and editing events

To view the events stored in the system database, choose View | Event Log or click the icon
in the tree view. Level Zero module displays only access requests (events Access and Access
Denied). These events cannot be edited or entered manually. Events used by modules for
working time control are visible in the suitable module. These events can be edited and
entered manually, and original clockings can be deleted.

Related topics
Events log

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5.1.8 Audit log administration

In order to use auditing, it must be set on the database server. For more information refer to
the Getting started document.

Audit log list can be filtered by the date/time, database user, workstation name, audit type
and table name.

Click the Calendar icon ( ) to open the Date/Time dialogue box where you select the
period you want to view. In addition to the to-from date, you can set the interval of the day
(from-to hour) you want to view.

Note that audit log can grow in time, it is advisable to set short time periods to optimise the
application response times.

Fields in the view


Date and time of the change.


Database user's name who made the change (You must use Database Native Authentication
Mode to get full user name; Standard authentication mode does not hold information about
the user who made the changes in Time&Space system)


Workstation from which the user made the change.


Type of the change (insert, delete or update).

Table name

Name of the table where data is stored.

Use the View details icon on the tool if you wish to view details about a particular
change. Please note that some changes to the Time&Space data can result in multiple
records in the audit log list.

Related topics
Audit Details dialogue box
Audit log

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Administrator's tasks 270 Audit details dialog box

This view shows the whole history of the selected item (change). Items are ordered by the
date/time. Currently valid value is the top most one - coloured green. Grey coloured rows
show past values of the same item. Use the Previous and the Next buttons to select other
audit log items.

Audit details

Related topics
Audit log view

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5.1.9 Managing Roles

Each role is a set of different kinds of privileges and privilege levels. Majority of privileges
have four privilege levels: read, create, update and delete.

There are several actions to aid you create a role: selecting/deselecting all privileges,
selecting/deselecting all privileges in the selected group, selecting/deselecting read/edit/
create/delete privilege.

Role param eters

Privileges are clustered in the six groups:

Level Zero


Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access Badges view. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add new badges. Check Update privilege level to allow the user to
change badges Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete badges.


Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access Users view. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add new users. Check Update privilege level to allow the user to
change users. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete users.

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Administrator's tasks 272


Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access Fingerprints view. Check Create
privilege level to allow the user to add new fingerprint templates. Check Update privilege
level to allow the user to change fingerprint templates. Check Delete privilege level to allow
the user to delete fingerprint templates.

Access Rights

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to view user's access rights. Check Create
privilege level to allow the user to add access rights to other users. Check Delete privilege
level to allow the user to prohibit access on the specific readers..

Access Groups

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to Access groups view. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add new access groups. Check Update privilege level to allow the
user to change access groups. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete access

Access PIN

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to view PIN. Check Create privilege level to allow
the user to add a new PIN. Check Update privilege level to allow the user to change the PIN.
Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete the PIN.


Check if the operator has the right to see users' presence.

Event Log

Check if the operator has the right to see events in the Level Zero module using Event log

Audit log

Check if the operator has the right to see audit log.


Check Read privilege level to allow the user to view areas. Check Create privilege level to
allow the user to add new areas. Check Update privilege level to allow the user to change
areas. Check Delete privilege level to allow user to delete areas.

Organizational Hierarchy

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to view organizational hierarchy. Check Create
privilege level to allow the user to add new units. Check Update privilege level to allow the
user to change organizational hierarchy. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to
delete units.


Check if the operator has the right to create reports in the Level Zero module.

Authorization Roles

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access roles view. Check Create privilege level
to allow the user to add new roles. Check Update privilege level to allow the user to modify

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273 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

the existing roles. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete roles.

User Accounts

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access accounts view. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add new accounts. Check Update privilege level to allow the user to
modify the existing accounts. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete

Licence Management

Check if the operator has the right to manage system Licenses.


Front Space Visits

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to manage visits. Check Create privilege level to
allow the user to add new visits. Check Update privilege level to allow the user to change
visits. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete open visits.

Front Space Appointments

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to manage appointments. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add new appointments. Check Update privilege level to allow the
user to change appointments. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete open

Manage Visitors

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access visitors view. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add new visitors. Check Update privilege level to allow the user to
change visitors. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete visitors.

Time Zones

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access Time Zones. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add new Time Zones. Check Update privilege level to allow the user
to change Time Zones. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete Time Zones.

Space Calendar

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access calendar view. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add new calendar events. Check Update privilege level to allow the
user to change calendar events. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete
calendar events.


Check if the operator has the right to create reports in the Space module.

Event Log

Check if the operator has the right to see events in the Space module using Event log view.


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Administrator's tasks 274

Working schemes

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access working schemes view. Check Create
privilege level to allow the user to add new working schemes. Check Update privilege level to
allow the user to change working schemes. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to
delete working schemes.


Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access employees view. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add working schemes to users. Check Update privilege level to
allow the user to change which working schemes are assigned to users. Check Delete
privilege level to allow the user to delete working schemes.

Time Calendar

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access calendar view. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add new calendar events. Check Update privilege level to allow the
user to change calendar events. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete
calendar events.

Time Schedules

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access schedules view. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add new schedules. Check Update privilege level to allow the user
to change schedules. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete schedules.

Category definitions

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access categories view. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add new categories. Check Update privilege level to allow the user
to change categories. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete categories.

Event definitions

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access events view. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add new event definitions. Check Update privilege level to allow the
user to change event definitions. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete
event definitions.

Global Parameters

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access global parameters view. Check Update
privilege level to allow the user to change global parameters.


Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access counters view. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add new counters. Check Update privilege level to allow the user to
change counters. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete counters.

Paid Time

Check if the operator has the right to manage Paid Time module.

Flexi Time

Check if the operator has the right to manage Flexi Time module.

Industrial Time

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275 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Check if the operator has the right to manage Industrial Time module.

Calculation Views

Check if the operator has the right to see time calculation views: One day, One person,
Person/days and Calculation.


Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access add events view. Check Create
privilege level to allow the user to add new events. Check Update privilege level to allow the
user to modify the existing events. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete an

Set calculation start date

Check for the operator who will have the right to use commands Set user's calculation start
date and Set calculation start date for all users .

Time Locking

Check if the operator has the right to execute Time locking action.

Report Design

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access report designer. Check Create privilege
level to allow the user to add new templates. Check Update privilege level to allow the user
to change templates. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete templates.


Check if the operator has the right to see Roster view in WebTS.


Check if the operator has the right to create reports in the Time module.

Event Log

Check if the operator has the right to see events in the Time module using Event log view.

Job Costing

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access job costing view. Check Create
privilege level to allow the user to add new jobs. Check Update privilege level to allow the
user to change jobs. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to delete jobs.

Job Definitions

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access job definitions view. Check Create
privilege level to allow the user to add new job definitions. Check Update privilege level to
allow the user to change job definitions. Check Delete privilege level to allow the user to
delete job definitions.

Time&Space Modules Privileges

Time&Space Manager - Login

Check if the user has the right to logon to Time&Space Manager.

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Administrator's tasks 276

Event Collector/DAP - Login

Check if the user has the right to logon to Event Collector or Device Administration Portal.

Event Collector/DAP - Administrator

Check if the user has the right to change configuration in Event Collector or Device
Administration Portal.

Visual Space Manager - Login

Check if the user has the right to logon to Visual Space Manager module.

Visual Space Manager - Administrator

Check if the user has the right to manage settings in Visual Space Manage module.

Visual Space Manager - Doors Management

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access door view. Check Update privilege level
to allow the user to modify door status.

Visual Space Manager - Alarms

Check Read privilege level to allow the user to access Alarms view. Check Update privilege
level to allow the user to change Alarms.

Visual Space Manager - Video Surveillance

Check if the user has the right to replay videos from the SeeTec system.

Payroll Integration Framework - Login

Check if the user has the right to logon to PIF module.

Payroll Integration Framework - Administrator

Check if the user has the right to manage settings in PIF module.

WebTS and Web Clocking Portal

Select appropriate access level: Personal, Workgroup or/and Web Clocking Portal.

System tools

Check if the user has the right to manage settings in Time&Space Tools.

Approval Workflow - Login

Check if the user has the right to logon to Approval Workflow module.

Approval Workflow - Approver

Check if the user has the right to manage requests from other users.

Approval Workflow - Administrator

Check if the user has the right to manage settings in Approval Workflow module.

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277 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Biometric Administration Portal - Login

Check if the user has the right to logon and manage settings in Biometric Administration

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Administrator's tasks 278

5.1.10 Managing User Accounts

When you first install Time&Space, only the system user TSSPICA can log on, so you should
create accounts for users to log into the system.

A permission to use the system can be given to any user of the system with the Employee
status. It is also possible to create accounts that don't belong to any Time&Space user and it
is still possible to connect to the system.

To access this function, select Authorization\User Accounts from the View menu. Of course,
this option will be visible only if you have logged with system user account or with the
account that has read permission for User Accounts.

Create a new User Account

1.Choose Authorization from the View menu or click the icon on the tree. The screen shows
the list of the existing user accounts.

To create a new User Account click button. The dialogue for creating accounts opens.

2.Account settings are divided in two sections General and Restrictions.

General section

1.Select the appropriate username for the user account.

2.Check "Allow Database Native Authentication Mode, only" check-box to assign Time&Space
account to the existing database account.
3.New password, Confirm password: Enter the user’s password. With Database Native
Authentication Mode, the field is not accessible since the password is specified on the
database server.
4.Select the appropriate role for this user account.
5.If you want to assign Time&Space user to this account, click in the users field and select the
employee. If the selected role includes Personal Web Access or Web Clocking Portal
permission than user is obligatory.

© 2020 Spica International

279 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

User Account General dialogue box

Related topics
User Accounts View

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 280 Restrictions
Restrictions section

There are five types of restrictions:

Unit 1/Unit 2/Unit 3,

Event Groups,
Organizational Hierarchy,

User Account Restrictions dialogue box

Unit 2s restriction defines which Unit 1s, Unit 2s and sub-Unit 2s are visible with this account.
To select appropriate units just check them.

© 2020 Spica International

281 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Selecting Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3

Event Groups restriction defines which groups of events the operator can use when entering
events in Time&Space Manger or WebTS.

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 282

Selecting events groups

Areas restriction defines which Areas the user with this account can see.

© 2020 Spica International

283 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Selecting Areas

The Organizational Hierarchy restriction defines which Organizational units the user has
rights for. When an organizational unit is appointed to the operator, he has rights to see all
underlying units, too. There is no need to use unit switching when using organizational

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 284

Selecting Organizational units

Roles restriction defines which roles the operator can use when authorizing new users in
Time&Space Manger or WebTS.

© 2020 Spica International

285 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Selecting Roles

Note: If account restrictions are not set then the account will have no restrictions.

Related topics
Managing user accounts

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 286

5.1.11 Generating Reports

Reports can be generated from all Time&Space modules. There is a range of criteria enabling
you to design a report in accordance with your own needs. In addition, Time&Space offers
several pre-set reports. In Level Zero the Reports menu is accessible from the Users and
Event log views.

To design your own report choose Report Wizard on the Reports menu.

Related topics
Reports in the Users view
Reports in the Event log view

© 2020 Spica International

287 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Reports in the Users view

User Forms

This report contains user data, badge number and access profile arranged like a form.

User Labels

Use this report to print data to the labels if you want to personalize ID badges.


This report contains data of all present employees.

Select Wizard to write out the report on users with the help of the Report Wizard.

Related topics
Reports in the Event log view
Generating reports

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 288 Reports in the Event log view

Events by users

This report lists all events in a selected period in a chronological order. When you run this
report you first have to select the Unit 2 and the time period. The data are sorted by users.

Events by locations

This report lists all events in a selected period in a chronological order. When you run this
report you first have to select the Unit 2 and the time period. The data are sorted by access
points of their origin.

Events by locations and users

This report lists all events in a selected period in a chronological order. When you run this
report you first have to select the Unit 2 and the time period. The data are sorted first by
access points of their origin then by users.

Events by units

This report lists all events in a selected period in a chronological order. When you run this
report you first have to select the Unit 2, Unit 3 and the time period. The primary sort key is
the Unit 2 and the secondary the Unit 3.

Events by units and users

This report lists all events in a selected period in a chronological order. When you run this
report you first have to select the Unit 2, Unit 3 and the time period. The primary sort key is
the Unit 2 the secondary and tertiary the Unit 3 and the user.

Select Wizard to write out the report on the events with the help of the Report Wizard.

Related topics
Reports in the Users view
Generating reports

© 2020 Spica International

289 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

5.1.12 Exporting and e-mailing reports

Reports can be exported to Microsoft Excel (xls), Adobe Acrobat (pdf), Rich Text Format (rtf),
Web Page (html) and Bitmap image (bmp) formats. To export a report, click on the right
mouse button when in the Print Preview, then select the Export option and the type of the
export file format from the menu. In the Print window specify the directory of the export file.
The files in xls, rtf and pdf formats can be e-mailed directly from Print Preview. To do this,
click on the right mouse button and choose the E-mail option from the menu.

Note: The use and handling of personal data is regulated in many countries. The user
(administrator, operator) is responsible for protection of personal data according to applicable
laws and regulations. Exported personal information is particularly vulnerable and requires
extra caution.

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 290

5.2 Space
5.2.1 Front Space Making an appointment
Entering visits at the check-in time may take longer than expected and thus aggravate the
visitor. To avoid this situation a receptionist can prepare for an upcoming visit by making an
appointment as soon as he/she finds out about it from the host. This has several

A receptionist can have an overview of the upcoming situation (how many and when the
visitors are expected to come)
Check-in takes less time (majority of data such as visitor, host, is already entered and a
badge can already be assigned)

Click in Visits or One Day view to open an appointment.

Appointm ent dialogue box

Fields in the Appointment view


Click to open the User window where you find the list of visitors whose names are already
stored in the database. You can choose which fields are displayed in this dialogue box as well
as their sequence and format (see Choosing columns). If your visitor is not yet in the
database, you have to enter his/her data.

© 2020 Spica International

291 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Note: If you know that the visitor's name is stored in the database, type in just the first
characters of the visitor's surname and press the tabulator on the keyboard. The program will
automatically find the first person in the database whose name begins with the entered


Click to open the User dialogue box and choose the host. As a rule the host is some
employee of the company whose name is certainly stored in the database, so enter the
search string to quickly move to the desired record in the database. Time&Space users in the
Front Space access group cannot modify any user data. Administrator or Operator access
rights are needed to modify user data.

Visit time

Date and time of arrival. In this dialogue box the field is empty because visitor hasn't arrived


At check-in time or any time during the visit remarks can be written for the selected visit.


Date of an appointment.


Time of expected arrival. You can choose time from the drop down menu or type in the
estimated time of arrival.


Expected length of the visit. You can choose time from the drop down menu or type in the
estimated length of the visit. Leave <undefined> if no estimate can be given. In One day view
duration is presented in as a green line.

Related topics
Entering a new visit
Closing a visit
Adding a new visitor
Adding and deleting events
Generating reports
Exporting and e-mailing reports

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 292 Opening a new visit

Click on the toolbar to check-in a new visitor. If an appointment is selected, the dialogue
will first ask to open a new visit based on the selected appointment. If the user confirms, the
Visit dialogue will already show visitor's and host's data, otherwise a blank Visit dialogue is

Visit dialogue box

Fields in the visit part


Click to open the User window where you find the list of visitors whose names are already
stored in the database. You can choose which fields are displayed in this dialogue box as well
as their sequence and format. If your visitor is not yet in the database, you have to enter his/
her data.

© 2020 Spica International

293 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Note: If a visitor has Blacklisted option enabled (User edit view), a warning message is
shown when opening a new visit or appointment for this user. This feature can be used as a
reminder in situations when a visitor has been restricted to enter a specific area or person.


Click to open the User dialogue box and choose the host. As a rule the host is some
employee of the company whose name is certainly stored in the database, so enter the
search string to quickly move to the desired record in the database. Time&Space users in the
Front Space access group cannot modify any user data. Administrator or Operator access
rights are needed to modify user data.

Visit time

Date and time of the visit is filled in automatically. Date and time correspond to the server
date and time. When a visitor is checked out, date and time is also filled in automatically. The
time of visitor's arrival is inserted automatically on the basis of the real time clock.


At check-in time or any time during the visit remarks can be written for the selected visit.

Fields in the access part


Click to open the Badges window. Choose the badge from the list then assign to it the
access profile or modify the existing one if needed (see below). If you, however, have to
enter a new badge, click on the Add button and enter the data about a new badge.

Hide used badges box in the lower part of the window is checked by default. This prevents
potential mistakes when assigning badges. If you clear the check mark in this field and you
later attempt to assign to the user the badge currently in use, the program displays the
warning message: Badge still assigned to the previous visit. Close this visit? If you have
selected the wrong badge number, try to find another badge that is not in use. If, however,
the badge is actually available for use but you have forgotten to close the previous visit, you
should do it now.

Access profile

Select which access profile the badge would use, either Badge, Host or custom. Choose
<custom> if none of the above profiles suits your needs. Selecting this option will enable the
Points field just below this one.

Note: If the Host option is selected, then only access profile from the primary badge is


If you have chosen Badge or Host option in the previous field, the Points field shows a
corresponding profile and the field is not accessible for editing. If, however, you have
selected Custom in the previous field, you have to enter access profile for the visitor into this
field. Click to open the Access Profile window showing a list of defined access points. The
selected access profile will be valid until you close that visit.

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 294


Badges can have an expiration date after which they can no longer be used by a specific
visitor to access points.

Update active profile

Check this field if the selected profile should be sent to the terminals in real-time. We
recommend that you define access profiles for visitors' badges in advance and send these to
the terminals immediately, to avoid excessive network traffic. In addition, if your terminal
network is operating in off-line mode, this is the only possible option. Do not check this field if
the terminals operate in off-line mode.

Fields in the receipt part


Select Without printing if you do not want to print the sign slip. Select Print if you want to
print the sign slip. Select Preview if you want to preview the slip before printing. You will first
see the preview of the sign slip. Selection is preserved for the next entry.


This field is disabled when you check-in a new visitor. It is intended for use later, when you
want to check the visitor out (see description below). The time of visitor's arrival is inserted
automatically on the basis of the real time clock.

If there is no need for setting up access rights, receptionists can hide the access part of the

dialogue box by pressing the button. Pressing it again makes the access fields

Deleting a visit

To delete a visit, point the cursor to that visit in the and then click . All events related to
this visit (record) will be deleted.

Editing a visit

To edit a visit, point the cursor to that visit and then click or double-click the left mouse
button. This will open the Visit window where you can edit data. You can edit host data only
- editing of other data is not allowed.

Related topics
Making an appointment
Closing a visit
Adding a new visitor
Adding and deleting events
Generating reports
Exporting and e-mailing reports

© 2020 Spica International

295 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Closing a visit

A visitor should return the badge and the sign slip with the host's signature when leaving.
Find the related record in the database (Visits view) using the number of the returned badge

as a search key, then click on to open the Check-out window. This window shows
complete information related to that visitor, but the only information you can enter is the
status of the sign slip (Signed/Unsigned) shown in the lower part of the window. The real-
time clock shown next to the Check out field runs until you close the visit by clicking OK.

Related topics
Making an appointment
Entering a new visit
Adding a new visitor
Adding and deleting events
Generating reports
Exporting and e-mailing reports

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 296 Adding a new visitor

To enter a new visitor's data open the Visit dialogue box and then click on the button to
open the Visitor dialogue box. Press the Add button to open the User dialogue box.

Enter the data into the Last name (required) and First name (optional) fields, and other
available data about the visitor (company, phone number and the like, these data are

Click Access tab to access fields about the visitor's access profile.

Click to open the Access Profile window with the list of defined access points. In addition
to the general rules applying to access profiles in the Time&Space system, you should be
aware of some other rules specific to the Front Space module.

1. If your Time&Space program does not communicate with the terminal network in real time,
meaning that there is no immediate exchange of data between the program and the
terminals, you are recommended to set aside some badges for the visitors. With this method
you define the access profile for each badge, send the data to the terminals using Event
Collector or Device Administration Portal and switch to off-line mode again. With this type of
operation the option Update active profile in the Visit dialogue box must be unchecked. When
a visitor arrives you give to him/her a badge with such a pre-defined access profile. The
profile should not be changed at the time of the visitor's check-in, because that would create
the situation in which the data in the database do not match those stored in the terminal's
memory (the latter are referred to when the terminal has to process an access request by
the visitor).

2. If, however, your system operates in the on-line mode meaning that the data between the
terminals and the PC are exchanged in real time, it is not necessary to prepare badges in
advance. In such a case, you can assign the access profile to the badge at the time of the
visitor's arrival – in addition to the default badge profile, you can choose the host's access
profile, the pre-defined visitor's profile (for example, if you assigned to this visitor a specific
profile during some previous visit) or you can enter a completely new profile.

3. In contrast to the employees of the company, who are the permanent holders of the
badges, a visitor has the badge in possession for a limited period of time only, that is during
the visit. Once he/she checks-out (the visit is closed), the badge is available to be given to
another user (visitor).

Related topics
Making an appointment
Entering a new visit
Closing a visit
Adding and deleting events
Generating reports
Exporting and e-mailing reports

© 2020 Spica International

297 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Generating reports

Reports can be generated from Visits View and Event log view in the Front Space module (the
Reports menu). To design your own report choose Report Wizard on the Reports menu.

Related topics
Making an appointment
Entering a new visit
Closing a visit
Adding a new visitor
Adding and deleting events
Exporting and e-mailing reports

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 298 Adding and deleting events

To view the events stored in the system database, choose View | Space | Front Space |
Event Log or click the icon in the tree view.

Events in this view cannot be added, edited or deleted. They can only be viewed. Apart from
that, you can also filter events by users, access profile, type of event, time period, create a

custom report and refresh the data by pressing the button.

Related topics
Making an appointment
Entering a new visit
Closing a visit
Adding a new visitor
Generating reports
Exporting and e-mailing reports

© 2020 Spica International

299 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Report w izard

To access the Report wizard click the report icon on the tool bar or click that option on
the Report menu.

The left portion of the window shows the list of available fields. Selected fields are displayed
on the right.

Use arrows to add or remove individual fields from the list, or use double arrow
to add/remove all fields at once.
To change the order of fields in the report, use Up/Down arrows.
You can change the width of the column in the printed report. To do this, first point to the
desired column. The pre-set width will be displayed in the field in the lower right part of the
window. If you want to change it, type in a new value and click Apply to confirm a new
The Load template button will take you to the folder containing previously saved templates
(see the next step). Once you have finished with the selection and column width settings,
click Next.
In the second step you specify some additional parameters relating to the printer and

Printer Name

Select the name of the printer from the drop-down list showing all installed printers
accessible from your computer.

Paper size

Select paper size from the drop-down list. A standard paper size with laser printers is A4. If
the total width of all columns selected for report exceeds the width of paper, the wizard will
display a warning message and suggest automatic adjustment of column widths to fit the
selected width of paper. To adjust column width manually, click the Back button and resize
the columns.

Paper orientation

Check Portrait or Landscape button. If printing a larger number of columns, select the
Landscape option.

Save report layout

Check this option if you want to save this report as a template for later use. Type in the name
of the template with the extension rtm. Saving a template will save you time when you want
to generate the same report on another occasion.
Click Finish. The wizard will generate the preview where you can see what the report will look

like. If you are satisfied with it, click to print the report. If you do not want to print the
report, choose Close to return to the Report Wizard window.

Related topics
Generating reports

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 300 Exporting and e-mailing reports

Reports can be exported to Microsoft Excel (xls), Adobe Acrobat (pdf), Rich Text Format (rtf),
Web Page (html) and Bitmap image (bmp) formats.

To export a report, click on the right mouse button when in the Print Preview, then select the
Export option and the type of the export file format from the menu. In the Print window
specify the directory of the export file.

The files in xls, rtf and pdf formats can be e-mailed directly from Print Preview. To do this, click
on the right mouse button and choose the E-mail option from the menu.

Note: The use and handling of personal data is regulated in many countries. The user
(administrator, operator) is responsible for protection of personal data according to applicable
laws and regulations. Exported personal information is particularly vulnerable and requires
extra caution.

Related topics
Making an appointment
Entering a new visit
Closing a visit
Adding a new visitor
Adding and deleting events
Generating reports

© 2020 Spica International

301 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

5.2.2 Time Zones Working with Access Schedules
To view the access schedules stored in the system database, choose View | Space | Time
Zones | Access Schedules or click the icon in the tree view.

Adding an access schedule

Click on the tool bar to open the Access Schedule window where you can define a new

Deleting an access schedule

To delete an access schedule, point the cursor to that schedule in the database and then

click .

Editing an access schedule

To edit an access schedule, point the cursor to that schedule in the database and then click

or double-click the left mouse button. This will open the Access Schedule window where
you can edit data.

Related topics
Access Schedules view

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 302 Working with Space Calendar

When setting up an access schedule you have to specify whether the schedule will be valid
on national holidays. The dates of national holidays are stored in the Calendar shared by all
Time modules. To open the Calendar choose View | Space | Time Zones | Calendar or click the
icon in the tree view.

Adding a date

Choose Calendar | Add or click on the tool bar to open the Calendar window where you
can enter data.

Deleting a date

To delete a date, choose Calendar | Delete or point the cursor to that date and click .

Editing a date

To edit a date, choose Calendar | Edit or point the cursor to that date and then click or
double-click the left mouse button. This will open the Calendar window where you can edit

Related topics
Access Schedules view

© 2020 Spica International

303 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Generating reports

To generate a report from the Time Zones module, choose Reports menu when in the Space
calendar view. The report wizard will guide you through the process. You can write out the
data stored in the Calendar.

Related topics
Space Calendar view

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 304 Exporting and e-mailing reports

Reports can be exported to Microsoft Excel (xls), Adobe Acrobat (pdf), Rich Text Format (rtf),
Web Page (html) and Bitmap image (bmp) formats.

To export a report, click on the right mouse button when in the Print Preview, then select the
Export option and the type of the export file format from the menu. In the Print window
specify the directory of the export file.

The files in xls, rtf and pdf formats can be e-mailed directly from Print Preview. To do this, click
on the right mouse button and choose the E-mail option from the menu.

Note: The use and handling of personal data is regulated in many countries. The user
(administrator, operator) is responsible for protection of personal data according to applicable
laws and regulations. Exported personal information is particularly vulnerable and requires
extra caution.

© 2020 Spica International

305 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

5.3 Time
5.3.1 Working with Time Calendar
To open the Calendar click the icon in the tree view or choose View | Time | Calendar.

Entering dates

To enter a new date into the Calendar click or select Add from the Calendar menu to
open the Calendar window.

Deleting dates

To delete a date from the Calendar, point the cursor to the date then click or select
Delete from the Calendar menu.

Editing dates

To edit a date in the Calendar, point the cursor to that date, then click or select Edit from
the Calendar menu. This will open the Calendar window where you can edit data.

Related topics
Time Calendar

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 306

5.3.2 Working with Time Schedules

To choose the Schedules view, click on the Schedules icon on the tree or select this option
from the menu (View | Time | Schedules). To filter the data on the screen select the
appropriate filter depending on the schedule/working time type: Flexi, Industrial or Paid.

Adding a new schedule

To enter a new schedule click on the tool bar to open the Schedule window.

Deleting a schedule

To delete a schedule, point the cursor to the schedule and then click .

Editing a schedule

To edit times in a schedule, point the cursor to the schedule, then click . This will open
the Schedule window where you can edit data.

Related topics
Schedule dialogue box
Time Schedules

© 2020 Spica International

307 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Schedule dialog box


The schedule's ID number is generated automatically and cannot be changed by the user.

Schedule name

The name should be descriptive enough to make easier the identification of the schedule
when you have to choose it from the list, e.g. when laying out the working scheme for the


Choose the type of schedule from the drop-down list in this field. If you have applied the filter
in the Schedule view, that is, before you opened a new schedule to enter data, the type is
already selected and this field is disabled.

Entering data into the schedule

Related topics
Working with Time Schedules
Time Schedules

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 308

5.3.3 Configuring categories

To set a working time category, click the Categories icon in the tree view or select this
function from the menu (View | Time | Configuration | Categories).

Adding a category

Click on the tool bar to open the Category window.

Deleting a category

To delete a category, point the cursor to that category and then click . You are not
allowed to delete system categories or categories that are triggered by an event.

Editing a category

To edit a user category, point the cursor to the category in the database and then click
or double-click the left mouse button. This will open the Category window where you can edit
the category settings. Keep in mind that changes made to the category setting affect the
calculation for the past.

Related topics
Categories - overview
System categories
User categories

© 2020 Spica International

309 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

5.3.4 Configuring events

To access the Events view, click the Events icon in the tree view or choose View | Time |
Configuration | Events. To filter the data on the screen select the appropriate filter from the
drop-down menu in the filter field (Clockings, Leaves, or Interventions).

Adding an event

To add an event, click on the tool bar. This will open the Clocking, Leave or Intervention
dialogue box, depending on the selected filter.

Deleting an event

To delete an event, point to that event and then click . If a user has such an event in his/
her record, it will be removed, but will nevertheless remain archived in the database (Event
Log view) yet without the descriptive name.

Editing an event

To edit an event, point the cursor to the event and then click or double-click the left
mouse button. This will open the Clocking, Leave or Intervention dialogue box, depending on
the selected filter.

Note: When editing or deleting events, Event Collector or Device Administration Portal
automatically triggers controller reconfiguration if Collaboration is enabled. To avoid repeated
controller reconfigurations (when more than one event will be edited/deleted) you can
temporary disable Collaboration - in this case do not forget to perform manual controller
reconfiguration and re-enable the Collaboration.

Related topics
Events - overview
Events View

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 310 Adding and editing events

An event (clocking, whole-day absence or intervention) can be entered into the database at
any time. Since every such input immediately affects the results of the calculation, one should
be aware of some general rules.

If you edit a clocking that has been recorded at the clock terminal with an ID badge, the
keyboard entry will invalidate the original clocking. Such an invalidated clocking will be
removed from the list shown in the Calculation window, but it will remain stored in the
database and can be viewed in the Event Log view.
If there are two identical in-clockings following one another, the one with the earlier time of
origin will be taken into account.
If there are two identical out-clockings following one another, the one with the later time of
origin will be taken into account.
Events can be entered at any time into any date except those that have been locked by
Freeze Events command in the One Day view (Action menu).
Every event except for plain Departure sets off the calculation of some category of working
time. Which category is calculated in connection with a specific event is determined by the
category setting.
Events can be entered from One Day, One Person, Persons/Days and Events Log views. First

click the Calculation icon (except in the Event Log view) that opens the Calculation
window. To enter the event double click the time scale, use icons on the toolbar or the pop-
up menu.

Note: Maximum event ID number is 4094.

Related topics
Event dialogue box
Entering event for a group of users

© 2020 Spica International

311 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

5.3.5 Setting a working plan

Time&Space enables you to define a working plan for an employee in more than one way. You
can use several types of T&A schemes for a user: weekly scheme, priority scheme, automatic
schedule selection, rotating scheme or a combination of these schemes.

Weekly scheme

The is the simplest scheme useful in situations where schedules are assigned by days in a
week and holidays. Typically, one schedule is used for workdays and other for weekend and

Priority scheme

Several schedules with different priorities can be assigned to the same user in the Priority
Scheme. When calculating attendance, the schedule with the highest priority is taken into
account. If, for example, the main schedule is not valid on Saturday, calculation parameters
will be taken from another schedule valid on that day.

Rotating scheme

The Rotating Working Scheme is used for rotating shifts. In this case the shifts (schedules)
alternate in such a way that eventually the cycle is completed and the employee switches
back to the shift (schedule) that started the cycle. For example, the cycle starts with a
morning shift which lasts for three days and then rolls into the afternoon shift, which then
rolls into the night shift which eventually rolls into the morning shift again. Since such a cycle
usually does not correspond to one week, which is a time unit on which schedules in
Time&Space are based.

The solution employed in T&S is very simple: choose a separate schedule for each day in a
cycle. and sort them accordingly to reflect the rotation pattern.

Automatic schedule selection

This type of scheme is useful in situations where no fixed schedule can be assigned to a user
(security personnel, couriers, etc.) or the schedule is changed according to the needs. The
nearest schedule is automatically selected for the user upon the first arrival in a day, from
among schedules assigned to the user in the database. In Industrial module, it is also
possible to limit the selection by setting the Arrival Window global parameter. If the Arrival
Window is, for example, 15 mins, and the time of arrival is 6:30, the program will select a
schedule with Planned Time starting anywhere between 6:15 and 6:45).

Priority scheme with automatic schedule selection

If an employee on Automatic Schedule does not come to work on a specific day or clocks in
outside the Arrival Window, no schedule will be selected for the day, and no attendance
calculation performed. To prevent this, you can combine the automatic schedule selection with
the priority scheme. If no automatic schedule is activated on that particular day, a priority
schedule will be taken into account.

Here you assign two groups of schedules to the user: schedules to be used with the
automatic selection and schedules to be used with the priority scheme. Automatic schedules
are scanned first for a suitable schedule for the day on the basis of the time of arrival. If no
schedule is found, the priority schedules will be searched.

Related topics
Editing global working schemes
Setting the working scheme
Assigning working plan to individual employees

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 312

Assigning working scheme to the group of employees

How to copy working plan from one user to other users

© 2020 Spica International

313 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Assigning working scheme to the group of employees

To open the wizard for assigning working scheme (the working scheme assignment wizard),
open the Time | Employees view, select the group of employees and click on the Edit working
plan button. The same wizard is available from the Persons/Days view.

The wizard will guide you through the following steps:

List of users

Modify the list of selected employees with using Add and Delete buttons. You can also click on
the Working Plan button to see the employee's current working plan.

Working scheme

Select global or custom working scheme.

Define one of the validity options:

Permanent from date: scheme will be valid from specified date on.
Permanent calculation starts from: scheme will be valid from defined date on.
Temporary: scheme will be valid temporarily, during the specified period.

Enter Cycle start date (only for rotating schemes).

Conflict 1

This step (interpolation) occurs only if the specified period coincides with the locked period of
some employees. The working plan for listed employees will not be changed.

Conflict 2

This step occurs only if the specified period coincides with other scheme(s) in the plan of
some employees. Employees in conflict are listed. You can choose one of the following
options: overwriting the existing schemes or not making any changes for listed employees.

Final step

Action summary is displayed. Click Finish to confirm the entered parameters.

Related topics
Editing global working schemes
Setting the working scheme
Assigning working plan to individual employees
How to copy working plan from one user to other users
Setting a working plan

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 314 Editing global working schemes

To access global working scheme list, open Time | Working Schemes. The view is available to
authorized operators only. It contains two filters: calculation type (flexi, industrial or paid)
and validity time. Standard editing buttons are available: Add, Edit and Delete.

Be very careful when editing schemes that are used in working plans (label Used working
scheme appears in the window's title bar) because changes will affect all of these working

Editing of the existing scheme has the following limitations:

Changing data of the scheme that is used in the locked period of some employees is not
allowed (only preview is allowed).
Changing the scheme's assignment type to rotating is not allowed if that scheme is in use.

It is possible to define validity periods of the global schemes. If the validity period is not
defined, then scheme's validity is unlimited.

Related topics
Setting a working scheme
Assigning working plan to individual employees
Assigning working scheme to the group of employees
How to copy working plan from one user to other users
Setting a working plan

© 2020 Spica International

315 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Setting the working scheme

To define a working scheme, go to the Working Scheme view (Time group). First choose the
type of the working scheme in the selection field shown on the toolbar.

Before you start entering working scheme, this view is empty. To add a new working scheme,
do the following:

1.Click on to open the Working Scheme dialogue box or click on the Copy button to
copy data from the selected scheme.

2.Give a name to the working scheme and select the working scheme kind.

3.Switch to the Schedules page.

4.To add a schedule, click on . This will open the Schedules dialogue box where you
select the schedules to be taken into account when calculating working time. To select
several schedules at once, use Ctrl and Shift keys. To delete a schedule from the list, click

on .

5.The left part of the dialogue box is split into two panes: Auto-shift and Priority. A new
schedule will be inserted into the pane currently selected. To move schedules between the
two panes, click on the schedule and drag it to the other pane. To set a Priority scheme,
place all schedules in the Priority pane. The first schedule on the list will have the highest
priority. This means that when calculating time for a specific day, the program first looks for
information in the first schedule on the list. If information found there is not applicable to
that specific date, it will scan the second schedule on the list and so on until it finds one
with the relevant information. For example, when calculating time for a Saturday, and the
first schedule on the list is not valid on Saturdays, it will move down the list until it finds a
schedule valid on Saturdays. To set an automatic working scheme, move all schedules to
the Auto-shift pane. To set a combined working scheme, place all schedules for automatic
selection into the Auto-shift pane, and those that will be selected according to the priority
principle into the Priority pane. To set a rotating working scheme, change the Type to
Rotating, and the Auto-shift pane will be closed. The schedules displayed in the Priority
pane will be the schedules included in the rotating scheme, with the order of rotation
corresponding to their order in the list (e.g. the first schedule on the list will be valid on the
first day of the cycle, the second on the second day and so on). The cycle may be of any
length. If the same schedules appears several time within the same cycle, use the Copy
button to copy it within the list.

6.Save the working scheme by clicking OK button.

Related topics
Editing global working schemes
Assigning working plan to individual employees
Assigning working scheme to the group of employees
How to copy working plan from one user to other users
Setting a working plan

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 316 Assigning working plan to individual employees

To access employee's working plan, open Time | Employees view, select the employee and
click the Edit working plan button (or double-click on employee). The list of assigned working
schemes appears with the newest scheme at the top. This list includes three columns: Valid
from, Working scheme (the name of a global scheme or the schedule list of a custom scheme)
and Rotating (icon marks rotating schemes). The oldest scheme's Valid from date is undefined
(marked »>>>«).

Note that the global schemes can be time limited (their validity period is assigned on the
global level in the Working Scheme view). If a limited scheme is used and it interferes with
the scheme's validity within the plan, then the scheme's limitations are displayed as a
comment next to its name, enclosed in square brackets. Calculation rules for that period are
undefined, i.e. schedule is not assigned.

The following actions are available:

Add button

Add a new custom or global scheme to the plan. Click Add button, then select Validity start
date (if working plan is empty, then validity start date will be skipped). You will be asked to
decide whether you want to select the scheme from the list of global schemes, or to create a
new custom scheme. Depending on the answer, a list of global schemes or custom scheme
will appear. The Cycle start date dialogue box will appear if rotating scheme is selected.

Edit button

If Global scheme is chosen, then you will be asked to select between two options: changing
the global scheme (only if you have adequate permissions) or making a copy of the global
scheme and edit the newly created custom scheme.

Delete button

Deletes a selected scheme from the plan. Naturally, deleting global scheme from the plan will
not remove the scheme from the list of global schemes.

Calendar button

Displays the graphical representation of the schedules for the employee on the day-by-day
basis. Days before initialization are coloured grey.

Valid from button

Use this button to change the validity start date of the selected scheme. Consequently, the
validity periods of the neighbouring (associated) schemes will change automatically.

Cycle button

Use this button to change cycle start date of the rotating schemes.

Vacation button

Defines vacation quota for the selected scheme. Adding a new scheme (Add button) copies
the vacation quota from the previous scheme to the new scheme.

Related topics
Editing global working schemes
Setting the working scheme
Assigning working scheme to the group of employees
How to copy working plan from one user to other users

© 2020 Spica International

317 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Setting a working plan

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 318 How to copy working plan from one user to other users
1.In the Employees view select a user who has the working plan you want to assign to other

2.Choose Tools | Data Copy.

3.In the Data Copy dialogue box, check Working Scheme and Calculation Parameters.

4.Data can be copied to another user's record or to the records of a whole group of users.
Select either of them in the Copy to section of the dialogue box. To select a group, filter the
users by organizational units, Unit 1s, Unit 2s and sub-Unit 2s. In the Change assigned
working schemes, too field specify if the selected T&A scheme will be assigned only to those
users in the group that have not yet been assigned a T&A scheme, or to all users. If you
check this option, the T&A scheme selected for copying will replace the existing T&A
schemes, including those that belong to another module. This means that an Industrial
Time scheme will be replaced with a Flexi Time scheme and vice versa. In such case, the
scheme will be initialized for the current date. You can also choose to copy the Calculation
start date by checking the Calculation start date check-box.

5.Click OK to start the data copying procedure. With larger groups this may take several

Related topics
Editing global working schemes
Setting the working scheme
Assigning working plan to individual employees
Assigning working scheme to the group of employees
Setting a working plan

© 2020 Spica International

319 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Working plan dialog box

Use this window to choose the working scheme for the employee or to create a custom
working scheme based on working schemes defined in the Working scheme view.

Valid From

Click on to select the date from which the working scheme will be applied. Once you enter
the date into the Valid from field, only those working schemes valid from the selected date on
will be displayed.

Cycle Start

The Cycle Start field is activated when you select the rotating working scheme. It tells the
program on which date the cycle starts. If the rotating working scheme also applies to dates
preceding the Cycle Start date, the schedules in the cycle will be assigned to the dates
preceding the Cycle Start date in reverse order (e.g. for the day preceding the Cycle Start
date, the last schedule in the cycle will be taken, for the one-but last date before the
beginning of the cycle, the one-but last schedule will be taken and so on).

Annual Vacation Quota

This parameter comes into play when entering the annual vacation quota to a group of users
(see Manage Vacation command in the Action menu). When executing this command, the
Vacation Entry intervention is inserted into all records, whereby the number of days thus
entered is equal to the value set in this field. The Vacation Entry intervention is inserted in
the beginning of a calendar year. Before you do that, make sure that the annual vacation
quota is correct.

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 320 Working schemes dialog box

Use this window to add a new global working scheme.

The list of global working schemes appears, which includes four columns: Working scheme
(the name of a global scheme), Valid from, Valid to and Rotating (icon marks rotating
schemes). Working schemes are sorted by name.

The following actions are available:

View button

Opens the Working plan dialogue box showing the selected working scheme. You cannot
modify it.

Add button

Add a global working scheme. You will be asked to decide whether you want to copy the
highlighted scheme from the list, or to create a new global working scheme. Before saving,
you can modify the newly created copy - choose another name, change the start date, enter
another schedules and so on.

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321 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

5.3.6 Calculation parameters

First select the time module by clicking on an icon in the tree view or selecting the Parameters
option from the menu (View | Time | Industrial (or Flexi) | Parameters).

Edit the values of the global parameters then click Change. If you forget to click on the
Change button, the system will ask you whether to apply the changed values when you try
to exit the Parameters view. If you choose No, old values will remain in the database,
otherwise the system prompts you to update calculation results. Any change to any
parameter affects calculation results for past dates as well, so calculation should be
repeated. However, if after changing parameters you want to enter changes into schedules
as well, don't update calculation here but after changing the schedule. Calculation updates
with large databases containing several thousands records is a time-consuming procedure,
so you should perform it only once for several changes in order to spare time.

Any change to a parameter affects calculation results for past dates as well, so you should be
very cautious when entering changes. Calculation results will be updated for all past dates
and all persons in the database.

Related topics
Global Parameters
Global Parameters in Industrial Time
Global Parameters in Flexi Time

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Administrator's tasks 322

5.3.7 Action Menu


Choose Edit to open the Calculation window for the user to which you currently point at with

the cursor. Another way to open this window is to click on the tool bar.


In some situations newly entered events are not promptly displayed on the screen even
though they have been stored in the database. For example, a user may clock in or out while
you are viewing his calculation. Choose Refresh to display the most recent events in the

Manage Vacation

Check Add annual vacation option to enter the Vacation Entry intervention for all displayed
users (the selection of users displayed depends on the applied filter). The number of vacation
days is read from the users' working schemes (see Annual Vacation Quota parameter in the
Working plan window). If the annual vacation quota for a user has not been defined, the
default value (0) will be taken into account (Vacation entry event will not be inserted). You
should execute this command at the beginning of a calendar year but before that make sure
that the annual vacation quota values for individual employees are correctly set. This
command is different from the group entry of the Vacation event, since the latter option
inserts the same number of days for all selected users.

Check Cut last year vacation option to remove the remaining days of the last year's vacation
on a selected date that has been defined in the Calendar (Last year vacation limit
parameter). The number of the days of vacation remaining from the previous year's quota
(shown in Calculation | Categories | Vacation, in the summary report and summary export), is
calculated in such a way that the actual vacation entry in the current year is deducted from
the total of the remaining vacation days carried forward from the previous year.

Manage Counters

To reset counter values for a single employee or a group of employees use the Manage
Counters command. In the Counters window select the counter and the correction that will
be used to reset the value. Enter new value of the counter and click the OK button. Selected
event with the appropriate correction value will be automatically entered on the specified

Recalculate User

Choose Recalculate User command when you want to make sure that the displayed
calculation includes the most recent events in the database. For similar reasons as explained
above, the calculation shown on the screen may not include the most recent event in the
database. This command is thus recommended before exporting data or making a report. In
addition, the recalculation is used after changing calculation parameters. In connection with
this, you should also consider the effect of the command Freeze Events for User .

Recalculate All Users

This command is the same as one described above, the only difference being that it applies to
all users in the database.

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323 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Set user's calculation start date

Use this action to reset the balance of hours to 0 for selected user.

Set calculation start date for all users

The same as the previous command but applied to all users in the database. The command
comes in handy in the initial phase, when you want to finish the trial period and switch to
time and attendance tracking with Time&Space.

Lock calculation for selected user

The locking feature allows saving the detailed calculation results to the archive. The
employee’s lock date is the border between the active history and the archive. Any calculation
rule change, event editing, or version upgrade affects the active history, only. Archived data
always stay unchanged.

This feature has two important consequences:

The user can be sure that the calculation results of an archived period are preserved, and
Recalculation process is much faster since it recalculates a shorter active history.

It is highly recommended that the locking is performed regularly, e.g. after completion of each
calculation period.
When you run this command the program first prompts you to select the date up to which the
calculation should be archived. The calculation results up to that date will then remain
unchanged (archived).
Note that the locking is an irreversible process. Once the calculation is locked, changing the
events or calculation parameter will not affect it. If balance correction is required, it needs to
be performed within the active history. Only user re-initialization can remove the lock. Note
that the initialization also deletes the archived results. New results will be calculated using
the latest calculation parameters.

Lock calculation for all users

The effect is the same as with the previous command the only difference being that this one
affects all users in the database.

Lock events for selected users

This command is intended for use in the first place when you want to prevent entries/
modification of events for the period up to a specified date. The new values affect the
calculation results also for the past dates, because the calculation results are always based
on the parameter values currently found in the system. In order to prevent unwanted
changes, freeze the events for selected employees only. When you run this command the
program first prompts you to select the date up to which the calculation should be left intact.
The calculation results up to that date will then remain unchanged (frozen). Consequentially,
the editing of events for the dates preceding the selected date will be disabled.

Related topics
Calculation start date
Running balance management

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 324 Calculation start date

Use Set calculation start date command to reset the balance of hours to 0. The command
comes in handy in the initial phase, when you want to finish the trial period and switch to
time and attendance tracking with Time&Space.

This command is accessible from the Action menu in One Day View of the corresponding
module (Paid, Flexi and Industrial time).

Related topics
Running balance management
Action Menu

© 2020 Spica International

325 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Running balance management

Use this command when you want to prevent changes in the period preceding a specific date
(e.g. changes in working schemes, addition or modification of events) New data (e.g. changed
working scheme) immediately affect the calculation results (balance of hours) for the past
dates as well, since the calculation is invariably based on the events that are currently found
in the database. If you want to prevent changes from affecting the past dates, freeze the
events for a user (or a group of users). When you select this option, the program first
requires the date up to which to events should be frozen. Once you execute this command,
you won't be able to enter the events or working schemes for that period, nor make changes.
Running balance management includes handling running calculation results i.e. hour balance
and vacation balance. Keeping the running balance up-to-date requires recalculation after
each calculation rule change (e.g. calendar, schedule, etc.). Time&Space Manager is able to
perform a usage analysis for each parameter and to automatically create a list of employees
using the parameter. After the parameter change, the operator can opt to run the
recalculation immediately as a background process or to postpone it. Postponing is useful if
you want to make several changes to the parameters and recalculate at the end.

Until the calculation is performed, running balances affected by the parameter change are
marked as invalid (hidden or stroked out). To update invalid running balances, use the
“Recalculate” command from the main menu in the Time views. Recalculate runs as a
background process. This allows the user to continue with normal work while the
recalculation process is running. It is also possible to run several recalculations at the same
time. The user can see a window with the progress bar for each running background process.

An operator can also make the parameter usage analysis before performing the change for
every calculation parameter by clicking the “Usage…” command from the menu.

Locking calculation results

The locking feature allows saving the detailed calculation results to the archive. The
employee’s lock date is the border between the active history and the archive. Any calculation
rule change, event editing, or version upgrade affects the active history, only. Archived data
always stay unchanged.

This feature has two important consequences:

The user can be sure that the calculation results of an archived period are preserved, and
Recalculation process is much faster since it recalculates a shorter active history.

It is highly recommended that the locking is performed regularly, e.g. after completion of each
calculation period.

Note that the locking is an irreversible process. Once the calculation is locked, changing the
events or calculation parameter will not affect it. If balance correction is required, it needs to
be performed within the active history. Only user re-initialization can remove the lock. Note
that the initialization also deletes the archived results. New results will be calculated using
the latest calculation parameters.

Compatibility warning

The Freeze Calculation action, which was available in versions 6.40 and older, is abandoned
because the new Locking action is much more powerful and complete. All calculations are
“unfrozen” after the 6.60 upgrade and the user must perform the Locking action manually (if

This command is accessible from the Action menu in One Day View of the corresponding
module (Paid, Flexi and Industrial time).

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 326

Note: Locking calculation results for wide time period can influence database transaction
log size. So before locking, you should consider switching database mode to minimize
transaction logging or shrink transaction log after locking if necessary.

Related topics
Calculation start date
Action Menu

© 2020 Spica International

327 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

5.3.8 Customizing report templates

The main difference between these types is the content that is shown. Daily reports show
category and calculation data on a daily scale, simple summary reports contain condensed
calculation for the selected period, while detailed summary reports show detailed information
about user calculation.

Basic report data

Name - Name of template will be used as a title of report generated upon this template
Description - The description of template, which should be descriptive enough to make the
identification of the template easier when you have to choose it from the list.
Calculation -The type of the calculation (Paid, Flexi or Industrial). List of available fields
depends upon this selection.
List of available fields - The fields list contains all fields that are valid for a certain
template type and calculation type. By using arrow buttons you can add or remove field
from the list. Furthermore, drag and drop can be used for designing the template.
List of selected fields - The list of selected fields defines the template. You can set various
properties of fields such as name, alignment, size ...
Report Preview - Report preview is used for previewing the design of template.

Select the Preview tab to open the report preview. A preview of the designed report will be
created using simple demo data.

Report tem plate designer

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 328

Idea: There are some extra options available for different templates types.

Related topics
Summary Simple template
Daily report
Summary Detailed report
Common report settings
Exporting and e-mailing reports

© 2020 Spica International

329 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Summary Simple report

Simple summary reports contain condensed calculation for the selected period. Fields in
Simple summary report are divided into the following groups:

Special fields - There is only one special field for the time being, the row number (No.).
User data - User data fields contain general data about the user (Name, ID, badge
number, etc.).
Calculation - Calculation fields contain calculation data (attendance, planned hours,
different types of cuts, etc.).
User categories - Working time categories contain data about categories defined in the
system. Category fields contain working time computation results by categories.
Counters - Counter fields contain data about the amount of time users spent working on a
specific category. Each counter has three parameters (start of period, within period, end
period) which can be added to the report template.
Analytic - There is one field available in this section, called Average. It can be calculated on
daily, weekly or monthly basis for the selected field.
Jobs - Job fields contain data about the amount of time the users spent working on a
specific job. Unknown jobs (jobs that are not entered into the system) cannot be added to
the report template.

Sum m ary sim ple tem plate

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 330

Advanced options

General options

Report header - User can set height of the header section on report.
Period selection - User can select between the following options for which report will be
Range of days - User will chose From/To period when creating a report.
One day - User will chose a specific date when crating a report.
Predefined period - User will be offered a predefined period when crating a report.

General options

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331 Time&Space Manager User's Manual


Numeric fields can also have restrictions, meaning that they will appear on the report only if
restriction will be met. I case of several restrictions, a relation between them can be to:

OR - Show records that meet at least one field restriction from the list.
AND - Show records that meet all field restrictions from the list.

Currently the following restrictions can be set:

Equal to,
Not equal to,
Greater than,
Not greater than,
Less than,
Not less than,
Between %s and %s,
Not between %s and %s.

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 332

Field restriction options

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333 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

To set a new restriction, select appropriate field and restriction from the list and enter value

Field restriction

Related topics
Detailed Summary report templates
Daily report templates
Common report settings
Exporting and e-mailing reports
Generating reports

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 334 Daily report

Daily Reports show category and calculation data on a daily scale. Also, daily events and/or
violations can be listed for each day in selection. Daily report fields are divided into the
following groups:

General data - There are three basic fields: Date, Day of the week and Note.
Calculation - Calculation fields contain calculation data (attendance, planned hours,
different types of cuts, etc.).
User categories- Working time categories contain data about categories defined in the
system. Category fields contain working time computation results by categories.
Counters - Counter fields contain data about the amount of time users spent working on a
specific category. Each counter has three parameters (start of period, within period, end
period) which can be added to the report template.
Analytic - There are two fields available in this section: Total rest and Total continuous
Working plan - There are five working plan related fields: Schedule Name, Schedule
Number, Working Scheme Name and two schedule breaks. For flexi schedule the fields are:
Schedule Flexi Break and Schedule Fixed Break, while for industrial schedule Schedule Fixed
Break 1 and Schedule Fixed Break 2 fields are available.
Jobs - Job fields contain data about the amount of time users spent working on a specific
job. Unknown jobs (jobs that are not entered in the system) cannot be added to the report

Daily report tem plate

© 2020 Spica International

335 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Advanced options


Report header - User can set height of the header section on report.
Page break - The user can enable printing of multiple users per page by unchecking the

General options

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Administrator's tasks 336


User can select between several options connected with displaying events on the report:

Show events - Enable printing of daily events.

Show only days containing events - Hide days without events.
Show only users with events - Hide users without events.

Events options

Note: Summaries of daily data will include only data of days that are shown on the
report. In other words, if we are summarizing planned time for a selected period and there
are few days without events, planned time on these days will not be added to total summary,
since it was not printed.

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337 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

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Administrator's tasks 338


User can select between several options connected with displaying violations on the report:

Show violations - Check the option if you want to show violations on report.
Violation types - With this option you can modify the default set of violation types.
Allow user to modify set of violation types - If selected a user can alter the violation
types when creating a report.
Show total violation time - If selected an additional parameter is added on the daily level
showing the total violation time.
Show only days with violations - If selected only days with violations will be shown on the
Show only users with violations - If selected only users with violations will be shown on
the report.

Violations options

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339 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 340


Numeric fields can also have restrictions, meaning that they will appear on the report only if
restriction will be met. I case of several restrictions, a relation between them can be to:

OR - Show records that meet at least one field restriction from the list.
AND - Show records that meet all field restrictions from the list.

Currently the following restrictions can be set:

Equal to,
Not equal to,
Greater than,
Not greater than,
Less than,
Not less than,
Between %s and %s,
Not between %s and %s.

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341 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Field restriction options

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Administrator's tasks 342

To set a new restriction, select appropriate field and restriction from the list and enter value

Field restriction

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343 Time&Space Manager User's Manual


User can select between several options connected with grouping of data on the report:

Group By Time Periods - Data on the report can be grouped by Weeks or Months.
Group Conditions - Show groups if all records within the group meet set field conditions.
That means if some record within the group does not meet field condition it will not be
shown, consequently the group will not be shown.

Grouping options

Related topics
Simple summary report templates
Detailed Summary report templates

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 344

Common report settings

Exporting and e-mailing reports
Customizing reports

© 2020 Spica International

345 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Summary Detailed report

Detailed summary reports shows detailed information about user calculation. Fields in
Summary Detailed report are divided into two groups:

Special fields - There are two special fields (Horizontal line and Label) used for visual
grouping of shown data.
Calculation - Calculation fields contain calculation data (attendance, planned hours,
different types of cuts, etc.).

Sum m ary Detailed report tem plate

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 346

Advanced options


Show last year vacation days - The user can enable calculations of last year vacation. By
selecting this option, report generation time can be prolonged, since the calculation of last
year vacation can be time-consuming.

General options

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347 Time&Space Manager User's Manual


User can select which columns will be shown on the report. The user can chose between
various derivations:

Hours - The column displays data in hour format for the selected fields.
Days - The column displays data in day format for the selected fields.
Weekend1 - The column gives information how many hours an employee had worked on
Saturdays within given period.
Weekend2 - The column gives information many hours an employee had worked on
Sundays within given period.
Holiday - The column gives information many hours an employee had worked on Holidays
within given period.
Holiday on second day of weekend - The column gives information many hours an
employee had worked on Holidays and Saturdays within given period.
Holiday on first day of weekend - The column gives information many hours an employee
had worked on Holidays and Sundays within given period.
Workdays - The column gives information how many hours an employee had worked on
workdays within given period.

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Administrator's tasks 348

Colum ns options

Note: If the user selects more than seven columns the report orientation should be
changed from portrait to landscape.

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349 Time&Space Manager User's Manual


The user can select to include categories with zero values on report or not.

Advanced options

Related topics
Simple summary report templates
Daily report templates
Common report settings
Exporting and e-mailing reports
Generating reports

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 350 Common report settings

All three report template types have some common report settings. Currently the following
settings are available:

Field options,
Gray stripes (not available on summary detailed report),
Group level not available on summary detailed report),
Sort order (not available on summary detailed report),

Com m on report settings

Related topics
Simple summary report template
Detailed Summary report template
Daily report template
Exporting and e-mailing reports
Customizing reports

© 2020 Spica International

351 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Field details

Field details

Every field has the following properties:

Field name,
Width, and

Basic field properties

Category and calculating fields can also have subsequent properties:

Time unit - Time unit determines if a selected value is computed as amount of time or as a
count of days in which it appears.

Derivation - Derivation determines which occurrence of the category will be shown. For
more details about derivations see Category dialogue box.

Rounding - There are three different rounding methods:

to next hour,
cutting minutes, and
rounding to nearest hour.

Total - Total defines whether total should be calculated for all users for selected field.

Aggregate Function - The user can select one of the following aggregate functions to be
used when calculating the value of the selected field in total section:
minimum value,
maximum value.

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 352

Advanced field properties

Idea: Which properties will be shown for each field depends on the nature of the selected
field. User fields cannot have calculation type or rounding method properties.

Related topics
Gray stripes
Group level
Sort order
Common report settings

© 2020 Spica International

353 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Gray stripes

To make the distinction between rows easier the user may turn on the Gray stripes option.
Each odd line will be highlighted by dark background, making report easier to read.

Gray stripes

Related topics
Field options
Group level
Sort order
Common report settings

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 354 Group level

The user can define whether report data will be grouped on the basis of organizational units.
This means that the user can select to place together in one group those users that belong
to a certain organizational unit. Number of levels that will be shown on the dialogue box
depends on depth of organizational structure.

Group level

For each of these levels the user can:

Group by level x - enable grouping by level x,

New page - start a new page for each group, or
Summary - show group totals.

Group level

Furthermore you can define grouping by the basic Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 fields by clicking on
the Filter button. For each of these three levels the user can:

Group by - enable grouping,

Start new page - start a new page for each group, or
Show summary - show group totals.

© 2020 Spica International

355 Time&Space Manager User's Manual


Note: Please note that groupings have higher priority than sort order, meaning that, if
both are used, users will first be placed into groups and then sorted on the basis of sort

Related topics
Field options
Gray stripes
Sort order
Common report settings

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 356 Sort order

Sort order dialogue shows fields that define sort order, their significance and sort direction.
User can add or remove fields and change their significance by placing them on the beginning
of the list.

Sort order

Columns in the dialogue box

No. - Significance of field. If more than one field is listed, the first one is the primary sort
key: Records are sorted first by the primary key; within groups of records having the same
primary key, sorting is by the next key field, and so on.
Field name - The name of the field.
Sort order - The sort order direction (ascending or descending).

Press the button to change sort direction (descending or ascending). When defining
complex sort orders - meaning sort orders with more than one field - additional description of
the sort order will be shown on the report.

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357 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Sort order details

Related topics
Field options
Gray stripes
Group level
Common report settings

© 2020 Spica International

Administrator's tasks 358 Exporting and e-mailing reports

Reports can be exported to Microsoft Excel (xls), Adobe Acrobat (pdf), Rich Text Format (rtf),
Web Page (html) and Bitmap image (bmp) formats.

To export a report, click on the right mouse button when in the Print Preview, then select the
Export option and the type of the export file format from the menu. In the Print window
specify the directory of the export file.

The files in xls, rtf and pdf formats can be e-mailed directly from Print Preview. To do this, click
on the right mouse button and choose the E-mail option from the menu.

Note: The use and handling of personal data is regulated in many countries. The user
(administrator, operator) is responsible for protection of personal data according to applicable
laws and regulations. Exported personal information is particularly vulnerable and requires
extra caution.

Related topics
Simple summary report templates
Detailed Summary report templates
Daily report templates
Common report settings
Customizing reports

© 2020 Spica International

359 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 360

6 Add-ons
Currently the following add-ons are available:

Archiving Data in T&S

Email Notification Service
EU working time directive Reports
Exporting Data from Time&Space
Exporting data with ExportCmd
Importing personal data with Simple Import
Job costing
Microsoft Active Directory integration
Spica Messaging Services

© 2020 Spica International

361 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.1 Access Control Agent

Access Control Agent is an add-on module which checks for valid access restrictions in the
specified interval and sends the updates to controllers. Since the module is plug-in based, it
can be easily expanded with new functionalities. Currently, the following plug-ins are

Whole day absence restriction - For example, if a specific user is on annual leave, he
should not have valid access profile. Firstly, the administrator of the system must set up the
list of absences, which will disable user's access profile if present on a specific day.

Access Control Agent service

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 362

6.1.1 Installation
Pre-installation requirements

See document Installation and Upgrade Guide.pdf, chapter System Requirements.

To install service, go to folder (e.g. "D:\Server\Access Control Agent") on the Time&Space

distribution, start Access Control Agent Setup.exe and follow the installation procedure.

Customizable application parameters - AccessControlAgentService.exe.config

Space API address <add key="SpaceApi_Address" value="http://localhost:1600"/> -

Enter the name or IP of the computer with Space API and the port number used by the
module. By default this parameter is set to http://localhost:1600.
Spica Communication address <add key="SpicaCom_Host" value="localhost"/> - Enter
the name or IP of the computer with Spica Messaging Service.
Spica Communication port <add key="SpicaCom_Port" value="4444"/> - Enter the
port number used by Spica Messaging Service. By default it is set to 4444.
Spica Communication enabled <add key="SpicaCom_Enabled" value="True"/> - In
order to send notifications to Event Collector the communication with Spica Communication
service must be established.
Spica Communication keep alive <add key="SpicaCom_KeepAlive" value="True"/> -
This option specifies whether NOOP (short for NO Operation) packets should be send to the
host. This command is used to ensure that the connection is always alive.
Spica Communication reconnect count <add key="SpicaCom_ReconnectCount"
value="10"/> - Specify the number of reconnect attempts if the connection is lost.
Spica Communication keep alive timeout <add key="SpicaCom_KeepAliveTimeout"
value="10"/> - Specify the time out (seconds) between keep alive action.
List of whole day absences <add key="RestrictionEvents" value="38"/> - IDs of whole
day events from the system, which trigger Whole day absence restriction plug-in.
Periodic Activation <add key="PeriodActivationTimeOut" value="900"/> - This
parameter defines time out (seconds) between plug-in activation.
Server kind - <add key="ServerKind" value="mssql" /> - This parameter defines what
kind of database server (mssql/oracle) is used in the system.
Debug log - <target name="debugFile" xsi:type="File" fileName="${appDataFolder}/
Analytics Data Generator Service Log-${shortdate}.txt" /> - Tracks detailed operation
data of the service.

The Local Service user must have write permission in the directory, where log files will be

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363 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.2 Analytics Data Generator

The main purpose of this module is to prepare and store time calculation results to database
so this data is available for further analyses. Time&Space Analytics Data Generator service or
console application is used to maintain the data. It periodically checks for changes in time
calculations and updates data if/when necessary. Please note that generation of the
analytics data (especially initial one) can take some time and will take up additional space on
the database server. How much time and space analytics data will use mostly depends on
how long the recorded history of time events is and how many employees there are in the
system. Once the system is set up and data is generated the user can access all the
calculation results up to »today«.

Analytics Data Generator

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Add-ons 364

6.2.1 Installation
Pre-installation requirements

See document Installation and Upgrade Guide.pdf, chapter System Requirements.

To install service, go to folder (e.g. "D:\Server\Analytics Data Generator") on the

Time&Space distribution, start Analytics Data Generator Setup.exe and follow the
installation procedure.

Customizable application parameters - AnalyticsDataGenerator.Service.exe.config

Server kind - <add key="ServerKind" value="mssql" /> - This parameter defines
what kind of database server (mssql/oracle) is used in the system.
Query timeout - <add key="QueryTimeout" value="900"/> - This parameter defines
timeout (seconds) how long the application will wait for the response from the database.

BFF calculation - <add key="CalculateBradfordFactor" value="False"/> - If enabled
(true), the service will calculate Bradford Factor (BFF) data.
Calculation categories - <add key="Categories" value="5,6,7,8,9,12,18,20,22"/> -
This parameter defines a list of category IDs which will influence BFF calculation.
Excluded categories - <add key="ExcludingCategories" value="15"/> - This
parameter defines a list of category IDs which will not influence BFF calculation.
Period - <add key="Period" value="52"/> - This parameter defines the period (week)
for BFF calculation.
Partial absences - <add key="IncludePartialAbsence" value="True"/> - If enabled
(true), the calculation will also include days which have more than one category on a
specific day (e.g. sick leave and work at home) in the calculation.
Whole day violations - <add key="IncludeWholeDayViolation" value="False"/> - If
enabled (true), the calculation will also include whole day violations in the calculation.

Calculation schedule <add key="TimeOut" value="15"/> - This parameter defines
timeout (minutes) between calculation cycles.
Recalculate yesterday values - <add key="RecalculateYesterdayValues"
value="false"/> - If enabled (true), the service recalculates data for all users in a
period (today - 2 days) on every iteration.
Calculate last year vacation - <add key="CalculateLastYearVacation" value="true"/
> - This parameter defines if last year vacation data is calculated. By default, the
parameter is set to true.
Calculate derivations - <add key="CalculateDerivations" value="False"/> - If
enabled (true), the derivations will also be calculated in Analytics_Derivations table. By
default, the parameter is set to false.

The Local Service user must have write permission in the directory, where log files will be

© 2020 Spica International

365 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.2.2 Data structure Analytics_Bradford_Factor
This table holds information about Bradford Factor or Bradford Formula which is mostly used
in human resource management as a means of measuring worker absenteeism. The Bradford
Factor is calculated as follows:

B=S2 × D


B is the Bradford Factor score,

S is the total number of spells (instances) of absence of an individual over a set period,
D is the total number of days of absence of that individual over the same set period.

Column - Type - Description

ID - Numeric - Id of the record

DAY - Date Time - Date of the particular calculation
USER_NO - Numeric - Id of the user (Foreign key USERS.NO)
FREQUENCY - Numeric - total number of spells (instances) of absence of an individual
over a set period
DURATION - Numeric - total number of days of absence of that individual over the same
set period
BRADFORD FACTOR - Numeric - Bradford Factor score

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 366 Analytics_Daily
This is the main analytics table. Data is stored for each day for every user.

Column - Type - Description

ID - Numeric - Id of the record

DAY - Date Time - Date of the particular calculation
USER_NO - Numeric - Id of the user (Foreign key USERS.NO)
BALANCE_DAILY - Numeric - Daily balance/Overtime (minutes)
BALANCE_RUNNING - Numeric - Running balance/Overtime (minutes)
TOTAL_UNPAID_TIME - Numeric - Total unpaid time (minutes)
GROSS_ATTENDACE - Numeric - Gross attendance (minutes)
PHYSICAL_PRESENCE - Numeric - Physical presence (minutes)
PLANNED_TIME - Numeric - Planned time (minutes)
OVERTIME - Numeric - Overtime (minutes)
OVERTIME_NIGHT_HOURS - Numeric - Night overtime (minutes)
OVERTIME_COMPENSATION - Numeric - Compensation of overtime (minutes)
NIGHT_HOURS - Numeric - Night hours (minutes)
PLANNED_NIGHT_HOURS - Numeric - Plan for night hours (minutes)
SPECIAL_HOURS - Numeric - Special hours (minutes)
TOLERATED_TIME - Numeric - Tolerated time (minutes)
VACATION_DAYS_LEFT - Numeric - Vacation days left (days)
LAST_YEAR_VACATION_DAYS_LEFT - Numeric - Last year vacation days left (number of
LAST_YEAR_VACATION_CUT - Numeric - Last year vacation days cut (number of days)
GROSS_ATTENDACE_SHIFT_1 - Numeric - Gross attendance in shift 1 (minutes)
GROSS_ATTENDACE_SHIFT_2 - Numeric - Gross attendance in shift 2 (minutes)
GROSS_ATTENDACE_SHIFT_3 - Numeric - Gross attendance in shift 3 (minutes)
GROSS_ATTENDACE_SHIFT_4 - Numeric - Gross attendance in shift 4 (minutes)
OVERTIME_ SHIFT_1 - Numeric - Overtime in shift 1 (minutes)
OVERTIME_ SHIFT_2 - Numeric - Overtime in shift 2 (minutes)
OVERTIME_ SHIFT_3 - Numeric - Overtime in shift 3 (minutes)
OVERTIME_ SHIFT_4 - Numeric - Overtime in shift 4 (minutes)
VIOLATION_WHOLE_DAY - Boolean - Whole day violation exists (yes /no)
VIOLATION_CORE_TIME - Numeric - Core time violation (minutes)
VIOLATION_LATE_ARRIVAL - Boolean - Late arrival violation exists (yes /no)
VIOLATION_EARLY_DEPARTURE - Boolean - Early departure violation exists (yes /no)
VIOLATION_MISSING_ARRIVAL - Boolean - Missing arrival violation exists (yes /no)
VIOLATION_MISSING_DEPARTURE - Boolean - Missing departure violation exists (yes /
VIOLATION_MAX_FLEXI_BREAK - Numeric - Maximal allowed flexi break time violated
VIOLATION_RANGE_FLEXI_BREAK - Numeric - Flexi break period violated in minutes
CUT_SCHEDULE_DAY_LIMIT - Numeric - Cut due to schedule day limit restriction
CUT_SCHEDULE_PAID_TIME_PERIOD - Numeric - Cut due to schedule paid time period
restriction (minutes)
CUT_DAILY_BALANCE_LIMIT - Numeric - Cut due to daily balance/overtime limit
restriction (minutes)
CUT_RUNNING_BALANCE_LIMIT - Numeric - Cut due to running balance/overtime limit
restriction (minutes)
CUT_POSITIVE_BALANCE_LIMIT - Numeric - Cut due to positive balance limit restriction
CUT_PAY_DAY - Numeric - Balance/overtime cut on pay day (minutes)
CUT_CATEGORY_LIMIT - Numeric - Cuts due to category limit (minutes)
CUT_OVERTIME_ THRESHOLD - Numeric - Cut due to overtime limit restriction (minutes)
CUT_FLEXI_BREAK_LIMIT - Numeric - Cuts due to flexi break restrictions (minutes)

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367 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

CUT_FIXED_BREAK_LIMIT - Numeric - Cuts due to fixed break restrictions (minutes)

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 368 Analytics_Daily_Attributes
This table gives information about general calculation attributes on the specific day.

Column - Type - Description

ID - Numeric - Id of the record

ANALYTICS_DAILY_ID - Numeric - Link to the Analytics_Daily table (Foreign key
WORKING_SCHEME_ID - Numeric - Working scheme ID (table WORKING_SCHEME).
SCHEDULE1_ID - Integer - ID of the first schedule
SCHEDULE2_ID - Integer - ID of the second schedule
WHOLE_DAY_ABSENCE_ID - Integer - ID of the whole day absence event if present
IS_PAYDAY - tinyint - If day is a payday (1), otherwise (0)
IS_WEEKEND1 -tinyint - If day is a weekend1 (1), otherwise (0)
IS_WEEKEND2 - tinyint - If day is a weekend2 (1), otherwise (0)
IS_LAST_YEAR_VACATION_LIMIT - tinyint - If day is last year vacation limit (1),
otherwise (0)
HOLIDAY_ID - Numeric - ID of the holiday event if present

Note: If calculation for a specific user is in the locked period, than value of
WORKING_SCHEME_ID parameter will be <null>.

© 2020 Spica International

369 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Analytics_Daily_Categories
This table gives segmentation by categories of the recorded time for the user/day that is
stored in the ANALYTICS_DAILY table. Each time segment is stored in this table. If work is
done on one category in different time periods several records will be stored. Join

Column - Type - Description

ID - Numeric - Id of the record

ANALYTICS_DAILY_ID - Numeric - Link to the Analytics_Daily table (Foreign key
CATEGORY_ID - Numeric - Category Id (Foreign key CATEGORY.CATEGID)
CATEGORY_GROUP_ID - Numeric - Category group Id (Foreign key CATEGORY_GROUP.
VALUE - Numeric - Time recorded on the category
PERIOD_START - Date Time - Time stamp when work on the category started
PERIOD_END - Date Time - Time stamp when work on the category ended
JOBNO - Numeric - Job number

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 370 Analytics_Daily_Counters
This table gives information about custom counters for the user/day that is stored in the

Column - Type - Description

ID - Numeric - Id of the record

ANALYTICS_DAILY_ID - Numeric - Link to the Analytics_Daily table (Foreign key
COUNTER_ID - Numeric - Custom counter Id (Foreign key COUNTER.ID)
VALUE - Numeric - Value of the counter

© 2020 Spica International

371 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Analytics_Derivations
This table gives information about derivations for the user/day that is stored in the

Column - Type - Description

ID - Numeric - Id of the record

DAY - Date Time - Date of the particular calculation
USER_NO - Numeric - Id of the user (Foreign key USERS.NO)
ANALYTICS_CALCULATION_TYPE - Numeric - Type of the presence: 0 - Attendance, 1 -
Overtime, 2 - Planned Night Hours, 3 - Overtime Night Hours.
WEEKEND_1 - Numeric - Occurrence of the category (minutes) on Saturday.
WEEKEND_2 - Numeric - Occurrence of the category (minutes) on Saturday.
HOLIDAY - Numeric - Occurrence of the category (minutes) on a holiday.
HOLIDAY_WEEKEND_1 - Numeric - Occurrence of the category (minutes) which occurs on
Saturday that coincides with a national holiday.
HOLIDAY_WEEKEND_2 - Numeric - Occurrence of the category (minutes) which occurs on
Sunday that coincides with a national holiday.
WORKDAY - Numeric - Occurrence of the category (minutes) on a workday.

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 372 Analytics_Automatic_Events
This table gives information about how was automatic event interpreted. Join EVENTS.NO on

Column - Type - Description

ID - Numeric - Link to the Events table (Foreign key EVENTS.NO)

CALCULATED_EVENT_ID - Numeric - Id of the whole day event definition (Foreign key

© 2020 Spica International

373 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Analytics_User
This table gives information about the organizational position of the user for every day. These
data are saved daily at the first run after the midnight or if triggered manually from the
console application.

Column - Type - Description

ID - Numeric - Id of the record

DAY - Date Time - Date
USER_NO - Numeric - Id of the user (Foreign key USERS.NO)
ORG_UNIT_ID - Numeric - Id of the organizational unit user was assigned to (Foreign key
DIVISION - Varchar - Division user was assigned to
DEPARTMENT - Varchar - Department user was assigned to
SUBDEPARTMENT - Varchar - Sub Department user was assigned to
IS_ACTIVE - Boolean - Active or Inactive

Note: These data are recalculated automatically at midnight or if triggered manually from
the console application.

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 374 Analytics_User_Status
This table gives information about the available analytics data for each user.

Column - Type - Description

ID - Numeric - Id of the record

USER_NO - Numeric - Id of the user (Foreign key USERS.NO)
VALID_TO - Date Time - Analytics data is available up to this date
CALCULATION_START_DATE - Date Time - For internal use

Note: These data is dedicated to be used by the calculation service.

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375 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.2.3 Calculation Examples

1.Get main employee info along with Gross Attendance, Daily Plan, Overtime and Amount of
the Business Trip category:

(s elect s u m (ADC.VAL U E )from AN AL YTICS_ DAIL Y_ CATE GORIE S ADC w h ere AD.ID = ADC.
an d ADC.CATE GORY_ ID in (3 ) /* e.g. Bu s in es s trip * /) as " Bu s in es s Trip"
w h ere AD.U SE R_ N O = U .N O an d U .ORGN O = O.ORGN O
order by AD.DAY des c

2.Get all employees who came late to work

s elect AD.DAY, U .ID, U .FIRSTN AM E , U .L ASTN AM E

w h ere AD.U SE R_ N O = U .N O an d AD.VIOL ATION _ L ATE _ ARRIVAL > 0
order by AD.DAY des c

3.Get all employees who worked on weekends or holidays

s elect AD.DAY, U .ID, U .FIRSTN AM E , U .L ASTN AM E

w h ere AD.U SE R_ N O = U .N O an d AD.ID = ADT.AN AL YTICS_ DAIL Y_ ID an d AD.
an d ((ADT.IS_ W E E KE N D1 = 1 ) or (ADT.IS_ W E E KE N D2 = 1 ) or (ADT.H OL IDAY_ ID > 0 ))
order by AD.DAY des c

4. Bradford Factor for yesterday for all employees

s elect, u .n o, u .firs tn am e, u .las tn am e, b.frequ en cy, b.du ration , b.bradford_ factor
from u s ers u , an alytics _ bradford_ factor b
w h ere u .n o=b.u s er_ n o an d to_ ch ar(,'DDM M YYYY')=(s elect to_ ch ar(tru n c(s ys date-
1 ),'DDM M YYYY') from du al)
order by b.bradford_ factor des c

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 376

6.3 Archiving Data in T&S

Application data are the most valuable part of the system so it is essential that they be
regularly archived. With MSSQL and Oracle servers, archiving of data is the task of database

Related topics
MSSQL backup script
Oracle backup script

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377 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.3.1 MSSQL backup script

Create a new CMD file and copy following content into it:


DISK = 'C:\Backup\TSSPICA.bak' WITH INIT" -o "C:\Backup\TsBackup.out"

Replace <PASSWORD> with an appropriate TSSPICA password and change the path "C:
\Backup" if needed. Execute script manually or automatic by using Windows Task Scheduler.

Related topics
Oracle backup script
Archiving Data in T&S

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 378

6.3.2 Oracle backup script

Create a new CMD file and copy following content into it:



Replace <PASSWORD> with an appropriate password for SYSTEM user and change the path
"C:\Backup" if needed. Execute script manually or automatic by using Windows Task

Related topics
MSSQL backup script
Archiving Data in T&S

© 2020 Spica International

379 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.4 Communication Server

Spica Communication Server controls the communication between Time&Space modules. For
example, the operator can update profiles or terminate Event Collector operation using T&S
Manager. Most importantly, all data (e.g. changes in the schedule, global parameters, events,
etc.) must be updated automatically for all modules in the T&S system.

The service uses TCP/IP protocol and can be installed on any computer in the network,
although installation on server where database is present is recommended.

Synchronization includes:

access profile updates,

automatic data refreshing (points, events, categories, calendar, schedules, access
alarm parameter sending,
alarm switch off,
alarm confirmation.

Related topics
Collaboration settings

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 380

6.4.1 Collaboration settings

Use this dialogue box to define communication parameters for communication between
Time&Space system and Event Collector via Communication Server.

Host - Into the Host field enter the name or IP of a computer with Communication Server
Port - Into the Port field enter the port number used by Communication Server (by default
it is set to 4444).
Reconnect on disconnect - Specify if connection is to be re-established automatically after
Keep Alive - This option specifies whether NOOP (short for NO Operation) packets should
be send to host. Such a command is used to ensure that the connection is always alive.
Enable Collaboration - Check this field to enable collaboration.

On finishing, click OK. The program will display a message telling you whether the connection
has been established.

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381 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.5 EU working time directive Reports

The Working Time Directive (WTD) was introduced by the European Commission in 1993 to
set out limits and recommendations for the hours of work and hours away from work,
including how many breaks employees should have. The main provisions stated in the WTD
were to ensure that workers enjoyed:

a maximum 48 hour working week averaged over a reference period,

a minimum daily rest period of 11 consecutive hours a day,
a rest break where the working day is longer than six hours,
a minimum rest period of one day a week,
a statutory right to annual paid holiday of 4 weeks,
night working must not exceed eight hours a night on average,
normal hours of work for night workers must not exceed an average of eight hours in any
24-hour period.

EU WTD reports are a set of daily/summary simple report templates:

Average weekly working time report

The report shows the following data:

Employee’s name,
Amount of employee’s gross attendance,
Average of gross attendance on a weekly basis.

The average weekly working time is normally calculated over 17 weeks. It is calculated by
dividing the number of hours worked by the number of weeks over which the average
working time is being calculated. Days with absences (paid annual leave, maternity, paternity,
adoption or parental leave, sick leave ...) within the reference period have to be skipped and
substituted with working days to get full reference period. There are no limitations regarding
selected period, because it is also possible to define a custom period (number of days, weeks
or months).

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Add-ons 382

Filtering settings to skip absences

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383 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Working week report

This report shows the following data:

employee’s name,
amount of physical presence,
average of physical presence on a weekly basis.

There are no limitations on report period, however, the average is shown on a weekly basis.

Working week rest report

This report shows the following data:

employee’s name,
amount of physical presence,
amount of rest.

With properly set field and group conditions, Working week rest report shows only the weeks
where employee has not achieved a full 24 hour rest period within one week. There are no
limitations on report period, however, the sum of rest is shown on a weekly basis. Daily rest
time is calculated as Total Period – Gross Attendance + Vacation time.

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 384

Filtering settings to for Total Rest

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385 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Groups settings

Night work report

This report shows the following data:

employee’s name,
amount of night hours.

There are no limitations on report period. The average of night hours is shown for the entire

Daily rest report

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Add-ons 386

This report shows the following data:

employee’s name,
amount of physical presence,
amount of continuous rest.

There are no limitations on report period, however, the sum of rest is shown on a weekly
basis. Only employees that did not have continuous rest for 11 hours in 24 hours period will
be listed on the report. The amount of continuous rest is calculated on a daily basis using the
following criteria: (the time of the first arrival – period start) + (period end – the time of last

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387 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Daily rest break report

This report shows the following data:

employee’s name,
amount of physical presence,
amount of rest break that is provided in schedule.

With properly set field conditions, Daily rest break report shows only the employees who
have not had provision of a 20 minutes break in their schedule and have worked at least 6

Filtering settings

Related topics

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Add-ons 388


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389 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.5.1 Installation
EU Working Time Directive Report templates are a part of the Time&Space Manager
distribution and are installed in the Report Templates folder (e.g. C:\Program
Files\Spica\TimeSpace\Report Templates).

To enable these reports log on to Time&Space Manager as Administrator. Select one of the
time module views (One day, One person, Person days or Calculation) and select Tools |
Report templates... from the menu. From the toolbar select the import action and point to the
appropriate location. This will add four new daily reports to the list of templates. These
templates can be selected via Report | Daily menu.

Related topics
EU working time directive Reports

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 390

6.6 Exporting Data from Time&Space

You can export the summary calculation data for any given period or for all days in the given
period and the violation reports from Time&Space To export data choose File | Export when in
the One Day, Persons/Days or Calculation views. Data are exported to CSV format files or
Oracle tables (if Oracle database server is in use).

The Settings command in the File | Export menu enables the setting of the names and
locations of export files for all types of exports. This simplifies the export procedure. The
settings will be saved when you exit Time&Space. You can modify values set with this
command in the window that will appear at the start of the exporting procedure. In such a
case, the changed values will apply only to that specific instance of exporting.

Export to Oracle

The location of export tables depends on the authentication mode:

Standard authentication mode

Export tables are created in TSSPICA_USER schema. Database Administrator must set
appropriate quota on the TSSPICA_DATA tablespace to enable the TSSPICA_USER to create

Database native authentication mode

Tables are created in user's schema.

Note: The use and handling of personal data is regulated in many countries. The user
(administrator, operator) is responsible for protection of personal data according to applicable
laws and regulations. Exported personal information is particularly vulnerable and requires
extra caution.

Related topics
Industrial Time export file specification
Flexi Time export file specification
Violations export

© 2020 Spica International

391 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.6.1 Industrial Time export file specification

Data is exported to the tables named IndustrialSumMstr [date] and IndustrialSumDet
[date]. [date] next to the table name is the date of export.

IndustrialSumMstr [date]

Field explanation

UserNo - User' ID.

Lastname - User's last name.
Firstname - User's first name.
UserID - User's ID.
BdgNo - User's badge number.
OrgUnitName - Organizational unit name.
OrgUnitNo - Organizational unit id.
Unit 1 - Unit 1.
Unit 2 - Unit 2.
SubUnit 2 - Unit 3.
Mins1 - The balance of hours in minutes on the first day of the export period (at midnight).
Mins1AsString - The balance of hours in minutes on the first day of the export period (HH:
MM format).
Mins2 - The balance of hours in minutes on the last day of the export period (at midnight).
Mins2AsString - The balance of hours in minutes on the first day of the export period (HH:
MM format).
DaysCalculated - The number of days exported.
SchName - Schedule name.
DateStart- The beginning date of the export period.
DateEnd - The ending date of the export period.
LateArrDays - The number of days with violations at arrival.
EarlyDepDays - The number of days with violations at departure.
MissingArrDays - The number of days with a missing arrival.
MissingDepDays - The number of days with a missing departure.
AbsenceDays - Unauthorized whole-day absence.
AbsenceMins - Unauthorized absence in minutes.
AbsenceMinsAsString - Unauthorized absence (HH:MM).
Shift1Mins - Shift1 in minutes.
Shift1MinsAsString - Shift1 (HH:MM).
Shift1Days - Shift1 in days.
Shift1SatMins - Derivation (Saturdays) in minutes.
Shift1Sat - Derivation (Saturdays) in hh:mm format.
Shift1SunMins - Derivation (Sundays).
Shift1Sun - Derivation (Sundays) in hh:mm format.
Shift1HolMins - Derivation (holidays) in minutes.
Shift1Hol - Derivation (holidays) in hh:mm format.
Shift1Hol1Mins - Derivation (Saturday/holiday) (minutes).
Shift1Hol1 - Derivation (Saturday/holiday) (HH:MM.
Shift1Hol2Mins - Derivation (Sunday/holidays) in minutes.
Shift1Hol2 - Derivation (Sunday/holiday) in hh:mm format.
Shift1WorkdayMins - Derivation – workdays (minutes).
Shift1Workday - Derivation – workdays (HH:MM).

(the same for Shift2 and Shift3)

Overtime1Mins - Overtime worked in shift1, in minutes.

Overtime1MinsAsString - Overtime worked in shift1, hh:mm format.
Overtime1Days - Overtime worked in shift1, days.
Overtime1SatMins - Derivation, Saturdays, in minutes.
Overtime1Sat - Derivation, Saturdays, hh:mm format.
Overtime1SunMins - Derivation, Sundays, in minutes.

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Overtime1Sun - Derivation, Sundays, hh:mm format.

Overtime1HolMins - Derivation, holidays, in minutes.
Overtime1Hol - Derivation, holidays, hh:mm format.
Overtime1Hol1Mins - Derivation – Saturday/holiday (minutes).
Overtime1Hol1 - Derivation – Saturday/holiday (HH:MM.
Overtime1Hol2Mins - Derivation, Sunday/holiday, in minutes.
Overtime1Hol2 - Derivation, Sunday/holiday, hh:mm format.
Overtime1WorkdayMins - Derivation – workdays (minutes).
Overtime1Workday - Derivation – workdays (HH:MM).

(the same for Overtime2 and Overtime3)

VacationDaysLeft1- Vacation balance on the starting date of the export period.

VacationDaysLeft2 - Vacation balance on the ending date of the export period.
LastYearVacation1 - Unused vacation days from the previous year on the starting date of
the export period.
LastYearVacation2 - Unused vacation days from the previous year on the closing date of
the export period.
ToleratedMins - The total of tolerated time (the Tolerance parameter) in minutes.
ToleratedDays - The number of days with tolerated time.
ToleratedMinsAsString - The total of tolerated time in hh:mm format.
CatCutDays- Unpaid due to category restrictions (days).
CatCutMins - Upaid due to category restrictions (minutes).
CatCutMinsAsString - Unpaid due to category restrictions (HH:MM).
DaySchCutDays - Unpaid due to Day Limit (days).
DaySchCutMins - Unpaid due to Day Limit (minutes).
DaySchCutMinsAsString - Unpaid due to Day Limit (HH:MM).
OvThrCutDays - Unpaid due to Overtime Threshold (days).
OvThrCutMins - Unpaid due to Overtime Threshold (minutes).
OvThrCutMinsAsString - Unpaid due to Overtime Threshold (HH:MM).
PlannedMins - Planned time in minutes.
PlannedDays - Planned time in days.
PlannedMinsAsString - Planned time in hh:mm format.
PlannedSatMins - Planned time on Saturdays in minutes.
PlannedSat - Planned time on Saturdays in hh:mm format.
PlannedSunMins - Planned time on Sundays in minutes.
PlannedSun - Planned time on Sundays in hh:mm format.
PlannedHolMins - Planned time on holidays in minutes.
PlannedHol - Planned time on holidays in hh:mm format.
PlannedHol1Mins - Planned Saturday/holidays (minutes).
PlannedHol1 - Planned Saturdays/holidays (HH:MM).
PlannedHol2Mins - Planned time on Sundays/holidays in minutes.
PlannedHol2 - Planned time on Sundays/holidays in hh:mm format.
Planned WorkDayMins - Planned time – workdays (minutes)
PlannedWorkDay - Planned time – workdays (HH:Mm).
AttendanceMins - Attendance total.
AttendanceDays - Attendance1 total in days.
AttendanceMinsAsString - Attendance total in hh:mm format.
AttendanceSatMins - Attendance total on Saturdays in minutes.
AttendanceSat - Attendance total on Saturdays in hh:mm format.
AttendanceSunMins - Attendance total on Sundays in minutes.
AttendanceSun - Attendance total on Sundays in hh:mm format.
AttendanceHolMins - Attendance total on holidays in minutes.
AttendanceHol - Attendance total on holidays in hh:mm format.
AttendanceHol1Mins - Attendance total on Saturdays/holidays (minutes).
AttendanceHol1 - Attendance total on Saturdays/holidays (HH:MM).
AttendanceHol2Mins - Attendance total on Sundays/holidays in minutes.
AttendanceHol2 - Attendance total on Sundays/holidays in hh:mm format.
AttendanceWorkdayMins - Attendance total – workdays (minutes).
AttendanceWorkday - Attendance total – workdays (HH:MM).

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OvertimeMins - Overtime in minutes.

OvertimeDays - Overtime in days.
OvertimeMinsAsString - Overtime in hh:mm format.
OvertimeSatMins - Overtime on Saturdays in minutes.
OvertimeSat - Overtime on Saturdays in hh:mm format.
OvertimeSunMins - Overtime on Sundays in minutes.
OvertimeSun - Overtime on Sundays in hh:mm format.
OvertimeHolMins - Overtime on holidays in minutes.
OvertimeHol - Overtime on holidays in hh:mm format.
OvertimeHol2Mins - Overtime on Sundays/holidays in minutes.
OvertimeHol2 - Overtime on Sundays/holidays in hh:mm format.
OvertimeMinusMins - Overtime compensation in minutes.
OvertimeMinusDays - Overtime compensation in days.
OvertimeMinusMinsAsString - Overtime compensation in hh:mm format.
OvertimeDiff - The difference in overtime hours in the exported period in minutes.
OvertimeDiffAsString - The difference in overtime hours in the exported period in hh:mm
NIHDays - Planned night hours (days).
NIHMins - Planned night hours (minutes).
NIHMinsAsString - Planned night hours (HH:MM).
NIHSatMins - Planned night hours on Saturdays (minutes).
NIHSat - Planned night hours on Saturdays (HH:MM).
NIHSunMins - Planned night hours on Sundays (minutes).
NIHSun - Planned night hours on Sundays (HH:MM).
NIHHolMins - Planned night hours on holidays (minutes).
NIHHol - Planned night hours on holidays (HH:MM).
NIHHol1Mins - Planned night hours on Saturdays/holiday (minutes).
NIHHol1 - Planned night hours on Saturdays/holiday (HH:MM).
NIHHol2Mins - Planned night hours on Sunday/holiday (minutes).
NIHHol2 - Planned night hours on Sunday/holiday (HH:MM).
NIHWorkdayMins - Planned night hours on workdays (minutes).
NIHWorkday - Planned night hours on workdays (HH:MM).
OvertimeNIHDays - Night overtime (days).
OvertimeNIHMins - Night overtime (minutes).
OvertimeNIHMinsAsString - Night overtime (HH:MM).
OvertimeNIHSatMins - Night overtime on Saturdays (minutes).
OvertimeNIHSat - Night overtime on Saturdays (HH:MM).
OvertimeNIHSunMins - Night overtime on Sundays (minutes).
OvertimeNIHSun - Night overtime on Sundays (HH:MM).
OvertimeNIHHolMins - Night overtime on holidays (minutes).
OvertimeNIHHol - Night overtime on holidays (HH:MM).
OvertimeNIHHol1Mins - Night overtime on Saturdays/holiday (minutes).
OvertimeNIHHol1 - Night overtime on Saturdays/holiday (HH:MM).
OvertimeNIHHol2Mins - Night overtime on Sunday/holiday (minutes).
OvertimeNIHHol2 - Night overtime on Sunday/holiday (HH:MM).
OvertimeWorkdayMins - Night overtime on workdays (minutes).
OvertimeWorkday - Night overtime on workdays (HH:MM).


UserNo - User's ID (The row with the user ID equal to -1 contains totals of values for all
GroupID - Category's ID.
RowID - The number of a row for a user.
Label - The name of the category.
ShortName - The abbreviation for the category.
UnPaid - 'True' stands for Unpaid category; 'False' for paid.
Mins - Occurrence of the category (minutes).
MinsAsString - Occurrence of the category (HH:MM).

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Days - The number of days in the export period with the occurrence of the category.
SatMins - Occurrence of the category on Saturdays (minutes).
Sat - Occurrence of the category on Saturdays (HH:MM).
SunMins - Occurrence of the category on Sundays (minutes).
Sun - Occurrence of the category on Sundays (HH:MM).
HolMins - Occurrence of the category on holidays (minutes).
Hol - Occurrence of the category on holidays (HH:MM).
Hol1Mins - Occurrence of the category on Saturdays/holidays (minutes).
Hol1 - Occurrence of the category on Saturdays/holidays (HH:MM).
Hol2Mins - Occurrence of the category on Sundays/holiday (minutes).
Hol2 - Occurrence of the category on Sundays/holidays (HH:MM).
WorkdayMins - Occurrence of the category on workdays (minutes).
Workday - Occurrence of the category on workdays (HH:MM).

IndSumDet2 [date].DB

Field explanation

UserNo - User's ID (The row with the user ID equal to -1 contains totals of values for all
CounterNo - Counter's id
CounterName - Counter's name
Value - Counter's value at the end of the period (minutes/days, depends on counter

Summary export by days

Data is exported to tables IndSumDMstr[date], IndSumDDet[date] and IndSumDDet2


The format of the export files is identical to that of the Summary Export, except for an
additional Date field.

Related topics
Flexi Time export file specification
Violations export
Exporting Data from Time&Space

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6.6.2 Flexi Time export file specification

Data are exported to these three tables: FlexiSumMstr [date].DB, FlexiSumDet [date].DB
, FlexiSumDet2 [date].DB. [date] next to the table name is the date of export.

FlexiSumMstr [datum].DB

Field explanation

UserNo - User's ID (The row with the user ID equal to -1 contains totals of values for all
Lastname - User's last name.
Firstname - User's first name.
UserId - User's ID.
Bdgno - Badge number.
OrgUnitName - Organizational unit name.
OrgUnitNo - Organizational unit id.
Unit 1 - Unit 1.
Unit 2 - Unit 2.
SubUnit 2 - Unit 3.
Mins1 - The balance of hours in minutes on the first day of the export period (at midnight).
Mins1AsString - The balance of hours in minutes on the first day of the export period
(format HH:MM).
Mins2 - The balance of hours in minutes on the last day of the export period (at midnight).
Mins2AsString - The balance of hours in minutes on the last day of the export period (at
midnight). (HH:MM).
DaysCalculated - The number of days covered by the export.
SchName - Schedule name.
DateStart - The beginning date of the export period.
DateEnd - The ending date of the export period.
LateArrDays - The number of days with violations at arrival.
EarlyDepDays - The number of days with violations at departure.
MissingArrDays - The number of days with a missing arrival.
MissingDepDays - The number of days with a missing departure.
AbsenceMins - Unauthorized (whole-day) absence (minutes) - only the Core Time period .
AbsenceMinsAsString - Unauthorized absence (HH:MM).
AbsenceDays - Unauthorized absence (days).
CTVMins - Violation of the core time (minutes).
CTVMinsAsString - Violation of the core time (HH:MM).
CTVDays - Violation of the core time (days).

SchCutDays - Time ignored due to the restrictions in the schedule (days).

SchCutMins - Time ignored due to the restrictions in the schedule (minutes).
SchCutMinsAsString - Time ignored due to the restrictions in the schedule (HH:MM).
DayCutDays - Time ignored due to the day limit (days).
DayCutMins - Time ignored due to the day limit (minutes).
DayCutMinsAsString - Time ignored due to the day limit (HH:MM).
DayBalCutDays - Day balance cut (days).
DayBalCutMins - Day balance cut (minutes).
DayBalCutMinsAsString - Day balance cut (HH:MM).
CurrBalCutDays - Current balance cut (days).
CurrBalCutMins - Current balance cut (minutes).
CurrBalCutMinsAsString - Current balance cut (HH:MM).
PayDayCutDays - Payday balance cut (days).
PayDayCutMins - Payday balance cut (minutes).
PayDayCutMinsAsString - Payday balance cut (HH:MM).
CatCutDays - Category limit cut (days).
CatCutMins - Category limit cut (minutes).
CatCutMinsAsString - Category limit cut (HH:MM).
PosBCDays - Positive balance threshold cut (days).

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PosBCMins - Positive balance threshold cut (minutes).

PosBCMinsAsString - Positive balance threshold cut (HH:MM).
TotalUnpaidMins - Total unpaid time (minutes).
TotalUnpaidMinsAsString - Total unpaid time (HH:MM).
Days - Number of days exported.
DaysSat - Number of Saturdays exported.
DaysSun - Number of Sundays exported.
DaysHol - Number of Sundays coinciding with holidays.
DaysHol1 - Number of days –Saturday/holiday.
DaysHol2 - Number of days – Sunday/holiday.
DaysWorkday - Number of days – workdays.

GrossAttDays - Gross attendance (days).

GrossAttMins - Gross attendance (minutes).
GrossAttMinsAsString - Gross attendance (HH:MM).
GrossAttSatMins - Gross attendance on Saturdays (minutes).
GrossAttSat - Gross attendance on Saturdays (HH:MM).
GrossAttSunMins - Gross attendance on Sundays (minutes).
GrossAttSun - Gross attendance on Sundays (HH:MM).
GrossAttHolMins - Gross attendance on holidays (minutes).
GrossAttHol - Gross attendance on holidays (HH:MM).
GrossAttHol1Mins - Gross att. on Saturdays/holidays (minutes).
GrossAttHol1 - Gross att. on Saturdays/holidays (HH:MM).
GrossAttHol2Mins - Gross att. on Sunday/holiday (minutes).
GrossAttHol2 - Gross att. on Sunday/holiday (HH:MM).
GrossAttWorkdayMins - Gross attendance on workdays (minutes).
GrossAttWorkday - Gross attendance on workdays (HH:MM).
PlannedDays - Planned time (days).
PlannedMins - Planned time (minutes).
PlannedMinsAsString - Planned time (HH:MM).
PlannedSatMins - Planned time - Saturdays (minutes).
PlannedSat - Planned time - Saturdays (HH:MM).
PlannedSunMins - Planned time - Sundays (minutes).
PlannedSun - Planned time - Sundays (HH:MM).
PlannedHolMins - Planned time - holidays (minutes).
PlannedHol - Planned time - holidays (HH:MM).
PlannedHol1Mins - Planned time on Saturdays/holidays (minutes).
PlannedHol1 - Planned time on Saturdays/holidays (HH:MM).
PlannedHol2Mins - Planned time - Sunday/holiday (minutes).
PlannedHol2 - Planned time - Sunday/holidays (HH:MM).
PlannedWorkdayMins - Planned time – workdays (minutes).
PlannedWorkday - Planned time – workdays (HH:MM).
PresenceDiffMins - The difference between gross and planned attendance (minutes).
PresenceDiffMinsAsString - The difference between gross and planned attendance (HH:
UnpaidMins - Unpaid time (minutes).
UnpaidMinsAsString - Unpaid time (HH:MM).
VacDaysLeft1 - Vacation balance on the starting date of the export period.
VacDaysLeft2 - Vacation balance on the closing date of the export period.
LastYearVacation1 - Unused vacation days from the previous year on the starting date of
the export period.
LastYearVacation2 - Unused vacation days from the previous year on the closing date of
the export period.
NIHDays - Night hours (days).
NIHMins - Night hours (minutes).
NIHMinsAsString - Night hours (HH:MM).
NIHSatMins - Night hours on Saturdays (minutes).
NIHSat - Night hours on Saturdays (HH:MM).
NIHSunMins - Night hours on Sundays (minutes).
NIHSun - Night hours on Sundays (HH:MM).

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NIHHolMins - Night hours on holidays (minutes).

NIHHol - Night hours on holidays (HH:MM).
NihHol1Mins - Night hours on Saturday/holidays (minutes).
NihHol1 - Night hours on Saturdays/holidays (HH:MM).
NIHHol2Mins - Night hours on Sunday/holiday (minutes).
NIHHol2 - Night hours on Sunday/holiday (HH:MM).
NIHWorkdaysMins - Night hours on workdays (minutes).
NIHWorkday - Night hours on workdays (HH:MM).
SPHDays - Special hours (days).
SPHMins - Special hours (minutes).
SPHMinsAsString - Special hours (HH:MM).
SPHSatMins - Special hours on Saturdays (minutes).
SPHSat - Special hours on Saturdays (HH:MM).
SPHSunMins - Special hours on Sundays (minutes).
SPHSun - Special hours on Sundays (HH:MM).
SPHHolMins - Special hours on holidays (minutes).
SPHHol - Special hours on holidays (HH:MM).
SPHHol1Mins - Special hours on Saturdays/holidays (minutes).
SPHHol1 - Special hours on Saturdays/holidays (HH:MM).
SPHHol2Mins - Special hours on Sunday/holiday (minutes).
SPHHol2 - Special hours on Sunday/holiday (HH:MM).
SPHWorkdaysMins - Special hours on workdays (minutes).
SPHWorkdays - Special hours on workdays (HH:MM).

FlexiSumDet [date].DB

Field explanation

UserNo - User's ID (The row with the user ID equal to -1 contains totals of values for all
GroupID - Category's ID.
RowID/TabRowID - The number of a row for a user. RowID is used when exporting to CSV
files. TabRowID is used when exporting to Oracle tables.
Label -The name of the category.
ShortName - The abbreviation for the category.
UnPaid - 'True' stands for Unpaid category; 'False' for paid.
Mins - Occurrence of the category (minutes).
MinsAsString - Occurrence of the category (HH:MM).
Days - The number of days in the export period with the occurrence of the category.
SatMins - Occurrence of the category on Saturdays (minutes).
Sat - Occurrence of the category on Saturdays (HH:MM).
SunMins - Occurrence of the category on Sundays (minutes).
Sun - Occurrence of the category on Sundays (HH:MM).
HolMins - Occurrence of the category on holidays (minutes).
Hol - Occurrence of the category on holidays (HH:MM).
Hol1Mins - Occurrence of the category on Saturdays/holidays (minutes).
Hol1 - Occurrence of the category on Saturdays/holidays (HH:MM).
Hol2Mins - Occurrence of the category on Sundays/holiday (minutes).
Hol2 - Occurrence of the category on Sundays/holidays (HH:MM).
WorkdayMins - Occurrence of the category on workdays (minutes).
Workday - Occurrence of the category on workdays (HH:MM).

FlexiSumDet2 [date].DB

Field explanation

UserNo - User's ID (The row with the user ID equal to -1 contains totals of values for all

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CounterNo - Counter's id.
CounterName - Counter's name.
Value - Counter's value at the end of the period (minuter/days, depends on counter

Summary export by days

Data is exported to tables FlexiSumDMstr[datum], FlexiSumDDet[datum] and


The format of the export files is identical to that of the Summary Export, except for an
additional Date field.

Related topics
Industrial Time export file specification
Violations export
Exporting Data from Time&Space

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399 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.6.3 Violations export

Data are exported to IndViol[date] for Industrial Time and FlexiViol[date] for Flexi Time.

Field explanation

No - User's NO.
Name - Users first, last name .
Lastname - User's last name.
Firstname - User's first name.
UserID - User's ID.
BdgNo - User's badge number.
Unit 1 - Unit 1.
Unit 2 - Unit 2.
SubUnit 2 - Unit 3.
ViolationDate - Violation date.
ViolationTime - Total time violated (HH:MM).
Reason - Reason .

Related topics
Industrial Time export file specification
Flexi Time export file specification
Exporting Data from Time&Space

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6.7 Exporting data with ExportCmd

ExportCmd utility allows you to export summary calculation data from the command line
similarly as if you choose File | Export in Time&Space Manager. Destination files are in the
"csv" (comma separated values) format.

Note: The use and handling of personal data is regulated in many countries. The user
(administrator, operator) is responsible for protection of personal data according to applicable
laws and regulations. Exported personal information is particularly vulnerable and requires
extra caution.

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401 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.7.1 Installation
ExportCmd is installed by Time&Space setup by selecting Export component when prompted.

If ExportCmd executable is moved from Time&Space folder please note that ts32.mld must
also be copied to new location. Prior to running ExportCmd make sure to run TsStartup to
define parameters needed to connect to database.

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6.7.2 How to run ExportCmd

EXPORTCMD <destination> [/START=startdate /END=enddate][/P] [/F] [/I][/D][/A][/
DELIMITER=delimiter] [/FILTER] [/Q]

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6.7.3 Parameters

Specifies the location and name of the file, which will be created or overwritten by export.

Summary export consists of two files, commonly referred to as master and detail. The file
name passed as a destination parameter will not be the actual file created. At the end of the
file name "Master" or "Detail" postfix will be added to distinguish between the two files.

See comments for details.

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6.7.4 Switches
/ START=startdate

Specifies the start of the export period.

/ END=enddate

Defines the end of the export period.

Export paid time calculation data.


Export flexi time calculation data.


Export industrial time calculation data.


Create daily summary export.


Export only active users.


Defines the character that will be used as a delimiter in the "csv" file. Semicolon is used by


Filter users according to the ExportCmd.flt file.


Quiet mode. No additional information will be written in the console.


Calculates last year vacation. This operation can be time-consuming.


Display help.


The existing files are always overwritten by the new ones without the confirmation.
If /Q switch is omitted then the summary of all input parameters is shown before the export
begins. When the export is in progress, for each user a dot (".") is displayed on the screen
when data is calculated and exported.

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6.7.5 Destination filenames

As mentioned above, the file name entered at command prompt will not be the actual file
name created. There are two postfixes that will be added at the end of the file name. The
first one is used to distinguish between the type of the export file (master or detail), while
the second one describes the time module for which the export was created (Paid, Flexi or
Industrial). If the export is executed for Flexi time users with file name c:\Export.csv then the
following two files will be created: c:\ExportMasterFlexi.csv and c:\ExportDetailFlexi.csv.

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6.7.6 Using /START and /END switches

By default export period equals last month. The period starts with the first day of the
previous month and ends with the last one.

Switches /START and /END are used for defining export period. The export includes both

All dates entered must be in DD.MM.YYYY format.

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6.7.7 Using /F, /I and /P switches

These switches are used for defining which time modules will be exported. By default export
will be created for all licensed modules. User can use these switches to omit the export.

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6.7.8 Using /D switch

This switch enables the summary export by days, which means that the summary export for
each day in selected period will be created and exported. This switch has no affect on the file

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409 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.7.9 Using /FILTER switch

At execution time the program searches the folder in which it resides for a file called
ExportCmd.flt. In this file the user can specify which Organizational unit, /Unit 1 /Unit 2 /Unit
3 are going to be exported.

The ExportCmd.flt should have the following structure:

[+|-]organizational unit id

[Unit 1]
[+|-]Unit 1

[Unit 2]
[+|-]Unit 2

[Unit 3]
[+|-]Unit 3

With each option the prefix + or – may be used, indicating whether the Organizational unit, /
Unit 1, /Unit 2 or /Unit 3 should be included or excluded in the export. If no prefix is used then
the value is treated as it would have the prefix +.

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6.7.10 Examples
1. The following command will export data for all flexi time users during the period from 1st
May until 31st May.

exportcmd c:\exports\May.csv /start=01.05.2009 /end=31.05.2009 /f

2. To export only the Unit 2 named "Sales" then the ExportCmd.flt file with the following
content should be created and placed in the folder in which the ExportCmd command resides:

[Unit 2]

Run the export with command:

exportcmd c:\exports\May.csv /start=01.05.2009 /end=31.05.2009 /f /filter

3. If we intend to run the export monthly in batch then we should use default export period:

exportcmd c:\exports\Export.csv /f

Note: When using this command the previous export files will be overwritten by the new

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411 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.8 Importing personal data with Simple Import

The Simple Import application allows importing or updating of data into Time&Space database
using text files. Application also allows separate import of the balance of hours, overtime and
remaining vacation days into the database. The computer where importing of data will be
performed must have the Time&Space program installed. Tool can be found in the Tools folder
(Oracle) or in the Server\Import folder (MSSQL) on installation CD.

For more information about importing process look at the Simple Import User's Manual.

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Add-ons 412

6.9 Job costing

Time&Space Job Costing functions cover data collection, manual job entries and a variety of
reports. To automate data collection we can either assign job numbers to terminal keys or
allow the user to type in the job number on terminal when starting a new job.

There is no need to enter all jobs into the system; the user can add them on the fly when
entering new job costing clocking. However, only jobs that are entered into the system can
be added to custom reports.

Job management is covered in web client. Therefore the WebTS module must be installed to
take full advantage of the Job Costing features.

Related topics
Setting up job costing environment
Generating reports

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413 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.9.1 Setting up job costing environment

To setup Job Costing environment you need to configure the following Time&Space modules:

Web Time&Space

WebTS covers job management. In Job Costing section we can add new jobs or remove and
modify the existing ones. We must provide a unique id for each job. Furthermore we can
enter a job name and description and select colour from the list. Colour is used for the
graphical presentation of job costing calculation. Note that there is no need to enter all jobs
(if any) into the system since the job costing calculating can handle also so-called unknown
jobs. However, there are some limitations as described in the next section.

See WebTS User's Manual for more details.

Time&Space Manager

In Time&Space Manager we can define new events for automated data collection. There are
two basic approaches:
defining a new clocking event that requires job number to be entered when making
defining a new clocking event or using the existing one and assigning default job number to
a key on the terminal.

In the first case we must set the parameter type to Job when defining the event. In the
second case we must use the Event Collector or Device Administration Portal to assign
default jobs to terminal keys.

Time&Space system provides new special intervention event “Job manual entry”. This event is
automatically used for manual job entry in the Web Time&Space. Note that only those users
who have no event limitation or have the approval for the “Job manual entry” event can make
manual job entries.

Time&Space Manager is used for creating various report templates. Job costing details can be
used in condensed and daily reports together with all the existing template features. Note
that we can use only those jobs that are entered into the system. Unknown jobs are not

Event Collector or Device Administration Portal

We can define default job for each key on the terminal keyboard as long as they have been
assigned to clocking event. To do so we must edit keyboard settings and enter a desired job

Related topics
Job costing
Generating reports

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Add-ons 414

6.10 Microsoft Active Directory Integration

Time&Space supports integration with Microsoft Active Directory. The Microsoft Active Directory
mode uses the AD account logon name to find the corresponding user account in the
Time&Space system. Thus all the application specific settings are stored and managed within
the Time&Space system while assigning these rights to the users is managed in the AD. Only
standard authentication mode in Time&Space system supports this integration option.

Matching users

Matching between the AD users and the Time&Space user accounts is established on two

matching the account logon name,

matching the users groups.

If the first step does not find the adequate user account, the second step is invoked.

Matching the account logon name

Time&Space searches through all the user accounts defined in the system for exact match. At
this stage the login procedure compares the AD account logon name and the Time&Space
user account name. The comparison is case insensitive. This approach is useful for defining
specific set of rights to a certain user. A 1:1 relationship is established in this way. This
approach will be used for defining the operator with limited rights for a specific organizational

Matching the user groups

Time&Space analyses AD group memberships to retrieve the list of groups in which the
currently logged on user is enlisted. The login procedure compares the group names and the
Time&Space user account names in order to find the matching user account. Only groups
starting with ‘Time&Space’ will be processed. This label is mandatory for user groups while
the account name omits it. The Time&Space user will not be tied to the user account during its
use for a group of users. The login procedure will automatically search through all users to
find the user with the same account logon name. The users’ logon names are managed in the
LDAP user accounts view.

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415 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

This approach is useful for linking a group of AD users to the same set of rights. This
approach will be used for setting the Personal Web Access rights. The user can combine
these two approaches to tailor the system to his/her needs.

Microsoft Active Directory m ode

Important: The SSO is currently not supported in Event Collector Manager due to
additional parameters (Event Collector service IP and Port) needed when logging in.

Important: This feature is available for Time&Space installations based on the Microsoft
SQL Server or Oracle server. Operating systems that support the AD functionality are
Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003/2008/2012.

Note: SSO feature is supported in fat clients by default (such as Time&Space Manager,
Visual Space Manager, Roster and PIF), for web clients (WebTS, Web Clocking Portal,
Approval Workflow or WebPIF) an additional module WebSSO must be installed.

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Add-ons 416

6.10.1 Setting up integration AD integration administrator
This section covers setting the system to Microsoft AD mode and creating two kinds of user
accounts – one for the local operator and one for the personal web access. This stage will
allow us to prepare the system for the AD integration.

1. Login to the Time&Space Manager with the super user account (TSSPICA).

2. Create a new role for the AD integration administrator. Select the following privileges:

o Level Zero/Authorization Roles,

o Level Zero/User Accounts,
o Time&Space Module Privileges/Time&Space Manager - Login.

AD adm inistrator role

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417 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

3. Create a new user account for the AD integration administrator. The username must be the
same as the administrator’s AD account logon name. The password must be entered but it
will not be used. Furthermore, the role that was prepared in step 2 must be selected.

Adm inistrator’s AD account

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Add-ons 418

4. Run the TSStartup tool and set the LDAP integration mode to Microsoft Active Directory.

Microsoft Active Directory m ode

Important: Make user TSStartup tool is started by the user who has full administrator
access token. Right-click the program icon or short cut, and then click Run as administrator.

5. If not already, logon to Windows with the AD integration administrator account.

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419 Time&Space Manager User's Manual 1:1 user accounts

User accounts for Administrators, Operators and Workgroup Web Access are usually in 1:1
relationship with AD account logon name. To create a new account do following:

1. Create a new user account with the desired role. The username must be the same as it's
AD account logon name. Assign the desired user to a user account if necessary.

1:1 user account

This user can logon to the Time&Space system without any modifications in AD.

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Add-ons 420 1:n user accounts

User accounts for Personal Web Access (PWA) are usually linked using user groups. This way
only one user account must be created in T&S for all PWA users. To create a new PWA
account do following:

1.Create a new user account with the desired role. Do not assign a user to this user account.

1:n user account

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421 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

2. In the Authorization/Active Directory Login Names view enter the AD account Logon
name for all users who will use this user account.

Assigning AD login nam es

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Add-ons 422

3. To assign several AD users to this user account, the AD administrator must create a new
Global Security group and add users. Group name must correspond with the user account
name (“Time&Space PWA”, group is matched with the “PWA” user account).

Creating PWA group

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423 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

4. Verify that the computer (on which IIS server is running) is trusted for delegation. If this IIS
server is a member of the domain but is not a domain controller, the computer must be
trusted for delegation for Kerberos to work properly. To enable this, follow these steps:

On the domain controller, click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
Double-click the Administrative Tools folder, and then double-click Active Directory Users and
Under your domain, click the Computers folder.
In the list, locate the IIS server. Right-click the server name, and then click Properties.
Click the General tab, click to select the Trusted for delegation check box, and then click OK.

Assigning trusted for delegation option

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Add-ons 424

6.10.2 WebSSO
To be able to activate Single Sing On (SSO) support in the WebTS or Web Clocking Portal or
Approval Workflow or Web PIF application an additional module, called WebSSO is needed.
Single instance of the module can be used to cover the SSO functionality for several modules.

WebSSO architecture

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425 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Installation
To install the module, start WebSSO Setup.exe from the distribution media or select Web
SSO module as part of Time&Space installation wizard and follow the installation procedure

Pre-installation requirements

See document Installation and Upgrade Guide.pdf, chapter System Requirements.

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 426 Window s Features Configuration

The following IIS features are required for the WebSSO module:

Root IIS feature

IIS feature

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427 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

ASP and .NET Extensibility features

ASP features

Idea: Windows features list may variate according to a specific operating system.

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 428 Installation Procedure

The installation procedure consists of the following steps:

1. Select the Next button to proceed with installation.

Welcom e screen

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429 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

2. Accept the Licence agreement to continue.

License agreem ent

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Add-ons 430

3. By default, the application will be installed as a virtual directory called WebSSO on Default
Web Site. Change the name of virtual directory or site if necessary. In this case, users will
access the application by entering address http://HostName/WebSSO into the web browser.
Host Name signifies the name or the IP address of the computer where IIS is running.

Installation as virtual directory

important: The application must be installed as a virtual directory.

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431 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

4. Select appropriate database type (Microsoft SQL Sever or Oracle).

Database type

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Add-ons 432

5. Confirm the installation parameters with the Next button and start the installation process.

Confirm ation of installation param eters

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433 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6. Wait until the installation process is completed.

Installation com pleted

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Add-ons 434

7. After the installation is completed, go to Internet Information Services Manager and set up
the following:

x64 operation system and application pool

If having x64 bit OS set Enable 32-Bit Applications option to True for the used application
pool (e.g. WebSSO).

Enable 32-bit applications

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435 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Windows authentication

Enable Windows Authentication and disable all others in the virtual directory and put NTLM
provider first.

Window s Authentication

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Add-ons 436


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437 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Also make sure that client workstations have User Authentication set to Automatic logon
with current user name and password under Internet Security options.

Security settings for autom atic logon

8. In the last step, check and update Customizable application parameters if needed.

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Add-ons 438 Customizable Application Parameters


Server kind - <add key="ServerKind" value="MSSQL" /> - This parameter defines the
kind of database server (MSSQL or ORACLE) which is used in the system.
Module's key and address - <add key="WebTS" value="http://localhost:80"/> - This
parameter defines the matching key and address (IP and Port) of service which will use
SSO functionality. By default this parameter is set to: key="WebTS" value="http://
localhost:80 ". In case of several modules needing SSO functionality, simply add new lines
to the System block in the configuration file:

<Sys tem >

<add key=" W ebTS" valu e=" h ttp://s pica:8 0 " />
<add key=" W CP" valu e=" h ttp://s pica:8 0 /w ebdog" />
<add key=" AW " valu e=" h ttp://s pica:8 8 8 " />
</Sys tem >

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439 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Adding or Removing the Application


To remove the existing module, got to Control Panel\Programs and Features and select the
Time&Space WebSSO software and choose Uninstall.


To install a new version of the module, simply start and follow the installation procedure.

Idea:Current configuration files will be saved as ".old" type.

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 440

6.11 Notification Service

Time&Space Notification service checks for notification requests in Time&Space database on
the specified interval and sends the messages to the recipients using various protocols.
Currently only SMTP protocol is supported.

Notification Service

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441 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.11.1 Installation
Pre-installation requirements

See document Installation and Upgrade Guide.pdf, chapter System Requirements.

To install service, go to folder (e.g. "D:\Server\Email Notification") on the Time&Space

distribution, start Notification Service Setup.exe and follow the installation procedure.

Customizable application parameters - NotificationService.exe.config

Server kind - <add key="ServerKind" value="mssql" /> - This parameter defines
what kind of database server (mssql/oracle) is used in the system.

Message check interval - <add key="MessageCheckInterval" value="60"/> - This
parameter defines interval (seconds) for checking for a new messages in database.
Delete message attachments - <add key="DeleteHandledMessageAttachments"
value="false"/> - If enabled (true), the attachments will be deleted after the message
is sent.

SMTP Host - <add key="SMTPHost" value=""/> - This parameter contains host
address of your SMTP server, e.g.
SMTP Port - <add key="SMTPPort" value=""/> - This parameter contains port for your
SMTP server, e.g. 587.
SMTP User Name - <add key="SMTPUserName" value=""/> - This parameter
contains user name for authenticating.
SMTP Password - <add key="SMTPPassword" value=""/> - This parameter contains
password for authenticating.
SSL Type - <add key="SSLType" value="0"/> Use 0 if SMTP server does not support
secured connections (port 25); Use 1 if SMTP server supports connections secured by
SSL/TLS in explicit mode (port 587); Use 2 if SMTP server supports connections secured
by SSL/TLS in implicit mode (port 465).
Default Sender Email - <add key="DefaultSenderEmail" value=""/> - Some SMTP
servers do not allow sending emails on behalf of other users. If this parameter is set, all
emails will be sent from this address. For Office365 SMTP server (,
this parameter should be the same as SMTPUserName.
Maximum attachment size - <add key="EmailAttachmentMaximumSize" value="20"/
> - This parameter defines maximum attachment size (MB). If the attachment size is over
the threshold, it is not included in the message.

Debug log - <logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="debugFile"/> - Tracks
detailed operation data of the service.

Note: The Local Service user must have write permission in the directory, where log files
will be created.

Warning: If SMTP Password contains special characters (e.g. ", ', <, > or &), they must be
entered in the different format to be properly validated by the application. The following
special character should be entered as:

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Add-ons 442

" as &quot;
' as &apos;
< as &lt;
> as &gt;
& as &amp;

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443 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.12 Time&Space Report Generator

Time&Space Report Generator is a program that is used to automatically generate reports.
The application generates reports at a predefined time and saves them in a specific location.
For complete functionality, both Time&Space and Windows Task Scheduler are needed.

Related topics
Configuration parameters

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Add-ons 444

6.12.1 Installation
Installation of the Time&Space Report Generator is manual and consists of the following

1. Copy the application (TSReportGenerator.exe) from distribution media (...Server\Report

Generator) into local directory (e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Spica\TimeSpace\RG").
2. Copy language files (ts32.mld, ts32.lng and ts32.grp) from installation directory of
Time&Space Manager to RG folder.
3. Copy TsIcon32.dll file from installation directory of Time&Space Manager to RG folder.
4. Set up execution parameters and start up the application in CMD.

Related topics
Configuration parameters
Time&Space Report Generator

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445 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.12.2 Reports
There are two groups of time reports built into Time&Space Manager:

Predefined reports and

User defined reports.

Predefined reports

These reports are predefined and cannot be modified. Summary/Condensed report is

accessible from the One day, One person, Person/Days and Calculation Views. It includes
condensed calculation data for the selected time period.
Graphic report exports One Day, One Person, Persons/Days and Calculation Views as you
see them on the screen.

User defined reports

Users with report editing rights can define the layout of a report by defining fields,
groupings, sorting order, etc.

Time&Space Report Generator currently supports the following reports:

All time reports designed with Report Templates manager,

Predefined Presence report from Level Zero\Users view.

Template ID

In order to generate reports an ID of a specific template is needed. Enable option Entities ID

under General settings, to see template Ids in the Report Template manager. An ID for the
predefined presence report is L1.

Related topics
Configuration parameters
Time&Space Report Generator

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Add-ons 446

6.12.3 Configuration parameters

To achieve complete functionality of the application, implement the following steps:

Starting the program from command line

Generating batch file
Automatic report generation
Send reports by e-mail

Related topics
Time&Space Report Generator

© 2020 Spica International

447 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Starting the program from command line

In Windows, click Start and type »cmd« into the search field and press Enter. Move to the
location of the application, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Spica\TimeSpace\RG.

Com m and line

Enter »TsReportGenerator –h« and press Enter for help about execution parameters.

Help description

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Add-ons 448

Required execution parameters are the following:

Template ID - Get appropriate template ID by using Report Template manager or type L1

for legacy report Presence.
File format - Only PDF, XLS, RTF, TXT, HTML, JPG and BMP report formats are supported.
File format - Only PDF, XLS or RTF report formats are supported.
File format - PDF, XLS, RTF, TXT, HTML, JPG and BMP report formats are supported.
Full pathname - Destination path of the report. Use quotes if pathname consist spaces (e.
g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Spica\TimeSpace\RG\Report.pdf").
Period - Use predefined periods (now, yesterday, today, lastweek, currentweek,
lastmonth, currentmonth) or defined custom period (e.g. 1.1.2013-31.3.2013).

Optional parameters:

-i - Define custom user list users by naming user numbers, which can be gained as value of
NO column from the Users table .
-u1 - Limit users on the report by defining Unit Filter 1 parameter.
-u2 - Limit users on the report by defining Unit Filter 2 parameter.
-u3 - Limit users on the report by defining Unit Filter 3 parameter.
-o - Limit users on the report by defining Organizational unit parameter.

Execution tips

Be careful to enter the parameters in the right order - [TEMPLATEID] [REPORTYPE]

Predefined Presence report supports only one day periods: Now, Today, Yesterday or a
specific day "1.3.2013 10:00-1.3.2013 11:00".
Users NO numbers must be comma separated (e.g. -i 555, 666, 777).
If a database is set to case sensitive, make sure that unit filters are named properly.
Only one Unit Filter 1/Unit Filter 2/Unit Filter 3/Organizational unit can be defined at the
same time (e.g. - u1 "North America" -u2 "R&D" - u3 HW -o 123456).
Use quotes if unit name consist spaces or special characters (e.g. - u1 "North America" or -
u2 "R&D").
Organizational unit filter needs ID of a specific unit, not the name of a unit. This information
can be obtained in Organizational hierarchy editor when Entities ID option is enabled
under General settings. (e.g. Organization unit Employees is presented with ID 123456).

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449 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Example of time report creation with only required parameters:

Report ID: 443,

Format type: PDF,
Location and report name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Spica\TimeSpace\RG\443.pdf,
Period: today.

Report creation w ith only required param eters

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Add-ons 450

Example of a time report creation with required and optional parameters:

Report ID: 443,

Format type: PDF,
Location and report name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Spica\TimeSpace\RG\443.pdf,
Period: today,
Unit filter 1: Employees,
Unit filter 2: R&D,
Unit filter 3: SW,
Organizational unit filter: 10000004.

Report creation w ith required and optional param eters

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451 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Example of the Presence report creation with required and optional parameters:

Report ID: L1,

Format type: PDF,
Location and report name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Spica\TimeSpace\RG\Presence.pdf,
Period: Now
Unit filter 1: Employees,
Unit filter 2: R&D.

Creation of Presence report w ith required and optional param eters

Warning: Running two instances of Time Report Generator at the same time is not

Related topics
Generating batch file
Automatic report generation
Send reports by e-mail
Configuration parameters

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 452 Generating batch file

Click Start and type notepad, press Enter. Here you can enter commands and parameters
that the TSReportGenerator will use to create reports.

Commands in Notepad

@echo off

»Echo off« will hide the prompt window. This command does not interfere with the
functionality of the TSReportGenerator.

chdir /d + full path

Full path to the folder where TSReportGenerator.exe is stored. This command chdir is used for
verification purposes and successful report generation.

cmd /c + tsreportgenerator + parameters

Command cmd /c carries out the command and then terminates.

Save this file as *.cmd or *.bat, Windows will recognize it as batch (executable) file, i.e. RG.

Exam ple of batch file

Related topics
Starting the program from command line
Automatic report generation
Send reports by e-mail
Configuration parameters

© 2020 Spica International

453 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Automatic report generation

Automatic report generation can be set up with the Windows Task Scheduler. Click on Start
and type Task Scheduler and select it.

Task Scheduler

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Add-ons 454

In the upper window tasks and their parameters are displayed. Click on Create Task in the
right window to create a new task for the TSReportGenerator.

Create Task

In the tab General enter the name of the Task. We recommend using the name of the report
you want to create in order to make tasks easier to identify.

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Nam e of the task

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Add-ons 456

In the Triggers tab define when the reports will be generated.

Select w hen should task begin

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457 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

In the Actions tab select button New. On the New Action dialogue, select Start a program
option from the combo and select batch file created in the previous chapter in the Program/
script field.

Action selection

Click OK to add the task.

Related topics
Starting the program from command line
Generating batch file
Send reports by e-mail
Configuration parameters

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Add-ons 458 Send reports by e-mail

The Task Scheduler can also send reports via e-mail. Repeat the steps as described in
Automatic report generation except Actions tab. In the Actions tab select button New. On the
New Action dialogue, select Send an e-mail option from the combo and fill out the required

Send an e-m ail action

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459 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Enter e-mail address of the sender (From) and recipient (To), Subject, Text, Attachment (click
Browse and select the automatically generated report) and SMTP Server.

Send an e-m ail param eters

Click OK to add the task.

Related topics
Starting the program from command line
Generating batch file
Automatic report generation
Configuration parameters

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Add-ons 460

6.13 Time&Space Recalculation Tool

Time&Space Recalculation Tool is a stand-alone console application that is used to easily
recalculate users when you want to make sure that the calculation includes the most recent
events in the database.

Related topics
Starting the program from command line

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461 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.13.1 Installation
Installation of the Time&Space Recalculation Tool is manual and consists of the following

1. Copy the application (Recalculate.exe) from distribution media (...Server\Recalculate) into

local directory (e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Spica\TimeSpace\RecalculationTool").
2. Optionally set up execution parameters and start up the application in CMD.

Note: Prior to running Time&Space Recalculation Tool make sure to run TsStartup to
define parameters needed to connect to database.

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Add-ons 462

6.13.2 Starting the program from command line

In Windows, click Start and type »cmd« into the search field and press Enter. Move to the
location of the application, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Spica\TimeSpace\RecalculationTool.

Recalculate all employees

Enter »Recalculate.exe« and press Enter to start the tool without parameters. If
Recalculation Tool is executed without parameters all the users will be recalculated.

Recalculate only employees with invalid calculation

Enter »Recalculate.exe -i« and press Enter to start the tool with parameters. If the tool is
executed with -i parameter, only employees with invalid calculation will be recalculated.

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463 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6.14 Spica Mobile Time

Spica Mobile Time is a separate Time&Space module that runs on smartphones and enables
Time&Space users to carry out the most crucial daily actions via their mobile device. It is very
simple to enable existing Time&Space Web users to extend their capabilities to their mobile
device. Actions that require immediate response are thus available at hand – anytime,
anywhere. Level of user's permission in the application is set through authorization role.

Spica Mobile Tim e

Related topics

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Add-ons 464

6.14.1 Installation
1. Go to Google Play or Apple Store and download the application to your mobile device.

2. Install and configure Time API module. The API provides calculation data from Time&Space
system and stores registrations collected with Spica Mobile Time application.

3. When you start the application for the first time, an activation key for a mobile client in
Time&Space system is generated.

Login dialogue

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465 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

4. Access WebTS with your account and go to Action\Mobile Integration view.

General settings

5. Add key from the blue box from Step 3 into New key value field and execute Add Key

Mobile integration dialogue

6. Go back to mobile application and enter unique user ID and TimeAPI address visible on the
Mobile Integration view in WebTS.

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Add-ons 466

Unique ID and Tim eAPI address configuration

7. To establish a connection you must be connected to the Intranet or Internet. Available

functionality depends on your Time&Space account authorization settings.

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467 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

Spica Mobile Application

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 468 Time API Installation

To install the module, start TimeAPI Setup.exe from the distribution media and follow the
installation procedure.

Pre-installation requirements

See document Installation and Upgrade Guide.pdf, chapter System Requirements.

© 2020 Spica International

469 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Window s Features Configuration

The following IIS features are required for the TimeAPI module:

Root IIS feature

IIS feature

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Add-ons 470

ASP and .NET Extensibility features

ASP features

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471 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

x64 operation system and application pool

If having x64 bit OS set Enable 32-Bit Applications option to True for the used application
pool (e.g. DAP).

Enable 32-bit applications

Idea:Windows features list may variate according to a specific operating system.

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 472 Installation Procedure

The installation procedure consists of the following steps:

1. Select the Next button to proceed with installation.

Welcom e screen

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473 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

2. Accept the Licence agreement to continue.

License agreem ent

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Add-ons 474

3. By default, the application will be installed as a virtual directory called TimeAPI on Default
Web Site. Change the name of virtual directory or site if necessary. In this case, users will
access the application by entering address http://HostName/TimeAPI into the web browser.
Host Name signifies the name or the IP address of the computer where IIS is running.

Installation as virtual directory

important: The application must be installed as a virtual directory.

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475 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

4. Select appropriate database type (Microsoft SQL Sever or Oracle).

Database type

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Add-ons 476

5. Confirm the installation parameters with the Next button and start the installation process.

Confirm ation of installation param eters

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477 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

6. Wait until the installation process is completed.

Installation com pleted

7. After the installation is completed, see Customizable application parameters chapter for
additional settings.

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Add-ons 478

8. Operation of the module can be tested in a browser by entering the following URL: http://
Hostname:Port/TimeAPI/SpicaTime/ConnectionTest/TestHello?Userid=. Of course, Host name
and Port parameters need to be updated and UserID must match NO value for one user in
the users table.

Brow ser test

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479 Time&Space Manager User's Manual Customizable Application Parameters


Server kind - <add key="ServerKind" value="MSSQL" /> - This parameter defines the
kind of database server (MSSQL or ORACLE) which is used in the system.
Approval Workflow server address - <add key="ApprovalServiceAddress"
value="http://localhost:81" /> - This parameter defines the address (IP and Port) of
Approval Workflow service. By default this parameter is set to http://localhost:81.

Spica Mobile Time parameters

<add key="UserRequestHistory" value="1"/> - This parameter defines a time span

(months) in the past for showing user requests.
<add key="UserRequestFuture" value="3"/> - This parameter defines a time span
(months) in the future for showing user requests.
<add key="DefaultRequestDefinitionId" value="1"/> - This parameter (ID) defines
which request is selected as default when creating a new request.
<add key="DefaultClockingId" value="66"/> - This parameter (ID) defines which event
is selected as default when creating a new clocking.
<add key="AllowManualSelection" value="true"/> - This parameter (true/false) defines
if operator can manually select employees and create a new clocking for them.
<add key="AllowQrScanning" value="true"/> - This parameter (true/false) defines if
operator can clock employees by scanning QR code.
<add key="AllowNFCScanning" value="true"/> - This parameter (true/false) defines if
operator can clock employees by scanning NFC code.
<add key="AllowAddClocking" value="true"/> - This parameter (true/false) defines if
user can create a new clocking for himself.
<add key="AllowGroupClocking" value="true"/> - This parameter (true/false) defines if
operator can create a new clocking for his group.
<add key="EnableAccessVerfication" value="true"/> - This parameter (true/false)
defines if employees with absence events have special icon on Presence view.
<add key="OmmitedEventDefinitionIds" value="66,67,19,68,73,74,51,64"/> - This
parameter (Ids) defines list of events available when creating a new clocking.
<add key="ExcludeAbsentEmployeesOnPresenceView" value="true"/> - This
parameter (true/false) defines if the Presence view shows only employees who are
currently present or have all day absence event.
<add key="HalfDayVacationCounterId" value=""/> - This parameter defines a custom
counter ID which is used for half-day holidays calculation.

Important: Set read/write permissions on a destination folder for a user under which the
service operates in order that the log file can be created. E.g Set permission (Modify, Read &
Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, Write) to IUSR and IIS_IUSRS user on the DAP
installation directory.

© 2020 Spica International

Add-ons 480 Adding or Removing the Application


To remove the existing module, got to Control Panel\Programs and Features and select the
Time&Space TimeAPI software and choose Uninstall.


To install a new version of the module, simply start and follow the installation procedure.

Idea:Current configuration files will be saved as ".old" type.

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481 Time&Space Manager User's Manual

7 Glossary


Access Profile
Access Schedules
Annual Leave
Arrival Window
Automatic Schedule Selection


Balance Correction
Balance of Hours
Business Arrival
Business Departure
Business Leave
Business Trip
Business Trip Departure

-C -

Calculation parameters
Calculation rules
Compensation Arrival
Compensation Departure
Core Time
Current Balance
Current Balance Top
Current Balance Top Cut


Day Balance
Day Balance Top
Day Balance Top Cut
Day Plan
Default Badge Profile
Default Time
Unit 2
Unit 1


Early Departure

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Enable Attendance past Midnight

Extra Leave
Extra Overtime


Fixed Break
Flexi Break



Holiday Bonus


ID Badge




Late Arrival
Limitations on the duration of working time


Manual Correction
Midnight Wrap


Night Hours


Overtime Compensation
Overtime Correction
Overtime Correction - Balance
Overtime Threshold

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-P -

Paid Attendance
Paid Time
Pay Day
Pay Balance Top
Pay Overtime Top
Physical Presence
Planned Time
Positive Balance Threshold
Post-Shift limit
Post-Shift Limit Correction




Schedule change
Sick leave
Sickness departure


Time Zones


Unlimited Paid Time

Unpaid Leave
Unpaid Time
User Categories
User Events


Vacation Balance
Vacation Entry
Virtual Attendance

-W -

Whole-day absence

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Glossary 484

Working Plan
Working Time Category




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7.1 Absence
The term absence in Time&Space is generally used to denote any absence that is treated as
some category of working time, for example Sick Leave, Business Trip etc. Whether such
absence contributes to the gross attendance depends on the setting of the corresponding
category. Absence may begin with a specific clocking (e.g. Business Departure) or with a
keyboard entry of a whole-day absence (e.g. Sick Leave).

7.2 Access Profile

An access profile is a set of controlled readers that can be accessed using some ID badge.

7.3 Access Schedules

Access Schedules specify during what time of the day and on which days of the week some
access point in the system is open for employees. For example, from 6 a.m. to 16 p.m.
Monday to Friday. Access Schedules are defined in the Time Zones module. They are
downloaded to the terminal using Event Collector or Device Administration Portal and from
that point on they are stored in the terminal's memory.

7.4 Administrator
The administrator of the system is a person who has the highest privileges. In addition to
having permission to authorize other operators, the administrator can also modify some
parameters that critically affect T&A calculation results. The most important of these
parameters are events, categories and general calculation parameters.

7.5 Annual Leave

Time&Space supports various types of vacations, with Annual Leave being treated somewhat
differently from other types of vacation. As a matter of fact, it is treated in connection with the
annual vacation quota which is stored as a reference value and decreased each time an
employee spends a day on vacation. The annual quota (in days) is entered into the database
separately for each employee using the Vacation Entry event. The vacation balance is then
shown in the Calculation window and in various reports. The program also allows for tracking
of the last year's vacation.

7.6 Arrival
Arrival is a basic clocking (event) that sets off the calculation of the Physical Presence
category and concludes any previous category (virtual attendance).

7.7 Arrival Window

Arrival Window is a parameter in the Industrial Time module related to the Automatic
Schedule Selection function. Arrival Window sets the time frame in which the program looks
for a schedule for the current day.

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7.8 Attendance
Attendance is a total presence in a day before any calculation rules are applied. The amount
of attendance that will actually be taken into account depends on the rules set by the
schedule and the values of parameters applied.

7.9 Automatic Schedule Selection

This function is used in the Industrial or Flexi Time module. It is designed for handling flexible
working patterns that are daily adapted to changing needs so the alternation of working
schedules cannot be planned in advance. With the Automatic Schedule Selection option
turned on, the program can select the schedule on the basis of the time of arrival. In order for
this function to work properly, the Arrival Window must also be set properly.

In Industrial Time or Flexi additional parameter can be used with the automatic schedule
selection called Auto-schedule by Departure, where the schedule is picked also regarding to
departure. Option can be found under Global parameters for Industrial time and on
Extensions tab in working scheme for Flexi time.

7.10 Balance Correction

The Balance Correction event is used in Flexi Time to directly modify the current balance of
hours (Running Balance). It does not affect the Gross Attendance total for the day and the
resulting balance is not subject to the Day or Current Balance Top.

7.11 Balance of Hours

Balance of Hours is the term used in Flexi Time. In Flexi Time the actual attendance is
compared to the Day Plan and the difference between the two is expressed as a credit/debit
of hours for a day. Balance of Hours is the total of these sums on any specific day. It is shown
in the Calculation window (the Running Balance field), in various views and reports. A special
report is also available.

7.12 Business Arrival

Business Arrival is a clocking (event) that sets off the Physical Presence category and
concludes the Business Leave category (virtual attendance).

7.13 Business Departure

Business departure is a clocking (event) that concludes the Physical Presence category and
sets off the Business Leave category (virtual attendance).

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7.14 Business Leave

Business Leave is a category of working time. It is triggered by the Business Departure
clocking and lasts until the end of the Default Time in the schedule or until the next clocking (a
return from business leave) in the same day. It may be calculated for the past if the first
clocking in a day is Business Arrival. In such a case it is calculated from the beginning of the
Default Time to the Business Arrival.

This is a pre-set category of working time.

7.15 Business Trip

Business Trip is a keyboard entry (a whole-day absence) and a category of working time. It
is also triggered by the Business Trip Departure clocking in which case it lasts until the end of
the Default Time in the schedule or until the next clocking (a return from business trip) in the
same day.

7.16 Business Trip Departure

Business Trip Departure is a clocking (event) which ends physical presence at work and sets
off the Business Trip category. The category last until the end of the Default Time in the
current day or until the next clocking (a return from the business trip in the same day).

7.17 Calculation parameters

Calculation parameters in Time&Space are employed to implement various rules that are not
covered with the basic calculation rules set by a schedule. The calculation parameters are
specific to a module. The settings are global, for that module as whole, but with most
parameters you can choose between several optional values when laying out a T&A scheme
for an employee.

In Flexi Time the calculation parameters are as follows: Day Balance Top, Current Balance
Top, Pay Balance Top, and Positive Balance Threshold.

In Industrial Time parameters are Post-shift limit, Arrival Window and Pay Overtime Top.

7.17.1 Calculation rules

Calculation rules are a set of rules that govern the calculation of working time. The basic rule
is formulated by the schedule, while further rules are implemented by means of calculation
parameters specific to the module. These rules could as well be designated as 'permanent'
rules, since they are modified rather rarely, that is to say, when you need to change the
general pattern of attendance in the company. Once you set these rules globally, you can
choose which variant will be applied to an individual employee or a group of employees.

To accommodate the need for a temporary change of a rule or a working pattern, use other
tools such as Interventions.

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7.18 Calendar
In Time&Space the term Calendar is used to refer to two different tools. One is an ordinary
system calendar used to select a specific date or a period of time. The other is the Calendar
function used to open the program's personal organizer with dates of national holidays and

The dates specified using the Calendar function are valid in all Time modules.

7.19 Clockings
Clockings, as they name implies, are recorded on clock terminals using an ID badge. However,
any clocking may also be entered by the operator on a PC. Clockings include all kinds of
arrivals and departures from work.

Every clocking is connected with a specific category of working time, that is to say, it sets off
the calculation of some working time category and concludes a previous category. Physical
Presence category begins with some in-clocking and ends with some out-clocking. The only
clocking that does not set off any category of working time is plain Departure.

7.20 Compensation Arrival

Compensation Arrival is an event in Industrial Time used to clock private absence during the
Planned Time, that is, an arrival after the beginning of the Planned Time. The absence from
the beginning of Planned Time up to the arrival is categorized as Overtime Compensation and
the hours are deducted from the overtime total.

7.20.1 Compensation Departure

Compensation Departure is an event in Industrial Time used to clock private absence during
the Planned Time, that is, a departure before the end of the Planned Time. This absence is
categorized as Overtime Compensation and the hours are deducted from the overtime total.

7.21 Core Time

Core Time is the span in a Flexi Time schedule during which any unauthorized absence from
the place of work is regarded as a violation of the schedule (Core Time) rule. Accordingly, the
beginning of the Core Time is the time of the latest arrival and its end the time of the earliest

In the Industrial Time module the Core Time coincides with the period of Planned Time in the

7.22 Current Balance

Current Balance shows the current result of calculation in Flexi Time, that is a credit/debit of
hours at a certain point in time. As a matter of fact, In Flexi Time any attendance that is
longer or shorter than the Day Plan for the day is expressed as a credit/debit of hours. It is
subject to the Current Balance Top limitation. The Current Balance is shown in the Calculation

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window (the Running Balance field) and in various reports.

7.23 Current Balance Top

Current Balance Top is a parameter in Flexi Time that sets the upper limit of the Current
Balance. Once the limit is exceeded, the excess time is discarded and categorized as the
Current Balance Top Cut (the field in the Calculation window). The total of hours discarded
because of this limit is shown in the Summary report.

7.24 Current Balance Top Cut

Current Balance Top Cut is a supplementary category in Flexi Time that comprises the total of
hours that were discarded due to the Current Balance Top limitation. It is shown in the
Summary report.

7.25 Day Balance

The Day Balance is the credit or debit of hours in a single day. It represents the difference
between the Day Plan (planned attendance) and actual attendance. The Day Balance may be
limited with the Day Balance Top parameter in which case an excess of hours is discarded and
categorized as Day Balance Top Cut. The sum of Day Balances yields the Running Balance.

7.26 Day Balance Top

Day Balance Top is a parameter is Flexi Time that limits the credit of hours that can be
accumulated in a single day. The hours discarded because of this limit are shown as the Day
Limit Top Cut in the Calculation window. The total of hours discarded is shown in the
Summary report.

7.27 Day Balance Top Cut

Day Balance Top Cut is a supplementary category in Flexi Time that comprises the total of
hours that were ignored due to the Day Balance Top limitation. It is shown in the Summary

7.28 Day Plan

The Day Plan is a planned daily attendance set by the schedule. It is used as the basis for
calculating attendance on a day of a whole-day absence and for calculating difference
between the planned and realized working time during any specific period. In Flexi Time this
difference is expressed as the Running Balance (a credit or debit of hours).

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7.29 Default Badge Profile

Default Badge Profile is a set of access points assigned to some badge meaning that a holder
of the badge may access premises through the specified points.

7.30 Default Time

Default Time is the span of time defined in a Flexi Time schedule. It is a period of planned
attendance on the basis of which is calculated the Day Plan for that day (note that the Day
Plan may be modified by the operator if needed). The Default Time is also the frame of
reference when 'virtualizing' an event.

7.31 Departure
In Time&Space the term departure is used to refer to the Departure clocking that concludes
physical presence that began earlier during the day and does not trigger calculation of any
virtual presence. In addition it also denotes special departures that conclude physical
presence but also set off the beginning of some other category of working time. Such a
departure is usually additionally determined by another word like Business Departure, Early
Departure etc. A category set off by this type of departures lasts until the end of some period
set by the schedule (depending on its setting) or until the next clocking in the same day.

7.32 Early Departure

Early Departure is a clocking in the Flexi Time module which sets off the Private Absence
category of working time. It will be used by those employees who leave the place of work
during the Core Time (compulsory attendance period) for private reasons. Usually, such an
employee has a credit of hours. If that is not the case, his/her balance results in the debit of
hours since Private Absence is not taken as a part of gross attendance.

In the Industrial Time module a corresponding clocking would be Compensation Departure.

7.33 Enable Attendance past Midnight

Enable Attendance past Midnight is a system intervention for enabling or overwriting Midnight
Wrap period on a daily level in the Flexi Time module. If present, the intervention also
enables option Schedule allows Midnight Wrap on the schedule if not preselected. If several
of these interventions are present on the same day with different periods, only the last one
will be valid.

Note: Continuous night shift parameter is not enabled with this intervention but needs
to be manually enabled on the global or working scheme level in order to calculate whole
presence on the first day.

Idea: When over midnight attendance is calculated on the separated days (continuous
night shift is disabled), you have to insert the intervention on the first and second day
because events are located on separate days and midnight wrap is disabled.

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7.34 Event
The term Event in Time&Space refers to any clocking (e.g. Business Departure) or any
keyboard entry which is related to presence (e.g. physical presence) or absence (e.g.
vacation) from the place of work. In addition, an event is a keyboard entry which directly
affects the T&A calculation result or some calculation rule (e.g. Schedule Change).

The most frequently used events are pre-defined. Some of them are the so called System
Events and cannot be modified, others are User Events that can be modified by the
administrator. Similarly, the administrator can add a new event into the system. The settings
of an event determine how that event is treated in T&A calculation and what working time
category it is associated with.

Events in the Time&Space system are subdivided into three groups, namely:

Whole-Day Absences,

7.35 Extra Leave

Extra Leave is a whole-day absence (event) and the category of working time typically used
for various authorized absences that do not fall into the Annual Leave or Permitted Absence
categories. Accordingly, Extra Leave does not affect the balance of vacation.

7.36 Extra Overtime

This is an event and a category of working time used in the Flexi Time module. You will use it
when you want to conclude the regular hours and begin a special category (extra overtime).
Extra Overtime hours are not part of gross attendance - they are tracked separately and do
not affect the Day or Current Balance of hours. Note that in Flexi Time an excess of
attendance with regard to the Day Plan is expressed as the credit of hours which are part of
gross attendance. Therefore, Extra Overtime should not be mixed with this, but treated as a
special category designed to cater for specific needs.

7.37 Fixed Break

Fixed Break is the type of break used in Industrial Time. The Core Time rule is suspended
during the fixed break and the time defined as fixed break is deducted from total attendance.

Fixed Break is one of several possible way how to handle breaks in Time&Space. Other
possibilities include Flexi Break.

7.38 Flexi Break

Flexi Break is a type of break used in the Flexi Time module only. With this type of break you
define the period planned for the break (e.g. from 11:00 to 13:00) along with the maximum

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Glossary 492

duration of absence during this time (the longest time an employee is expected to set aside
for lunch) and the maximum presence at the place of work during the same period. The latter
is meant to be the basis for calculating how much time should be deducted from total
attendance if the employee does not make the planned break. The beginning of a flexi break
is recorded using the Lunch clocking.

The Flexi Break is one of several possible ways how to handle breaks in Time&Space. Other
possibilities are Fixed Break, used in Industrial Time, and Lunch event (used both in Industrial
and Flexi Time).

7.39 Holidays
A holiday in Time&Space refers to a work-free day (a national holiday) with no planned
attendance. The dates of holidays are stored in a special Calendar which is used by all Time
modules. On such a date the program looks for the schedule which is valid on a holiday.
Which schedule is valid on holiday depends on the settings of the schedule. If there is no
such a schedule on the list, there will be no calculation for that day.

7.40 Holiday Bonus

This is a system category used for attendance calculation on holidays.

On the date of a holiday the program calculates attendance on the basis of the Day Plan in a
schedule marked for calculation on holidays and categorizes this attendance as Holiday

7.41 ID Badge
ID badge is a way of the identification of the user (employee) at the time of clocking. Every
badge has its unique number which is encoded on the badge itself. This number is stored in
the database along with user's personal data. When a user makes a clocking, the clock
terminal reads the encoded number and matches it with the data in the database, so that
the clocking can be stored in the corresponding record in the database. If there is no such
number in the database, the terminal responds with the message 'Unknown badge'.

7.42 Immunity
Immunity is an event (intervention) that is used to invalidate the Core Time rule for a chosen
person. This in fact means that this person may come to work after the beginning or leave
before the end of the Core Time without being regarded as violating the schedule rule.

7.43 Interventions
An Intervention is a type of event that is entered by the operator. With regard to their effect,
interventions can be divided into two groups: those which directly affect the balance of hours
or vacation days, and those which modify some calculation rule such as the Core Time rule.

In addition , a special user defined intervention may be used for a manual entry of a category.

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7.44 Late Arrival

Late Arrival is a clocking in the Flexi Time module. It will be used by those employees who
arrive to work later, after the beginning of the Core Time (compulsory attendance period), for
private reasons. Usually, such an employee has a credit of hours. If that is not the case, his/
her balance results in the debit of hours since Private Absence is not taken as a part of gross

In the Industrial Time module a corresponding clocking would be Compensation Arrival (see a
separate entry in this section).

7.45 Limitations on the duration of working time

Several limitations are used in Time&Space. Descriptions are found under separate entries in
this section. See Day Balance Top, Current Balance Top, Pay Balance Top.

For limitations proceeding from the schedule rule see Paid Time, Default Time, and Core Time.

7.46 Lunch
Lunch is the clocking and the category of working time used to clock out when departing for
Lunch. The Lunch category is calculated only after the person returns from lunch, that is at
the time of next Arrival clocking. The Lunch category is by default limited to 00:30 mins
(unless you changed this setting after the installation).

Lunch is one of the several possible ways of handling break in Time&Space.

7.47 Manual Correction

Manual Correction is a keyboard entry (intervention) in the Flexi Time module reserved for
entering hours directly into the system. It is used in special situations, for example to account
for work done at home or similar. The hours thus entered will be added to the gross
attendance. The corresponding category of working time bears the same name.

7.48 Midnight Wrap

Midnight Wrap is a global calculation parameter used in the Flexi Time module. It enables the
calculation of attendance that extends past midnight. If global parameter Continuous Night
Shift is unchecked then the first portion of attendance before midnight is virtualized until
midnight, and the second portion from midnight on is virtualized until the next departure.
Otherwise, attendance is calculated as an uninterrupted shift.

The parameter can be enabled or overwritten on a daily level by using system intervention,
called Enable Attendance past Midnight.

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Glossary 494

7.49 Night Hours

Night Hours is a global calculation parameter in the Flexi Time module. Attendance during the
period set by this parameter is additionally categorized as Night Hours and shown in the
Category window and the Summary Report.

7.50 Operator
An operator is an employee who has permission to enter and modify data in Time&Space. On
the other hand, an operator has no access to some critical functions such as category or
event settings. Every modification of these settings causes substantial changes which affect
the calculation results for all users in the database, so access to these functions is protected
and reserved for the system administrator only. An operator may be any employee of the
company. Authorization is granted by the system administrator.

7.51 Overtime
Overtime is the name of the category of working time in Industrial Time. This category
comprises hours worked outside the Planned Time in the schedule. This is the system
category that cannot be modified by the user (administrator).

Accidental extensions of working time are handled by setting appropriately the Overtime
Threshold parameter. It specifies the time before the beginning and after the end of the
Planned Time that must be spent at the workplace in order for that time to be categorized as

In the Flexi Time module there is no overtime in the described sense of the word. Any
attendance that is longer than the Day Plan is expressed as the credit of hours. On the other
hand, those users who want to track overtime separately, can add a new event and the
corresponding category. Such a category should not be part of gross attendance.

7.52 Overtime Compensation

This is a category of working time in Industrial Time which comprises authorized private
absence during the Planned Time that is deducted from the overtime total. The category is
set off by the Compensation Departure or Arrival clockings (in this case it is calculated up to
the time of arrival).

7.53 Overtime Correction

The Overtime Correction category is used in the Industrial Time module. It is tied to the
Overtime Correction - Balance event and affects overtime balance only.

7.54 Overtime Correction - Balance

The Overtime Correction - Balance event is used in Industrial Time to directly modify the
current cumulative overtime hours. It does not affect the Gross Attendance.

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7.55 Overtime Treshold

Overtime Threshold is a parameter in the Industrial Time module which sets the minimum time
that must be spent at work before the beginning and after the end of the shift in order for
that time to be categorized as Overtime.

7.56 Paid Attendance

The term Paid Attendance is used to refer to the portion of working time which is taken into
account when calculating gross attendance for an employee. Looking from another point of
view, this can also be described as hours worked within the Paid Time limits in the schedule.
Accordingly, the Paid Attendance does not necessarily correspond to total attendance, if part
of total attendance extends beyond the limits of the Paid Time. Paid Attendance is shown in
the Calculation window (Attendance field).

7.57 Paid Time

Paid Time is a span defined in a Flexi Time schedule which sets the boundaries of paid
(recognized) attendance in a day. Attendance outside these limits is recorded but not
calculated as part of gross attendance.

7.58 Pay Day

Payday is the day of a month on which the Pay Balance Top limit (see a separate entry) is
applied. As a rule, this is the day of the payroll calculation. In Flexi Time the payday sets the
limit to the accumulation of a credit of hours, and to the accumulation of overtime hours in
Industrial Time. The excess of hours is discarded on the payday and the balance is reset, that
is levelled with the Pay Balance Top value. If you do not want to limit the carry forward past
this day, specify a very high value for this limit.

7.59 Pay Balance Top

Pay Balance Top is a parameter in Flexi Time that specifies the maximum number of hours
(credit of hours) that will be carried forward into the next pay period, that is past the Payday

The parameter has three variants, the first is default and the other two optional. If you do
not want to impose a limit on the carry forward, set the default option to a very high value.

Note that the carry forward of a debit of hours cannot be limited - the entire debit is carried

A similar limit is found in Industrial Time. Compare Pay Overtime Top.

7.60 Pay Overtime Top

Pay Overtime Top is a parameter in Industrial Time that specifies the maximum number of
overtime hours that will be carried forward into the next pay period, that is past the Payday

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7.61 Physical Presence

Physical Presence is a system category in Time&Space which comprises actual physical
presence at the place of work. It begins with some in-clocking (e.g. Arrival, Business Arrival
etc.) and ends with some out-clocking (e.g. Business Departure). In contrast to this category,
all other categories comprise recognized attendance realized outside the place of work (e.g.
Sick Leave, Business Trip) and are sometimes commonly referred to as virtual presence.

7.62 Planned Time

Planned Time is a span defined in the Industrial Time schedule which sets the boundaries of
regular and compulsory attendance. Attendance outside these limits is categorized as

7.63 Positive Balance Treshold

Positive Balance Threshold is a parameter in the Flexi Time module which sets the minimum
value of the credit of hours that must be reached in order for those hours to be carried
forward into the next month. By setting this parameter you prevent the accumulation of hours
through random incidental extensions of working time over a longer period.

Compare Overtime Threshold parameter in the Industrial Time module.

7.64 Post Shift limit

Post-shift limit is a parameter in the Industrial or Flexi Time module which specifies how much
time after the end of the shift will be calculated as part of that shift. It is applied when a
person works by two schedules in a day or works a night shift. By setting this limit you
ensure that an extension of working time beyond the end of the shift is calculated as part of
that shift and not of another shift that may follow closely. With the night shift schedule, an
inadequate setting of this parameter could even result in a continuous attendance being
divided between two calculation windows.

7.65 Post-shift Limit Correction

Post-shift limit is a global parameter found in the Industrial time module. With Post-shift limit
correction event we can change a person's post-shift limit for a certain number of days
(selected at the entry of the event). The parameter is correction of post-shift limit, expressed
in hours and minutes. It can have a positive or negative value – the positive extends, while
the negative shortens the post-shift limit. If there are more events in one day, the correction
values are added.

7.66 Priority
Priority is a feature of the T&A scheme both in the Flexi and Industrial Time modules. It
denotes the order in which schedules are picked from the list of available schedules when

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performing calculation. In other words, when the program looks for the needed information it
checks schedules in the order of their appearance in the employee's T&A scheme.

7.67 Profile
The term Profile is used to denote a set of access points that may be opened using some ID

7.68 Schedules
A schedule constitutes the basic rule of calculation. Since typically many employees work by
the same schedule, such a schedule should cover the general pattern of working time. Any
special requirements that apply to only one or several employees should be handled through
the use of other tools, namely calculation parameters and especially Interventions.

There are three types of schedules in Time&Space corresponding to the three modules for
time and attendance calculation: paid, industrial and flexi.

Flexi schedule. The main feature of a flexi schedule is a relatively long time span in which
employees are allowed to arrive/leave. In accordance with this, employees may make up for a
shorter attendance in one day with prolonged attendance in another. As a result, the balance
of hours (credit or debit) varies from day to day.

Industrial schedule. This type of schedule is used with a fixed working pattern where arrival/
departure is expected at a pre-set time with a shorter or longer grace period. As a result, the
balance of hours is always 0.

Paid Time schedule is the most simple one prescribing only the period of Paid i.e. recognized
attendance. It does not, however, prescribes the time of arrival or departure.

A special type of schedule used only in the Time Zones module and connected with access
control is Access Schedule.

7.69 Schedule Change

Schedule Change is an intervention used both in the Industrial Time and Flexi Time modules.
It changes the valid schedule for the person for one day. If you want to change a schedule
for a longer period, enter this intervention for each day of the chosen period separately.

7.70 Shift
A shift is a parameter in the Industrial Time schedule specifying to which shift that schedule

7.71 Sick Leave

Sick Leave is a working time category and event used to enter a whole-day absence. In
addition, the Sick Leave category is also triggered by the Sickness Departure event.

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7.72 Sickness Departure

Sickness Departure is the event intended for use when someone leaves work during the
working time for health reasons.

7.73 Special Hours

Special Hours is a global calculation parameter in the Flexi Time module. Attendance during
the period set by this parameter is additionally categorized as Special Hours and shown in
the Category window and the Summary Report.

7.74 Time Zones

Time Zones is a module in Time&Space related to access control. You will use it to define
access schedules, that is the hours of the day and days of the week when access through a
specific access point controlled by a clock terminal is allowed. These schedules are
downloaded to clock terminals via Event Collector or Device Administration Portal
communication module and stored locally by the terminals in question.

7.75 Tolerance
Tolerance is a parameter in the Industrial Time schedule which specifies the time after the
beginning and before the end of the Planned Time (usually in minutes) in which employees
may arrive/leave. An arrival/departure outside this period is regarded as the violation of the

Note that in the Flexi Time module this parameter is not needed since the grace period
automatically proceeds from the Core Time and Paid Time settings.

7.76 Unit 1
The first level organizational unit including any number of Unit 2s. The Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit
3 are used as filter keys in various views. In addition, Unit 1 is also a parameter used when
assigning the right to use the system – an operator may have access restricted to selected
Unit 1s only.

7.77 Unit 2
A Unit 2 in Time&Space is an organizational unit of a higher level that may have any number
of sub-Unit 2s. It is used as a filter in various views. In addition, the permissions given to an
operator may be restricted to a single Unit 2 only.

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7.78 Unlimited Paid Time

Unlimited Paid Time is an event (intervention) used only in the Flexi Time module. It is used to
invalidate the Paid Time rule set by the schedule, according to which only attendance during
the period defined as Paid Time is taken into account (attendance outside this interval is
categorized as Unpaid Time). By invalidating this rule you enable the calculation of
attendance at any time during the day.

7.79 Unpaid Leave

Unpaid Leave is an event (a whole day absence) that triggers the calculation of the Unpaid
Leave category. Unpaid Leave does not affect the balance of vacation.

7.80 Unpaid Time

Unpaid Time is a system category that comprises all hours that were not calculated because
of the Paid Time rule set by the schedule.

7.81 User
The term 'user' in Time&Space denotes any holder of a valid ID badge. The names and other
personal data of the users are stored in a common database and shared by all modules in
the Time&Space system. The user group includes both employees and visitors who are
temporary holders of ID badges during their visit (this feature is connected with the Front
Space module).

7.82 User Categories

Similar to user events, also corresponding categories in Time&Space are pre-set and user
definable. The settings of the category specify the method of processing that category, for
example whether it is taken as part of gross attendance, whether it is paid or not and so on.
Since addition or modification of a category may critically affect calculation for many
employees, these functions are accessible to the system administrator only.

7.83 User Events

Some events (clockings and keyboard entries) in Time&Space are pre-set. Every event has its
settings which specify, in addition to the name and some other general things, also the rules
for processing that specific event (for example, which category it is tied to, how that category
is calculated and so on. In contrast to system events, which are also pre-set, user events are
user definable. Since addition or modification of an event may critically affect calculation for
many employees, these functions are accessible to the system administrator only.

7.84 Vacation Balance

Vacation Balance shows the number of the vacation days still remaining of the annual
vacation quota. The vacation quota is stored in the database for each employee. It is used as

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a reference value whenever an employee spends a day on vacation and the quota has to be
decreased by one. The vacation balance is shown in the Calculation window.

7.85 Vacation Entry

Vacation entry is an event (intervention) used both in Flexi and Industrial Time modules. It is
used to enter an annual quota of vacation days for a person. The vacation quota may be
entered at any time, but it is most sensible to do this in the beginning of the calendar year.
The quota is then decreased by one with each day spent on a vacation.

Use the Vacation Entry command on the Action menu if you want to enter vacation days for a
group of users.

7.86 Violations
Violation is any deviation from the rules set by the schedule, or to be more precise, any
unauthorized absence during the Core Time in the valid schedule.

In Flexi Time violations are shown in the Calculation window. The event conflicting with the
rules is red-coloured. The Violation field additionally contains the total of a violation. In
Industrial Time a conflicting event is red coloured too, but the total of violations is not tracked
nor shown as a separate value.

You can write out the list of all violations using a pre-set report. The total of violations is also
included in the summary report.

7.87 Virtual Attendance

The term is used to denote recognized working time outside the place of work (e.g. business
trip, sick leave or similar). Of course, virtual attendance must be recorded either using an ID
badge (e.g. Business Departure clocking sets off the Business Leave category) or by means
of a keyboard entry (e.g. Sick Leave event entered by the operator).

7.88 Virtualization
This term is used to denote the calculation of some category of working time in situation
when there is no a concluding clocking or event. For example, the Business Departure
clocking sets off the calculation of the Business Leave category. If the employee comes back
to work in the same day, the category is concluded with the Arrival clocking. If not, it is
'virtualized' and lasts until the end of the Default Time in the schedule . Virtualization is a
parameter in the Event dialogue box where you enter settings for a specific event.

7.89 Whole-day absence

A whole-day absence is the term which denotes the type of the event used to enter a whole-
day absence into the system, that is to say, absence which cannot be recorded on a clock
terminal by the employee.

Every whole-day absence is connected with a specific category of working time.

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7.90 Working Plan

A working plan of an employee consists of information specifying which schedules are used by
that employee and which limitations apply to him/her. It includes one or more working
schemes applying to different times.

7.91 Working time category

A working time category is a specific kind of attendance set off by some clocking or by a
keyboard entry of a whole-day absence. The breaking of attendance into several categories
of working time enables a better overview of the composition of working time. Time&Space
offers several views which clearly show the share of individual categories in the attendance
total. Furthermore, several pre-set reports are available for listing attendance by individual

Time&Space comes with several categories of working time pre-set. Some of them cannot be
modified - these are the so called System Categories - while others, that is User categories,
may be modified. Similarly the administrator may add a completely new category to meet special

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