Planisphere Worksheet

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Planisphere Worksheet

Use your planisphere to answer the following questions.

1. Find the following stars and list their constellations:

a. Polaris: URSA MINOR

b. Sirius: CANIS MAJOR

2. Draw an horizon sketch facing south for 8pm tonight: include at least 4 stars by name and
four constellations in that part of the sky. Also label 3 cardinal directions on your
a. Identify a constellation on the horizon from that sketch. Aquarius
b. Identify a constellation on the meridian from that sketch. Spica
c. What constellation is nearest the zenith at 8pm? Lynx

3. Draw a horizon sketch facing south for midnight – include as before.

4. Draw a horizon sketch facing north for 8pm tonight – include as before.
5. Draw a horizon sketch facing north at midnight – include as before.
6. The size of the star tells you the relative brightness of the star.   Tell me one of the
brightest stars in each of the following constellations and what season it would be highest
in the sky at 10:00 pm.
Constellatio Brightest Season
Orion Betelgeuse Winter

Ursa Minor Castor Winter

Auriga Schedar Fall

Canis Major Sirius Winter

Aquila Altair Winter

Lyra Deneb Summer

7. Find the rising times of the following constellations on January 1 and March 1st.

Constellatio January 1 st
March 1 st

Orion 5:30 PM Daytime

Gemini 5:45 PM Daytime

Leo 9:30 PM 5:30 PM

Taurus Daytime 8:30 AM

Auriga 5:45 PM 2 AM

Cassiopeia 7 PM 4:25 AM

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