Water - Pinch 1

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School of Chemical Engineering

Domestic Water Usage

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering

Typical Consumption
•  Tasks
–  Hand washing – 18 L (2 min)
–  Shower – 200 L (5 min)
–  Teeth brushing – 45 L (5 min)
–  Watering flowers – 120 L (3 min)
–  Washing Car – 400 L (10 min)
–  Washing plates 135 L (15 min)
–  Washing Machine 130 L (every 2 days)
–  Toilet flushing (15 L/ flush)

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering

Example - Victoria’s Water Profile

•  Vital Points - Water use

–  More than 5 million ML of water is used in
Victoria each year, 90% from surface water and
10% from groundwater.
–  majority of Victoria’s water resource is used for
irrigation (78%),
–  while urban uses (both metropolitan and
regional) account for 17% of Victoria’s water

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School of Chemical Engineering

Virtual Water Usage

•  Also known as embedded, embodied or hidden
–  Water used in production of a good or service
•  Concept created by John Allan (2005)
–  Measures how water is embedded in production &
trade of food & consumer products
–  US, Argentina & Brazil export billions of litres of
water each year while Japan, Italy & Egypt
‘import’ billions of litres of water

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School of Chemical Engineering

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering


Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering

World Trade
•  Imbalances
–  Asia ~ average virtual water consumption
1,400 L/day per person
–  Europe, US & Australia ~ average
consumption 4,000 L/ person
–  Roughly 70% of all water used by humans
goes into food production
–  Israel prohibits export of oranges (quite
heavy water quzzlers)

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering

•  Green
–  volume of rainwater that evaporated during
production process (agricultural products)

•  Blue
–  volume of surface or ground water that
evaporated during production process
•  Gray
–  volume of water that is contaminated during

–  Note: concept not useful for making decision

re best allocation of resources
Life Impact The University of Adelaide
School of Chemical Engineering

Virtual Water Footprints

Soft drinks

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School of Chemical Engineering

Victoria - Virtual Water

•  A detailed analysis of Victoria’s virtual water
cycle shows that:
–  Victorians harvest ~ 25% of state’s total historic
average stream flows
–  Of this harvested water, ~ 40% (2000GL) is
exported out of state as virtual water, mainly
embodied in food products
–  Victorians each consume about 0.8 ML of virtual
water each year which is about eight times their
direct water use
•  A recent UNESCO funded study also found
–  Australia, the world’s driest inhabited continent,
was the largest net exporter of virtual water in the

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

Water Pinch Analysis
School of Chemical Engineering

•  Approaches to Water Network Design

–  Introduction
•  water applied in numerous industrial processes
•  contaminants transferred to this water
•  must be removed from wastewater in treatment
processes prior to discharge to environment
–  Ultimately
•  goal is zero discharge, i.e. closed loop circuit

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School of Chemical Engineering

•  Typical unit operations

–  Extraction, absorption or distillation with steam
•  mass transfer operations
•  water serves as separating agent
–  Washing operations
•  e.g. crystallizers, fermenters

–  Make-up water
•  boiler feed water & cooling water cycles
–  Other unit operations
•  cyclones & filtration (solid-liquid separation)

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Process Plant – Water Use
School of Chemical Engineering

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School of Chemical Engineering

Water Treatment Processes

•  Expensive – must minimize
–  freshwater usage &
–  waste generation
–  important for economics & environment

•  Network optimization requires:

–  water reuse in water-using processes
–  application of regeneration processes by
using redistributed water treatment

Life Impact The University of Adelaide Slide 16

Current Practice
School of Chemical Engineering

•  Existing process plants

–  freshwater fed to processes in parallel arrangement to each
–  next, water streams mixed & sent to central treatment facility
–  No reuse or regeneration practised
–  Large consumption of fresh water & generation of large
quantities of wastewater requiring treatment

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School of Chemical Engineering

Water Re-use Networks (WRN)

•  Water reuse
–  avenue for substantial reduction in
–  lot of work has gone into design of WRNs
–  does not account for treatment/regeneration

Life Impact The University of Adelaide Slide 18

WTN Water Treatment Networks
School of Chemical Engineering

•  Current need
–  non centralized network for water treatment
–  Streams are either separately treated or only partially mixed,
which reduces effluent flows to be processed
–  lowers cost
–  centralized system contains all processes & common stream
passes thru’ all treatment technologies

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School of Chemical Engineering
•  Further reductions
–  may be achieved by additional application of wastewater
generation processes within the network of water using
–  examples below of integrated water networks:

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School of Chemical Engineering

Mathematical Model
•  Data for Water Network Problems
–  Contaminants
•  All chemicals & other substances (e.g. solid
phase suspensions i.e. SS, BOD)
–  Fresh water/raw water sources
•  Assume no. of available sources is known
•  Water quality, cost & maximum availability is

–  Water using processes

•  Number of streams is a fixed parameter
Life Impact The University of Adelaide Slide 21
School of Chemical Engineering
Process Engineering

•  Water Use
–  Plethora of units, e.g:
•  Reactors (vapour & liquid)
•  Extraction
•  Steam stripping
•  Steam ejector (vacuum production)
•  Washing equipment (CIP)
•  Hosing operations (cleaner production)

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School of Chemical Engineering
Key Concept
•  Models of water-using processes
–  Water comes into contacts with contaminants
–  Mass transfer model Fp mp
–  Quantitative representation Cp, in
Process p
Cp, out

•  Contaminant concentrations are very small

•  Can assume flow rates are constant
•  Water stream mass balance of contaminant i in process p

mip = Fp Cpi,out − Ci,in
p ) where
⎯⎯⎯ → p − denotes process
⎯⎯⎯ → m = mass of contaminant
C = concentration
F = water stream flowrate
Life Impact The University of Adelaide Slide 23
School of Chemical Engineering

•  Concentrations determined from process conditions

•  Maximal concentrations
–  Estimated from equilibrium conditions
–  Some cases – e.g. equipment washing – concentrations
depend on solubility, fouling or corrosion limits

•  How do we account for kinetics?

–  Reduce equilibrium concentrations by small value ε

–  Maximum concentration

Ci,max = Ci,eq − ε
similar to
⎯⎯⎯⎯ → ΔTmin or HRAT
Life Impact The University of Adelaide
School of Chemical Engineering
•  Linear Mass Transfer
–  Quantitatively represented on plot of concentration
versus mass load of contaminant
Mass transfer
Cp, out


Cp, in

Life Impact The mass
University of Adelaide load
School of Chemical Engineering
Changes in Flowrate
•  Constraint
–  Operation requires - a minimum flow rate below
which it can not operate
–  Outlet concentration goes to maximum value (~
solubility limit)
Cp, out_max
High outlet

Reducing water concentration

(less water)

Cp, out

in Impact The University of Adelaide
Contaminant mass load
School of Chemical Engineering
•  Maximum Outlet Concentration
–  Set by a number of possible concentrations
•  Maximum solubility
•  Corrosion limits
•  Fouling limits
•  Minimum mass transfer driving force
•  Minimum flow required
•  Maximum inlet concentration

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School of Chemical Engineering

•  Considering use of clean water only

–  If we reduce flow rate to minimum – we will minimize
consumption as shown earlier

•  But
–  Trade-off: we miss opportunities to reuse water

•  For reuse
–  We must have some level of inlet concentration of
contaminant C p, out_max
High outlet

Reducing water concentration

(less water)

Cp, out

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

Cp, in
Contaminant mass load
School of Chemical Engineering

Water Profile Diagram

•  Limiting Water Profile
–  Both inlet & outlet water concentrations set to
maximum values

Cp, out_max

Cp, in_max

Contaminant mass load

Life Impact The University of Adelaide
School of Chemical Engineering

Limiting Water Profile

•  Boundary
–  between feasible & infeasible regions

Infeasible Region
Cp, out_max

Limiting Water Profile

Cp, in_max
Feasible Water Streams

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

Contaminant mass load
School of Chemical Engineering

•  Operations with differing characteristics may be
compared on common basis (e.g. extraction vs
•  No model of mass transfer required
•  Not a function of flow pattern (e.g. co-current vs
•  Works on any type of water-using operation e.g.
fire-makeup water, cooling tower makeup water

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering

•  Single Contaminant – water reuse
•  Desire
–  Reuse water
–  How can we develop the target for minimum
water consumption allowing reuse of water

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering

Single Contaminant
•  Examples
–  Organic, specific compound
•  Toluene, benzene, starch, sugar, wine or

–  Aggregate Property
•  Total organics, SS, DS, COD, BOD,

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

Key Assumption
School of Chemical Engineering

•  Most Contaminants
–  Very dilute
–  Consequence
•  mass flow rate water ~ mass flow rate of mixture

hence mC not mC
⎯⎯⎯→ C= ⎯⎯⎯→C =
mW mW + mC
•  Definition
–  Limiting water flow rate
–  Flow rate required if contaminant is to be picked up by the
water between the min & max concentration

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering

•  Data
Process Number

Contaminant Mass
Load kg/h

Cin,max (ppm)

Cout,max (ppm)

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering

Limiting Fresh Water Flows

Limiting flow rate

kg 1 L 10 6 mg 1 tn
1. mW1 =2 × × × = 20 tn / h
h (100 − 0 ) mg kg 1000L
kg 1 L 106 mg 1 tn
2. m W 2 =5 × × × = 50 tn / h
h (100 − 0 ) mg kg 1000L
kg 1 L 106 mg 1 tn
3. mW 3 = 30 × × × = 37.5 tn / h
h ( 800 − 0 ) mg kg 1000L
kg 1 L 106 mg 1 tn
4. m W 4 =4 × × × = 5 tn / h
h ( 800 − 0 ) mg kg 1000L
Total flow rate (assuming fresh water) = 20 + 50 + 37.5 + 5 = 112.5 tn / hr

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

Concentration Intervals
School of Chemical Engineering

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering
Limiting Water Data








2 7
37 41

10 20 30 40
Contaminant mass load (kg/h)
Life Impact The University of Adelaide
Limiting Composite Curve
School of Chemical Engineering









2 7
37 41

10 20 30 40
Life Impact The University of Adelaide
Contaminant mass load (kg/h)
Constructing Composite Curve
School of Chemical Engineering

•  a) profile of two individual streams

•  b) composite curve

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Targeting Minimum Water Flow Rate
School of Chemical Engineering


800 41
Limiting Composite
700 Curve


Water Supply Line
(Minimum Flowrate 90 t/hr)



200 Minimize Flowrate


10 20 30 40
Contaminant mass load (kg/h)
Fig: Targeting minimum flowrate
for single contaminant
Life Impact The University of Adelaide
School of Chemical Engineering
•  Evolution of a design strategy
–  Use composite curve to determine minimum water
requirement for each region

•  Regions are
–  Below pinch &
–  Above pinch

•  Conclusions
–  Below pinch – minimum flow rate = 90 tn/hr but
–  Above pinch, not all 90 tn/hr are required
–  Minimum above pinch determined by simple mass balance
(45.7 tn/hr)
Life Impact The University of Adelaide
Basis of Design
School of Chemical Engineering



45.7 tn/hr
700 (100 ppm)


45.7 tn/hr

45.7 tn/hr
200 (100 ppm)
44.3 tn/hr
Pinch (100 ppm)

Contaminant mass load (kg/h)

90 tn/hr
(0 ppm)

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering
Design Strategy

•  Design
–  Use minimum flowrate 90 tn/hr below pinch
–  Above pinch
–  Use minimum flowrate 45.7 tn/hr & balance
goes to effluent

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering

•  Mass balance
–  Tightly defined allowing specific rules to be applied in design

•  Strategy
–  Compatible with minimizing effluent treatment costs thru’
distributed effluent treatment

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School of Chemical Engineering

Evolve Design
•  Design is then improved
–  References
–  Wang & Smith (1994) Chem Eng Sci 49;981
–  Kuo & Smith Trans IChemE, A76: 287-301

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

School of Chemical Engineering

Final Design
90 tn/hr 0 tn/hr
F.W. 800 ppm

20 tn/hr
50 tn/hr
20 tn/hr

5.7 tn/hr

44.3 tn/hr
0 tn/hr 45.7 tn/hr
effluent effluent
(400 ppm)

Life Impact The University of Adelaide

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