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History is an academic discipline that deals with the study of past events, facts

and people. It deals with the study of the independence struggles of various
nations, wars, ancient empires, civilizations, etc. Historians study the past facts
using primary and secondary sources. The philippine revolution was one important
event in History. It began in August 1896. It was called as Tagalog War by the
Spaniards. It took place including the insurgents and Filipinos on one side while
the Spanish Colonizers were on the other side.

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The Cavite Mutiny took place 1872. It was a military uprisal of Flipino military
troops at the Cavity Arsenal of Spaniards in Philipinnes. It took place on 23rd
January. Nearly 200 army personnel participated in the mutiny along with some
laborers. They believed that such protests will enhance the nationalism of people.
The Spaniards used mutiny as an instrument to break down the early nationalist
beliefs of people. It results in the victory of the Spanish Government.

After crushing the mutiny, the Spaniards tortured the participants. The mutiny was
magnified by Rafael De Izquierdo and he used the issue to crush the Filipino
demands for a just and fair governmental reform. Many Filipino intellectuals were
arrested on the grounds of being helpful and supportive to the participants of
Mutiny. The 3 Filipino priests - Jacinto Zamora, Mariaro Gomez, and Jose Burgos
were executed in front of many Filipinos. Gomburza was the name collective used for
the 3 priests. The execution of these priests enhanced the hatred of the Filipinos
towards the Spaniards. Many Filipino liberals were forced to go off the Philippines
and take shelter in Marianas, Hong Kong, and Japan.

All these harsh treatments by the Spaniards towards the Filipinos after the Mutiny
raised nationalist ideas among the Filipinos and it inspired them to engage in the
Philippine Revolution of 1896.

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