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gots le lita ee) type in for: 2X81, BBC, A [los de Oric-1 Police are looking into ry Whitehot computer game: And the di ‘ional Society of Cruelty to C about “adult io goon sale ctor of the Na the Prevention dren is de aa Ela) LC Eile Seo oye (dae Serretet i) robe from America by ‘of Silverfox Communica Clacton High Street itchouse, who lives ust 20 miles from Clacton, in formed thepolice immediately she ting £39.95, and be Teka) i mati es winners nd 800 computers fitted with daptor socket. New factory for new micro hard work had been done Soi did't take us very Memotech, bet known for its ZX81 addons, is launching its own home computer Launeh date for the micro — the name has not yet been set led — will be in the second half said, that the ome use would th of peripherals atthe time of the lau Mr Boyd, tially you could said: “Poten business micro, called the SMI, ita Winchester h Orchid Computers, of Ov ford, which own Memotech. whole thing the other Aer all, we've got to progicss ~ ¢ | the ZX81 won't go on forever could tackle the consumer end by making a low-cost model. All the | CO”aued on pase $ COMPUTER SEX STORM ed a storm when launched in America. I 2 | shows a soldier raping an Indian ai But Mr Pickard Continued on pee ‘Sand w One of the games is a said, “Ou modification of Custer’s Las mind benders from For details please ring 051-236 6849 LJ.K’s RANGE OF LITY SOFTUJARE CONTINUES TO EMIPAND. um MODEL 4/B Cassette 1: Star Trek/Candy Floss (very popular) £6.50 Cassette 2: Family Games (hours of fun) £4.50 Cassette 3: Mutant Invaders/Breakout €6.50 Cassette 8: Model A Invaders (M/C) £5.50 lim MODEL B (or A+32K) Cassette 4: Beeb-Beep (Super Simon Game) £4.50 Cassette 5: Beebmunch (full colour Munchman) £6.50 Cassette 6: Super Hangman (animated, educational) £4.50 Cassette 7: 3D Maze (fast and intricate) £4.50 Cassette 12: Flags (Countries and Capitals) £4.80 lm CASSETTE 9 Contains model & Invaders. A superb feature adaptation of the arcade ‘Space Invaders’ game in machine code and hFresolution colour graphics for the BBC Micro model B (or A+32K), Play normal game or choose from the many options including Missile, Bomb and Invader speeds. Invisible Visible and Shields no Shields. Quite simply the best. Only £7.50 for MODEL B (or A+32K) im CASSETTE 10 WORDPRO. Cassette based word processor for either Epson or Seikosha printers. Features right hand justification, alter, insert, delete, pages to tape, printer ‘mode changes from within text line etc., etc. Complete with manual. Only £10.50 inc. for MODELB (or A+32K) um CASSETTE 11 ATLANTIS. The superb fast action arcade ‘game written in machine code to illustrate to the full the machines fantastic colour graphics and capabilities. This game. includes all the usual ATLANTIS/ SCRAMBLE features. Guide your submarine Nautilus along the undersea landscape and through the caverns avoiding mines, depth charges, rockets, jelly fish, serpants etc, Only £7.51 For MODELB (or A+32K) WE'RE EXPANDING TOO...NOTE OUR NEW OFFICE ADDRESS AND CUSTOMER SERVICES «gi ORIC MICRO software ready 6% soon. Write or ‘phone for availability. All Programs will run on all ‘operating systems @ All software in stock betore we advertise @'Send SAE for Brochure Only £7.50 for MODEL B (or A+32K\ Sx Only £7.50 to 30 IJK Ai piwars 48 hour despatch 9 King Street, Blackpool, Lancashire (©0253) 21555 im CASSETTE 13 - HYPERDRIVE Anew, very addictive machine code arcade game, Guide your laser tanks around the network of passages destroying the drone Aliens ~ but beware, evil OTTO lies in wait! Only £6.50 ine. For MODEL B (or A+32K) | CASSETTE 14 - STRATOBOMBER Another new highly colourful machine code arcade game. Can you keep the enemy fleet at bay long enought to destroy the nuclear reactor of the rogue ‘Star Ship before it destroys your home planet? ‘Superb graphics. Only £7.80 For MODEL B (or A+32K) NEW CASSETTE 15-LEAP FROG The fabulous frogger’ arcade game reaches the BBC micro. Superbly written full colour machine code version for the Model B (or A+32K). Help the frog cross the road avoiding the vehicles travelling at ifferent speeds, and cross the multi current river to Teach the safety of the lly pads. The game gets progressively harder - perfect for arcade addicts. 24 HOUR ANSAFONE © ALL PRICES FULLY INCLUSIVE OF VAT AND P&P-NO MORE TO PAY! fs Page 2 HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 Apri 1983 CONTENTS BUY THIS SPACE To advertise RO emery een eee aR CP Sree Continued from front page game, Westward Ho, has been modified. She does not get raped. she entice the soldier. ‘Among the range is Cathouse Blues, with prostitutes, muggers and graphic bedroom scenes; Phil- ly Flasher and its female version; Burning Desire and Jungle Fever, jn which a male or female victim “rewards” @ rescuer after being saved from being burned alive Bachelor Party and Bachelorette Party are versions of the arcade favourite Breakout where the wall and missilesare replaced with peo- ple. Even Westward Hohasa ver sion called General Retreat where the roles are reversed, Mr Pickard said: “I came ‘across them in the States and 1 ‘thought: what a good idea. Now T've got an exclusive deal 10 market them hereand in Europe. 1 knew I was going to run into pro- blems, but I don’t think they are insurmountable. "Children are not in the market. We are dealing with an adult market. They are the sort of thing you would get out after a dinner party or after a night at the pub and have a good time. “You would see 2 lot more fon the adult video films. Mr Pickard said he iad taken legal advice before deciding to br- ing in the cartridges. He expects his first shipment to arrive before the end of the month and plans 10 show them at a trade exhibition next month, He said: “Until they are on the market people like Mary Whitehouse can’t sue us. They can't make a complaint unless they have purchased the goods. “Inno way do I find the ‘games obscene. fs, I-can see them being sold in Smiths and Menvies. After all, they sell Knave and Fiesta and they are about the same level in ‘content. But I would expect them tobe outof the reach of children.” ‘Mr Pickard said he was writing to Mrs Whitehouse to in. vite her to see the games — "Yor 1 ‘will take them to her.’ ‘A spokesman for Mrs Continued in column 4 APRIL 19-25, 1983 NO. 7 a Anes News ...................--4@8 U.S. Scene . screenees Two People’s View.........--- 8 Dragon software reviews... .- ‘Our reviewers rate the latest games Siprogram ........... Into batle against the enemy fleet Software reviews -14 Spectrumprogram ...... 16 How long can yousurvive the racetrack? Atariprogramming..........21 Spectrum software reviews . Profile:Romik ............- ‘The company that says there's 0 much software deception BEC programming .........- “Tune in t0 more characters Oric-1program........... limb on your Light Bike. . .and go vic-20 program ........... Make a date of it 2xB8tadvice ........... ‘Cool cure for a warm miero Letters . Classified ads starton ..... AK 0 wal sat al TURN TO PAGE. ..7 (Continued from column 1 Whitehouse, at the National Viewers’ and Listeners’ Associa tion, confirmed that shehad asked Clacton police to investigate and to see if any Customs and Excise Jaw was being infringed, She said: “Our concern is with young children and the availabilty of pornography and this is another means of making this sort of thing available. “We could not comment on these games because we have not seen them but ifthe police think they break the law they would for ‘ward the case to the Director of Public Prosecutions. In a strongly-worded com- ‘ment, the direeor of the NSPCC, Dr Alan Gilmour, said he washor- tified to hear ofthe plan to market “pornographic” video games in this country He said: “No matter how ‘careful parents are, there is the very real danger that children will agin access o these ‘games’ in the ‘same way they are about to obtain the so-called video ‘nasties’ at pre- “The view of sex portrayed by such ghastly offerings can twist child's mind for life “In addition 10 protecting against physical cruelty, the NSPCC has a responsibility for children’s morals. I will be en courazing that responsiblity by making my views know 10 the Home Secretary “T hope that he will take rapid action to ban, or at least tightly control, the availability of such products.” Asian Eton Carcice Gooawn “Managing aloe: Cassie Advertsing? on Haris ‘Brkgete Sheriker ‘Managing Diector J Cornel “Argus Specialist Publieations Ltd. 145 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H OEE. 01-437 1002 iHome Computing Weeki pabithed on Tueay, Dasbulion by Argun Press Sais and Distbucon Lid, 1-14 Paul Stee, London EC2A 4J8. Printed by Alsboster Pasmore & Soa: Li of London and Maiduone, Ket. Design sad Cigationy MM Design and Print, 145 Charing CrosiRé, London WC2HOEL ORIC PRICE RISE Tangerine raises price of delayed 16K Orie-1 by £30 j:0 £129. Orie Products’ price stays the same, but “discussions in progess” on final retail price. “Tangerine's discount for }48K Ories sent on loan to [customers ordering 16K models set at 10 per cent. Oric’s discount will be 25 per cont. Deliveries of 16K machines likely to be ahead of schedule, says Oric Products. HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 April 1983. Page 3 Congratulations, 115 times lover, to the winners of the com- petition in the first three issues of Home Computing Weekly, ‘And, if you are not among them: watch out for more big prize competitions in HCW ‘The senders of the first 15 correct entries out of our two large boxes will each receive a 48K Spectrum, a ZX printer and three software cassettes. The total value of each prize: about £250. ‘And the senders of the next 100 correct entries will each get a £25 voucher for programs from Quicksiva’s wide range. If you are a winner your prize should be delivered 10 your home within 28 days. Many entrants answers all the questions correctly, but a number stumbled over wo. Question five in issue two foxed ‘some people, probably because Peter Tootill had two articles in that issue. The answer was in large type above his item about bulletin boards. (Question four in issue three ‘was wrongly answered by some because, it seemed, they did not read to the end of the article The last paragraph began: “Y starts the New Year routine..." Eyen if you were not a win- ner this time, we hope you en- joyed the competition. Here are the answers in full, followed by the names and addresses of all the winners. Issue 1 1 PMG stands for Player Misile Graphics, p30 2 HMS Saracen, p24 13 AGDS) is the array holding the ‘maze plan inthe VIC-20 program, ps 4 ¥EX 11, 14 sats the auto repeat speed, p19 SMike Johnson runs the ZX Mictofsir, p8. Spellings with a ¢ ‘were alo accepted 6 Ship of Doom was rated at four stars, p2t 7 There were 10 questions in Junior Mathematician, p28 4 Buck's surname is Dogers, pl Issue 2 1 Mastermind was given four-star rating, pA 2 Allan Laird wrote Munchees, p18 3 Program Id is called Clef, p27 44 The fruit machine program made 4 profit of about Ip per roll p7 ' Pecer Toot uns the Mallb0x-80 bulletin board, p2z 6 Memory location 755, on the Arai, called CHACT, p36 1 Highest seore by the writer ofthe ‘Atomic waste program was 910, 30 Issue 3 1 Allen Webb was giving speedy advice, pI2 2 Cenipede was rated at four stars, pao 3 Subroutine 600 is called by line 5 Dougie's surname is Bern, p26 6 Colditz, a program for the PET, runs in less than 8K, p18 7 Hoss runs on the VIC-20, p28 Spectrum Winners W. D. James, 1 Crowland Way, Formby, Liverpool L37 8BR; Tim Prince, Tietcel, 4 Winfred Road, Sedbergh, Cumbria LAO. 5A; Harold 3. Finney, 98 Quinton Park, Cheylesmore, Coventry CV3 SHY; F. P. Ralfle, 62. Edward Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG 25GB; Miranda Ells, 9 Hall Road, Norwich NRI3HQ: L. M. Bassett, 4 The Avenue, Bi sleswade, Beds SGI8 OPS;' James Heath, 289 Budshead Road, White, Plymouth PLS SIE; Robert Jackson, 36 Sun. ybank, Marlow, Bucks SL7 38L Martin White, 36 Woodside ‘Avene, Burley, Leeds LS¢ 2QT; Ingeborg, Lindholm, Flat 3/1, 6 ‘West End, Park Stet, Glastow G3 611; G. Brown, 11 Hendy Road, Mold, Clwyd, ‘North Wales CH? 1QS; Mark Kent, Atkins, Tumby Woodside, Mareham:le-Fen, Boston, Lines PE22 7SL; Jeffrey Corbett, 15 Bryn Heallan, Brynna, Llamharan, Pontyclun, Mid Glamorgan CF7 9SG; D. J: Long, 42 Orchard Brow, Hollins Green, Warrington, Cheshire WA3 6 Trevor Casledine, 53 St Martins Road, Finham, Coventry, West Midlands CV3 6D. Software Winners Oliver Rackham, Grey Lodge, Whitesmocks, Durham DH 4LHi C. Gaittins, 29 Brunel Cour CCoseley, Weet Midlands WY14 810, Davide Taslor, 7 Dunsmuir Grove, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear NES Qk Chris Hughes 141 Haydn Road, Sherwood, Nottingham NGS 2LN; J. F. Cook, Severn View, Vinegar Hill, Undy, Newport NP6 3B; 1H. S. Winetroube, 13 Nelson Court, Wellington Street, Hull, Humberside HUI 1X0; 7. R- Chape ‘man, 32 Harman Road, Bush Hill Park, Enfield, Middlesex EN! 1LB; P. J. Pankin, 91 Pembury Road, ‘Tottenham, London NI7 SLY: Col in Trench, 6 Kinross Road, Ipswich, Suffolk 1P& SPL; Cheis Deacon, 21 Fameworth Road, ‘Mickleover, Detby DE3 SEQ: 'D. Horgan, $0 Garston, Great Poge 4 HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 April 1983, ‘Cheverell, Ne Devizes, Wilts SNI0 XU; S.J. Potter, 20 Palmar Road, Maidstone, Kent! MEI6 ODN; F. Tiebichi, 25 Harris Sireet, Halton View, Widnes, Cheshire WAS OTP! L.A. Freeman, 36 Green Lane, Northgate, Craniey, West Sussex RH10.25P; Paul E. Webb, 25 Grange Crescent, Ridalesden, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 SAH: A. C. Roper, 43 Calloway lost, Barwell, Teks LE 9 8HL: Michael L. Haslam, Flat One, 53-59 Highleld Sweet, Highfields, Leicester LE2 LAD: M. E, Tortell, 135 Queen Anne Avenue, Bromley, Kent BR2 OSH: E. Frangoulls, $4 Holland Road, London Wid 8BB: P. E. Carson, 2 Southview, The Green, Godstone, Surrey RH9 8DZ; Tom Cox, 4 Cherry Way, Hatfield, Herts ALIO, SLE; Paul Murphy, $3 Flelds Road, Lepton, Huddersfield West Yorkshire HD OHQ: Homard J. Malyon, 198 Prospect Road, Farnborough, Hants GUIs 812; F. K. M. Ho, 19 Cromwell Close, East Finchley, London N2 OLL; P.M, Bennie, 122 Mildmay Road, Romford, Essex RM7 9BU; rs Z. Glanchi, Lavendon Rectory, Lavendon, ‘Nr Olney, Bucks MK46 EX: 11/21 Maxwell Oval, Glasgow G4l SST; R. Ormerod, 13 Dunsmore Drive, Salendine Nook, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD3 465; Euan Pearson, 17 Holmlea Drive, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire KAT TUX; TE. Scoit, 4 Farndale Road, Carshalton Beeches, Surrey SMS ING: KA. Beck, 37 Cartridge Cres- feent, “Ryeerofiy Walsall, West Midlands WS3-1QY;_ Keith Callanan, 27 Windsor Cresent, Russell Perk, Unerstone, Cumbria LAI2 9NP: C. Benstead, $2 Plymouth Avenue, Lower Beven- dean, Brighton, Sussex BN2 43B; Peter Bowman, $3 Rutland Drive, Harrogate, North Yorkshire HGI 2NX; D. Bulehart, 459 Liverpool Road, Birkdale, Southport, Merseyside PRS” 3BN:Devang Shah, 589 Parrswood Road, East Didsbury, Manchester M20' 095; RLS. Ellison, 46 Mayfield Road, Whalley Range, Manchester M16 SEU: Wing Wah Fan, 65 Adswood Lane West, Cale Green, Stockport, Cheshire SK SHZ; A. P. Berry, Flat 3, 37 Brighton Grove, Rusholme, Manchester 14; Simon Giham, Red Roofs, Capel, Dork ‘ng, Surrey RHS SIF: Mrs G. M. Redpath, 21 Chester Avenue, Whitchead, Co. ‘Anieim, Northern Irland) BT38 909; Oswym Mowbray, Glanrafon Stores, Tyn Lon, Holy Head, Gwynedd, North Wales LLS 3AX; RJ. Hart, 19 Wordsworth Close, Princes Park, Chatham, Kent MES INU; Mark ‘Wignall, $7 Tiverton Road, ‘Tottenham, London NIS ‘RP; J. E. Etheringlon, 14 Bushey Close, Linden Village, Buckingham MKIS 1Hz; ul Hale, Canonley Old Hall, Main Strect, Cononley, Keighley, North Yorkshire BD20 SL; Aghs Rahman, 98 Shakespeare Road, ‘Acton, London W3 6SN; E. RC. Holland, “1 Prospect ‘Cottages, Boughton Aluph, Ashford, Keat ‘TNS HIJA; Don’ Weerssinghe, 21 Wormholt Road, Shepherds Bush, London W12 OLU: Stuart Patton, 10 Lord Street, New Silksvorth, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear SR3 ‘2DX; Shelagh Dutty, 40 Pemerion Road, Weeke, Winchester S022 GEV; R. Woods; 8 Kimberley, Le- chworth, Herts SG6 4RA; Steven Moore, 31 Alexandra Road, View Park, Ayr, Scotland KAT 3PG;_Jispal“Andeh, 106 Gadsby Sireet, Attleborough, ‘Nuneaton Warickshire CVI 4NZ? “Magnus Wadsack, The Three Lions Inn, Stuckton, Nr Fordingbrigde, Hants SP6 2HF; F. Goodyear, 39 Broxburn Road, Warminster, Wilts BAI2 SEY; Simon Jeffery, Ledrah House, Ledrah Road, St Austel Cornwall PL2S SHG; Derek MeLay Surathern Road, West Ferry, Dundee DDS IJW A. J. Wallace, 441 Alevander Crescent, Oakham, Rutland, Leics LEIS’ 6LA; P. Davies, Spring Hollow, Broad Oak Lane, Mobberley, Cheshire WA16 {)T; an Archbold, 3 Shiciey Close, Stevenage, Herts; Robert Andrew Firth, 1 Old Guy Road, Queensbury, Bedford, | Wesi Yorkshite BDI3 1B: C.” Rober shaw, 3 Chapel Stree, Thornton, Bradford, West Yorkshire BDIS MIR; Garry Knight, 308. Stanton House, Thames” Sireet, London SEI0 9DJ; Graham Hooper, 31 Puree! Street, Longsight, -Man- chester MI2 4NU: J. Ps Kelly 159 Powerscroft Road, Clapton, Lon- don ES: K." Salmon, 369 Bramford Lane, ipswich, Sufolk IPI SBS: K. J. Craske, 154 Crescent, Fallsworth, Manchester MBS OGR: H. R. Hoque, 33 Harlech Road, London NI4 7BY; A. J. Cook, $0, Calin Crescent, Shepperton, Mid dlesex TWIT SEU; Bill Longley, 388 Ipswich Road, Coleheser, Essex CO# 4EX: Philip S. Adkins Potter Greystones, Brighton Road, Busbridge, Godalming, Surrey GU7 IPL; Graham Malar, 95 Kid- brooke Grove, Blackheath, London SE} OLG; Alge F. Hemingway, 25 Wheelwright Avenue, Lower Wortley, Leeds, Yorks 1312 4UW; M. D. Trom, 19 Weathercock Lane, Low Fell, Gateshead, Tyne tind. Wear NE9 SID: Kevin’ Page, Montrose, Angus, Scotland DDIO BH; John Chopin, 91 Queen Elizabeth Way, Kingfeld, Woking, Surrey; D.C. Dunton, 75 Kingsman Road, Standford le Continued on page 6 Continued from front page Memotech’s home micro is ‘expected to appeal to users in the BBC and Commodore 64] bracket. Mr Boyd said: ‘It’s not the cheap market.” ‘Measuring 19in wide, 2¥4in high and Sin deep, the alumini casing — coated in black plastic = will house 32K of RAM, 16K of video RAM, a 16K BASIC| ROM with a 280A processor run- ning at 4MHz The Microsoft-compaible BASIC will have extra. graphics commands — there will be 26} reserved graphics characters —| and a Logo subset. There vil also be a screen handling} language called Noddy and an assembler/disassembler also in the ROM. The keyboard has QWER- TY typewriter keys with, alongside, eight function keys and a numeric keypad, which ac-] PP outs for the 1in with. Centconiesype printer in- terface will be standard and there wl be ports for hii, monitor, two joysticks and others, and a slo for caries. ‘There wil be six spare slots inside to "take Memotech’s board, ke extra money — a 32K, 6’K and 128K per board — io a maximum of SIOK, the in- distr standard CP/M opefiting system used by most business micros anda die controler board which wil run up to four drives, including» Memotech’s Software has often been slow to follow the launch of new Computers; would the same hap pen with Memotesh's mio? Mr Boyd said: "We ae tak= ing care of that. I thing people wil spend at of time — up to 75 percent — playing games on our computer. That, of course, wil decrease as people sant pro: ramming bot at the taunch ye wl have 25 cassettes avalable. ‘Most of them wil be games, bu there will be two edtcational pro= grams.” Four programmers were working on software andthe companys" Memo-cale and Memovtext cartidges would be available forthe new computer. department 20 miles away in On- ford. Many of the Witney employees are working in. por- table buildings while the com- ppany’s new factory — due to be ‘completed in August — is finish- ed, It is here that the new micro will be made.” “Within a month of produ- tion we will be up 10 10,000 a month,” said Mr Boyd. “By the end of the year we will be wel ahead of the market in terms of being able to provide peripherals = unlike some other com- No price has yet been deci ed. Mr Boyd explained: “Thi business is. very, strange. You don’t know what's happening in the semi-conductor or memory scene. We've approached the whole thing very conservatively and this will be reflected in our He expected the computer 0 be priced in the Commodore 64 ‘and BBC micro range. Mr Boyd added: “We don’t want to be pushy and say we'll sell 200,000 in the first week. I's ‘2 good machine and it will be ‘competitively priced.’ Memotech, Station Lane, Waney, Oxon OX8 6BX Spectrum ‘success’ Sinclair Research believes it has ‘now replaced nearly all the faulty Year with Spectrums. In most cases, ssid aspokesman, they were arriving at a. specially-opened warehouse, ‘And production had been ‘great enough to ensure sales of Spectrums were not hit through Sending of replacement power supplies. Recalled power supplies ont Sinclair Research, Unit F, Broad Lane, Cottenham, Cambs CB4 ssw ‘The two men leading the design team are Mr Boyd, who specialises in hardware, and his friend Robert Branton. They set themselves up as a partnership and now both are directors. Memotech was formed 18 months ago and employs 65 staff in Witney and a smaller technical Parents and teachers, more ac- customed to holding antiques ‘and craft faires, are staging their first computer. fair at Barnwell School, Stevenage, Herts, on Sunday. Stephen Booth, 1? Park View, Stevenage power supplies sold earlier in the |) turned round within 48 hours of |]f cena) aor ae roof umig oro HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 April 1983 Page 5 Continued from pages Hope, Essex SSI7 JN; Graban Roy Hannington, Cars-Mia, 229 Cut-price Spectrums? Rayleigh Road, Thundersiey Essex Warwick Jon 18 Bevis | Rumours have been spreading Hyrsi, Addiscombe Road, | amon ter retailers that Croydon, Surrey CRO éSL: James | Sinciatr Rese Sinclair Research is about to eee ame ABTOERY St | slash the price of its top-selling Timber, Aberdeen ABL OFF; J. Long, 28 Law Sircet, West | SPeetrums. bromichy Wer “Midancs) B71 | But a spokesman for the Ibe: E, Jobson Avonerot | company said: can't realy House, Winchester. Drive, | comment — there is no im- Cheimsiey Wood, Birmingham B33 | mediate plan forus to announce SQH A: Monae, 99 clapton Com- | a price cuts” ‘mon, London ES; M. J. Hughes, 25 Ieknield House, Sutton Estate, Cale Stree, Chelsea, Loncion SW335Q; 1. Tapping, 18 Lichfild Road, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR3I (EQ: Stephen Beck, 11 Coverdale, Heelands, Milton ‘Keynes, Bucks MKI3 LZ; W. R. Collis, 39 Brynheulog, Penygaer, Llanelli Dyfed SA14 8AF: Alistair Smith, TF 3, 40 Marionville Road, Edin burgh, Scotland EH7 SUB; Peter Brown, 44 Woodland View, Sirat- ton Strawless, Norwich, Norfolk NRIO SLT: Stewart Cunningham, 16 Ben Hope Avenue, Havkhead Estate, Paisley, Scotland PA2 7ND; Steven “Tnter, 63 Thrston Way, Kenton Bar Estate, Newcastle Upon Tyne, ‘Tyne and. Wear NET 3ER; David Gertish, 33. Winfelds, Pitsea, Basildon, Essex SS13 THA: Anne Barker, 26 Montgomery Avenue, Southport. Lancashire PRD 78D; Colin’ Holland, 148A Charlton Lane, London SEY; T. R. Cok ‘man, 169 Bocking, Church Stret, Braintree, Essex CM? SLH: Peter The talk has been fuelled by the planned launch of the Spectrum in America within the next four weeks, because Timex is pricing its version, called the ‘T$2000, at $149 for the model with 16K of RAM. The UK price for the same model is £128 — roughly £25 dearer. Most UK Spectrums are made by Timex in Dundee where workers at one plant were staging a sit-in last week. However, the plant making Spectrums was unaffected. If the sitin lasts beyond the workers’ holiday period it may eventually affect the gearing up fof a produetion line which will manufacturer flat-screen TV tubes for Sinclair. © A spokesman said there was still no date fixed for the launch of Sinclair's new Mierodrive IL, Gent, 13 Cintra House, 11 | mass storage devices. Beulah Hill, London SEI9 3LY; Jain MacDonald, 2 Berkeley | sinclair Research, Stanhope Square, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. | Road, Camberley, Surrey ‘Top Twenty programs for the Spectrum Schizoids Penetrator Escape Galaxians Areadia Planot of Death Avenger Nightflight Planetoids Transylvanian Tower Chess Ground Attack Orbiter Muncher Flight Simulation Hungry Horace: Space Raiders Gulpman, Cruising The Hobbit Imagine (—) Melbourne House (5) New Generation (—) Artic (-) Imagine (15) Artic (16) ‘Abacus (=) Hewson (13) Psion (-) Richard Shepherd (3) Psion (-) Silversoft (—) Silversoft (—) Silversoft (—) Psion (12) Psion /M. House (10) Psion (—| Campbell (—) Sunshine Books (—) Melbourne House (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 13 14 18 16 7 18 19 Compiled! by W. H. Smith. Figures in brackets show last week's position. Page 6 HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 April 1983 “Take one subject alone, like physics. You could build up a library of 40to SOtapes just to take that subject to O-level, “L think home accounting has a very limited future, it’s going to be small fodder. For ‘most people, with the rate at which a tape recorder can load data, an accounts book would be far quicker. Mr Tillotson, who has a 16K ZX81 at home and a Sirius at work, is managing director of Marketing Direction which has just carried out a survey jointly ‘with Gallup It showed that the average home computer user spent 11 Bored? You shouldn't be Computer users will get bored unless software companies start providing more than just games, says a market research expert. Graham Tillotson, whose company has just made a survey Of the market, “It’s not only my view it’s the view of many other people we have spoken to. “It's not going to die over- night. Games are becoming more sophisticated and are always going to be popular, but if that is all they are going to do | hours a week using the machine Wwe think the market will suffer. }and that nearly 700,000 “Eventually people will get | households had home com bored. puters. “1 believe software people will react and we will see some significant developments in the next couple of years. “see a number of areas — ‘and they are purely speculation — which have potential, like education, which has hardly been tapped you could be on our pages We welcome programs articles and tips from our readers. PROGRAMS should, if possible, be computer printed to a width of 48 characters (use a new ribbon) and/or sent on cassette. Check carefully that they are bug-free. Include details of what your program does, how it works, variables you have used and hints on conversion. ARTICLES On using home computers should be no longer than 2,000 words. Don't worry about your writing oars just try to keep to the style In HCW. articles most lil tobe Published will help our readers make better archive cneres ate ene, will convert any sketched ihustrations Into finished artwork. a TIPS are short articles, and brief programmin: ‘which we can put ‘together with others. Your hints can aid other computer users. Competitive — rates are paid. Keep a copy of your submissions and include an SAE if you want them returned. Label everything clearly and give a daytime and ‘home phone number if you can. Paul Liptrot, Home Computing Weekly 145 hating cross Road, London WESN Bez ‘Other surveys have put the figure higher and Mr Tillotson said the difference may be ac counted for by some households owning more than ie computer and by the dif- ferences in survey methods. Marketing Direction, 6 High Street, Thames Ditton, Surrey. Als hwy J SIMPLY THE BEST Fe acre ease aed eae) ee How long can your fleet of ships survive? How many enemy craft can you destroy? Smee Tene Fe Pe rd (or 48K) Spectrum. Superb animation, high resolution graphics, incredible explosive and full rT ete Sl ede ee ee abe ae Embedded In the software ls our unique score vallifier which enables us to introduce anew dimension BeTee el den Me hee Ege tae ea eg hacer gb oot] EE da oe Mt a Tere gL ET car) championship to be held at the end of the year when we will be publishing a list of the top 1000 scorers 0 you can find out just how good you are. ee Ac ee) eral @ el Urar Ai big Be: wal Gn Oe Meee) ale Tel Eh aren a Send £5.50 to QUEST, 119 THE PROMENADE, CHELTENHAM, GLOS GL50 INW to receive your copy of “BLACK HOLE” by return first class post together with a membership number entitling you to discount on our forthcoming blockbusting eS ANEW DIMENSION IN SPECTRUM SOFTWARE HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 April 983. Page 7 TWO PEOPLE'S VIEW ‘A new survey shows that there are now I.lm computers. in homes throughout the country with Texas Instruments and Atari gaining sales through price cuts, paign, beginning mid-May, willbe The facts were gathered for | for the T1-99/4A and later its new the trade Weekly Computing | £75model, the 16-bit TI-99/2, will and The Observer from dealers, | be included. distributors and manufacturers. ‘Texas says thatthe 99/2, due Its figures show that in the | here ater October, willbe the first, three months to the end of | 16-bit computer at such a low February, the 100 largest | price. It has rubbersike keys, 4K of user RAM — expandable to 36.2K — black and white display and a port at the back for TH add: Tito spend £%montTv ‘Texas Instruments is. spending £%m on a TV advertising cam- paign starting next month to build sales ofits computers. The first part of the cam- manufactueres of home com- puters alone sold more almost 350,000 machines. Texas Instruments, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7PA Figure for tice month o February 28 1 snes ioe |e 3 scorn Ceefax-style oa for Spectrum ton Specirums canbe made 10 Fee Osetra simulate the Ceefax and Oracle sean Teletext services, says lain 10 Oni Stewart, who has” produced a £4.95 program called ZXTEXT. uses the full 32 by 24sereen, Cf either Spectrum model, plus colour, flashing and high- resolution graphics. He says it has capacity of 900 pages, with enough memory Eyeing up your micro ‘A video recorder can now be link- ed to a BBC model B micro and images transferred between the two — but at a price. Digithurat’s MicroEye iner face cows £339.50 fain. Stewart, 17 Torry Drive, Alva, Scotland FK12 5NO The company says that pic eenade turescan be digitised with aresolu- lands ‘em tion of 256 by 256, although only 128 by 128 pixels are used. This is young 0 that users are able to uperade with a second processor. MicroEye is supplied with ‘cable and software, with whieh to analyse images, dump them onto disc or printer. In a bid to demystify com puters, Granada TV is prepar- ing a summber series starring young micro users and in: luding reports on programs ad buyers’ guides. ‘abin Kent, producer, Granada TV, Manchester M60 9EA Digithurst, Leaden Hill, Orwell Royston, Herts SG8 SQH MicroBYe — links micro to video recorder Page 8 HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 Apcl 1983, | We have to stay friendly ‘Many programs seem 10 concentrate on the user's first fow | hours with menus, detailed 1@ THEN GOTO S6& (17-0) 200 Let cacy, gXteeZ) =m Bie Goro a7 826 fer ostrex> 290 FoR Roz’ TOC 240 LET Gety-A,X) =CHRS (170-c) 250 NEXT A 28@ LET GS (y-(C4Z) 20 =" B40 DIM s$(1a,10) 239 DIN $(20/10) T7PL PRINT AT 7,3)X-2;CHRS @; Page 12 HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 April 1983, 620 PRINT AT 9,1; "MEI"; AT 16,9;" | 979 IF INKEYs="" THEN GoTo @970 Bs 888 IF_INKEY$c>"y" THEN STOP 6S@ PRINT AT 9.1; "Y="; AT 26,9;" | 938 CLs Sle ce eee 1808 GGTo 10 a NKEY §: THEN GOTO e620 = 65a LET Y-COBE (INKEY$) 27. Peo ane EXT $26 BRant"arT_a2.o;" " 350 Cer maMsz 280 PRINT AT a2, Bea Styrene (deere tore ea 2 SSS 22g GUS 7E72a0) pag : : : : Figure 2. End of game, with scores PRINT AT. 8,25; 1) CHRS @ PRINT AT” 16-,X410; $s Cv. 8 THEN GOTO Odeo ~TwaT COMPUTER AND VIDEO GAME SOFTWARE. ‘AND HARDWARE NOW BY MAIL ORDER WESToK: The 7th ZX Microfair will be on June 4th at sro 159.95 ax Alexandra Palace Exhibition Pavilion London. pan eolh Mbuebrtc, Quichalva, Ronik Istwice as bigas the last show. tice Jopoo], | |code ow fr Easy toget to from any part of the country! Seca 13001) I Tiou 4A VIC, Dragon, dard MS Come along and see everything for ZX computers! * ZX Spectrum *ZK81 “Software * Hardware * Books * Users Clubs. Practically every manufacturer of ZX products. A good day out — Plenty of parking space! ‘Send now for advance tickets and instructions of how to getthere! Available from: Mike Johnston, 71 Park Lane, Bar 333 SOkbMs 199.00]) |] pas trge range of USA software Cedi avilable Deas om request Pero uae (le examples oly — ful ange stocked) ATARI Pacman, Defender, ET, Phoeni, Vanguard £27.9Seach Tottenham, London N17 OHG. a NN Phfall, Megamania, River Ra 27 95x Adults £1.00. Kids (under 14) 50p. Please make cheques Consca Gort Otters i iste payable to 2X MICROFAIR and encloseS.A.E. EXHIBITORS SPACE NOW AVAILABLE WITH 7 IMAGICAtants, Dragron Fe Stench PARKER Frogs, Amar Reacto 22738ea0h =—a a PLENTY OFROOMTO MOVE! PHONE MIKE JOHNSTON ON 01-801 9172 —ieavea message on the ansaphone! HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 April 1983 Page 13 SOFTWARE REVIEWS You micro can take the sting out of learning a whole range of subjects. Our reviewers cast a critical eye over a selection of educational programs, some for children and some for adults. Educational | °° 2? 12) OR nyy=11 THEN LET yf=2*((yt<7 AND INKEY$ ="i")~(yt>1 AND INKEY$ ="o")) IF_yf8)) OR ncy=11 THEN IF RND Q THEN LET ncx=ncx+((ncx=ct)-(ncx=31-ct))*SGN cf: LET ncy=ncy+((ncy=ct)-(ncy=21-ct) )*SGN cf: LET ct=ct+S6N cf: LET cf=cf-S6N cf 400 PRINT AT yy,yx;"*";AT cy,cx;"e";AT nyy,nyx; INK 13y$;AT ncy,nex; INK 2;c$ 419 420 8 yx: LET yy=nyy: LET c AND yy<8 THEN LET 1a} s"" AND lap>1) 430 IF yxhi THEN LET hislap: PRINT AT 11,12; "HI SCORE";AT 12 2153hi 530 INPUT "Press ENTER for another run"; LINE i$ 549 PRINT AT yy.yxs"*": GO SUB 9200: GO TO 209 : LET cy=ncy 2 PRINT AT 9,12; lap; 9900 REM draw track 9919 INK @: PAPER 7: FLASH @: BRIGHT @: OVER @: INVERSE @: BORDER 7: CLS 9920 FOR a=32 TO 16@ STEP 32: PLOT a/2,a/2-13 9930 DRAW 256-a,0: DRAW 12,12,PI/2 9949 DRAW J,176-a: DRAW -12,12,P1/2 9950 DRAW a-256,0: DRAW -12,-12,PI/2 9960 DRAW G,a-176:. DRAW 12,-12,PI/2 9970 NEXT a 9980 FOR a=2 TO 6: PRINT AT 2,1 9990 FOR a=19 TO 12: PRINT AT a,2;" NEXT 3 9109 REM cars 9118 DATA 231,66,255 ,255 ,255,255,66,231 9128 DATA 189,255, 189, 60,60, 189,255,189 9138 DATA 36,99, 189, 126,126, 189,90, 36 9149 RESTORE 9100 9150 FOR a=G TO 23: READ b: POKE USR “a"+a,b: NEXT a 9168 LET hi-9 9209 REM starting values 921@ LET yx=15: LET yy=1; LET yt=1: LET nyxsyx: LET nyyeyy: LET y$=CHR$ 144: LET yf=( 922@ LET cx=16: LET cy=7: LET ct=7: LET nex=cx: LET ncy=cy: LET c$=CHR$ 144: LET cf=! 9239 LET lap=9: PRINT AT 9,12; 9249 INPUT "Skill (1-9) ? "js 9999 RETURN "SAT a+13,1) "SAT 3,25; NEXT HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 April 1983 Page 17 Page 18 ERSOFT PERIPHERALS AND SOFTWARE FRENZY The object of thin game is to destroy as many obstacles possible. You arin contol of Find speeder in an alien cy ‘Runming over” various objects such as dogs ie hydrants and people. Your speeder bas no Erates and you must dodge ont ‘mater blocks. Fas restons and ‘ll ate required as your vehicle fs faster and fster ‘An scount progam cially Signal forthe hme user tt | contains many ature which imabeitthebest accountspockage | Currenly saab for the BBC Mcrocompue. Home Accouns it's compre | emsive program allowing til Contvlofaldat Fuldectren- | {aton is supped making sry ‘Dien anduimpleto ue | ‘aia forthe Model" Miro oni HOME ACCOUNTS | For Mode'A" or’ Micro. PRICE: £5.75 PRICE: £12.50 POTENTIOMETER JOYSTICKS ingle or twin joystick unit fo direct connection to Model B Allows {analogue movement vin one or two high quuity dual ais fotentiometer driven joysticks. The unit i encased in an elegant fnjetion modded case with two push butions for use with Adval (0) [i comes omplete with fil instructions and demonstration programs ONE STICK UNIT 12799 TWO STICK UNIT £36.20 SEND CHEQUE OR POSTAL. ORDER PAYABLE TO: NCW? PERSOFT, FREEPOST, SHIPLEY, ‘WEST YORKSHIRE ADI? SHR COLGUA GEMic oe HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 April 1983, rEgaT conduct Epa FOR THE QUALITY SOFTWARE BAB “be — ey MICRO FRUIT MACHINE 2X) £6.50 Ceaste/t9.9 lee er TESS WuLGE, GaNGLE ng eee, Tse tos i SOO ooo ‘rung wenngines Thats THE utr fog buy {ALIEN DROPOUT (2K) Ees0 Gareata/ta90 Die ben Pe ros Ge of GON, ba cu vores oro Wiooacany acacia ‘ples Soccer my nen oan Reamer seas Pen ee Se esos oelng aw Caen enn tar, aso, rene 6 Ba + WE PAY 25% ROVAUTIES FOR WIGH QUALITY PROGRAMS = Plates copporenerit pap = WAton she ‘SUPERIOR SOFTWARE Dept. now 69 Leeds Road, Bramhope, Leeds. Tel: 0532 842714 Sond ordors with cheque payable to ASTROLOGY truly AVAILABLE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. USER PROMPTING PROGRAMS: merely Key in birth information as requested by the computer — READ OUT (andlor PRINT OUT) What is normally the result of many hours of painstakingly tedious and complex mathematical calculations using tables, ephemera, THE SIDEREAL TIME OF BIRTH. THE ASCENDANT AND MIDHEAVEN in Sign, Degrees, Minutes, ‘and Seconds for EQUAL HOUSE SYSTEM. THE SIGNS AND POSITIONS OF THE HOUSE CUSPS in Sign, Bogrees, and Minutas for the PLACIDEAN SYSTEM. THE SUN AND MOON POSITIONS in Sigh, Degrees, Minutes and Seconds. ALL THE PLANETS POSITIONS in Sign, Degrees and Minutes. THE LUNAR NODE — THE PART OF FURTUNE — THE VERTEX, ‘AND A HOST OF OTHER BIRTHCHART INFORMATION AT THE "TOUCH OF A KEY. 2x81 16K. Zopiac | ony £10.00 zoniac it ONLY £8.00 GIVES YOU THE ASPECTS AND MIDPOINTS. FOR 48K SPECTRUM AND DRAGON 32 ZODIAC F Full combined program on one cassette FOR ONLY £15.00 (Other programs in course of preperation include: PROGRESSING THE HOROSCOPE; RECTIFICATION OF THE BIRTH TIME, etc STELLAR SERVICES 8 FIR TREE VALE, LEEDS L$17 7EY Tel: (0532) 692770 CASSETTE SOFTWARE FOR TRS 89 MODEL 1 LEVEL 2/VIDEO GENIE MACH 4— 2000 Baud write, verify, load, read, speeds up your cassetie operations by a DRAGONWARE DRAGON GOODIES Le Now that we've shifted the tack ‘out “of the torture ‘chamber, we've been able to ‘double our storage space and DRAGON factor of 4 Basie & System format can be |] now stock te west Tale, suoeyae & prowras search, can or OWNERS CLUB Be See woes ae | |, cemtaanae dk soars The Deuei er Che AID — 7 function Basic toolkit. Renuimber, move ‘Don't tet them kid you that Dungeon is now the the Dragon 21 lacks software stn the UK (or since our = send for our 30-page members range tothe Arabian catalogue and find out whet's Gulf ana Africa, should we say really avalabiol the word”), Mombera racaive Latest books: Advanced copies of the monthly cub Basic for the Dragon $2 (starts magazine ‘Dragon's Teeth’, ‘where the manual finishes) whieh includes news, reviews £6.98, ‘Making the most of and advice, apart from mon ‘your Dragon’ £5.95, "The thy offers and competitions, Dragon “Compenion’ (printed The May edition of “Dragon edition) £4.95. Teeth’ Hludes programming Latest Games: ‘Talking advice, a free game isting and Android Attack’ £8.00, a-chance to win a year's free ‘Galactic Ambush’ £8.00, software. Free advice service ‘Cosmic Zap’ £8.,00,’Adven: and advertising column for ture 200' £5.95, ‘Colorpede’, members and. badges and £8.00 bomber jackets for extrovert Latest Utiios: Six 24 screen Dragon owners! Ccertridge ‘includes ‘eprites') Annual membership. (in £25.30, Assembler cartridge cluding ‘Dragon's Teeth’) £6. £18.98, ‘Telewriter’ WP (EB overseas) or sixemonth system and tutorials £49.94, trial sub £3.25. (£4.25 "Doodes & Demos" £5.00. | oversoas) THE DRAGON DUNGEON PO BOX 4, ASHBOURNE, DERBYSHIRE DES 1AQ “Tel: ASHEOURNE 44626, RABBIT SOFTWARE SPECIAL OFFER lines, compress, search for statements &/or strings, automonitor on line number & memory to prevent overflow, can be relocated... £9.00 DISPLUS — 12 function disassernbier with full ‘mnemonics & hexadecimal presentation with A’ page step disassembly, string search, arithmetic, printer support, relocates £10.00 MDOC— —diagnostic'for primary sysiem. Does your latest program screw up because of an obscure machine fault or is it your programming? MDOC can save you pounds by reducing trips to the repair shop. Cheeks CPL, display, chip addressing, RAM, ete Just 4 items from our Product Range, all prices fully inclusive and all cassettes guaranteed. Just send ‘cheque/po for fast delivery, or 20p for more details and quantity discounts, SAE not requted. Dealer enquiries J K GOSDEN SOFTWARE Tineslip, 13 Ashtead Common, ‘Ashtead, Surrey KT21 2ED For the unexpanded VIC 20 ANNIBILATOR Patrol the rocky terrain ofa distant planetold AGefending the humanoids NIGHT-CRAWLER Dare you venture into The Green Forest? HOPPER (Frogger) Bring this famous pub game home. [SCRAMBLE Guide your raft hough many peri to ge 10 your ‘SPACE PHREEKS. Voyage across the Universe and face many alien creatures known only as Space Phrecks, ‘ther tes avaiable Recommended Price £9.99 cach. ‘Our Price £799 each, buy two Or treat £7.50 each ‘MR CHIP DATABASE Crete youromneutoiles 0 [M/C SOFT Machinecodemonlior and dsssembler,and mmemorysize 17.0 CHARACTER EDITOR With our ovawindow faiity £8.50 BANK MANAGER Computerievourbuk aso, fo etneapandes Vie £5.00 SUPER BANK MANAGER. full eture version, neds 3K Spence but wien any emery soe 10 COMMODORE 6: MONITOR AND. DISASSEMBLER £7.50 Full Doctmenttion with the above tapes, ‘The Advertising Standards Authority| Free Brochure Available Men et ee ae eee CHEQUES/?.0.5.T0 ASAU Bok ase ong Pa arin WC TH MR. CHIP, Dept HEW, 1 Neve Pe, Llandudno, ‘Gwynedd L130 3BL Tel 0492 49747. HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 April 1983 Page 19 Personal Software Services £4-95 | Inany other time or galaxy, the dust ball of a world called Tai would have been quite unimportant. TIMES CHANGE.... Now it is the last remaining out post between the advancing Imperial Fleet and the main planets of the Dorfian system Unless the Imperial Forces can | | be held off until the Republi- | can battle fleet arrives,an | entire civilization will be | betrayed... You have been chosento | defend Tai, the Galactic future depends on you... aT a Two Arcade Style Games for ZX81 16K Krazy Kong £3-95 All machine code version of the popular arcade game.This program has all the features of the original and is every bit as fast. 3 different @ % screens \ make it difficult iol el—Te} ele Ace mine Ne rere ROCea oN tee Rom me Kelis Pe a CROs ATARI PROGRAMMING Make the HOSE of your ‘Whenever you use a GRAPHICS I appears that the second command on the Atari, you are line is also in mode 2, but in fact, also creating a display lis. This itis a continuation of the topline, ‘may not be obvious, but it hap} AFter delving inside | his ati an ‘The modes | and 2 only use 20 pons nonetheless. ¢ Freebu iv characters er line, and two are The “uae” scom —ihe| Mare Freebury emer aa required to fill the 40 character Piece you can see — consists of report on how to use its lee pes relctesh, 192 horizontal lines. Each) display list to create This technique allows for sraphics mode uses a set number . smart opening titles, oF putting Of these lines to create each of is looking game: “score” in large characters. own ines Mixing large numbers of modes will require forethought, Basic ‘Number of The first three locations of Finally, there are three loca- | since the graphics modes will also mode lines used | the display list contain 112. These | tions which tel the computer to | have the same problems as the 0@ just ring the creer to its normal | go back tothe start and display it | text modes with regard to line 16) ‘central position. all over again. The first is always | length. 20 The next location is the | 6S, the second and third are the | Ifyou do attempt this, place 348) mode being used for the top line, | low and the high bytes of the ad- | your new display list in a safe 40) Pls 64. The proble is that the | dress of the samt of the display plac, suchas 1536. Then POKE 5(10) computer does not call the modes | list. $59 with 0, POKE $60 with the (I) the same numbers as in BASIC ‘Now you know how to build | low byte of the display list ad- 703) — use the figures in brackets in- | adsplay Hi, ry his dre (inthis ease ) and POKE 805) ead, S61 with the high byte (in this Thenen two locations poim | 10 GRAPHICS OSETCOLOR | case 6). Lasly, POKE 559 with This shows that BASIC | to the memory to be used inthe | 2,0,0 34 again mode zero takes eight scan lines | sereen display, high byte second, | 20 DL = PEEK(S60)+ Do not forget that the ad- 2 line — 24 lines multiplied by | ow byte fst. dress ofthe sereen memory mist Eight scan lines gives 192, max- |" Then comes a series of loea- | 30 POKE DL + 3,71: ‘also be poked into the fith and imum usage tions deseribing what modes will sixth locations ofthe display Ist, ‘The display list always | be used to use all 192 scan lines. | 40 POSITION 2,02? “HELLO” | before the POKE 5590. precedes the screen memory, and | You can use less, but using more ‘Used at its simplest level, the ‘an be found by: has. spectacularly disastrous | This modifies the display list | csplay list can provide intresting results, so thatthe top ine ofthe seen | effets. At higher levels of com- 10DL=PEEK(S40)+ These modes are also given | in mode 2, while the rest remains | pleity it cou lad to some very PEEK(661)*256 incomputer mode numbers. | inmode. Interesting eas. HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 April 1983 Page 21 APPLE FAMILY from Namal INTERFACE 24 (PIA CARD) Festures: + Qutput source 1ma @ 1.5v. 24 programmable Input ‘Outputpins. + Direct bt seUre-set capability + TTL/C Mos compatibity- * Automatiecurantlimi{of2mA for direct LED drving. Various mode of operation allow for"Hand-shaking" or Sirect bit or byte control Price £29.50" VAT. ROMBLO 1258 EPROM PROGRAMME CARD Features: Sot independent» Software sslecais prograrinina supty 25 or Biv Read eprom = Verty Epon Blank Check Vorty programming. Morty status proto erogramming + Fart pogtarmina.* Stork entra to exami oor, Programmes 1/24 and 8k Eproms 225 and 27 Serias Emproma price £95.00 + VAT PARALLEL COMS 1 (CENTRONICS INTERFACE CARD) FRI it Centronics Communications. * Gontaing 512 byes of on Card For. + 84.byt0s of on Card Ram. * Busy, strobe and error hand- shaking support + Four users selectable driving options. Price £49.50 + VAT. RS 232 INTERFACE r Features: f * Full or half duplex operation with buttered recolvar and transmatte * 15 programmable baud rates (60 to 19200). * Data sevmodem contol * Software selectable word lengths, stop bits and Parity bits Price £49.98 + VAT ‘& DISCOUNTS FOR DEALERS & NOW—ALL EX-STOCK DELIVERY % YOU CAN PAY BY ACCESS CARD * ‘Namal Associatos Limited, 25 Gwydir Street, Cambridge CB 2LG Telephone: (0223) 355404 Telex: 817445 PU eid FORTH FOR £18:95 INC. P&P AND VAT. DEALER ENQUIRIES WELCOME THE DRAGON 32 'DRAGONFORTH is an implementation o!Fig- FORTH for the ‘DRAGON S2 ‘microcomputer but with a aitfrence. ‘As woll as the enormous power ofthe FORTH language, “DRAGONFORTH can also ‘ex0cute BASIC statoments. This combines the super DRAGON souna grapes and Flostng-Pont commands wih the tremencous speed of FORTH to produc an unparalled hybrid, You can write a whole program in BASIC or a whole program in FOATH or any mixture of both, not already convinced send £2.50 for the 60-page manual (redeemable against ist order) DRAGONFORTH is professionally packaged, sensibly priced, quaranteed or bean wit be despatches by return compte wih ree demonstration graphics program AUTHORS: Oasis Software wil markethigh qualty programe you writs in ‘(DRAGONFOATH. We pay a lump sum on accoplance and.a generous royaty, Let's near ftom you! OASIS SOFTWARE, LOWER NORTH STREET, CHEDDAR, SOMERSET. Telephone 0934-515265, rssene ore Sera Page 22. HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 April 1983 Tobor 48K £6.95 Eifin Software, Hudson House, Battery Road, Great Yarmouth, NR3O3NN) ‘Why didn’t they say it was a ver- sion of Pac-man in the first place? can’t play Pacman! After the 3D opening sequence of robots moving through what looked like city blocks and clever litle bowl- ingroutines, I thought this was go- ing to be great fun! Instead, I'm presented with a ‘two-dimensional. maze, a man who won't moveasheis told anda ‘gang of itinerant robots who pro- ceed to beat my man to death before I've had time to get to the ‘movement keys! Mos frustrating, Tobor is not at all bad, you like Pac-man style pursuit games, Ii does have a different slant or two, but the graphics are way behind, for example, Psion’s Hungry Horace — the best Spec- ‘rum Pac-man I've seen to date. In Tobor you get killed as soon as the robots line up on you —none of this close quarter stuf. You can only fie inthe direction you're moving and you will die ‘often. [cannot advise.on tactics — Inever stayed alive after collecting ry jewels in the city to devise any. Good fun then — but not ‘what the presentation promises. RH. instructions 0% playability 60% ‘graphics 50% value for money 0% SPECTRUM SOFTWARE REVIEWS Where the arcade action is — for your Spectrum ea a There's a bewildering range of arcade-type games on the market. Our panel tells you what they thought of some of the new releases epece. | Mules) Spectrum £5.95 Mikro-Gen, 24 Agar Crescent, Bracknell, Berks They've got to be joking! Space Zombies? A line of ttle coloured blobs that weave across the seen, to be shot up absolutely a leisure. ‘An opening, easy, round maybe? es Nota bit of it! Thenext round \ is every bit as enthralling and were challenging asthe fist. After afew me ee ie als minutes of this you will be looking mate ms forward to cleaning your teeth at | Strictly for those who consider night fora bit of excitement stepping on small furry animals a ‘About the only use Lean con- | balanced and exciting pastime. ceive for Space Zombies is as an RH. introduetion to space games for young (ie. under-eight) would be | instructions 0% space conquerors. Thecoloursare | playability 20% uite nice and you do get killed, | graphics 20% sometimes value formoney 20% Otherwise, I'm afraid it’s all too easy and unimaginative, Cosmic Residiers | :weve, as they have all climbed ‘othetop of high buildings and are £5.95 ‘waving about frantically. Even the Mikro-Gen, 24 Agar Crescent, | 0S: short-sighted alien coulda’ Bracknell, Berks. miss this lot Sill, save them you: must Defender by any other name... s | agaist landers, mutants, mother jus as difficult! Cosmic Raiders | shipsand the rest If things gett00 runs slowly and not particularly | ustrating, shooting humans is ‘Smoothly. ‘The spaceship. looks | easier than shooting aliens, and 's running on half evlinders, | often more satisfying! Firing the eraft’s laser freezes the | Bad for public relations, entire screen for a brief period. | though. Despite allthis, the game is good Ru. fun to play and will bring youback ‘i to the keyboard for another try. »} instructions 0% ‘As mh al dervativs ofthe | plavebiity 7 arcade massacre, the aim i to | sraphics preserve stupid humans from the | value formoney 70% Foverng allen Kidnappers. They are not making it ey for yOu, Meteor Storm £4.95 Quickslva, 92 Northam Road, Southampton S02 0PB (Cyan outlines of meteors skim across a plain black screen in classic Asteroid style. Occasional- ly a pink spaceship, firing yellow bullets, bounces randomly into view. Meteor Storm proved to be playable, enthralling and suffi- siently fast to provide a challenge. The meteors increase in number and speed as the score mounts, and an auclble warning greets the new reinforcement every 10,000 points. But this indistinct croak of “meteor alert” is hardly enough to justify the advertising boast of speech ‘The program includes a soph- isticated attract mode with a high score tale. Sound is used t0 good effect, and the meteors travel smoothly and quickly. The explo- sion displays could be better, though. You can orientate the attack craft in eight ways using the top row number keys, anda keyboard overlay isprovided. But control of the ship takes time to master, and the keys could have been Better selected. cL. instructions. playability sraphies value for money SPECTRUM eMart: fo) Wot e=) HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY 19 April 1983 Page 23 SPECTRUM SOFTWARE REVIEWS Ground Attack £5.95 Silversoft, 20 Orange Street, London WC2H JED Leapfrog £5.95 CDS Micro Systems, 10 Westfield Close, Tickhill, Doncaster, South Yorks DNILSLA ‘A sundard version of the arcade game Frogger, where a frog hast be guided through four lanes of traffic, across a river by leaping acros logs and tutes and finally into one of five homes. If the home is aeady oseupicd by a crocodile you are eaten, but if thereisadragontly there you score «50 point bonus. Othe aaa ain th UL Known to arcade devotees the long-suffering turtles sinking LeSeiinine conmbieuine bbeneath the waves, hence drown: | Keyboard seems to be read un-| Stiases, Ground, “Attack ing you, and a hungry snake lurk- | predictably. Sometimes I was cer- fides you with three ships | tactics dawn on you as you gain ing on ie sivebank hough 1 | fan {reed the comet Ky bat | ned its bombs and aes | eapericee, Detusion of ote neve encountered hi) ne | msgpereponsiattheriesthe |Your tak is to destoy enemy | of your ships. shown in a surlonandne Sioa | anpiinofarferadandir | Mgt, "mle, godin | meson and ce we, Be warned: this program is addictive. With each run that ends in disaster, and most of them do, you feel that the reasons for failure are obvious and avoidable. With a slight ‘change of tactics you should be able to do muci better. So you try again — and again — and again. ‘tractive graphics and sound, | to disaster. bee eins ertyeapeebames of tho the ture ate benny Sh fag ee eae ea ee and end of each game gets a bit feet fi ; 3 ight to left, begins in the | loaded without difficulty Bey ieeae Spay [Pen ait, but then goes into | Excuse me, I must practice or eae ee |e ia | Seamer emectn se | cee ese ‘of the game, bu with no ianova- | Value for money gm, | arora Seno Tee as tions. Its quite compulsive but Bae aga hea hhas one important fauit — the | Rai ie ie. comfortable to impossible, and | instructions 90% six control keys. playability 90% rome ats ane The instructions are brief | graphies 70% Planetoids er are your ou: | but adequate. You have. to | value for money 856% £4.95 ton, SPACE Tor fring, an | WOK out the soning bass fr | ay Psion, Sanhope Road, Camber- | ENTER is for thrusting.” You | ¥oUrself, and the optimum Jey, Surrey GUIS 3PS- i fyperagece: by: presing dy neecsiaing a sudden swipe atthe | @eybabate ex GHOSE | =r aehy0u. Younavciheop- Meteors, Asteroids, Panetotds,, | =" of the Reyboud in an portunity of eating up to four Maroy, Asc, Panel: | regen, £5.95 Peak akrtinioers ing out of synonyms for diting | , Yourshipmovesresponsivay | Crys Micro Systems, 10 Westie | & temporary chance of revenge. Sone debe In this version, | in all directions, and the graphs | Close Tickhi, Dorcates Seat | __ The controls used are | and Q Teintuing was formabeckerepes | a Benerally good and colourful, | Soa. DIT Sy for Upand Down, and Ofor Left

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