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Curbing smartphone addiction






In the 21st century, smartphones have dominated people’s lives thanks to the new

technology, their affordability and functionality leading to negative effects such as addiction.

Reports from various countries have shown how an increased number of people cannot go on

with their lives without using smartphones and almost half of these people cannot leave their

homes without carrying their smart phones. Surveys and reports on various articles show how

worker have become addicted to smartphones due to the introduction of the new technology at

work places. This paper will discuss some of the ways the ways that will help curb addiction to


Keeping yourself on a schedule is one way of curbing addiction to smartphones. This

strategy can be done through creating a schedule to check your smartphone through the use of an

alarm and is done in intervals of fifteen minutes, thirty minutes or after an hour and one is

required to go through their phone for only one minute then reset the timer. In this case, an

individuals are required to notify their fail and friends that they will not be able to respond to

their messages quickly to reduce the response-anxiety. Another strategy that can help reduce

smartphone addiction is turning off notifications on smartphones. Managing notifications is done

in the settings section of the smartphone whereby an individual only needed to leave

notifications on important applications such as the email, message and calendar application and

turn off notifications on social media applications such as Facebook and Instagram.

Nevertheless, removing distracting applications such as Facebook and Instagram from your

home screen is also another strategy to curb smartphone addiction. These distracting applications

can be replaced by reading applications or applications that encourage learning of a new

language or delete the distracting applications and opt to usage of smartphone web browser.

Restricting smartphone usage in certain areas in the use is also a way of curbing

smartphone addiction. This can be enforced in dining areas and bedrooms so that when it is time

to have meals, the family concentrates on eating and avoid distractions from their smartphones.

In bedrooms parents can replace use of smartphones to their children by telling or reading

bedtime stories from books. In addition, turning on phone grayscale helps curb smartphone

addiction. This strategy is done through making the phone screen less desirable to look at and

using non-colorful icons which is done in the accessibility section of the smartphone’s setting

category. Finally, use of smart speaker on smartphones also reduces addiction of smartphones.

Smart speakers such as google voice and amazon echo enables one live a screen free life and also

helps keep the smartphone off hand as they answer your basic question.

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