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The last holder of the office of standing counsel to the

Rameses saved the Egyptian camp and army by his personal

among their adversaries. The real failure of the prosecution

Post-Homeric sources add to the legend certain picturesque

1908); R. von Wettstein, Die Geschichte unserer Alpenflora

1724. She composed several cantatas, two pianoforte

intelligence. When he was twelve years old he was instructed

and mosques, and made the acquaintance of men to whom he

Operations on the Lakes.--The American people, who had

Discovery and Conquest of Guinea (Eng. trans., 2 vols.,

whole of the nation had now definitely taken sides in the

the passing of the act. While these cases related to a

Life of Addison (1843). Miss Aikin died at Hampstead, where

coast. They again subdivide into the actions of national

The chemistry of the alkaloids is treated in detail by Ame

not included in the Borough Reform Act, and the antiquated

projection of the red elixir is not rendered resistant to the

AUTHORITIES.--Edition of the Minhat Kenaot by M. L.

with a sickle, and a high stubble left on the ground as

m. distant by a branch of the same chaussee. (D. G. H.)

his ``occasionally'' printed sermons, when collected in

which, if injected with a hypodermic needle, soon produces

4. The principal step in the modern development of algebra was

to assume a protectorate over his dominions. But the

the murderer himself became zamorin (see Alex. Hamilton, ``A

proceeded in A.D. 863 to Moravia from Constantinople,

was afterwards made of large proportions and fixed in one

where the agent is Michael, and notice that such legendary

``Accolade'' is also a technical term in music-printing for

convention on the 7th of January 1861 After long debate this

model before the Greek mind having apparently been the goddess

particular interest as the earliest of various settlements in

of L. 30 and L. 10, for a design in monochrome for a figure picture.

substances. Society was organized in most cases on animal

The self-love theory of Hobbes, with its subtle perversions

Pic Gaspard. . . . . . . . . . 12,730 Mourre Froid . . . . . . . . . . .9,830

agriculturists. On the north the district is watered by the

taking refuge for a while with Thurkill's fleet, escaped to

of the stomach shows an approach to the ruminant condition

which usually affect the mind of a contemporary" (Gibbon).

two immediate successors, Ptolemy Philadelphus and Ptolemy

Genoa. Under the empire it was a municpium; an inscription

Fig. 2. -- View of the Ruins of the Pyramid Temple of

separate khanates fell back under the independent rule of

not conscious of his own translatory motion with the earth

arrangement, therefore, was not possible, even if they had

ft.). The Little Atlas, otherwise the Tell or Maritime Atlas,

in material wealth, leading to luxury and worldliness. The

tribes on the S.; leaving Gusinye and Plava to the S.E., it

The ruins of the city wall, now overgrown with jungle, show

besides a large number of ``press'' bulletins, which are

with water, so that it ultimately falls to a very fine

by his prerogative, so as to enable him to communicate an

not cross the Atlantic, and Laurens took little part in the
sale of butter substitutes assumed very large proportions, and

ALGAU, or ALLGAU, the name now given to a comparatively

quickly in full ascendancy. In May and June the sun shines

each delivers 6 or 7 amperes per sq. in. of cross-sectional

Prevention Act 1866 (29 & 30 Vict. c. 2) made compulsory the

ACHOLI, a negro people of the upper Nile valley, dwelling on

plants, the tall stem being crowned by racemes of showy

Manufactures.---The growth of manufactures in Alabama

The whip-forms are represented by Spirogyra, Chaetomorpha,

30s. after 1885, whilst in 1895 it fell to so low a level

in his various forms begins in the XIIth dynasty and becomes

Tagub. Roman mosaics, coins, the remains of an aqueduct, and

Glarus. One and a half mile from Altdorf by the Klausen road

art, which took their rise in the ancient Egyptian city of

traversed by low ranges or isolated groups of hills, which

troops entered the country and inflicted severe punishment

When acetylene is burnt from a 000 union jet burner, at all

and of harmony. The effect of sublimity is connected with

was a foundling in the village from which he derived his

ACCEPTILATION (from Lat. acceptilatio), in Roman and Scots

AITON, WILLIAM (1731-1793), Scottish botanist, was born

of mountains and deserts; but there are wide tracts of highly

refectory. The peculiarity of the arrangements of a Carthusian

and taken prisoner in the ensuing conflict at Momemphis; the

gratification of man. Socrates appears to have attached

depending on the quantity of surface merely. must exert a

serving some of the richer students. He was nineteen when he

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