Where The Lion Sleeps Tonight

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A Living Spycraft Mission for A Living Spycraft Mission for

Level 1 Agents Level 1 Agents

Where the Lion Where the Lion

Sleeps Tonight Sleeps Tonight
by Arne Reuter by Arne Reuter

his is a standard RPGA Network tournament

T for a team of four to six 1st-level agents

(though the serial’s challenges and XP rewards
are tiered so that the serial can be played by up to six
agents of levels 6, 11, or 16 as well). See the Living
Spycraft website, or the most recent Living Spycraft
Master Rules Document, for which agents may play
at each of these target average agent levels. Set aside
a four-hour time block for this event. Instruct the
players to leave the character sheets face down until
you have read the introduction.
The actual playing time should be about three
hours. Make sure to let the players use the last 20
to 30 minutes of the event time block to briefly
describe their characters for each other, and to vote
on each others’ performances during the mission.
Use the standard RPGA Network voting procedures.
Make sure you have finished voting before you collect
the players’ voting sheets, so you won’t be influenced
by their votes and comments.
A note about the text in this module — some of it is
written so that you may present it to the players, while
other text is for your eyes only. Text for the players
is presented in shaded boxes throughout the serial. It’s
strongly recommended that you paraphrase the player
text, instead of reading it aloud; some of the text is
general and must be adapted to the specific situation
or to the actions of the agents.


Requires the use of the Spycraft™ Espionage Handbook, Requires the use of the Spycraft™ Espionage Handbook,
published by Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc., and the published by Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.,
Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook, and the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast.® Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast.®

© 2004 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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How to Use This Product GC Introduction

Abbreviations The history of Southwest Africa has been one of instability
This adventure uses standard Spycraft NPC abbreviations, and strife. Dutch and English settlers first colonized the
as follows: fertile southern tip of Africa in the 16th century, and the
Atk Attack northwestern coast of Angola became a Portuguese stopover
Def Defense en route to India during the same period. The coastlines
Fort Fortitude between these colonies — a barren and inhospitable region
Init Initiative known as Namibia — never appealed to passing sailors,
Ref Reflex paving the way for the German Empire to annex the area
Spd Speed during the colonial race at the end of the 19th century.
SV Save The Namibian colony’s value suddenly skyrocketed when
v/wp vitality/wound points diamonds were found in its southern lands, prompting many
Will Willpower new German settlers to flock there in short order. Following
Ability scores are abbreviated as normal (see the Spycraft World War I, the League of Nations provided South Africa the
Espionage Handbook). mandate to rule Namibia, effectively ending official German
influence, except for settlers of German descent still living in
To prepare to run this serial, you should read it completely at the country.
least once. You may wish to print extra copies of the Namibia, Following World War II, the U.N. refused South Africa’s
Himba Krall camp, poacher’s camp, and SWAPO camp maps for bid to annex the territory, but nonetheless agreed to renew
ease of use as well. its mandate. As apartheid’s increasing influence all but
completely relegated Namibia’s native populace to a life
of forced labor, political parties formed to support peoples’
Spycraft rights. In 1960, these parties merged into the South West
This module requires the use of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Africa Peoples’ Organization (SWAPO), and began actively
PLAYER’S HANDBOOK, THIRD EDITION, published by Wizards of defending the Namibian territory from the bloody civil war
the Coast,® and the Spycraft™ Espionage Handbook, published by in Angola. They also supported the National Union for the
Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. You won’t be able to run this Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) from military bases
adventure without it. situated in northern Namibia.
Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer and all related marks are ™ and By the end of the 1980s, a U.N.-sponsored treaty finally
© 2004 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved. forced Cuban troops out of Angola and South African Troops
out of Namibia. U.N.-monitored elections were held
in November 1989 and SWAPO won in a landslide victory,
Where the lion making SWAPO leader Sam Nujoma the first (and still)
sleeps tonight president of the Namibian territory.
Author: Arne Reuter While nominally stable and one of the richest of Africa’s
Art Director: jim pinto countries, Namibia’s unresolved tribal issues, its colonial
Brand Manager: Patrick Kapera past, and a growing constitutional crisis between a gaining
Editor: Patrick Kapera opposition and the de facto dictatorial SWAPO government
Creative Director: Mark Jelfo make Namibia potentially vulnerable to manipulation.
Graphic Design: Nate Barnes This opportunity has not been overlooked. South African
Cover Illustration: G.W. McKee II diamond magnate William de Bruin seeks to establish a per-
Cartography: Cris Dornaus sonal kingdom in the beleaguered Namibian region. His plan
is to destabilize the country with a sudden crisis, then swoop
in and claim it with a sudden land grab.
Toward this end, de Bruin has tasked one of his henchmen,
Gerald Honeywell (codename: GENESIS), with abducting the
teenage daughters of several Windhoek-based diplomats.
GENESIS has in turn hired a group of ex-SWAPO bandits to
complete the mission, ordering their leader, Lukas Njambeli,
to kidnap and kill the girls, then dump then in Kaokoveld,
homeland of the Himba, a backward tribe who lives in
Namibia’s barren northwestern region. Njambeli took the
girls, but instead of killing them, has sequestered them in his
3 4

secret hideaway in the Caprivi region, planning to demand Scene 3: African Mysteries. The Himba are considered
a hefty ransom when the opportunity arises. a backward people, but they’re perfectly adapted to their
Meanwhile, GENESIS has bribed sometime-safari guide unforgiving environment, and as such, are very aware of what
Dieter Hehsemann to provide false testimony pointing to happens in their territory. If the agents decide to investigate
the Himba in order to ensure the girls’ bodies are found. and treat the Himba and their culture with respect, they gain
The testimony claims that the kidnapping are retribution the location of the girls from this unusual people.
for Namibian government plans to build a hydro power Scene 4: Rescue. The bandits’ hideaway is a paramilitary
station at the Epupa Falls on the Kunene River, in Himba base nestled in an old, long dried-out confluence of the
territory. This project is extremely important to Namibia and Okavango River, called ‘serpent valley’ in the local language.
neighboring Angola, but would force many Himba clans to A careful observation of the compound reveals the abductees’
relocate, and would be devastating to the Himba tribe and location, at which point the agents must come up with a plan
their ancient way of life. to bring them out alive.
In truth, very few of the Himba are even aware of the
planned construction, and none are aware of the kidnapping.
If the agents approach Chief Kuratanga diplomatically, they
Mission Briefing
find him welcoming, and interested in helping them to Read the following aloud to begin this serial.
thwart the accusations against his people.
Finally, the agents may encounter political journalist Anke You’re called into the briefing room on a Code: Yellow.
Wiese, of the German-language newspaper Allgemeine It’s strange being called in by beeper, and you’re restless
Zeitung, in which she regularly attacks the Namibian as you curiously get seated. Your Control begins the briefing
government-controlled media as a fraudulent and politically as soon as everybody is seated.
motivated rag. Wiese doubts the Himba’s involvement,
suspecting a government-engineered ploy to generate a reason “As of 2100 local time yesterday in Windhoek, Namibia, two
to force the Himba out of their homelands. girls were reported missing.”
A slide displays two pretty, roughly 18-year old blond girls
Serial Synopsis in modest, modern clothing. The backdrop of one photo is
a wide-ranging steppe dotted with scarce dry trees, while the
Where the Lions Sleeps Tonight follows the standard Living other is shot against a park with tropical flowers.
Spycraft serial format, and is divided into an introduction
and 4 scenes. “Silke Beckmann is eighteen and a student at the German
Mission Briefing and Gearing Up: The agents may bring International High School on Bülow Street in Windhoek.
small items into the mission zone via diplomatic baggage, Her father, Holger Beckmann, is the German Ambassador
but must procure all additional gear locally. Hotel rooms are to Namibia. Silke’s closest friend, Heike Bach, is one year old.
already booked for them in the city of Windhoek. The girls left school together around 1400 hours, presumably
Scene 1: Into Africa. The agents arrive in Windhoek and headed to a café on nearby Adler Street. Another patron
may gather additional information at the local embassy, at the café, Dieter Hehsemann, watched the girls disappear
a local school, Hehsemann’s apartment, and the police head- into a small alley, closely followed by a white Land Rover.
quarters. They should also get a feel for Africa here. Ideally, The vehicle’s license plate was illegible, obscured by red dust
the team follows Hehsemann’s suggestion to employ local that covered most of the lower half and back of the car.
hunters (leading to Scene 2), or follow Wiese’s lead to the The occupants of the car worn the style and dress of ‘modern
Himba (leading to Scene 3). Himba’ tribesmen, according to witnesses.
Scene 2: Hunted. Far off the beaten path, Hehsemann leads “The girls haven’t been seen since. While several adjacent
the agents to a group of experienced hunters, though discreet buildings have back doors and delivery entrances onto the alley,
investigation reveals them to be poachers. During the following questioning tenants and storeowners has thus far yielded no
night, the agents awake to an empty camp, blood soaking pertinent information.
the tents to attract roaming lions, supposedly providing the
cover-up for a “tragic hunting accident.” If the agents “The Namibian police are looking for the girls, but they’re
survive, they find their off-road vehicle sabotaged and understaffed and overwhelmed. Ambassador Beckmann has
are forced to hike back to Windhoek. Unfortunately, called in a few favors, asking us for help. You’re to travel to
the poachers have set up an ambush en route to catch any Namibia, find Beckmann’s daughter and her friend, and bring
survivors in crossfire with their powerful hunting rifles. them home alive. You’re to strictly avoid all potential diplo-
Alternatively, if the agents linger at the camp, the poachers matic complications, but may otherwise use whatever means
come looking for bodies, possibly running into an ambush you deem necessary.
themselves. Questioning the poachers reveals additional clues Continued on page 6.
to the ultimate plot.
5 6

“Local supply and communication channels are shaky. Beyond • Starlight lenses (1 GP).
a few items we’ll be able to slip in through diplomatic pouches, • Telescopic lenses (2 GP).
you’ll have to largely fend for yourself. Also, don’t expect
cell phones to operate anywhere but major settlements. • Thermographic lenses (2 GP).
Even satellite phones might experience difficulties due to the
low satellite density over the region. This time, agents, we’re Scene 1: Into Africa
counting on you to rely on your wits and the resources at hand.”
Agent Description
Read the following when the agents enter this scene.
Gearing Up
This mission is Code: Yellow. An embassy car awaits you in Windhoek and ferries you
directly to Ambassador Beckmann’s office. Once there,
The GC should allow the agents no more than 20–30 minutes you’re ushered into a quiet, sparsely appointed reception
to choose gear and plan how to approach the mission. room. The room smells of wood and leather and features
Because of the limited volume permitted in diplomatic memorabilia of colonial times long past, including old
baggage, the entire team’s gear — including weapons — hunting rifles, antique sabres, and an ostentatious picture of
may not exceed the size of 1 standard suitcase. In country, the German foreign minister.
the entire team may requisition 1 additional batch of gear
and gadgets not exceeding the same volume once per Five minutes later, the tall, blond-haired aristocrat enters
24-hour period, at 150% of the standard BP and/or GP cost the room, closely followed by an aide. Impeccably dressed,
(rounded up). Holger Beckmann greets you, shaking your hand and asking,
The team may, of course, purchase additional gear with “So, you’re the team who’ll be bringing my Silke back
field expenses on site, and may use the black market to do home, then?”
so, but the cost of each item is increased by an additional
50% (rounded up). GC Description
The basic premise behind this mission is to pit the team
This scene takes place at location #1 on the Namibia map
against an alien environment in which they have to depend
(see pages 39–40).
on their own skills and ingenuity to thrive.
This is Africa — and not. Windhoek lies on a high plateau,
Bundles 1,700 meters above sea level, and is dry and cool, especially
when compared to the jungle climate the team might have
The following bundle(s) are available to agents during the
expected after the briefing.
Gearing Up phase of this serial only. They may not be chosen
On the way to the embassy from the airport, the agents
at any other time during this serial, or during any other
witness some of the local wildlife: kudu and springbuck
serial, unless expressly stated otherwise by the Living
antelopes, farm ostriches, and families of warthogs, nick-
Spycraft Master Rules Document or the serial in question.
named ‘radio-controlled animals’ because their tails stick
This bundle is expressly useful for the mission as presented
straight up like the antennae of RC cars.
during this serial’s briefing (not particularly later scenes),
The German colonial influence is still very prevalent
and the GC should make this clear during this phase.
in street and building architecture and names, especially at
African Safari Bundle (25 BP) Windhoek’s city center. Very few buildings reach as high as
7 to 8 stories. In central Windhoek, one is rather reminded
1 set of safari clothing, magnetic compass, regional maps
of a small European city — the streets are paved and the
(Namibia), 1 pair of night vision goggles or 1 pair of binoculars,
curbs well tended. There is no bazaar atmosphere, no hectic
survival kit, canteen, flashlight, first aid kit, 1 antidote shot,
hawking and begging as one might expect.
headset radio with 2-mile range, digital camera with either
The agents’ first indication that they’re in Africa is a group
super-telephoto or infrared filter lens.
of native women clothed in colorful, 19th century dresses
Recommended Gadgets and elaborate headgear. These Herero are the second-most
numerous tribespeople in Namibia, behind President Sam
If time is short or the GC wishes to get straight to
Nujoma’s Ovambo.
the action, it’s encouraged that he assign gadgets from the
The agents may potentially interview Ambassador
following list, or allow the agents to normally requisition
Beckmann, Herr Botschafter Holger Beckmann, Chief of
gadgets from these options.
Police Patrick Muwambe, reporter Frau Anke Wiese, and the
• Standard armor liner clothing (1 GP). kidnapping’s sole witness, Herr Dieter Hehsemann. No skill
check is required to collect the following information.
• Standard grappling hook belt (1 GP).
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Ambassador Beckmann Herr Dieter Hehsemann

Representing the Federal Republic of Germany in Namibia Hehsemann is an occasionally employed — and not very
is a fairly easy assignment as both governments entertain successful — safari guide entrenched in the less savory side
quite cordial relations, and Beckmann is therefore confident of the Windhoek German-language community. The local
that the Namibian state police will do their best to find the police rate his trustworthiness as only ‘adequate’.
girls. But he’s equally enthused that an international team of An ascetic white, dark brown-haired man of 35 years
specialists has been sent in to help, and invests great energy of age, Hehsemann has a nervous tick: when confronted
into the effort, even though he has little of substance to offer. directly, his left eye begins to twitch. He claims to have seen
In addition to the contents of the police report, Beckmann the girls disappear into an alley, followed by a 90s-model
knows only that neither of the girls were wearing revealing white Toyota all-terrain vehicle. The car’s four passengers
clothes, nor are their parents lucrative targets for ransom looked to be members of the Himba tribe, a backward sect
demands. living to the northwest. Hehsemann identified them by their
slender build and the elongated shape of their heads,
Chief of Police Patrick Muwambe claiming after 30 years in the bush he could “smell the
A pock-scarred, heavy-set Ovambo in his fifties, origin of a native, if need be”.
Windhoek’s Chief Inspector of Police answers only to the After Hehsemann heard a car accelerating in the alley,
Minister of the Interior. Without a municipal police force, he went to have a look and spotted the same car speeding
the state police are responsible for all of Namibia. Muwambe away and disappearing around a corner. The girls were
knows what Hehsemann reported and the results of the crime nowhere to be seen, but could have exited the alley, so
scene investigation: that rubber tire tracks indicated sharp Hehsemann wasn’t immediately suspicious. But when the
acceleration by a vehicle matching Hehsemann’s testimony. Allgemeine Zeitung reported the girls missing, Hehsemann
Unfortunately, additional findings are still pending, and remembered the incident and immediately went to the police.
Muwambe is loath to hand out potentially false information. If the team hints that they might travel north to the
Himba, Hehsemann offers to act as their guide, claiming
Frau Anke Wiese to know experienced hunters who can help. The price
Anke is outraged about the general media’s coverage of the he demands is not outrageous, but rather stiff — a flat fee
kidnapping, which blames the incident on the escalating of $2,000 for the entire trip.
conflict between the Himba people and the central government If the agents ask to examine Hehsemann’s behavior,
of President Sam Nujoma over the Epupa Falls power station a successful Sense Motive check opposed by his Bluff skill
project (see page 3). Wiese feels strongly that this is ridicu- determines that he’s lying (though not how or why). Should
lous. She knows the Himba to be a very traditional and the agents become suspicious of Hehsemann, they can try
kindly people who excel at surviving with the scarce to break in into his apartment, a three-room affair in
resources provided by the desert. In her opinion, all these a run-down, semi-industrial area in northern Windhoek.
unfortunate tribesmen are guilty of is falling victim to
Living Room: The untidy living room is poorly lit, sunlight
a government that doesn’t allow them to live the life they
blocked by dirty windows and grimy shades. With a successful
choose. She speculates that the government might have
Search check (DC 10/15/20/25), the team finds several
prompted the incident in order to produce leverage to use
German-language magazines under the coffee table, some
against the Himba, speeding up the economically important
of them of the nationalistic sort, called “Der Afrikaner”.
project, but since she doesn’t have any evidence, she can’t
Bathroom: This area contains only the barest hygiene
publish her story — yet.
articles, and hasn’t been cleaned in many weeks.
If the agents become stuck, Wiese suggests they visit the
Bedroom: With a successful Search check (DC 10/15/20/25),
Himba. For all the tribe’s backward ways, they know their
the team finds a hunting rifle tucked under the bed, as well
territory very well and might be able to give more detailed
as ammunition and a collection of raunchy magazines
information from their unique perspective.
in the closet. With a second successful Search check
Finally, Wiese angles throughout the serial to obtain
(DC 15/20/25/30), the team finds an envelope taped to the
the exclusive story behind the kidnappings, and will ask
back of the nightstand, containing $1,000 in local currency
the agents to contact her with any important information.
a single slip of paper reading, “Njambeli.”
She assures the agents that she will paint all parties — except
the kidnappers, of course — in the best possible light, ‘Njambeli’ is a keyword Hehsemann overheard during
and leave the agents’ names out of it. (She is in fact being a phone conversation with his employer. He made note of it,
completely genuine here, and can actually help the current just in case he could use it later to make some money or get
Namibian political situation if the agents work with her — out of a jam. If the agents use it to threaten Hehsemann,
see Debriefing, page 24, for more information.) he reveals that a ‘civilized’ man in a gray summer suit
approached him at the Café Wiesbaden. Obviously knowing
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Hehsemann by reputation, this man offered him the $1,000 One road passes through Etosha Park, and the gates are
to give false testimony, assuring him that the girls would closed at dusk each night — not to keep the animals in,
go unharmed. Hehsemann has no idea where the girls but to keep humans out. Allowing tourists to roam here in
are currently located. the dark would be manslaughter.
Hehsemann knows ‘Njambeli’ is a name, but doesn’t The poachers make their camp just outside the Etosha pan,
remember whose. to the southeast. They make their living hunting endangered
species and selling hides and body parts on the black market,
Security especially to Asia. Long since sentenced to death for their
Hehsemann’s apartment is secured with a normal wooden crimes, they have no qualms about new action against the
door (hardness 4, 8 wound points, and a Break DC of 12). state. Hehsemann has been one of their strongest business
The door may be unlocked with a successful Open Lock check connections, both legal and illegal, often placing them in
(DC 15/20/25/30). touch with rich would-be game hunters seeking dangerous
nighttime excursions into the national park.
Troubleshooting The hunters’ leader is Martin De Vries, a former Rhodesian
It should soon become clear that there is not much more landowner, farmer, and active supporter of racial separation.
information to be had. If the agents spend too much time His band is comprised of a collection of local and immigrant
tracking down clues after Hehsemann and Wiese have been hirelings loyal to money and to him alone (in that order).
interviewed, Beckmann asks for an update, then demands Hehsemann didn’t expect his testimony to stir up so much
they pursue what they have (his worry and impatience are dust, and when the agents started nosing around, they
obvious). became a threat the false witness intends to eliminate.
If the agents refuse to pursue either option, Muwambe’s He arranged for a little hunting accident, trusting De Vries’
officers find a shoe and a key chain belonging to Silke band to do the job for him.
Beckmann by a roadside in Himba territory, pointing them The hunters provide an empty spot in the camp’s south-
in the right direction. eastern corner to pitch their tents. After the agents are asleep,
they spread antelope blood around the agent’s tent while
Development one of them watches the tent with an infrared scope.
This scene sets the theme for the remainder of the serial. Then they sabotage the agents’ vehicle, pushing their own
With any luck, the GC is able to impart Namibia’s complex land rovers beyond listening range, and then drive away,
history and the groups and motives potentially behind the leaving the agents to their fate.
kidnapping (see GC Introduction, page 2). The team should In the deep of night, the smell of blood attracts a pack
very soon decide to either follow Wiese’s suggestion to visit of lions, which start to circle the camp. The lion’s roar wakes
the Himba or take up Hehsemann’s offer to employ some the agents, at which point each should make an education
experienced hunters. check (DC 15/20/25/35). Each agent who succeeds with this
check recognizes the smell of blood heavy in the air.
Once any agent leaves his tent, the lions pounce and combat
Scene 2: Hunted commences as standard (see Threats, page 12).
During the combat, if any characters seek refuge in the car,
Agent Description the lions jump on the hood, spend 1 half action to smash the
Read the following aloud when the agents enter this scene. windshield, and reach in to attack with their claws. If any
If Hehsemann guides the agents, the hunters recognize him characters try to climb the tree when 1 or more lions are
and wave the team to park their all-terrain car. A racially adjacent to him, he must make a successful Climb check
mixed group of twelve men sits around the small campfire, opposed by the lions’ Jump skills to avoid being pulled back
drinking beer and talking quietly. When the team enters the down, losing his action. (Also remember that a lion can climb
circle, a huge blond man looks up and says, “So Hehsemann, a tree as well.)
are these the Kerle we’re supposed to hunt the Himba for?” If the agents think to overwhelm the smell — for example,
by burning rubber at the blooded sites — the lions lose interest
GC Description and flee into the night.
This scene takes place at location #2 on the Namibia map During the fight with the lions, the team must coordinate
(see pages 39–40). closely in order not to avoid losing its weakest member.
While the majority of Namibia is a dry desert, the Etosha Once the agents weather the attack and notice the poachers
Pan National Park contains numerous watering holes. are missing, they may either walk back to the closest road
The vegetation here is lusher, the desert shifting to savannah or — if they deduce correctly that the poachers will return
and bushlands. Wildlife is bountiful here, but that also means to make sure their ‘hunting accident’ went according to plan
that predators have an easier time finding prey. Leopards, — setting their own ambush for the poachers.
cheetah, and hyena survive well in this park, but the true If the agents head for the road, they wander into the
ruler is the lion, the strongest of all predators and the most poachers’ trap. Four poachers have set themselves up on
feared in Namibia, for he is a man-eater. a hill 400 ft. from the road, and open fire with their hunting
11 12

rifles as the agents come into view at that range. See the padlock requiring a successful Open Lock or Break check
Fixer/Pointman Class Guide, page 60, for information about (DC 20/25/30/35) to access, and contains minor personal
running ambushes. If this book is unavailable, the agents gear, $3d20, and several passports (with the same photos,
may make a Spot check (DC 15/20/25/30) to spot the poachers but different names). Additionally, De Vries stays in this tent,
before they fire; otherwise, the poachers gain the benefits and his locker contains 4 rolled stacks of hundred-dollar
of 1 standard surprise round. The poachers’ weapons are bills, amounting to $3,500 in U.S. currency.
considered to be braced at the start of this encounter, 3. Bunk Tents (Locals): Within this tent are 5 field cots, each
granting them a +1 circumstance bonus with all attacks made accompanied by a wooden chest and a few makeshift shelves
against the agents. If the agents approach closer than 100 ft. for minor personal gear like canteens, tribal fetishes, and
to the poachers’ roost, the poachers fall back to the other side animal bones. Within each unlocked chest are several articles
of the hill and head for their car at its base. of colorful clothing and faded photos of native families.
If the agents set up their own ambush, the poachers return 4. Bunk Tent (Hehsemann): Within this small and recently
by early afternoon, carefully approaching from two sides. See erected 1-man tent, clothes are carelessly strewn about and
the Fixer/Pointman Class Guide, page 60, for information a bottle of cheap South African liquor sits on a single stool.
about running ambushes. If this book is unavailable, A closed sports bag tucked under the tent’s only cot contains
the poachers may make a Spot check opposed by the agents’ Hehsemann’s personal effects, as well as 1 thick, rolled stack
Hide skills to spot the ambush before it’s sprung; otherwise, of hundred-dollar bills, amounting to $1,500 in U.S. currency.
the agents gain the benefits of 1 standard surprise round Mess Tent: Within this long tent are a gas stove, some
(and whatever appropriate circumstance benefits they are kitchen utensils, and several boxes of canned food.
due, per the GC’s discretion).
Map Key: Poachers’ Camp The lions are dangerous — this is their territory, and they
The poachers’ camp is set up in a shallow depression in rule the night. Each lions is automatically considered to be
order to hide it from curious eyes. Along its north side are hidden at the start of the combat (see the Spycraft errata
three 6-ft. tall tents, each with enough room to bunk 4–6 v1.5, page 17). Each animal strives to pounce upon an agent,
people. The aluminum boxes behind these tents are carefully grappling him and then inflicting damage during the grapple
stacked and secured with padlocks requiring a successful using its bite and claw attacks. The first target of any lion is
Open Lock or Break check (DC 10/15/20/25) to access. Some the nearest ‘weak’ character (i.e. the nearest character lying
are empty, others contain heavy but mundane gear, and one prone), followed by the nearest target. If a lion loses 1 or
contains several ‘water’ satchels filled with antelope blood more wound points, it attempts to withdraw and retreat.
(which is used to set up the lion trap to
eliminate the agents — see opposite).
The trees in the area are pathetic, dried Poacher’s camp
up affairs. Only the southernmost of them waste
features a limb that appears stout enough
crates dump
to support a human at a height of about
8 ft. Reaching this limb requires a successful
Climb check (DC 10/15/20/25).
1. Bunk Tent #1 (Germans): Within this 3
tent are 4 field cots, each accompanied by 2
a mosquito net, a locked aluminum chest, 1
a 6-ft. high metal locker, and a few
makeshift shelves for personal gear like
canteens, weapons cleaning gear, binocu-
lars, and the like. Each chest is secured
with a padlock requiring a successful Open mess agent’s
Lock or Break check (DC 20/25/30/35) to tent tent
access, and contains minor personal gear,
$3d20, and several passports (with the
same photos, but different names).
2. Bunk Tent #2 (Germans): Within this
tent are 4 field cots, each accompanied by 4
a mosquito net, a locked aluminum chest,
a 6-ft. high metal locker, and a few make-
shift shelves for personal gear like canteens,
weapons cleaning gear, binoculars, and
the like. Each chest is secured with a
13 14

Security GC Description
In this case, the agents provide the security. If they set up This scene takes place at location #3 on the Namibia map
a guard while the rest of the team sleeps, that agent makes (see pages 39–40).
a Listen check opposed by the poachers’ Move Silently skills The Kaokoveld is one of the last remaining wilderness
to notice the poachers spreading blood around the tent. regions in South Africa, a world of incredible mountain scenery
With failure, the scene continues as scripted, with the agents and a refuge for the rare desert-dwelling elephant, black rhino,
alerted to the lions’ presence by their fierce roars. and giraffe. It is also home to the Himba tribespeople. Although
the harsh area offers little respite at midday, the rugged
Troubleshooting landscape is especially attractive during the early morning and
Suspicious characters might (rightly) not trust the poachers, late afternoon, when it’s bathed in softly glowing pastel shades.
and pursue them after their attempt to soak the area The country has one of the lowest population densities in
surrounding the agents’ tent with antelope blood. If the agents the world, the huge and silent landscape hosting only 5,000
engage the poachers in combat, or even a heated argument Himba (roughly 1 person per 2 square kilometers).
or interrogation, the lions intervene, drawn either by the The Himba live a semi-nomadic life, moving from one
blood or the chaos at the camp, or both. Such a combat home to another several times a year to seek strong grazing
resolves as standard. land for their livestock. They are slender and graceful,
wearing few clothes and rubbing their bodies and braided
Development hair with red ochre and fat for protection from the sun.
Should 1 or more poachers become captured, they imme- This gives their skin a rich red hue. The women are noted
diately break under any pressure, volunteering information for intricate hairstyles and traditional adornments.
for their freedom. They reveal a name they heard from With a successful Cultures check (DC 20/25/30/35), the agents
Hehsemann: ‘Njambeli’ (best known for Jobe Njambeli, can glean the following about the culture.
a SWAPO freedom fighter who stood alongside now-President
• The Himba don’t usually speak English. Those who do dislike comments
Sam Nujoma — and father of Lukas Njambeli, the leader
about their ‘backwardness’.
of the kidnappers, though the poachers don’t know this).
They also reveal a location they heard from Hehsemann: • Openly ogling the women is sure to offend them.
‘serpent valley’ (which is known to be located in the Caprivi
• Taking anything, even from seemingly abandoned huts, is considered theft.
region). With this information in hand, the agents may either
continue into the Caprivi (and to Scene 3), or head back to • Littering along the countryside is an affront against the spirits of the land.
Windhoek to re-supply and try to either find Hehsemann or
visit the Himba (entering Scene 2). If Wiese is with the agents, she tells them all this, when asked.
The Himba honor ancient gods, the Land and Fire. They
are backward, not dumb, experts in desert survival and
Scene 3: extremely efficient hunters and stalkers (though not inclined
African Mysteries to kill otherwise). Additionally, their informal network keeps
close track of all foreigners in their territory (information of
Agent Description great use to the agents during this mission).
Read the following aloud when the agents enter this scene. Himba homes are simple cone-shaped structures of
saplings bound together with palm leaves and plastered with
Leaving the lone well-paved road to the north, it seems like mud and dung. Animal enclosures are often attached, keep-
you’re heading into the bush. After hours, you encounter ing each village’s mainstay close at hand, protected by all.
small groups of small, red-brown skinned natives, clothed Some larger villages are surrounded by an enclosure of dead
in nothing but loin clothes. The men carry spears or short thorn bushes, called a Kraal. Such is the case here.
bows, and the proud women carry woven baskets, and are The village’s headman and shaman dominate the tribal
often surrounded by small children. structure, and may be identified with a successful Gather
Information check (20/25/30/35). This village’s headman is
Halting your vehicle amidst a meager assemblage of small named Kuratanga. Kuratanga speaks broken English. When
clay huts, you see that civilization has made its impression the agents first encounter him, one among them must make
after all — a ‘bottle store’ made of metal sheets has been a Diplomacy check (DC 15/20/25/30), with which they gain a
constructed in the village center, its outside walls covered +2 synergy bonus if he possesses 5 or more ranks in the
with an artfully arranged soda caps and aluminum beer cans. Cultures skill. With success, and unless the agents insult the
An elderly man approaches you with quirky movements, Himba as described earlier in this section, Kuratanga agrees
stretching his thin hands in your directions. “You wan’ giv’ to talk with the agents at length, ‘when he is one with the
gifts, yes?” he asks in broken English. spirit world.’
15 16

Kuratanga doesn’t appear again until dusk, when he cerned about repercussions. Kuratanga, being somewhat bet-
emerges from his dwelling, clad in animal hides and orna- ter versed in the ways of the outside world, fears what could
ments of iron and bone, and prepares a holy fire of herbs. happen if his tribe is blamed, however, and works with the
After half an hour, he tells the team that they can ask their agents to clear their name once he hears of the trouble.
questions, and sits to listen.
Like all Himba, Kuratanga shares freely in times of need, Map Key: Himba Krall
but his approach is simple (he don’t know how to count, for The semi-nomadic Himba’s most prized possessions are their
example — what he sees, he asks for). While most Himba animals. In order to protect them from prowling predators,
don’t even understand the concept of a national government, traditional Himba villages are arranged in a Kraal — two large
Kuratanga does, and that the Epupa Falls dam project will rings of dense and spiky dried bush enclosing a village center
severely change his peoples’ lives, likely destroying their cul- where the huts and their attached pens are grouped. The central
ture forever. He is very willing to help the agents — if they in courtyard sports a large carved ceremonial pole and is used as
turn agree to help him clear the Himba name. a meeting point and for tribe ceremonies.
During the evening discussion, the team may learn the fol- 1. Headman Kuratanga’s Hut: The village’s largest hut is
lowing. only matched by the shaman’s ornamented dwelling, housing
Kuratanga’s young wife and her three small children. Apart
• A ‘house that moves’ recently entered Himba lands and turned toward ‘the
from pretty hides, well-made ornaments, tribal jewelry, and
morning sun’ until it arrived at the big river past the dry land. Four black
hunting bows, nothing of value is found here.
warriors lived in the hut, along with ‘two women with hair like sunshine’.
2. Shaman’s Hut: This hut smells of herbs and smoke.
• The hut stopped at a village in the ‘serpent valley’, where a strong Bushels of dried herbs and branches are hung along its walls,
tribe resides. and several clay pots found here contain pastes and strange
(though non-toxic) liquids.
• This tribe does not follow the ways of the land anymore, and is not Himba.

If presented with a map, neither Kuratanga nor his shaman Threats

knows how to identify the landmarks of which they speak. The Himba are hunters, not warriors. For the most part,
If they are to lead the agents there, they must do so personally. they have remained neutral bystanders in bygone conflicts,
The Himba have not abducted the girls and are uncon- not understanding the plight of either side. As such, they are

Himbra Krall gate

walls of
dried thorn

1 2


17 18

like snakes — they only become a threat when threatened The presence of Armored Fighting Vehicles and several
themselves. If attacked, all 18 of the village’s men won’t hesitate manned, east-facing sandbag fortifications hint that some-
to respond in furious retribution. thing more dangerous than antelope lurks in the dense forest.
Security An officer in combat fatigues approaches you. “Welcome to
Should an agent feel the need to sneak around the village, the Caprivi game park,” he says. “Are you looking for a con-
he must make a Move Silently check opposed by the tribes- voy to join?”
peoples’ Listen skills. Also, if he tries to move through the
thorn bushes, he must an Escape Artist check (DC 20/25/30/35) GC Description
or suffer 1d3 points of normal damage. The agent suffers
This scene takes place at location #4 on the Namibia map
the same damage if he rushes through a thorn bush without
(see pages 39–40).
making the skill check (e.g. as part of a move action).
The Caprivi is Namibia’s Achilles heel. Originally planned as
Troubleshooting a direct route to the German colonies at the eastern coast of
Africa, the Caprivi now borders unstable Angola before
If the team both insults Kuratanga or the tribe, and fails
widening into a spearpoint flanked by Zambia to the North and
to gain leads pointing to Scene 4, they may find themselves
Botswana to the South. These 190 kilometers (or 120 miles) of
with no clear direction. In this case, Wiese informs them that
dense jungle are impossible to patrol, allowing bandits and
one of her contacts saw members of the Njambeli resistance
guerillas from Angola to pass through and make frequent camp
group enter the Caprivi with two blonde white girls. The team
here, when the situation in Angola becomes too hot for them.
can pick up from there.

Development Map Key: Old SWAPO Camp

Njambeli’s camp is located toward the eastern end of this
Ideally, the agents take the Himba seriously and believe
bottleneck, at an old, dried-out confluence of the Okavango
the shaman’s claim that the girls are in the ‘serpent valley’
River. Nestled between two 20-ft. high ridges to the north
by the ‘great river behind the desert’. Following this lead
and south, and a mosquito- and poisonous snake-infested
takes them to Scene 4.
swamp to the east, the camp is well guarded by heavy
weapons and minefields.
Scene 4: Rescue The compound is surrounded on three sides by a razor wire
barricade, within which foot patrols beat a steady path.
Agent Description Facing to the west, between the wire and the path, foxholes are
dug at irregular intervals, and to the southwest, the bandits
Read the following aloud when the agents enter this scene.
have dumped empty oil barrels and broken machinery parts.
The huts around the waste dump aren’t occupied. To the
Following the B8 national route, you arrive in the far northeast, southeast, a pen contains goats, and in the middle of
passing three improvised road stops manned by Namibian the compound is a well, the pump operated by hand.
soldiers. You eventually come to a permanent military post The remaining huts serve as barracks, but are not fully occu-
barring the paved road towards Botswana, consisting of several pied. All buildings and a few of the paths are protected
barrack buildings, a small store, and a bar. Here, the landscape against aerial observation by dense camouflage nets, casting
around you changes tremendously. In place of the yellow-red comfortable shadow over the whole location.
savannah, you suddenly find the lush greens of a tropical All in all, the compound resembles a village more than
rainforest. a military base, its residents wearing only the loosest
uniforms and chatting, laughing, and preparing food with
A large, roadside sign reads as follows. little routine.

Caprivi Game Reserve — Bagani Checkpoint. 1. Vehicle Sheds: These buildings contain the villains’
Travelers may not leave the main road. vehicles, three aging box trucks and four military jeeps.
No accommodation or facilities available. The sheds open toward the street and do not feature windows.
2. Communication Shack/Command Post: This shifty, two-
Distance to Kongola 190 kilometres. High-risk story hut is sandbagged to a height of 5 ft. from the outside.
malaria area. Precautions necessary. Inside, it contains only two rooms — the lower level is filled
The Caprivi was named after General Georg Leo von with radios and maps of the immediate region and the upper
Caprivi, successor to Bismarck as German Chancellor. level contains some antennae and a freshly installed, hi-tech
communication device that allows scrambled communication
Please beware that game, especially kudu, roan antelopes via satellite. All of this building’s doors and windows are
and elephants, can unexpectedly cross the road. unlocked. A crude, unrailed staircase is the only entry to the
upper level.
19 20

3. Commander’s Hut: The compound’s largest building Security

is a wooden two-story hut housing Lukas Njambeli’s living
The camp’s razor wire has a hardness of 6, 8 wounds, and
quarters and command center. A roofed porch allows him to
a Break DC of 20. When an agent attempts to pass through
oversee the compound. The entrance is in the middle of the
the barrier, he must make a Climb check (DC 16/16/16/16).
front wall, the door missing. Inside, two open doorways open
With failure, he suffers 1d6 normal damage.
to the left and right, and a stairway leads to the upper floor.
The camp’s minefields are well buried, but periodically set
To the left, crude chairs sit around a large table and worn and
off by wandering animals, making them relatively easy
marked maps dot the wall. To the right, disorderly boxes
to notice. As the agents approach the camp, they may make
of equipment contain MREs, clothing, blankets, and other
a Spot check (DC 10/15/20/25). With success, the agents
spoils of war without immediate value.
may make a Search check (DC 15/20/25/30) to navigate the
Upstairs and to the left lies Njambeli’s private study, where
minefield without triggering it.
several locked ammunition and weapons chests are found.
Finally, scrambling down the nearby cliffs unnoticed
Each of these chests may be accessed with a successful Open
requires a successful Move Silently check, opposed by the
Lock check (DC 20/25/30/35), and contain tactical maps
residents’ Listen skills. If an agent approaching the camp in
of Namibia, Windhoek, the Caprivi and bordering regions
this fashion possesses 5 or more ranks in the Climb skill,
of Angola, Zambia, and Botswana, as well as a black sports
he gains a +2 synergy bonus with this Move Silently check.
bag with about $100,000 U.S. Also located in the study is
a detailed computer-printed plan for abducting the German Events
ambassador’s daughter in Windhoek within a pre-defined
Once an alarm is raised or shots are fired, soldiers arm
three-day span.
themselves and run to their posts, doubling their number
Upstairs and to the right lies Njambeli’s bedroom. Here the
at each numbered location after 5 rounds, tripling their
agents may find the two girls, Silke Beckmann and Heike
number at each location after 10 rounds, and quadrupling
Bach. Their left wrists are tied to an iron-frame bed with
their number at each location after 15 rounds. Njambeli
6 ft.-long chains (hardness 10, 5 wound points, Break DC 26).
makes a beeline for his bedroom, planning to use the girls
Freeing them requires a successful Open Lock check
as a bargaining chip.
(DC 20/25/30/35). Both girls are in physically good condition.
Emotionally, they’re ragged and desperate to go home. Development
4. Machinegun Emplacement: This advanced machinegun
The outcome of this scene concludes the serial, after which
nest is dug 3 ft. into the earth and surrounded by a 1-ft. high
the agents are debriefed in Windhoek.
wall of sandbags (hardness 5, 120 wounds, no Break DC).
Two guards are always located here, manning a 5.56×45mm
NATO Vektor SS-77 GPMG machinegun with 200 shots Rewards
of standard military ball ammunition.
Keep track of the agents’ accomplishments throughout this
5. Machinegun Bunker and Tower: The camp’s entrance
serial and reward them with the following XP at its end.
is closed by razor wire coiled around a wooden frame.
In this serial, the GC should give out the first-tier reward
A stout log and sandbag bunker guards the camp’s gate,
if this serial if played at 5th-level, the second-tier reward if
offering 10-in. high, 3-ft. wide slits facing north, west,
the serial is played at 10th-level, the third-tier reward if the
and south. Two guards are located within, armed with
serial is played at 15th-level, and the fourth-tier reward if the
a RFAS RPG-7 rocket launcher and three 40mm HE rockets
serial is played at 20th-level.
in addition to their standard weapons. Ten feet above
All XP rewards have an associate letter (“A”, “B”, “C”, etc.),
the bunker, another guard is located on a wooden tower with
indicating their difficulty and benefit within a ‘mini-tree’
a hardness of 5, 40 wounds, and no Break DC, manning
of XP rewards. Though the agents might complete multiple
a second 5.56×45mm NATO Vektor SS-77 GPMG machinegun
objectives within a tree, they only ever earn the XP for the
with 200 shots of standard military ball ammunition.
highest letter of any tree for which they qualify.
Example: When an agent completes a “C”-class objective,
This is a potentially team-lethal scene. Despite their jovial
he earns the “C”-class reward only. He may not also gain
lifestyle, the camp’s residents expect intervention and raid
the XP reward for any other lettered objective in the same
at any time, having lived in this beleaguered region all their
mini-tree (in this case, he may not also earn the rewards
lives, and their heavy armaments easily outpower anything
for either the “A”-class objective or the “B”-class objective.
the agents can muster in the region. They make good use
of natural cover and try to lead enemies into crossfire or the
Note: Living Spycraft experience is never earned until
minefields whenever possible. On the up side, the residents
the end of a serial, and agents may never gain levels during
likely don’t communicate as efficiently as the agents, possessing
the course of a Living Spycraft serial.
only 1 tactical handset radio at each command post.
21 22

old swapo camp

4 emplacement

barbed wire

1 1




23 24

Action Dice A. Infiltrating the base without raising suspicion: 100/200/300/400 XP

per agent.
Each player gains the following XP rewards, as well as an
amount of XP equal to the number of action dice you awarded B. Infiltrating and exiting the base without raising suspicion:
him × 25 XP (to a maximum of their agent level × 25 XP). 200/400/600/800 XP per agent.

Scene 1 A. Rescuing one of the kidnapped girls: 100/200/300/400 XP per agent.

B. Rescuing both of the kidnapped girls: 200/400/600/800 XP per agent.

A. Learning about the tension between the Himba and government over the
forthcoming Epupa Falls power plant: 25/50/75/100 XP per agent. A. Providing Anke Wiese with the exclusive story behind the kidnappings:
75/150/225/300 XP per agent.
A. Interviewing 2 of the 4 sources of information: 25/50/75/100 XP per

B. Interviewing 3 to 4 of the 4 sources of information: 50/100/150/200 XP

per agent. The main goals of this serial are rescuing the kidnapped girls,
revealing the Himba as innocent in the abduction, and sur-
A. Determining that Hehsemann is lying: 25/50/75/100 XP per agent.
viving Africa’s the natural dangers. If the agents are successful,
B. Searching Hehsemann’s apartment after becoming suspicious of his Herr Botschafter Beckmann throws them a discreet party upon
motives: 50/100/150/200 XP per agent. their return to Windhoek, which the girls miss due to medical
examinations and psychological treatment. Beckmann also
Scene 2 invites the agents to stay in country for a while, spending a few
days off on a safari ranch and visiting some of the worlds
A. Discovering the safari guides’ true motives before the lion trap is sprung:
highest sand dunes in the Namib desert along the coast,
50/100/150/200 XP per agent.
or South Namibia’s spectacular diamond mines.
A. Avoiding the second ambush: 50/100/150/200 XP per agent. If given the exclusive, Anke Wiese writes an article that
has potentially far-ranging effects upon the relationship
B. Turning the tables on the poachers by luring them into the second
between Namibia and its former colonial power, a small step
ambush: 100/200/300/400 XP per agent.
in the great journey toward peace in the region.
A. Killing Hehsemann: 50/100/150/200 XP per agent. Weeks later, Control hands the agents letters from the
rescued girls, thanking the team profusely for their rescue.
B. Capturing Hehsemann: 100/200/300/400 XP per agent.
Even if the agents managed to obtain a description of the
A. Killing one or more poachers: 25/50/75/100 XP per agent. “Man in Gray” who provided the money for the operation,
nothing additional is discovered at this point. The Agency
B. Capturing one or more poachers: 50/100/150/200 XP per agent.
raises its alert status by a notch in Southern Africa and bides
A. Surviving the lion attack by injuring 1 or more lions: 25/50/75/100 XP its time, until another threat rears its head in the region.
per agent. If there is extra time, feel free to role-play the debriefing
and have Control assess the group’s performance. Then have
B. Surviving the lion attack without injuring any lions: 50/100/150/200 XP
the players fill out their RPGA forms and wrap up the session.
per agent.

Scene 3
A. Intimidating, injuring, or killing one or more Himba tribespeople: No XP
for this scene.

A. Learning about the Caprivi region without befriending Kuratanga:

50/100/150/200 XP per agent.

B. Learning about the Caprivi region and befriending Kuratanga:

100/200/300/400 XP per agent.

Scene 4
A. Killing Lukas Njambeli: 75/150/225/300 XP per agent.

B. Capturing Lukas Njambeli: 150/300/450/600 XP per agent.

A. Killing one or more of Njambeli’s soldiers: 25/50/75/100 XP per agent.

B. Capturing one or more of Njambeli’s soldiers: 50/100/150/200 XP

per agent.
25 26

+5, Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Open Lock +4, Profession
Statistics (Safari Guide) +7, Search +7, Spot +11, Survival +7 (threat
19–20), Use Rope +5 (threat 19–20). Feats: Armor Group
Special Note: Though this serial was not designed using
Proficiency (Light), Improvised Weapon, Outdoorsman, Point
the Mastermind System, mastermind point (MP) costs are
Blank Shot, Track, Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun,
included for all characters herein so that you can easily port
Hurled, Melee, Rifle). Gear: Weapons, 60 extra shots of
them into your Mastermind System-designed home games
standard .300 Win Mag military ball ammunition, 1 set of
with ease.
safari clothing, 10 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: None, 7 GP.
Scene 1: Into Africa
Dieter Hehsemann (third-tier — target average agent
The following NPCs are encountered during Scene 1 and
level 11), 9th-level fixer/3rd-level hunter (special NPC — 24
later as described in the serial text.
MP as henchman, 60 MP as mastermind): Department: D-5:
Dieter Hehsemann Black Ops. CR 12. SZ M; v/wp 108/19; Init +8 (+2 Dex, +6
class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 21 (+2 Dex, +9 class); Atk: fist/punch
Hehsemann is a sleaze, lazy, cowardly opportunist who
+10 (dmg 1d3+1 subdual, error 1), .300 Win Mag Savage
despises regular work. Barely 6 ft. tall, he dresses sloppily,
Arms Company 116SE Safari Express bolt-action rifle +11
most of the time in stained safari clothing. His chin-length
(dmg 3d6+2 normal, recoil 16, error 1, threat 19–20, range
hair is oiled back, but this doesn’t hide his receding hairline.
225 ft., qualities and mods: PB — 3 shots of standard military
Hehsemann is slender, but possesses a slight beer belly.
ball ammunition); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA game
Dieter Hehsemann (first-tier — target average agent level 1), hunter +2, sneak attack +4d6; SQ dexterous, evasion, keen
2nd-level fixer (special NPC — 4 MP as henchman or 10 MP senses (smell), procure, special ability (improvisation, stash it),
as mastermind): Department: D-5: Black Ops. CR 2. SZ M; stalker, strider, uncanny dodge; SV Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +5;
v/wp 22/16; Init +2 (+1 Dex, +1 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 13 Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 15; Skills: Appraise
(+1 Dex, +2 class); Atk: fist/punch +2 (dmg 1d3+1 subdual, +5, Bluff +12, Boating +4, Driver +11, Escape Artist +7,
error 1), .300 Win Mag Savage Arms Company 116SE Safari Forgery +5, Handle Animal +11 (threat 18–20), Hide +9,
Express bolt-action rifle +2 (dmg 3d6+2 normal, recoil 16, Hobby (Politics) +6, Knowledge (Namibia) +5, Listen +8,
error 1, threat 19–20, range 225 ft., qualities and mods: Move Silently +12, Open Lock +4, Profession (Safari Guide) +7,
PB — 3 shots of standard military ball ammunition); Face 1 Search +7, Spot +14 Survival +15 (threat 18–20), Use Rope +8
square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ dexterous, evasion, (threat 18–20). Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (Outdoorsman),
procure; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 13, Dex 13, Con Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium), Desert Training,
15, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 15; Skills: Appraise +3, Bluff +6, Far Shot, Improvised Weapon, Outdoorsman, Point Blank Shot,
Driver +4, Escape Artist +3, Forgery +4, Handle Animal +5 Track, Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun, Hurled, Melee,
(threat 19–20), Hide +4, Hobby (Politics) +3, Knowledge Rifle). Gear: Weapons, 60 extra shots of standard .300 Win
(Namibia) +4, Listen +3, Move Silently +4, Open Lock +2, Mag military ball ammunition, 1 set of safari clothing, 18 BP.
Profession (Safari Guide) +4, Search +4, Spot +6, Survival Vehicles and Gadgets: None, 10 GP.
+4 (threat 19–20), Use Rope +4 (threat 19–20). Feats: Armor
Group Proficiency (Light), Improvised Weapon, Outdoorsman, Dieter Hehsemann (fourth-tier — target average agent
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun, Hurled, Melee, Rifle). level 16), 11th-level fixer/6th-level hunter (special NPC — 34
Gear: Weapons, 60 extra shots of standard .300 Win Mag MP as henchman, 85 MP as mastermind): Department: D-5:
military ball ammunition, 1 set of safari clothing, 5 BP. Black Ops. CR 17. SZ M; v/wp 154/20; Init +11 (+3 Dex, +8
Vehicles and Gadgets: None, 2 GP. class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 26 (+3 Dex, +13 class); Atk: fist/punch
+15 (dmg 1d3+1 subdual, error 1), .300 Win Mag Savage Arms
Dieter Hehsemann (second-tier — target average agent Company 116SE Safari Express bolt-action rifle +17 (dmg
level 6), 7th-level fixer (special NPC — 14 MP as henchman 3d6+2 normal, recoil 16, error 1, threat 19–20, range 225 ft.,
or 35 MP as mastermind): Department: D-5: Black Ops. CR 7. qualities and mods: PB — 3 shots of standard military ball
SZ M; v/wp 62/17; Init +5 (+2 Dex, +3 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def ammunition); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA game hunter
18 (+2 Dex, +6 class); Atk: fist/punch +6 (dmg 1d3+1 subdual, +2, sneak attack +5d6; SQ defensive roll 1/session, dexterous,
error 1), .300 Win Mag Savage Arms Company 116SE Safari evasion, keen senses (smell), man hunter, procure, special
Express bolt-action rifle +7 (dmg 3d6+2 normal, recoil 16, ability (improvisation, stash it), stalker, strider, uncanny dodge,
error 1, threat 19–20, range 225 ft., qualities and mods: woodcraft +2; SV Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +6; Str 13, Dex 16,
PB — 3 shots of standard military ball ammunition); Face 1 Con 15, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 15; Skills: Appraise +7, Bluff +14,
square; Reach 1 square; SA sneak attack +3d6; SQ dexterous, Boating +6, Driver +13, Escape Artist +7, Forgery +7, Handle
evasion, procure, special ability (stash it), uncanny dodge; Animal +15 (threat 17–20), Hide +11, Hobby (Politics) +6,
SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +3; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 13, Knowledge (Namibia) +8, Listen +11, Move Silently +15,
Wis 13, Cha 15; Skills: Appraise +5, Bluff +10, Driver +8, Open Lock +6, Profession (Safari Guide) +9, Search +8, Spot
Escape Artist +6, Forgery +5, Handle Animal +6 (threat +13 Survival +19 (threat 17–20), Use Rope +9 (threat 17–20).
19–20), Hide +8, Hobby (Politics) +5, Knowledge (Namibia) Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (Outdoorsman), Armor Group
27 28

Proficiency (Light, Medium), Desert Training, Far Shot, Anke Wiese (second-tier — target average agent level 6),
Grand Skill Mastery (Outdoorsman), Improvised Weapon, 7th-level snoop (foil — 7 MP, without an organization):
Outdoorsman, Point Blank Shot, Traceless, Track, Weapon Loyalty: 0. D-1: Power Brokerage. CR 7. SZ M; v/wp 45/13;
Group Proficiency (Handgun, Hurled, Melee, Rifle). Gear: Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 17 (+1 Dex, +6
Weapons, 60 extra shots of standard .300 Win Mag military class); Atk: fist/punch +3 (dmg 1d3 subdual, error 1), 9mmP
ball ammunition, 1 set of safari clothing, 26 BP. Vehicles H&K USP service pistol +4 (dmg 1d10+1 normal, recoil 13,
and Gadgets: None, 14 GP. error 1, threat 20, range 25 ft., qualities and mods: DP — 10
shots of standard military ball ammunition); Face 1 square;
Anke Wiese Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ astute, back door, flawless
search, intuition 1/session, jury-rig +4, special ability (comb
Most of Namibia’s sizeable German-language community
the streets); SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +5; Str 11, Dex 13, Con
reads Allgemeine Zeitung, including Anke Wiese’s popular
13, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 18; Skills: Appraise +4, Bureaucracy
political columns, which have garnered her worldwide
+8, Computers +6, Concentration +6, Cultures +10 (threat
recognition and several side gigs, including several spots
19–20), Diplomacy +11, Driver +4, First Aid +5 (threat 19–20),
on international radio shows. Wiese is an idealist, believing
Gather Information +12, Hide +4, Knowledge (Namibia) +5,
in a common future in which tribal traditions, modern
Knowledge (Southern African Politics) +6, Knowledge (Himba)
developments, and economic interests of all groups prosper
+4, Languages +8 (threat 19–20), Listen +4, Profession
together. A stout defender of the Himba, Wiese has written
(Journalist) +10, Read Lips +5, Search +6, Sense Motive +8,
several articles about alcohol and tourism threatening
Spot +7, Surveillance +7. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency
to destroy one of the last stone-age native societies in the
(Light), Charmer, Credible, The Pen is Mightier, Weapon Group
world, a cause for which she can become very pointed.
Proficiency (Handgun, Melee), World Traveler. Gear: Weapons,
Almost 5’10” tall, Wiese is strikingly beautiful in a rough,
20 extra shots of 9mmP standard military ball ammunition, 1
unpolished sense. Prominent cheekbones and an energetic
set of stylish clothes, 1 set of safari clothing, magnetic com-
nose highlight her face. She keeps her unruly blond hair tied
pass, regional maps (Namibia), 1 pair of binoculars, survival
back in a pigtail, generally wearing loose-fitting clothes
kit, canteen, flashlight, first aid kit, 1 antidote shot, headset
over her athletic frame.
radio with 2-mile range, digital camera with super-telephoto
Anke Wiese (first-tier — target average agent level 1), lens, 33 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: Jeep (civilian jeep — SZ L,
2nd-level snoop (foil — 2 MP, without an organization): Occ 1/3, Hnd +1, Spd 600 ft., MPH 60/120, Def 10, WP 80, Hrd
Loyalty: 0. Department: D-1: Power Brokerage. CR 2. SZ M; 5, qualities and mods: ORD), 5 GP.
v/wp 15/13; Init +2 (+1 Dex, +1 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 13
(+1 Dex, +2 class); Atk: fist/punch +1 (dmg 1d3 subdual, Anke Wiese (third-tier — target average agent level 11),
error 1), 9mmP H&K USP service pistol +2 (dmg 1d10+1 7th-level snoop/5th-level journalist (foil — 12 MP, without
normal, recoil 13, error 1, threat 20, range 25 ft., qualities an organization): Loyalty: 0. D-1: Power Brokerage. CR 12.
and mods: DP — 10 shots of standard military ball ammunition); SZ M; v/wp 80/13; Init +7 (+1 Dex, +6 class); Spd 30 ft.;
Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ astute, flawless Def 20 (+1 Dex, +9 class); Atk: fist/punch +7 (dmg 1d3+1
search, intuition 1/session; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 11, subdual, error 1), 9mmP H&K USP service pistol +7 (dmg
Dex 13, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 18; Skills: Appraise +4, 1d10+1 normal, recoil 13, error 1, threat 20, range 25 ft.,
Bureaucracy +6, Computers +4, Concentration +3, Cultures +7 qualities and mods: DP — 10 shots of standard military ball
(threat 19–20), Diplomacy +7, Driver +3, First Aid +5 (threat ammunition); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ
19–20), Gather Information +8, Hide +3, Knowledge (Namibia) acquaintances, astute, back door, flawless search, interview
+4, Knowledge (Southern African Politics) +4, Knowledge +3, intuition 1/session, jury-rig +4, just the facts 1/session,
(Himba) +4, Languages +5 (threat 19–20), Listen +3, nosy, on assignment (political analyst), press pass (journalist),
Profession (Journalist) +2, Read Lips +4, Search +4, Sense smooth talker 1/session, special ability (comb the streets); SV
Motive +4, Spot +3, Surveillance +3. Feats: Armor Group Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +8; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 15, Wis
Proficiency (Light), Credible, Weapon Group Proficiency 13, Cha 19; Skills: Appraise +4, Bluff +9, Bureaucracy +8,
(Handgun, Melee), World Traveler. Gear: Weapons, 20 extra Computers +6, Concentration +6, Cultures +14 (threat 18–20),
shots of 9mmP standard military ball ammunition, 1 set of Diplomacy +13, Driver +4, Escape Artist +2, First Aid +6
stylish clothes, 1 set of safari clothing, magnetic compass, (threat 18–20), Gather Information +15, Hide +7, Knowledge
regional maps (Namibia), 1 pair of binoculars, survival kit, (Namibia) +8, Knowledge (Southern African Politics) +8,
canteen, flashlight, first aid kit, 1 antidote shot, headset radio Knowledge (Himba) +6, Languages +10 (threat 18–20), Listen
with 2-mile range, digital camera with super-telephoto lens, +6, Profession (Journalist) +12, Read Lips +7, Search +8, Sense
23 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: Jeep (civilian jeep — SZ L, Occ Motive +10, Spot +9, Surveillance +10. Feats: Advanced Skill
1/3, Hnd +1, Spd 600 ft., MPH 60/120, Def 10, WP 80, Hrd 5, Mastery (World Traveler), Armor Group Proficiency (Light,
qualities and mods: ORD). Medium), Charmer, Credible, Hard Core, High Society Contacts,
Local Contacts, The Look, The Pen is Mightier, Weapon Group
Proficiency (Handgun, Melee), World Traveler. Gear: Weapons,
20 extra shots of 9mmP standard military ball ammunition,
29 30

1 set of stylish clothes, 1 set of safari clothing, magnetic Etosha Pan Poachers (first-tier — target average agent
compass, regional maps (Namibia), 1 pair of binoculars, level 1), 2nd-level stalkers (minions, squads of 4 — 25 MP):
survival kit, canteen, flashlight, first aid kit, 1 antidote shot, CR 1. SZ M; v/wp 15/13; Init +3 (+2 Dex, +1 class); Spd 30 ft.;
headset radio with 2-mile range, digital camera with super- Def 13 (+2 Dex, +1 class); Atk: fist/punch +3 (dmg 1d3+1
telephoto lens, 43 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: Jeep (civilian jeep subdual, error 1), .300 Win Mag Savage Arms Company 116SE
— SZ L, Occ 1/3, Hnd +1, Spd 600 ft., MPH 60/120, Def 10, WP Safari Express bolt-action rifle +4 (dmg 3d6+2 normal, recoil
80, Hrd 5, qualities and mods: ORD), 8 GP. 16, error 1, threat 19–20, range 225 ft., qualities and mods: PB
— 3 shots of standard military ball ammunition); Face 1 square;
Anke Wiese (fourth-tier — target average agent level 16), Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ favored prey (animals); SV Fort
7th-level snoop/10th-level journalist (foil — 17 MP, without +4, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha
an organization): Loyalty: 0. D-1: Power Brokerage. CR 17. 10; Skills: First Aid +1, Handle Animal +4 (threat 19–20), Hide
SZ M; v/wp 115/13; Init +9 (+1 Dex, +8 class); Spd 30 ft.; +3, Move Silently +3, Search +1, Spot +2, Survival +4 (threat
Def 23 (+1 Dex, +12 class); Atk: fist/punch +11 (dmg 1d3+1 19–20). Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy),
subdual, error 1), 9mmP H&K USP service pistol +11 (dmg Outdoorsman, Track, Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun,
1d10+1 normal, recoil 13, error 1, threat 20, range 25 ft., Hurled, Melee, Rifle). Gear: Weapons, 50 extra shots of stan-
qualities and mods: DP — 10 shots of standard military dard .300 Win Mag military ball ammunition, safari clothing,
ball ammunition); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; regional maps (Namibia). Vehicles and Gadgets: Jeep (civilian
SQ acquaintances, astute, back door, flawless search, hot tip, jeep — SZ L, Occ 1/3, Hnd +1, Spd 600 ft., MPH 60/120, Def 10,
interview +4, intuition 1/session, jury-rig +4, just the facts WP 80, Hrd 5, qualities and mods: ORD).
2/session, nosy, on assignment (editorial commentary, inves-
tigative reporter, political analyst), press pass (checks, journal- Etosha Pan Poachers (second-tier — target average agent
ist), smooth talker 2/session, special ability (comb the streets); level 6), 7th-level stalkers (minions, squads of 4 — 30 MP):
SV Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +11; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 15, CR 6. SZ M; v/wp 43/13; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 class); Spd 30 ft.;
Wis 13, Cha 19; Skills: Appraise +4, Bluff +13, Bureaucracy Def 16 (+2 Dex, +4 class); Atk: fist/punch +8 (dmg 1d3+1
+8, Computers +6, Concentration +8, Cultures +17 (threat subdual, error 1), .300 Win Mag Savage Arms Company 116SE
18–20), Diplomacy +16, Driver +4, Escape Artist +3, First Safari Express bolt-action rifle +9 (dmg 3d6+2 normal, recoil
Aid +9 (threat 18–20), Gather Information +18, Hide +2, 16, error 1, threat 19–20, range 225 ft., qualities and mods:
Knowledge (Namibia) +10, Knowledge (Southern African PB — 3 shots of standard military ball ammunition); Face 1
Politics) +8, Knowledge (Himba) +6, Languages +10 (threat square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ favored prey (animals,
18–20), Listen +8, Profession (Journalist) +15, Read Lips +10, Desert Training); SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 14,
Search +10, Sense Motive +13, Spot +10, Surveillance +11. Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: First Aid +4, Handle
Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (World Traveler), Armor Group Animal +9 (threat 19–20), Hide +6, Move Silently +6, Search
Proficiency (Light, Medium), Charmer, Credible, Fortunate, +4, Spot +7, Survival +9 (threat 19–20). Feats: Armor
Hard Core, High Society Contacts, Local Contacts, The Look, Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Desert Training,
Political Favors, The Pen is Mightier, Weapon Group Proficiency Outdoorsman, Track, Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun,
(Handgun, Melee), World Traveler. Gear: Weapons, 20 extra Hurled, Melee, Rifle). Gear: Weapons, 50 extra shots of stan-
shots of 9mmP standard military ball ammunition, 1 set of dard .300 Win Mag military ball ammunition, safari clothing,
stylish clothes, 1 set of safari clothing, magnetic compass, regional maps (Namibia), 10 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: Jeep
regional maps (Namibia), 1 pair of binoculars, survival kit, (civilian jeep — SZ L, Occ 1/3, Hnd +1, Spd 600 ft., MPH
canteen, flashlight, first aid kit, 1 antidote shot, headset radio 60/120, Def 10, WP 80, Hrd 5, qualities and mods: ORD).
with 2-mile range, digital camera with super-telephoto lens,
53 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: Jeep (civilian jeep — SZ L, Occ Etosha Pan Poachers (third-tier — target average agent
1/3, Hnd +1, Spd 600 ft., MPH 60/120, Def 10, WP 80, Hrd 5, level 11), 10th-level stalkers/2nd-level mercenaries (minions,
qualities and mods: ORD), 12 GP. squads of 4 — 38 MP): CR 11. SZ M; v/wp 76/13; Init +9 (+2
Dex, +7 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 19 (+2 Dex, +7 class); Atk:
Scene 2: Hunted fist/punch +13 (dmg 1d3+1 subdual, error 1), .300 Win Mag
Savage Arms Company 116SE Safari Express bolt-action
The following NPCs are encountered during Scene 2 and
rifle +14 (dmg 3d6+2 normal, recoil 16, error 1, threat 19–20,
later as described in the serial text.
range 225 ft., qualities and mods: PB — 3 shots of standard
Etosha Pan Poachers military ball ammunition); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square;
SA None; SQ favored prey (animals, Desert Training, maximum
These hardened criminals hunt protected species and sell
damage); SV Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +5; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13,
their parts on the black market. Knowing the penalties
Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Demolitions +1, Diplomacy +1,
for this crime are severe, they tend to shoot first and ask
Driver +3, First Aid +5, Handle Animal +13 (threat 18–20),
questions later. They’re experienced hunters and use their
Hide +7, Listen +1, Move Silently +7, Knowledge (Etosha Pan)
skills to avoid any confrontation they can’t easily win.
+1, Search +5, Sense Motive +1, Spot +10, Survival +14
(threat 18–20). Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (Outdoorsman),
31 32

Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Desert Primal (PRI): A lion’s carnivorous instincts make it excep-
Training, Outdoorsman, Point Blank Shot, Track, Weapon Group tionally dangerous to work with. The error ranges of all Handle
Proficiency (Handgun, Hurled, Melee, Rifle). Gear: Weapons, Animal skill checks targeting the animal are increased by 5.
50 extra shots of standard .300 Win Mag military ball ammu- Additionally, the DCs of all Handle Animal skill checks made
nition, safari clothing, regional maps (Namibia), 20 BP. to domesticate the animal are doubled. Finally, all Intimidate
Vehicles and Gadgets: Jeep (civilian jeep — SZ L, Occ 1/3, checks targeting the animal suffer a –8 circumstance penalty.
Hnd +1, Spd 600 ft., MPH 60/120, Def 10, WP 80, Hrd 5, Savage Attack: A lion’s natural weapons enable it to carve
qualities and mods: ORD). a bloody trail of destruction through its opponents. When the
lion is located in a square adjacent to 1 or more opponents
Etosha Pan Poachers (fourth-tier — target average agent at the start of its initiative count, the animal may take 1 full
level 16), 10th-level stalkers/7th-level mercenaries (minions, action to make 1 attack with each of its natural weapons,
squads of 4 — 43 MP): CR 16. SZ M; v/wp 109/13; Init +15 targeting any number of adjacent opponents with them (up
(+2 Dex, +9 class, +4 feat); Spd 30 ft.; Def 22 (+2 Dex, +10 to the number of natural weapons the lion possesses). Each
class); Atk: fist/punch +18 (dmg 1d3+1 subdual, error 1), .300 attack suffers a penalty equal to the number of opponents
Win Mag Savage Arms Company 116SE Safari Express bolt- the lion targets +1.
action rifle +19 (dmg 3d6+2 normal, recoil 16, error 1, threat
19–20, range 225 ft., qualities and mods: PB — 3 shots of Scene 3: African Mysteries
standard military ball ammunition); Face 1 square; Reach 1 The following NPCs are encountered during Scene 3 and
square; SA None; SQ damage reduction 1/—, favored prey (ani- later as described in the serial text.
mals, Desert Training, maximum damage); SV Fort +13, Ref +7,
Will +7; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Himba Tribesmen
Demolitions +4, Diplomacy +4, Driver +6, First Aid +5, Handle The Himba live in families and small clans. They adopt
Animal +13 (threat 18–20), Hide +7, Listen +4, Move Silently husbandry, but the arid region in which they live doesn’t
+7, Knowledge (Etosha Pan) +4, Search +5, Sense Motive +4, allow for agriculture. Thus, they are expert hunter-gatherers.
Spot +13, Survival +17 (threat 18–20). Feats: Advanced Skill The Himba are a proud people, wearing ornaments of bone
Mastery (Outdoorsman), Armor Group Proficiency (Light, and hide taken from animals they hunt. They rub their skin
Medium, Heavy), Desert Training, Improved Initiative, and hair with a mixture red clay and fat, providing their skin
Outdoorsman, Point Blank Shot, Track, Weapon Group a warm brown-red hue. They never openly assault their prey,
Proficiency (Handgun, Hurled, Melee, Rifle). Gear: Weapons, 50 rather stalking and striking at just the right moment. Himba
extra shots of standard .300 Win Mag military ball ammuni- are not usually aggressive unless provoked.
tion, safari clothing, regional maps (Namibia), 20 BP. Vehicles
Himba Tribesmen (first-tier — target average agent level
and Gadgets: Jeep (civilian jeep — SZ L, Occ 1/3, Hnd +1, Spd
1), 1st-level stalkers (standard NPCs, squads of 3 — 6 MP as
600 ft., MPH 60/120, Def 10, WP 80, Hrd 5, qualities and
minions): CR 1/2. SZ M; v/wp 8/11; Init +3 (+2 Dex, +1 class);
mods: ORD).
Spd 30 ft.; Def 13 (+2 Dex, +1 class); Atk: spear +1 melee/+3
thrown (dmg 1d8 normal, error 1–2, threat 19–20, thrown
African Lions range 15 ft. — 1 shot each), short bow +3 (dmg 1d6 normal,
Lions only exist in number in national parks, notably the error 1, threat 20, range 60 ft. qualities and mods: 2-h — 20
Etosha Pan National Park. These big cats live in prides and standard arrows); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None;
employ pack tactics when hunting. The lionesses lead every SQ favored prey (animals); SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 10,
hunt and the male alpha claims the first share of every kill. Dex 14, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12; Skills: First Aid +2,
Handle Animal +2, Hide +3, Move Silently +3, Search +1,
African Lions (wild animals — 2 at first tier, 4 at second
Spot +2, Survival +2. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light,
tier, 6 at third tier, 8 at fourth tier — 40/60/80 BP each):
Medium, Heavy), Track, Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun,
CR 3 (5d8 vitality) each. SZ L; v/wp 36/22; Init +3 (+3 Dex);
Hurled, Melee, Rifle). Gear: Weapons, 1 loincloth, dried trail
Spd 40 ft.; Def 15 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +3 dodge); Atk: claws (×2)
rations. Vehicles and Gadgets: None.
+7 (dmg 1d4+5 normal, error 1, threat 20), bite +2 (dmg
1d8+2 normal, error 1, threat 20); Face 2 squares (long);
Himba Tribesmen (second-tier — target average agent
Reach 1 square; SA pounce (see page XX); SQ CMF (plains),
level 6), 6th-level stalkers (standard NPCs, squads of 3 — 11
PRI; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2; Str 21, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2,
MP as minions): CR 5. SZ M; v/wp 30/11; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4
Wis 12, Cha 6; Skills: Balance +7, Hide +4, Jump +5, Listen
class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 16 (+2 Dex, +4 class); Atk: spear +6
+5, Move Silently +11, Spot +5. Feats: Savage Attack.
melee/+8 thrown (dmg 1d8 normal, error 1–2, threat 19–20,
Camouflage (CMF): While located in desert terrain,
thrown range 15 ft. — 1 shot each), short bow +8 (dmg 1d6
a lion gains a +8 competence bonus with all Hide checks.
normal, error 1, threat 20, range 60 ft. qualities and mods:
Pounce: During a surprise round, a lion may perform a
2-h — 20 standard arrows); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA
charge action as a half action. At any other time, a lion may
None; SQ favored prey (animals, Desert Training); SV Fort +5,
charge as a full action (as standard), but attacks once with
Ref +4, Will +3; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha
each of its natural weapons at the end of the charge.
33 34

12; Skills: First Aid +4, Handle Animal +7 (threat 19–20), Hide independence. He can’t accept anything short of absolute rule
+5, Move Silently +5, Search +3, Spot +7, Survival +9 (threat through military might, refusing to become subordinate even
19–20). Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, to a respected higher power. In his mind, he’s still fighting
Heavy), Desert Training, Outdoorsman, Track, Weapon Group the good fight against an established government, despite
Proficiency (Handgun, Hurled, Melee, Rifle). Gear: Weapons, 1 ultimately knowing that his mysterious superiors long along
loincloth, dried trail rations. Vehicles and Gadgets: None. sold out their organization’s ideals for personal gain.
Lukas Njambeli (first-tier — target average agent level 1),
Himba Tribesmen (third-tier — target average agent level
3rd-level soldier (mastermind — 15 MP): Department: D-2:
11), 10th-level stalkers/1st-level tamers (standard NPCs,
Military Operations. CR 3. SZ M; v/wp 32/14; Init +5
squads of 3 — 19 MP as minions): CR 10. SZ M; v/wp 54/11;
(+2 Dex, +3 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 13 (+2 Dex, +1 class);
Init +9 (+2 Dex, +7 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 19 (+2 Dex, +7
Atk: fist/punch +6 (dmg 1d6+3 normal, error 1, threat 20),
class); Atk: spear +10 melee/+12 thrown (dmg 1d8 normal,
Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle +5 (dmg 3d6 normal, error 1,
error 1–2, threat 19–20, thrown range 15 ft. — 1 shot each),
threat 19–20, range 150 ft., qualities and mods: DP, RG — 30
short bow +12 (dmg 1d6 normal, error 1, threat 20, range
shots of standard military ball ammunition); Face 1 square;
60 ft. qualities and mods: 2-h — 20 standard arrows); Face 1
Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ accurate, damage reduction 1/—
square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ doolittle, favored prey
; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12,
(animals, Desert Training, maximum damage), naturalist (Jungle
Wis 12, Cha 14; Skills: Balance +5, Climb +6, Demolitions +3,
Training); SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11,
Driver +4, First Aid +2, Intimidate +7/+6, Jump +5, Profession
Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12; Skills: First Aid +6, Handle Animal +14
(Military) +3, Spot +5, Survival +5, Swim +4, Tumble +3, Use
(threat 18–20), Hide +8, Listen +2, Move Silently +8, Search
Rope +3. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium,
+5, Sense Motive +2, Spot +12, Survival +15 (threat 18–20).
Heavy), Combat Instincts, Martial Arts, Point Blank Shot,
Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (Outdoorsman), Animal Partner,
Precise Shot, Track, Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun,
Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Desert
Hurled, Melee, Rifle, Tactical). Gear: Weapons, 100 extra shots
Training, Jungle Training, Outdoorsman, Track, Weapon Group
of standard 7.62×39mm Soviet military ball ammunition, 1 set
Proficiency (Handgun, Hurled, Melee, Rifle). Gear: Weapons, 1
of camouflage jungle fatigues, encrypted tactical radio, 1 pair
loincloth, dried trail rations. Vehicles and Gadgets: None.
of binoculars, 1 pair of night vision goggles, 20× day/night
spotting scope with tripod. Vehicles and Gadgets: None, 1 GP.
Himba Tribesmen (fourth-tier — target average agent level
16), 10th-level stalkers/6th-level tamers (standard NPCs, squads
Lukas Njambeli (second-tier — target average agent level
of 3 — 24 MP as minions): CR 15. SZ M; v/wp 84/11; Init +12
6), 8th-level soldier (mastermind — 40 MP): Department:
(+2 Dex, +10 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 22 (+2 Dex, +10 class); Atk:
D-2: Military Operations. CR 8. SZ M; v/wp 77/14; Init +12
spear +14 melee/+16 thrown (dmg 1d8 normal, error 1–2, threat
(+2 Dex, +6 class, +4 feat); Spd 30 ft.; Def 15 (+2 Dex, +3
19–20, thrown range 15 ft. — 1 shot each), short bow +16 (dmg
class); Atk: fist/punch +11 (dmg 1d6+3 normal, error 1, threat
1d6 normal, error 1, threat 20, range 60 ft. qualities and mods:
20), Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle +10 (dmg 3d6 normal,
2-h — 20 standard arrows); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA
error 1, threat 19–20, range 150 ft., qualities and mods: DP,
None; SQ doolittle, evasion, favored prey (animals, Desert
RG — 30 shots of standard military ball ammunition); Face 1
Training, maximum damage), “get’em boy!” (Precise Shot), master
square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ accurate, armor use +1,
trainer, naturalist (Jungle Training), pack alpha; SV Fort +12, Ref
damage reduction 1/—, weapon specialization (Kalashnikov
+10, Will +7; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12;
AK-47 assault rifle); SV Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +3; Str 17,
Skills: First Aid +6, Handle Animal +16 (threat 18–20), Hide +13,
Dex 15, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 14; Skills: Balance +6,
Listen +7, Move Silently +13, Search +5, Sense Motive +5, Spot
Climb +7, Demolitions +5, Driver +5, First Aid +3, Hide +4,
+17, Survival +20 (threat 18–20). Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery
Intimidate +9/+8, Jump +6, Move Silently +4, Profession
(Outdoorsman), Animal Partner, Armor Group Proficiency (Light,
(Military) +4, Spot +8, Survival +8, Swim +4, Tumble +3,
Medium, Heavy), Desert Training, Jungle Training, Outdoorsman,
Use Rope +4. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium,
Track, Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun, Hurled, Melee, Rifle).
Heavy), Combat Instincts, Desert Training, Improved Initiative,
Gear: Weapons, 1 loincloth, dried trail rations. Vehicles and
Martial Arts, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Speed Trigger,
Gadgets: None.
Track, Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun, Hurled, Melee,
Rifle, Tactical). Gear: Weapons, 90 extra shots of standard
Scene 4: Rescue 7.62×39mm Soviet military ball ammunition, 1 set of camouflage
The following NPCs are encountered during Scene 4 and jungle fatigues, 1 ghillie suit, heavy duty backpack, camouflage
later as described in the serial text. net, encrypted tactical radio, entrenching tool, 3 applications of
facepaint, one-man tent, 1 pair of binoculars, 1 pair of night
Lukas Njambeli vision goggles, 20× day/night spotting scope with tripod, regional
This freedom fighter has known nothing but war, having maps (Namibia), 10 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: None, 4 GP.
learned the soldier’s trade from age 12 at the hand of his
father, a noted military leader in Namibia’s 25-year fight for
35 36

Lukas Njambeli (third-tier — target average agent level 90 extra shots of standard 7.62×39mm Soviet military ball
11), 8th-level soldier/5th-level ranger (mastermind — 65 MP): ammunition, 1 set of camouflage jungle fatigues, 1 ghillie suit,
Department: D-2: Military Operations. CR 13. SZ M; v/wp heavy duty backpack, camouflage net, encrypted tactical radio,
122/14; Init +15 (+2 Dex, +9 class, +4 feat); Spd 30 ft.; entrenching tool, 3 applications of facepaint, one-man tent,
Def 18 (+2 Dex, +6 class); Atk: fist/punch +16 (dmg 1d6+3 1 pair of binoculars, 1 pair of night vision goggles, 20×
normal, error 1, threat 20), Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle day/night spotting scope with tripod, regional maps (Namibia),
+15 (dmg 3d6 normal, error 1, threat 19–20, range 150 ft., 22 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: None, 9 GP.
qualities and mods: DP, RG — 30 shots of standard military
ball ammunition); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA sneak Ex-SWAPO Freedom Fighters
attack +1d6; SQ accurate, armor use +1, all-terrain expert,
These former freedom fighters have degenerated into
bushmaster (jungle, swamp, mountain), damage reduction 1/—,
banditry to finance their war against the current Namibian
trail boss +5, trailblazer, weapon specialization (Kalashnikov
government. They’re experienced jungle fighters, but lack the
AK-47 assault rifle); SV Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +7; Str 17,
organization and leadership of most modern armed forces.
Dex 15, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 14; Skills: Balance +7,
Climb +8, Demolitions +5, Driver +6, First Aid +3, Handle Ex-SWAPO Freedom Fighters (first-tier — target average
Animal +5, Hide +8, Intimidate +14/+13, Jump +6, Listen +8, agent level 1), 1st-level conscripts (minions, squads of 4 — 1
Move Silently +7, Profession (Military) +4, Spot +10, Survival MP): CR 1/2. SZ M; v/wp 6/10; Init +1 (+1 class); Spd 30 ft.;
+13, Swim +5, Tumble +3, Use Rope +4. Feats: Armor Group Def 11 (+1 class); Atk: bayonet +0 (dmg 1d6 normal, error 1,
Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Bullseye, Combat Instincts, threat 20), Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle +0 (dmg 3d6 nor-
Desert Training, Improved Initiative, Jungle Training, Marksman, mal, error 1, threat 19–20, range 150 ft., qualities and mods:
Martial Arts, Mountain Training, Point Blank Shot, Precise DP, RG — 30 shots of standard military ball ammunition);
Shot, Speed Trigger, Swamp Training, Track, Weapon Group Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ native (Jungle
Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear: Training); SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will 0; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10,
Weapons, 90 extra shots of standard 7.62×39mm Soviet Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Diplomacy +1, First Aid +1,
military ball ammunition, 1 set of camouflage jungle fatigues, Handle Animal +1, Hide +3, Knowledge (Caprivi) +1, Listen
1 ghillie suit, heavy duty backpack, camouflage net, encrypted +1, Move Silently +1, Spot +1, Survival +3. Feats: Armor
tactical radio, entrenching tool, 3 applications of facepaint, Group Proficiency (Light), Weapon Group Proficiency
one-man tent, 1 pair of binoculars, 1 pair of night vision (Exotic — Archaic, Handgun, Hurled, Melee, Rifle). Gear:
goggles, 20× day/night spotting scope with tripod, regional Weapons, 60 extra shots of standard 7.62×39mm Soviet
maps (Namibia), 15 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: None, 6 GP. military ball ammunition, 1 set of olive fatigues. Vehicles
and Gadgets: None.
Lukas Njambeli (fourth-tier — target average agent level 16),
10th-level soldier/8th-level ranger (mastermind — 90 MP): Ex-SWAPO Freedom Fighters (second-tier — target average
Department: D-2: Military Operations. CR 18. SZ M; v/wp agent level 6), 6th-level conscripts (minions, squads of 4 — 6
167/15; Init +19 (+2 Dex, +13 class, +4 feat); Spd 30 ft.; MP): CR 5. SZ M; v/wp 23/10; Init +4 (+4 class); Spd 30 ft.;
Def 21 (+2 Dex, +9 class); Atk: fist/punch +21 (dmg 1d6+3 Def 15 (+5 class); Atk: bayonet +4 (dmg 1d6 normal, error 1,
normal, error 1, threat 20), Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle threat 20), Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle +4 (dmg 3d6 nor-
+20 (dmg 3d6 normal, error 1, threat 19–20, range 150 ft., mal, error 1, threat 19–20, range 150 ft., qualities and mods:
qualities and mods: DP, RG — 30 shots of standard military DP, RG — 30 shots of standard military ball ammunition); Face
ball ammunition); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA sneak 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ native (Jungle training,
attack +2d6; SQ accurate, armor use +1, all-terrain expert, skills and maneuvers); SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2; Str 10, Dex
bushmaster (forest, jungle, swamp, mountain), damage reduc- 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Diplomacy +5, First
tion 1/—, no quarter, portable cover (one-quarter cover), silent Aid +3, Handle Animal +5, Hide +8, Knowledge (Caprivi) +6,
rush, trail boss +8, trailblazer, weapon specialization (grapple Listen +3, Move Silently +5, Spot +3, Survival +8. Feats:
attacks, Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle); SV Fort +15, Ref Armor Group Proficiency (Light), Track, Weapon Group
+10, Will +10; Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 15; Proficiency (Exotic — Archaic, Handgun, Hurled, Melee, Rifle).
Skills: Balance +8, Climb +9, Demolitions +6, Driver +7, First Gear: Weapons, 60 extra shots of standard 7.62×39mm Soviet
Aid +4, Handle Animal +6, Hide +9, Intimidate +16/+15, Jump military ball ammunition, 1 set of olive fatigues. Vehicles and
+7, Listen +9, Move Silently +9, Profession (Military) +7, Spot Gadgets: None.
+12, Survival +16, Swim +6, Tumble +4, Use Rope +6. Feats:
Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Bullseye, Ex-SWAPO Freedom Fighters (third-tier — target average
Combat Instincts, Desert Training, Forest Training, Improved agent level 11), 10th-level conscripts/1st-level mercenaries
Initiative, Jungle Training, Machinegun Basics, Machinegun (minions, squads of 4 — 11 MP): CR 10. SZ M; v/wp 43/10;
Mastery, Marksman, Martial Arts, Mountain Training, No Init +6 (+6 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 19 (+9 class); Atk: bayonet +8
Quarter, Perfect Stance, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Speed (dmg 1d6 normal, error 1, threat 20), Kalashnikov AK-47 assault
Trigger, Swamp Training, Track, Weapon Group Proficiency rifle +8 (dmg 3d6 normal, error 1, threat 19–20, range 150 ft.,
(Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear: Weapons, qualities and mods: DP, RG — 30 shots of standard military ball
37 38

ammunition); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ

The Open Game License
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards
native (cover, Jungle Training, skills and maneuvers); SV Fort +7, of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
Ref +5, Will +4; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; 1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have
Skills: Boating +1, Demolitions +1, Diplomacy +8, Driver +1, contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material” means copyrighted material
including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages),
First Aid +5, Handle Animal +7, Hide +12, Knowledge (Caprivi) potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation,
abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or
+10, Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Sense Motive +1, Spot +6, adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly
Survival +13. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light), Track, display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d) “Open Game Content” means the game
mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent
Weapon Group Proficiency (Exotic — Archaic, Handgun, Hurled, such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior
Melee, Rifle). Gear: Weapons, 60 extra shots of standard art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor,
and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works
7.62×39mm Soviet military ball ammunition, 1 set of olive under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means
product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade
fatigues, 10 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: None. dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dia-
logue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats,
poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representa-
Ex-SWAPO Freedom Fighters (fourth-tier — target tions; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams,
average agent level 16), 10th-level conscripts/6th-level personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures,
equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs;
mercenaries (minions, squads of 4 — 22 MP): CR 15. SZ M; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by
the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game
v/wp 70/10; Init +12 (+8 class, +4 feat); Spd 30 ft.; Def 22 Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used
(+12 class); Atk: bayonet +13 (dmg 1d6 normal, error 1, by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products
contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using”
threat 20), Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle +13 (dmg 3d6 means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create
normal, error 1, threat 19–20, range 150 ft., qualities and Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms
of this agreement.
mods: DP, RG — 30 shots of standard military ball ammuni- 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice
tion); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ damage indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this
License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms
reduction 1/—, native (cover, Jungle Training, skills and may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License
maneuvers); SV Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +6; Str 10, Dex 10, itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed
using this License.
Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Boating +3, Demolitions 3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of
+3, Diplomacy +10, Driver +3, First Aid +5, Handle Animal +7, the terms of this License.
Hide +12, Knowledge (Caprivi) +10, Listen +8, Move Silently 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with
+7, Sense Motive +3, Spot +8, Survival +15. Feats: Armor the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
Group Proficiency (Light), Improved Initiative, Point Blank 5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open
Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You
Shot, Track, Weapon Group Proficiency (Exotic — Archaic, have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
Handgun, Hurled, Melee, Rifle). Gear: Weapons, 60 extra 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this
License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content
shots of standard 7.62×39mm Soviet military ball ammunition, You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date,
1 set of olive fatigues, 10 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: None. and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game
Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an
indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent
Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to
indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark in conjunction with a work con-
taining Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent
Agreement with the owner of such Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open
Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity.
The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights,
title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which
portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions
of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and
distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open
Game Content You Distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content
using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor
to do so.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License
with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or
governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms
herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision
shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Rules
Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Star Wars roleplaying game, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast and Lucasfilm Ltd.;
Authors Andy Collins, Bill Slavicsek, JD Wiker. Spycraft Espionage Handbook, Copyright
2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson.
Shadowforce Archer Worldbook, Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.;
Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson.
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