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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 4: Leadership and Management (5036)

Submission date Date received (1st submission)

Re-submission date Date received (2 nd submission)

Student name Dong Thi Trang Anh Student ID GBH200735

Class GBH1012 Assessor name Nguyen Thi Huong

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I
understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature:

Grading grid
P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 M3 D1
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3.2 3.3

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4
2. . Leadership and management concepts ................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Key concepts: leader and manager/leadership and management ................................................................ 4
2.2 Key concepts: leader and leadership............................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Key skills and functions of managers............................................................................................................ 5
2.4 Key skills and functions of leadership .......................................................................................................... 6
3. Different: Leadership and Management................................................................................................. 7
4. Leadership and management theory: ..................................................................................................... 8
4.1 5 Theory of management:.............................................................................................................................. 8
4.2 Theory of leadership ................................................................................................................................. 11

5. Leadership and management style ...................................................................................................12

6. Organzational culture: ..........................................................................................................................13
Types of organizational culture: ....................................................................................................................... 13
Identify and explain various factors influencing the development of organizational culture: ........................ 15

VI. Reference list .........................................................................................................................................17

1. Introduction
People management is one of the most important parts for business in an organization. Want to organize
development activities, in addition to having business strategies and goals, human resource management is
also a important problem. In which to manage human resources, the leader and manager will have to have
their own qualities and methods. As an employee of the human resources department of Navicos, this report
will clarify the theories of management and the difference between leadership and management.

2. . Leadership and management concepts

2.1 Key concepts: leader and manager/leadership and management
A manager is a professional who takes a leadership role in an organization and manages a group of
employees. Usually, managers will be responsible for performing the work of the team they run and have
the authority to officially commit the organization's resources such as finance, time, human infrastructure.
On the other hand, according to (Drucker, 1974), the main tasks of a manager include 5 activities:
Organizing, setting goals, measuring, motivating and communicating, and developing people. The term
"Management" generally refers to the process of using a company's resources to achieve stated goals through
leadership and regulation, planning and staffing activities. In addition to being a word describing a process,
management is also a term referring to a discipline, group of individuals that manage as well as a choice of
career (Durbin, 2010). Management's responsibilities are to define the organization's mission, set standards,
build and maintain organizational people, create and maintain external relationships, perform public people
and society (Drucker, 1974).

2.2 Key concepts: leader and leadership

Leadership is the ability to inspire confidence in an individual or a group of individuals to influence and
guide and support followers or other members to achieve organizational goals (Durbin, 2010) .A leader
must ensure 3 factors: the ability to create a vision, the ability to inspire and the ability to influence. Simply
put, a leader is someone who has the ability to create a vision for an organization or a group and knows how
to use his or her power to influence followers to realize that vision (Durbin, 2010)

2.3 Key skills and functions of managers

A good manager possesses management skills and can use those skills in running the organization.5
management skills commonly used by managers include technical skills, conceptual skills, Interpersonal
skills, Diagnostic skills.

Technical skills: Technical skills (professional skills): are skills to apply specialized knowledge, techniques
and resources to perform specific tasks. Technical skills are the professional qualifications of managers, or
their necessary abilities to perform a particular job (iEduNote, 2022). For example

Conceptual skills :The ability to see the "big picture", to spot the important parts of a situation and
understand the relationships between them, is known as conceptual skill. The ability to organize and
integrate all the interests and activities of the organization is known as conceptual skills. It requires the
ability to perceive the business as a whole, to visualize all the functions involved in a given situation or
context, to understand how its parts are interdependent, and to predict the future change of any of them will
affect the whole (iEduNote, 2022).

Interpersonal (or HR) skills : are the abilities to collaborate, motivate, and manage people in an organization
in order to create favorable conditions and promote the execution of common tasks. Managers must delegate
their responsibilities to others, therefore human resource skills are crucial, as they show a manager's
leadership abilities. Detecting talents, utilising the proper abilities, connecting persons, and establishing a
suitable environment to attract the best dedication of employees are all responsibilities that the
administrator's human resource skills are reflected in.
Diagnostic skills: In simple words, a manager’s job is to make decisions that will lead the organization to the
attainment of is goals. Decision making skill is the skill that makes a manager able to recognize opportunities
and threat and then select an appropriate course of action to tackle them efficiently so that the organization
can benefit them.

Political skills and analyze: A good manager has Diagnostic and Analytical skills in his bags. Diagnostic skill
refers to the ability to visualize the best response to a situation. Analytical skill means, the ability to identify the key
variables in a situation. Manager diagnostic skill and Analytical skill helps him to identify possible approaches to a
situation. After that is also helps a manager to visualize the result or outcomes of these approaches. This skill sounds
similar to the decision making skill, but it is the skill required to make the decision.

2.4 Key skills and functions of leadership

Motivational: Leaders must inspire their employees to go above and beyond, which is why people and
relationships are far more important than tasks. This is not to say that duties are unimportant; they are;
however, a significant part of a good leader's job is to motivate and inspire others to do their jobs properly
(Curtis and O'Connell, 2011).

Communication: Words have enormous power to motivate and inspire people, not only when spoken, but
also when written and listened to, so it should come as no surprise that communication is one of the most
fundamental, yet critical, skills of a strong leader. "Communicating facts and ideas is routinely regarded
among the most crucial talents for leaders to be successful," according to the Center for Creative Leadership
(Curtis and O’Connell, 2011)

Creativity: In our ever-changing, fast-paced, and often difficult world, leaders must be able to 'think outside
the box' and make creative decisions that do not always have a clear answer. This includes learning to
approach and solve problems in novel ways, as well as providing original answers and ideas through critical
thinking, imagination, observation, and open-mindedness (Curtis and O'Connell, 2011).

Vision: Understanding the big picture of where the organization or team they're working on is going, what
it's capable of, and what it'll take to get there is probably the most important quality any leader can have
(Krakoff, N.D).
Flexibility: When circumstances necessitate it, leadership entails adjusting and adapting. Nothing goes as
planned, so be prepared to come to a halt, re-evaluate, and decide on a different course of action if you
encounter small or large impediments. Good leaders recognize the ever-changing nature of business and
respond to challenges with a flexible mindset – and can inspire others to do the same (Krakoff, N.D).

Inspiration: It is just as important to be able to communicate that vision to others and get them excited
about it as it is to have one. This entails maintaining a pleasant but realistic presence in the workplace in
order to keep employees motivated and engaged while also reminding them of why they are there (Krakoff,

3. Different: Leadership and Management

Leader and manager both have the same title as human resource manager, but there are many differences in
management methods and vision as well as worldview factors in human resource management.


The first, Management and leadership have many different, the vision, leadership think about are visionaries.
They set paths to excel in organizational growth. Always check and evaluate the current operating status of
the organization based on the set goals, then evaluate and implement the goals. Unlike ledership,
management has a clear plan that includes a short-term plan and a long-term plan. The realization of business
goals and vision will be carried out from the short-term plans first until the long-term goals are achieved.


A leader asks what and why, whereas a manager focuses on the questions how and when. This shows that
the leader will focus on the results of the process and the manager will care about the process of change.

Think idea:

Managers relate to people based on their role in the decision-making process, whereas
leaders, who are concerned with ideas, relate in higher-level but empathetic ways. The main
distinction is simply between a manager's focus on how things are done and a leader's focus
on what should be done to achieve better results. ( Haiilo, 2022)
Inspire People

While leaders have the ability to inspire others, managers are responsible for ensuring
employees' long-term success and a positive work environment throughout their careers.
Managers are held accountable for the success and productivity of their teams because they
account for more than 70% of employee engagement in the workplace. ( Haiilo, 2022)

4. Leadership and management theory:

4.1 5 Theory of management:
The traditional methodologies:

The creators Taylorism, Henri Falol, and Max Weber fostered the exemplary methodology fully intent on
moving toward productivity in work execution and enhancing each interaction to stay away from pointless
misfortunes. Cycles, procedures, and work division are esteemed and considered as a reason in this way to
deal with dealing with the association toward most extreme proficiency by plainly separating and
characterizing objectives recommend. With the old style approach, we have 3 extraordinary administration
studies: Scientific administration ( Taylorism), Administrative administration (Henri Fayol) and
Bureaucratic administration (Max Weber).

Logical administration:

Taylorism is credited with imagining the logical administration strategy. Taylor (1997) examined how the
executives centers around specialized standards in his book The standards of logical administration. It
depends on the advancement of a framework that upgrades all tasks to amplify usefulness. Measures are
proposed to further develop fabricating processes, disperse work, and enhance every part. That's what he
trusts assuming every individual spotlights on just a single occupation during the creation stage, efficiency
will be higher than if everybody does the whole cycle.

Managerial administration:

The creators utilize this way to deal with stress the executives standards in the hierarchical construction.
Not at all like Taylor, Henri Fayol wanted something other than expanded creation efficiency. He wishes to
execute this administration methodology to further develop in general business productivity. Obviously, the
standards they give are additionally broad standards and practices of the old style approach.

Regulatory administration:

Max Weber is one more creator who has made huge commitments to the advancement of the board draws
near. Weber proposed the administration hypothesis (Weber's Bureaucracy). He accepts that this
construction is successful on the grounds that the principles and guidelines in this hypothesis assist
representatives with understanding their situation and work obviously, permitting them to play out their
obligations overall quite well. predominant. Organization has been recognized as having three primary

Human relations approach:

The human connection the board approach depends on directors noticing representatives' ways of behaving
and propensities to devise suitable administration measures. This approach is tied in with utilizing human
brain research to further develop the executives proficiency. It depends on three notable trials'

As per Mcgrath and Bates (2017), analyst Elton Mayo and individuals from MIT led the examination at the
Hawthrone manufacturing plant in 1924. This is the establishment whereupon The Hawthorne studies are
constructed. By separating the assembly line laborers into equal parts and exposing them to various working
circumstances, they found that there was no distinction in execution when the it were changed to work
conditions. The presence of administrators fundamentally affects efficiency. Representatives work harder
on the grounds that they sense the executives' presence and concern.

Model: Vinamilk is notable for being the best work environment for a long time, and it is exceptionally
fruitful in its administration job. We can see that this organization's administration depends on human
connections. As per Vinamilk (2020), notwithstanding liberal advantages and a positive work climate, the
organization has given various grants to representatives and understudies, including a "Full grant to read up
abroad in Russia for understudies." phenomenal" or Management Trainee (MT) program, up-and-comers
will be prepared in administration abilities, hierarchical limit, and particularly in creating thinking and
initiative vision to have full limit and courage to turn into Vinamilk's center and ranking directors. Vinamilk
representatives can address suitable issues and contribute thoughts to the work. The way that Vinamilk gives
these grant and improvement bundles causes representatives to feel more esteemed; they will be persuaded
to work since they accept the organization values them. This is as per the Hawthorne Effect. "At Vinamilk,
I am truly "enabled," the option to propose thoughts, the right exhibition, and the option to assume liability
in the work," said the Director of the Community Development Department, one of the youthful staff
standing firm on a senior administration footing at Vinamilk.

The quantitative methodology:

Quantitative exploration is an examination system that puts a premium on measurement in information

assortment and investigation. Much of the time, scientists will concentrate on information and figures to
acquire an overall comprehension of an article or peculiarity. Besides, as expressed by Payne and Payne,
quantitative strategies much of the time use information as frequencies or proportions to recognize designs
and different cultural issues. ( Indulska, 2012)

The framework approach:

Following WWII, various advocates of neo-human relations, including Kenneth Boulding (1910 - 1993),
fostered a hypothesis in which associations are considered a framework (Ljung, 2009). Besides, Hung and
Tsai showed that the framework's point of view considers the total of a movement, substance, or business
comparable to its environmental elements. Directors are responsible for keeping an arrangement of
cooperative endeavors running inside a conventional association.

Coming up next are the parts of an open framework.

The possibility approach:

As indicated by Zeithaml and Varadarajan (1988), possibility the board depends on the possibility that there
is no single most ideal way to oversee . Since possibility just alludes to circumstances that might happen in
the business, viable associations should tailor their preparation, arranging, driving, and controlling to every
one of the organization's conditions. As such, the chief, as a total administration mechanical assembly,
should break down the components of a circumstance as well as the necessities of an assignment. Thus,
pioneers will accumulate all appropriate data to devise the best answer for every individual circumstance.
Moreover, hypotheses ought to be created and investigated all through the administration archive.
Subsequently, the reinforcement technique ought to be utilized as the essential strategy by scientists.
(Govindarajan, 1988).
Model: The pandemic is as yet muddled on a worldwide and Vietnamese scale, influencing numerous
monetary areas. Organizations should keep a steady "pivoting" in their essential direction as well as how
those procedures are executed in this unique circumstance.

For your business to fill over the long haul, ensure you intend to adjust and keep up with activities,
reexamine your procedure and plan of action, and characterize your market position as really important.
This is the assessment of Mr. Gaku Echizenya, CEO of Navigos Group, who has a significant level human
asset the board strategy in view of study and practice. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed customers
everywhere, from their qualities to their way of behaving to the manner in which they polish off., Mr. Gaku
Echizenya who knows about the upsetting pestilence circumstance, proposed a few ideas, including the
accompanying: first, center around emergency the executives and liquidity the board. Besides, Navigos
means to make transient worth by assessing and giving arrangements that can be executed quickly to work
on functional effectiveness and income. Navigos, then again, has decided to zero in on its repositioning
procedure, which incorporates transforming its plan of action. They concocted a computerized change
technique. This is exceptionally helpful for all clients; advanced change permits individuals to move cash
without any problem. (Navigos, 2020)

4.2 Theory of leadership

Social theory: Behavioral power speculation revolves around how trailblazers act and suggests that these
characteristics can be copied by various trailblazers. Social theories of drive spotlight strongly on the
trailblazer's exercises, and in this theory battle that the best factor in organization accomplishment is the
means by which the trailblazer acts. Exercises, not qualities, are critical to social learning theory. Individual
direct guidelines are seen and named "drive styles" in this speculation. A few drive styles fuse task arranged
organization, people organized organization, country club authority, the situation organization, despot
authority, etc.

Probability speculation: Contingency authority theory, now and again called situational theory, bases on
the setting of a trailblazer. These theories consider the situational effects of a trailblazer's success or
dissatisfaction. A trailblazer's sufficiency still hanging out there by the situational setting. While a
trailblazer's personality is a little factor in their flourishing, the fundamental component is the trailblazer's
insight and conditions. This speculation fans out unambiguous drive styles and recommends that
extraordinary bosses can change their power style dependent upon the situation. It in like manner
recommends that noticing the right kind of trailblazer for a particular circumstance is great.

Mind boggling Great man: According to this theory, incredible trailblazers are "considered" not "made".
Trailblazers have normal credits and capacities that make them phenomenal, similar to pursue, sureness,
understanding, social capacities, and social tendency. This theory highlights drive as a quality that specific
people have or don't have so authority isn't something that can be learned.

Weighty Leadership Theory: This speculation is generally called Relationship Theory. This speculation
revolves around the association among trailblazers and followers. This theory talks about the awakening
and appealling sort of trailblazer who encourages their disciples to change and end up being better at a

Situational Leadership Theory: According to instructor Paul Hersey and organization ace Ken Blanchard,
situational speculation is a blend of power style and improvement level of followers. As demonstrated by
this speculation, different conditions require different power and dynamic styles. Trailblazers ought to act
by it are encountering exactly the same thing they.

Esteem based Theories: This speculation is generally called organization theory or exchange authority
speculation. As shown by the power theory, prizes and trains should be considered as the justification behind
drive exercises, this speculation is normally used in business. Allies of this organization style use prizes and
teaches to prod laborers.

Quality Theory of Leaders: Leadership Trait Theory: This speculation holds that trailblazers are carried
into the world with attributes that make them more fit to the gig of a trailblazer than others who miss the
mark on innate characteristics. theory acknowledges that particular attributes a trailblazer needs, for
instance, knowledge, obligation, commitment and inventiveness engage an individual to prevail in
compelling positions.

5. Leadership and management style

Drive and the board styles have three essential procedures: continuum of power styles, Likert's systems 1-4 and
McGregor's speculation X and Y. The continuum of drive incorporates a collection of activities associating with the
manager's level of power and the degree of dynamic versatility accessible to non-chairmen (Mullin, 2019). Likert's
structures 1-4 are enormous drive hypotheses that consideration on various progressive credits and manners of
thinking (Mullin, 2019). The two conflicting structures of speculations with respect to the nature and the leading body
of people are known as Theory X and Theory Y (Mullin, 2019). This report examination concerning McGregor's
speculation X and Theory Y.

Theory X:

Bosses' suspicions for specialist capacity are inauspicious (Mullin, 2019). Since a large number individuals detest
work and will endeavor to avoid it regardless of what, trailblazers ought to constantly apply pressure, close noticing,
and sabotage discipline for agents to put everything in order.

MB with the core value of "Discipline" to have the choice to eagerly screen all of laborers' activities (Mb bank, 2020).
In Vietnam's guideline, banks are not allowed to uncover client information (Vietnambusinesslaw, 2018). Thusly, this
is furthermore the rule of Mb bank that blocks agents from revealing client information. Dismissing agents will be
suspended from work and will be engaged with the most raised structure (VTC, 2021). With Mb's discipline decision,
it will make various agents sort out some way to make an effort not to submit blunders.

Theory Y:

Theory Y is a more confident, dynamic and humanistic speculation about the nature and direct of workers. Theory Y
progresses a larger part leads framework, advocates the use of "circumspection measures", makes sensible conditions
for people from the relationship to achieve their own goals in the best manner. affiliation is moreover achieved
(Mullin, 2019).

Microsoft uses significantly qualified and imaginative trained professionals. Microsoft with a culture of specialist
reinforcing. This suggests that any laborer can change, learn and grow, wholeheartedly composing notable
contemplations. Microsoft figure out a test Hackathon (Morris, 2018). Here all of their laborers can change their
contemplations into this present reality and rouse the spirit of ingenuity. Workers are permitted to convey their best
limit without being restricted by serious principles and rules, they will really need to augment work effectiveness

6. Organzational culture:
Organizational culture can be defined in a variety of ways, but according to Schein (1985), it is the set of
beliefs held by organizational members. Organizational culture, according to Atkinon (1990), consists of
assumptions about how to perform tasks, acceptable and unacceptable behaviors, and behaviors that are
encouraged and discouraged. Handy's, Deal's, and Kennedy's are three different ways to categorize
organizational cultures. Each organization will find a way to set itself apart; most businesses will blend
cultures in order to harmonize between employees because everyone enjoys different ways of working.

Types of organizational culture:

Deal & Kennedy’s four generic types of culture:

The degree of risk affecting the organization's operations and the speed with which organizations and their
employees receive feedback on successful outcomes from the organization's decisions or strategies are two
determinants in the market.

Tough culture: A group of people is frequently required to take significant risks and receive immediate
feedback on whether their actions are correct or incorrect. (Durbin, 2012). For example: police, doctors,
entertainment industry or cosmetics industry.
Word hard, play hard: The culture is one of happiness, optimism, and activity. When employees accept a
small amount of risk and receive immediate feedback. Most businesses are driven by their customers' needs,
which makes them very dynamic. While there are numerous dangerous activities, the risk is relatively low.
(Durbin, 2012). Real estate agents, mass consumer companies like McDonald's, Muji, Miso, and retail stores
are examples of sales groups.
Best-your-company culture: Employees may not know if their decisions were effective for years when they
make high-stakes decisions with a high risk but slow feedback. ( Durbin, 2012). Example: Techcombank,
Viettel, Petrolimex…
Process culture: Employees struggle to quantify their work in a low-risk, slow-feedback culture. (Durbin,
2012). Life insurance company, Bao Viet Insurance…

Charles Handy’s 4 types:

Power culture: A highly formalized company is more likely to have a charismatic CEO who connects with
people, interacts directly with them, and expects immediate responses. nimble. A power culture has the benefit
of allowing an organization to respond quickly, but it also has the disadvantage of making it difficult to work
with people who hold strong beliefs but can be persuaded to change them. ( Durbin, 2012)
Person culture: Lack of centralization and a focus on individual children. It's a company that focuses solely
on the needs of individuals. In fact, few businesses can maintain and thrive in this environment. It is regarded
as a dictatorial and egotistical culture.( Durbin, 2012)
Task culture: To improve efficiency and help individuals define organizational goals, a mission culture
relies on the unifying power of a team. They are usually quite adaptable and work on a schedule. Individuals
will work more effectively in a competitive environment if they interact, connect with one another, and use
new creative thinking. As a result, it is a highly recommended and widely practiced culture. ( Durbin, 2012)
Role culture: A building sustained by the support and assistance of columns and walls: each column and
wall has a specific role in the structure of the building; an individual in the organization who holds the role,
but the role continues after the individual leaves the organization. Strong functions or areas of expertise,
coordinated by a small group of people, and senior management at the top level characterize this type of
cultural model. Rather than individualization, the effectiveness of this cultural model is based on the
rationality of work and responsibility division. In a stable environment, where the market is stable,
predictable, or controllable, or where the product lifecycle is long, this type of model is more likely to
succeed. If the environment changes, however, the organization may be unable to adapt in time and fail. (
Durbin, 2012)
For example: Vinamilk's organizational structure incorporates a lot of organizational model, culture, and
roles, with the higher the position, the more rights. Individual authority is delegated, and responsibility is
limited to one's area of expertise. The main determinants are procedures and principles. Cultures with roles, on
the other hand, have a hard time adapting to change. Employees will not like the new model if it is
implemented quickly. Finally, corporate culture plays a critical role; it is compared to a person's personality
and spiritual life, and it has a direct impact on that person's lifestyle and behavior. Building a company's
corporate culture will determine the company's success or failure, as well as its survival and development.

Identify and explain various factors influencing the development of organizational culture:

An organization's culture is defined by its beliefs, ideology, policies, and practices. It provides employees with
a sense of direction as well as control over how they interact with one another. Workplace culture unites
employees by bringing them together on a common ground. The culture and structure of an organization
evolve and respond to a variety of complex factors. However, there are a few key influences that are likely to
have a significant impact on the development of any corporate culture.
Several factors influence organizational culture:
1. History:
The reasons for and how the company was founded, as well as the owners' and top management's ideas and
ideals, will all have an impact on the culture. By instilling the organization's culture and identity in new
employees, company history can be a useful referral tool to assist a development program and help integrate
new employees. Cultural conflicts and the inability to integrate multiple cultures, for example, can lead to
merger and acquisition disasters. (Mullins,2019)

2. Business nature:
The 'business' and core role of a company have a significant impact on its culture. This includes the variety of
products and services provided, the value of the company's reputation, and the clientele. The organization's
primary role will be to determine the type of technological process and working approach, which will impact
the structure and culture. ( Mullins, 2019)

3. Strategy:
While a company may want to make money, according to Mullins (2019), this isn't a necessary or sufficient
condition for it to run smoothly. All 25 critical parts of the organization's operations must be focused on the
organization's goals. Consider the importance of long-term survival or expansion, the desire to avoid danger
and uncertainty, or the desire to fulfill larger social responsibilities. Culture is influenced by a combination of
goals and methods that produce outcomes, and culture can be altered by changes in culture.

4. Size:
Larger companies' structures and cultures are frequently more formal. Separate departments and activities are
likely to emerge as a result of the expanded scope. Because strong coordination is required, this could lead to
communication issues and inter-departmental competition. The rapid growth in size and speed of
development, as well as personnel changes, will have an impact on structure and culture. ( Mullins, 2019)

5. Location:
Defined office spaces can be traced back to the Romans, who established individual work areas. While men
who worked with their hands were common, the Romans believed it was necessary to provide a place for men
who worked with their minds rather than their hands. The purpose of office spaces has remained the same
over the years: to provide a defined workspace for workers to perform their job activities efficiently.
Customers and hired employees may be affected by an organization model located in a quiet, open
countryside or a bustling city center. ( Mullins, 2019)

6. The environment:
The organization must respond to external environmental forces in order to be effective. A flexible and
change-responsive structure and culture are required if a company operates in a dynamic environment, for
example. An organic structure is more likely to respond successfully to new opportunities and challenges
presented by the external environment, as well as hazards and limits. ( Mullins, 2019)

7. Management & Leadership:

The nature of corporate culture can be significantly influenced by top executives. Sir Richard Branson, Anita
Roddick, founder of The Body Shop, and Marjorie Scardino's style change as she assumes the new chief
executive officer position are all examples. Pearson. . . It's an incredible example of outright victory over a
city and a cynical press. This is an amazing example of how much a company's culture changes when a new
CEO takes over. ( Mullins, 2019)

8. Digital Technology:
Any successful business must provide employees with the resources they require to complete their tasks.
Employees become enraged and frustrated when their employers are unable or unwilling to provide adequate
resources. A lack of resources can have a negative impact on company culture and create an unpleasant
working environment. By providing resources, organizations can better support their employees in completing
their jobs more efficiently. Technology can have both an external and internal impact. Technology can be used
for a variety of internal purposes. Businesses must establish policies and processes that clearly define
electronic communication expectations because technology plays such a large role in everyday interactions. (
Mullins, 2019)

7. Conclusion:
The report concludes that incorporating management theories and leadership styles into business can lead to
better results. The study focuses on management concepts such as modern theory, which looks at how leaders
can respond to current events, changes in an organization, and how they can collaborate to transform stable

VI. Reference list

Indeed, n.d. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed by 6 April 2022]

Mullins, L. J. (2019) Organizational Behavior in the Workplace 12th Ed. Harlow: Pearson

DuBrin, A. (2012). Management Essentials. 9th ed. Canada: Cengage Learning.

Mbbank, (2016) MB's CIO received the award "Typical Southeast Asian IT Leader." [Online].

Parker, L.D. and Ritson, P. A. (2005) Revisiting Fayol: Anticipating Contemporary Management. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed at: March 21, 2022].

Xtruong, n.d. [Online]

Available at”

[Accessed by 6 April 2022]

Vu, 2021. [Online]

Available at:

[Acecessed by 6 April 2022]

Kruse, K (2013). What is leadership? [Online].

Available at:

[Accessed by 6 April 2022]

Gilley, A., Gilley, J. W., and McMillan, H. S (2009). Organizational change: Motivation, communication, and
leadership effectiveness. [Online]

Schein, H.E. (1985). Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Atkinson, P. E. ‘Creating Cultural Change’, Management Services, vol. 34, no. 7, 1990, pp. 6–10.
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Index of comments

3.1 Trang Anh

Pass (Holistic)

What have been done well (Strengths)

- The assignment has been structured clearly by using headings and subheadings effectively. A reasonable
introduction and conclusion have also been made.

- Having a decent demonstration of key knowledge and concepts of the course

- Having an understanding of the chosen company

- The work has been improved

What have been done less well (Weaknesses)

- Enhance P4: Discuss different culture theories & applications (discuss theories in general, choose two types to
discuss with examples, and explain factors that impact organizational culture improvement) -> The part has been
added yet the examples are too general and could be more concrete of what theories are applied in detail and how.

How to further improve:

- The conclusion should be developed more comprehensively. Critical self-evaluation should also be made in
the judgment.

- More extended examples/evidence to enhance the analysis.


3.2 P

3.3 huong 220522

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