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ALCHEMIST’s Monthly PIB compilation-April 2022 TO: jayantsethis66@gmail.

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April 2022
ALCHEMIST’s Monthly PIB compilation-April 2022 TO: 2
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Dear Aspirant,

This monthly PIB compilation is made for the aspirants who appear for Regulatory body exams. In this
material, I have covered the ministry-wise news taken from the PIB official website and made it short
and crisp for a better understanding of the aspirants. Also, added certain extra information wherever it is

For the recent news, Phase II descriptive questions follow our website

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updated contents related to bank exams to make sure that you only study from the relevant source and
not from the outdated source. These materials will be helpful for you to crack various exams like RBI,

If you have any queries regarding preparation or in need of any personal guidance, feel free to
contact me in telegram @The_Alchemist_exams.
ALCHEMIST’s Monthly PIB compilation-April 2022 TO: 3
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CABINET COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC AFFAIRS ............................................................................................................ 4

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE & FARMERS WELFARE ...................................................................................................4
MINISTRY OF AYUSH .............................................................................................................................................................5
MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY .......................................................................................................................... 5
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATION ........................................................................................................................................8
MINISTRY OF DEFENCE ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ................................................................................................................................................... 9
MINISTRY OF ELECTRONICS & IT ...................................................................................................................................... 9
MINISTRY OF FINANCE ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
MINISTRY OF FISHERIES, ANIMAL HUSBANDRY & DAIRYING ................................................................................10
MINISTRY OF HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE ................................................................................................................ 11
MINISTRY OF HOUSING & URBAN AFFAIRS ..................................................................................................................11
MINISTRY OF JAL SHAKTI ..................................................................................................................................................11
MINISTRY OF LABOR & EMPLOYMENT .......................................................................................................................... 12
MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES ........................................................................................... 14
MINISTRY OF MINORITY AFFAIRS ................................................................................................................................... 14
OF NEW & RENEWABLE ENERGY .....................................................................................................................................16
MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM & NATURAL GAS ............................................................................................................... 16
MINISTRY OF SOCIAL JUSTICE & EMPOWERMENT ..................................................................................................... 17
MINISTRY OF STATISTICS & PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION ...............................................................................18
MINISTRY OF WOMEN & CHILD DEVELOPMENT ......................................................................................................... 18
NITI Aayog ............................................................................................................................................................................... 19
ALCHEMIST’s Monthly PIB compilation-April 2022 TO: 4
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1 PM SVANidhi beyond March  The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by the Prime Minister,
2022 till December 2024 Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the continuation of lending under the Prime
Minister Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) beyond March
2022 till December 2024, with focus on enhanced collateral free affordable loan
corpus, increased adoption of digital transactions and holistic socio-economic
development of the Street Vendors and their families.
 Through the Scheme, affordable collateral-free loans are being facilitated to the
Street Vendors. The Scheme had envisaged to facilitate loans for an amount of
Rs. 5,000 crore.
 Under PM SVANidhi, significant achievements have already been made. As on
April 25, 2022, 31.9 lakh loans have been sanctioned and 29.6 lakh loans
amounting to Rs. 2,931 crore have been disbursed.
 As regards 2nd loan, 2.3 lakh loans have been sanctioned and 1.9 lakh loans
amounting to Rs.385 crore have been disbursed. The beneficiary Street Vendors
have conducted more than 13.5 crore digital transactions and have been given a
cashback of Rs.10 crore. An amount of Rs.51 crore has been paid as Interest
2 Continuation of Rashtriya  Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA) for implementation during the period
Gram Swaraj Abhiyan from 01.04.2022 to 31.03.2026 (co-terminus with XV Finance Commission
(RGSA) from 01.04.2022 to period) to develop governance capabilities of Panchayati Raj Institutions
31.03.2026 (PRIs).
 The total financial outlay of the scheme is Rs.5911 crore with the Central Share
of Rs.3700 crore and that of State Share of Rs.2211 crore.
 The then Finance Minister, in his budget speech for 2016-17, announced the
launch of new restructured scheme of Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan
(RGSA), for developing governance capabilities of Panchayati Raj Institutions
(PRIs) to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

1 Indian banana & baby corn  The negotiations between National Plant Protection Organisations of India and
get market access in Canada Canada on market access for Indian Banana and Baby corn resulted in Canadian
market access for these commodities.
2 Doubling Farmer’s Income  The Government consulted an Inter-ministerial Committee in April, 2016 to
examine issues relating to “Doubling farmers Income” and recommend
strategies to achieve the same.
 The Committee submitted its report to the Government in September, 2018
containing the strategy for doubling of farmers’ income by the year 2022.
 The Committee on Doubling Farmers’ Income (DFI) recognizes agriculture as a
value led enterprise and has identified seven major sources of growth viz., (i)
Increase in crop productivity; (II) Increase in livestock productivity; (III)
Resource use efficiency or savings in the cost of production; (IV) Increase in
the cropping intensity; (V) Diversification towards high value crops; (VI)
improvement in real prices received by farmers; and (VII) Shift from farm to
non-farm occupations.
ALCHEMIST’s Monthly PIB compilation-April 2022 TO: 5
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The steps are being taken to improve the quality of soil under National Project on
Management of Soil Health & Fertility are given below:
 Government has been implementing Soil Health Card (SHC) scheme under
National Project on Management of Soil Health & Fertility since 2015 to
provide soil test based fertilizer use recommendations periodically to the
farmers in the country. Soil health card provides nutrient status of the soil along
with prescription about balanced and integrated use of inorganic and organic
fertilizers to maintain good soil health.
 Demonstrations about balanced use of fertilizers based on soil health card
recommendations and training to the farmers on proper and integrated use of
fertilizers are integral part of the scheme. Financial assistance is provided to
State governments for training of farmers, demonstrations on farmer fields and
organizing farmer melas.
 Since 2015, around 6.45 lakh demonstrations, 93781 farmer’s trainings and
7425 farmers melas are organized/conducted under the programme.
 Under Soil Health Management scheme financial assistance to states is
provided for promotion of micro-nutrients @ Rs 500 per hectare. Since 2015,
financial assistance for promotion of micro-nutrients to 10.29 lakh hectare has
been provided to states.
 The Government of India assesses the requirement of fertilizers before each
cropping season i. e Kharif and Rabi during the Zonal Conference on
Agricultural Inputs. The Department of Fertilizers on that basis issues the
supply plan and ensure the availability of fertilizers through domestic
production and imports

1 World Homeopathy day  World Homeopathy day is celebrated on april 10th.
 This year, the theme for World Homeopathy Day 2022 in India is 'People's
Choice For Wellness.
2 World Health Day  World Health Day is celebrated on April 7th.
 The theme for this year's World Health Day is “Our Planet, Our Health".

1 Core Industries grow by  The Office of Economic Adviser, Department for Promotion of Industry and
10.4% during FY 2021-22 Internal Trade released the Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI) for the Month
of March, 2022.
 ICI measures combined and individual performance of production in selected
eight core industries viz. Coal, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Refinery Products,
Fertilizers, Steel, Cement and Electricity.
 The Eight Core Industries comprise 40.27 percent of the weight of items
included in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).
 The cumulative growth rate of Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI) during
April-March 2021-22 was 10.4% (provisional) as compared to the
corresponding period of last Financial Year.
 The combined Index of Eight Core Industries stood at 157.3 in March 2022,
which increased by 4.3 per cent (provisional) as compared to the Index of
March 2021.
 Final growth rate of Index of Eight Core Industries for December 2021 is
ALCHEMIST’s Monthly PIB compilation-April 2022 TO: 6
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revised to 4.1% from its provisional level 3.8%.
2 India's sugar exports grow by  India's Sugar Exports witnessed an astounding growth of 291% from USD
291% since 2013-14 1,177 million in FY 2013-14 to USD 4600 million in FY 2021-22.
 As per DGCI&S data, India exported sugar to 121 countries across the globe.
 Sugar export jumped 65 per cent in 2021-22 corresponding to previous year.
The growth was achieved despite logistical challenges posed by COVID19
pandemic in the form of high freight rates, container shortages, etc.
3 WPI based rate of inflation for  The annual rate of inflation is 14.55% (Provisional) for the month of March,
March 2022 (over March, 2021) as compared to 7.89% in March, 2021.The high rate
of inflation in March, 2022 is primarily due to rise in prices of crude petroleum
and natural gas, mineral oils, basic metals, etc owing to disruption in global
supply chain caused by Russia-Ukraine conflict.
 The Office of the Economic Adviser, Department for Promotion of Industry and
Internal Trade (DPIIT) released index numbers of wholesale price in India
(Base Year: 2011-12) for the month of March, 2022 (Provisional) and for the
month of January, 2022 (Final) today.
 Provisional figures of Wholesale Price Index (WPI) are released on 14th of
every month (or next working day) with a time lag of two weeks of the
reference month and compiled with data received from institutional sources and
selected manufacturing units across the country. After 10 weeks, the index is
finalized and final figures are released and then frozen thereafter.
4 India’s Services exports  India’s Services exports for the first time achieved the targeted $ 250 Billion
during April-March 2021-22*, exhibiting a positive growth of 21.31 per cent
over the fiscal 2020-21. For the month of March 2022, the estimated value of
Services export is USD 22.52 Billion, exhibiting a positive growth of 8.31 per
cent vis-a-vis March 2021.
 India’s overall exports (Merchandise and Services) touched an all-time high of
USD 669.65 Billion in April-March 2021-22, jumping by 34.50 per cent over
the same period last year. For the last month, March 2022, India’s exports grew
by 15.51 per cent in March 2022 to USD 64.75 Billion over the same period last
5 Free Trade Agreements  So far, India has signed 13 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with its trading
(FTAs) partners, including the 3 agreements, namely India-Mauritius Comprehensive
Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement (CECPA), India-UAE
Comprehensive Partnership Agreement (CEPA) and India-Australia Economic
Cooperation and Trade Agreement (IndAus ECTA) signed during last 5 years.
The list of FTAs signed by India is as under:
 India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
 Agreement on South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA)
 (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Maldives and
 India-Nepal Treaty of Trade
 India-Bhutan Agreement on Trade, Commerce and Transit
 India-Thailand FTA - Early Harvest Scheme (EHS)
 India-Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA)
 India-ASEAN CECA - Trade in Goods, Services and Investment Agreement
(Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam)
(*) Signed, but yet to be  India-South Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA)
implemented  India-Japan CEPA
 India-Malaysia CECA
 India-Mauritius Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership
ALCHEMIST’s Monthly PIB compilation-April 2022 TO: 7
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Agreement (CECPA)
 India-UAE CEPA (*)
 India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA) (*)
6 Make In India  The 'Make in India' initiative was launched on 25th September, 2014 to
facilitate investment, foster innovation, build best in class infrastructure, and
make India a hub for manufacturing, design, and innovation. It is one of the
unique 'Vocal for Local' initiatives that promoted India's manufacturing domain
to the world.
 'Make in India' initiative has significant achievements and presently focuses on
27 sectors under Make in India 2.0. Department for Promotion of Industry and
Internal Trade (DPIIT) coordinates action plans for 15 manufacturing sectors,
while Department of Commerce coordinates 12 service sector plans. Investment
outreach activities are done through Ministries, State Governments and Indian
Missions abroad for enhancing International co-operation and promoting both
domestic and foreign investment in the country.
 In the last seven financial years (2014-21), India has received FDI inflow worth
US$ 440.27 billion which is nearly 58 percent of the FDI reported in the last 21
years (US$ 763.83 billion).
7 ONDC Project  Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) is an initiative aiming at
promoting open networks for all aspects of exchange of goods and services over
digital or electronic networks. ONDC is to be based on open-sourced
methodology, using open specifications and open network protocols
independent of any specific platform.
 The foundations of ONDC are to be open protocols for all aspects in the entire
chain of activities in exchange of goods and services, similar to hypertext
transfer protocol for information exchange over internet, simple mail transfer
protocol for exchange of emails and unified payments interface for payments.
8 India’s Agriculture Exports  Exports of agricultural products (including marine and plantation products) for
the year 2021-22 have crossed USD 50 billion, highest level ever achieved for
agriculture exports.
 As per the provisional figures released by DGCI&S, the agricultural exports
have grown by 19.92% during 2021-22 to touch $50.21 billion. The growth rate
is remarkable as it is over and above the growth of 17.66%, at $41.87 billion,
achieved in 2020-21 and has been achieved in spite of unprecedented logistical
challenges in the form of high freight rates, container shortages etc.
 Highest ever exports have been achieved for staples like rice (USD 9.65
billion), wheat (USD 2.19 billion), sugar (USD (4.6 billion) and other cereals
(USD 1.08 billion).
9 Economic Cooperation and  The India-Australia ECTA is the first trade agreement of India with a developed
Trade Agreement (ECTA) country after more than a decade. The Agreement encompasses cooperation
between India and Australia across the entire gamut of bilateral economic and commercial relations between
the two friendly countries, and covers areas like Trade in Goods, Rules of
Origin, Trade in Services, Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), Sanitary and
Phytosanitary (SPS) measures, Dispute Settlement, Movement of Natural
Persons, Telecom, Customs Procedures, Pharmaceutical products, and
Cooperation in other Areas.
 The ECTA between India and Australia covers almost all the tariff lines dealt
in by India and Australia respectively. India will benefit from preferential
market access provided by Australia on 100% of its tariff lines.
 This includes all the labour-intensive sectors of export interest to India such as
Gems and Jewellery, Textiles, leather, footwear, furniture, food, and
agricultural products, engineering products, medical devices, and Automobiles.
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 On the other hand, India will be offering preferential access to Australia on over
70% of its tariff lines, including lines of export interest to Australia which are
primarily raw materials and intermediaries such as coal, mineral ores and wines
1 ‘Fincluvation’  On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Indian Independence & ongoing
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotasav, India Post Payments Bank (IPPB), a 100%
government owned entity under Department of Posts (DoP) announced the
launch of Fincluvation– a joint initiative to collaborate with Fintech Startup
community to co-create and innovate solutions for financial inclusion.
About India Post Payments Bank
 India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) has been established under the Department of
Posts, Ministry of Communication with 100% equity owned by GoI.
 IPPB was launched by PM Shri Narendra Modi on September 1, 2018.
 The bank has been set up with the vision to build the most accessible,
affordable and trusted bank for the common man in India.
 The fundamental mandate of IPPB is to remove barriers for the unbanked and
under-banked and reach last mile leveraging a network comprising 160,000 post
offices (145,000 in rural areas) and 400,000 postal employees.
 IPPB’s reach and its operating model is built on the key pillars of India Stack -
enabling Paperless, Cashless &Presence-less banking in a simple and secure
manner at customers' doorstep, through CBS-integrated smartphone &
biometric device.

1 Chief of the Army Staff  General Manoj Pande took over as the 29th Chief of the Army Staff on 30 April
2022 from General Manoj Mukund Naravane, who superannuated after four
decades of an illustrious career.
2 Flag Officer Commanding  Rear Admiral Vikram Menon, VSM took over duties of Flag Officer
Goa Area Commanding Goa Area (FOGA) and Flag Officer Naval Aviation (FONA) on
30 Apr 2022 from Rear Admiral Philipose G Pynumootil, AVSM, NM, who
retired on superannuation after a career spanning over 36 years in service.
3 SAGAR IX  With the overarching aim of providing critical medical aid to Sri Lanka during
the ongoing crisis, INS Gharial as part of Mission SAGAR IX arrived at
Colombo on 29 Apr 22 and delivered over 760 kgs of 107 types of critical
lifesaving medicines.
4 IBC Best Infrastructure  The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) Engineering Marvel Atal Tunnel built in
Project award Rohtang of Himachal Pradesh received Indian Building Congress (IBC) ‘Best
Infrastructure Project’ award
 The tunnel, built by using the New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) was
dedicated to the Nation by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on October
03, 2020. It has been equipped with a semi-transverse ventilation system, where
large fans separately circulate air throughout the tunnel.
5 Missile ‘HELINA’  Indigenously developed helicopter launched Anti-Tank Guided Missile
‘HELINA’ was successfully flight tested on April 11, 2022 at high-altitude
ranges as part of user validation trials. The flight-test was jointly conducted by
the teams of scientists from Defence Research and Development Organisation
(DRDO), Indian Army and Indian Air Force (IAF).
ALCHEMIST’s Monthly PIB compilation-April 2022 TO: 9
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6 Exercise Varuna 2022  The culmination of the 20th edition of the Indo-French bilateral Naval exercise
‘Varuna-2022’ took place

1 Training for rural area  National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 envisages to give continuous
teachers opportunities to teachers for self-improvement and to learn the latest
innovations and advances in their professions. Each teacher and school
principal is expected to participate in at least 50 hours of Continuous
Professional Development (CPD) opportunities every year for their own
professional development, driven by their own interests. CPD can be offered in
multiple modes, including in the form of local, regional, state, national, and
international workshops as well as online teacher development modules.
 The Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education
launched a National Mission to improve learning outcomes at the Elementary
level through an Integrated Teacher Training Programme called NISHTHA –
National Initiative for School Heads’ and Teachers’ Holistic Advancement on
21st August, 2019 under the centrally sponsored scheme of Samagra Shiksha.
In view of the COVID pandemic, NISHTHA online elementary teachers was
launched on 06th October, 2020 and the remaining training of NISHTHA at
elementary level was conducted online by the NCERT on the DIKSHA
platform using high quality professionally made e-content.
 In 2021-22, NISHTHA online has been extended to Secondary level
(NISHTHA 2.0) and Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (NISHTHA 3.0) for
Secondary, Pre-primary & Primary respectively with a focus on improvement
in quality of teachers and learning outcomes of students, as per the vision of the
National Education Policy, 2020.
2 DIKSHA Website  DIKSHA is the platform for providing quality e-content for school education in
States/UTs and QR coded Energized Textbooks for all grades (one nation, one
digital platform). DIKSHA complies with World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 level AA. This enables
people with visual impairments to access the website using assistive
technologies, such as screen readers.
 Special e-content for visually and hearing impaired developed on Digitally
Accessible Information System (DAISY) and in sign language on NIOS
website/ YouTube. DAISY is the emerging world standard for digital talking
books for people who are visually impaired or have a print disability. DAISY
books have “embedded navigation” that enables readers to instantly jump to any
part of a work- the same way a sighted person can turn to any page.

1 MOU Signed Between UIDAI  A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between the Unique
and ISRO Identification Authority Of India (UIDAI), Ministry of Electronics and
Information Technology (MeitY), New Delhi and National Remote Sensing
Centre (NRSC), ISRO, Hyderabad, for technical collaboration

ALCHEMIST’s Monthly PIB compilation-April 2022 TO: 10
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1 Atal Pension Yojana total  The total enrollments under APY Scheme have crossed 4.01 crore as on March
enrolments 2022 out of which more than 99 lakh APY accounts were opened during FY
2021-22. The scheme had seen this tremendous success due to the active
participation of all categories of Banks. Around 71% of the enrolments done by
Public-sector banks, 19% by Regional Rural Banks, 6% by Private Sector
Banks, 3% by Payment and Small Finance Banks.
 Out of the total enrolments under APY as on 31st March 2022, nearly 80%
subscribers have opted for Rs 1000 pension plan and 13% for Rs 5000 pension
plan. Out of the total APY subscribers 44 % are female subscribers while 56%
are male subscribers. Further, out of the total APY subscribers, 45% are aged
between 18 and 25 years.
2 ADB Financing  GoI and the Asian Development Bank today signed a $2 million Project
Readiness Financing (PRF) Loan for designing climate resilient urban
infrastructure, strengthening institutional capacity and improving municipal
resource mobilization in 16 district headquarter towns (DHTs) in Nagaland.
3 Tax Revenues in 2021-22  The tax revenue in the Union Budget for 2021-22 was estimated at ₹22.17 lakh
crore against the revised estimates of ₹19 lakh crore, with a growth of 17%.
 Against the Union Budget estimates of ₹22.17 lakh crore, the revenue
collections as per the pre-actual figures is ₹27.07 lakh crore, almost ₹5 lakh
crore above the budget estimates. This is a growth of 34% over last years
revenue collection of ₹ 20.27 lakh crore, led by growth of 49% in direct taxes
and supported by 20% growth in indirect taxes.
 2021-22 marks highest tax-GDP ratio of 11.7%, with direct tax to GDP ratio at
6.1% and indirect tax to GDP ratio at 5.6%. Tax buoyancy (which is a measure
of growth in tax revenues as compared to GDP growth) is at a very healthy
figure of 1.9, with 2.8 for direct taxes and 1.1 for indirect taxes. The ratio of
direct to indirect taxes recovered from 0.9 in 2020-21 back to 1.1 in 2021-22.
 The gross corporate taxes during 2021-22 was ₹8.6 lakh crore against ₹6.5 lakh
crore last year, which shows that the new simplified tax regime with low rates
and no exemptions has lived upto its promise.
 CGST revenues increased from ₹4.6 lakh crore last year to ₹5.9 lakh crore in
2021-22. The average monthly gross GST revenue in 2021-22 was ₹1.23 lakh
crore as compared to ₹94,734 in 2020-21 and ₹1.01 lakh crore in 2019-20.
4 GST collection in March’2022  The gross GST revenue collected in the month of March 2022 is ₹ 1,42,095
crore of which CGST is ₹ 25,830 crore, SGST is ₹ 32,378 crore, IGST is ₹
74,470 crore (including ₹ 39,131 crore collected on import of goods) and cess is
₹ 9,417 crore (including ₹ 981 crore collected on import of goods).
 The gross GST collection in March’2022 is all time high breaching earlier
record of ₹ 1,40,986 crore collected in the Month of January 2022.

1 Livestock Census  Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal
Husbandry and Dairying has conducted the latest i.e., 20th Livestock Census in
2019 in participation with all States and Union Territories.
 The total Livestock population is 536.76 million
 Total Bovine population (Cattle,Buffalo,Mithun,Yak) is 303.76 million in 2019
 The total number of Cattle in the country is 193.46 million in 2019
 The total Buffalo in the country is 109.85 million
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 Total Milch Animals (in-milk and dry) in Cows and Buffalo is 125.75 million
 The total Sheep in the country is 74.26 million in 2019
 The Goat population in the country in 2019

1 Pradhan Mantri Garib  The ‘Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package (PMGKP), insurance scheme for
Kalyan Package Health Care Workers Fighting COVID-19’ has been extended for a further
period of 180 days from 19th April, 2022. It has been decided to extend the
policy so as to continue to provide the safety net to the dependents of health
workers who are deputed to take care of COVID-19 patients.
 The PMGKP was launched on 30th March, 2020 to provide comprehensive
personal accident cover of Rs. 50 Lakh to 22.12 lakh health care providers
including community health workers and private health workers who may have
been in direct contact and care of COVID-19 patients and may be at risk of
being impacted by this.

1 HUDCO Celebrates its 52nd  Established in 1970
Formation Day  The establishment of HUDCO signified the foundation of a formal housing
finance system in India.
2 ‘SVANidhi se Samriddhi’  ‘SVANidhi se Samriddhi’, an additional program of PMSVANidhi was
launched on 4th January 2021 in 125 cities in Phase 1, covering approximately
35 Lakh Street vendors and their families. 22.5 lakh scheme sanctions have
been extended to them including 16 lakh insurance benefits under Pradhan
Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Jeeban Jyoti Yojana and 2.7
Lakh pension benefits under Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan Yojana,
amongst other such benefits.
 Considering the success of Phase I, MoHUA launched the program expansion
to additional 126 cities with an aim to cover 28 Lakh Street vendors and their
families, with a total target of 20 Lakh scheme sanctions for FY 2022-23.
 MoHUA has been implementing Prime Minister Street Vendors AtmaNirbhar
Nidhi (PM SVANidhi), a Central Sector Scheme since 1st June 2020.
 The scheme aims to provide an affordable working capital loan to Street
Vendors and has successfully crossed the 30 Lakh mark.
 The scheme aims to not only extend loans to street vendors, but also aims for
their holistic development and economic upliftment. Keeping this in mind,
‘‘SVANidhi se Samriddhi’ program was started to provide social security
benefits to street vendors for their holistic development and socio-economic

1 Atal Bhujal Yojana  Atal Bhujal Yojana (ATAL JAL) is being implemented in 8,565 Gram
Panchayats of 80 districts in 7 States, namely, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka,
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh with an aim to
improve community led sustainable ground water management, mainly through
ALCHEMIST’s Monthly PIB compilation-April 2022 TO: 12
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convergence among various ongoing Central and State schemes.
 It also aims at bringing about behavioral change at the community level through
awareness programs and capacity building for fostering sustainable ground
water management.
 Atal Bhujal Yojana is being implemented since 01.04.2020.
2 Progress Made Under Jal  Jal Shakti Abhiyan, 2019 and Jal Shakti Abhiyan : Catch the Rain (JSA:CTR),
Shakti Abhiyan 2021 have been extremely successful campaigns of the Government and their
response has been overwhelming.
 While around 6.20 lakh water related works were completed and 12.36 crore
intensive afforestation were carried out under JSA 2019, more than 46.70 lakh
water related works were taken up along with more than 36.75 crore intensive
afforestation activities were carried out under JSA:CTR as on 25.03.2022.
 Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has enabled Bhuvan geoportal and
mobile application for monitoring of Watershed Development Component of
Pradhan Mantri Sinchayee Yojana (WDC-PMKSY) projects which are mostly
undertaken in rainfed areas including water stressed districts.
3 Open Defecation Free Villages  Under Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) [SBM (G)] Phase-II, which is being
implemented during the period from 2020-21 to 2024-25, the goal is to make all
the villages Open Defecation Free (ODF) Plus.
 Components of ODF Plus are (i) sustainability of Open Defecation Free (ODF)
status of villages, and (ii) Solid and Liquid Waste Management in villages.
 All the villages in all the districts of the country have been included under the
programme to achieve the ODF Plus status.
 Total estimated outlay of the SBM(G) Phase-II is about Rs.1,40,800 crore
which is to be met by convergence among different verticals of financing and
schemes of the Central and State Governments viz. SBM(G) budgetary funds,
15th Finance Commission grants for Rural Local Bodies, MGNREGS funds, etc.
 All villages have already declared themselves ODF as on 2nd October, 2019.

1 Labour Bureau releases  Labour Bureau, an attached office of the M/o Labour & Employment releases
Consumer Price Index for Consumer Price Index for Industrial workers ( CPI- IW) for March, 2022.
Industrial Workers  The All-India CPI-IW for March, 2022 increased by 1.0 point and stood at
(2016=100) – March, 2022 126.0 (one hundred twenty six). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by
0.80 per cent with respect to previous month compared to an increase of 0.50
per cent recorded between corresponding months a year ago
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2 Quarterly Employment  Ministry of Labour and Employment (MOLE) released the Report of third
Survey (QES) & All India quarter of Quarterly Employment Survey (QES) for the period October-
Quarterly Establishment December, 2021, prepared by the Labour Bureau, an attached office of MOLE.
based Employment Survey  QES captures employment data in respect of establishments employing 10 or
(AQEES) more workers, mostly constituting the organized segment, in the nine selected
sectors. These sectors are Manufacturing, Construction, Trade, Transport,
Education, Health, Accommodation & Restaurants, IT/ BPOs and Financial

3 Consumer Price Index  The All-India Consumer Price Index Number for Agricultural Labourers (Base:
Number for Agricultural 1986-87=100) for the month of March, 2022 increased by 3 points each to stand
Labourers (Base: 1986- at 1098 (One thousand ninety eight) and 1109 respectively.
87=100)  The major contribution towards the rise in general index of Agricultural
Labourers and Rural Labourers came from clothing, bedding & footwear group
to the extent of 1.09 & 1.44 points respectively mainly due to increase in prices
of saree cotton (mill), dhoti cotton (mill), shirting cloth cotton (mill), plastic
chappal/shoes, leather chappal/shoes, etc.
4 EPFO adds 14.12 lakh net  The provisional payroll data of EPFO released today highlights that EPFO has
subscribers in February, 2022 added 14.12 lakh net subscribers in the month of February, 2022. The month-
on-month comparison of payroll data reflects a slight increase of 31,826 net
subscriber addition in February, 2022 compared to the month of January, 2022.
 Age-wise comparison of payroll data indicates that the age-group of 22-25
years has been on the forefront by registering highest number of net enrolments
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of 3.70 lakh additions during February, 2022 followed by the age-group of 29-
35 years with an addition of 2.98 lakh net subscribers during the month.
 Gender-wise analysis indicates that net female payroll addition during the
month is approximately 3.10 lakh during the month. Share of female enrolment
is 21.95% of the total net subscriber addition during the month of February,
2022 with an increase of 22,402 net enrolments over January 2022.
5 Donate-a-Pension Programme  To extend the benefits of Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM)
pension scheme to the unorganized workers, the Government has taken Donate-
a-Pension initiative recently under which people/employers can donate
premium contribution for their immediate support staff such as domestic
workers, drivers, helpers, care givers, nurses, in their household or
establishment or any other eligible unorganized workers in age group of 18-40
years so as to provide them old age protection through PM-SYM pension
 The donor can pay minimum of one year's contribution. The donation amount
for a year amounts to minimum Rs 660/ and maximum uptoRs 2400/-
depending on the age of the beneficiary.
 The people/employers can donate on or by visiting the
nearest Common Service Centre.
 As on 31st March, 2022, around 100 people/employers have come forward to
donate the premium contribution through Donate-a-Pension module for their
staffs to extend them the benefits of PM-SYM pension scheme.
6 Atmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar  Aatmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana (ABRY) has been launched with effect
Yojana from 1st October, 2020 as part of Atmanirbhar Bharat package 3.0 to
incentivize employers for creation of new employment along with social
security benefits and restoration of loss of employment during Covid-19.
 Under the scheme, Government of India for a period of two years is crediting
both the employee’s share (12% of wages) and employer’s share (12% of
wages) of contribution payable or only the employee’s share, depending on
employment strength of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO)
registered establishments.

1 Self-Employment Under  In the year 2021-22, KVIC, in J&K, has established the highest number of
PMEGP manufacturing and service units under its flagship scheme- Prime Minister’s
Employment Generation Program (PMEGP) and created the highest number of
jobs in comparison with all other states and UTs in India.
 PMEGP was launched in the year 2008 and for the next 6 years, i.e. till 2013-
14, this scheme progressed at snail’s pace in J&K. However, 2014-15 onwards,
there has been a phenomenal growth under PMEGP in the state.

1 Literacy Rate Among  As per the Census 2011, the literacy rate among Muslims was 68.54%,
Minorities Christians (84.53%), Sikhs (75.39%), Buddhists (81.29%) and Jains (94.88%)
in comparison to the national literacy rate of 72.98% in the Country.
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 The dropout rate of minority students has decreased for classes 1 to 6, from
8.59% in 2015-16 to 0.8% in 2020-21
 For classes 6 to 9, dropout rate has decreased from 10.53% in 2015-16 to 2.69%
in 2020-21.
 For classes 9 to 11 dropout rate has decreased from 20.71% in 2015-16 to
15.98% in 2020-21
 As per UDISE+, the enrolment of minority students in schools has increased
from 411 lakhs in 2015-16 to 455 lakhs in 2020-21.
 Also, for Higher education, as per AISHE reports, the enrolment of minority
students has increased from 22.97 lakh in 2015-16 to 29.88 lakh in 2019-20.
 6 notified minority communities i.e. Christians, Jains, Sikhs, Muslims,
Buddhists and Parsis.
2 The various  Pre-matric Scholarship Scheme- The scholarship is provided to minority
schemes/programmes being students studying in class I to X in Government/ recognized Private schools. To
implemented by this Ministry be eligible, students should not have annual parental/guardian’s income more
are as under: than Rs.1.00 lakh and he/she should have secured minimum 50% marks in
previous class. Minimum 30% scholarships are earmarked for girls.
 Post-matric Scholarship Scheme- The scholarship is provided to minority
students studying in Class XI to Ph.D level in Government/ recognized Private
schools/Colleges/Institutes. To be eligible, students should not have annual
parental/guardian’s income more than Rs.2.00 lakh and he/she should have
secured minimum 50% marks in previous class.
 Minimum 30% scholarships are earmarked for girls.
 Merit-cum-Mean based Scholarship Scheme - The scholarship is awarded for
pursuing professional and technical courses at under-graduate and post-graduate
levels, in institutions recognized by the appropriate authority. 85 institutes for
professional and technical courses have been listed in the scheme; for which full
course fee is reimbursed. To be eligible, students should not have annual
parental/guardian’s income more than Rs.2.50 lakh and he/she should have
secured minimum 50% marks in previous class. Minimum 30% scholarships are
earmarked for girls.
 Begum Hazrat Mahal National Scholarship- Maulana Azad Education
Foundation (MAEF) under M/o Minority Affairs also implements Begum
Hazrat Mahal National Scholarship scheme for exclusively for meritorious
minority girls studying in classes IX to XII having family annual income less
than Rs. 2.00 lakh. Since 2014-15, have been sanctioned to 11.51 lakh minority
girls for which Rs. 722.05 crore has been sanctioned.
 Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF) Scheme- The Fellowships are
awarded to research students pursuing regular and full time M. Phil and Ph.D
courses. The Scheme covers all Universities/Institutions recognized by the
University Grants Commission (UGC) under section 2(f) and section 3 of the
UGC Act and is implemented through UGC. To be eligible, students should not
have annual parental/guardian’s income more than Rs.6.00 lakh. Under the
scheme, 30% fellowships are earmarked for girl students.
Padho Pardesh - Scheme of Interest Subsidy on educational loans for
overseas studies- Under the scheme, the interest subsidy is awarded to students
on the interest payable for the period of moratorium for the Education Loans
taken for overseas studies to pursue approved courses of studies abroad at
Masters, M.Phil or Ph.D levels. The scheme is implemented through the Canara
Bank. To be eligible, students should not have annual parental/guardian’s
income more than Rs.6.00 lakh. 35% scholarships are earmarked for girls.
Nai Manzil - A scheme for formal school education & skilling of school
ALCHEMIST’s Monthly PIB compilation-April 2022 TO: 16
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dropouts. 98,697 beneficiaries have benefitted under this scheme for which an
amount of Rs. 448.51crore has been released with effect from 2016-17.
Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karyakram (PMJVK) – PMJVK is a Centrally
Sponsored Scheme (CSS), with the objective of improving socio-economic
condition and basic amenities in identified Minority Concentrated Areas
(MCAs) mainly through infrastructure support.
3 Funds for Nai Roshni Scheme Funds to the tune of Rs. 94.00 Crores have been allocated and Rs. 85.83
Crores have been sanctioned for Nai Roshni scheme for leadership development
of minority women for the years from 2014-15 to 2020-21.
 Nai Roshni scheme aims to empower and enhance confidence in Minority
women by providing knowledge, tool and techniques for Leadership
Development of Women.
 It is a training programme conducted for the women belonging to minority
community between the age group of 18 years to 65 years.
 The training modules cover areas related to Programmes for women, Health and
Hygiene, Legal rights of women, Financial Literacy, Digital Literacy, Swachch
Bharat, Life Skills, and Advocacy for Social and Behavioural changes.
 The scheme is being implemented through Programme Implementing Agencies
(PIAs). The PIAs provide hand-holding to all beneficiaries for a period of 12
months after the training.
4 Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas The Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karyakram (PMJVK) is a Centrally Sponsored
Karyakram Scheme, which was restructured and implemented with effect from May, 2018,
in 1300 identified Minority Concentration Areas (MCAs) of the Country with
the objective to develop socio-economic infrastructure assets and basic
amenities in these areas.
The areas covered under PMJVK were increased from 90 Districts originally, to
308 Districts in 33 States/ UTs w.e.f. May, 2018. The MCAs included 870
Minority Concentration Blocks (MCBs), 321 Minority Concentration Towns
(MCTs) and 109 Minority Concentration District Headquarters (MCD Hqrs)
added for the first time.
The scheme has now further been revised for implementation w.e.f from 2022-
23 onwards in all Districts of the country including all the Aspirational

1 schemes to set up 50 Solar  The Government is implementing a scheme for setting up of 50 Solar Parks of
Parks aggregate capacity of 40,000 MW in the country.
 These parks are meant to provide developed infrastructure to facilitate
installation of solar power projects. Central Financial Assistance of up to Rs. 25
Lakhs for preparation of Detailed Project Report and Rs. 20 Lakhs per MW or
30% of the project cost, whichever is lower, is provided for development of
such Parks under the scheme.

1 Pure green hydrogen plant  Oil India Limited (OIL) has taken the first significant step towards Green
commissioned Hydrogen Economy in India with the commissioning of India’s First 99.999%
pure Green Hydrogen pilot plant, with an installed capacity of 10 kg per day at
its Jorhat Pump Station in Assam
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1 Nutritional Status of Senior  As per the census 2011, the number of senior citizens was 8.4% of the total
Citizens population.
 The ‘Report of the Technical Group on population projections- July 2020’ by
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has projected increase in the population
of senior citizens from 13.75 crore (10.1% of total population) in 2021 to 22.74
crore (14.9% of total population) in 2036.
 The “Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI)” Wave-1 (2017-18) report of
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has assessed the nutrition status of
senior citizens in the country.
 The Report says that in India, more than a quarter of elderly age 60 and above
are underweight (27%) and a fifth of elderly are overweight/obese (22%),
indicating a dual burden of undernutrition and overnutrition among elderly in
2 Implementation of Pmagy  The centrally sponsored scheme of Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram
Yojana(PMAGY) is being implemented since 2009-10 for integrated
development of Scheduled Castes(SCs) majority villages.
 Since 2018-19, the scheme implementation guidelines were comprehensively
revised. During 2021-22, this scheme has been merged with two other existing
schemes of this Department to be known as Pradhan Mantri Anusuchit Jaati
Abhyuday Yojana(PM-AJAY), for which an amount of Rs.1800.00 cr. has been
allocated for the financial year 2021-22.
The principal objective of the ‘Adarsh Gram’ component of the merged scheme of
PM-AJAY is integrated development of SC majority villages:
 Primarily through convergent implementation of the relevant Central
and State Schemes;
 To take up identified activities, which do not get covered under the
existing Central and State Government Schemes, through ‘Gap-filling’
funds provided as Central Assistance to the extent of Rs.20.00 lakh per
The scheme was started on pilot basis wherein 1000 such villages were selected. In
2014-15, the scheme was further expanded to 1500 more villages. Since 2018-19,
19080 villages have been selected so far under the scheme. Till 2017-18, all such
villages having more than 50% SC population were eligible for selection under the
scheme. Since 2018-19 onwards, villages having total population 500 or more with
more than 50% SC population are eligible for selection under the scheme at present.
3 SHRESHTA Scheme  The Department of Social Justice & Empowerment implements a Central Sector
Scheme of “Grant-in-Aid to Voluntary and other Organizations working for
Scheduled Castes” under which financial assistance is provided to the NGOs for
projects related to Education sector to Scheduled Caste students.
 The Scheme broadly covers 3 types of projects namely (i) Residential Schools
(ii) Non Residential Schools and (iii) Hostels, both for Primary and Secondary
Students. During the last three years, the scheme was revised w.e.f. 01.04.2020
for 2020-21 therewith assistance provided for operation and up-gradation costs
of already functional/ongoing and new projects of Residential/Non-Residential
Schools and Hostels including the project of Hostel for Girls, to eligible
Voluntary and other organizations.
 The scheme has, further, been revised w.e.f 2021-22 and renamed as Scheme
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for Residential Education for Students in High Schools in Targeted Areas
(SHRESHTA), which is operated in two Modes.
 Under Mode-I of the Scheme, every year a specified number of meritorious SC
students in States/UTs, whose parents annual income is up to Rs. 2.5 Lakh, are
selected for providing quality residential education in Top-class Private
Residential High Schools, including Hostel facilities for SC students at free of
cost from class 9th to class 12th.

1 Consumer Price Index The National Statistical Office (NSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Implementation (MoSPI) is releasing All India Consumer Price Index (CPI) on Base
2012=100 and corresponding Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) for Rural (R),
Urban (U) and Combined (C) for the month of March 2022 (Provisional)

2 Quick Estimates of Index of  The Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production (IIP) are released on
Industrial Production (IIP) 12th of every month (or previous working day if 12th is a holiday) with a six
weeks lag
 For the month of February 2022, the Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial
Production (IIP) with base 2011-12 stands at 132.1.
 The Indices of Industrial Production for the Mining, Manufacturing and
Electricity sectors for the month of February 2022 stand at 123.2, 130.8 and
160.8 respectively.

1 Honorarium To Anganwadi The prescribed cost sharing ratio between Central and State Governments for the
Workers Honorarium given to Anganwadi workers and helpers is as under:
 States/UTs with Legislature- 60:40
 NE / Himalayan States (including J&K) - 90: 10
 UT without legislature- 100:0
This is applicable to all States/UTs. Government releases funds to the States/UTs as
per the prescribed cost sharing ratio AWWs/AWHs being honorary workers are
paid a monthly honorarium as decided by govt from time to time.
Lastly, on 01.10.2018, GoI has enhanced the honorarium of AWWs at main-AWCs
from ₹3,000/- to ₹4,500/- per month; AWWs at mini- AWCs from ₹2,250/- to
₹3,500/- per month; AWHs from ₹1,500/- to ₹2,250/- per month.
Also, performance linked incentive of ₹250/- per month paid to AWHs and @
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₹500/- per month to AWWs.
2 ‘Pradhan Mantri Poshan  Government has approved the Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘Pradhan Mantri
Shakti Nirman (PM Poshan Shakti Nirman (PM POSHAN)’ for providing one hot cooked meal in
POSHAN)’ Government and Government – aided Schools from 2021-22 to 2025-26.
 The Scheme is being implemented by the Ministry of Education. Under the
Scheme, there is provision of hot cooked meal to children of pre-schools or Bal
Vatika (before class I) in primary schools also in addition to the 11.80 crore
children of classes I to VIII studying in 11.20 lakh schools.
 The Scheme is implemented across the country covering all the eligible children
without any discrimination of gender and social class.
 The goals of POSHAN Abhiyaan are to achieve improvement in nutritional
status of Children from 0-6 years, Adolescent Girls, Pregnant Women and
Lactating Mothers, in a time bound manner with fixed targets as under:

 As per the report (2020) of the United Nations Development Programme

entitled “Charting pathways out of multidimensional poverty: Achieving the
SDGs,” the incidence of multidimensional poverty in India has significantly
reduced from 55.1% in 2005 to 27.9% in 2015–2016.
3 Compensation To Pregnant  The Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) envisages providing
Women Under Pmmvy cash incentive of ₹ 5,000/- in three installments directly to the Bank/ Post
Office Accounts of Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers (PW&LM) in DBT
Mode during pregnancy and lactation in response to individuals fulfilling
specific conditions as detailed below:

NITI Aayog
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1 Atal New India Challenge 2.0  Atal Innovation Mission launched the phase 1 of the 2nd edition of the Atal
(ANIC 2.0) Launch New India Challenge (ANIC 2.0) on 28th April 2022.
 Atal New India Challenge is a flagship program of Atal Innovation Mission,
NITI Aayog. The program aims to seek, select, support and nurture technology-
based innovations that solve sectoral challenges of national importance and
societal relevance.
 Working in collaboration with the different verticals of NITI Aayog and the
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, ISRO and Ministry of Social Justice
and Empowerment, the 1st phase of ANIC 2.0 will see 18 challenges being
thrown open from 7 sectors.
1. Sector: E-mobility
2. Sector : Road Transportation (in partnership with Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways)
3. Sector : Space Technology and Application (in partnership with
Department of Space - Indian Space Research Organization)
4. Sector: Sanitation Technology (in partnership with Ministry of Social
Justice and Empowerment)
5. Sector: Medical Devices and Equipment
6. Sector: Waste Management
7. Agriculture
2 NITI Aayog and UNICEF  NITI Aayog and UNICEF India signed a Statement of Intent (SoI) on the
India Sign Statement of Intent Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a focus on children. Reiterating a
on SDGs mutual commitment towards realizing the rights of children in India, the SoI
seeks to formalize a framework of cooperation to launch the first report on the
‘State of India’s Children: Status and Trends in Multidimensional Child
3 Cabinet approves extension of The intended targets that will be achieved by AIM are:
Atal Innovation Mission  Establishing 10000 Atal Tinkering Labs (ATLs),
 Establishing 101 Atal Incubation Centers (AICs),
 Establishing 50 Atal Community Innovation Centers (ACICs
 Supporting 200 startups via the Atal New India Challenges.
4 State Energy and Climate  NITI Aayog has launched the State Energy & Climate Index-Round I
Index  The State Energy & Climate Index (SECI) Round I ranks the states’
performance on 6 parameters, namely,
1) DISCOM’s Performance
2) Access, Affordability and Reliability of Energy
3) Clean Energy Initiatives
4) Energy Efficiency
5) Environmental Sustainability
6) New Initiatives.
 The parameters are further divided into 27 indicators.
 Based on the composite SECI Round I score, the states and UTs are categorized
into three groups: Front Runners, Achievers, and Aspirants.
 The states have been categorized based on size and geographical differences as
larger states, smaller states, and UTs. Gujarat, Kerala, and Punjab have been
ranked as the top three performers in the category of larger states.
 Goa, emerged as the top-performing state in the smaller states category,
followed by Tripura, and Manipur. Among UTs, Chandigarh, Delhi, and Daman
& Diu/Dadra & Nagar Haveli are the top performers.
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