Management Aspect - Feasibility Study Module

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Immaculada Concepcion College

Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.

Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

Name: _________________________________________ Strand and Section: _________________________________

Teacher: _______________________________________ Period cover: ____________________________
Week # 10


“Management is the coordination and administration of tasks to achieve a goal. Such administration activities include
setting the organization’s strategy and coordinating the efforts of staff to accomplish these objectives through the application of
available resources. Management can also refer to the seniority structure of staff members within an organization (Herrity, 2022).”

For this module, we will find out why is management important in putting up a business, whether big or small one.
Furthermore, we will discover the key persons in each aspect of management.


At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
a. identify the components of management aspect of a feasibility study;
b. differentiate the various forms of ownership from one another;
c. create an organizational structure and design; and
d. determine the officers and key personnel involved in an organization.


What comes to your mind when you hear the word MANAGEMENT? Write at least five (5) words that you can associate to the
given word.



Planning, organizing, directing, and controlling activities are governed by a set of management principles. These principles are then
used to efficiently and effectively harness physical, financial, human, and informational resources in order to achieve organizational

1. According to F.W. Taylor, “Management is an art of knowing what to do when to do and see that it is done in the best and
cheapest way.”

2. According to Harold Koontz, “Management is an art of getting things done through and with the people in formally
organized groups. It is an art of creating an environment in which people can perform and individuals and can co-operate
towards attainment of group goals.”

Five Primary Functions of Management

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City
1. Planning
Planning determines the direction of an organization.
It is a rational and systematic approach to making
decisions today that will affect the company's future.
It is both organized foresight and corrective hindsight.
It entails forecasting the future as well as attempting
to control events. It entails the ability to predict the
long-term consequences of current actions.

2. Organizing
A formal structure of authority is needed for
organizing, as well as the direction and flow of that
authority, through which work subdivisions are
identified, arranged, and coordinated so that each part
interacts with the others in a unified and coherent way
to achieve the predetermined goals.

3. Staffing
The task of staffing entails finding and keeping
employees who are suitable for the company on both
the managerial and non-managerial levels. In addition
to maintaining this workforce with the right incentives and motivations, it involves the processes of hiring, training,
developing, compensating, and evaluating employees. It's critical to hire the right people because they play the most
important role in the management process.

4. Directing
To ensure that the workers carry out their tasks as effectively as possible and reach the desired goals, the directing function
focuses on management, coordination, motivation, and leadership.

5. Controlling
The actions taken to ensure that the events don't deviate from the pre-arranged plans make up the control function.
Establishing performance standards, assessing performance and comparing it to them, and corrective action as and when
necessary are the activities involved in addressing any deviations.

It refers the functional organizational (for instance, departmental hierarchy) and reporting structures between the holders
(employees or users) and positions to be filled in an enterprise. Relationships between jobs and work centers, as well as
between positions and tasks, can also be included.

1. Forms of Business Ownership

a. Sole Proprietorship
It is owned and run by one person. There can be no legal type of distinction between the owner and the business

b. Partnership
By definition, a partnership business consists of two or more individuals who pool their resources to create a
company and agree to split the risks, rewards, and losses. Law firms, physician groups, real estate investment firms,
and accounting groups are typical examples of partnership businesses.

c. Corporation
A corporation is a separate legal entity from its shareholders. Many of the same legal rights and obligations apply to
corporations as to people. They are able to sign contracts, make loans and take loans, sue and be sued, hire staff,
possess assets, and pay taxes.
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

2. Organizational Structure and Design

a. Concept of Organizational Structure According to Birt (2022)

Organizational structure describes the roles and responsibilities in an organization's hierarchy. It helps define the
following details:

 Job descriptions
 Role categorization into teams or departments
 Who makes departmental decisions
 Who each role reports to

“The organizational structure can help a business stay organized and clearly define roles. With a properly built
organizational structure, managers can delegate work to roles that are fully trained for the task, which can help
promote clarity, organization, productivity and accountability.”

b. Organizational Design According to Brit (2022)

Organizational design is the diagnostic process of improving a company's procedures so they operate efficiently.
This includes improving:

 Organizational structure
 Workflow
 Mechanical systems
 Procedures

It also helps ensure some inherent business values are being focused on with the current company structure,

 Meeting work goals and deadlines

 Ensuring all work meets company goals
 Improvement of customer service
 Ensuring accountability
 Conflict resolution
 Delegation of decision-making positions

3. Organizational Chart
An organizational chart is a visual representation of a
company's internal structure that shows the relationships, roles,
and responsibilities of each individual within the organization.
It is one method of imagining a bureaucracy.

4. Officers and Key Personnel

Employees who perform crucial tasks for a company are
known as key personnel. These people are in charge of
maintaining an organization's effectiveness and efficiency.
Even when the management is not present, they supervise and
inspire their coworkers and make sure that business operations
run smoothly.
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

Key Personnel Positions in most companies:

a. Operations Manager
b. Accountant or Bookkeeper
c. Receptionists
d. Quality Control Manager
e. Office Manager
f. Marketing Manager
g. Foreperson or Lead Person
h. IT Professionals

V. Practice
Directions: Answer the following question comprehensively in 2-3 sentences. (5 pts)

Why is proper management important in the decision-making process of a certain business?


VI. Enrichment
Directions: In your own words, explain the five (5) primary functions of management. (20 pts)

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Staffing
d. Directing
e. Controlling

VII. Evaluation
Directions: Suppose that you encounter problems and conflicts in managing your business, how will you respond and find for ways
and means to combat them? Answer the question comprehensively. Refer to the rubric below for grading.

Traits Weight Excellent Average Satisfactory Needs Score

(2 points) (1.5 points) (1 point) improvement (0.5
Focus & 1 There is one clear, There is one clear, well There is one topic. The topic and main
Details well focused topic. focused topic. Main Main ideas are ideas are not clear.
Main ideas are clear ideas are clear but are somewhat clear.
and are well not well supported by
supported by detailed detailed information.
and accurate
Organization 1 The introduction is The introduction states The introduction There is no clear
inviting, states the the main topic and states the main topic. introduction,
main topic, and provides an overview of A conclusion is structure, or
provides an overview the paper. A conclusion included. conclusion.
of the paper. is included.
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City
Information is
relevant and
presented in a logical
order. The conclusion
is strong
Voice 1 The author’s purpose The author’s purpose of The author’s purpose The author’s purpose
of writing is very writing is somewhat of writing is of writing is unclear.
clear, and there is clear, and there is some somewhat clear, and
strong evidence of evidence of attention to there is evidence of
attention to audience. audience. The author’s attention to audience.
The author’s knowledge and/or The author’s
extensive knowledge experience with the topic knowledge and/or
and/or experience is/are evident experience with the
with the topic is/are topic is/are limited.
Word Choice 1 The author uses vivid The author uses vivid The author uses The writer uses a
words and phrases. words and phrases. The words that limited vocabulary.
The choice and choice and placement of communicate clearly, Jargon or clichés
placement of words words is inaccurate at but the writing lacks may be present and
seems accurate, times and/or seems variety. detract from the
natural, and not overdone. meaning.
Sentence 1 All sentences are well Most sentences are well Most sentences are Sentences sound
Structure, constructed and have constructed and have well constructed, but awkward, are
Grammar, varied structure and varied structure and they have a similar distractingly
Mechanics, & length. The author length. The author makes structure and/or repetitive, or are
Spelling makes no errors in a few errors in grammar, length. The author difficult to
grammar, mechanics, mechanics, and/or makes several errors understand. The
and/or spelling. spelling, but they do not in grammar, author makes
interfere with mechanics, and/or numerous errors in
understanding. spelling that interfere grammar, mechanics,
with understanding. and/or spelling that
interfere with


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Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

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