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Guest   : I’m sorry to say this, I think the air conditioning doesn’t work properly.
Customer service : I’m sorry. I’ll get someone to check it for you.
From the dialogue we know that …
A. The guest is complaning about the bedroom service.
B. The guest is complaining about the air conditioning
C. The guest is angry about the bad service
D. The guest is very disappointed about the situation

12. Dhika  : I’m afraid I have to complain, Tantri. You haven’t returned the book you borrowed
last                       month
        Tantri : ______ I will return it soon.
A. I don’t know
B. I’m afraid it’s not me
C. I’m terribly sorry.
D. I didn’t borrow it.

13. Donna : What about your plan for next holiday John?
        John : I ... go to the beach if my father gives me permission
a. Will
b. Will have
c. Would
d. Would have

14. Tyas : I would prepare my luggage if my visa issued this week

        Rony : Ok. If you need my help. I’m ready.
        Tyas  : Thank you
From the dialogue we can conclude that ...
a. Tyas is ready to go
b. Rony will prepare Tyas luggage
c. Tyas’ visa is not issued yet
d. Rony will help to issue the visa

15. She could have attended the meeting if she had taken the first train. It means that…
a. She didn’t like the meeting
b. The first train was late.
c. She could not attend the meeting.
d. She stayed at home that day

Text for Question number 16-17!

Employers from around the country are interested in talking with you!
We have gathered over 100 companies, representing a variety of industries. To meet with you at
the JAKARTA JOB FAIR on Saturday and Saturday, May 7th -8th from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00. p.m.
Location: Jakarta Convention Center, Jln. Gunung Mas No. 34/Jakarta Pusat 16007.
Parking is available, no registration is necessary. Bring copies of your resume.
For more details, call our JCC office at: 021-415627125 / 021-415627126
Email :

16. What should interested readers do ?

A. Send the employers their resume
B. Call to register
C. Go to the fair
D. Check the website
17. Where will the fair be held?
A. At employer's office.
B. At locations around the country.
C. At the meeting center in Jakarta Convention Center.
D. In Jakarta Convention Center

Text for Question number 18-20!

To : Aliya Latansina
From : John Deep
Date : March 10th, 2012
Please, send the weekly financial report to Mr. Erlan Baskoro  by E-mail at: before midnight. Thanks.

18. When is the deadline time?

A. Next week         B. before midnight        C. On March         D. Tomorrow

19. How will Aliya Latansina send the financial report?

A. by hand              B. by Post                      C. by e-mail           D. by Fax

20. Who sends the message?

A. Mrs. Miranda Sully    C. Mrs. Aliya Latansina   

B. Mr. Johny Deep    D. Erlan Baskoro

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