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Paper Author: Group 1

Peer Reviewer's Name: Group 5

Part 1: SLO Scores

SLO #1--Rhetorical Awareness (written for the right audience and purpose):
SLO #2--Ethical Research (correct citations; diverse, authoritative sources):
SLO #3--Persuasion (claims supported with appropriate evidence):
SLO #4—Organization (sensible, reader-friendly flow and development):
SLO #5--Language and Design (appropriate-level language and user-friendly, logical
SLO #6—Collaboration (Sections appear to be written by one student)
2-3 in-between 

Part 2: Successes and Challenges

Two Successes:
1. Agism and society tab are well organized and easy to understand. great flow
2. We loved the sources you're going to use they fit so well with the topic! Were excited
to see your final product!
Two Challenges:
1. There is too much white space on the societal agism tab but there needs to be some
white space between the paragraph headers, citation, and body information. 
2. The topics seem to not be about the same thing when you mention agism, but you
have a tab about race and technology. It's probably cause your still working on it so it
just looks strange right now.

Paper Author: Group 6

Peer Reviewer's Name: Group 5

Part 1: SLO Scores

SLO #1--Rhetorical Awareness (written for the right audience and purpose):
SLO #2--Ethical Research (correct citations; diverse, authoritative sources):
SLO #3--Persuasion (claims supported with appropriate evidence):
SLO #4—Organization (sensible, reader-friendly flow and development):
SLO #5--Language and Design (appropriate-level language and user-friendly, logical
SLO #6—Collaboration (Sections appear to be written by one student)

Part 2: Successes and Challenges

To receive full credit, give detailed answers here and use the SLOs' language to guide
choices. Either add a short example from the paper or say where you see the success or
challenge (e.g., a paragraph number).
Two Successes:
1. Rhetorical awareness is great! Super persuasive! we love your logo!
2. Organization looks amazing, like it was all done by one person.
Two Challenges:
1. White space needed in lack of accessibility and clinic competency. 
2. Size of titles can be more distinct. Underline, highlight, bold it... Specifically make it
larger than the body of text

Paper Author: Group 1
Peer Reviewer's Name: Group 5

Part 1: SLO Scores

SLO #1--Rhetorical Awareness (written for the right audience and purpose):
SLO #2--Ethical Research (correct citations; diverse, authoritative sources):
SLO #3--Persuasion (claims supported with appropriate evidence):
SLO #4—Organization (sensible, reader-friendly flow and development):
SLO #5--Language and Design (appropriate-level language and user-friendly, logical
SLO #6—Collaboration (Sections appear to be written by one student)
Part 2: Successes and Challenges

Two Successes:

1. Fantastic use of ethical research, persuasion, and Rhetorical Awareness! This was
undoubtedly a very scientific annotated bibliography.
2. The way everything was put together really gave the website a gifted flow.

Two Challenges:

1. Two pages seemed too wordy and felt as if they needed an image half way through to
give the reader a break from so much information.
2. The image on the home page that says “Aging and Disease” feels forced on the page
which makes me wonder if something was forgotten.

Paper Author: Group 6

Peer Reviewer's Name: Group 5

Part 1: SLO Scores

SLO #1--Rhetorical Awareness (written for the right audience and purpose):
SLO #2--Ethical Research (correct citations; diverse, authoritative sources):
SLO #3--Persuasion (claims supported with appropriate evidence):
SLO #4—Organization (sensible, reader-friendly flow and development):
 1-Below Basic
SLO #5--Language and Design (appropriate-level language and user-friendly, logical
 1-Below Basic
SLO #6—Collaboration (Sections appear to be written by one student)

Part 2: Successes and Challenges

Two Successes:

1. The completed parts of the Weebly are well written and balanced!
2. There was a drastic improvement to the use of white space when it comes to the
previous challenge you guys had.

Two Challenges:
1. There are two tabs that are far from completed. You can tell they were completely
neglected which really lowers the power of your message.
2. The language and design SLO wasn’t meet because every tab had its own font and
formats. You could tell they didn’t feel very flowing which makes the website feel very

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