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Software Development Department

Software Development Candidate Assignment

Prepared for Borda Academy Candidates
Created by Borda Software Development Team

Instructions ................................................................................................................................. 3

Software Development Department

This document is confidential.

Welcome to Borda Academy 2021 SWD assessment!

Please read the instructions carefully before you start the assessment.
Once you begin the assessment, you have 200 minutes to complete it. Please make sure you
have enough time before you start. Challenges contains but not limited to algorithms, data
structures, React.js and SQL topics.

You should submit your answers whether they are complete or not. It is not necessary to have
answered all of the challenges. It is also not necessary to have a complete solution for each
challenge. Partial answers will also be evaluated. Please hit submit before the time runs out.
Proceeding to face to face interview is possible only for those who submit their answers within
given time. You may use one of the following programming languages: C# (preferred), Java,
C++, TypeScript, JavaScript, Kotlin, Python3.

Please use CoderByte online IDE to write your answers and avoid copy-paste.

SQL challenge is case sensitive and CoderByte is using MySQL engine to interpret the query.
Be careful about column name casing and do not hesitate to use MySQL features.

Plagiarism is not tolerated and will be checked automatically. Keep in mind that “Be
Trustworthy” is one of our company values.

Please sign up with the same e-mail address that you applied to Borda Academy. Submissions
with different e-mail addresses will not be evaluated.

Good luck and have fun!

Software Development Department

This document is confidential.

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