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1. Tulis bahasa Inggrisnya!

a.5+3+7 x 2 = 22
b. 6 + 7 + 9 = 21
c. 11 + 7 – 10 = 8
2. tulis angkanya!
a. eight minus three is five
b. nineteen minus four plus one is sixteen
b. three times five equals fifteen
3. tulis artinya!
a. eggplant =
b. cabbage =
c. carrot =
d. corn =
4. Tulis bahasa Inggrisnya!
a. timun=
b. mushroom=
c. bawang merah=
d. bawang putih=
5. write the meaning of the hobbies bellow!
a.swimming =
b.singing =
c.dancing =
d.cycling =
6. write the English word!
a. memasak=
b. memancing=
c. menonton=
7. Translate word below!
a. Senang:
b. Sedih:
c. Marah:
8. Write the meaning word bellow.
a. full:
b. Hungry:
c. Thirsty:
9. Arrange the text below!
a. Football-Josh-is-Hobby-playing football.
b. My Mother-buy-market-chili-in.
c. feel-they-sleepy.
10. Translate text bellow.
a. saya merasa sedih.
b. Zain hobi adalah bernyanyi.
c. Ibuku membeli tomat di kebun.

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