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Convex Optimization Theory and

Topic 1 - Convex Set

Li Li

Department of Automation
Tsinghua University

Fall, 2009-2022.

1.0. Outline 纲要
1.-1. Preliminary 预备知识

1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子

1.2. Generalized Inequalities 广义不等式

1.3. Operations that Preserve Convexity 保凸运算

1.4. Separating Hyperplane Theorem 凸集分离

1.5. Some Quiz Problems 测试问题

1.-1. Preliminary 预备知识

非正式地说,向量 x 的范数 x p 是这个向量的某种长度度

i1 i ,写成向
量,以第二范数/欧几里得范数为例, x 2 

2 T
量形式为 2 x x。

正式地说,向量 x 的范数 x p 是满足以下四个条件的任何函

数 f : n
 :

 非负性:对于所有 x  ,有 f ( x)  0

 正定性:当且仅当 x  0 的时候 f ( x)  0
 齐次性:对于所有 x  n
, t  , f (tx) | t | f ( x)
 三角不等式:对于所有 x, y  n
, f ( x  y )  f ( x)  f ( y )
1.-1. Preliminary 预备知识
仿射子空间(affine subspaces):给定矩阵 A  以及向
量b  m
,仿射子空间为集合{x  n
: Ax  b}

仿 射 变 换 ( affine transformation ): 从 n 到 m 的 变 换
y  A x c被称为仿射变换,其中 y  m ,A  mn ,c  m 为

仿射函数(affine function)
殊情況,当仿射变换中的 m  1时, AT  n , y, c 都为常数;
如果进一步,将此处 y  Ax  c 中的截距 c 去掉,剩下的部分
y  Ax 被称为线性函数(linear function)

1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子



1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子

线Line:through given two distinct points x1 and x 2 , Set C

consists of any point of the form x  1 x1   2 x2 , 1 , 2  R .

仿射集Affine set:Set C contains the line through any two

distinct points in the set C
It is easy to show that every affine set is convex
1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
The solution set of any linear equations is an affine set.

Let S be the solution of a linear equation. By definition, we

have S  {x  n : Ax  b}.
Let x1 , x2  S  Ax1  b and Ax2  b .
To prove: A[ x1  (1   ) x2 ]  b,   , let us check

A[ x1  (1   ) x2 ]   Ax1  (1   ) Ax2   b  (1   )b  b

Thus S is an affine set.

1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
清华大学《凸优化》课程 2022年 作业题

(Inversely) Every affine set can be expressed as the solution

set of system of linear equations

1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
凸集 Convex Set,Set C is a convex set, if for any x, y  C ,
and   0,1 , we have  x  1    y  C

 点 Point,线 Line,射线 Ray,面 Hyperplane,半空间 Half
 锥 Cone
 球 Ball,多面体 Polyhedral P1  {x | Ax  b}

1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
球 Ball、超平面 Hyperplane、半平面 Half Space 都是凸集

作为超平面、半平面的交集的可行域是多面体 Polyhedron,

基于球的概念定义边界点 Boundary Point,顶点 Extreme


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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
球 Ball,开球 OpenBall,闭球 Closed Ball

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
超平面 Hyperplane

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子

半平面 Halfspace

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
半平面 Half Space 是凸集

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
边界点 Boundary Point

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
顶点/极点Extreme Point,如果凸集内的一点不在凸集内任

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子


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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子

A polyhedron is intersection of a finite number of halfspaces

and hyperplanes

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子




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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
锥 Conic (nonnegative) combination of x1 and x 2 : any point
of the form x  1 x1   2 x2 , with 1 ,  2  0 .

凸锥 Convex cone C : set that contains all conic combinations

of points in the set and convex. Thus, y  C if and only if there
is a solution of 1 ,  2  0 for y  1 x1   2 x2 .

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
锥 Cone 的性质

A set  n
is a cone if
x   x  ,   0

A set is a convex cone if is a cone and is convex.

If 1 and 2 are cones then  1 2 is a cone.

A cone is a 正常锥proper cone if

 is convex
 is closed
 is solid, i.e. it has non-empty interior
 is pointed, i.e. if x  and  x  then x  0
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 1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
尖锥 Pointed Cone 和多面体锥 Polyhedral Cone

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子

Are they cones? Are they convex/proper/pointed cones?

Remember that a proper cone contains no line.
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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
凸组合Convex Combination of x1 , , xk : any point x of the
form x  1 x1  2 x2    k xk ,with 1   2    k  1, i  0 .

凸包Convex Hull:The convex hull of a set  is defined to

be the intersection of all convex sets that contain  .

凸组合和凸包在某种意义上等价:The convex hull conv S

is the set of all convex combinations of points in S .

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
单纯形Simplex:We call the convex hull of any set of n  1
points in R n which do not lie on a hyperplane a simplex.

多胞形Polytope:A bounded polyhedron is called a polytope.

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
半正定矩阵Positive Semidefinite Matrix
The set of real symmetric n n matrices is denoted S . A
matrix A S is called positive semidefinite if x Ax  0 for
n T

all x  R , and is called positive definite if x Ax  0 for all

n T

nonzero x  R . The set of positive semidefinite matrices is


denoted  and the set of positive definite matrices is denoted
n n
by   .  is a closed, convex, pointed, and solid cone.

There are several equivalent conditions for a matrix to be

positive (semi)definite.

In the follows, we will focus on semipositive matrices but the

conclusions can be extended to positive matrices.
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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
Proposition 1.1: The following statements are equivalent:
1) matrix A S is positive semidefinite

2) for all x  R , x Ax  0
n T

3) all the eigenvalues of A are nonnegative

4) all principal minors of A are nonnegative

5) there exists a factorization A  BT B

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
Proof: 1) and 2) are equivalent by definition. 3) and 4) are
obvious according to Lemma 1.1 below.

Define A  BT B . For any x  R , x Ax  x B Bx  ~ x ~

x 0,
n T T T T

where ~x  Bx . So we can derive 5) from 1).

On the other side, based on on 5), there exist A  P T
P  QT
Q ,
where P   Q ,  is the diagonal matrix containing all the
1/ 2 T

eigenvalues of A . This indicates 5) leads to 1).

Corollary 5.1: Every psd (pd) matrix A has a unique psd (pd)
square root A1 / 2 such that A1/ 2 A1/ 2  A and every pd matrix is

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
Proposition 1.2: The following statements are equivalent:
1) matrix A S is positive

2) for all x  R , x Ax  0
n T

3) all the eigenvalues of A are positive

4) all principal minors of A are positive

5) there exists a factorization A  BT B (any else condition

on B ?)

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
Lemma 1.1: Any a real Hermitian matrix A can be
diagonalized by an orthogonal matrix.

1) all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are real, notice that
 ( A)   ( AT )
2) the eigenvectors of different eigenvalues are orthogonal.
Suppose 1 1  X  AX 1,  X
2 2  AX 2, 1  2, X 1 X 2  0 , because

1 X1T X 2  X1T AX 2  X 2T AX 1  2 X 2T X1 , 1  2 X1T X 2  0

3) if  is a r th multiple root of the characteristic equation
of A , we can prove that rank ( A  I )  n  r . Thus,  has r
linear independent eigenvectors.

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
4) based on 2) and 3), we can see that A has n linear
independent eigenvectors. Via Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization,
we can make these eigenvectors orthogonal. So it is proved.

Another Proof:
According to the Schur triangularization theorem there is a
unitary matrix U such that U AU  R , where R is upper

triangular. But, moreover, we have R T

 (U T
AU ) T
 U T
AU  R .
Therefore, R is both upper and lower triangular. This makes
R a diagonal matrix.

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
半正定锥 Positive Semidefinite Cone:The set of all PSD
matrices A  Rnn forms a convex cone.
x y
For example, let y z  , we have

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
Is the following set convex?

x1  0 , x1 x2  1

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子

 x1 1
1  0
 x2 

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
Is the following set convex?

x2  x12

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子

1 x1 
x  0
 1 x2 

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
Is the following set convex?

x12  x22  1

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子

1  x1 x2 
 x  0
 2 1  x1 

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
Is the following set convex?

x2  x12 or x1  0 , x2  0

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
Yes, but cannot be written into a SDP (LMI) form, because
not basic semialgebraic (a semialgebraic set is a subset S of
real n -dimensional space defined by a finite sequence of
polynomial equations and inequalities; or any finite union of
such sets.)

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
Is the following set convex?

1  2 x1  x12  x22  2 x13  0

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
No because not connected

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
Is the following set convex?

1  2 x1  x12  x22  2 x13  0 and x1  0.5

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
1 x1 0 
x 1 x2   0
 1
 0 x2 1  2 x1 

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
Is the following set convex?

x14  x24  1

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
Yes, but cannot be written into a SDP (LMI) form.

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
半正定矩阵和椭球/椭球面 Ellipse:Any a PSD matrix A is
corresponding to a special ellipse x Ax  I .

Suppose A can be diagonalized by U as U AU   . We


have the ellipse rewritten as the standard ellipse form y T

y  I ,
with y  Ux .

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1.1. Definition and Examples 定义和例子
清华大学《凸优化》课程 2021年 期末考试题
n n
如果一个定义在 R 上的集合 C 和任意一条 R 中的直线的

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1.2. Generalized Inequalities 广义不等式
序关系/偏序关系Partial Ordering组成的数学结构。

Properties of partial order

 Additive property: If x y and u v , then x  u y  v

 Transitive property: If x y and y z , then x z
 Non-negative scaling: If x y , then  x  y for all   0
 Reflexive property: x x
 Antisymmetric property: If x y and y x , then x  y

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1.2. Generalized Inequalities 广义不等式
Every proper cone K in R n induces a partial ordering  K
defining 广义不等式generalized inequalities on R n
a  K b  a b  K

positive orthant R n : standard coordinatewise ordering or

componentwise inequality
x  R n y  xi  yi

Löwner partial order:We can also define the partial order

A  B , where matrix H  A  B  S n is positive, or
equivalently for all x  R n
, x T
( A  B) x  0 .
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1.2. Generalized Inequalities 广义不等式

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1.3. Operations Preserve Convexity 保凸运算

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1.3. Operations Preserve Convexity 保凸运算

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1.3. Operations Preserve Convexity 保凸运算

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1.3. Operations Preserve Convexity 保凸运算
设 A  mn , 证 明 如 果 S  m 是 一 个 凸 集 , 那 么
A1 ( S )  {x  n : Ax  S}也是一个凸集。

证明:我们取 x, y  A1 ( S ) ,那么会有 Ax  S , Ay  S 。取

t [0,1],那么会有 A[tx  (1  t ) y]  tAx  (1  t ) Ay  S(因为 S 是
凸的)。这就可以推出 tx  (1  t ) y  A1 ( S ) ,也就证明完毕

A1 ( S ) 一般称为原象集(pre-image)

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1.3. Operations Preserve Convexity 保凸运算

,那么所有满足不等式 i 1 xi Ai
给定 A1 , , Ak , B  n


  , f ( x)  B   i 1 xi Ai 那么这个时候我们会发
设f : k n

 k

f ( )  {x : f ( x)  }   x : B   xi Ai 0 
1 n n

 i 1 

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1.3. Operations Preserve Convexity 保凸运算

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1.4. Separating Hyperplane 凸集分离

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1.4. Separating Hyperplane 凸集分离

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1.4. Separating Hyperplane 凸集分离

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1.4. Separating Hyperplane 凸集分离

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1.4. Separating Hyperplane 凸集分离

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1.4. Separating Hyperplane 凸集分离

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1.4. Separating Hyperplane 凸集分离

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1.4. Separating Hyperplane 凸集分离

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1.4. Separating Hyperplane 凸集分离

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1.4. Separating Hyperplane 凸集分离
超平面分离定理:Suppose C and D are two convex sets in
R n that do not intersect, i.e., C D   . Then there exist a
a  Rn , a  0 and b  R such that aT x  b for all x  C and
aT x  b for all x  D . In other words, the affine function aT x  b
is nonpositive on C and nonnegative on D . The hyperplane
x | aT x  b is called a separating hyperplane for the sets C and
D , or is said to separate the sets C and D .

The separating hyperplane we constructed above satisfies the

stronger condition that aT x  b for all x  C and aT x  b for
all x  D . This is called strict separation of the sets C and D .
Simple examples show that in general, disjoint convex sets need
not be strictly separable by a hyperplane (even when the sets are
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1.4. Separating Hyperplane 凸集分离

 ,
C  x  R2 | x1  0  
D  x  R2 | x1 x2  1

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1.5. Some Quiz Problems 测试问题
For any a convex 2n -sided polyhedron in a R 2 plane.
Suppose we color any n vertices into red, the rest n vertices
into blue. Please prove or disprove there must be a point on the
plane so that the sum of its distance from all the red points is
equal to the sum of its distance from all the blue points.

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1.5. Some Quiz Problems 测试问题

At least one perpendicular foot of a point inside a convex

polygon to each edge of this convex polygon falls on an edge of
this convex polygon.
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1.5. Some Quiz Problems 测试问题

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1.5. Some Quiz Problems 测试问题
A Gömböc is a convex three-dimensional homogeneous body
which, when resting on a flat surface, has just one stable and
one unstable point of equilibrium. Its existence was conjectured
by Russian mathematician Vladimir Arnold in 1995 and proven
in 2006 by Hungarian scientists Gábor Domokos and Péter
Várkonyi. The Gömböc shape is not unique; it has countless
varieties, most of which are very close to a sphere and all have
very strict shape tolerance (about 0.1 mm per 10 cm). The most
famous solution has a sharpened top and is shown on the right.
Its shape helped to explain the body structure of some turtles in
relation to their ability to return to equilibrium position after
being placed upside down.

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1.5. Some Quiz Problems 测试问题

The shape of the Indian Star Tortoise resembles a Gömböc.

This turtle rolls easily without relying much on its limbs.

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1.5. Some Quiz Problems 测试问题
Suppose you are given a collection of squares and equilateral
triangles (of unit side). You are asked to form convex polygons
by sticking the squares and triangles together with their sides
aligned. These polygons must also have unit sides (so that for
example sticking two squares together to form a domino does
not count). How many distinct polygons can be formed in this
way (including polygons formed by a single square or triangle)?

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1.5. Some Quiz Problems 测试问题

 了解基本概念

 形成足够直觉

 完成简单题目(需要综合分析,代数和拓扑的基础知识)


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1.7. References
[1] S. Boyd, L. Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization, Cambridge
University Press, 2004.
[2] D. Bertsimas, J. N. Tsitsiklis, Introduction to Linear Optimization,
Athena Scientific, 1997.
[3] Gömböc

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