Construction and Optimization For Adaptive Polar Coded Cooperation

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8, AUGUST 2020 1187

Construction and Optimization for Adaptive Polar Coded Cooperation

Hao Liang , Aijun Liu , Member, IEEE, Xian Liu, and Fengyi Cheng

Abstract—In this letter, an adaptive polar coded cooperation

(APCC) is explored in the fading channels. In terms of the
imperfect inter-user channels, the cooperation way of APCC is
carefully designed based on the multi-level structure of polar
codes. Meanwhile code construction with dynamic-optimized
information sets ensures the coding gains at the receivers.
Moreover, the adaptive code rates of two cooperative users are
optimized by maximizing the throughput efficiency. Simulation
results demonstrate the bit error rate and throughput advantages
of APCC over the existing coded cooperation schemes.
Index Terms—Coded cooperation, polar codes, code construc-
tion, optimization.

I. I NTRODUCTION Fig. 1. Coded Cooperation Mechanism.

ODED cooperation (CC) introduced in [1] is an efficient

C mechanism where cooperation is combined with chan-
nel coding to provide the cooperative diversity and coding
code rates in APCC are optimized to maximize the throughput
efficiency using the union bounds of polar codes.
gains. Aided by CC, virtual multi-input multi-output (MIMO)
diversity could be created between multiple users using single
transmitting antenna in the particular scenarios. The rate- II. P OLAR C ODES AND C ODED C OOPERATION M ODEL
compatible punctured convolutional codes, Turbo and LDPC A. Polar Coding
codes have been used in CC [1]–[3]. For the binary polar code construction with length N =
Polar codes were proven to achieve the symmetric capacity 2n , n = 1, 2, . . . , N synthesized binary input bit-channels
of binary-input discrete memoryless channels (BI-DMC) [4]. (i)
WN (i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N }) are derived by recursive combin-
They have been adopted in 5G New Radio due to the com-
ing and splitting operation on N independent uses of BI-DMC
petitive performance and low complexity. Polar coded CC
W. Consequently the capacity of each bit-channel varies from
based on Plotkin’s construction was proposed in [5] assum- (i)
ing the perfect inter-user channel but little cooperation gain each other. Based on each error probability Pε (WN ) of bit-
was obtained in the additive Gaussian white noise chan- channel WN , the most reliable K bit-channels are selected to
nels. For the practical inter-user channels, the cooperation carry information bits and the remaining bit-channels transmit
degree of [5] is very low since non-optimal information set frozen bits typically taking fixed values of zeros. Assuming
of polar code is used between the users in the first transmis- that the vector uN = (u1 , u1 , . . . , uN ) is the source block,
sion stage. Literature [6] explored the polar coded half-duplex the encoding of polar code xN is described by
relay system and qualitatively optimized the time-division
and information-division parameters. However, without more xN = uN (F2 ⊗n BN ) = uN GN BN , (1)
information introduced by the cooperative user, the existing where F2 ⊗n
 n-th Kronecker power of 2 × 2 kernel
CC schemes may have low throughput. 1 0
In this letter, an adaptive polar coded cooperation (APCC) matrix F2 = , and BN is an N × N permutation matrix.
1 1
for two users is proposed in the block fading channels. In Successive cancellation (SC) decoder estimates the source
consideration of the imperfect inter-user channels, the APCC sequence from u1 to uN sequentially [4]. The enhanced cyclic
is carefully designed based on the multi-level structure of polar redundancy check (CRC)-aided SC-list (CA-SCL) decoding is
codes. To ensure a high cooperation probability and the coding demonstrated to obtain significant gains [7].
gains at the destination, code construction by optimizing the
information sets dynamically is proposed. Furthermore, the B. Coded Cooperation Model
Manuscript received December 16, 2019; revised March 3, 2020; accepted Unlike the conventional three-node relay network, the flexi-
March 25, 2020. Date of publication April 1, 2020; date of current version ble coded cooperation framework of two users Ur (r ∈ {1, 2})
August 7, 2020. This work was supported in part by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grant 61671476. The associate editor
is described in Fig. 1. We assume a time-division based
coordinating the review of this article and approving it for publication was synchronous system. Each user encodes its source bits into
V. Bioglio. (Corresponding author: Aijun Liu.) a codeword C. This codeword is divided into two weaker
The authors are with the College of Communication Engineering, subcodewords Ci (i ∈ {1, 2}). In the first timeslot, each user
Army Engineering University of PLA, Nanjing 210001, China (e-mail:;;;
broadcasts its C1Ur , which is received and decoded by the base station and its partner user. The users check the recovered
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LWC.2020.2984738 information. For the second timeslot, if User 1 successfully
c 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - Cankaya University. Downloaded on April 07,2021 at 15:05:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

decodes C1U2 of its partner, the recovered message is re- Algorithm 1: Code Construction in APCC
encoded and the second subcodeword C2U2 is transmitted to the First stage:
 AN of a mother codeof length N;
destination over the uplink channel CU1 ,D . Otherwise, User 1 1. Calculate
encodes its own message and the additional parity bits C2U1 2. A1 = i |i ∈ Aopt
 N , N /2 < i ≤ N ,
will be sent. An identical scenario happens for User 2. At the opt
receiver, the two partial codewords transmitted in two times- A2 = i |i ∈ AN , 1 ≤ i ≤ N /2 ;
lots for the same user are concatenated and decoded jointly. opt
3. Calculate AN /2 of a mother code of length N/2, and
Thus diversity can be achieved by CC since the coded symbols  
are rearranged between these two users. AN /2  = |A1 |;
In this letter we assume the Rayleigh block fading chan- opt
4. ΔAP = {AN /2 +N /2}\A1 ,
nels where the channel coefficient remains constant in the two
transmission timeslots.1 Reciprocal inter-user channels Cin are ΔAQ = A1 \{Aopt N /2
+ N /2};
considered. 5. for i= 1:|ΔAP | do 
u[ΔAP (i )] = u ΔAQ (i ) ;
 Q (i ) then
C ODED C OOPERATION u ΔAQ (i ) is frozen;
A. Design of APCC
Second stage:
Supposing the index sets of information bits and frozen bits (i)
6. ΔAZ = min {Pε (WN ), i ∈ A2 };
are labeled by AN and FN respectively, according to (1), the |ΔAP |
polar codeword is derived by 7. for j = 1:|ΔAP | do
u[ΔAZ (j )] = u[ΔAP (j )];
xN = uN GN BN
= (uAN GAN ⊕ uFN GFN )BN = uAN GAN BN , (2)
where GAN and GFN are the submatrices of GN with row
indices belonging to AN and FN respectively. Let A1 = additional codeword wUr into C2Ūr = v̂Ūr ⊕wUr , which is sent
{i |i ∈ AN , N /2 < i ≤ N } and A2 = {i |i ∈ AN , 1 ≤ to the uplink channel CUr ,D ; otherwise, C2Ur = vUr ⊕ wUr
i ≤ N /2}, then we have is implemented using the local codeword vUr of Ur . At the
  destination, the receiver concatenates the two frames for the
xN = uAN GAN BN = uAN B , (3) same user and performs the CA-SCL decoding.
where GA1 and GA2 denote the submatrices of GN which B. Code Construction With Optimized Information Set
are selected with the row indices included in A1 and A2 ,
In the above CC process, the cooperation probability is
respectively. Considering the multi-level construction
 of gen-

GN /2 0 determined by the frame error probability (FER) Pin of C1Ur
erator matrices of polar codes, i.e., GN = , in Cin . Polar coded CC in [5] only assumed the case of perfect
  GN /2 GN /2
inter-user channel. C1Ur = vUr is always decoded successfully
can be further rewritten as achieving full cooperation. However, when the partner user
    directly decodes the received signals corresponding to C1Ur
GA2 G2 0 in the practical imperfect Cin , the first frame C1Ur is seen
= . (4)
GA1 G1 G1 as a punctured codeword of length-N/2. Unfortunately, the
information set AN is constructed in terms of the mother code.
G1 and G2 are the submatrices of GN using the corresponding
It would result in a catastrophic error probability Pin using
row indices in A1 and A2 , and the column indices in {i |1 ≤
the unmatched AN even at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
i ≤ N /2}. It is notable that the generator matrix (4) of polar
region. On the other hand, assume that the initial information
code satisfies the Plotkin’s construction [5], [8] naturally. Let
v = uA1 G1 and w = uA2 G2 , then the polar codeword are set is determined by the punctured pattern of C1Ur . Although
derived by FER Pin is reduced so as to improve the cooperation degree,
the destination can not obtain the full coding gain of a stronger
xN = {v ⊕ w|v}BN , (5) codeword {C1Ur |C2Ur } due to the non-optimal AN .
Motivated by above observation, we improve the code con-
where “|” denotes that two short codewords v ⊕ w and v are
struction of APCC with dynamic-optimized information sets
concatenated into a long codeword of length N.
under the imperfect inter-user channels. The pseudo-code of
In the APCC, each user Ur encodes its K1Ur -bit message
construction algorithm is presented in Algorithm 1. Let Aopt
into the first frame C1Ur = vUr and then transmits it in the denote the information set of a mother code of length N, which
first timeslot, which is received and decoded by the partner is divided into A1 and A2 according to (3). Note that C1Ur can
user Ūr (e.g., Ū1 = U2 ). For the next timeslot, the user Ur be regarded as a N/2-length polar code with information set
first encodes its additional K2Ur information bits into wUr . {A1 −N /2}. However, a general N/2-length polar code is con-
Then, if the user Ur decodes correctly the received signals opt
structed with the optimal information set AN /2 . To decrease
from its partner Ūr , the re-encoded v̂Ūr is network coded with
Pin for a high cooperation degree, the information bits located
1 For the fast fading channels, it can be proven that CC does not increase in ΔAQ are duplicated to ΔAP in the first CC stage. When
the diversity order if the uplink SNR of two users are equal according to [1]. the received C1Ur is decoded as a N/2-length polar code using

Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - Cankaya University. Downloaded on April 07,2021 at 15:05:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

CA-SCL, the original bits in ΔAQ are decoded as frozen given FER threshold ζth of the destination, the optimization
bits naturally. Next, when the partner user encodes the code- policy is formulated by
word wUr with G2 in the second stage, these information bits
duplicated previously into ΔAP are rearranged into the reli- Ur Ur

[K1 , K2 ]opt = arg max Ri Pθ (i )|FER < ζth . (9)
able bit-channels belonging to A2 . In consequence the coding Ur
K1,2 <N /2 i=1
gain of a stronger polar code {C1Ur |C2Ur } is ensured.
It is notable that the |ΔAP | bits rearranged into A2 occupy To obtain the optimized results, the throughput (6) of APCC
some of positions allocated to the additional K2Ur information needs to be estimated in the block fading channels. Here we
bits of the partner. However, numerical simulation demon- evaluate the FER under CA-SCL decoding using the union
strates that the rate loss is less than 0.05 for a code length bounds of polar codes. The list decoder with a large list
N = 512 and overall coding rate Ro = 0.25, and the loss is size (e.g., L ≥ 32) approaches the maximum likelihood (ML)
negligible as the code length gets larger. decoding. The FER is bounded as
In terms of different channel conditions, the overall coding N
rates of APCC are not necessarily fixed. Particularly variable FER ≤ N (d )P (d |γ), (10)
K1Ur affects the cooperation probability with regard to imper-
where P (d |γ) denotes the conditional pairwise error probabil-
fect inter-user channels. K2Ur information bits added in the
ity, N (d ) is the number of error events of Hamming weight
second timeslot may increase the system throughput. Therefore
d, and γ denotes the realization of channel SNR variable. In
rate adaptation is required for a throughput-efficient APCC.
terms of Pnc , P (d |γUr ,D ) = Q( 2d γUr ,D ), where Q(x) is
the Gaussian Q-function. As for Pcc , P (d |γUr ,D , γŪr ,D ) =

IV. O PTIMIZATION FOR M AXIMAL T HROUGHPUT Q( 2d1 γUr ,D + 2d2 γŪr ,D ), d1 and d2 are the portions
In this section we intend to optimize the coding rates for for the error event bits transmitted through U1 ’s and U2 ’s
each user by maximizing the throughput of APCC. For the channels, respectively, such that d1 + d2 = d . Pin and
imperfect inter-user channel, there are four cooperation diver- Pr (K1Ur , SN RUr ,D ) of case 4 are evaluated similarly with
sity cases based on the transmission in the second timeslot. We the code length N/2.
list these cases in Table I as well as the corresponding code- Using the evaluated FER bounds in four cases, the maximal
word combinations when decoding for each user. The symbols
attainable throughput bound and the optimized K1Ur , K2Ur can
“Δ” and “∇” represent whether the user decodes correctly
be derived. For the scenario of perfect Cin (full cooperation),
the first frame from its partner user or not. It is seen that the
only case 1 is reserved. The throughput optimization is formu-
case 1 results in a fully cooperative scenario, while the case
2 reverts to the non-cooperative case. In case 3, the destina- lated by the one-dimensional search of (Ko = K1Ur +K2Ūr ). In
tion concatenates C1U1 with C2U1 = v̂U1 ⊕ wU2 from CU2 ,D the imperfect Cin , the two-dimension optimization problem is
solved. Fortunately efficient search algorithms such as golden-
and concatenates C1U1 with C2U1 = vU1 ⊕ wU1 from CU1 ,D section search method [9] can be employed. In addition, if
to perform decoding for U1 . Nevertheless, only the received
K1Ur and K2Ur change by the same searching step, large
C1U1 is decoded in case 4. amounts of calculation for Pnc , Pcc and R1 , R2 will be omit-
Assume that Pθ (i ) represents the probability of case i occur- ted since they are only affected by the sum Ko . The optimized
ing. For example, Pθ (i = 1) = (1 − Pin )(1 − Pin ). The results can be calculated offline in practice and stored in tables
throughput is calculated by at the terminals.
η= Ri Pθ (i |K1Ur , SN Rin ), (6) V. S IMULATION AND A NALYSIS
where Ri denotes the reward obtained in case i. Suppose that We implement coded cooperation using the polar codes with
the frame error probabilities of CC and no-cooperation at the length N = 512, Ro = 1/4 in the Rayleigh block fading
receiver are respectively denoted by channels. The fading factors are with average power gain
E[hi 2 ] = 1; the Gaussian noise has zero mean and variance
Pcc = Pr (K1Ur , K2Ūr , SN RUr ,D , SN RŪr ,D ), (7) σ 2 . The users have statistically equal uplink channels. The
CA-SCL decoder is used with embedded 16-bit CRC and list
Pnc = Pr (K1Ur , K2Ūr , SN RUr ,D ). (8) size L = 32. For the analysis we assume perfect error detection
and channel state estimation.
Then, each reward for one user is accordingly calculated as Fig. 2 presents the bit error rate (BER) performance of
Case 1: R1 = (K1Ur + K2Ūr )/N · (1 − Pcc ); APCC at the destination under Cin of various qualities (10dB,
Case 2: R2 = (K1Ur + K2Ur )/N · (1 − Pnc ); 20dB, perfect). Other CC schemes of polar [5] and LDPC [3]
Case 3: codes are presented in Fig. 2 using the same code length and
overall rate as APCC, for fair comparison. It is seen that the
R3 = {(K1Ur + K2Ūr ) · [(1 − Pcc )Pnc ] + (K1Ur polar-CC in [5] fails to achieve obvious cooperation diver-
sity when the inter-user channels are imperfect. The BER
+ K2Ur ) · [(1 − Pnc )Pcc ] + (K1Ur + K2Ūr + K2Ur )
performance is just similar to the no-cooperation case although
× [(1 − Pcc )(1 − Pnc )]}/N ; SNR in increases to 20 dB. That is because the effective code
construction between the users are neglected leading to bad
Case 4: R4 = K1Ur /(N /2) · (1 − Pr (K1Ur , SN RUr ,D )). cooperation degree. However, the improved APCC not only
For simplicity, we assume symmetric CC between the two ensures a high cooperation probability but concatenates the
users; the users have K1Ur = K1Ūr , K2Ur = K2Ūr . Under the two frames into a stronger polar code. We can find that APCC

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Fig. 2. BER results of different CC schemes versus the average SNR at the Fig. 3. Attainable throughput of APCC and LDPC-CC vs. the received SNR,
base station, both users have equal SNR over the block fading channel. under perfect and 18-dB Cin .

obtains a gain of 6-8 dB in the block fading channels com- VI. C ONCLUSION
pared to the polar-CC. As the quality of Cin is enhanced, the This letter proposes a new coded cooperation scheme
BER of APCC approaches the performance of full cooperation. using polar codes. The improved code construction in APCC
Additionally a coded cooperation scheme was proposed in [3] increases the cooperation degree of the users and ensures
based on extended LDPC codes (termed LDPC-CC), where the coding gain of a stronger polar code at the destination.
the codewords of two stages were combined into a long one The code rates of two cooperative users are optimized with
incrementally. The proposed APCC outperforms the LDPC- maximal attainable throughput. Based on the proposed APCC
CC under both perfect and same practical inter-user channel construction and optimization, the upcoming extensions of this
conditions. letter will include the mutually independent inter-user channels
In Fig. 3, we show the maximal attainable throughput of and multi-user scenarios.
APCC using the calculation and optimization formulations in
Section IV. The throughput results of LDPC-CC with various
coding rates are also provided for comparison. The distance
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