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Is online learning effective for college students


Online learning has been increasingly prominent in learning institutions. For example, in the fall

of 2020, about 75% of undergraduate students in US were enrolled in at least one distance

education course while 44% of all undergraduate students in the country were enrolled

exclusively in distance education courses. However, despite the prevalence of online learning in

the world, questions have been raised with regard to its effectiveness. This question is examined

in this paper with focus on college students.

Is online learning effective for college students

Limited research has been carried on the question of how effective online learning is for college

students. However, the answer to this question can be inferred from other similar studies. For

example, Ali, SM Khaled and Tania (357) examined the effectiveness of e-learning among

university students and found that is e-learning is effective for university students and the

reasons why it is effective is because it is usable for active learning, it is effective for faster

learning, it allows learners to get quick responses, it is quality is good, and it is time and cost

friendly to learners. This study shows that online learning is more convenient for university
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students. This might the same case for college students considering that college students are at

the same level as university students.

However, while the study by Ali, SM Khaled and Tania (357) shows that online learning

is effective for college students in terms of time consumption, fast learning, and cost, it does not

show the effectiveness of online learning in terms of student achievement. Is online learning

effective for college students in terms of helping them achieve academically? Basar et al (122)

that the effectiveness of e-learning is determined by the students’ attitude. This means that how

college students perceive online learning determine whether it would be effective or not,

especially in relation to academic achievement. Basar et al (123) also found that availability and

cost of the internet can be an important factor that determines how effective online learning

would be for students. It means that those students who are accessible to the internet at a

relatively lower cost are likely to access online learning and all the accompanying learning

material. On the other hand, those students who have limited access to the internet and/or who

are compelled to spend significantly on internet in order to access anything online are likely to

find challenging to use online learning. For such students, online learning may be ineffective in

helping them achieve academically.

Other challenges that come with online learning include low student motivation,

preference for face-to-face learning, and unfamiliar learning environment that comes with online

learning. For example, in online learning, students have to self-motivate (Basar et al 127). This is

probably because there is no one to guide them or even compel them to engage in the learning

process. As such, most of the time learners are not motivated to learn. This has a negative effect

on student achievement and this include college students. The preference for face-to-face

learning means that students would not be motivated to participate in online learning ((Basar et
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al 127). Lastly, the unfamiliar learning environment in online learning also discourages learners.

It means that online learning, in such cases, is ineffective for students.


Basically, the question of whether online learning is effective for college students has no

definitive answer. It depends on the attitude of students as well as whether students have, at their

disposal, the right resources to effectively engage in online learning. A poor attitude of students

towards online learning lowers its effectiveness and vice versa. Similarly, inadequate resources

such as limited internet access reduce the effectiveness of online learning for college students.
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Works Cited

Ali, Mohammad, SM Khaled Hossain, and Tania Ahmed. "Effectiveness of E-learning for

university students: evidence from Bangladesh." Asian Journal of Empirical

Research 8.10 (2018): 352-360.

Basar, Zulaikha Mohd, et al. "The Effectiveness and Challenges of Online Learning for

Secondary School Students–A Case Study." Asian Journal of University Education 17.3

(2021): 119-129.

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