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On Continuing Synergies in
Surgery • Prosthodontics • Biomaterials

Edited by

George A. Zarb, BChD, DDS, MS, MS, FRCD(C)

Tomas Albrektsson, MD, PhD, ODhc
Gerald Baker, DDS, MS, FRCD(C)
Steven E. Eckert, DDS, MS
Clark Stanford, DDS, PhD
Dennis P. Tarnow, DDS
Ann Wennerberg, DDS, PhD

Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc

Chicago, Berlin, Tokyo, London, Paris, Milan, Barcelona,
Istanbul, São Paulo, Mumbai, Moscow, Prague, and Warsaw
Table of Contents

Preface vii
Contributors viii

Looking Back: The Emergence and the Promise

1 of Osseointegration 1
George A. Zarb

2 Treatment Outcomes 23
George A. Zarb, Tomas Albrektsson

3 Local and Systemic Health Considerations

S. Ross Bryant, Sreenivas Koka, Ian R. Matthew

4 Healing Response 47
Tomas Albrektsson, Victoria Franke-Stenport, Ann Wennerberg

5 Materials, Designs, and Surfaces

Ann Wennerberg, Tomas Albrektsson, Clark Stanford

6 Diagnostic Imaging 59
Michael J. Pharoah, Ernest W. N. Lam

7 Surgical Considerations 67
Gerald Baker, David J. Psutka, Lesley David
8 Soft Tissue Esthetic Considerations
Dennis P. Tarnow, Sang-Choon Cho, George A. Zarb

9 Prosthodontic Considerations 107

George A. Zarb, Steven E. Eckert, Clark Stanford

10 Early-Loading Protocols
Nikolai Attard, George A. Zarb

11 Osseointegration Failure 157

David Chvartszaid, Sreenivas Koka, George A. Zarb

12 Standards of Care
Kirk Preston

13 Future Directions
Clark Stanford

14 From Rearview Vistas to Current Landscapes

George A. Zarb

Appendix: Internet Resources 181

Christine White

Index 185

Per-Ingvar Brånemark introduced the concept of osseointe- Subsequent routine dental use of osseointegration resulted
grated dental implants and raised the bar for management of from a long research voyage in a vessel made seaworthy by
dental and orofacial deficits. As a result, long-term clinical out- the synergistic efforts of numerous clinical scientists. The schol-
comes from the technique’s scrupulously applied surgical and arly journey was a long and fruitful one since its Gothenburg
prosthodontic protocols ushered in a new and exciting dental inception and subsequent launch via the Toronto Conference
treatment era, particularly for partially and completely eden- of 1982. A number of this book’s writers were crew members
tulous patients. on that first journey, while others joined at a later time. To-
The method’s ensuing clinical virtuosity evolved from rig- gether we have weathered both fair and heavy conditions as
orous scientific documentation and critical appreciation of two we tended to—and sometimes even replaced—the vessel’s
very compelling considerations: first, the realization that a par- planks while staying afloat.
ticular metal, commercially pure titanium, designed in different The clinical journey continues to be an exciting one, and
macroscopic and microscopic forms, offers the potential to be- this monograph seeks to be a log of the important ports vis-
come strongly rooted in bone under controlled conditions; ited and revisited. We hope that a synthesis of these fascinat-
and second, the development of specified surgical tissue man- ing venues provides a useful guide for those readers who plan
agement and prosthodontic loading protocols to induce and their treatment voyages to similar destinations.
maintain the desired interfacial osteogenesis.


Tomas Albrektsson, MD, PhD, ODhc Sang-Choon Cho, DDS

Professor and Head Associate Director of Clinical Research
Department of Biomaterials Assistant Clinical Professor
University of Gothenburg Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
Gothenburg, Sweden College of Dentistry
New York University
Nikolai Attard, BChD, MSc, PhD New York, New York
Department of Restorative Dentistry Lesley David, DDS, FRCD(C)
Faculty of Dental Surgery Staff Surgeon
University of Malta Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Msida, Malta Department of Dentistry
Mount Sinai Hospital
Gerald Baker, DDS, MS, FRCD(C) Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Head Associate in Dentistry
Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Implant Prosthodontic Unit
Department of Dentistry Faculty of Dentistry
Mount Sinai Hospital University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Assistant Professor
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Steven E. Eckert, DDS, MS
Implant Prosthodontic Unit Professor
Faculty of Dentistry Division of Prosthodontics
University of Toronto Department of Dental Specialties
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Mayo Medical School
Rochester, Minnesota
S. Ross Bryant, DDS, MSc, PhD, FRCD(C)
Assistant Professor Victoria Franke-Stenport, DDS, PhD
Division of Prosthodontics and Dental Geriatrics Assistant Professor
Department of Oral Health Sciences Department of Biomaterials
Faculty of Dentistry Department of Prosthodontics
University of British Columbia University of Gothenburg
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Gothenburg, Sweden

David Chvartszaid, DDS, MSc Sreenivas Koka, DDS, MS, PhD

Prosthodontist Professor and Chair
Resident Division of Prosthodontics
Department of Periodontology Department of Dental Specialties
Faculty of Dentistry Mayo Medical School
University of Toronto Rochester, Minnesota
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ernest W. N. Lam, DMD, PhD, FRCD(C) Clark Stanford, DDS, PhD
Associate Professor Associate Dean for Research
Department of Oral Radiology Centennial Fund Professor
Faculty of Dentistry College of Dentistry
University of Toronto University of Iowa
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Iowa City, Iowa

Ian R. Matthew, BDS, MDentSc, PhD, FDSRCS Dennis P. Tarnow, DDS

(Eng/Edin) Professor and Chair
Assistant Professor and Chair Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery College of Dentistry
Department of Oral Biological and Medical Sciences New York University
Faculty of Dentistry New York, New York
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Ann Wennerberg, DDS, PhD
Michael J. Pharoah, DDS, MSc, Dip Oral Rad, Department of Biomaterials
FRCD(C) University of Gothenburg
Professor and Head Gothenburg, Sweden
Department of Oral Radiology Professor
Faculty of Dentistry Department of Prosthodontics
University of Toronto University of Malmo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Malmo, Sweden

Kirk Preston, BSc, BEd, MEd, DDS, MSc Christine White, MA

Prosthodontist Collegiate Librarian
University of Toronto College of Dentistry
Toronto, Ontario, Canada University of Iowa
Prosthodontist Iowa City, Iowa
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada George A. Zarb, BChD, DDS, MS, MS, FRCD(C)
Professor Emeritus
David J. Psutka, DDS, FRCD(C) Department of Prosthodontics
Staff Surgeon Faculty of Dentistry
Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery University of Toronto
Department of Dentistry Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Mount Sinai Hospital
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Associate in Dentistry
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and
Implant Prosthodontic Unit
Faculty of Dentistry
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Soft Tissue Esthetic
Dennis P. Tarnow | Sang-Choon Cho | George A. Zarb

The health and esthetic appearance of peri-implant soft tis- All too frequently, the cause of the dental absence—
sues are mutually dependent. Favorable long-term outcomes congenital condition, trauma, periodontal disease, failed
of both are influenced by the required synergy of several fac- endodontic treatment—results in different degrees of time-
tors, namely a better understanding of wound-healing pre- dependent morphologic distortion and reduction of the
dictability, newer biomaterials, and refinement of surgical tech- planned host site for the implant (Fig 8-2). Consequently, the
niques. The routine clinical objective is to replicate and site often needs improvement to ensure both predictable
maintain normative esthetic parameters that reflect optimal osseous support for the implant and esthetic soft tissue sur-
tissue health and morphology around natural teeth. This ob- roundings.
jective is particularly relevant in the anterior or esthetic zone of
the mouth and should be reconciled with each patient’s cir-
cumoral activity (Fig 8-1). Mesiodistal dimensions
This chapter discusses treatment protocols that are most
likely to yield efficacious and effective long-term outcomes in The width of the space may have an impact on the surgical
the management of peri-implant morphologic tissue compro- management decision. A narrow space (usually one missing
mise. The ultimate objectives are an esthetically acceptable re- tooth) is unlikely to be accompanied by a challenging reduc-
sult and predictable achievement of two key determinants in tion in vertical bone height unless the tooth was lost because
treatment planning: the host bone site with its overlying soft of a traumatic incident with accompanying avulsion of bone or
tissue and its relationship to the interdental papilla. an advanced localized infective process. This stability occurs
because the proximity of two healthy periodontal ligament
areas adjacent to the edentulous space appears to preclude
much of a ridge reduction process. The challenge in such cases
Management of the Host is far more likely to be in the faciolingual dimension, and a nar-
row implant, which will have somewhat reduced optimal
Bone Site physical properties, usually meets the challenge in patients
with a low smile line (Fig 8-3a). Otherwise, buccal grafting will
Surgical implant placement must be guided by the overall es- be needed either before or during implant placement. The re-
thetic requirements of the definitive restoration. This strategy sultant interproximal papilla tends to readily assume normal
demands a routine three-dimensional analysis of the proposed proportions (Fig 8-3b).
implant site that reconciles these features in the context of an A wide space (two or more missing teeth), on the other
individual’s circumoral activity: hand, is frequently accompanied by a time-dependent and
variable vertical reduction in residual ridge height. Irrespective
• Clinical assessment and diagnostic cast analysis to provide of the number of implants placed to support a planned fixed
information on mesiodistal, faciolingual, and apicocoronal di- prosthesis, bony support for the interproximal papillae is fre-
mensions quently insufficient. In these situations, a mix of gingival and
• Imaging evaluation (see chapter 6) bony surgical strategies have to be applied to provide respect-

8 | Soft Tissue Esthetic Considerations

Fig 8-1 Subtle but frequently profound management difficulties may Fig 8-2 Different degrees of time-dependent morphologic distortion
confront the dentist, particularly when a patient’s generous smile line ac- and reduction of the planned host site for the implant may occur, de-
centuates tissue deficits. pending on the cause of the dental absence. (arrow) Depression of the
gingiva at the site of the maxillary right lateral incisor.

Fig 8-3 (a) A narrow implant with somewhat reduced optimal physical
properties has been placed in a site of limited faciolingual and mesiodis-
tal dimension. (b) Interproximal papilla is obtained after buccal grafting in
the area of the lateral incisor.

able esthetic results. Alternatively, a single implant and an ad- the labial surface. Whenever this happens, there will be great
jacent pontic (Fig 8-4) may be the answer rather than two ad- difficulty in keeping the labial tissue from migrating coronally
jacent implants, except when two central incisors are missing. when the new restoration is placed. The ideal placement is
either at the incisal edge, if the definitive restoration will be
cement retained, or slightly lingual to that (toward the cingu-
Faciolingual dimensions lum area) for screw-retained restorations (Fig 8-5). If a screw-
retained crown is used and the implant is placed more palatally,
Without question, the worst place to position an implant is too then the facial eminence can be created by using the crown to
far facially. The implant should not be angled anywhere toward contour the crevice and support the buccal free gingiva.

Management of the Host Bone Site

Fig 8-4 A single implant has been placed in the area of the maxillary
right canine, and an adjacent pontic on the lateral incisor has been
cantilevered over the implant on the canine to provide acceptable es-
thetic results.

a b

Fig 8-5 Faciolingual angulation of implant placement. (a) Only a cement-retained restoration can be placed if the implant was placed toward the in-
cisal edge. (b) The restoration can be screw or cement retained if the implant was placed at the cingulum.

Ideally, the implant should be placed 3.0 mm apical to the the patient and, without impeccable home care, to unsatisfac-
gingival margins of the proximal teeth to facilitate esthetic in- tory long-term outcomes.
tegration (Fig 8-6). This positioning will allow adequate space A residual ridge area with a minimal deformity that pos-
for a smooth emergence profile of the crown. If the implant sesses a sufficient quantity of bone to allow proper implant
placement is too shallow, and particularly if the implant is positioning can be corrected either prior to or at the time of
placed toward the palate, there will not be enough room to stage 1 surgery with a connective tissue graft. Soft tissue man-
make a smooth transition in the contour of the restoration. agement at stage 2 surgery will aid in creating the appropriate
Wherever possible, ridge lap restorations should be avoided. tissue shape or volume in interimplant and intertooth situa-
This design may lead to soft tissue management problems for tions. Repositioning of the tissue may be necessary to create


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