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Department of Bio-Medical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences

Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Bio-Medical Engineering Semester: III

Subject: Physiology II Date: …………….

Comparison of Visual activity of Human by using logMAR and Snellen chart
1. Explain the importance of determining distant and near vision.
2. Comparing visual activity by using Snellen and logMAR chart.

Student Name: ……………. SAP ID#.....................

Lab Performance

No. Title Marks Obtained Marks

1 Subject Knowledge & Data Analysis 5
2 Ability to conduct experiment 5
3 Total 10

Lab Reports

No. Title Marks Obtained Marks

1 Report content & Structure 5
2 Calculations & Data presentation 5
3 Total 10

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: …………………………………

Comparison of Visual activity of Human by using logMAR and Snellen chart
Visual acuity (VA) is acuteness or clearness of vision, especially form vision, which is dependent
on the sharpness of the retinal focus within the eye, the sensitivity of the nervous elements, and
the interpretative faculty of the brain. Visual acuity (VA) is the ability to see the details and
contours of objects clearly. It is tested for both distant as well as near vision.
LogMAR Chart
A LogMAR chart (Logarithm of the Minimum Angle of Resolution) is a chart consisting of rows
of letters that is used by ophthalmologists, orthoptists, optometrists, and vision scientists to
estimate visual acuity.
Recording visual acuity using the LogMAR chart
Each letter has a score value of 0.02 log units. Since there are 5 letters per line, the total score for
a line on the LogMAR chart represents a change of 0.1 log units. The formula used in
calculating the score is:

 LogMAR VA = 0.1 + LogMAR value of the best line read – 0.02 X (n umber of optotypes
Zero LogMAR indicates standard vision, positive values indicates poor vision, and negative values
indicates good visions. This is less intuitive than other VA notations. However, LogMAR is
actually a notation of vision loss.

Snellen chart:
The Snellen chart is a familiar sight in physician and optometrist offices. It consists of 11 lines of block
letters, also known as “optotypes,” which are constructed according to strict geometric rules and whose
size decreases on each lower line of the chart. In the traditional chart, the first line traditionally consists
of the single letter E, and only nine letters are used: C, D, E, F, L, O, P, T, and Z. From a distance of 20
feet (6 meters), subjects read each line of the chart, using only one eye, until they can no longer decipher
the letter shapes. Each row of letters is assigned a ratio which indicates the visual acuity required to read
it, and the ratio for the lowest line a person can read represents the individual’s visual acuity for that eye.
In the United States, normal vision is defined as 20/20; in countries that use the metric system, it is 6/6. A
ratio less than 1 (for instance, 6/10) indicates worse-than-normal vision; a ratio greater than 1 (for
instance, 6/5) indicates better than normal vision.

Q1-Define following terminologies

I. Myopia
II. Hypermetropia

Q2-State the procedure

Q3-what you concluded from the
comparison of logMAR chart and Snellen

Snellen’s Chart


1. During the test, the subject should sit or stand at specific distance away from the chart
(approximately 6 feet) and cover one eye.
2. Then read out loud the letters with the uncovered eye.
3. Now repeat this process with the other eye.
4. Typically, the subject is asked to read smaller and smaller letters until he/she could nolonger
accurately distinguish the letters.

Observation and Calculations:

Patient 1= /6 =

Patient 2= /6 =

Patient 3= /6 =

Sr. Name of persons Results of vision test






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