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Integration of MAPEH (Music)

Third Quarter
April 22, 2021

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Identify the different places in the community.
b. Respond appropriately to teacher’s and group mates’ inquiries and arguments during the discussion.
c. Choose appropriate action words that best suit the given place in the community.

II. Subject Matter:

Subject: Places in the Community
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Puzzle picture of a cat, pentouch, cartolina, tape, flashcards
Sanggunian: K-12 MELCS with CG codes
DLL in English 3rd quarter (
Learners Material / Activity Sheets in English

III. Procedure:

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
Groupwork: Jump and Act
The teacher will prepare a game. The class will be divided into 2 groups composed of 4 members
each. Four action words were pasted on the floor and all members must be able to read and act (Pupils will actively participate in the
the given first word before proceeding to the next. The task must be accomplished by all group class)
members and the first group to finish the task will be held as the winner.

Group work Guidelines:

1. Follow the instructions of the teacher.
2. Avoid walking / wandering inside the classroom.
3. Cooperate with your groupmates.
4. Avoid unnecessary noise.
5. Respect your classmates and avoid arguments.

2. Motivation
The teacher will present a puzzle picture in the board and let the pupils guess what animal it
would be.

“What can you see in the board?”

“Do you have any guesses of what kind of animal is in the picture?”
 a puzzle
 an animal
“Okay, so let’s see if your answers are correct.”
The teacher will call one pupil to arrange the given puzzle in front.”
 A cat
“Very good class! You have identified the animal that is portrayed in the picture.
It is a cat.”
Integration of MAPEH (Music): Sound of Animals
“Based from what we had discussed in MAPEH, especially in Music, what is the sound that is  Meow-meow
produced by a cat? Can you mimic it?” The class will try to mimic
the sound of a cat.
“Yes! Very good! The sound that is produced by a cat is “meow-meow”

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
The teacher will then introduce the topic to be discussed which will be presented through a

“So now, we will be having a story about a cat—a missing cat. This cat seems to be lost
and I want all of you to listen and participate as we read this story. So are you ready?

“Listen to me, eyes on me” (The teacher will use non-verbal cues or hand gestures which  Yes ma’am
is suited for visual learners as well as for students with special learning needs like deaf.)

The teacher will instruct the pupils that they must participate on reading. The teacher will
give the pupils the lines in the story in which they have to read these line synchronously.

2. Discussion
Storytelling: The Missing Cat: A Story Made by Pia Mariel Totanes
(Presented Through A PowerPoint Presentation)

The Missing Cat

Dina has a fat cat.
Her cat loves to wander around

One day, the cat saw a butterfly.

And the cat followed the butterfly.
"Fly, fly, fly", said the butterfly.
"Run, run, run", the cat says in underground

Few seconds passed, and the cat was lost.

"Oh my! Where am I?"
The cat exclaimed in exhaust.
The cat followed the light and finally get away from the underground.
Now, she's in the sight of the big building in front

Looking around, cat saw a nurse, talking doctors,

treating sick people at burst.
The cat thought:
"Busy people, sick people. Dina told me this, I'm
in a hospital-meow!

And once again, the cat saw a butterfly.

And the cat followed the butterfly.
"Fly, fly, fly", said the butterfly.
"Run, run, run", the cat says in underground

Few seconds passed, and the cat was lost.

"Oh my! Where am I?"
The cat exclaimed in exhaust.
The cat followed the light and finally get away
from the underground.
Now, she's in the sight of the big building in front

Looking around, cat saw children wearing clean,

white uniforms. One more look around, and the
cat saw teachers teaching pupils at all cost.
The cat thought:
"Busy people, learning people. Dina told me
this, I'm in a school-meow!"
And once again, the cat saw a butterfly.
And the cat followed the butterfly.
"Fly, fly, fly", said the butterfly.
"Run, run, run", the cat says in underground

Few seconds passed, and the cat was lost.

"Oh my! Where am I?"
The cat exclaimed in exhaust.
The cat followed the light and finally get away
from the underground.
Now, she's in the sight of the big building in front!

Looking around, cat saw people holding baskets of

fish inside. One more look around and the cat saw
vendors shouting fresh "fruits and veggies" side
by side.
The cat thought:
"Busy people, buying people. Dina told me this,
I'm in a market-meow!"

And once again, the cat saw a butterfly.

And the cat followed the butterfly.
"Fly, fly, fly", said the butterfly.
"Run, run, run", the cat says in underground

Few seconds passed, and the cat was lost.

"Oh my! Where am I?"
The cat exclaimed in exhaust.
The cat followed the light and finally get away
from the underground.
Now, she's in the sight of the big building in front!

Looking around, cat saw people ordering foods in

the cashier. One more look around, and the cat
saw families eating in table full of cheers.
The cat thought:
"Busy people, eating people. Dina told me this,
I'm in a restaurant-meow

And once again, the cat saw a butterfly.

And the cat followed the butterfly.
"Fly, fly, fly", said the butterfly.
"Run, run, run", the cat says in underground

Few seconds passed, and the cat was lost.

"Oh my! Where am I?"
The cat exclaimed in exhaust.
The cat followed the light and finally get away
from the underground.
Now, she's in the sight of the big building in front!

Looking around, cat saw a little girl wearing pink

pajamas while looking at her. One more look
around and the cat saw a loving arms coming near
The cat thought:
"Cozy place, loving people. Dina told me this,
I'm home-meow

After the story telling, the teacher will flash in the screen and discuss the places where
the cat was lost through PowerPoint presentation.

1. What places did the cat go?

2. What did she saw in a hospital?

 Hospital
 School
 Market
 Restaurant
3. What did she saw in a school?  House / Home

 nurse, talking doctors

 treating sick people
 The cat thought:
 Busy people, sick people

 children wearing clean,

white uniforms.
 teachers teaching pupils at
4. What did she saw in a market? all cost.
 Busy people, learning

5. What did she saw in a restaurant?

 people holding baskets of
fish inside.
 vendors shouting fresh
"fruits and veggies"
 Busy people, buying

6. What did she saw in a house?

 people ordering foods in
the cashier.
 families eating in table full
3. Generalization: of cheers.
“So class, the hospital, schools, market, restaurants and houses are some of the places
 Busy people, eating people.
we can see in our community. So before we proceed, let me just check if you remember
those places mentioned in the story and their functions.”

It is the place where we can buy things like fish and vegetables.  Cozy place, loving people.
It is the place where people study.
It is the place where people eat.
It is the place where sick people are being treated.
It is the place where we sleep, rest, gives us warmth and make us feel
Among the words market, school, house, hospital and cat, which among these
terms does not belong to the group? Why? Market
4. Application: Restaurant
Groupwork: The class will be divided into 2 groups. Hospital
Group work Guidelines:
1. Follow the instructions of the teacher.
2. Avoid walking / wandering inside the classroom. Cat because it is not
3. Cooperate with your groupmates. talking about places in the
4. Avoid unnecessary noise. community. It is an animal.
5. Respect your classmates and avoid arguments.

Group 1: Role play

Instruction: Choose a scenario portraying the things and situations that usually happens
in the market.

Group 2: Sketch
Draw the things or scenario the situations that usually happens in the market.

IV. Evaluation
Choose the appropriate action words that best suit the given place in the community.

A. study

B. Eat


C. Buy

D. Sleep

E. Heal


V. Assignment:
Draw other places aside from what we have discussed today that we can see in the community.

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