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1.What did one speaker say that was not understood by the person he/she was speaking with?
- The speaker was ordering materials or tools for gardening, however the person on the counter
didn’t understand what he was saying because of the pronunciation while telling the seller one
by one. Just like the word “fork handles” which was heard as “four candles” making the job of
the seller more confusing and exhausting.

2.What was the other speaker’s understanding of what was said?

- He understands the words to the nearest thing it is similar with the pronunciation or correct
way of saying it.

3.What do you think were the causes of the miscommunication?

- I think the primary cause of having miscommunication is the accent of a person while
pronouncing the words they want to convey. Not all are people has English as their first
language making it harder for both the speaker and to the person he/she is speaking to . That it
usually leads to confusion or misinterpretation of the word the speaker has said it either makes

a funny result or an argument to some situations. Most people tend to conclude that
miscommunication results from speaker’s lack of proficiency in a language.

4.How was the miscommunication resolved?

- The other speaker uses a strategy to solve the miscommunication such as pronouncing it again
and asking the buyer the type of material it is related, such as supporting details of the word is
related to such as examples or the first speaker will just provide the exact prescription of what
he was saying for the other speaker to understand the word. A couple of strategies was used to
resolve the problem just like being concise and informative in a way so that they can again
solve the miscommunication.

5.What should have been done by each speaker to prevent the miscommunication?
- He should atleast recognize that passive hearing and active listening are not the same. Engage
with the verbal/nonverbal feedback of others, and adjust your message to facilitate greater
understanding. And maybe tried to correct his spellings and writings of the correct word such as
searching it on the internet before going to the store to make it easier for the other speaker
incase he/she can’t understand well of how you pronounce the name. And take time to
understand as you try to be understood. Be open to what the other person is saying.

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