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1. What is Health Assessment and how will you apply it as a nursing student?

- Health Assessment involves both a comprehensive health history and a complete physical
examination, which are used to evaluate a person's health and status. It also involves a systematic
data collection that provides information to facilitate a plan to give the best possible care to the
patient. As a nursing student, I will apply health assessment when I interview patients to record
subjective data to make a health assessment. Using the information gathered from my health
assessment, I will be better able to adapt my nursing care to the patient's current illness and discuss
disease prevention and health promotion. Through health assessment, it allows me as a nursing
student to identify the specific needs and concerns of each patient.

2. Explain briefly the Nursing Process.

- The nursing process is a systematic problem-solving method by which nurses deliver care to
patients. The purpose of the nursing process is to create a standard of care where the nurse
develops a nursing diagnosis and care plan based on their assessment of the patient. The five steps
of the nursing process are assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
Assessment involves collecting, organizing, validating, and documenting data. Diagnosis is analyzing
data, identifying a client’s potential or actual health problems, and formulating diagnostic
statements. Planning involves setting priorities, formulating goals/desired outcomes, and selecting
nursing interventions. Implementation is carrying out the nursing interventions. It includes
reassessing the client, determining the nurse’s need for assistance, supervising delegated care, and
documenting nursing activities. Evaluation is the process of comparing data to outcomes to
determine the status of the problem. It includes a review and modification of the care plan.

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