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Joaquin Nico B.




Bible research was held by Baptist church at Barangay Bahay Toro Project 8 Quezon City on April 11,
2018. This program teaches about the preaches of the bible and invited every visitor by members of the
church at ages 8 to 40. The time of the program is at 9:00 AM until 5:30 PM. This event program was
being held every once a year. This program will teach the lessons that are in the bible, to acknowledge
the word of God. The event is not just fun and enjoyable to others but for them to know the salvation of
what the Lord has given to us. As for the event’s theme is “Unity Faith”.

Table 1: Children’s Special Number “Jesus Love’s the Little Children”.


 Marketing – The invitations has been distributed by church members at the locals and in their
houses at the areas of Project 8. The members gather many people at the event because some
of the locals are also part of the church and there are also visitors that came at the event. There
is sponsorship also to the pastors of different Baptist Churches to support the program.
 Program Content and Execution – The program that the church members created, provides
many activities for the visitors to learn about the teachings of the bible. There are quizzes that
they make, group activity games, special number of gospel songs, bible memorization for them
to know the bible verses, and bible study for them to know the true stories that was stated to
the bible. Sometimes other visitors are being disobedient to the point that they’re
uncontrollable especially to the younger once, but members of the church keeping them at safe
to avoid accidents.
 Venue – The venue of the program is at the church and inside the church can accommodate 250
plus participants, but at the time of the program, there are 170 participants that where
attended. The ambiance is not that small, so the venue is not overcrowded. There are 4 air
conditioners inside the venue and 4 walled fans to keep the visitors feel relax and calm until the
end of the program. Fire exits are also in there for cause of fire by accident or natural causes and
to easily escaped at the burning premises.
 Food and Beverage – The church provides the food for all the attendees and for the members.
Refreshments are also free for all the people at the event. The food was prepared at the kitchen
by professional culinary grads at the church’s kitchen. The food that was prefer for the visitors at
morning event is Pansit and orange juice and at the end of the event they prepare food for both
visitors and members are letchon, chicken adobo, puto and mineral bottled water.


The event organizer to the event should have provided service ride for the visitors that are far away
areas for them to make their way home safely. For the next event, the venue should be in different
place because the church premises can only accommodate 250 people inside, they should rent a
different area that can fit many visitors.


The event has smoothly been organized by the members of the church, many visitors has gain
knowledge from the bible as for their feedbacks of the program. And many also leave early at the
premises because of an emergency matter. But throughout the program, it was a success for making the
visitors enjoyed the program and wanted to learn more about the word of God. The aftermath of the
program is that all the members where assign to clean the premises before they go home and checking
for items or things that are forgotten by some visitors if there is.

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