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The powers and duties of officers and employees

The Education officer will act as an Educational Advisor to the Municipal Commissioner.
Some of the important duties of the education officer are as follow.

To have overall control, supervision on various sections and activities of the Education
Department Viz.
a) Municipal Primary Schools
b) Secondary Schools
c) Training College
d) Research Section
e) Music and Art Academy
f) Aided Schools Section
g) Physical Education Section
h) Municipal Teacher's Libraries
i) Teaching Aid Center
j) School Feeding Program
k) Vocational guidance Section

In addition to above, the Education Department has to look after the following administrative work at
central office.
1) Budget
2) Planning for the year
3) Establishment matters
4) Recruitment
5) maintenance of statistical Section
6) School Premises-construction, repairs, rent etc.
7) Opening of new schools, standards etc.
8) Materials & equipment’s for schools.
9) Maintenance of records
10) Distribution of materials
11) Awards Scholarship
12) Seminars for officers, teachers etc.
13) Visit to A.O. (Schools) office
14) Visit to different school and offices such as Mantraly, office of Dy. Educational Inspector
Greater Mumbai, Educational Technology centre, Aarey Milk colony worli, Commissioner's
office, social Education Centre etc.
15) Arrange visits for foreigners and outsiders at their requests.
16) Enquiries
17) Union matters etc.
18) Education Officers has to attend the meeting of-
a) Education committee, b)Ward Officers and other Heads of Departments meeting with the
Municipal Commissioner c) Balbhavan d) Social education Committee e) Various functions organized
by department.

Duties of Dy. E.O's (Zonal)

Due to decentralization of work of Education Department seven Zones have been formed. Each
zone consists of minimum four A.O. (Schools). Each Dy. Education Officer has been imparted two
zones each. Powers are vested therein. They are answerable to Education Officer ,Dy. Municipal
Commissioner (Educational), Additional Municipal Commissioner (Eastern suburb).

1) To attend to the disciplinary cases of the staff in Education Department.

2) To put up proposal to concerned authorize for orders regarding preparation of duplicate
service record, grant of medical aid to school staff, regularizing cases by dispensing with
production of M.M.E.'s encashment of leave , stagnation increment, grant of L.T.A. in respect
of school staff.
3) To study and scrutinize and dispose of individual representation from the schools staff in
connection with seniority and finally put up proposals with specific recommendations /
Justifications to E.O. for orders, if any changes are required.
4) To put up proposals regarding change in date of birth, names etc. in respect of school staff to
D.M.C.'s orders through L.O/ D.A.E.F. as they case may be.
5) To attend to correspondence regarding O & M.O.(M.C.'s) report regarding visit of his staff to
schools to inspect maintenance of muster, record etc. and follow up reports.
6) To send charge report to Jt. C.A wherever necessary and pass orders regarding recovery as
per recommendations of Jt. C.A. up to the limit of Rs.500/-
7) To put up proposals regarding in-charge allowance to Dy. Head Teachers for looking after
Head Teachers work over 3 months to E.O. for administrative sanction etc.
8) To study and scrutinize and dispose of individual representation form the school staff in the
matter of grade, allowances, pay, increment, confirmation etc. and finally put up proposals
with specific recommendation /justification to E.O. for orders, if any charges are required.
9) To attend to the work of monthly diaries of A.O.(Schools)
10) To accept resignation, voluntary retirement and termination/cessation of teachers and pass
orders on the proposals referred as per provision of Bombay Municipal Corporation (Service
Regulation, 1989. Invalidation cases as per M.M.E.'s certificates of schools staff as per rules
and after following procedure as laid down and give intimation to Head office for nothing.
11) To attend to the individual applications and/or those received for transfer of Teachers/ Dy.
Head Teachers/Head Teachers.
12) To sanction continuation beyond 55 years to school staff i.e. Class IV
13) To sanction leave cases with benefits of vacations to schools staff with diet allowances and
monetary benefits as per rules.
14) To give permission for holding send-off functions in respect of school staff as per rules laid
down in this behalf.
15) To put up proposals regarding confirmation of Asstt. Teachers in the ones as per rules after
obtaining remark of B.O.'s etc to E.O. for sanction.
16) Grant of N.O.C. for going out of India and forward application for outside employment as per
rules in respect of school staff (except application to M.P.S.C)
17) To maintain register of final P/F/Pension claim of school staff in respective one and submit
quarterly reports to D.A.E.F in the required proforma.
18) To collect information regarding requirements of books, furniture etc. other teaching materials,
Science materials maps etc and put up proposals regarding the respective zones to E.O. for
19) To put proposals regarding repairs to T.V. Sets, Clocks, Sewing Machines, Chairs and other
equipment’s in the schools to E.O. for orders.
20) To collect information and collect the same with regard to furniture articles in the schools in
the zone and put up to E.O. for further sanction.
21) To collect requirement of text books for schools in the zones and put up proposals to E.O. for
further sanction and arrange the distribution thereof after sanction.
22) Scrutinizing and sanctioning request for use of halls, playgrounds, maidans, school premises
and compounds for temporary use up to 3 days as per rules.
23) To put up the proposals regarding change of name of schools & office addresses, telephones
and allied matters in the zones with recommendations, to E.O.
24) To study proposals regarding acquisition of plots, construction of schools and classes, etc in
The newly constructed building for schools.
25) To attend to proposals regarding allotment of accommodation for schools and classes, etc. in
the newly constructed building for schools.
26) To attend M.C./D.M.C.'s rounds, E.C's inspection round as when instructed.
27) To arrange and supervise the inauguration functions of new school building and after
obtaining E.O.'s approval.
28) As per the funds allocated to respective zones, to maintain a register therefore and make
periodical report to E.O. regarding utilization of funds with regard to (and also attend to work
regarding the following)
1. Repairs to the schools premises, school compounds, and playground access
roads to schools.
2. Providing ceiling fans, suction tanks, overhead storage tanks, pumping sets, loud
speakers and separate water connection etc.
3. Cleanliness of school premises, compounds, insecticide treatment, planting of
trees, unhealthy surrounding etc.
4. Electric installations in the schools.
5. Special and heavy repairs to schools.
29) To attend to the correspondence regarding.
I. Nuisance to school building/to compounds from eatable sellers.
II. Fire to schools buildings.
III. Planting of and laying gardens in schools in zones.
30) To deal with proposals in the matter of Trust funds, Prizes, Scholarship to pupils in the schools
in the zones which have already been approval by the Administration?
31) To put up new proposals regarding administrative approval through E.O.
32) To sanction proposals regarding granting advances to the schools in the respective zones for
electricity bills.
33) To scrutinize and sanction non-departmental bills upto Rs.100/- subject to rules in the matter of
nominal charges, transport charges, repairs to articles within the grant allocated to zones.
34) To attend to correspondence regarding accidents, mishaps, missing of pupils, theft etc and to
submit report in this respect to E.O. for information & to follow up action.
35) To formulate proposals in connection with conduct of examinations in municipal schools and to
process after getting E.O.'s for information & to follow up action.
36) To attend to correspondence regarding conduct of Drawing Exams. For municipal schools
children with the Govt.
37) To attend to the work of-
i) Giving permission for practice lessons.
ii) Giving permission and for change in medium of pupils upto IVth std.
38) To plan and supervise the conduct of vacation Classes in the respective zones as per the
program given by the E.O.
39) To attend to the work of giving permission to school excursions for more than one day 's
duration upto 3 days and also for outside City limits as per rules.
40) To attend to correspondence with schools and decide as per policy regarding displays of photos
of National Leaders.
41) To attend to the correspondence regarding medical inspection of schools children in respective
42) To attend to the correspondence regarding co-operative stores.
43) To maintain a file and attend correspondence regarding weekly programmer and monthly
reports form A.O.'s (Schools).
44) To attend the correspondence regarding loss of books of Teachers Library by teachers, for the
responsibility and propose recovery.
45) To attend the correspondence regarding adoption of schools by Lions Clubs etc. and to put up
proposals to E.O. for orders.
46) To attend the correspondence regarding nuisance and harassment by out siders to school to
school staff and students and Vice-versa.
47) To attend the correspondence regarding admissions of pupils in schools.
48) To scrutinize the proposals and put up for administrative sanction with D.L. to M.S. wherever
necessary regarding opening &closing of schools, introduction of single, double & shorter
sessions, splitting & amalgamation of schools, conversion of schools into classes & vice versa,
opening and closing of higher stds. etc. taking over private schools.
49) To collect information from the A.O.'s (Schools) in respective zones and submit to E.O.
regarding S.N.O.'s interpellations, Notice of motion, outstanding resolution etc.
50) To attend to the work and decide regarding shifting of classes and schools in the case of
emergency under intimation to E.O.
51) To verify and scrutinize proposals received form A.O.'s (Schools) in the respective zones
regarding requirements of teachers and class IV employees viz. Peons, P.T. Hamals, Mali
caretakers, Security Guards and submit to E.O. for orders.
52) To attend the correspondence and decide regarding duty hours and duty list etc. of schools staff
as per rules and formula already sanctioned.
53) To attend to allotment and adjustment of Class IV employees in schools in respective zones
and putting up requirement to Head Office.
54) To assist the E.O. in implementation of different schemes, policy decisions in the schools in
55) To attend to the work of management and opening of mentally retarded schools/classes in the
56) To make overall inspection of schools comprising in the zones at least once in 3 years and fix
the grade of the schools.
57) To place the activities and supervise the work of the staff of Audit Visual Section in the
respective zones.
58) To guide A.O.'s (School) in the respective zone in planning and organizing centers.
59) To attend to any other work that may be assignment by the supervisors/E.O.
60) To order Preliminary Enquiry on the following cases and submit the Preliminary Enquiry reports
with their recommendations to E.O. for further orders.

1. Anonymous complaints

i) Employees remaining absent unauthorized

ii) Loss of school Leaving Certificate from the schools
iii) Tempering of records such as putting wrong time in the muster, misuse, etc.
iv) Negligence of duties of minor nature and insubordination to the superiors and
61) To refer the cases regarding following subjects to A.O. (Enquiry) or E.O. as mentioned there
i) Cases involving pilferage or misappropriation of Municipal Property or funds and moral
turpitude A.O.(Enquiry)
ii) Theft cases-Security officer
iii) Friction or Fight amongst the Municipal Employee-E.O.
62) To work as a Chairperson of Promotion Committee for deciding Promotions of Head Teachers
and Dy. Head Teachers.
63) To work as a Chairperson of Interview Pannel Board of Teacher Post
64) To work as a Chairperson of Tender Committee for selecting books.
65) To work as resource person for the training programme for the officers, Beat Officers, Head
Teachers and Dy.Head Teachers at Training Centre.
66) To attend to Interpellations as and when directed by E.O. to remain present as a representative
for the meeting called by A.M.C/M.C. as and when directed by E.O.
67) To pay the visits to Administrative Officers supervise the work of Administrative Officers.
68) To sanction the C.L. to A.O. (Schools)
69) To approve the weekly programme of A.O. (S) and check their diaries.
70) To organize meeting of A.O.(S) periodically and to guide them
71) To attend ward councilors meeting as representative of E.O.
72) Writing of confidential history sheet of A.O.(Schools)
73) Any other work assigned by education officer and other higher authorities.

Additional Duties of Education Officer

1) To get the repair work of the schools done.
2) To get the school building demolished those which are beyond repair.
3) To make available the drinking water, room facility and clock room facility in case they are not
available or found in sufficient to get the school compound work done where they don't exist and
to get the broken school compounds repaired.
4) To make necessary arrangement for keeping school premises clean.
5) To make use of schools halls only for students programmes, parents meeting and educational
6) To make available sufficient learning materials to the students for upgrading the standards of
7) To publish the manual of Education Department.
8) To widened the scope of adoption of schools.
9) To increase the budgetary provision of school repair work
10) To increase the budgetary provision of impress
11) To make necessary budgetary provision to carry out the above work.
12) To support vermiculture project being implemented in schools at all wards.
13) To support & implement SSA at schools level
14) To inspect the distribution 26 item to all Municipal schools.
15) To inspect reserve plots for Municipal Schools.
16) To look after the repairs of rented / owned premises
17) To conduct mid-day meal scheme
18) To regulate newly introduced Public Partnership Cell of Education Department.

Functional Duty of Education officer

1) Unions meetings Notes, briefing minutes and correspondence.
2) EOE, EORP, EOC, EOT, EOX, EOM, E.O.(Sec.) ,S.R.S.C., E.O.(Aided).
3) Lokayukta, Upalokayukta cases monitoring.
4) L.A.O Star questions, interpellations.
5) Co-ordinator, all supritendents
6) Music and Art Academy, Mayor's Award.
7) Establishment of Education Department (Head Office)
8) To attend the meeting of M.C, A.M.C, D.M.C (Education) on behalf of E.O.
9) Transfers, promotions, recruitment, suspension, enquiries, termination of teaching and non
teaching staff in Municipal Primary Schools.
10) Monitoring working of C.D.O department.
Additional Duty List of Each Dy.Education Officer (From Zone-I toVI )on par with you.
1. Library Stores, Carpentary workshops L.D.P. Audio- Visual Section, S.S.P.I Scout Guide
Section, Record Section.
2 To ascertain the need of furniture, School wise and monitor the process of procurement
furniture to municipal Primary and Secondary Schools
3 Disaster Management
4 To attend the briefing of Standing Committee., Education Committee and Corporation
5 " Flag Day Fund" Mumbai City District.
6 To work as a Chairperson of sexual Harassment Prevention committee of Education
7 To Co-ordinate, monitor and arrange all Co-curricular activities (e.g. Balakostav, Academic
and Educational activities)
8. A.O.(s) I.T.C. Music and Art Academy, Teaching Aids centre and Audit (" NIRANTAR")
Education Project.
9. "Flag Day Fund" Mumbai suburban District
10. Mahila Balkalyan Samiti
11. Primary schools computer Centres/computerization of Education Department.
12. Consumers Club.
13. To prepare the budget of Education Department and planning/monitoring the expenditure and
review the programmes every month and report to E.O.
14. DIET
15. Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Mohim.
16. Effective monitoring on Teachers Training Colleges
17. M.C.A. Audit notes(Primary and Secondary ), Lokayukta and Uplokayukta cases,
pension claims pertainig to Secondary section.
18. Prepare the budget of Secondary Schools and monitor the expenditure.
19. To give guidance to supdt. (Secondary), Head masters and Teachers for improvement of
S.S.C. results.
20. To organise, attend, prepare the notes, prepare the minutes of the meeting and make
correspondence regarding the meetings called by M.C. , A.M.C, D.M.C. (Edu) and
Chairman Education Committee
21. To attend the briefings for Education Committee, Standing committee and Corporation
pertaining to Secondary Schools.
22. Monitoring of following Sections of Education Department.
i) E.O.M.- Controlling of Mid Day Milk- Shaleya Poshan Ahar Yojana
ii) S.R.S.C - Building Repairs, Co-ordination with Central Agencies.
iii) E.O.R. - Recruitment of Primary Teachers.
23. To work as member Secretary with Justice Dhanuka Committee.
24. Co-ordination with central Agencies.
25. To monitor budget for school building repairs.
26. To Attend Court cases.
27. To attend/monitor Lokaukta/Uplokaukta cases, Teaching and Non Teaching staff of
Education Department.
28. Monitoring pending pension cases, pending various committee Resolutions, Pending special
Advances and Pending M.C.L. A/B/C cases.

Dy.Education Officer (CITY )

Administration and control of Municipal ward A,B,C,D,E,F/S, F/N,G/S ,G/N
Dy. Eduation Officer (WESTERN SUB.)
Administration and control of Municipal ward H/E,H/W,K/E,K/W,P/S,P/N,R/S,R/N,R/C
Dy.Education Officer (EASTERN SUB.)
Administration and control of Municipal ward L/M/E-1 & 2,M/W N,S,T


1) Observing of teaching work and guiding teachers in their teaching work.
2) To pay Educational Visits to schools in the Division and to guide the inspectors in inspection and
supervision of schools.
3) Organizing and supervising the work of Annual Examination.
4) To reviews and to recommend Books and periodicals for teachers and school libraries.
5) To guide and supervise newly introduced projects in respect of new method of teaching.
6) Dividing month-wise syllabus and circulating it to the schools.
7) Interviewing candidates for teacher's posts.
8) Supervising the work of periodical tests and double promotion examinations.
9) Organizing co-curricular and cultural activities, divisional seminar's workshops, Educational
Conferences & Refresher Classes.
10) Supervision of Training Colleges.
11) To supervise the work Inspectors and Administrative Officers.
12) To sanction the C.L. of Inspectors and A.O.s (Schools)
13) Conducting enquiries into complaints involving A.O.(S) & Inspect disciplinary cases of school
staff referred to by E.O.
14) To approve the weekly programme of A.O.( s) & Inspectors and to check their dairies.
15) To approve the proposal about the opening and conduct of vacation libraries and vacation
16) Approving important circulars as well as various performances to be printed and circulated
schools of respective languages group.
17) Writing of confidential history sheets of A.O.s and Inspectors and approving of the C.H.Sheets
of Head Teachers & Dy.Head teachers, written by Inspectors.
18) Allowing schools to start co-operative stores.
19) Awarding scholarships and prizes out of Trust Funds
20) Posting and transfer of Head teachers and posting of Dy.Head Teachers and approving the
inter divisional transfers of Dy.Head Teachers. Asstt.Teachers & Special Teachers Proposed
by Inspectors.
21) To issue written warning to the school staff.
22) To supervise the work of division wise readjustment of Teachers done by the statistical
23) To finalise the proposals of recommendations of Teacher's done by the statistical department.
24) To sanction leave joining vacation to school staff referred A.O. (Schools)
25) To sanction T.B. Leave as per rules.

1. To supervise day-to-day working at Gilder Tank Building (Furniture repairs)
2. To supervise the work of the Librarian at Gilder Tank Teacher's Library by paying frequent
3. To supervise the work of record and stores section of E.O.'s office at Gilder Tank Bldg.
4. Inspection of new furniture supplied to Municipal Schools.
5. To plan , guide and supervise the Audio Visual Section of the Deptt.
6. To maintain the Dead Stock Register of the equipment and machinery of the Audio Visual
7. To maintain the Dead Stock Register of the machinery and other materials of the teaching Aid
8. To plan , guide and supervise the teaching Aid Center.
9. To put up the proposals of Teaching Aid Centre, Audio Visual Section for E.O.'s sanction.
Duties of Administrative officer (Office)
(A) as per the directives of Central Govt... A scheme of providing mid day meal to the
students of municipal schools studying in Std. I to V was to be given 3 kg. rice to per pupil.
Accordingly concerned A.O.'s to submit month wise challans and bills for payment and keep updated
record of the same.
2. (B) Liability registers to be maintained showing separate different heads and certify the bills for
3. Income Tax calculation and recovery-
4. To keep the record of 27 items which are served to Schools.
Concerned A.O.(school) obtains declaration regarding investment to recover income tax. To
keep school-wise and employee wise update information and submit the same to higher authority
and submit E 16 and 24 to the concerned sections.


1. To transfer or depute Peons and Hamals in the Ward.
2. To transfer furniture and other articles and sanction expenditure for the purpose upto
Rs.100/-at a time.
3. To sanction C.L. to Head Teachers, Clerical staff & Peons working in A.O.'s (Schools) office.
4. To sanction long leave to school staff.
5. To issue written warning to the school staff and the staff in the A.O.'s office.
6. To grant permission for excursion of school pupils of more than day's duration.
7. To maintain statistical data of the schools.
8. To expedite the matter of physical facilities of schools such as getting the repairs done to
municipal owned, rented, rent free school buildings.
9. To carry out direct correspondence with Government, Semi Government bodies and with
10. To certify pay bills, effective certificates and contingencies bills and other bills pertaining
11. To grant permission for holding extra classes.
12. To place indents/Work ordes for Lorries and Hamals for removal of furniture.
13. To sanction bills of sundry expenses subject to certification of funds.
14. To cancel unexpired portion of leave and to modify leave.
15. To give certificates of pay and service to employees.
16. To fix the amount of school contingency.
17. To place indents with the controller of Stores for annual requirements, Clothing, Water-proof
Coats etc. & to place indents with the Stores articles to schools and school staff.
18. To sanction changes in the names of employees and changes in the names, caste, birth
dates of pupils.
19. To sanction advance out of P.F.
20. To allow staff to subscribe to N.C.P.F.
21. To sanction increment to school staff after allowing them to cross E.B.
22. To sanction provident fund final claims and sanction non refundable provident fund advance
to school staff under Rule No. 25 A of P.F.
23. To grant permission for use of school premises and school Halls, rooms etc. for functions.
24. To introduce double session etc. with E.O.'s prior approval.
25. To condone late attendance and grant concessions to leave early to school staff twice a
26. To dispose of school garden produce.
27. To sanction expenditure for preparation of teaching aids, to the limit of Rs.25/-each.
28. To incur expenditure or office contingency upto Rs. Per item.
29. To grant permission to school staff to do outside work including provate tuition's of 2 hours &
to grant permission for higher studies on usual condition except case of studies for B.Ed
30. Disposal of the records of school-Beat & A.O.'s offices.
31. Maintenance of establishment records pertaining to all employees in the ward including
seniority list, sidewise.
32. Preparation of readjustment of pupils & Teachers. Sidewise.
33. Completion of information & statistics.
34. Maintenance of directory of school staff, sidewise
35. Preparation & submission of superannuation list of the school staff.
36. To warm the Head Teachers failing to submit charge report in time.
37. Countersigning school leaving certificates.
38. To pay educational visits to some of the school of his/her own language.
39. To sanction leave joining vacation, to school staff provided the employee has not availed of
such leave benefit of vacation during the preceding two years (other such cases be referred
to zonal supdts.)
40. To sanction traveling bills to staff going to native place in vacation.
41. To work as the representative of the corporation on school committee of the Secondary
42. To conduct the vacation calsses & libraries.
43. To write the confidential history sheets of the clerks & Heads Clerks in A.O.'s office.
44. To hold enquiries of all kinds in respect of school staff.
45. To recommend allotment and readjustment of class rooms to various language groups in the
46. To attend rounds of D.M.C. mayor and the Chairman, conducted in the ward.
47. To allow closure of schools in case of emergencies.
48. To conduct and supervise the activities of curriculum, Department Centre in the ward.
49. To issue purchase orders, to certified bills and to make contracts for sanstha for midday meal
scheme and other works given by high authority.

Duties of Supdt. (Research and Training) L.D.P. Section

1. To check and sign the musters of three sections i.e.L.D.P., Record Section and Dy.E.O.
2. Late condensations.
3. Pre-paration of S.S.C. vacation classes. Purchase and distribution of S.S.C. materials with
the help of Beat officers.
4. Preparation of small drafts.
5. Collection of weekly programme of Beat Officer and Resource Persons.
6. Supervision of the work of Beat officer and Resource Persons.
7. Supervision of the work of Marathi classes for non Marathi speaking teachers and Hindi for
non Hindi teachers.
8. To plan and carry out action research on the topics taken for orientation languages.
9. Supervision of the work of Marathi classes for non Marathi speaking teachers and Hindi for
non Hindi teachers.
10. To plan and supervise audio active periods.
11. Management and supervision of language laboratory and L.D.P. studio.
12. To carry out the work of the supdt. L.D.P. in her/his absence.
13. To supervise and co-ordinate Smart P.T. work throughout the year.
14. To assist in planning and organizing S.S.C. class for municipal students.
15. To carryout all the work allotted by the superiors form time to time.

Duty list of Research Officer

1) Consolidation of information during enrollment week, organize felicitation program of teachers
who have enrolled and retained students 10 and above and do all the necessary producers
for the same.
2) Academic information from SSA to be consolidated.
3) District level consolidation of statistical information.
4) Consolidation of statistical information of schools for the State Government.
5) Issue circular to update statistical information for the month of September.
6) Consolidation of school information of schools for differently abled, MPS, primary aided,
primary unaided (draft a format to collect information from respective sections)
7) Display of September month statistical information in EO and RO Office.
8) Presentation of statistical information of the September month in the Education Committee
conference room.
9) Consolidation of information for Administrative report to be published every year in the month
of March.
10) Consolidation of information for civics diary.
11) Annual publishing.

Duty list Beat Officer

 40 visits (20 surprise visits) each month in MPS, primary, secondary and private primary
schools as per the schedule given by the department. In this visit Beat Officer should render
academic guidance to teachers, inspection of administrative works, also guide the
Headmaster of the concerned school.
 Conduct annual inspection of each class teacher.
 Random checking of answer papers checked by teachers, check students notebooks and
homework and other classroom activities.
 Help and guide school teachers in conducting co-curricular activities in schools.
 Guide teachers to make effective use of school library.
 Conduct elocution competition and other several competition for students and teachers.
 Set question papers for several examinations and declare results of the same.
 Help superintendent and Research Officer is preparing staff schedule and other statistical
information concerning schools.
 Represent MCGM Education Department at the secondary school committee.
 Maintain records of school Headmaster and teacher’s works.
 Prepared confidential reports of all school teaching and non-teaching staff.
 Checking all the records and documents maintained in the school.
 Write off of the scrap materials after approval of Administrative Officer.
 If assigned by department conduct enquiry of school staff.
 Prepare transfer list of school teaching and non-teaching staff.
 Recommend files of confirmation of school teaching staff.
 Recommend school teaching staff for Mayor Award, State Award and National Award.
 Accommodate teachers in school as per PTR norms.
 Recommend files for amalgamation of schools, bifurcation of school, opening of new classes
 Recommend school teachers and headmaster for several departmental and state training
 Check the SSA fund utilization by school staff abd guide for effective use of the same.
 Distribution of question papers and answer papers to schools.
 Guide and conduct orientation of school teachers and students for Sate Scholarship
Examinations and other external competitive examination.
 Frequently conduct meetings of school teaching and non-teaching staff and guide them for
efficient work performances.
 Inspect the academic and administrative work of private primary schools.
 Keep a check the workings of SMC
 Keep frequent checks in school progress.
 Check implementation of several projects and programmes in schools initiated by department
and state government.
 Recommend leaves application of school teaching and non-teaching staff.
 Ensure implementation of S.19 and S.25 of RTE Act 2009 in schools.
 Complete all the work assigned from time to time by higher authorities

Duty list for full-time and part-time Hamal in municipal schools

१. Full-time Hamal - cleaning school facilities 3 times a day and sweeping school premises twice
a day.
२. Part time Hamal - Cleaning school facilities 4 times a day and sweeping the school premises
once a day.

Duty list of mali-cum-care taker in municipal school: -

The corporation has decided to appoint a mali-cum-care taker instead of providing security guards
in the school building. his main duties will be as follows: -
१. Protecting school property.
२. Preserving the garden laid out in the school premises.
३. Running a water pump installed in the school premises.
४. No outsiders other than school hours should be allowed on the school premises or
entertained while living in your residence.
५. If he goes out of his place on his weekly holiday, he should take adequate measures
to protect the school premises.
६. Any other work assigned by the headmaster or other superiors.

Duty list of Municipal School Peon.

1. Opening the school, sweeping it and closing and locking the school every day after school.
2. Move the equipment, arrange it properly and keep it clean as directed by the headmaster
or their superiors.
3. Bring out of school children from their homes.
4. Cleaning utensils for filling and drinking water.
5. Cleaning the floors etc. on the instructions of a student when there is no cleaner or
absentee in the school.
6. Bringing, carrying and filling water for drinking and other purposes for school children.
7. Carrying office work documents, letters etc. to or from the offices and bringing the items
provided by the offices for the schools etc.
8. Accompanying school children for departmental events, meetings, movies etc.
9. Ring the school bell according to schedule.
10. Supervise school children during the mid-vacation period.
11 Paying attention to milk distribution.
12. Washing and cleaning school premises once a month.
13. To collect the attendance of each class by going round the school to record the daily
14. Attend school one hour before school starts and one hour after school To leave (Total
duration 8 hours)
15. Accompanied by school children as a guardian when crossing roads and gates at the
beginning and after school
16. Any other work assigned by the headmaster and his superiors.

Duty list of Office Peon

1. To open and close office in office time.

2. To clean furniture like table, chairs, windows, cuboards, doors etc. Daily of every ward offices.
3. To clean officers cabin daily.Eg.To clean table, chairs etc. Making arrangement of Drinking
water, lights, fans etc. carefully.
4. To make arrangement of drinking water daily for employees working in a office.
5. To dispatch papers for signature of senior officers.
6. To obey orders of senior officers.
7. To obey discipline, regularity and punctualness during duty hours. To do all works given by
seniour officers without complaints and with due responsibility.
8. To dispatch all the papers connecting zonal and ward offices. To dispatch papers from
dispatch section to head office. To stamp paper received in dispatch section. To tranport
official items from store section.
9. To make arrangements like providing chairs for employees attending meeting and make
arrangement for fan, light, snacks, water during meetings arrange by senior officers.
10. After office hours by closing office handover keys to the concern security guard etc.

1. To show films by planning, informative programs and Educational Movies in all Languages
of schools run by BMC by actual visiting School.
2. To arrange of Audio – visual equipment during all programmes of Music of Hon- Mayor, Hon –
3. To make arrangment of Audio – visual equipment during all programmes of Music Art
Acadamy, R. S.P., scout Guide, physical Education Department, District training center,
various meetings, Balkotsav, Balak Melava, Training workshop various sports compititions,
Mayor award distribution ceremony Niwasi camp etc. Of Education Department.
4. To make planning of programmes as assigned by senior officer.


1. Store labour help in transportation of Administrative items to various department.

2. TO help Projectionist.
3. To help mestri in repairing wooden furniture of BMC Schools
4. To Carry out all collected waste to dustbin.

Duty list of Jamadar, Havildar and Naik post.

Working at Head Office of Education Department.

1. To clean and well organise cabin of chairman Education committee / Education officer.
2. Make arrangement of tea-snacks for E.O. / C.E.C.
3. To mark late Attendence, Absentee, out door, C. Off of fourth class employees on muster
4. To distribute papers of concerned section after getting signature of E.O.
5. To work as Security on cabin of E.O.
6. To keep conference Hall of Head office of E.O.'s office clean and well organised during
meeting of E.O. / DYEO.
7. To make Arrangement of visitors for E.O.
8. To perform work assined by E.O.
9. To perform work assined by Senior officer. After office hrs are over switched off A/C, Lights,
Fan etc. In E.O. Cabin.
10. Keep record of Reports of E.O.'s signatures and reference.
11. Naik / Havildar / Jamadar should plan and manage daily duties of peon, Hamal, Labour of
E.O.'s office.
12. Naik / Havildar / Jamadar should give remarks about alternative arrangements to be made
during long leave or C.L. Of peon/ hamal/ Labour in E.O.'s office.

13. Employee who has responsibility of opening and closing office should give advance notice of
his Absentee or leave to Naik / Havildar / Jamadar. They should not send leave application
directly to dispatch/ EOF section.
14. To make substitute arrangement of opening or closing E.O.'s office during absence or leave
of any employee who has given work of opening and closing E.O.'s office with regular review
of peon with personal attention.
15. To take measure for daily clenliness of E.O.' office Labour / Hamal should perform their duties
perfectly. If any Labour/ Hamal found carelessness or neglecting any work then Naik/ Havildar
/Jamadar should inform concern Establishment section in writting so as to enable to take
action against concern employee.
Jamadar should get noting of above instruction from all working fourth class employee
working in Education their's Head Office. And should see it's absolute implementation.

Duty list of Naik post working at Zonal Offices (city / eastern sub./ western sub.) of Education

1. To clean and well organise cabin of Deputy Education officer.

2. Make arrangement of tea-snacks for Deputy Education officer.
3. To mark late attendence, Absentee, out door, C. Off of fourth class employees on muster
4. To distribute papers of concerned section after getting signature of Deputy Education officer.
5. To work as Security on cabin of Deputy Education officer.
6. To keep conference Hall of Deputy Education officer's office clean and well organised during
meeting of DYEO.
7. To make Arrangement of visitors for Deputy Education officer.
8. To perform work assigned by Deputy Education officer.
9. To perform work assigned by Senior officer. After office hrs. are over switched off A/C, Lights,
Fan etc. In Deputy Education officer's cabin.
10. Keep record of Reports of Deputy Education officer's signatures and reference.
11. Naik should plan and manage daily duties of peon, Hamal, Labour of Deputy Education
officer's office.
12. Naik should give remarks about alternative arrangements to be made during long leave or
C.L. Of peon/ hamal/ Labour in Deputy Education officer's office.
13. Employee who has responsibility of opening and closing office should give advance notice of
his Absentee or leave to Naik. They should not send leave application directly to dispatch/
EOF section.
14. Make substitute arrangement of opening or closing Deputy Education officer's office during
absence or leave of any employee who has given work of opening and closing Deputy
Education officer's office with regular review of peon with personal attention.
15. To take measure for daily cleanliness of Deputy Education officer's' office Labour / Hamal
should perform their duties perfectly. If any Labour/ Hamal found carelessness or neglecting
any work then Naik should inform concern Establishment section in writing so as to enable to
take action against concern employee. Naik should get noting of above instruction from all
working fourth class employee working in Deputy Education officer's office. And should see its
absolute implementation.
1. To supervise day to day administrative work related with art department.
2. To implement of all the instructions and orders given by Hon.officers.
3. To guide and give the instruction to all drawing teachers through instructor, center in charge of art
4. To prepare syllabus to bring in a system in art education.
5. To solve the problems which find out in art education.
6. To make research in the field of art.
7. Observing teaching work of art education of different standards and guiding teachers in their
teaching work.
8. To give guidance to the deputy art teachers in inspecting school.
9. To maintain dead stock records of the materials of art.
10. To conduct the meetings of center in charge of art centers on every Saturday for smooth
administrative work.
11. To arrange lectures and demonstration of the art experts for the benefit of children and teachers.
12. To organize photography competition for municipal school students, teachers, municipal
employee and external freelance and hobby photographer. as well as work shop for municipal
school students.
13. To approving the monthly program of the center in charge, deputy art teachers and to check their
14. To organize balchitrakala, mayor drawing competition, rangoli competition, various types of poster
competition, central govt. and state govt. competition, etc.
15. To arrange child art and teachers art exhibition.
16. To arrange art festivals and seminars to offer guidance in art and other cultural activities
carried out in the school.
17. To celebrate national festival and civic exhibitions.
18. To supervise art education in general.
19. To send representative for various types of trainings of department and govt. as an expert
20. To putting the proposals to E.O.for the following activities- a) Balchitrakala spardha, b) Mayor
drawing competition, c) Rangoli competition, d) Photography competition and work shop, e)
Elementary grade examination workshop for teachers and Prize distribution program, f) Artist
camp, g) Art material,
21. To supervise the distribution of art materials to the school by this department
1. To supervise day to day administrative work related with music department.
2. To implement of all the instruction and orders given by Hon. Officers.
3. To guide and give the instruction to all music teachers through instructors center in change of
music centers.
4. To prepare syllabus to bring in a system in music education.
5. To solve the problems which find out in music education.
6. To make research in the field of music.
7. Observing teaching work of music education of different standards and guiding teachers in
their teaching work.
8. To give guidance to the deputy music teachers in inspecting schools
9. To maintain dead stock records of music instruments.
10. To conduct the meetings of center in charge of music centers on every Saturday for smooth
administrative work.
11. To arrange lectures and demonstration of the music experts for the benefit of children and
12. To organize music competition for municipal school children all over Mumbai.
13. To approving the monthly program of the center in charge, deputy music teachers and to
check their diaries.
14. To organize workshop for selected talented teachers and music related lecture –
demonstration programs for all music teachers.
15. To arrange music festival and seminars to offer guidance in music and other cultural activities
carried out in the school.
16. To supervise music education in general in all BMC schools.
17. To send representative for various types of training of department and govt. as an expert
18. To putting the proposals to E.O. for the following activities.
a) Group singing workshop b) Folkdance workshop c) Workshop on dramatics
d) Music related lec. demo. program e) Music festival on the occasion of world
music day f) Music competitions
19. To supervise the distribution of music materials to the school by this department.
20.To organize and arrange musical programs on the occasion of different events held in
education department and programs centrally organized by BMC.

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