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themselves unable to keep their monthly payments met throughout the whole school year,

there are bound to be some foibles.

According to Katherine Hall and Sonja Giese (2008/2009), The ACESS research

highlighted a numbers of challenges relating to the management and expending of school

allocations: The actual transfer of funds to schools is managed by provincial education

departments, but these is some variation in the way this is for managed in different provinces,

which makes it difficult to establish a consolidated monitoring system. Late or unreliable

transfers in some provinces played havoc with school cash flows. Allocations for different

budget line items are often fixed and inflexible. Schools have poor financial, management.

Financial reporting remain complex and onerous, and proper budgetary management is

beyond the capacity of many schools. This informs us the value of providing just payment

towards school expenses. Hall and Giese point out the disadvantages of having no-fee

schools. If school expenses were taken away then the school’s financial pyramid would

topple and eventually break down.

However, according to Weslad (2010) a student’s mental stability should be among

the things one should prioritize when it comes to academics. Motivation is a crucial part in

maintain one’s mental stability. Therefore this statement points out the importance of the

presence of motivation in a student.

In summary of the compiled data, seeing as over-prioritizing school fees above all

else can potentially harm a student’s focus and motivation, this study hopes to fill the gaps

provided between school finance, motivation, how school fees affect motivation of a student,

and what are the causes of problems regarding school fees.

Theoretical Framework This section provides the following theories that serve as the

framework of this study:

Marion and Flanigan’s Theory

The Evolution of Punctuation of Theories of Educational Expenditure and Student

Outcomes (Marion and Flanigan et al. 2011) cites that educators and decision makers have

tried a variety of curricular and instructional approaches, have experimented with educational

structure and leadership styles, have centralized and decentralized power, have tried

homeschooling, vouchers, charter schools, school uniforms, choice, and increased

educational standards. Yet the students in question still show poorly on standardized test

score when compared to students in other standardized test scores when compared to students

in other industrialized nations.

Perhaps the most commonly recommended solution to educational problems is

“more money”. Policy makers and educators seem to have an unfocused faith that more and

better resources translate into improved student outcomes.

Marion and Flanigan’s theory indicates that more money is best solution to most

educational problems.

The Happy Productive Theory

This study has also used the Happy-Productive Student Theory (Cotton, Dollard, &

de Jonge, 2002) suggest that student satisfaction is mediated by psychological factors such as

coping, stress, and well-being. Based on the “happy-productive” theory, Cotton, Dollard, and

Jonge provided evidence that high levels of psychological distress at university is related to

lower satisfaction. Consequently, student satisfaction goes up when distress is low and

satisfaction goes down when distress is high.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

School fees/ finance Motivation of students Implication


Fig 1.1 Schematic Diagram

Statement of the Problem

This study will record and contrast data compiled from grade 11 senior high school students

of RC-AKIC SHS regarding their motivation and how it is affected by the current disposition

of school fees where it is required to be paid every month. Furthermore, this study is also

expected to answer the following questions:

1.) What are the causes of financial problems in grade 11 students?

2.) What are the effects of these financial problems to the grade 11 students’ motivation?

Scope and Delimitation

This study covers the impact of the school fees on grade eleven RC-AKIC students

concerning motivation in school. Lockdown had strained most of the school’s curricular

activities along with the paying of school fees. Compared to the state of the economy today,

last year was on the verge of decline. Thus, this research aims to record the influence of the

current ‘new normal’, where health protocols are not as strict, on high school students in
respects to school fees in order to aid the next generations by supplying them with knowledge

of what were the events that proved to be a struggle in this school during the times where the

pandemic was at its fullest and where lockdown protocols are more lenient. The setting of the

study will be conducted on the campus of RC-AKIC SHS, the timeframe set during the

school year of 2022-2023.

This study is limited to acquire data from grade eleven students about their insight on

how school fees affected their motivation in participating in both academic and

extracurricular activities. This study will gather data through means of surveys and

interviews. The research questions fixed towards the respondent’s personal information with

regards to their motivations, opinions, and insight, along with how school fees are affecting


Significance of Study

This study hopes to benefit the following:

Students. By letting this study act as an outlet for them to express their comments,

emotions, feelings, and convictions in hopes that it may provide them therapeutic relief be it

small or large. And for them to understand the value of their payments to their education;

School Facilitators. In improving and refining their methods from feedback where

students will supply their own criticisms with regards to how they handle school

management; and

Future Researchers. Covering how students of RC AKIC SLS coped through the

strains of the recently implemented “new normal” during the first several months of the

COVID-19 pandemic. If studies ever need of research materials or helpful data regards to

how students fared during and after the lockdown while being burdened with school

requirements and such, hopefully this study will be of use to them.

Definition of Terms

The following words are defined both operationally and conceptually.

Impact. The force of impression of one thing on another: a significant or major

effect (Merriam Webster). In this study, it is the degree on how much something has affected

something or someone.

Insight. The act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or seeing

intuitively (Merriam Webster). In this study, it is defined as someone’s thoughts or feelings

about something through experience and/or deep observation

Fees. A sum paid or charged for a service (Merriam Webster). In this study, it is the

amount needed to be supplied by the student directly to the school in order for him or her to

receive sufficient learning materials.

Expenses. Something expended to secure a benefit or bring about a result (Merriam

Webster). In this study, it is any money spent for intentions within the school but not supplied

directly to the school itself.

Motivation. The condition of feeling motivated (Merriam Webster). In this study, it

is an essential factor that may decide the result of this study.

Student. One who attends a school (Merriam Webster). In this study, it is an

important respondent which is needed in order to compile the data required for this study to

proceed forward.

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