MCQ CNS Practice Test

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MCQ: CNS PRACTICE TEST Q.1.Dopaminergic transmission in brain is facilitated by----------a.Levodopa c.Amantadine b.Carbidopa d.


Q.2.Mechanism of action of Entecapone is ------. a.Inhibition of COMT b.Inhibition of DOPA decarboxylase c.Selective inhibition of MAO-B d.Fascilitation of Dopamine synthesis

Q.3.The Levodopa- Carbidopa combination does not minimize -------. a.Involuntary movements b.Nausea and vomiting c.Cardiac arrhythmia d.Altered taste sensation

Q.4.Which anti-epileptic drug in therapeutic dose causes least sedation?

a.Primidone b.Clonazepam

c.Phenytoin d.Phenobarbitone

Q.5.Antianxiety effect of Diazepam is due to------. a.Stimulation of GABA-A receptor b.Increased release of GABA c.Inhibition of GABA-receptor d.Stimulation of GABA-B receptor

Q.6.Tolerence develops to all the actions of Levodopa EXCEPT--------. a.Tachycardia c.Hypotension b.Abnormal movements d.Vomiting

Q.7.Drug used in situational anxiety is ------. a.Alprazolam c.Buspirone b.Propranolol d.Flurazepam

Q.8.Drug of choice in Drug induced Parkinsonism is ------. a.Levodopa c.Ropinirole b.Amantadine d.Benzhexol

Q.9.Drug of choice for Morphine withdrawal syndrome is --------. a.Methadone c.Naloxone b.Buprenorphine d.Nalorphine

Q.10.Jaundice caused by Chlorpromazine is mainly due to -------. a.Hemolysis b.Cholestasis c.Hepatic cirrhosis d.Impaired conjugation of bilirubin

Q.11.Analeptic drug preferred in treatment of apnea of premature infant is ------. a.Picrotoxin c.Camphor b.Doxapram d.Nikethamide

Q.12.Lithium toxicity can ideally be treated by-----. a.Haemodialysis b.Ion exchange c.Forced alkaline diuresis d.Exchange transfusion

Q.13.Longest acting Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor is --------. a.Fluvoxamine c.Paroxetine b.Fluoxetine d.Sertraline

Q.14.Which of the following drug is particularly useful in anxiety associated with depression?

a.Diazepam b.Oxazepam

c.Lorazepam d.Alprazolam

Q.15.One of the following Antidepressant is reported to increase rather than inhibit 5-HT uptake. a.Mianserine c.Venlafaxine b.Tianeptine d.Trazodone

Q.16.The intramuscular dose of Morphine that can induce serious respiratory depression in nontolerant person is -------. a.10 mg c.40 mg b.30 mg d.50 mg

Q.17.The measure of potency of inhalational anaesthetic is -------. a.Blood:Gas partition coeffecient c.ED 50 b.Minimum alveolar concentration d.LD 50

Q.18.Which of the following is a gaseous Inhalational anaesthetic? a.Diethylether c.Halothane b.Desflurane d.Nitrous oxide

Q.19.Drug used for absence seizure is -------. a.Phenobarbitone c.Carbamazepine b.Phenytoin d.Ethosuximide

Q.20.Which of the following antiepileptic is GABA transaminase inhibitor? a.Gabapentin c.Tiagabine b.Vigabatrin d.Lamotrigine

Q.21.Phenytoin sodium is ineffective in following type of epilepsy. a.Simple partial c.Psychomotor



Q.22.Antipsychotic drug having least severe extrapyramidal side effect is -------. a.Haloperidol c.Thioridazine b.Risperidone d.Chlorpromazine

Q.23.Treatment of choice for bipolar manic depressive illness is -------. a.Flupenthixol c.Sodium valproate b.Amytriptylline d.Lithium

Q.24.Mianserin acts by one of the following mechanisms. a.Inhibiting NA uptake b.Inhibitiing 5-HT uptake c.Inhibiting both NA & 5-HT uptake d.Blocking presynaptic 2 receptors

Q.25.Agranulocytopenia is major side effect of ------. a.Clozapine c.Pimozide b.Haloperidol d.Chlorpamazine

Q.26.The most common adverse effect of Phenytoin is ------. a.Hirsutism c.Skin rashes b.Gum Hypertrophy d.Megaloblastic anaemia

Q.27.Carbamazepine is used in all of the following epilepsies EXCEPT-------. a.Grand mal epilepsy c.Trigeminal Neuralgia b.Temporal lobe epilepsy d.Myoclonic seizure

Q.28.Alcohol withdrawl manifestations are best controlled by --------. a.Diazepam c.Flurazepam b.Fluritrazepam d.Triazolam

Q.29.Which of the following is not an intravenous anaesthetic? a.Ketamine c.Fentanyl-Droperidol b.Thiopentone d.Sevoflurane

Q.30.Nitrous oxide is a ----------. a.Slow acting general anaesthetic b.Weak analgesic c.Poor muscle relaxant d.Long acting anaesthetic drug

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