Activity 8

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— Guevarva, Kriste) Claire D. — i 1ON Chromium Nicke) Alley copper Nickel Alloys help to impowe th® wear resistance? andthe corrosion| resistance for stainless steel and earborn steel: | prevent sires cOrrdsion cracking and pitting and | crwice cbyrosion primary applications include learning asvembly _| ballast, casting, step soldening ond radiation | shielding: 2 al 3 ft is used inthe fertiam production renee ‘tants, process ,watter piping and onginal process heat | exchonges: “These alloys Ore pow no longer ysed fr ordinate farts the term gunmetal? has remanst they ore | used in many afferent -engineenng fields. | ‘ Sree [EOWA ee ul > primary application indude, bearing asenbly, oe — Geottles ond jars) for beverages , rod a laser ara onyoqenic component tole, dies ond ony other application iv eallast, casting. step _ wldening 0 and radied shitlding iaeone) meta) paises albys wth -excellurt eorresion _resisbance in specific - ppeiehto on pre nic _omd_indughial nin. ea icattenysainhe eh i yonss EE EE eee pad rad ser Pit used pr vlochic ‘comptare contads nateials [3 Silver Pith used in coin. IH, 025% P B) ole’ Qu, 2% 2n ) ISK Cu, 21%, ‘ fe Sn Is) co's Cu, 26-6 2h, | 02% Sn,)-74% Fe dh R, 3b ‘fe Ni l\eiee: Si O adds Ae Ag, 2th G.64,L p> 2n_.3} Hg RLSb C, 5i,5, MVP |>used as resistance aa heating element's 1) Si Cu, 5% Sn, 5% Po, Sh2n) [>it useful in marite application | |> i used in Selancing whebls and perculum rods fr | | > i used tr Pin-tabuware sreusing and builang | ding Be MS used fo fill evifies ¢ cused tooth ae “rit used Or ornamental silvernare 4p hari and plumbers. sitting . + it used for monfa chung of springs: > it used or tocks shinges., Feats, 1 bearing s.amnis- rion. Cast, zippers and elechic4l ? it Used te make ether musica)_instr as syinbols > _ > usta nak grills, cpokers, souctya an, sinks - ills | S line, faster and eeciric ketHis » “4 2 ihused fr faucets , piz® fHtings and genera | hardware _sritings - precision regulate clocks. | >it used Jor low netting solder, low. temperature | | casting acta} high -tempererbar® caupling lids in jiedtibalhss Ses 9 used oy Fiping, heat exchangers and cndenstrs | _ as well AS py marine hordWare:| |= it used pv. industria) _fuids- —— Guide Question * s =e = e ‘The chemical engineering material identities tre naterials het | are combined + creak tb. the chemical eomposrtion pt a Material has a siguificont _| jmpact_ onthe: qualities of engineering matericls~ Strength. hardness, | preubty , bitHlenyes , gorvosion resishano® weldabildy and shor _pwperte até a|_im portent « = r e is | 2. Bloying is con® oy a variety of purplros the most commen df which ars | Binorease_sirength ,coriesion resisance or cost savings: - 4 maintaint excellart conesion_ resi stan ot wh als increasing tw frenqih and nordness of th metal Further mere, cepper jg well-krowh tov being incredibly ws} ~tltective » which is why thhs widely used in alley monufa qure-_ ; S 3. tons | : : We wamed tow aifcerenciate the types of metals that is itvelved in producing ai teremb alloys: Cu is te mos} commen in. alleys - Thore ave many types of alleys because diferet! alloys have, dipferonh pupsses ms

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