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World Streets This Week 1 August 2011


Weekend reading: How do the Dutch get out of a car? Eric Britton, editor | 31 July 2011 at 14:12 | Categories: Cycling, cyclists, health safety, mental model, New York Times, quality of life | URL:
No matter how many times I have been to the Netherlands, how many times I have ridden next to parked cars, nor how many times as a driver have I leapt from my vehicle, in all that time and in all those places I never learned how do the Dutch get out of a car. [...] Read more of this post Add a comment to this post

III. Women shaping the future of transport in cities: Who, how, where?
Eric Britton, editor | 29 July 2011 at 11:09 | Categories: gender, Male values, Mental maps, women | URL:

29 July interim progress report: This off-the-cuff collaborative brainstorm is proving a pure learning experience. We started out with a single long-held idea: i.e., the importance of getting all aspects of the sustainable transport planning and policy establishment on to a gender-level footing. And against that understanding we set out on Tuesday to see if [...]
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World Streets This Week 1 August 2011

Upcoming international events: Aug/Oct. 2011

Eric Britton, editor | 28 July 2011 at 13:41 | Categories: Conference, event | URL:

This listing of coming international events through end-October is compiled by the GIZ Sustainable Urban Transport Project. Click here to go to their website for their latest newsletter: May - June 2011 Read more of this post Add a comment to this post

II. Women Shaping the Future: What are the criteria for measuring impact?
Eric Britton, editor | 28 July 2011 at 06:38 | Categories: gender, leadership, Male values, women | URL:

There has been a refreshingly enthusiastic reaction to our posting yesterday asking about the general deficiency of information on women leaders in the field of sustainable transport in cities. But one note came in from the prolific environmental educator and recognized policy adviser Elizabeth Deacon challenging us in these exact words: "I assume you think [...] Read more of this post Add a comment to this post

I. There are no women in the world who are shaping the sustainable transportation agenda? (Apparently) Eric Britton, editor | 27 July 2011 at 14:00 | Categories: gender, leadership, Male values, Pattern break, women | URL:
I wonder if I am the only person in the world who gets upset at this: I am from time to time approached by groups and publications with in-progress lists identifying whom they see as the most influential people who are through their work and efforts shaping the sustainable transportation agenda, which they then ask [...] Read more of this post Add a comment to this post

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World Streets This Week 1 August 2011

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