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Tm 1scoM1 S1 nMEs

(or P &: I ) st.1tenwnt, ti

the sucres of the ho,p
Chapter 3 Outline Competencies mcnt ma, be prepared
Cfllilrtcrly or annually f
Major Elemt?nts of the Income St.itcment 1. Describe revenues, expenses, gains. agcnet ��.
Rcl.i11onsh1p with the Balance Sheet and losses as presented on the incom�
Users of fin,mdal
Income St.ilL'Tllenb for internal .ind statement. (pp. 86-87)
C.-.ternal USt?� llllS\\crs lo man\ 4uc.,t1
2. Distingu1!--h between income
Uniform Systems of Account:, statements prepared for internal user, Hm, prn11t,1ble ,,,1
Approach to llospitality Industry and tho-.e prepared for external'r.
lncom1.: Statements 2. \\hat m.!rt.' the tota
(pp. 87-91)
Summary Operating Statement 3. I Im, much w,1s pai
Contents of the income Statement 3. Describe the contents of an income
Departmental St.itemenh, statement and summary operating 4 What I lhc relation
Lodging Industry Operating Slahstics statement basL>J on the U11ifor111
5 I lo\\ much h;n e '-al
Analysis of Income Statement:. Sy:.lem of Acco1111ts for tlie Lodgmg
USAR and USFRC f11d11stn, (USAUJ. (pp. 91-98) 6 \\ hat is lhl• utililles
Computer Applic.1t1ons 4. Identify the difforences between expense of, ,·car a
departmental income statements 7 I low mill h w,1s sp(•r
prepared for profit centers and those
prepan-d for :.ervice centers ma Ho,, d, •s net inco
hospitality operation (pp 98--100) l'hest-. and mnnv m,
5. Interpret mcome statement:, using tall.:menL-; that C\>\er se,·
horizontaJ and vertical analysis as ments bv 111dividti.1I dl'
well as base-year comparisons. g,mcrall� con,.1dcrl'd lo
(pp 103-106) fl'\ re\\ ot llpl'ralions. O,,
that the income tatemen
ment ,.iluc and CTl'dih\'o
of On) cnlit), ,10 inwmc sl
fin nonl tatemtmts ,1s \\C
In lht chapter, we w
nd consider rt relation
encl'S �lwl'Cn income sl,1t
users I'he pnmal) focus
u rs (managt•r } tor a srn
gl>neral approach to inco
d1scu scd \\e \\ 111 pro,rd
l.itemcnt. con�1dcr the u,

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