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NAME ......................................................................................................... DATE .....................................

CLASS .......................................................................................................... MARK ––––––
(Time 20 minutes)

A Choose the correct answer.

1 I don't like ….. the ironing. 6 I'm hungry. Let's have a lunch ….. .
A making B doing C having A time B hour C break

2 Ryan is of ….. height. 7 The plane has a ..… of eight people.

A middle B long C medium A staff B crew C team

3 He's fifty. He's ….. . 8 He’s not fat. He’s just a little ….. .
A old B middle-aged A chubby B thin C well-built
C young
9 Astronauts wear ….. clothes inside the space
4 Her hair is so ….. that she can’t put a hairbrush station.
through it. A typical B ordinary C daily
A curly B straight C plump
10 Planet Earth ….. the sun over the course of one
5 A ….. person is someone who is not afraid of year.
anything. A rises B sets C orbits
A brave B clever C jealous

Marks ____
104 40

B Choose the correct answer.

1 He ….. playing tennis. 6 ….. playing video games?

A loves B is loving C loving A You like B Do you like
C Are you liking
2 ….. he drive to work?
A Is B Do C Does 7 My brother is cooking ….. .
A now B often C every day
3 James ….. overtime these days.
A don't work B is working C works 8 Hayley hardly ….. gets up early at weekends.
A ever B never C seldom
4 Our flight ….. to Madrid at 9pm next Monday.
A leaving B leaves C leave 9 “I don't have lunch at school.” “….. do I.”
A So B Neither C Never
5 “I always make my bed.” “….. do I.”
A Neither B Nor C So 10 ….. she reading a book?
A Does B Am C Is
Marks ____
104 40


Everyday English
C Choose the correct answer.

1 A: How are things in the New York branch? 4 A: Hello, David. This is Jo.
B: a Everything's fine, thanks. B: a I'd like to meet her.
b This is my boss, Justine Clark. b You're welcome.
c My pleasure. c Pleased to meet you.

2 A: Great you could make it! 5 A: Have you met my brother?

B: a Nice to meet you. B: a Not exactly.
b Thanks for inviting me. b No, I haven't. Nice to meet you.
c Great to see you, too. c Are you here on business?

3 A: Are you here for shopping?

B: a No, I'm visiting friends.
b No, I don't.
c Hi, Elsa.

Marks ____
54 20

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