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Lesson Plan

Level :Third year foreign languages High school:Mohamed Bouhali Said

Unit : Ill-Gotten Gains Never Prosper Teachers: Selma Bahri/ Racha Abdou

Theme: Ethics in Business Academic year: 2022/2023

Sequence 1 : Listen and consider

Rubric : Grammar Explorer III

Target Competencies: Interact, interpret, produce

Matrials: Whiteboard, pictures, textook.

Objective: By the end of the session, SWBT

a- Express wish, desire and regret.

b- Use correctly tenses (past simple, past perfect, would/could) when expressing wish.
c- Use It’s high time and it’s about time to express present wish.

1-Warm up
Competencies: Interact and interpret

Objectives: to attract learners’ attention and to activate their prior knowledge

Timing: 5min

Procedures: -Teacher greets learners and asks them about their school life.

-Teachers shows learners a picture and asks them “what does this picture represent?”, “what do people do when turning off a birthday’s candle?”

-Teacher discusses learners’ answers until they reach the word “wish”
-Teacher shows learners three pictures and ask them “what do you think these people wish?”

The teacher may get various answers. For example

-I wish I were younger.

-I wish I could fly.

-I wish I had worked harder.

The teacher writes the correct forms on the board to explain the lesson.

2-Lesson presentation
Competencies: Interact and interpret

Objectives: to analyze the grammar items in context and deduce their form and meaning

Timing:15 min


-Teacher asks learners « what is the form of each sentence? »

“which type of wish does each sentence express?”

Possible answers – Sentence one expresses present wish. (we use the form “subject+ wish+ subject+ verb in the past simple)

-Sentence two expresses a future wish. (we use the form “subject+ wish+ subject+ could/would+ verb)
-Sentence three expresses a past wish (regret). Something that has already happened before and cannot be changed(we use the
form “subject+ wish + subject+ past perfect of the verb”)

-Sentence four expresses something that should have been done earlier than now. (we use the form it’s high time/it’s about time+ past
simple of the verb).

Objectives: to highlight the rules for expressing wish in the past, present, future

Timing: 15 min

Types of wishes


Subject+ wish+ simple past of the verb Subject+ wish +past perfect of the verb Subject +wish +could/would +stem
It’s high time/ It’s about time+ subject +simple
past of the verb.
Competencies: Practise

Objectives: to apply the rules for expressing wis in past, present and future and to execute the rule of form and meaning of expressing wish

Timing:30 min Activity1: Rewrite sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A

1- A-I have a strong desire that the Algerian system will change its policy.
B- I wish the Algerian system would change its policy
2- A-People think that school programs must encourage the fight against corruption.

B-It’s high time school programs encouraged the fight against corruption.

3- A-Cheating is dishonest. Pupils should depend on their efforts to succeed.

B-It’s about time pupils depended on their own efforts to succeed.

4- A-I regret having purchased goods from the internet.

B-I wish I had not purchased goods from the internet.

5- A- The authorities should take care of homeless children.

B-It’s high time the government took care of homeless children.

Activity 2: Put the verbs between brackets in their correct form

1-I wish all countries (contribute) in the fight against corruption soon. would contribute

2-It’s high time the government (to take) stringent measures to fight bribery. took

3-It’s high time the universities (to fight) plagiarism. fought

4- I wish (to plagiarize) his works on my last presentation. Had not plagiarized

5-It’s about time governments of different countries (to cooperate) in order to eradicate money laundering. cooperated

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