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Instruction: Create a reflection paper of the psychological perspective of the Self with 200
words and emphasize your self-discoveries.

- William James suggests that the self is divided into two categories: the I self
and the Me self. The I self refers to the self that knows who he or she is. The I self
is also called the Thinking self. The I self reflects our soul and the mind. The I
self reflects who I am as a person and what I am capable of doing. The Me self on
the other hand reflects on the personal experiences. It is divided in
subcategories : the material self where we are value the material things or
possessions we have, next the social self refers on how we act in a social events
and situations. James believed that in different situations we have different
kinds of social self. Lastly the spiritual self refers to the core of one human, the
attitude and the moral behavior. As we grow old we see or we understand that
everyone of us has experienced different kinds of problems. This problems will
shape us and teach us of what we value about our selves. The perception of
one's ideal self is what one must believe one should be. We consider our
capabilities in order to become who we are. Without the capacity to value what I
am capable of, I cannot be who I am. As a result, as I get older, I try to hold
myself to a standard of excellence. I must please both my "actual self" and "ideal
self" if I want to be the finest version of myself. I can actually be content and
joyful because of that.

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