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PRINCESR. SEC. SCHOOL SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK PRINCE SR.SEC. SCHOOL CLASS-12 ENGLISH HOUDAY HOMEWORK Qi. You recently visited a newly constructed mega mail in your city. Write description of the same using the hints given below Imabout 80 words, Huge, 5 floors Spacious underground parking lot Top of the line fashion outlets Big brands in ladies, kid's and men's wear Food courts Q2. 2nd October is "Senior Citizens’ Day. Your school has decided ta join th compassionate cause by arranging a visit to an old age home at Tis Haza New Delhi, As school Captain Prateek of Vivekananda School, New Dell draft a natice in 50 words inviting the names of students fram classes IX-X to visit the old age home.. Q3. You are Aman/Aleena of Class X and you have received an email fro International Mathematics Olympiad Committee informing that you hav been lucky enough to win 2nd rank at the international level. Write a lett to your friend sharing your happiness with him/her. Tell him/her how d you prepare for this examination.(150 words) QA, In its effort to achieve 100% literacy all over the country, the Centr government started free mid-day meal up to class V. Thoug appreciate the efforts made by the government, you feel th government must consider other factors too inorder to ensure total succell of the programme. Write a letter to the editor of a leading daily, givir suggestions. QS. Write a better to your father on ‘Father's Day’ highlighting your lave Respect and admiration for him. Q.6. Your pen pall from Moscow is coming to india for a student exchang programme. He is a bit worried about staying in india as he has hear Stories about indian magicians, snake charmers, superstitions, lack Sanitation ete, Write an email to him informing him how india ha progressed and is now one of the advanced countries of the world. Q?. You are the Head Boy/Girl of 15, Riyadh. You are asked to deliver a farew speech on the occasion of the ‘farewell function’ organized in honour Your outgoing seniors. Write the speech in about 150 words. (QB. You are Rani/Raj, the cultural Secretary of your school. You have been Asked to prepare a debate on the topic ‘it is and will always be a man’s Worls’. You are free to speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ the motion. Q9. Write an article for your school magazine on the topic, ‘Vocation Education-the need of the hour’. Q10.Using the given hints write an interesting story inabout 150 words. (&m) Dark night- quiet jungie- sound of the foot steps-fallowed foot prints tra reached lonely house-hidden among trees-opened the door-entered Shocked t0 $80... 11. To which country did Saheb's parents originally belong? Why did they come to India? G12. Garbage to them is gold; why does the author say so about the rag pickers? Q.13 How is Mukesh different fram the other bangle makers of Firorabad? Q.14 Whom does Anees Jung blame for the sorry plight of the bangle makers? 2.15 Is it possible for Mukesh to realise his dream? Justify your answer, 2.16 In spite of despair and disease pervading the lives of the slum children, they are nat devoid of hope. How far do you agree? Q17. What convinced Charley that he had reached the third level at Grand Central Station and not second level? Q18. Mow does Charley, the narrator describe the third level at Grand Central Station? Q19, How did charley make sure that he was. not in present time? O20, How did charley often get lost on the grand central station? O21. How does Charley describe Galesburg as it used to be in 1894? Q22.Why did the booking clerk refuse to accept the money? 23, Why did Charley rush back from the third lewel? O24 The story is a satire on the conceit of those in power, Discuss. 025. How did the Tiger King meet his end? What is ironical about his death? O26. How did the Tiger King achieve his target of killing a hundred tigers? 27, What was Franz's observation when he reached the school? 28, Why do you think that M Hamel was in his ceremonial dress? 29. How did Franz enter the classroom and what was the reaction of his teacher? 030. Why did M Hamel ask his students and the villagers to guard French among Them? PRINCE SR SEC SCHOOL (CLASS -Xil SUBJECT- PHYSICAL EDUCATION HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK Answer the following questions All questions are Compaisury. Q1 What ts knockout Toumament?- Q2. What do you mean by pianning? 3. What do you mean by Extramural? (4 What do mean by a Bye? (5. What do you mean by double League Tournament? Q6 .What is Health Run? Q7 Explain about knockout Tournament with an example 8 Bnefiy menton the advantage and disadvantage of league Tournament, 09. Draw a fixture of 31 team on knockout basis. (O10 Explain the cyctic method of Tournament. (Q11.Discuss in detail about sports day. 12. Your school ts organising Run for Unety expiain the responsibaity of accelerabon technical ang Finance communty? 13. What is Lee tournament expiain the types Meri and Demerits of league tournament Q14 Difference between Intermursis extraimurals, (Q15 Whal are speciicaton sports programs and explain with suitable example? Q16. What do you mean by balanced diet? 17. Define nutrition. 18. Define Micro nutrients. (O19. What do you mean by food Myths? (Q20. What do you mean by healthy weight? O21 Why does the weightifier diet including lol of protein? Fats are derived from two sources name them. 823. Why do you mean by macro nutrition and explain about any four macronutrients? 024. Diet aur nutrition for sports person is important. Why should be the aim of preparing diet for sports person? (O25. Discuss How five major component of diet can be enhance the performance of sports person? ‘026. Vitamin are essential for our metabolic: process what happen if we devoid our diet of vitamans O27 Eluodate about the various patfaits of dieting in detais. 28 Discuss the role of Nutrition on fhe performance of sports person. (Q29. What are micro nutnents? Q30. What do you mean food supplement? DAY, x JECT: Bi iv GLASS 2-12" ‘Qus 1 what is broad spectrum antibiotic? Name one Such antibiotic ? ‘Qus 2 How was penicillin discovered? ‘Qus 3 Name the source of streptokinase. How does this bioactive function in our body. Qus 4 Describe how biogas is generated from activated. Sludge ? List the component af biogas. Qus 5 What are methomagens? Name the animals they are present in and the role they play there, ‘Qus 6; what is chakravarthy bug? give Its Scientific name and Its Application? ‘Qus 7 Describe how do “flocs and activated sludge help in sewage treatment ? ‘Qus 8; Explain the significant role of the genus Nucelopolyhedro virus in an ecological sensitive area? ‘Qus 9 what are bio- fertilizers? Describe there role agriculture. Why are they preferred to chemical fertilizers? ‘Qus 10 (a) Name one primary and one secondary lymphoid organ in the human body (b,|How do they differ in there body function. Qus 11 why an immunosuppressive agent is taken after. an organ transplant ? Qus 17°write the events that take place when a Vaccine the for any disease is introduce into human. body? ‘Qus 13 Explain “addiction” and “dependence in respect of drug/alcohal abuse in youth? Qus 14 Explain the different measure for Control and prevention of drug | Alcohol abuse among adolescents? ‘Qus 15 Why is CUT Considered a good Contraceptive device to space children? Qus 16 All reproductive tract infection (RTIs} are STO, but all STD, are not RTts.Justify with example. ‘Qus 17:The process of GIFT Involves the transfer of female Jamere to the fallopian tube! Can gametes be ‘transferred to the uterus to achieve the same result? Explain. ‘Qus 18:a) Mention the problem that are taken care of by reproduction and child health Care program (b) what amniocentesis and why there is Statutory ban on it? ‘Qus 19 After implantation inter digitation of maternal and foetal tissues take place! - Identify the tissues involved and justify there role? Qus 20 What are the events taking place in the ovary And uterus during follicular phase of the Menstrual cycle? Qus 21 Draw a labelled Sectional views of Somniferous, tubule of a human mail? ‘Qus 22 Write a brief account of the the Structure and function of placenta. Qus 23 Distinguish between corona radiata and Zona pellucida & Blastula and gastrula, Qus 24 where is morula formed in humans? Explain process of its development from zygote? Qus 25 Rose plants produce large, attractive bisexual flower but they seldom produce fruit on, Other hand lady finger produce plenty of fruits . analysis the reason for failer of fruit formation in rose? Qus 26 A flower of brinjal plant following the process of sexual reproduction produce 360 viable Seeds: Answer the following question. (a) How many owule are minimally involved? {b) How many Megaspore mather Cell are involved? ({c) What is the minimum number of: pollen grains that must land on stigma for pollution? {d) How many male gamete are involved in the above case e) How many microscope mother cell must have undergo reduction division prior to denisence of another in the above case? Qus 27 Describe with the help of three - Labelled diagram the different embryonic Stages that included mature embryo of dicot plants? Qus 28 Embryo Sac of some apomictic species appeare normal but Contain diploid cell ? Suggest Suitable explanation of the condition? Qu 29 Make a list of any three outbreeding devices that flowering plant have developed and explain. Had they help to encourage cross-pollination? Qus 30 Draw a neat labelled sketch of L.S of an endosperm monocot Seeds? PRINCE SR. SEC. SCHOOL SUMMER VACATION HOMEWORK SUBJECT CHEMISTRY Class XII Science 1. Calculate the Molality of a sulphuric acid solution in which the mole fraction of water is 0.857 2. Calculate the boiling point of a 1M aqueous solution (density 1.04gmal") potassium chloride (Ke 0.52KKg mol). 3.When 2.56 g of sulphur was dissolved in 100g of C52, the freezing point lowered by 0.383k. Calculate the formula of sulphur (ky = 3.83Kkg mol). 4. Blood cells are isotonic with 0.9% sodium chloride solution. What happens if we place blood cells ina solution containing, {a) 1.2% sodium chloride solution? [b) 0.4% sodium chloride solution? 5. Calculate the mass of NaCI to be dissolved in 37.2g of water to lower the freezing point by 2°C. assuming that NaCl undergoes complete dissociation? (K: =1.86 Kkg mot). 6. 3.9g of benzoic acid dissolved in 49g of benzene shows a depression in freezing point of 1.62K. Calculate the van't Hoff factor and predict the nature solute (associated or dissociated) (Ky = 4.9K ke mol) 7. Calculate the freezing point of a solution when 3g of CaCl. was dissolved in 100g of water, [Kp.=1.86ke mol). 8. Asolution of glucose in water has a boiling point of 100-20°C.Calculate the freezing point of the same solution. (K) = LB6K kg mol", ks = 0.512 k ke mol}. 9. Calculate the boiling point of solution when 2g of Na,SOx was dissolved in 50g of Water. [Ke = 0.52 K Kg mol). 10.A solution prepared by dissolving 8.95 mg of a gene fragment in 35ml af water has an osmotic pressure 0.335 torr at 25°C. Calculate the molar mass? 11. Determine the Osmotic pressure of a solution prepared by dissalving 25 mg of Ky SQ, ina 2 litre of water, at 25°C, assuming that it is completely dissouated, 12. Henry's law constant for the molality of methane in benzene at 298k is 4.27 x 10° mmHg. Calculate the solubility of methane in benzene at 298 K under 760mm Hg. 13 Calculate the mass of a non-volatile solute (M=80g) which should be dissolved in 114g octane to reduce its vapour pressure to 80%. 14.The vapour pressure of water is 12.3 kPa at 300k Calculate the vapour pressure of 1 molal solution. of a non-volatile solute in 15. A solution is obtained by mixing 300g of 25% and 400g of 40% solution by mass. Calculate the mass, percentage of the resulting solution. 16. Silver is electrodeposited on a metallic vessel of total surface area 500 crn? by passing a current of 0.5 amp. fortwo hours. Calculate the thickness of silver deposited (PAg=10.5g cm?) 17. Resistance of a conductivity cell filled with 0.1 moll* KCI solution is 10022. If the resistance of the same cell when filled with 0.02 mall KCl solution The conductivity of 0.1 moll KCL solution is 1.29X10701. emt? 18 A Current of 1.50A was passed through an electrolyte cell Containing AgNO3 solution with inert electrode. The weight of Ag deposited was 1.50g. Haw long did the Current flow? 19. How many electrons flow through a metallic wire if a current of 0.5 A is passed for 2h? 20. The electrical resistance af column of 0.05 M NaOH solution of diameter 1. cm and length 50 cm is 5.55 x10? ohm, Calculate its resistivity, conductivity and molar conductivity? and virtual, state the type of the mirror and also draw a ray diagram to justify your answer. write one use such mirrors are put to and why? (22) A Concave mirror produces three times magnified image on a screen. if the object is placed 20cm infront of the mirror,How far is the screen from the object? (23) Whatis lateral displacement? Show that a ray incident on a glass slab, emerges parallel to the incident ray? (24) Define magnification of a spherical mirror. what will be the magnification in case of a plane mirror? (25) Rohit focused the image of a candle flame on a white screen using a conved lens. He noted down the position of the candle, screen and lens as under : => position of candle = 26cm => position of convex lens = 50cm => position of screen = 74cm (i) What is the focal length of the convex lens? (ii) Where will the image be formed if he shifts the candle towards the lens at a position of 38cm? (iii) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of image in case (ii) as said above? on / pi ee bite P Green eeralSphered ving cq and lnilarchirpss Repel oh me Nn foree of 103N they are placed 10cm A part in medium of Dielectric constant 5. Determine the charge on each sphere. Q 4. Two point charges QI = 5x 10“c and Q2 = 3x10 are located at positions (1m, 3m, 2m) and (3m, 5m, im) Resp. Find the forces F\2 and F2; using vector form of Cowlemb’s law. Q5. Two points charges +ae and +e kept at a distance ‘a’ from each other. Where should we place a third charge ‘Q' on the line joining the two charges so that it may be in Eqm(equilibrium)? Q6. A charge “q’ is placed at centre of line joining two equal charges ‘Q”. Show that system of three charges + {= Q8. Two equal positive charges, each of 2ue interact with third positive charge of 3ue situated as shown in will be in equilibrium if q = - Q/X. Pe Q7. Calculate net electric force at point *B’ as shown in Fig() aS SS Fig (). Find the magnitude and direction of force experienced by the charge of “3uc’ an oil drop carrying 10 electrons when located between the Q9. Calculate the voltage needed to bal plates of capacitor which are Smm apart. The mass of oil drop is 3x10"! kg. Take g = 10m5*. Q 10. A particle of mass 10° kg and charge Suc is thrown at speed of 20mS"! against uniform electric filed of strength 2x10° Ne“, How much distance will it travel before coming to rest momentarily? Q IL. The electric filed in certain region of space is (5*i + 4*j—4"k)x 10° Ne “, Calculate electric flux due to this field over an area of (2i—j) x 10 ? mv’. Q 12. ABC is right angled triangle, where AB and BC are 25cm and 60cm resp. A metal sphere of 2em radius charged to potential of 9x 105v is placed at ‘B’, Find the amount of work done in carrying a positive charge of 1¢ from C to A A B 60em c QS. An infinite number of charges, each equal to “q" are placed along the x-axis atx=I x= 2, x= 4_ _-__and soon, i) Find the potential at point x = 0 due to ‘this set of charges. i ‘What will be the potential if in the above set uj Q 19, Figure shows some equipotentin! surfaces. What can electric field? 4fem) P the consecutive charge have opposite signs’? you sey about the magnitude and direction of Natl ae | ee 20, Thee concentric metallic shells A, B.& C of R + resp. as shown in fig. i} Find potentia! of three ny Q21. Current ‘1" is flowing through a co same length and doub free-electron in it? Q22. In the circuit shown, ifn dthe potential difference between point A and B. Q23. Four cells eftch of identical ernf*B", shown pper wier, I this current is passed through another copper wire of e the radius, what will be the drift velocity of imternal; resistance ‘r' are connected in series to variable ersitor as 8) Whut is the emf of each cell usedt? ——Seeeeeeeseseses—se | & E2 ax shown in fig. have un Emf of $v & 9 laternal resistance of 0 & I, ate the value of current flowing uniform wire of length 'I* & radius “s" has veiistnace 100. It is recast ito thin wise of length “2 —_Salctilate the resistance of new wire, of 202 Q26, Calculate the energy stored in condenser in given circuit. st ctal naarerniy laine dali a mm Ry av eas ra Ey Ry 28, A 500 wait heating unit is designed to operte from 200 volt fine, By what percentage will its heat ‘output deop of the line voltage deops to 140 volt? Q.29. The charge flowing ina conductor varies with time as Q = 21-647 + Lor Find, {) the initial current ii) The time after which the value of current reaches maximum value: fi) The maximum or minimum value of current 1Q.30, White the difference between Emf of cell (E) and potential difference(w). HE — a rah PRINCE SR SEC SCHOOL Class XII (2022-2023) SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS HOLIDAY HOME WORK General Instructions : All questions are compulsory. Q1 Prove that Cot [ Sin“ { -v3/2} + n/6] Q2 Prove that Sec ~! x + Cosec “x = n/2 Q3 Construct a 3 x 2 matrix whose elements are given by aj = e “Sin jx. Q4 If f (x) = | cos x-sin x | find f * ( /6) Q5 Prove that the function f (x) = tan x —cot x is Increasing at [ 0,n/2]. Q6 Find the interval the function = x*-3 x?43 x1 then strictly increasing and strictly decreasing Q7 The perimeter of a triangle [iy is 45 cm. The sum of shorter side and longer side is 24 more than of other side and the twice of longer side is 6 more then of sum of shorter and other side. Find the sides of triangle. Negative sides are ignored) Q8 Find the approximate value of (79) “* Q9 The length of X is a rectangle is decreasing at the rate of 3 cm/s and the width Y is increasing at the rate to 2 cm/s when X is 10 cm and ¥ is 8 cm find the rate of change (1) Perimeter. (2) Area Q10 Find two positive numbers x and y such that their sums is 35 and product xy Sis a minimum. QUi Ifx(14y) 2? + (L+x) %? = 0 for—11 prove that dy/dx=--1(1+x)~. Q12 Find dy/dx if y*+x¥ +x%= 3%. 13 Find the dy/dx if Cod *x yrto e =" Q14 Solve the value of x Sin (3/5) + Cos (4/5) = tan x Q15 Write the simple form of tan “(sec A—1) Q16 Find the value of K if ( K+ 1, K), (K—1, K + 2) and (K,, 2K ) are vertices of a triangle fh, whose area is 4 square cm. ( Using Determinant). Q17 Find the equation of tangent and Normal the curve is y = Sin x +cosx at passing through the point is ( n/2, m /3). Q18 The volume of a sphere Increasing rate 8 cubic cm per minute. Find the change rate of surface area of sphere when radius is 10 cm: Q19 if x= (a-Sina), y= (1 -a cos a} find dy/dx wr toa. Q20 Find the value of x, y and z by using Matrix Method. 2x-3y-z=1,3x-y+z=3andx+y—2z=5 Q21. A wire of length 28 m is to be cut to pieces one of the piece is to be made into a square and other into a circle what should be the length of twa pieces so that the combined area of square and the circle is minimum. Q22 Ity=x=t*+{ Cos x) Q23 Find the value of Sin { 2 tan 1 (2/3) } + Cos tan—1 v3). Q24 Let A=[2. -1],. B=[5. 2], C=.[2. 5] Find the matrix D such that CD—AB =O. [3. -2] [6-4]. [1.0] Q25_ A trust fund has rs 30000 that must be invested into different types of bonds. The first bond pay 5% interest per year and the second bond pay 7% interest per year. Using Matrix multiplication, determine how to divide 30000 rs, among the two types of bonds if the trust one must obtained and annual total interest. 1 (1800). 2 (2000) Q26 ify =e" (sin x + Cos x), find the double derivative Q27. If Sin ( tan “*(3/4) + cot~ty ) = 1 then value of y. Q28. Ina shop 20 dozen chemistry books, 12 dozap physics books and 7 dozen economics books & . If the cost of one book is 275 rupees, 150 rupees and 120 rupees. find the total cost of the shopkeeper invest the amount by using Matrix algebra Case base study questions 029 A wire of length 28 m is to be cut to pieces one of the piece is to be made into a square and other into a circle what should be the length of two pieces so that the combined area of square and the circle is minimum. (1) Find the length of square. (2) Find the Diameter of Circle. Q30 in a school 2 boys Rahul and Raj are draw a right angled triangle the shapes are different but condition are equal. Then a new experiment the sum of the lengths of the hypotenuse and a side of a right triangle is a constant a and area of these triangle ey ABC which angle Bis maximum. Which angle B is 90°. Q1 Find the length of the hypotenuse of triangle ABC. (Q2 Rahul said to Raj the angle is ACB is 60" but Raj is not agree, then solve the value is angle ACB. Check whether who is write.

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